Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

@Lop once again another player is in system claimed by me, though i didn't builded any industries there, only claimed it.Double slots again or something else, but i don't mind retreating from System 17 as well, nothing invested , nothing lost.

I'm actually gonna keep it at 8 slots but say you can stay. The Great Houses are going to continue their plan of gutting local economies and making everyone depend on war subsidies, so New Houses can still potentially get income regardless of industry.

Now it will become a problem if you guys ever craft an independent netsphere/economy, but that may not be for a while
I'm actually gonna keep it at 8 slots but say you can stay. The Great Houses are going to continue their plan of gutting local economies and making everyone depend on war subsidies, so New Houses can still potentially get income regardless of industry.

Now it will become a problem if you guys ever craft an independent netsphere/economy, but that may not be for a while
Actually netsphere is only 2 players away.
To House Terra:

We're willing to become you vassals.
We thank you for your loan in jump starting our infrastructures.

(OOC: May I use the Resource given to me this turn?)
To House Terra:

We're willing to become you vassals.
We thank you for your loan in jump starting our infrastructures.

(OOC: May I use the Resource given to me this turn?)
I was about to offer you vassal position as well and leave system 7 under your command.
To late i guess, will still leave system 7.
Ah well, though House Zion (aka you Star) and House Terra is in my understanding in a trade alliance.

I'm going to create a Player list. This is a bit annoying looking back and forth to check who's who has a new player.
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House Louhi:

Interesting People:
-Witch Prince Amil: Heir to House Louhi
-Lieutenant Cadmin: Righthand man of Lord Louhi
-Xan: Drakhan Warlock and priest of the Mother's Faith
-System: Gliese 674 (21) (8/8 controlled, 4R/turn)
-System: Ross 154 (15) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-System: Altair (16) (4/8 controlled, 2R/turn)
-System: Delta Pavonis (28) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-Courier Network x8 (4R/turn), Gliese 674 (21)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Altair (16)
-HR Department x3 (1.5R/turn), Altair (16)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Ross 154 (15)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Delta Pavonis (28)

-Witch Spire (Gliese 674)
-Laboratory Network (Gliese 674)
-Stationed in Ross 154 (15):
--Cabalists ×1
-Stationed in Gliese 674 (21):
--Defense Grid
-Stationed in Altair (16):
--Cabalists x1
-Stationed in Delta Pavonis (28)
--Cabalists ×1

--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince
--Cabalists x12
--Sorcerers x4

Banked: 0R
Income: 7R
Own Assets Raided: -3R
Other's Assets Raided: 5R
Patron House Support: 10R
Available for this turn: (0+7-3+5+10) = 19R

[X] Build:
-[X] Coven Forge Pit (8R), Gliese 674 (21)

[X] Train:
-[X] Crone (5R) x2

[X] Raid:
1. System (2), House Terra Assets
--Sorcerer x1
--Cabalists x1
--Amil the Witch-Prince
2. System (3), House Terra Assets
--Sorcerer x2
3. System (4), House Terra Assets
--Cabalists x1

4. System (6), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
5. System (7), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
6. System (8), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
7. System (11), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
8. System (12), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
9. System (24), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
10. System (25), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
11. System (26), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1
12. System (30), House Zion Assets
--Cabalists x1

13. Trade Route between House Terra and House Zion
--Cabalists x1

[X] Send Forces:
-Station at Gliese 674 (21)
--Sorcerer x1

Current Bank: 1R
Paroni threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 55
10 10 19 19 9 9 17 17
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 2 Total: 22
14 14 2 2 6 6
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 3 Total: 36
4 4 20 20 12 12
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 4 Total: 49
19 19 17 17 13 13
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 5 Total: 57
19 19 20 20 18 18
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 6 Total: 35
17 17 14 14 4 4
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 7 Total: 30
10 10 12 12 8 8
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 8 Total: 31
2 2 15 15 14 14
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 9 Total: 36
9 9 10 10 17 17
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 10 Total: 32
9 9 20 20 3 3
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 11 Total: 25
1 1 4 4 20 20
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 12 Total: 17
6 6 7 7 4 4
Paroni threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: 13 Total: 39
8 8 16 16 15 15
Already did. My vassalage under House Terra is also me joining in your trade deals I believe.
Player Reference Chart
Ah well, though House Zion (aka you Star) and House Terra is in my understanding in a trade alliance.

I'm going to create a Player list. This is a bit annoying looking back and forth to check who's who has a new player.

