Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

Since I have no idea how to do that roll thing others were doing before I'm just going to link to Rollz Room
You go to More options, it's right below bookmarks,click on it and you have a throw a dice option , click it and then you choose wich dice you wish, in this case 30 faced dice.

And welcome to neighborhood, I'm in system 5 as well
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After an initial day of play, I think my fast style gameplay may not be as appealing to players as I thought it might, and the current diplomacy conversations make me realize quick turns cuts down on the ability to develope lore. So, I'll be slowing things down for people to catch up, and equalizing everyone in my last turn post tonight later.

This makes a lot of sense. Also how are you handling ships?
This makes a lot of sense. Also how are you handling ships?

Almost every unit producing building has two unit types and a special faction-specific choice earned through research (which I'll elaborate on in the update later) so theres two ship choices and a possible third choice. Ship battles will be mostly dependant on dice rolls and narrative choices
House Louhi:

Gliese 674 is known as a poor self-sufficient system, its only exports being small amounts of agricultural and chemical products. Previously administrated by a small side branch of the recently fallen Great House, Gliese 674's only claim to fame were the shady rumours about alleged galaxy-wide criminal activities of said administrators.

Fortunately, after the fall and a following period of unrest, it seems that everything is well again in Gliese 674. The system reports that its people have overthrown their oppressors, and joined together as worshippers of a new systemwide religion called Mother's Love. House Louhi is the representation of the religion for the rest of the galaxy.

House Louhi informs that the religion demands abstaining from all foreign influences, and thus all communication and travel to and from the system is forbidden without special permit.

To questions about diplomacy or theology, House Louhi answers that they only wish to be left alone to their simple lives in Gliese 674, and that the religion doesn't take new converts.

Only a handful of merchants and diplomats are allowed to enter the Gliese 674 system, and they are all carefully kept separate from ordinary citizens. Other Houses' volume of trade with Gliese 674 is negligible at best, which seems to be at odds with the amount of ships entering and leaving the system.
wow, who ever came up with that plan in setting was a dumbass. the only way to be more obvious you're up to something shady is to send a confession to every single Throne World in the sector.
wow, who ever came up with that plan in setting was a dumbass. the only way to be more obvious you're up to something shady is to send a confession to every single Throne World in the sector.
Alas, the poor and the faithful are always so persecuted. Wild accusations from the jealous unenlightened, nothing more.
Alas, the poor and the faithful are always so persecuted. Wild accusations from the jealous unenlightened, nothing more.
blame every lunatic group who have pulled that kind of routine in the past. History itself rises against them in that.

also the "no outsiders rule" gives a sinister cast to the term unenlightened also due to historic connotations.
Turn 1

Turn 1- 5559 U.C, Former Atractus Territories, Orion Arm Sector

Moniter Report- Free Coalition Inteligence Alliance (FCIA)- Orion Arm Territories

-To the Free Coalition Security Council.
I am sending a cumulative report in regards to the unfolding crisis in the Orion Arm Sector, of which you have my primilinary reports 1-3. The immediate aftermath of the collaspe of the Great House was an intial flurry of activity, but several Deep Minds in my intel unit now believed the situation has stabilized, with a handful of Lessor Houses gathering control of the former Actractus Territories.

House O'Rourik

Sol Custom Houses
Sol Financial Houses
Defenses in Sol (Under Construction)

[X] Hire Mercenary Force (List restricted to 4 R items and less)
-[X]Mercenary Corps (2R) (specify type if you want, its an infantry warband)
[X] Industry Action (requires Established Industry)
-[X] Leverage the control of customs houses to identify weak merchant houses. Leverage control of Financial Houses to pull them under our houses influence.

House O'Rourik entered the Ball in a mass almost causing the Majordomo to loose his cool as he tries to properly announce the Kilted horde. The O'Rourik known before his ascension as Brodie quickly surveys the room. Seeing that the host is already being schmoozed by those jackals from House Terra he focuses instead on the representatives from House Zion.

