Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

Would you Accept us hiering one of your Civilian ships (with non-combat house terra personal onboard to observe)to conduct the scans, and then sending the results to us? the sections of the planets we want to scan are well away from any assets you may have, and according to the public records, have not been touched since they were destroyed at the start of the first Disporia. (1r offered)
Would you be open to double that? (2r)
So be it.
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Would you Accept us hiering one of your Civilian ships to conduct the scans, and then sending the results to us? the sections of the planets we want to scan are well away from any assets you may have, and according to the public records, have not been touched since they were destroyed at the start of the first Disporia. (1r offered)

Would you be open to double that? (2r)

So be it.
Now that i think about it you raided some of the systems i had claimed.
I think that i know where to search, it's my.
Tenative Claim of Alpha Centuri, Disputed, shared ownership of system (system 2)
Stated claim of 61 Cygna (system 3) (firm control)
No claims on other systems at this time.
House Theta (Player: Daskter (fluff, non-binding))
House Valasar (NPC, formerly Player: Mask, Intergrated)
Sir Roland Terra, Head of house of Terra, Regent of house Valasar
Prince Constantine Terra- Heir to House Terra []
Princess Jessalyne Terra- Heiress to House Terra []
Prince Fernald Terra- Age 12
Prince Roland Terra- Age 8
-Vanessa Valasar- Age 7, Bethrothed to Roland Terra, heir to house Valasar
Quick-Butcher and Wake- Bane of Soldiers and his friend [H]
Tentative list of House Terra Assets:
Training facility (system 3)
Labratory Network (system 3)
Shipyard (system 3)
8 infantry
4 Special forces
One fleet of Warships
One fleet of Escorts
Hero: Quick butcher and wake (lvl 2)

Industry (13=7.5 8r)
-System 2 (2)
--Agriculture Guilds
--Communication guilds
-System 3 (5)
--communication guilds
--agricultural Guilds
--shipping routes.
--asteroid mines
--Navigation Guilds
-System 4 (1)
--Communication Guilds
-System 5 (1)
--communication guilds
-System 9 (1)
--communication guilds
-System8 (1)
-Communication Guilds
-system 19 (1)
--communication guilds
-System 20 (1)
--communication guilds

Trade pact (2r)
-House Delapierre (separately confirmed)
-House zion (separately confirmed)
-House Terrang-Bulan
-House Terra (self, dose not count)
-House Theta (vassal?)

8r industry
2r trade
10r raiding
[x]Build Industry (2r)
-System 17 (communication Guilds)

[x]Laboratory Network: 8r
(details to be PMed)
-7r: Project Trooper
-1r: Project GC

[x]Defense Grid System 3 (8r)

1r to house O'rourik for transit fees.

1r reserve
Diplomacy Attend Ball

PMed shortly, after diplomatic issues dealt with.
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Would you Accept us hiering one of your Civilian ships (with non-combat house terra personal onboard to observe)to conduct the scans, and then sending the results to us? the sections of the planets we want to scan are well away from any assets you may have, and according to the public records, have not been touched since they were destroyed at the start of the first Disporia. (1r offered)
Would you be open to double that? (2r)
So be it.

"Congradualtions! Your transit permit has been accepted please deposit (1r) into escrow. Funds will be distributed when your scans and personnel are returned"
-STC (Sol Transit Central)
Before I post the update, could you give me a list of the confirmed members of the new netsphere? Is it 6? I'm realizing I'm not sure if I've tracked everyone down
Actually it's just a ball at the moment where heads of the minor houses will meet to discuss our plans ic in secret as at one side we have SteelWriter77, Silversun17 and me who are for unification and on other we have Paroni, Chopak and Terra who are interested but didn't say anything , then there is @bioticgrunt who is the member of current netsphere but didn't say will he attend the ball, @Daskter is for the unification and Salbazier didn't say anything on the matter.
You can post update and we will hash out what we wish to do and in wich direction to go at the ball.

Edit: Uhtread said he won't come at the ball and that are all houses that were active for last couple of turns, mcclay didn't post for a while so i won't count him.
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Turn 9 (proper)

Previously, on Star Dynasties Quest...

