Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

I pretty much agreed to a punishment here you know, it's pretty much one and the same as I'm not deploying my troops in those systems you are free to raid them.
To add cherry on top i even won't get any R's next turn so as you can see punishment literally isn't my problem and I'm pretty much ready to take responsibility for my actions.

My problem was the hard times being imposed on me without any limitations wich pretty much resulted in 65 R's and House Zion not being able to do anything on top of being already crippled.
If it was like that at the start then really we shouldn't had had a limit on attacking the weaker houses so that way it would be no limit play.

And if we are to go by your logic then me telling where i build my industry's and how much soldiers i have shouldn't be allowed from the start it pretty much tells you where you can attack and where you can't.( You pretty much skipped system 17 and 27, only two without any industries )
You not being able to deploy there is not a punishment. That is how the game would have gone, if you hadn't cheated. If a sportsman gets caught from doping, their gold metal being taken away is not the punishment. That's just doing the best to restore the game to a state where no cheating happened. The subsequent ban from future participation is the punishment.

I repeat: you getting less R than others through the existing rules of the game is not a punishment for you, like it would not be for anyone else.

Other Houses knowing which star systems are rich and which are poor (how many industries there are) is thematic, realistic and mechanically reasonable. Knowing the number of troops and their deployment is unrealistic, but a mechanical necessity.

On mechanics, I would like to add another suggestion:

-Stationed troops automatically move to defend a system under invasion, no matter where they are Stationed at.

This would only occur on invasion attacks, not Raids.
The mechanical reason for the suggestion is that defending would be too hard otherwise, with defending forces being split in many systems, and the attackers being able to target just one. The fluff reason is that while raids can come as a surprise, a large scale attack sends enough signals that the defenders have time to join together to receive it.
In case of multiple systems being attacked at the same time, Lop can make the call on how the defending forces split to defend them.

Edit: the logic argument
Edit^2: Star did a large edit in their previous post as a response to this one, but didn't mark that with an "Edit:". The last paragraph is new.
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Taking into consideration the effect of seeing the rolls + TerrisH post, I change my position, and concur with Star that abstaining from doing the sensible defensive maneuvers this cycle would count as a penalty, albeit a very light one. Of course this is just my opinion; breaking the rules is an offense against all other players + QM, and Lop naturally has all real say in the matter.

I have been so vocal about this mainly because I feel it should fall to me to defend the game in this manner as the party who was most affected (whose secret orders were reacted upon). I hope that we can continue to play in the future without having to face any more cheating.

As a separate issue, I also support these suggestions:
1. Benefits from raiding should in some way have a connection to the amount of industry present on the raided system.
2. Raiding should be more of a zero-sum game, meaning that House A getting 3R from raiding House B should lead to House B losing 3R. The Patron House Bonuses from raids are still okay and can even be automatic, meaning that the result can come out as House A +8, House B -3. What is important is that House B still receives some damage, and that the fluff sense of raids actually stealing something is satisfied. Raids creating R from thin air is weird :D

And these:
3. Players have an option to make their force deployments public if they want to.
4. Force deployments must be made clear/public once the turn is over and all those deployments have been resolved. Whether by the GM posting what happened, or by players themselves stating in their sheet which unit is currently where. (I think players themselves keeping a clear list of their own forces in spoilers is easiest for Lop. Lop would only have to give information about forces that perished during the turn, and copy/paste the orders in spoilers for everyone to verify.)

Oh, and while I'm juggling ideas, here's more suggestions:
-Forces that performed Raids end their turn in Reserve.
-Forces that performed Invasions end their turn Stationed in the targeted system, if they have assets there at the end of the turn. Otherwise they go to Reserve.

These suggestions are to make it clear where all forces end up at, which is important now that Stationing takes a turn instead of being immediate. Raiding forces need to all end up at the same place, or resolving the orders gets very convoluted with information about where the forces left and where they will end up and which ones perished. Attacking forces should get a free Station order with them, because otherwise defending the newly conquered territory is literally impossible.
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Alright I got a lot to read through before the next update, but from a quick skim it looks like you guys worked it out among yourselves, and dudes, I can't tell you how much I appreciate that, I was never good at being the stern rules QM, I just want cool space battles and fun, but me being a pushover leads to problems, so again, thanks guys for hammering it out before I had to step in. I'll go through and see what I'm implementing from all your suggestions, but from my occasional thread references it looks mostly good.