While the bulk of the house entourage broke off to raid the buffet Brodie and his son Magnus bow before House Zion deeply "Pleased to be makin' your acquaintance Lords and Ladies I am The O'Rourik of House O'Rourik if the garb did not give me away. This here is my son and heir Magnus and we felt a house of your caliber would be interested in discussing the ol' mercantile topography of Sol"

House O'Rourik:
Located in the central Sol system (System 1), this lesser House has seized control of the Tarrif Houses, the Finance Guilds, and has begun construction on a mostly-functional Defense Grid. We believe them to be cut-throat adminstrators based on certain intel, and could be occupying a possible homeworld of the Solunus Dynasties. They currently have _ (r), and are generating 2 (r) a turn through their economic gains. A recent meeting in the 4th system between several houses possibly produced trade deals. They have also secured the services of a mercanary corp <see intel photo>

You have yourself a deal

House Zion:
One of two lesser Houses in the populous 5th system, House Zion is an industrial titan. The house controls large swathes of the local Mining Guilds and the Founderies, generating 2 (r) a turn, and with a total bank of _ (r). The House has also reportedly begun development of robotics factories, and has reportedly already begun producing mechanized infantry. House Zion was also reported to be one the attendees of the recent Noble meeting.

[X] House Delapierre
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source

House Delapierre:
Less is known about House Delapierre in the 20th system. What has been gathered is that they have gained control of the vast local Server Farms in their system, and are generating 1 (r) are a turn. They also have a bank of 5(r) stored up.

House Daybreaker action:
[X] Build
-[X] Bio Facility (2R)
[X] Hero Action
-[X] Captain Olphfang is directed to look for suitably skilled personnel and ferocious species for the Bio Chambers
[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Attend the Grand Ball
The Daybreaker representative is looking for any intel on House Delapierre
(1 R's left over)

Looks like I mistyped the house name my 2nd action post, so I'll have the house officially called Daybreaker.

Edit: Changed birth chambers to Bio Facility, I had them mixed up.

House Daybreaker:
Establishing themselves in system 27, House Daybreaker set out immediatly hiring xeno mercenary companies and seizing server farms. They also built a Bio Facility, and are generating 1 (r) a turn. They have a current bank of _ (r).

Are you referring to me or are you referring to Terrans as in the house from Sol? :V

@Lop By the way, since we're growing so large. Isn't household sheets necessary for each player? You know to keep track of how many infrastructures they built and how many troops they've got. Preferably now before it gets too big.

Budget: 5R
[X] Build
-[X] Training Facility (-2R)
-[X] Industry Source (-2R)
Leftover : 1R

I'm kind of disappointed, I missed the last turn by mere minutes. I'm thinking turn system might be better? As in we wait for everyone to post first? I can see lots of people getting salty as they start missing something like 4 to 5 turns merely because of timezones and where a house was their equal was now pulling ahead by a lot.

All those who had chosen to participate in the banquet found themselves in a rather large hall who could fit in hundreds of people. It was rather majestic and expensive. Fitting of the aristocracy. Frederik stood at the top of the stairs where he could see all the hall in its splendor, to his right was his eldest son Heinrich and to his left was his wife, slightly behind was the full array of children Frederik had which ranged from small children, teenagers to young adults. Frederik holding a glass of wine in his hand raised it. He had made sure his servants will serve his guests as well.

"Welcome to the Falkenhausen Palace. I wish to thank you all for coming to this banquet so that we may get to know each other better. A special thanks for the Malafax and the Galafrey for dignifying us with their honorable presence at this banquet." Frederik bowed slightly to the polite, sometimes genuine applauses he got from the crowd below. His children and wife bowed as well. After the formalities were ended, Frederik's children spread themselves everywhere to socialize with people their age. Frederik and his wife Hildeguard went to greet the Malafax and Galafrey.

"A fine day to you, gentlemen," Frederik replied, a smile on his face.

"May you enjoy this food and wine we had prepared," said Hildegard warmly.