The conflict between House Zion and House Dorn has subsided, and now, something new begins to gather.

For the lesser Houses are starting to resent the machinations of their Patrons. A new way of doing things may be on the horizon...

(Raphael Lacoste)

Your head hurts. It's a natural byproduct of splitting your consciousness into so many alter-selves, but you have to remain vigilant. Your real body is still on your asteroid base, tucked away in a metal cylinder. The alter-self you're primarily focused on is an elite model, nearly identical to an actual sapien body. It rests in a hover-pod that streaks across a crowded skyline.

Nothing has gone as planned. What you thought would be a series of wars; O'Rourik and Terra, Zion and Dorn, have fizzled out as quickly as they started. The Patron Houses attempted to throw the region into conflict, but now....

Now you think the lesser Houses are about to do the unthinkable.

These thoughts cloud your mind as you step out of the hover-pod. You're on House Zion's Throne World, a massive planet with a variety of strange rock formations inter-spaced by lush, fertile valleys. On the main continent is the capital, a circular mega-city rising up into the clouds. These skyscrapers and super-towers are behind you as you take in a different sight; House Zion's palaces.

There are other ships present. You are attending another ball, but this one is nothing like House Terang-Bulan's. The ships that arrive are geared towards speed, as well as discretion. The people who get off them are cloaked in all manner of finery. Their identities are obscured behind gilded masks.

You wear a mask as well, in addition to your own fine cloak. This is not so much a costume ball, as a meeting of secret intent.

The stone pathway you walk down is lined with statues and servants. Large columns rise up around you, sectioning off gardens and pools. The meeting palace looms ahead.

It's one of the more elegant ones you've seen. The architectural style is a bit of Old Earth mixed with High Ukerissan, but you only know that from the mountains of prepwork you did before your mission. At the base of the palace is a grand stairway, also lined with servants. The other attendees sweep up the steps ahead of you, their cloaks trailing behind them. You lower your head and adjust your mask as you follow.

At the top is a large archway. Galatan script adorns it, but your assist A.I's can't quite make out the translation. You pass underneath, then hear a familiar voice.

"Why hellooooo!"

You turn, spotting a woman in flowing cloaks and a thin mask held up by a stick. She smiles at you, and instantly recognize her; Lady Coletta.

"I was hoping to see you here," She says, holding out her arm. You take it, walking side by side under the archway with the other attendees.

You mention the war between House Delapierre and House Volantia. You offer your condolences, having heard of the most recent attacks made by House Delapierre, and wonder at Lady Coletta's safety. The noblewoman puts a gloved hand to her mouth and laughs.

"Oh aren't you cute. House Volantia will endure in some form or another, no matter how many systems House Delapierre razes," The pair of you enter the palace. The large archways are dark, lit only by servants standing along the wall. The servants hold up golden lanterns, the pools of light leading you and Lady Coletta onward. "Yes," She says, holding her mask to her face with her free hand. "I personally ensured Duchess Marie and her husband were whisked to safety, as for the rest of the family, they can burn for all I care,"

You inquire as to whether Lady Coletta herself is a member of House Volantia. Lady Coletta tilts her head slightly with a smile.

"Yes and no. I will always serve the Volantia family first and foremost. But these days, my talents are needed elsewhere,"

You furrow your brow behind your own mask, and ask what exactly it is Lady Coletta does.

"I'm a noblewoman, am I not?" Lady Coletta says, taking the lead. "I told you I have to know everyone and everything,"

The two of you emerge into a ballroom that spans out as far as the eye can see in any direction. The ceiling is relatively low, though arched, and gives the ballroom the impression of a gilded forest.

There are many cloaked people already present. Servants rush about, offering anything anyone could want. You lean in and ask if everyone who was at the last ball is present at this one.

"There's a few absent," Lady Coletta says, glancing around at the attendees through her mask. "House O'Rourik and House Delapierre are the notable ones. It will certainly be interesting to see what happens here with those present,"

You agree, but confess you're a little out of the loop. Lady Coletta makes an amused sound, then leads you towards a gathering of people.