We're still waiting on House Volantia, so I'll give them till 7pm tonight my time, then I'll post the next update

I will ad that i changed my order and erased army deployment so that that raid can go through.
Now that things calmed down and i had a chance to think calmly a little I wish to apologise and say that it won't happen again, kinda don't know what came over me back there as ironically that raid literally wasn't a threat to me and i raised a fuss about it, sorry and once again it won't repeat.

Edit: From my point of view (house Zion ) there really is no need to change anything, house Louhi can have 65 points, that is my opinion though, I leave the things to other players and QM to discuss and decide.
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income: 13B + 4I +2T= 19I
House Darkridge
Shipping routes (1R)
Dockyards (1R)
Demeter Food production (1R)
Onyx Depths mining Corporation (1R)
Lucentertainment Studios (1R)
healthcare industry (1R)
education industry (1R)
energy industry (1R)
Trade deal- House Anino (1R)
Trade deal- House Zion (1R)
Trade deal- House Tetzel (1R)
Trade deal- House O'Rourik (1R)

Military force:
Robotics facility
Defense Grid
training facility
Knights of Valor

Military forces:
Combat drones
Special forces

Important figures:
Lord Alexander Darkridge- Head of House Darkridge
Hugo Darkridge- Commerce Viceroy and brother to Lord Darkridge
Prince Helios Darkridge- Greatest swordsmen in the galaxy

[x] build
-Zero-G-fighter (-10R)

[x] train
- psionic Knight (-3R)

Bank: 6I
Turn 9 (part 1)
Guys I apologize I'm been having trouble finding the time to sit down and go through about 5 pages of posts and suggestions, but I don't want to hold up all the ready players, so I'm going to invoke the multiciv QM copout clause and post a barebones update. This will buy me some time and keep the game momentum going.

Some notes though since I'm not addressing much-needed issues.

-All members of the local Netsphere are exempt from the Industry depression (r) rates, aka, your industry produces the (r) its supposed to, along with trade deals

-I believe House Louhi was the only one doing raids this turn. Correct me if I'm wrong. Since I haven't had time to really sit down and look at forces, I'm saying no-one lost any forces this turn, nor did they lose income on raiding. House Louhi, I'm giving your 40 (r) for your raids, as they are now proportional to size sent, but I haven't had time to calculate it due to volume. I feel this is a good compromise (copout, I know, trust me)

New Houses this get a bonus 20(r)

Let me know if I missed anything, especially raids. Next update will return to hero action lore.

Tenative claim of Sol, Disputed, no assets (system 1)
Tenative Claim of Alpha Centuri, Disputed, shared ownership of system (system 2)
Stated claim of 61 Cygna (system 3) (firm control)
No claims on other systems at this time.
Sir Roland Terra, Head of house of Terra, Regent of house Valasar
Prince Constantine Terra- Heir to House Terra []
Princess Jessalyne Terra- Heiress to House Terra []
Prince Fernald Terra- Age 12
Prince Roland Terra- Age 8
-Vanessa Valasar- Age 7, Bethrothed to Roland Terra, heir to house Valasar
Quick-Butcher and Wake- Bane of Soldiers and his friend [H]
Tentative list of House Terra Assets:
Training facility (system 3)
Shipyard (system 3)
4 infantry
3 Special forces
Hero: Quick butcher and wake (lvl 2)

Industry (11=5.5r)
-System 2 (2)
--Agriculture Guilds
--Communication guilds
-System 3 (5)
--communication guilds
--agricultural Guilds
--shipping routes.
--asteroid mines
--Navigation Guilds
-System 4 (1)
--Communication Guilds
-System 5 (1)
--communication guilds
-System 9 (1)
--communication guilds
-System 20 (1)
--communication guilds

Trade pact (1.5r)
-House Delapierre (separately confirmed)
-House zion (separately confirmed)
-House Terrang-Bulan
-House Terra (self, dose not count)

.5 reserve
5.5 industry (Round up to 6)
1.5 trade pact
10r raiding
18 r

30r patron house bounties, military only.


