Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

@Lop Nice! :)
I was worried for a moment there because the you rolled amazing dice.

Hmm, @Lop, If buy/recruit a ship, do I get squadron per piece or one ship per piece. In another word, I'm asking whether a unit of ship is fluffed as several machines like how infantry unit fluffed as ...( how many they are again?); or is a unit of ship fluffed as just that, one ship.

So, it's an Angel (Evangelion)!? :o

If you buy escort ships you're buying I want to say 7-8? in a "unit?" And it's three warships per purchace fluff-wise.

(And yes, some dark matter phantasms are former people, while others...well I can't honestly figure out why you guys are even building void gates when you have factories capable of producing perfectly good mobile suits :lol, but its fun none the less)

Just quick listing anyone who's in @Star/Zion's trade pact. Not a very successful intiative. But hmm, seems can be useful in a new way here. @Lop, does everyone in the pact needs to do Market Tariffs action for the resitance roll to trigger for everyone?

Either way do you guys (TerrisH, Chopak, Star) want to do a Market Tariffs? Seems like a cheaper (in terms of R cost and not angering Great Houses) than Local Netsphere thing

And yes, if you do Market Tarrif, everyone involved has to roll

@Lop Does the reduced income apply this turn? I.e. do we have less cash this turn already or the next?
Can we spend 20 bonus R on military buildings?

@Salbazier , I don't think we even have 6 Houses to make Local Netshpere :) So yeah, we can make Market Tariffs.

You're making half your (r) this turn, and subsequent turns if the outside forces decide to continue.

In fairness, it was an unforeseen benefit. But that's just how space Great Game works.

Well, we can do the Local netsphere thing but not on our own. It will need either recruiting more or merging with other pact (like the one Silversun/Tetzel just proposing)

Hahah, I was about to offer you my own shipyard myself.

We can set ourselves as this sector's Shipyard cartel? :V

Well, we need @Lop input a bit more on how the Market Tariff would works exactly, but note that Market Tariff is different proposal than Establishing Local Netsphere. The later is the one that cost 5r. I'm looking for the former than the later, partly because of the cost, partly to avoid great house ire (random drop of 20Rs like this is great yo)

I'm considering catching up on raiding economy myself. What about join operations? :) Not for this turn though, I'm waiting till my own ship ready. That and watching development, so I can pick on proper politically-appropriate target.

The Tarriff roll is basically just an attempt to make a dice success threshold, and if you fail, you can pay (r) to roll again

Did I get all the questions?? I really, really can't wait for this turn, because House Zion and House Dorn's battle looks nuts. But let me know if I forgot any questions
Lop threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: System 5 Total: 36
9 9 10 10 17 17
Lop threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: System Volantia Total: 31
18 18 5 5 8 8
@mcclay roll 3d20 when you get a chance (+1d20 if you have a hero), you're going to be seeing some combat this turn

Also I see people throwing defense dice, which aren't really a part of the mechanics but also maybe I told you they were...I wouldn't put it past me...but traditionally I was just making 3d20 the dice, with each die corresponding to secret QM charts. But we can keep the defense rolls for now
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House Zion actions
Budget (23 R's) (20 R's from patron house)
[X] Build
-[X] Witch Spires
-[X] Shipyard
[X] Create
-[X] Psinionic Knight
-[X] Vanguard
-[X] Vanguard
-[X] Shining Being
-[X] Psinionic Knight
-[X] Vanguard
-[X] Zero-G Warframe

[X] Hire Mercenary Force
-[X] Elite Mercenary Unit
-[X] Elite Mercenary Unit

[X] Send Forces
-[X] Defend against house Dorn in system 5 with:
-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots
-[X] 1 unit of Mercenary Corps
-[X] 1 Mobile Armour

[X] Industry Action
-[X] Market Tariffs

-[X] Attack house Dorn in system 5 with goal of capturing it with:

-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots
-[X] 1 unit of Mercenary Corps
-[X] 1 Dark Mater Phantasm

Hey real Quick,

[X] Send Forces
-[X] Defend against house Dorn in system 5 with:
-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots
-[X] 1 unit of Mercenary Corps
-[X] 1 Mobile Armour

[X] Industry Action
-[X] Market Tariffs

-[X] Attack house Dorn in system 5 with goal of capturing it with:

-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots
-[X] 1 unit of Mercenary Corps
-[X] 1 Dark Mater Phantasm

When you say attack and defend, are you basically sending 2 units of combat drones, 2 units of warbots, 2 mercs, a unit of armor and phantasms to system 5?
When you say attack and defend, are you basically sending 2 units of combat drones, 2 units of warbots, 2 mercs, a unit of armor and phantasms to system 5?

I'm leaving 1 unit of Combat Drones, 1 unit of Warbots and one unit of mercs together with mobile Armour and Defense Grid in system 5 to defend me .
While sending 1 unit of Combat Drones, 1 unit of Warbots, 1 unit of mercs together with Dark Mater Phantasm to attack his undefended part of system 5.
I'm leaving 1 unit of Combat Drones, 1 unit of Warbots and one unit of mercs together with mobile Armour and Defense Grid in system 5 to defend me .
While sending 1 unit of Combat Drones, 1 unit of Warbots, 1 unit of mercs together with Dark Mater Phantasm to attack his undefended part of system 5.

Ah yes I see that now, you both share system 5, sounds good

Edit: which would totally explain the two sets of 3d20 rolls you guys did, ahh it's all coming together
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House Delapierre

Leftover funds:
0 (R)

Ross614 (20):
8 industries (+4(R))
Robotics Facility
2 Combat Drones
3 Warbots

Luyten (19):
7 industries (+4(R))
1 units of Mercenary Corps *Dartagnan's Rapiers*

1 units of Mercenary Corps *Laser Musketeers*​

Trade Deals:
Trade Deal with House Darkridge +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Terang-Bulan +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Zion +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Dorn +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House O'Rourik +0,5 (r)

Trade Pact (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members):
House Delapierre (chopak)
House Terang-Bulan (Salbazier)
House Zion (Star)
House Terra (Terrish)
Total: +0,5 (R)

Additional Income:
+ 5(R) from Raid
+ 20(R) for military spending

Available funds:
20(R) for military

"I am disappointed in you, Delapierre."
"What do you mean? I've secured Ross614 and I'm moving into neighbouring systems. Soon all Sector will be in my grasp."
"WHY SO SLOW, DELAPIERRE!? Don't you see what other Houses are doing? If you do not do anything with your rivals, they will grow too strong."
"I know, but.."
"NO BUTS! Show of strength! NOW!"
"Y-y-es, my Lord."