"Why, with your profession I thought you might have figured it out. It's why you're here after all," She glances back at you, but you shrug. "It's simple darling, they want to build an independent netsphere for their wealth,"

You inquire as to the relationship between the Greater and Lesser Houses, and ask if the Greater Houses will be angered.

"Oh yes, tremendously," Lady Coletta says, waving at someone she sees. "The last thing they need is House Atractus reappearing under a new name. So they'll likely retaliate most severely. But nothing's set in stone yet,"

You digest this information as Lady Coletta reaches the group of nobles.

What follows is a strange mixture of hushed conversations and orchestral music. The servants continue to serve everyone, but your mind is elsewhere. Quite literally, as you're happy to let Lady Coletta talk as you manage your alter-selves. When she breaks away, you follow.

You ask her to explain more about the possible new netsphere. She dismisses the notion with a wave, mentioning you both should get drinks. You persist, and she sighs.

"Well, there's the unifiers," Lady Coletta says, motioning with a gloved hand at a group of cloaked figures. "House Zion, House Teztel and House Dorn. They all have considerable wealth and power now, and are loath to rise or fall at the whim of their patron houses,"

You clarify, asking if the unifiers want a new netsphere. Lady Coletta shoots you a coy glance.

"Oh they want far more than that darling,"

You clarify again, asking about House Zion and Dorn having just been at war. Lady Coletta snorts, waving at another group of people.

"Keep up darling, that's last cycle's news. It's a big sector and there's even more beyond that. Besides, haven't you been listening to the theme of the night," The noblewoman presents the gilded, arched ceilings. "Unity and prosperity!"

You mention the Great Houses are more than a match for the Lesser.

"Perhaps," Lady Coletta says, smiling. She takes your hand and leads you onward. "But you might be surprised what a war between the groups would look like," She puts a gloved hand to her mouth. "But I bore myself with talk of war, come, I see another fine group,"

You let her walk you forward, grimacing behind the mask as one of your alter-selves goes on high alert. You try and manage it as you ask Lady Coletta about the other lesser houses in relation to the Unifiers.

"Hmm, well there you can see House Louhi, and over there is House Terra. They have yet to commit either way. But House Darkridge is among the other Unifiers, though I don't see anyone from their house here....hmm, no, they must not be attending,"

You ask about House Terang-Bulan. Lady Coletta gives you a seemingly-bored shrug. "Who can say what they'll do. One can only guess,"

You wince again as your high-alert alter-self flees millions of lightyears away. You excuse yourself from Lady Coletta, promising you'll return.


Drakha drop-ships plummeted through the sky. The inhabitants of the colony-dome Yakana watched as more and more drop-ships punctured the clouds. The ground shook as the ships hit the earth. The inhabitants of the dome grew nervous as a dust cloud rose up into the air, obscuring the world outside the glass.

Prince Amil Louhi watched from his personal drop ship as Drakhan sorcerers led cabalist towards Yakana. The sorcerers sped across the wastes like black shrouds of mist. They wielded red curu-blades, which flashed in the dustclouds. Prince Amil turned away from the viewport. Standing behind him was Lieutenant Cadman, as well as Xan, the Drakhan warrior.

"Take us down," Prince Amil said. "And get me my armor,"

Drakhan disciples draped in black cloaks rushed around the prince. They affixed a breastplate to him, then gauntlets. Lieutenant Cadman watched alongside Xan as the disciples worked.

"So you're going down there yourself," Lieutenant Cadman said.

In response, Prince Amil held out his hand. Two disciples bore a red curu-blade, presenting it atop a cloth. Amil took the blade, running his finger along the ridge.

"That's a yes then," Lieutenant Cadman said. "Just be careful, there's no need to get yourself killed,"

"I'm not sure I can die," Prince Amil said, his voice a disinterested whisper. He continued to inspect his blade as the disciples lowered a helm over his head.

"No need to test it,"

Prince Amil flexed his completed suit of armor, then turned to the officer. "Know your place lieutenant, and leave me to my work,"

The floor opened up beneath Prince Amil, and he dropped down like a stone. The air whistled around him as the ground raced up. He landed among the dust clouds, shaking the earth. The prince straightened up.