[x]Build industry X2 (4r)
-Comunication Guild, system 8
-Comunication Guilds, System 19

[x]Build labratory network, System 3 (6r)

[x]Shipyard (30r)
-Warship (Avalon, Arthur, Merlin, Insert Impirial Star destroyer image)
-Escort craft (insert image of Vigil-class Corvette)

[x]Traning facility (4r)
-special forces x1
-Infantry x4

[x]Diplomacy: Vassalage offer
-4r loan to house Theta if they accept the vassalage offer. if they decline, it goes to the reserve

Raiding targets to come shortly, but will go here in spoilers.
[x] Raid System 5, Shipyards
-[x] 1 special forces
--Aim of raid is not R's, but rather to infiltrate and steal whatever is being build in the shipyards, use whatever to disable the shipyards, and flee along side the allied warships)

[x] Raid, System 5
-[x] 4 infantry, 2 special forces
--secondary target is to disable the defense grid under construction, before it can come online.

[X] Sendforces: Assist House Zion with kill order of Specimen #2
-Quick Butcher and wake
Do you want me to counter-raid house Dorn? Willing to commit majority of my forces, if your willing to comit your shipto cover them and raid at the same time. perhpahs focus on their shipyards, to prevent them from getting a fleet online? Or steal the ships if they buy them this turn.

House Terra wishes to formally invite you to the Trade pact we are currently in. currently we have 4 members, you will bring it up to 5 for an even 4r a turn (2r in current market conditions)

@Lop I'll go with the raid getting nothing for now. not that big of a deal, it had horrible rolls.

House Terang-Bulan
Turns taken so far: 8

Location basis: System no. 9 (LHS 288) AKA Pasiphaë (see Lore below)
LHS 288 - Wikipedia
Claims on: System 10/Gliese 440/Sundel
LP 145-141 - Wikipedia

- Agriculture Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+0.5R/turn)
- Shipping Routes control around LHS 288/Pasiphae ((+0.5R/turn)
- Navigation Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+0.5R/turn)
- Culinary Guild in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+0.5R/turn)
- Finace Guild in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+0.5R/turn)
- Foundries in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+0.5R/turn)
- Dockyard in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+0.5R/turn)
- Agriculture Guilds on System 10 (+0.5R/turn)
- Finance Guilds on System 10 (+0.5R/turn)

Trade Deals;
-with House Zion* (+0.5R/turn)
-with House Terra* (+0.5R/turn)
-with House Delapierre* (+0.5R/turn)
-with House Dorn (+0.5R/turn)
-with House Volantia (+0.5R/turn)
-Trade Pact (* marks member of trade pact)

Facilities (System 9):
-Training Facility
-Defense Grid

Facilities (System 10):
-Defense Grid

Military Units:
2 Infantry
-1st Legion "Dragonsbane" [Deployed to System 10]
Motto: Let the dragon awakens!
-2nd Legion "Morningblaze"
Motto: To dawn, To light.
1 Special Force
1st Ranger Squadron "Braveflowers"
Motto: Bloom, Azalea of Bravery.
1 Warships
First Warship Squadron "Macross"
Motto: Listen to our song!
1 Zero-G Fighters
1st Spacefighter Wing "Ultrawing"
Motto: Take me higher!

Heroes (see also Dramatis Personae):
-Saint Agatha
0 from previous turn
7 from Industries and trade deals (reduced due market intervention)

History of Founding:
LHS 288, rebaptised as Pasiphae during its colonization, as a red dwarf star would normally give low prospect for colonization. However the system was graced by gas giant, Kujata, who not only having moons with decent prospect for colonization, but also for its largest satelitte, Sembrani, to beat the statistics in possessing a native ecosystem. Thus Pasiphae has became a important colonization site from early in the history of starfaring, and for years later has been known for its natural produce, whether they be native cultivars, specieses migrated from earth for terraformed farms, or new ones developed over long history of agriculture research.

But for its fame of natural produce, Pasiphae has never been a center of politics and powers. Even its economy potential (and therefore economic influence) didn't managed to grow as much it neighboring sytems did.