Heinrich, meanwhile, decided to approach the house Valasar. From their general appearance and name, Heinrich could guess they were of Eastern European origins somewhat. He isn't experienced enough to tell if that was ethnically and culturally true. It hardly matters, however. He decided to approach the head of their house first, determine their abilities, goals and all before thinking of asking for the hand of his daughter. If he had one, that is.

"Welcome, Sir Valasar. I hope you are enjoying the feast before you." Heinrich said as he approached the man. Heinrich cut the perfect appearance of a handsome nobleman, he kept a stoic face that somehow managed to convey friendliness regardless.

"Forgive me for asking such impertinent questions but what are your goals? If not long-term, maybe short-term ones. We are openly looking for allies and we may find some common business opportunities." Heinrich asked simply and bluntly. The Valasar family were stationed in 061 Cygni which was rather close and thus business, trade and other such contracts would be rather easy to accomplish and offer an economical boost to both sides.


House Falkenhausen:
Located in the 4th system, House Falkenhausen has taken a more diplomatic approach in the face of sector upheavel. Hosting a Noble Ball, House Falkenhausen gathered several Minor and Major houses together. They also took control of the local Mining Guilds and Factories, as well as the Navigation Guilds, generating 3 (r) a turn with a bank of _ (r). They have also established a Training Facility.

Sorry but I'm going to be unavailable for the rest of the day so I'll be dropping out. Didn't expect the quest to move so fast so feel free to take over my House whether it be diplomatically or militarily.

House Valasar:
In the 3rd system, House Valasar is quickly consolidating the local Shipping Routes. They are believed to be prone to raiding, though these reports are unconfirmed. They are currently generating 1(r) per turn, and have a bank of 3 (r)

House von Aerner Budget: 3Rs (2 turns have passed for me so I have to rely upon my own industry)

[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source [Preferably a transport shipyard (partial if larger is unavailable) industry] (2Rs)

[X] Industry Action
-[X] Make use of the owned Navigator Guilds and the local Shipping Routes to facilitate and encourage trade throughout my holdings

House von Aerner:
This lesser House is located in the 21st system. They have seized the local Navigator Guilds, as well as the Shipping Routes, and have recently taken the local Dockyards, and are generating 3(r) a turn. It is believed they have a bank of _(r).

House terra
[] Train (Training Facilities)
[] Infantry Corp 1(r)
[] Infantry Corp 1(r)

[] Send Forces to... (task PM'ed)

@Terran Imperium
I assume it was directed at me. who am openly hostile towards him.

"Ah, so kindly to meet you Sir Heinrich, this is a wonderful ball you have hosted, despite some of the riffraff that are attending. Still, it is good to meet up with some folks who have class. We are looking to expand into... security matters, and wish to inquire if you have any rivals that might need pruning, or assets that need protection?"

House Terra:
Recently sighted in the 2nd System, House Terra is one of the claiments to the Solunus birth-system, and has one of the quickest-growing militaries in the sector. House Terra has already established a training facility nobles were sighted at the recent Falkenhausen ball. It has also been reported that House Terra forces struck the shipping routes around System 1, gaining 2 (r). They aren't currently generating any (r).

House Terang-Bulan
Turns taken so far: 1

Location basis: System no. 9 (LHS 288) AKA Pasiphaë (see Lore below)
Body Luyten 143-23 A - EDDB
LHS 288 - Wikipedia

Current R: 3

- Agriculture Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae

LHS 288, rebaptised as Pasiphae during its colonization, as a red dwarf star would normally give low prospect for colonization. However the system was graced by gas giant, Kujata, who not only having moons with decent prospect for colonization, but also for its largest satelitte, Sembrani, to beat the statistics in possessing a native ecosystem. Thus Pasiphae has became a important colonization site from early in the history of starfaring, and for years later has been known for its natural produce, whether they be native cultivars, specieses migrated from earth for terraformed farms, or new ones developed over long history of agriculture research.

But for its fame of natural produce, Pasiphae has never been a center of politics and powers. Even its economy potential (and therefore economic influence) didn't managed to grow as much it neighboring sytems did.