Lord Paramount Delapierre clenched his fists when connection ended. Why did he agreed to that deal. He would have defeated Unspeakable Houses without external help and nobody would tell him what to do. But on the other hand, his Patron was right. He needed to strike now. He had a target for some time. He played the recording in his mind:

Lady Coletta said:
"There's an interesting one," She says, pointing out a young boy in fine robes. He was surrounded by people, who seemed to be fawning over him. "Prince Brennweigh Delapierre, a prodigy of sorts, but also controversial. You know what they say," Lady Coletta almost grows uninterested in what she's saying. "biology is the art of the noble, crafting, that of the commoner,"
Normal human would not be able to hear that from that distance. Bioenhanced individuals would have problems catching that in the noise and chatter of the party. But House Delapierre augmentations were better than gene-tampering. They not only allowed House Lord to hear the insult. They enabled him to hear it, record it, locate the speaker and finally search the netsphere for the individual in question.
Lady Coletta.
Information was scarce, but everything was pointing to her relations with House Volantia. And so House Volantia will pay for her words.

[X] Build
- [X] Defence Grid in Ross614 (20) (4R)
- [X] Shipyard in Ross614 (20) (8R)
- [X] Combat Drones in Ross614 (20) - 2(r)
- [X] Warships in Terang-Bulan's Shipyard (20R)

[X] Military

- [X] Attack House Daybreaker assets in 40 Eridani (27)
Primary objective: Capture the Bio Facility.
Secondary Objective: Capture their Industry
Forces: 1 Unit of Warbots (from 20) 1 units of Mercenary Corps *Dartagnan's Rapiers* (from 19)
- [X] Raid House Volantia assets in Gliese 783 (29)
Primary Objective: Raid
Forces: 1 Units of Warbots (from 20), 1 Unit of Combat Drones (from 20), 1 units of Mercenary Corps *Laser Musketeers* (from 14) + Hero
- [X] Raid House Volantia supply lines in Delta Pavonis (28)
Primary Objective: Raid
Forces: 1 Unit of Combat Drones (from 20)

[X] Hero
- [X] Captain Tilferd - lead Raid on System 29

[X] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
- [X]Market Tarrifs- (Resists outside forces tampering with market by getting all members of a trade pact to roll 1D20)

[X] Diplomacy Action
- Send 3 (R) as a fee for shipyard use to Terang-Bulan

Leftover Funds: 0(R)
Chopak threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Attack on System 27 Total: 55
18 18 19 19 18 18
Chopak threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Raid in System 29 Total: 43
14 14 4 4 12 12 13 13
Chopak threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Raid in System 28 Total: 36
12 12 9 9 15 15
Chopak threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Market Tariffs Total: 3
3 3
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Ah goddamnit, she isn't even one of my rulers!
mcclay threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: fukken raids Total: 21
13 13 2 2 6 6
Are spots still open for new players?
If so House Gennete-Raziya is here to die horribly in the name of vainglorious folly!
bookwyrm threw 1 30-faced dice. Reason: Most Excellent Estates Total: 8
8 8
Are spots still open for new players?
If so House Gennete-Raziya is here to die horribly in the name of vainglorious folly!

I don't see why not, we've slowed down a lot from the initial start of the quest, but I think it's working. Welcome aboard, I'll work you into the next update
I think that you are starting with 2 R's at the start so you should do build action.

Basically house name
[X] Build
-[X] What Do you want to build ( limited to 2 R's I believe )

This is a good strategy, and if outside market forces aren't messing with industry output next turn, you should probably go with it. You'll also probably get a large influx of (r) next turn
This is a good strategy, and if outside market forces aren't messing with industry output next turn, you should probably go with it. You'll also probably get a large influx of (r) next turn
Just to add that I already have 6 industry's in system 8, i assume that the deal is like with me and house Dorn with system having 16 slots?
Are spots still open for new players?
If so House Gennete-Raziya is here to die horribly in the name of vainglorious folly!
House Terra Would like to extend an offer of Vasslege to House Gennete. Terms would be 1/8th of you r income (rounded, so zero unless your getting 5r(11,21,29,37,45,ect..) or more in a turn(1r) (2r,3r,4r,5r,6r,ect...)) along with an agreement to stand buy us in future conflicts. In exchange, we will move to protect you from other minor houses, and provide 4r for you to build a Bio complex this turn(and only the Bio complex).

Also @Lop
would Bookwyrm get the 20r incentive to build military units, since that was applied this turn?

Also, independent of the vassalage agreement, House terra would like to invite you to the Trade pact we and 3 other houses have going on.
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Just to add that I already have 6 industry's in system 8, i assume that the deal is like with me and house Dorn with system having 16 slots?

Thank you for pointing that out, yes, 16 slots

House Terra Would like to extend an offer of Vasslege to House Gennete. Terms would be 1/8th of you r income (rounded, so zero unless your getting 5r(11,21,29,37,45,ect..) or more in a turn(1r) (2r,3r,4r,5r,6r,ect...)) along with an agreement to stand buy us in future conflicts. In exchange, we will move to protect you from other minor houses, and possible provide monetary assistance to get your house off the ground.

Also @Lop
would Bookwyrm get the 20r incentive to build military units, since that was applied this turn?

Also, independent of the vassalage agreement, House terra would like to invite you to the Trade pact we and 3 other houses have going on.

Probably next turn when I work them in
House Gennete-Raziya
[X] Build
-[X] Xenological growth chambers for the Lalande Tigerhorse. The Tigerhorse is a grand feat of artificial selection and genetic engineering transforming original liveforms imported from outside Lalande into species adapted to niches in habitats around a Red Dwarf. Originally breed for an omnivorous ability to eat everything from organic waste to asteroid minerals and survive alongside humans to provide companionship, build symbiotic relationships with human immune systems, hunt vermin and pests, and cheaply regulate many aspects of the man-made eosystems of the colonists'. The Tigerhorse later became industrially exploited on a vast scale for their internal chemical processes and their energy and technology cheap workpower. The foundation of the House of Gennete-Razyia was the quite literal crossing of genetic resources and breeding lines between the famed Gennete School's pedigree stocks of Old Colony Tigerhorse and the Raziya Corporation's patented dynasties of Hellhorsetm ​to create a Tigerhorse with the original intelligence and versatility of their ancestors and the fire-breathing, acid-spitting, gumption of a modern unit.
-[X] the Gennete-Raziya Riding Academy, the source of Tigerhorse-handlers across Orion's Arm. Primarily trained for industrial niches, they can also be say unleashed on unsuspected starships of rival enterprises to eat their way into leaving the poor vessel sufficiently void of human live to began the technically legal wrecking and salvage and destruction of your nemesis' empire.
Turn 8
And in other news, conflict has reportedly sprung up in the Orion Sector between local goverments. We turn to our Orion specialist Craut Gahn for more, Craut, welcome to the program-

-Thank you Haz

-In an era that seems rife with a multitude of smaller conflicts, what can we expect from such an outbreak of violence, specially in this sector?