But nothing is static is this world. As the wheel of ages turn, new fortunes and dynasties rise. In recent year, two groups have been steadily gaining power in pasiphae. One is a family of shipping merchants, and the other is a ancient line of farmer and landholder going back to millenia ago. Aspiring for power, these two groups has been steadily growing closer to each other, based on mutual benefit and alleged ties of their almost-mythical ancestors. Finally, the bond has culminate in a natural conclusion: a union between the two main heirs of respective group, along with the unification of the families into a new House, House Terang-Bulan; and with it the consolidation of agricultural industry in the system.

From Reports on System 10:
Reports has come in from the Expeditionary force to Gliese 440. Called Sundel by local inhabitants, the white dwarf is surprisingly home to vibrant communities, if small and backwater. The most major interest is a exotic material harvesting industry on the one terrestrial, barren planet (called Wolong), controlled by off-system mercantile entities. Other interest are the interplanetary equivalent of 'shantytowns', a set of jury-rigged habs built by a refugee from planet Kuntila several lightyears and another House teritory away. Last item of note, is the existence of spacehulk, a gigantic aggreation of space wreckage in system, nicknamed 'Genderuwo'. The locals are wary of said hulk, and for the most part leave it alone.

Lord Ascalon Terang'Bulan- Head of House Terang'Bulan
Lady Asa Terang'Bulan- Matriarch of House Terang'Bulan
Prince Ohma- Powerful psionic master, and heir to House Terang'Bulan

Kirika Alda - Aide to Lord Ascalon

Hero: Saint Agatha, Patron of Speed

[x] Recruit
- [x] Special Force (2r)
2nd Ranger Squadron "Runeslayers"
Motto: Maximum Power, Absolute Destruction
- [x] Infantry (1r)
3rd Legion "Grassborne"
Motto: Humble, yet Enduring
- [x] Infantry (1r)
4th Legion "Thunderbold"
Motto: Hold my evera
- [x] Infantry (1r)
5th Legion "Everburning"
Motto: Watchful & Faithful

[x] Raid
1 Warship Squadron and 1 Fighter Wing to System 5 for covering the ground forces of my own and of House Terra and assist plundering
1 Ranger Squadron to System 5 as the ground attack element
Accompanied by Saint Agatha
Focus on Shipyard if doable.

[x] Build
- Industry Source (Shipping Routes) in System 10 (2r)

[x] Industry Action
- [x] Tariffs (deal with House Dorn as the expense)

(Remaining R: 0)

House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds), Server Farm and a unknown industry Source

Trade Deals: House Dorn/ House O'Rourik, House Dorn/House Darkridge, House Dorn/ House Delapierre , House Dorn/ House Terang-Bulan

[ ] Lord Albern Dorn-
Head of House Dorn

[ ] Lady Elise Dorn- Matriarch of House Dorn

[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn
[] Perfect Specimen #2-

Military: One unit of Troopers , Four Units of Hunter-killers, three units of Elite Specimens, Two units of Commandos, one unit of Mercenary Force
Current R: 21
[x] Industry Action
- [X] Tariffs (end trade with house Zion)
- [X] Join the Local netsphere
[X] Grow/Recruit/Build: two units of Cabalists- 1(r) each, one unit of Troopers-1(r), one unit of Zero-G Fighter- 10(r)
[X] Build: [X] -Defense Grid (4R) in system Five, -[X] Industry Source in system Four
Bank: 2 R
[X] Send Forces to continue attack of House Zion in system five: One unit of Troopers, Two units of Hunter-killers, one unit of Mercenary Force
[X] Hero Action: Perfect Specimen #2 attacks key personal of House Zion defenses