He could see the flashes of other red curu-blades. He drifted across the wastes towards a large, glass dome. An explosion shook the ground, and the dome began to collapse.

Prince Amil emerged from the dust. The dome colony of Yakana waited before him. Its protective dome lay in pieces around it. Waited near the edge of the colony were cabalists and sorcerers. They turned to Prince Amil as he approached.

The sounds drifting out of Yakana sounded frantic. But the Drakhan waited silently until Prince Amil reached them. He slowed, then pointed his curu-blade at the colony.

"Bring me the enemies of Mother's love,"

The sorcerers raised their blades, their cloaks billowing in the wind. With a mighty roar the Drakhan charged inside, intent on slaughter and conversion.

House Tetzel
income 7I + 7T = 14r/2
total: 7
military assets
1 Vanguard
4 infantry
3 mobile armor
defense gird (throne world)
research complex
-Project spark: Base research complete

[x] Build 1 industry

[X] Special project build up: Begin preparations for Project Firebreak, invest 5R

[X] Research
-[X] project Spark/void

[] Tariff Houses seized through netsphere hostile takeover, low capacity causalities

[] Research in progress...

[] House Terra earned 15 (r) from raiding

House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds), Server Farm, Unknown Industry Source and another unknown industry Source

Trade Deals: House Dorn/ House O'Rourik, House Dorn/House Darkridge, House Dorn/ House Delapierre

[ ] Lord Albern Dorn-Head of House Dorn
[ ] Lady Elise Dorn- Matriarch of House Dorn
[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn

[] Perfect Specimen #2-
Military: Two units of Troopers , Four Units of Hunter-killers, three units of Elite Specimens, Two units of Commandos, one unit of Mercenary Force, two units of Cabalists, one unit of Zero-G Fighter and Defense Grids in systems Four and Five

Current R: 6 R

[X] Build: two Industry Sources in System Four

[X] Diplomacy Action: attend House Zion's party

Banked: 2 R

[] Mining Guilds and Foundries sized in System Four, physical takeover, minimal causalities

House Louhi:

Interesting People:
-Witch Prince Amil: Heir to House Louhi
-Lieutenant Cadmin: Righthand man of Lord Louhi
-Xan: Drakhan Warlock and priest of the Mother's Faith
-System: Gliese 674 (21) (8/8 controlled, 4R/turn)
-System: Ross 154 (15) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-System: Altair (16) (4/8 controlled, 2R/turn)
-System: Delta Pavonis (28) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-Courier Network x8 (4R/turn), Gliese 674 (21)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Altair (16)
-HR Department x3 (1.5R/turn), Altair (16)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Ross 154 (15)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Delta Pavonis (28)

-Witch Spire (Gliese 674) (21)
-Coven Forge Pit (Gliese 674) (21)
-Laboratory Network (Gliese 674) (21)
-Stationed in Ross 154 (15):
--Cabalists ×1
-Stationed in Gliese 674 (21):
--Defense Grid
--Sorcerers x1
-Stationed in Altair (16):
--Cabalists x1
-Stationed in Delta Pavonis (28)
--Cabalists ×1

--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince
--Cabalists x12
--Sorcerers x3
--Crone x2

Banked: 1R
Income: 7R
Own Assets Raided: 0R
Other's Assets Raided: 40R
Patron House Support: 0R
Available for this turn: (1+7-0+40+0) = 48R

[X] Build:
-[X] Industry Source: HR Department (2R), Altair (16) x2

[X] Train:
-[X] Swarm Fighter (10R) x2
-[X] Coven Warship (24R) x1

Force movements will be DM:ed to Lop later.