-Well Haz, what you have to understand is that the Orion sector is not structured like you or I might be familiar with. Some viewers may know that the Orion territory is home to what we would call g-modded or C-Cert based governments

-You mean the Orion sector is controlled by beings with tailored genes?

-Yes, but their genetic makeup is the basis for a caste-system of sorts, with those possessing certain genes holding authority

-Interesting, interesting, so Craut is this what they're fighting over? Viewers to this program are likely familiar with the C-cert riots in our own sector several years back

-Yes and no. C-Certs and genetic coding are in integral part of their culture, but the conflict itself is over resources and politics. The territory that's seeing the conflict has recently undergone a massive governmental collapse, which obviously would lead to chaos and violence. However, due to the complex power-structures present, neighboring Houses, or C-cert governments, quickly collected the territory under new, smaller C-cert governments.

-So what you're saying is, after the collapse, new governments were quickly established by outside forces?

-Almost overnight Haz, although "outside forces" is an incorrect term. You have to understand that the Orion sector not only shares a netsphere, but is relatively humongous in terms of the culture and species of the ruling class. They're almost all sapiens, and if you'll recall what I said about C-certs, trace their authority back hundreds of generations. And that's why we're already seeing conflict in the area.

-Interesting. Should we expect to be affected?

-Haha, no Haz. These are minor conflicts with minimal impact on the netsphere markets. However one must take the time to feel sympathy for the citizens caught in wars.

-Thank you. That was Craut Gahn on the recent Orion sector conflicts. Next up, are your alter-selves doing what they're supposed to, or has a new bug changed the way we multi-task?


Last Time on Star Empires-

The creators of the lesser Houses, the Great Houses, have engineered a way to induce war using their economies. Several lesser Houses gather their forces and prepare to strike out...

Planet Hrarthgar, System 5, 5559 Universal Century

Amess stood hunched in the fields, guiding one of the many plowing drones with the other workers. The drones moved in straight lines along the rock-hard earth, digging up trenches that would later be used for planting.

On one side of the field was a large metal complex. On the other, distant rocky wasteland, and an even more distant mountain range. Amess glanced at the distant smudge of mountains as she corrected the drone's course. A horn blared from the complex, and she stopped.

Straightening up, Amess and the other workers looked towards the complex. Scores of children waited in the shade of the building. As the horn sounded, they ran out with bottles of water and rags.

Amess's daughter ran up to her, handing her a bottle and a cloth. Amess smiled as she took the bottle and drank, then handed it back to her daughter. "Thank you Hadi," Amess said.

"Muma," The girl said, craning her neck. "What are those?"

Amess shielded her eyes from the sun and looked up. Dark objects streaked through the sky. The complex horn sounded, signaling she should go back to work. Instead, she and the other workers continued to stare at the sky.

The objects grew closer and closer until they landed. The earth shook, and Amess grabbed her daughter. Dust clouds billowed across the fields, enveloping the plowing drones and the workers. Amess took her daughter by the hand and jogged towards the complex. "Come Hadi! Let's go!"

Her daughter Hadi slowed, pulling on her mother's hand. "Muma! Muma! I hear clicking! Like the summer bugs!"

"Nonsense Hadi," Amess said, pulling her daughter along. "It is the rocks that fell, they are causing earthquakes. I need to speak with the supervisor-" Amess paused, furrowing her brow. She heard the clicking too.

Amess slowly turned. The dust cloud was still thick, but now Amess could see shapes. Dozens of shapes, maybe more. The other workers still stood by their plow drones with their children. They were clearly trying to weather the dust cloud. Amess cupped her hands to her mouth. "JAUNA! ALEXCTA! GET OUT OF THERE!"

No sooner had the words left her mouth than hundreds of shapes emerged from the dust clouds. Strange creatures, with powerful-looking legs and deadly claws and teeth. They clicked loudly, then one of them reared back and let out a screech.

"Oh fuck Gods no," Amess breathed. She picked up Hadi and ran. The creatures screeched behind her and tore into the remaining workers, as well as the plow drones.

"MUMA!" Hadi screamed, struggling in Amess's grasp. The mother readjusted her grip and reached the complex, tugging on the door.

It was locked. She chanced a look behind her and spied the creatures sniffing at the air. "fuck fuck fuck," Amess said, tugging on the door. "Let me in let me in!"

There was no answer. Amess took her child and ran along the wall, hoping to go around the building. She could hear clicking again. The creatures were moving.

Amess heard the clicking grow closer as she neared the corner. Reaching it, she tripped on a dirt mound and fell down into a drainage ditch with Hadi. The woman hit her head and blacked out.

She came to with Hadi shaking her. "MUMA! MUMA!"

Amess opened her eyes and looked up. Around the drainage ditch were terrifying creatures. Sharp fangs and deep, piercing eyes. They clicked, pointing down into the ditch as if they were about to pounce. A radio squawked. Amess looked around, then spotted men appearing next to the monsters. The men wore armor and helmets, and peered down into the ditch. They all held rifles. One of them turned to another.

"What do you think captain, non-combatant?"

Hadi coughed, and Amess held her tightly. The woman didn't understand, why didn't the monsters attack the men with the guns?

"Leave them for the hunter-killers," The trooper captain said. "We need to move quickly, that defense grid's going to have our location soon,"

A roar picked up, and the ground shook. The troopers and hunter-killers flew about violently as the ditch around Amess and her daughter heaved upward. When the rocks and dust settled, Amess dragged herself up. Peering above the ditch, the woman looked around.

Massive robots approached in the distance. The robots flashed, then small black objects streaked through the air. Amess looked behind her and saw more troopers and monsters. She dove back down into the ditch and gripped Hadi. "Just close your eyes," Amess whispered. "We're going to survive this, just close your eyes,"

Hundreds of miles in the air, a trio of drones arc through the sky. Their feeds are linked directly to your mind through an alter-self. You're staring down directly at the surface of the planet Hrarthgar. Not that there's much to look at. It's red rocky waste interspaced by gorges and bland, white mega-fauna.

There are the two armies about to engage in combat of course. The A.I in the drones and your alter-self tag thousands of figures along the wastelands and underneath the mega-fauna.

House Dorn has somehow managed to deploy almost twenty-thousand hunter-killer bioforms, as well as twenty-thousand vat-grown soldiers on Hrarthgar. They're accompanied by larger, stranger creatures that you assume can tear a tank in half. Ragar Fist wants to know how the lesser Houses keep deploying armies without escorts or warships. You're tempted to tell him that sapiens are crazy, and they'll start a war with anything they have. But you know that's not an official answer.

House Dorn's target lie ahead, in the direction your drones are headed. A massive series of walls and towers appears, which you know to be a defense-grid.

Hrarthgar is a planet primarily under House Zion's control. The wealthy house has defenses mustered in the form of hundreds of Warbots and Tanks. Mercenary soldiers were also reportedly present.