But nothing is static is this world. As the wheel of ages turn, new fortunes and dynasties rise. In recent year, two groups have been steadily gaining power in pasiphae. One is a family of shipping merchants, and the other is a ancient line of farmer and landholder going back to millenia ago. Aspiring for power, these two groups has been steadily growing closer to each other, based on mutual benefit and alleged ties of their almost-mythical ancestors. Finally, the bond has culminate in a natural conclusion: a union between the two main heirs of respective group, along with the unification of the families into a new House, House Terang-Bulan; and with it the consolidation of agricultural industry in the system.

[x] Build
- [x] Industry Source (2R)
(something shipping-related)
[X] Industry Action
- [x] We have control of the agriculture ... but what of their processing. Produce have more worth when it has been developed into delicacies, not to mention it can attract people. Being research into new culinary and gastronomic applications of Pasiphae's bounties.
[x] Diplomacy Action
-Entreat House Zion with the possibility of trade deal. @Star Exchange of produce and minerals is a classic staple, but it is a staple because it works. As well, two houses with interest in expanding their reach of merchant marine could do well in partnership

(Remaining R: 1)

House Terang-Bulan:
This lesser house exists in the 9th system. It is a union between two powerful families, and the new House has control of both the Agriculture Guilds, and the local Shipping Routes. They are generating 2(r), and have _ (r) in the bank. They recently attended the Falkenhausen Ball, and may have established Trade Deals.

Joining in,

House Louhi
(R at turn start: 2)

[x] Build
- [x] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

(Remaining R: 0)

Edit: Industry details.

House Louhi:
Located in the fringe 21st System, House Louhi has taken over the local Courier Network, generating 1 (r) a turn. Little is known about them due to restricted access in an out of the system, but a new religion has been observed known as Mother's Love. House Louhi has a current bank of 5(r)

but at the same time however if you give yourself more time between turns you can better craft the narrative and will be able to either make a google drive spreadsheet with the noble house's stats (income, treasury, assets, forces under arms) or have the players maintain one.

House Tetzel
[x] Build
- [x] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

Born of a union between the bastard daughter of a great house and a frontier world mercenary the couple's eldest son has been sent out to turn the products of a scandalous union into a new noble line at the behest of their patron. Culturally house Tetzel dispenses with much of the nouveau riche inspired gaudiness demonstrated and adored by the other new bloodlines preferring instead to let their deeds speak for them.

A prefect mircosim of this is shown in the well made but comparatively simple furniture within Lord Michael Tetzel's quarters aboard the colony module settling down upon his House's new Throne World. A similar module to the one he is using as his temporary manor touches down nearby; geared to mining and refining the planet's ores.

House Tetzel:
Observed in the 22nd System, House Tetzel has secured the Mining Guilds and is generating 1(r) per turn. They also have 5 (r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

might as well start my participation of quests with joining in

Since I have no idea how to do that roll thing others were doing before I'm just going to link to Rollz Room

Roleplaying Dice Roller · Rolz

(For those who can't be bothered I rolled a five)

House Dorn

R at turn start: 2

[x] Build
- [x] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

House Dorn:
The second lesser House in the large 5th system, House Dorn has taken local Finance Guilds and is generating 1(r) a turn. They have 5(r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

House Volantia
[x] Build
- [x] Industry Source (2R)

Hope there is still room

House DarkridgeL
This lesser House has been observed in the 18th system, and has taken control of the local Dockyards, generating 1 (r) a turn. They have 5(r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

House Volantia
[x] Build
- [x] Industry Source (2R)

Hope there is still room

House Volantia:
Spotted in the 29th system, House Volantia has taken control of the local Finance Guilds, generating 1(r) a turn. They have 5(r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

As you can see, I think I've caught everyone up at least financially speaking, so every House will have had equal turn's worth of (r) to develope themselves and catch up.

The quest will now be going much, MUCH slower, so that everyone has a chance to plan, discuss, and develope any lore they may want.

I was super tired when I made this and likely got a couple things wrong, so let me know if I missed something, as I just wanted to get this out before I went to bed. I also left a couple spaces blank were I was unsure.