Current Bank: 1R

Edit: Forgot to add this.
[X] Research:
-[X] Coven Forge Pit, Special Unit (DM will be sent to Lop)

[] System (5) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 1 (r) earned
[] System (6) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 1 (r) earned
[] System (7) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 1 (r) earned
[] System (8) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 1 (r) earned
[] System (11) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 1(r) earned
[] System (12) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 1 (r) earned
[] System (17) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 1 (r) earned
[] System (24) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 0 (r) earned
[] System (25) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 0 (r) earned
[] System (26) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists) 0 (r) earned
[] System (27) raid (House Zion) (Cabalists, Sorcerers x2, Hero: Amil the Witch Prince) 6 (r) earned
[] System (30) raid (Gouse Zion (Cabalists) 0 (r)

[] Administrative Hubs have been established

[] 10 (r) has been transferred to House Louhi from their Patron House. You may spend it on anything but establishing industry.

[] The Cabalist unit in System 30 has been lost, as well as the Cabalist unit in system 24

House Theta
System 17:

System 17:
Training Facility
2x Industry

Trade Deals?:
-House Terra
-House Delapierre
-House Zion
-House Terrang-Bulan

Budget: 21R
[X]Build System 17
-[X] Factory (4R)
-[X] 4x Industry (8R)

[X]Recruit System 17
-[X] 5x Infantry
-[X] 2x Special Forces

(OOC there is only 8 building slots in each system or is only max 8 industry per system?)
(Also what's the current trade groups. Since I am automatically in a trade deal with everybody that Terra is in, does that mean I also auto join trade deals that are with Zion?)
(Also apperantly I can recruit the same turn Factory/Training facility is built?)

[] Control of Mining Guilds, Foundries, Finance Houses and Navigation Guilds in system 17 is complete. Minimal causalities.

House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Sol Agro Domes (+1R)
Sol Dockyards (+1R)
Sol Comm. Guilds (+1R)
Sol Mining Clans (+1R)
Sol Foundries (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)
System 2 Navigator Guild (+1R)
Defenses System 2

House Zion (+1R)
House Dorn (+1R)
House Delapierre (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray

System 1
Psnonic Knight
1st Cruiser Squadron-Warships
System 2
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Dragoons (Mercenary Elite Infantry)
Special Forces- "The Highlanders"
1st Volunteer Rifles (Infantry)
2nd Volunteer Rifles (Infantry)
3rd Volunteer Rifles (Infantry)

Start: 7

[X] Build System 2
-Industry Source

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2

Bank: 1

[] Netsphere takover of Luna Node Towers. Minimal causalities

House Zion stats

System 5 (9 R's )
System 6 (8 R's )
System 7 (8 R's )
System 8 (8 R's )
System 11 (4 R's )
System 12 (1 R's )
System 24 (1 R's )
System 25 (1 R's )
System 26 (1 R's )
System 27 ( 1 R's )
System 30 ( 1 R's )
House O'Rurik/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terang-Bulan/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Theta/Zion trade pact(1R's )
House Tetzel/ Zion trade deal (1 R' )
House Volantia/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Darkridge/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Delapierre/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terra/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
[ ] Lord Zion- Head of House Zion
[ ] Lady Zion- Matriarch of House Zion
[X] Analicia Zion- The Reaper
Defense Grid (system 5,6,7,8,11,12)
Robotic Facility
Order Head-Quarters
Witch Spires
Void Gate

Active military units :
1 Zero-G Warframe
1 Shining Being
1 Dark Mater Phantasm
2 units of Combat Drones
2 Elite Mercenary Units
1 units of Mercenary Corps
1 units of Warbots
2 units of Psinionic Knights
3 units of Vanguard
1 Sorcerer
2 Cabalists

House Zion actions
Budget (26 R's)

[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source (system 11)
-[X] Industry Source (system 11)
-[X] Industry Source (system 11)
-[X] Industry Source (system 11)
-[X] Industry Source (system 12)
-[X] Industry Source (system 12)
-[X] Industry Source (system 12)
-[X] Industry Source (system 12)
-[X] Industry Source (system 12)
-[X] Industry Source (system 12)
-[X] Laboratory Network
[X] Station forces
-[X] Vanguard (system 25)
-[X] Vanguard (system 26)
-[X] Vanguard (system 27)
-[X] Psinionic Knight (system 30)
-[X] Psinionic Knight (system 24)

[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Invite heads of all minor houses in Orion sector to a ball and to have a meeting to discuss newest events.
(@SteelWriter77, @Silversun17 , @bioticgrunt ,@Salbazier ,@Paroni, @mcclay , @Chopak , @TerrisH , @Uhtread, @Daskter , did i forgot anyone, if i did tag me).