"See those chassis?" A voice-link says, identifying the mobile armor on your drone screen. "Those are re-purposed, possibly reforged Tagga-V7 frames,"

It was Ace, one of your intel team operatives, speaking to you through a voice-link. You tell him you don't care.

"You should," Ace says, his voice crackling on the comms. "Those are top-of the line tanks, able to take a glancing phospho-shell and return fire. It also means the Ra'Mahns are supplying arms to the Orion sector,"

You begrudgingly make note of it in your report to Ragar Fist.

Ace highlights other areas of House Zion's forces on your drone screen. "And those Warbots? Custom Klem Gen-10's, and I can't even identify those launcher tubes. We're dealing with heavy hardware here,"

One of your drones blinks, highlighting several areas of the red wastelands. "We have contact!" Ace calls to his teams. You cut out his voice-link and focus on your drones.

House Zion's forces are concentrated around the defense grid sections hidden in the white, skeletal-like mega-fauna. The mega-fauna is concentrated around five gorges that contain industry spires and housing complexes.

They're vastly outnumbered compared to House Dorn's forces. Zion's six-thousand mercenary soldiers are spread out among the five gorges, supported by units of Warbots and mobile armor. Once the battle begins however, you realize that House Zion's firepower is tremendously superior.

Trooper 1015, Unit 7, House Dorn, shook as the hover truck zoomed across the red wastes. It kicked up dirt, along with the hundreds of other hover trucks that carried troopers.

Trooper 1015, or Long Fingers, or Fingers for short, glanced around at the other troopers riding with him. His squad consisted of such characters as 1011, and 1020. And how could Fingers forget Trooper 1021, the joker that kept the squad's spirit's high? The other troopers mostly stared down at their rifles held between their legs. They all sat in rows, swaying as the hover truck raced towards their target. Finger's squadmate's expression's were obscured by their bulbous helmets. No doubt though they were all steeling themselves for what lay ahead.

Fingers was ready. Not only did he have battle-stims pumping through him, but he recalled all the training-sims he got in the dream-sleep and afterwards. Fingers shifted his rifle, glancing along the barrel. It gleamed in the harsh light of the Hrarthgar sun.

A whistling sound started up, and Finger glanced up curiously. Moments later, the hover truck next to him exploded.

"GET DOWN!" One of Finger's squadmates shouted. Was it 1009? 1012? Fingers couldn't tell. A moment later, two more nearby hover-trucks exploded.

"The Defense Grid's got us!" Another trooper yelled. Fingers gripped his rifled and tried to crawl down to the floor like the others. More whistling sounded, then the ground in front of the truck lifted up. Fingers's world spun, then he hit the earth.

The battle-stims pumped through his body, forcing his eyes open. Fingers could hear a ringing in his ears as he struggled to his feet. His helmet was cracked, but he could still see. He looked around.

The earth heaved up all around him as explosive shells pounded into the ground. He bent down and grabbed his rifle, then searched for a squadmate.

Instead he only saw red dust, and distant explosions. Clicking started up. Fingers recognized it, it was the hunter-killer creatures. Normally they'd creep him out, but the battle-stims only made him anxious and eager to move. The trooper started jogging towards where his truck had been headed. A moment later, he's surrounded.

Hunter-killers surged past him, clicking to each other. They ignored Fingers, running ahead at an impossible speed. Fingers held his weapon to him as he doubled his pace.

Moments later, massive, giant creatures thundered past. Fingers was almost trampled, but managed to jump aside.

They were armored specimens, but new-t6ypes. Fingers had never seen these kinds before. They charged ahead, some of them exploding in a green goo as the defense grid found them.

Fingers was beginning to feel fatigue. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, but even the exo-boots and his battle-stims had limits. The hunter-killers continued to stampede around him, all headed towards a large mountain of white mega-fauna. According to the pre-battle briefing Fingers had heard, beyond the mega-fauna was a gorge filled with enemy buildings.

He heard a noise, and the trooper turned his cracked helmet. Coming up on his right was a hover-truck. Fingers slowed down and waved, trying to get the driver's attention. The truck didn't slow, but a trooper leaned over and held out his hand. Fingers started running, then when the truck passed he jumped up and grabbed the hand. The trooper slowly pulled Fingers up and over the side.

When Fingers stood up, he saw he was back in the company of vat-grown soldiers. They all stared at him through their domes. Fingers rested against the truck edge, then nodded to the one who had pulled him up. "Thanks,"

"Sergeant 1540, Unit 3" A trooper said, saluting from where he sat.

"Thanks," Fingers said. "For picking me up. I'm 1015, Unit 7," Fingers straightened up and looked around. The hunter-killers ran alongside the hover-truck. Fingers could see other hover-trucks as well among the horde of bioforms. "What happened?" Fingers said, turning back to Sergeant 1540. "My truck was destroyed, the poppers didn't work!"

The sergeant chuckled, and some of the sitting troopers shifted. "They're using some kind of new kinetic round," Sergeant 1540 said, gesturing at his own squad's popper. The circular white device rested against a trooper. "The popper's will only protect us against explosive ordinances,"

Fingers stared ahead, watching as the horde and the hover-trucks neared the mega-fauna. Explosions to his left drew his attention. He spied a distant line of enemy warbots approaching. They flashed as they released hundreds of missiles at House's Dorn's forces.

"Shit!" Fingers yelled, gripping the side.

"Oh don't worry," Sergeant 1540 said. "I don't think those missiles are for us,"

The larger armored specimens peeled away from the horde and charged towards the Warbots. Explosions began to shake the ground. "But we need those things to help us attack the defense grid!" Fingers yelled over the sound of the explosions.

"We've got commandos!" Sergeant 1540 shouted back, an easy-going smile on his face. He gestured towards a distant group of hover-trucks. "We'll be fine!"

Fingers couldn't do anything but settle down into an empty spot on the truck bench. The other troopers regarded him for a few moments, then went back to staring at their weapons. As for Fingers, he watched in the distance as the armored specimens and warbots engaged. Deep, thunderous bangs echoed across the wastes. Fingers glanced back ahead and spotted a figure running among the horde of hunter-killers.

"Sir!" Fingers yelled, pointing at the figure. "There's someone else out there!"

The sergeant peered ahead, also spotting the figure. A low whistle sounded through his helmet. "Whoever that is, is running as fast as those hunter-killers!"

"Should we pick them up?" Fingers said.

The sergeant dismissed the question with a wave. "Doesn't look like they need a ride," The white mega-fauna grew closer, and suddenly the hover-truck slowed. "Alright!" The sergeant yelled. "This is our stop! Let's go Let's go!"

The hover-truck stopped, the back and sides flattening. The troopers leapt out, and the air filled with the sounds of whistling.