"Sir, we have received the latest reports form the remaining Troopers about the operation" Major Sadem flinched at the voice of his "assistant" and representative of the Spire of Mutation, Chaplin Horus, one of those dammed Witches, normally Sadem would not care that he had to work with one of the newest part of House Dorn. But Chaplin Horus is not like the rest of his order, while they are quite and unnerving to look at with their unnatural bodies, Chaplin Horus is loud and at first glance looks like a average man. The keywords being at first glance, the more time that Sadem has spent around Horus the more unnatural the smaller man feels. The Major shakes off these feelings "thank you Horus, leave them on my desk and prepare those who your order has decided to send to battle" the smaller man bows slightly and begins to make his way out of the major office, but stops suddenly "will THEY be there?" the major had hoped that this would not come up. "yes they will" as soon as the word left his mouth, Chaplin Horus truns around with the largest smile the major has ever seen. "Very gOOd, we have been Wating sO LOng to see them in peRson" the Chaplins voice seemed to becoming higher and lower at different intervals, like he was speaking with a different tone. And with that the Chaplin left the office.

House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Sol Agro Domes (+1R)
Sol Dockyards (+1R)
Sol Comm. Guilds (+1R)
Sol Mining Clans (+1R)
Sol Foundries (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)
System 2 Navigator Guild (+1R)

House Zion (+1R)
House Dorn (+1R)
House Delapierre (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray

System 1
Psnonic Knight
1st Cruiser Squadron-Warships
System 2
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Dragoons (Mercenary Elite Infantry)
Special Forces- "The Highlanders"

Start: 7

[X] Build System 2
-Defense Grid

[X] Train

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2

Bank: 0

okay we don't have the houses in my pact to build a data net and everyone else just want to tarriff the issue away.

House Tetzel
income 4I + 3T = 7r/2
total: 6.5
military assets
1 Vanguard
4 infantry
3 mobile armor
defense gird (throne world)
reserarch complex

[X] Build 3 industry.
[X] Research action: Project Spark (details sent to lop via PM)

House Zion stats

System 5 (8 R's )
System 6 (8 R's )
System 7 (8 R's )
System 8 (6 R's )
System 11 (1 R's )
System 12 (1 R's )
System 17 (1 R's )
System 24 (1 R's )
System 25 (1 R's )
System 26 (1 R's )
System 27 ( 1 R's )
System 30 ( 1 R's )
House O'Rurik/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terang-Bulan/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Dorn/Zion trade deal (1R's )
House Tetzel/ Zion trade deal (1 R' )
House Volantia/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Darkridge/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Delapierre/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terra/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
[ ] Lord Zion- Head of House Zion
[ ] Lady Zion- Matriarch of House Zion
[X] Analicia Zion- The Reaper
Defense Grid (system 4)
Robotic Facility
Order Head-Quarters
Witch Spires
Void Gate

Active military units :
1 Zero-G Warframe
1 Shining Being
1 Dark Mater Phantasm
2 units of Combat Drones
2 Elite Mercenary Units
1 units of Mercenary Corps
1 units of Warbots
2 units of Psinionic Knights
3 units of Vanguard

House Zion actions
Budget (22 R's) (15 R's from patron house)
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source (system 8)
-[X] Industry Source (system 8)
[X] Create
-[X] Warship
-[X] Sorcerer
-[X] Cabalists
-[X] Cabalists
-[X] Cabalists
-[X] Cabalists
-[X] Cabalists
-[X] Cabalists
-[X] Cabalists
-[X] Cabalists
[X] Send Forces
-[X] Defend against house Dorn in system 5 with:
-[X] 1 Zero-G Warframe
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots
-[X] 2 units of Combat Drones
-[X] 1 unit of Mercenary Corps
-[X] 1 unit of Psinionic Knights
-[X] 1 unit of Vanguard

-[X] Attack house Dorn in system 5 with goal of capturing it :
-[X] 1 Shining Being
-[X] 1 Dark Mater Phantasm
-[X] 1 Psinionic Knights
-[X] 2 units of Vanguards
-[X] 1 Elite Mercenary Unit
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots

[X] Hero Action
-[X] Analicia Zion- The Reaper. Hunt down and kill Perfect Specimen # 2 with help of
-[X] 1 Elite Mercenary Unit

-[Directives] Lady Analicia Zion, judging by the reports from battlefield house Dorn had developed a new type of specimens [Pictures updated ].
There is great possibility that it will be deployed on the battlefield once again so keep in contact with comanding army officers to locate it and when you do use your troops to cover the area where Specimen is seen to lock it up and ultimately kill it.
Take these Elite Mercenary Units with you, remember killing it is your primary objective.