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have,

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Defense Grid (4R)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Escourt Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify Number)

[] Hero Action

[] Industry Action

[] Diplomacy Action

Feel free to post your next turn now, as well as letting me know anything I got wrong. I will be updating around 12pm tomorrow, Chicago time. Also check back to this post, because when I wake up I'll flesh out the entirety of the build list and unit options, as well as probably refining this post.

Also, there was a minor skirmish this turn, but I'm too tired to implement battle mechanics, but starting next turn, when you want to attack something, keep in mind there will be some dice rollin'

Though I advise you all to build up your forces a bit with some unit variety before you get too aggressive
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[x] Build
-Training Facility (2R) (allows you to train soldiers)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
House Zion stats

Mining Guilds (1 R's )
Navigators Guilds (1 R's )
Local Foundries (1 R's )

Trade deals:
House O'Rurik/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terang-Bulan/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Dorn/Zion trade deal (1R's )

Military Assets
Robotic Facility :
1 Mechanized Infantry unit

Banking: _
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House Zion actions

Budget (6 R's )
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Offer mutually beneficial trade deal to house Dorn . Neighbours should get along after all and little profit on side never hurt anyone.
Left: (0 R's )
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That was going faaaaaaaast. Thanks for slowing down a bit.

House Delapierre:

Server Farms +1 (r)

5(r) stored

[X] Build
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

[X] Industry Action
- [X] House Delapierre will enhance their servers network with backdoors providing a easy access to hosted data for House Elites.

((I'm not sure whether server farms are computer server farms :) if yes, then I'd like more robotic/computers related businesses, so I can build my theme around it. Or something with banking/finances please) )

Not much was heard about actions of House Delapierre, but apparently they were busy strengthening their grasp on their home system. They were slowly gaining more and more control of local industries.
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House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Defenses in Sol (Under Construction)

House Zion 5th to Sol (+1R)
House Dorn 5th to Sol (+1R)

1x Mercenary Corps

Start: 3 R

-[X] Industry Source

Bank: 1 R
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House Louhi:

Courier Network (1r/turn)

-Banked: 5r
-Available for this turn: (5r+1r) = 6r

[X] Build:
-[X] Witch Spire (3r)
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network enhancement)

Current Bank: 1r
House Dorn:

House Dorn has begun to make progress into genetic manipulation and cloning as well as acquiring a new source of income

Budget: 5 R
[X] Build:
[X]-Birth Chambers (2R)
[X]-Industry Source (2R)
Remaining R : 1
House Dorn:

House Dorn has begun to make progress into genetic manipulation and cloning as well as acquiring a new source of income

Budget: 5 R
[X] Build:
[X]-Birth Chambers (2R)
[X]-Industry Source (2R)
Remaining R : 1
[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Offer mutually beneficial trade deal to house Dorn . Neighbours should get along after all and little profit on side never hurt anyone.
@SteelWriter77 are you interested in trade deal.
House Darkridge

[x] Build
-Robotics Facility (3R) (allows you to make mechanical warriors)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
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[X] House Anino
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source

House Words: In Secrecy & Piety: Victory
House Colors: Members of the household wear Dark Blues, Grays and Black with Gold, Purple and Silver meant to convey their humility and diligence in service to their Patron House. Though if one pay scholar of ancient literature regarding the meaning of the name of the House, he would find that "Anino" means shadow from a dead and obscure language. So far, members of the said House has done nothing 'shadowy' to the best of the knowledge of the various intelligence communities.

House Leader: While the House is said to be lead by a certain Lord Inigo, the public face of the the House is a young man named Lord Cylas.
butchock threw 1 30-faced dice. Total: 12
12 12
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Alright, we lost some players and gained some players. To those we lost, I apologize, that first day was a clusterfuck. I was definitly getting overly ambitious with a lousy system. To those we gained, welcome! The system is fixed now (hopefully).

I just finished editing the unit choices on the last post, so peruse that at your leisure. Right now we have eleven players I believe? And since I'm slowing down, I'm going to try and wait for the last three to post before I update. So I'll give it another hour or two. Let me know if you have any questions.