I made the player list when making my map, but it does not inlude recent joiners (now it does!):

Name Player Active? Homeworld
von Aerner Archon of Ghosts N 21
Darkridge bioticgrunt Y 18
Anino butchock N 12
Delapierre Chopak Y 20
Daybreaker evtd N 27
Valasar Mask N 3
Volantia mcclay Y 29
Louhi Paroni Y 21
Terang-Bulan Salbazier Y 9
Tetzel Silversun17 Y 22
Zion Star Y 5
Dorn SteelWriter77 Y 5
Falkenhausen Terran Imperium N 4
Terra Terrish Y 2
O'Rourik Uhtread Y 1
Eire'Hart Valkur Y 23
Gennete-Raziya bookwyrm Y 8
Theta Daskter Y 17
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Can someone please tell me the members of this New Trade Pact and/or Local Netsphere? Last few pages are a total mess tbh.
House Terra invited House Gennete-Raziya into the trade pact too. If bookwym accepts, that makes our Trade alliance up to 6 members.
The vassal relationship is a total scam though, just so everyone knows. No one is going to attack new players, so they don't need protection at all. The whole vassal thing is just a quick loan scheme combined with a way for House Terra to get free fighters for their wars.

Edit: your loans come with a 20% interest.
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Are there any spots left to join?
Not Lop, but it seems like there's always free spot. (until Lop doomed

himself into exhaustion at least :p )
SteelWriter77 and me joined this turn and @Silversun17 knows the rest.
Hmm, I only noticed three earlier
[X] Open proposal to all houses of the sector:
-[X] Formation of the Orion Data Network trade pact for the express purpose of shielding ALL houses with in the sector from outside economic tampering. all members who agree to this pact will automatically have 5 R deducted from their accounts upon the start of the next turn. The trade and data exchange services established from this pact are NOT to be used to subvert other members of the pact on pain of expulsion.
[x] Diplomacy action
- agree with House Tetzel's trade pact

" To House Tetzel,

Let it be known that House Darkridge stands by you in the formation of the Orion Data Network. The grip of outside influence shall be broken from the sector.

Lord Alexander Darkridge, Head of House Darkridge, Lord of the Kreena system
Lord Michael Tetzel,

House Volantia sees no reason to oppose joining this trade pact. We shall graciously extend our support to the Orion Data Network in hopes that our little section of space can be free from any and all outside influence.

In glory and honor,
Duke Charles Volantia II, Head of House Volantia, Sovereign Lord of New Gallia, Baron of Saxonwald Forest, Count of Aqueniex

So Tetzel, Darkridge, and Volantia. Did I miss someone?

With Zion and Dorn joining on this turn. (It is amusing that two warring houses join into another alliance, on top of right after just breaking their previous deal, even if that's totally politics at works :D )

The vassal relationship is a total scam though, just so everyone knows. No one is going to attack new players, so they don't need protection at all. The whole vassal thing is just a quick loan scheme combined with a way for House Terra to get free fighters for their wars.
Ah, this is too is politics at works. The smell of propaganda wars in the morning...

EDIT: woops wrongly quote earlier. It has been corrected.
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The vassal relationship is a total scam though, just so everyone knows. No one is going to attack new players, so they don't need protection at all. The whole vassal thing is just a quick loan scheme combined with a way for House Terra to get free fighters for their wars.

With third player joining the fray, there can actually be some decend skirmishing between them.

@Lop, my orders will be later than usual today (but they should be done today nevertheless). I need a quiet 30 minutes to prepare them and today that's really hard.
Are there any spots left to join?

I've never been a QM who can turn away players, so if you're interested, I'll definitely work you in. With this many players I'll probably only do lore write-ups for the factions that are in full conflict with each other or using heroes. And everything else I'll ask players keep track of in the background. I'll do the same to the best of my ability.

So, updates will feature (r) bonuses and hero lore depending on who's doing what that turn
Technically the vassal deal wasn't that bad. I won't say I recommend it (mostly because there's limit to looking over my allies as opposed to looking for myself :V ) but there's benefit to be had.

More important than the loan is actually the combined raid proposal. It gives more likelihood to succeed to piggyback on someone who has more manpower than you - assuming they do deploy their own forces to join attack the target you are given. The drawback of this arrangement is if you are told to attack target that isn't politically convenient to you, but new players won't have to worry about that issue.
New Map Everyone!

But apart from new players on the stage not much has changed.
@Star, somehow you got assets in 27, but I must have missed you making any move into that system.

((still working on my orders, but yes, @mcclay I will be attacking you this turn again))