[X] Industry action
-[X] Tariffs ( deal with house Dorn as expense)
-[X] Join the Local netsphere

House Theta

Another house rises in the ever shifting climate.

[X] Build
-[X] Training Facility (2R)

[X] Diplomancy
-[X] Accept the offer of vassalage of House Terra.

Well I assume I start in system 17

House Louhi:

Interesting People:
-Witch Prince Amil: Heir to House Louhi
-Lieutenant Cadmin: Righthand man of Lord Louhi
-Xan: Drakhan Warlock and priest of the Mother's Faith
-System: Gliese 674 (21) (8/8 controlled, 4R/turn)
-System: Ross 154 (15) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-System: Altair (16) (4/8 controlled, 2R/turn)
-System: Delta Pavonis (28) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-Courier Network x8 (4R/turn), Gliese 674 (21)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Altair (16)
-HR Department x3 (1.5R/turn), Altair (16)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Ross 154 (15)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Delta Pavonis (28)

-Witch Spire (Gliese 674)
-Laboratory Network (Gliese 674)
-Stationed in Ross 154 (15):
--Cabalists ×1
-Stationed in Gliese 674 (21):
--Defense Grid
-Stationed in Altair (16):
--Cabalists x1
-Stationed in Delta Pavonis (28)
--Cabalists ×1

--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince
--Cabalists x12
--Sorcerers x4

Banked: 0R
Income: 7R
Own Assets Raided: -3R
Other's Assets Raided: 5R
Patron House Support: 10R
Available for this turn: (0+7-3+5+10) = 19R

[X] Build:
-[X] Coven Forge Pit (8R), Gliese 674 (21)

[X] Train:
-[X] Crone (5R) x2

[X] Raid:
1. System (2), House Terra Assets
--Sorcerer x1
--Cabalists x1
--Amil the Witch-Prince
2. System (3), House Terra Assets
--Sorcerer x2
3. System (4), House Terra Assets
--Cabalists x1

4. System (6), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
5. System (7), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
6. System (8), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
7. System (11), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
8. System (12), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
9. System (24), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
10. System (25), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
11. System (26), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
12. System (30), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1

13. Trade Route between House Terra and House Zion
--Cabalists x1

[X] Send Forces:
-Station at Gliese 674 (21)
--Sorcerer x1

Current Bank: 1R

Warning: Outside market forces are utilizing various economic means to severely depress the Orion's Arm local Markets. This is likely the doing of the Great Houses, as they share a netsphere with the former House Atractus territories.

Because of this, 1(r) is now produced for every two industries you own, and 1(r) is being earned for every two trade deals you have

The Great Houses have promised their vassal houses bounties for raiding enemy lesser houses

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Defense Grid (8R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Zero-G Fighter- 10(r)
-Escort Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

- Order War Hall (8R) (Requires Order Head-Quarters)
-Order Warframe- 8(r)
-Order Warships- 24(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Coven Forge Pit (8R) (Requires Witch Spire)
-Swarm Fighter- 10(r)
-Coven Warship- 24(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Fortress (12R)

-Defense Station (12R)

-Orbital Defense Network (20R)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Station Forces
(Specify numbered system and quantity of forces)

[] Raid
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)(Can be secret DM)

[] Attack
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)(Can be secret)

[] Hero Action
(Depending on hero-type, add 1d20 to roll)

[] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Trade Pact- (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members if they dont already have one)
-Economic Power-(If you have an industry that is shared in a system with an enemy player, activate this and wait for QM dice instruction)
-Tarrifs- (Returns one of your industries to producing 1(r) a turn at the expense of a trade deal)
-Market Tarrifs- (Resists outside forces tampering with market by getting all members of a trade pact to roll 1D20)
-Establish Local Netsphere (5(r) must be spent by at least six members of a trade pact. After creation, additional members must pay 5(r) to join) (Seperates the Orion's Arm economy from the rest of the Orion sector netsphere, preventing future outside economic attacks) <This will anger the Great Houses>