"That's the defense grid!" The sergeant yelled. "Get moving! The hunter-killer's are leading the way!"

It was true. The thousands of hunter-killers were already pulling ahead, barreling straight for the mega-fauna. Fingers and the other troopers charged ahead. Flashes appeared at the base of the mega-fauna.

"Keep moving!" The sergeant yelled. "That's enemy armor!"

It was true. Fingers watched as House Zion's tanks shredded row after row of hunter-killers. It looked like a slaughter, but Fingers continued running with the other troopers.

The tanks began zeroing in on the trooper's as well. Before they could begin firing, House Dorn commandos assaulted the tank position.

"That's our opening!" The sergeant yelled over the sound of explosions. "While the commandos engage the armor! Charge troopers, charge!"

Fingers gripped his rifle and lumbered forward. Lasers whipped all around him. The earth shook and screeches filled the air. Fingers tripped and climbed over the un-even earth, finally reaching the base of the mega-fauna. The white, massive skeletal blooms towered over him. At the base, House Zion mercenary soldiers held defensive positions alongside the tanks. The hunter-killers streamed towards the defensive position, as did House Dorn troopers. Fingers took a deep breath, then charged as well.

He paused several times to fire his laser-rifle. He wasn't sure if he hit anything, but Fingers continued on regardless. Troopers and hunter-killers were cut down around him as House Zion's mercenaries and tanks held the defense grid. Fingers was hit several times, first by a slugger round in the leg, then by a pierce-bolt in the stomach. Fingers stabbed himself with two more rounds of battle-stims and kept charging.

Finally, a burner-slug took out Finger's legs. He stumbled forward, sliding across the red earth. An open, blue sky stared down at him as Fingers looked up. The sounds of battle roared around him, but the trooper couldn't feel his legs. A shadow fell over him, and Fingers grunted. His cracked helmet was too dirty now. He took it off, then looked up.

A figure looked back down. Fingers recognized it. It was the same figure that he had seen running alongside the hunter-killers. "w-water," He said.

The figure said nothing. Fingers gestured towards the water-gel pack affixed to his belt. The figure looked at Fingers, then the gel pack. It moved in a blur, and suddenly the gel-pack hovered above Finger's lips. He managed to reach up and twist the top, then drank greedily. "T-thank you," He said, finishing. The figure dropped the gel-pack. "What are you?"

The figure didn't answer, then glanced ahead at the House Zion defensive positions. It crouched, then sprinted on ahead.

Fingers watched it go, then slowly rested his head back on the earth. The battle continued to rage around him.

The Battle on Planet Hrathgar lasted three hours. House Dorn lost two units of hunter-killers, one unit of Commandos, two units of troopers, and ne unit of armored specimen. One unit of Hunter Killers and Troopers remain, and have retreated to regroup.

House Zion lost one unit of mercenary soldiers, one unit of mobile armor, and one unit of warbots. Their defense grid is currently operational and undamaged.

Hero Identified: Perfect Specimen #2, House Dorn

System 5's Planet Keppa raid resulted in no losses for House Zion, and two units of troopers lost for House Dorn.

House Volantia

Imperial Standard Bank - Gilese Branch (Finance 1(r))
Hulcron Navigator's Guild (Navigator's Guild 1(r))
Gallian Masterwork Crafts (Foundries 1(r))
Tellagard Royal Mining Corporation (Mines 1(r))
Danarth Stock Exchange (Finance 1(r))
West Tellagard Plasma Mines (Mines 1(r))
Cadet-House Guerre Plasma Corporation (Foundries 1(r))
Galvexia Military Academy (Training Facility)
High Volantina Gene Palace (Birth Chambers)
Watch Fortress of the Teu'Tonic Order (Order Headquarters)
Grand Aegis of Volantia (Defense Grid)

1st Gileseian Vaunted Fusilier's (Infantry)
Archduke's Own (Troopers)
Brothers of the North Bulwark (Vanguard)

The Noble's Run (Trade Route with House Zion 1(r))
Grand Spice Loop (Trade Route with House Terang'Bula 1(r))

[x] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
-Shipyard (8R)

-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Infantry 1(r)
-Infantry 1(r)

[x]Send Forces
-System 28, 1st Gileseian Vaunted Fusilier's (Infantry)

Chat World Vulgas BestScholars- 20,901 users connected.

BIGRUGS12: Did you guys see the leaked SC reports from the Orion Arm sector?


JokerTower: I will give you 60 pegs if you can tell me what the fuck a psionic knight even is

HogsWasFramed: Have you NOT seen the leaked vids?? Ask your fuckin A.I, they're sapiens with crazy powers

BIGRUGS12: I was talking more about the recent battles on Hrarthgar...

House Zion's and House Volantia's trade route has been raided by House Louhi, and will not count towards producing (r) this turn

House Volantia has lost 2 industries (r) contributions this turn from House Delapierre's raiding in system 29

income: 4I + 2T + 4B + 20MC = 30R
House Darkridge
Shipping routes (1R)
Dockyards (1R)
Demeter Food production (1R)
Onyx Depths mining Corporation (1R)
Lucentertainment Studios (1R)
healthcare industry (1R)
education industry (1R)
energy industry (1R)
Trade deal- House Anino (1R)
Trade deal- House Zion (1R)
Trade deal- House Tetzel (1R)
Trade deal- House O'Rourik (1R)

Military force:
Combat drones
Robotics facility
Defense Grid
training facility

Important figures:
Lord Alexander Darkridge- Head of House Darkridge
Hugo Darkridge- Commerce Viceroy and brother to Lord Darkridge
Prince Helios Darkridge- Greatest swordsmen in the galaxy

[x] build
-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Shipyard (8R)

[x] train
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)

[x] Diplomacy action
- agree with House Tetzel's trade pact

" To House Tetzel,

Let it be known that House Darkridge stands by you in the formation of the Orion Data Network. The grip of outside influence shall be broken from the sector.

Lord Alexander Darkridge, Head of House Darkridge, Lord of the Kreena system

[x] hero action
- Helios will be sent to House Tetzel to facilitate the trade pact

Bank: 13R


what exactly should I send my hero unit to do

Chat World Dugslov Makers- 15,075 users connected.

NevermoreClear: Heard House Darkridge built a shipyard

Broge20: Doubt it

Broge20: Orion's Arm right? Some Tiegg is making a docu-series on it

Broge20: Those species literally launch infantry onto planets, no fleets

Ruxton: <NevermoreClear> is right, they're building shipyards now

House Tetzel
income 4I + 2T = 6r
military assets
1 Vanguard
2 infantry
defense gird (throne world)
reserarch complex

[X] Open proposal to all houses of the sector:
-[X] Formation of the Orion Data Network trade pact for the express purpose of shielding ALL houses with in the sector from outside economic tampering. all members who agree to this pact will automatically have 5 R deducted from their accounts upon the start of the next turn. The trade and data exchange services established from this pact are NOT to be used to subvert other members of the pact on pain of expulsion.