[] Massive economic initiative underway in systems 11 and 12. Minimal causalities reported.

[] The Vanguard units in System 25 have been lost during a raid, as well as the Vanguard infantry stationed in System 27

[] House Zion has lost 13 (r) this turn due to raiding

ncome: 6B + 4I +2T= 12I
House Darkridge
Shipping routes (1R)
Dockyards (1R)
Demeter Food production (1R)
Onyx Depths mining Corporation (1R)
Lucentertainment Studios (1R)
healthcare industry (1R)
education industry (1R)
energy industry (1R)
Trade deal- House Anino (1R)
Trade deal- House Zion (1R)
Trade deal- House Tetzel (1R)
Trade deal- House O'Rourik (1R)

Military force:
Robotics facility
Defense Grid
training facility
Knights of Valor

Military forces:
Combat drones
Special forces
Zero g fighter
Psionic Knight

Important figures:
Lord Alexander Darkridge- Head of House Darkridge
Hugo Darkridge- Commerce Viceroy and brother to Lord Darkridge
Prince Helios Darkridge- Greatest swordsmen in the galaxy

[x] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Establish Local Netsphere (5(r) must be spent by at least six members of a trade pact. After creation, additional members must pay 5(r) to join) (Seperates the Orion's Arm economy from the rest of the Orion sector netsphere, preventing future outside economic attacks) <This will anger the Great Houses>

Bank: 8I

[] Establish Local Netsphere?.....<loading>......<connection secure>

If applicants are still being accepted I would like to join.

[X] House Slathia

[] 20 (r) has been received from Patron House

House Delapierre

Leftover funds from previous turn:
0 (R)


3 Combat Drones
3 Warbots
1 Warship (*Spear of Delapierre*)
1 Zero-G Fighter (*Green Talon*)
6 Units of Hunter-killers
2 units of Mercenary Corps (*Laser Musketeers*, *Dartagnan's Rapiers*)

Ross614 (20):
8 industries (+4(R))
Defence Grid
Robotics Facility

Luyten (19):
Defence Grid
8 industries (+4(R))

2 industries (+1(R))

40 Eridani (27):
Bio Facility

Gliese 783 (29):
2 industries (+1(R))

Trade Deals:
Trade Deal with House Darkridge +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Terang-Bulan +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Zion +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House Dorn +0,5 (r)
Trade Deal with House O'Rourik +0,5 (r)

Trade Pact (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members):
House Delapierre (chopak)
House Terang-Bulan (Salbazier)
House Zion (Star)
House Terra (Terrish)
Total: +0,5 (R)

Additional Income:
+ 2(R) from Raid

Available funds:

[X] Build:
- [X] Zero-G fighter at Ross614 (20)
- [X] Industry at 40 Eridani (27)
- [X] Industry at 40 Eridani (27)
- [X] Hunter-killers at 40 Eridani (27)

[X] Military Actions:

- [X] continue attack on House Volantia at System 29.
- Primary Objective: Capture their industries
- Forces: 1 Warship (*Spear of Delapierre*), 1 Zero-G Fighter (*Green Talon*), 1 Warbot, 2 Unit of Combat Drones, 1 Mercenary Corps (*Laser Musketeers*) +Hero

- [X] Raid:
-[X] House Volantia at System 30
- 1 Warbot, 1 Combat Drones
- [X] House Volantia at System 29 (not sure if possible both an attack and raid on the same system, if not, use this forces in main attack)
- 1 Hunter Killers, 1 Mercenary Corps (*Dartagnan's Rapiers*)

[X] Defense deployments:
-[X] Ross614 (20): 1 Warbot, 1 Unit of Hunter Killers
-[X] Luyten (19): 2 Unit of Hunter Killers
- [X] (14): 1 Unit of Hunter Killers
- [X] 40 Eridani (27):
- [X] Gliese 783 (29): 1 Unit of Hunter Killers