[] Diplomacy Action
-Trade Deal- (Only one trade deal can exist between two Houses)
-Noble Union-
House Tetzel
income 7I + 7T = 14r/2
total: 7
military assets
1 Vanguard
4 infantry
3 mobile armor
defense gird (throne world)
research complex
-Project spark: Base research complete

[x] Build 1 industry

[X] Special project build up: Begin preparations for Project Firebreak, invest 5R

[X] Research
-[X] project Spark/void
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House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds), Server Farm, Unknown Industry Source and another unknown industry Source

Trade Deals: House Dorn/ House O'Rourik, House Dorn/House Darkridge, House Dorn/ House Delapierre

[ ] Lord Albern Dorn-Head of House Dorn
[ ] Lady Elise Dorn- Matriarch of House Dorn
[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn

[] Perfect Specimen #2-
Military: Two units of Troopers , Four Units of Hunter-killers, three units of Elite Specimens, Two units of Commandos, one unit of Mercenary Force, two units of Cabalists, one unit of Zero-G Fighter and Defense Grids in systems Four and Five

Current R: 6 R

[X] Build: two Industry Sources in System Four

[X] Diplomacy Action: attend House Zion's party

Banked: 2 R
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Dear Houses of Orion's Arm,

In the last cycle House Louhi raided House Terra assets, as a response to House Terra raiding House Louhi assets the cycle before that. House Louhi ordered similar punitive raids towards House Volantia the cycle before last. All the Houses can rest assured that the servants of Mother's Love wish to be left alone and in peace, and will not do harm to those who are willing to leave us alone. We have been very consistent with this behaviour.

About the massive raiding of House Zion: We felt it was necessary as a response to their hostile attacks against House Dorn. House Dorn is but a small power, and House Zion is a powerhouse that rules three times as many systems as the next House, and have an industry twice as large. If House Zion and their mechanoids are allowed to just conquer the smaller House's assets without repercussions, they will soon walk all over the rest of us, and no one can resist them any more. Despite House Zion needing to be held back, we felt that exxagerations in the counterstrike were to be avoided, and thus report that absolutely no House Zion income or assets were damaged in the raids.

We hope that the above explanations will alleviate any possible concerns caused by rumor mongering and baseless accusations against House Louhi. All Houses smaller or similar in power to House Louhi can feel safe and know that House Louhi will not initiate any hostilities, unless attacked first.

House Terra can also rest assured that House Louhi is satisfied with the punitive raids concluded last turn, and sees no need for continued hostile relations between our Houses.

With hopes for peaceful co-existence,
Lord Louhi
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@Lop I edited my last turn post which it seems is not taken in account.

Edit: My post is on page 15
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@Lop I edited my last turn post which it seems is not taken in account.

Edit: My post is on page 15
ah yes I see it, I'm looking over your post and not seeing anything out of order, just assume your orders went through, and if it's your first turn, tak 20 (r). I'll tag you in the next update
@Lop, i attacked House Volantia last turn with capture in mind. I would like this resolved, please :)

Who are members of the Local Netshpere?
House Louhi:

Interesting People:
-Witch Prince Amil: Heir to House Louhi
-Lieutenant Cadmin: Righthand man of Lord Louhi
-Xan: Drakhan Warlock and priest of the Mother's Faith
-System: Gliese 674 (21) (8/8 controlled, 4R/turn)
-System: Ross 154 (15) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-System: Altair (16) (4/8 controlled, 2R/turn)
-System: Delta Pavonis (28) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-Courier Network x8 (4R/turn), Gliese 674 (21)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Altair (16)
-HR Department x3 (1.5R/turn), Altair (16)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Ross 154 (15)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Delta Pavonis (28)

-Witch Spire (Gliese 674) (21)
-Coven Forge Pit (Gliese 674) (21)
-Laboratory Network (Gliese 674) (21)
-Stationed in Ross 154 (15):
--Cabalists ×1
-Stationed in Gliese 674 (21):
--Defense Grid
--Sorcerers x1
-Stationed in Altair (16):
--Cabalists x1
-Stationed in Delta Pavonis (28)
--Cabalists ×1

--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince
--Cabalists x12
--Sorcerers x3
--Crone x2

Banked: 1R
Income: 7R
Own Assets Raided: 0R
Other's Assets Raided: 40R
Patron House Support: 0R
Available for this turn: (1+7-0+40+0) = 48R

[X] Build:
-[X] Industry Source: HR Department (2R), Altair (16) x2

[X] Train:
-[X] Swarm Fighter (10R) x2
-[X] Coven Warship (24R) x1

Force movements will be DM:ed to Lop later.