[X] Build orders
-[X] Factory
--[X] 3 units of Mobile armor
-[X] 2 further units of infantry

Chat World Elbin Works- 40,214 users connected.

Murkswim1: This chat is now dedicated to House Teztel Twin Fang variant mobile armor

Murkswim1: Post Twin Fang stats and show noops why its Best Mobile Armor

Vraslan: What the fuck is a House Teztel

Assshakerquaker: C-cert gov in Orion's Arm

Assshakerquaker: look it up, it's one of the few small-scale conflicts in the known-galaxy right now

Assshakerquaker: Also <Murkswim1> Twin Fang's are awesome. Love the look, it's almost like the old Napsol-Quasar varient

Murkswim1: I've got field-test vids leaked from Freedom Coalition SC

Assshakerquaker: FUCK YES

Assshakerquaker: POST EM

Tenative claim of Sol, Disputed, no assets (system 1)
Tenative Claim of Alpha Centuri, Disputed, shared ownership of system (system 2)
Stated claim of 61 Cygna (system 3)
Sir Roland Terra, Head of house of Terra, Regent of house Valasar
Prince Constantine Terra- Heir to House Terra []
Princess Jessalyne Terra- Heiress to House Terra []
Prince Fernald Terra- Age 12
Prince Roland Terra- Age 8
-Vanessa Valasar- Age 7, Bethrothed to Roland Terra, heir to house Valasar
Quick-Butcher and Wake- Bane of Soldiers and his friend [H]
Tentative list of House Terra Assets:
Training facility (system 3)
4 infantry
3 Special forces
Hero: Quick butcher and quake

Industry (3r)
-System 2
--control of the Agriculture Guilds
--control of the Communication guilds
-System 3
--Control of the communication guilds
--control of the agricultural Guilds
--control over shipping routes.
-System 4
--control of the Communication Guilds
Trade pact (.5r)
-House Delapierre (separately confirmed)
-House zion (separately confirmed)
-House Terrang-Bulan
-House Terra (self, dose not count)
Profits from raids: 5r
4.5r earned this turn
9r from skipped turns profits
5r from raids

10r: Build industry X5
-[x]System 3(asteroid mines
-[x]System 3(Navigation Guilds)
-[x]System 5(communication guilds)
-[x]System 9(communication Guilds)
-[x]System 20(communication Guilds)

[x]8r: build shipyard, System 3
-0r: Keel laid down for a warship.

[x] Diplomatic Vassalge offer to house Gennete-Raziya
-4 R to House Gennete-Raziya to build a Bio complex, should they accept the offer of vassalage. otherwise gose to the 20r war reserve.

0.5r: reserved
16R from patron-Reserved for next turn, materials pre-purchased, ect… +4 if vassalage offer is declined, for 20r

On the Net-sphere issues: we will taking market tariffs with other trade pact members, but will decline to participate on larger efforts for now.


When I walked into the room, the solider was visibly startled. He had obviously not expected that it would be the head of the Terra Special forces to be the one who requested this meeting. "Calm down, you are not in trouble at all. We just spotted something unusually during the battle footage, and you were the closest person to it. I simply wish to ask some questions about the battle." A truth by omission, as he was the unusual thing we spotted in the battle, but he did not need to know this. we would have not spotted it without foreknowledge, or even be able to perceive what happened.

"Ahh, Yes Sir.. As.. Ask away" Still nervous, I see... Best to keep this professional. I begin going through the list of questions I prepared before hand. the next 30 minutes were incredibly boring, asking about the most minute details of the battle, But we did not have the exact time when it would happen. I was almost to the end of the list and out of time to stall then I noticed the flickering glow in the back of his eyes..

"Ah, about time.. Inform Mr Fist that all is going to plan and we will be moving on the target shortly."

"What?" the solders startles from the unexpected line, the glow immediately flickering out of his eyes.

"Sorry, My mind wandered. forget what I just said.." he pauses then shakes his head, nodding to me to continue the questioning. Good. It takes another 5 minutes to finish the questioning, and the man was dismissed. I doubt he suspects anything, and the soilders HUD's will be modified within the month to pass messages without having to schedule another meeting.

Turn 8 raiding
[x] System 15
-2 infantry, 1 special forces
[x] System 16
-1 infantry, 1 special forces, quick butcher and wake
[x] System 27 to retrieve [Classified]
-1 infantry

going to wait out doing anything on the income issues, as I'm more of a raiding-derived economy. but if it proves effective I'll join next turn. (and OOC reasons, I don't have any spare r's to spare, catching up from the missed turn) (EDIT: though if it costs me nothing R's wise, sure I am in).

@Chopak @Star also.. starting next turn, House Terra's shipyard will be open to use by trade pact members, for a fee. 1/6th of the cost of the ship to be made, rounded down (1r for Z-G fighters, 2r for escorts, 3r for warships, ect…) Alternative means of payment will be accepted.

Industral productions in your systems is solely in an effort to establish a succure communication network between us. Encrypted communication channels will be freely available shortly afterword for inter-pact use.[/spoiler]

Chat World Lugra HIGHFLIGHERS- 11,998 users connected.

SupremeOssolot: Have you keeping up with the Orion conflicts?

Zips: Nope


SupremeOssolot: whatever check out this <vid>. There's these things called Houses, they're like powerful families. This is found footage from a mining freighter

Zips: Oh dope a battle

Zips: Oh wow those guys in the red are crazy

SupremeOssolot: Special forces, keep watching, they blow through the whole complex like animals. And there's chatter about something called Quick-Butcher.


House Terra has earned 10 (r) from raiding System 15 and 16, as well as 10(r) from their patron House, that can be spent on anything but developing industry

Quick-Butcher and Wake are now level 2

House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds), Server Farm and a unknown industry Source

Trade Deals: House Dorn/House Zion, House Dorn/ House O'Rourik, House Dorn/House Darkridge, House Dorn/ House Delapierre , House Dorn/ House Terang-Bulan

[ ] Lord Albern Dorn-
Head of House Dorn

[ ] Lady Elise Dorn- Matriarch of House Dorn

[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn

Current Systems with Presence of House Dorn: System Five and System Four

5 units of Troopers: Four in system Five, One in system Four
1 unit of Commandos: in system Four

Three units of Hunter-killers: in system Five
One Unit of Armored Specimen: in System Five

Current R: 32 R

[X] Build
-Shipyard (8R)
-Defense Grid (4R) in system Four
-Witch Spires (3R)

[X] Grow: three units of Elite Specimens- 2(r) each, two units of Commandos- 2(r) each, three units of Hunter-killers- 1(r) each
[X] Hire Mercenary Force: -Mercenary Corps (2R)

[X] Send Forces to attack House Zion in system five: Three Units of Hunter-killers, one unit of Commandos from system four, three units of Troopers, One unit of Armored Specimen
Banked: 2 R

Lord Albern Dorn was a practical man, he saw a problem he found a way to fix it. And with the generous donation from his patron from the great Houses he was able to get rid of one big problem in his home system, House Zion. stood in the way for his House to rise up and now he is prepared to go to war and gain dominion over system five.

House Dorn has earned 15(r) from its patron House, that it may spend on anything but developing industry.

House Zion actions
Budget (23 R's) (20 R's from patron house)
[X] Build
-[X] Witch Spires
-[X] Shipyard
[X] Create
-[X] Psinionic Knight
-[X] Vanguard
-[X] Vanguard
-[X] Shining Being
-[X] Psinionic Knight
-[X] Vanguard
-[X] Zero-G Warframe

[X] Hire Mercenary Force
-[X] Elite Mercenary Unit
-[X] Elite Mercenary Unit

[X] Send Forces
-[X] Defend against house Dorn in system 5 with:
-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots
-[X] 1 unit of Mercenary Corps
-[X] 1 Mobile Armour

[X] Industry Action
-[X] Market Tariffs

-[X] Attack house Dorn in system 5 with goal of capturing it with:

-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones
-[X] 1 unit of Warbots
-[X] 1 unit of Mercenary Corps
-[X] 1 Dark Mater Phantasm

House Zion has earned 15(r) from its patron House that it may use on anything except developing industry

House Zion's and House Volantia's trade route has been raided by House Louhi, and will not count towards producing (r) this turn

House Louhi:

Interesting People:
-Witch Prince Amil: Heir to House Louhi
-Lieutenant Cadmin: Righthand man of Lord Louhi
-Xan: Drakhan Warlock and priest of the Mother's Faith
-System: Gliese 674 (21) (8/8 controlled, 4R/turn)
-System: Ross 154 (15) (0/8 controlled)
-System: Altair (16) (4/8 controlled, 2R/turn)
-System: Delta Pavonis (28) (0/8 controlled)
-Courier Network x8 (4R/turn), Gliese 674 (21)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Altair (16)
-HR Department x3 (1.5R/turn), Altair (16)

-Witch Spire (Gliese 674)
-Defense Grid (Gliese 674)
-Laboratory Network (Gliese 674)

-Stationed in Ross 154 (15):
--Cabalists ×1
-Stationed in Gliese 674 (21):
--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince
-Stationed in Altair (16):
--Cabalists x2
-Stationed in Delta Pavonis (28)
--Cabalists ×2

Banked: 0r
Income: 6R
Great House Support: 20R
Available for this turn: (0+6+20) = 26R

[X] Build:
-Industry source: Courier Network Outpost (2R), Ross 154 (15)
-Industry source: Courier Network Outpost (2R), Delta Pavonis (28)

[X] Train:
-Cabalists (1R) x10
-Sorcerers (3R) x4

[X] Research:
-Witch Spire Research continued (Lop said in PM that this would take two turns)

[X] Raid:
1. Trade Route: House Volantia with House Zion
--Cabalists x1, From Delta Pavonis (28)

2. Gliese 783 (29), House Volantia assets
--Cabalists x1, from Altair (16)
--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince

Current Bank: 0r

Chat World Tittlelink Pors- 27,340 users connected.

Utalay34: I'm super obsessed with the Drakha

Clippo: Yes i know, you keep sending my ritual pictures

Utalay34: They're so cool!

Wobscult: <Utalay> they're radical mercenaries who have killed people....not cool

Utalay34: Right right but their culture! Have you seen how they never cut their hair and just braid it! And the tattoos!

Clippo: I'm almost positive one of the Drakha sects has taken over some goverments and militaries or something. It's like

Clippo: super serious

Wobscult: Yeah <Utalay> they're outlaw murderers

Utalay34: whatever, I like their tattoos

House Louhi has earned 5 (r) from raiding House Volantia's trade routes and assets, and 10 (r) from their patron house that can be spent on anything but developing industries

House Louhi has lost 3 industries (r) contributions this turn from House Terra's raiding in system 15 and 16

House Delapierre

Leftover funds:
0 (R)

Ross614 (20):
8 industries (+4(R))
Robotics Facility
2 Combat Drones
3 Warbots

Luyten (19):
7 industries (+4(R))
1 units of Mercenary Corps *Dartagnan's Rapiers*

1 units of Mercenary Corps *Laser Musketeers*​

Trade Deals:
Trade Deal with House Darkridge +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Terang-Bulan +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Zion +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Dorn +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House O'Rourik +0,5 (r)

Trade Pact (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members):
House Delapierre (chopak)
House Terang-Bulan (Salbazier)
House Zion (Star)
House Terra (Terrish)
Total: +0,5 (R)

Additional Income:
+ 5(R) from Raid
+ 20(R) for military spending

Available funds:
20(R) for military

"I am disappointed in you, Delapierre."
"What do you mean? I've secured Ross614 and I'm moving into neighbouring systems. Soon all Sector will be in my grasp."
"WHY SO SLOW, DELAPIERRE!? Don't you see what other Houses are doing? If you do not do anything with your rivals, they will grow too strong."
"I know, but.."
"NO BUTS! Show of strength! NOW!"
"Y-y-es, my Lord."

Lord Paramount Delapierre clenched his fists when connection ended. Why did he agreed to that deal. He would have defeated Unspeakable Houses without external help and nobody would tell him what to do. But on the other hand, his Patron was right. He needed to strike now. He had a target for some time. He played the recording in his mind:

Normal human would not be able to hear that from that distance. Bioenhanced individuals would have problems catching that in the noise and chatter of the party. But House Delapierre augmentations were better than gene-tampering. They not only allowed House Lord to hear the insult. They enabled him to hear it, record it, locate the speaker and finally search the netsphere for the individual in question.
Lady Coletta.
Information was scarce, but everything was pointing to her relations with House Volantia. And so House Volantia will pay for her words.

[X] Build
- [X] Defence Grid in Ross614 (20) (4R)
- [X] Shipyard in Ross614 (20) (8R)
- [X] Combat Drones in Ross614 (20) - 2(r)
- [X] Warships in Terang-Bulan's Shipyard (20R)

[X] Military

- [X] Attack House Daybreaker assets in 40 Eridani (27)
Primary objective: Capture the Bio Facility.
Secondary Objective: Capture their Industry
Forces: 1 Unit of Warbots (from 20) 1 units of Mercenary Corps *Dartagnan's Rapiers* (from 19)
- [X] Raid House Volantia assets in Gliese 783 (29)
Primary Objective: Raid
Forces: 1 Units of Warbots (from 20), 1 Unit of Combat Drones (from 20), 1 units of Mercenary Corps *Laser Musketeers* (from 14) + Hero
- [X] Raid House Volantia supply lines in Delta Pavonis (28)
Primary Objective: Raid
Forces: 1 Unit of Combat Drones (from 20)

[X] Hero
- [X] Captain Tilferd - lead Raid on System 29

[X] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
- [X]Market Tarrifs- (Resists outside forces tampering with market by getting all members of a trade pact to roll 1D20)

[X] Diplomacy Action
- Send 3 (R) as a fee for shipyard use to Terang-Bulan

Leftover Funds: 0(R)

Chat World ZuuukkkkkkRa- 22,341 users connected.