Current Bank: 1R

Edit: Forgot to add this.
[X] Research:
-[X] Coven Forge Pit, Special Unit (DM will be sent to Lop)
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House Theta
System 17:

System 17:
Training Facility
2x Industry

Trade Deals?:
-House Terra
-House Delapierre
-House Zion
-House Terrang-Bulan

Budget: 21R
[X]Build System 17
-[X] Factory (4R)
-[X] 4x Industry (8R)

[X]Recruit System 17
-[X] 5x Infantry
-[X] 2x Special Forces

(OOC there is only 8 building slots in each system or is only max 8 industry per system?)
(Also what's the current trade groups. Since I am automatically in a trade deal with everybody that Terra is in, does that mean I also auto join trade deals that are with Zion?)
(Also apperantly I can recruit the same turn Factory/Training facility is built?)
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(OOC there is only 8 building slots in each system or is only max 8 industry per system?)
(Also what's the current trade groups. Since I am automatically in a trade deal with everybody that Terra is in, does that mean I also auto join trade deals that are with Zion?)
(Also apperantly I can recruit the same turn Factory/Training facility is built?)
-8 Industry slots in a system, no limit to other buildings.
-Nothing can be used without it already existing at turn start. New troops can't be deployed, new territories cannot be built on, and new buildings can't be used on the turn you get them. So no: cannot recruit the same turn Training facility is built.

If someone with a lot of trade activity could do a "Trade pacts of Orion's Arm" type of an update, I would be interested as well.
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I'm a bit confused about this term as well. Who are included? And what does them losing the Great Houses' relationship mean, as no one received any Patron Support or Bounties this cycle anyway?

One of the trade pacts, I was under the impression someone last turn managed to hammer one out

As for the Great Houses, Losing their relationship is underselling it a bit. They will actively try and undermine you. So you can either exist under the Great House system (no economy, only war) or you can try and establish your own economy with your neighbors, and have the Great Houses conspire to end you
One of the trade pacts, I was under the impression someone last turn managed to hammer one out

As for the Great Houses, Losing their relationship is underselling it a bit. They will actively try and undermine you. So you can either exist under the Great House system (no economy, only war) or you can try and establish your own economy with your neighbors, and have the Great Houses conspire to end you
What will it take for the free collation to start intervening rather then just watching?
What will it take for the free collation to start intervening rather then just watching?

You absolutely do not want the Free Coalition intervening. They have a notorious history of meddling in neighboring sectors, and they don't hate the Great Houses enough to be a dependable ally. That being said, if you decide the Great Houses are a big enough threat to warrant complicated allies in other sectors, the best way to get the Free Coalition involved would be to entice them with potential profit or scare them by convincing them one of their enemies is taking root in Orion's Arm.
You absolutely do not want the Free Coalition intervening. They have a notorious history of meddling in neighboring sectors, and they don't hate the Great Houses enough to be a dependable ally. That being said, if you decide the Great Houses are a big enough threat to warrant complicated allies in other sectors, the best way to get the Free Coalition involved would be to entice them with potential profit or scare them by convincing them one of their enemies is taking root in Orion's Arm.

What kind of profit we are talking about?
What kind of profit we are talking about?

Well if you gave them industry slots in systems they would be very invested in seeing those protected. House Atractus's former territory is also host to several Elipson Wells, which no-one really has access too because they float out between systems and are under control of the Navigator's Guild (the big one, not the little local ones)

So you could promise The Free Coalition industry slots, or access to the Elipson Wells, but that would be unprecedented, piss off the Navigator's Guild and the Great Houses, and who knows what else. On the flip side the Freedom Coalition would instantly be your BFF's and do everything in their power to see the Great Houses stomped into the dust in exchange for access to those sweet, sweet Wells