Abersnatch: House Delapierre robotic designs I'm in love <3 <3 <3

Tulg09: Oh yeah I saw something on that. Those were actually pretty nice looking.

Tulg09: I want to see the specs on those Warbots. Are those Lambideer Frames?

MasterOracle: No actually, those are customs, Ricters I think they're called?

MasterOracle: Notice there's no gryo-carriage underneath the frontal weapons rack like on the Lambideers

MasterOracle: My guess is they're internal

Tulg09: Oh shit, that's amazing

House Delapierre has earned 5 (r) from raiding, and 10 (r) from it's patron house that may be spent on anything but establishing industries

House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Sol Agro Domes (+1R)
Sol Dockyards (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)
System 2 Navigator Guild (+1R)

House Zion (+1R)
House Dorn (+1R)
House Delapierre (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray

System 1
Psnonic Knight
System 2
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Dragoons (Mercenary Elite Infantry)
Special Forces- "The Highlanders"

Start: 6 (20 for Military)

[X] Build Sol
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source

[X] Shipyard
-[X] Warship

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2

Bank: 0

sorry thought I had posted this.

House Gennete-Raziya
[X] Build
-[X] Xenological growth chambers for the Lalande Tigerhorse. The Tigerhorse is a grand feat of artificial selection and genetic engineering transforming original liveforms imported from outside Lalande into species adapted to niches in habitats around a Red Dwarf. Originally breed for an omnivorous ability to eat everything from organic waste to asteroid minerals and survive alongside humans to provide companionship, build symbiotic relationships with human immune systems, hunt vermin and pests, and cheaply regulate many aspects of the man-made eosystems of the colonists'. The Tigerhorse later became industrially exploited on a vast scale for their internal chemical processes and their energy and technology cheap workpower. The foundation of the House of Gennete-Razyia was the quite literal crossing of genetic resources and breeding lines between the famed Gennete School's pedigree stocks of Old Colony Tigerhorse and the Raziya Corporation's patented dynasties of Hellhorsetm ​to create a Tigerhorse with the original intelligence and versatility of their ancestors and the fire-breathing, acid-spitting, gumption of a modern unit.
-[X] the Gennete-Raziya Riding Academy, the source of Tigerhorse-handlers across Orion's Arm. Primarily trained for industrial niches, they can also be say unleashed on unsuspected starships of rival enterprises to eat their way into leaving the poor vessel sufficiently void of human live to began the technically legal wrecking and salvage and destruction of your nemesis' empire.

House Gennete-Razyia has been given 20 (r) from its patron house

Market Tariffs were attempted, but the index is in flux and outside industries are resisting. Players who attempted but rolled below a 10 may roll 1d20 again for 5 (r). Players who rolled above a 10 have successfully enacted tariffs, but they will fail in time without the other Houses who attempted doing the same

Warning: Outside market forces are utilizing various economic means to severely depress the Orion's Arm local Markets. This is likely the doing of the Great Houses, as they share a netsphere with the former House Atractus territories.

Because of this, 1(r) is now produced for every two industries you own, and 1(r) is being earned for every two trade deals you have

The Great Houses have promised their vassal houses bounties for raiding enemy lesser houses

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Defense Grid (4R)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Zero-G Fighter- 10(r)
-Escort Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

- Order War Hall (8R) (Requires Order Head-Quarters)
-Order Warframe- 8(r)
-Order Warships- 24(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Coven Forge Pit (8R) (Requires Witch Spire)
-Swarm Fighter- 10(r)
-Coven Warship- 24(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify numbered system and quantity of forces)

[] Raid
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)

[] Hero Action
(Depending on hero-type, add 1d20 to roll)

[] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Trade Pact- (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members if they dont already have one)
-Economic Power-(If you have an industry that is shared in a system with an enemy player, activate this and wait for QM dice instruction)
-Tarrifs- (Returns one of your industries to producing 1(r) a turn at the expense of a trade deal)
-Market Tarrifs- (Resists outside forces tampering with market by getting all members of a trade pact to roll 1D20)
-Establish Local Netsphere (5(r) must be spent by at least six members of a trade pact. After creation, additional members must pay 5(r) to join) (Seperates the Orion's Arm economy from the rest of the Orion sector netsphere, preventing future outside economic attacks) <This will anger the Great Houses>

[] Diplomacy Action
-Trade Deal- (Only one trade deal can exist between two Houses)
-Noble Union-
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@Uhtread I'm sorry I knew I forgot something, I didn't mean to update before you posted. Let me know what you were going to do outside combat and I'll work it in retroactively.

Also I may have gotten some of the dealers and recipients of raiding mixed up, as happens when juggling 8 players.

I did want to mention stealth. A couple players were doing surprise raids, which is awesome, but I've got to work out how sent soldiers and other assets guard against raiding before I fully implement it. So if you enacted a secret order but notice I didn't really address it, it's because I'm still tinkering with a system that resolves soldiers stationed placed and raiding
Nothing from the system 27 raid? Meh, can work with it. though expected given those dice rolls.
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House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Sol Agro Domes (+1R)
Sol Dockyards (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)
System 2 Navigator Guild (+1R)

House Zion (+1R)
House Dorn (+1R)
House Delapierre (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray

System 1
Psnonic Knight
System 2
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Dragoons (Mercenary Elite Infantry)
Special Forces- "The Highlanders"

Start: 6 (20 for Military)

[X] Build Sol
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source

[X] Shipyard
-[X] Warship

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2

Bank: 0

sorry thought I had posted this.
Nothing from the system 27 raid? Meh, can work with it. though expected given those dice rolls.

Let me double check I might have just lost it during my writing of the update

House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Sol Agro Domes (+1R)
Sol Dockyards (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)
System 2 Navigator Guild (+1R)

House Zion (+1R)
House Dorn (+1R)
House Delapierre (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray

System 1
Psnonic Knight
System 2
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Dragoons (Mercenary Elite Infantry)
Special Forces- "The Highlanders"

Start: 6 (20 for Military)

[X] Build Sol
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source

[X] Shipyard
-[X] Warship

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2

Bank: 0

sorry thought I had posted this.

I edited you in, I'll go back and add a blurb in a bit