[X] Hero
- [X] Captain Tilferd - support attack

Leftover Funds: 0(R)

[] 10 (r) has been transferred from your patron house. It may be spent on anything except industry

[] 15 (r) from raids have been transferred back to our home system

[] Two Industries have been sized in System 29

Tenative Claim of Alpha Centuri, Disputed, shared ownership of system (system 2)
Stated claim of 61 Cygna (system 3) (firm control)
No claims on other systems at this time.
House Theta (Player: Daskter (fluff, non-binding))
House Valasar (NPC, formerly Player: Mask, Intergrated)
Sir Roland Terra, Head of house of Terra, Regent of house Valasar
Prince Constantine Terra- Heir to House Terra []
Princess Jessalyne Terra- Heiress to House Terra []
Prince Fernald Terra- Age 12
Prince Roland Terra- Age 8
-Vanessa Valasar- Age 7, Bethrothed to Roland Terra, heir to house Valasar
Quick-Butcher and Wake- Bane of Soldiers and his friend [H]
Tentative list of House Terra Assets:
Training facility (system 3)
Labratory Network (system 3)
Shipyard (system 3)
8 infantry
4 Special forces
One fleet of Warships
One fleet of Escorts
Hero: Quick butcher and wake (lvl 2)

Industry (13=7.5 8r)
-System 2 (2)
--Agriculture Guilds
--Communication guilds
-System 3 (5)
--communication guilds
--agricultural Guilds
--shipping routes.
--asteroid mines
--Navigation Guilds
-System 4 (1)
--Communication Guilds
-System 5 (1)
--communication guilds
-System 9 (1)
--communication guilds
-System8 (1)
-Communication Guilds
-system 19 (1)
--communication guilds
-System 20 (1)
--communication guilds

Trade pact (2r)
-House Delapierre (separately confirmed)
-House zion (separately confirmed)
-House Terrang-Bulan
-House Terra (self, dose not count)
-House Theta (vassal?)

8r industry
2r trade
10r raiding
[x]Build Industry (2r)
-System 17 (communication Guilds)

[x]Laboratory Network: 8r
(details to be PMed)
-7r: Project Trooper
-1r: Project GC

[x]Defense Grid System 3 (8r)

2r reserved for possible diplomatic payments.
Diplomacy Attend Ball

PMed shortly, after diplomatic issues dealt with.

[] Communication guilds secured...minimal causalities

@Star @bioticgrunt @Silversun17 @mcclay @SteelWriter77

@Lop those five above are the members that I know of.

I'll make and maintain list of active pacts in the game later. (sometimes tonight, or tomorrow, I'm busy today). On that note, I am not sure when I will be able to post my turn next. Feel free to skip ahead if I took too long.

Warning: Outside market forces are utilizing various economic means to severely depress the Orion's Arm local Markets. This is likely the doing of the Great Houses, as they share a netsphere with the former House Atractus territories.

Because of this, 1(r) is now produced for every two industries you own, and 1(r) is being earned for every two trade deals you have

The Great Houses have promised their vassal houses bounties for raiding enemy lesser houses

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Defense Grid (8R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Zero-G Fighter- 10(r)
-Escort Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

- Order War Hall (8R) (Requires Order Head-Quarters)
-Order Warframe- 8(r)
-Order Warships- 24(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Coven Forge Pit (8R) (Requires Witch Spire)
-Swarm Fighter- 10(r)
-Coven Warship- 24(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Fortress (12R)

-Defense Station (12R)

-Orbital Defense Network (20R)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Station Forces
(Specify numbered system and quantity of forces)

[] Raid
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)(Can be secret DM)

[] Attack
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)(Can be secret)

[] Hero Action
(Depending on hero-type, add 1d20 to roll)

[] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Trade Pact- (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members if they dont already have one)
-Economic Power-(If you have an industry that is shared in a system with an enemy player, activate this and wait for QM dice instruction)
-Tarrifs- (Returns one of your industries to producing 1(r) a turn at the expense of a trade deal)
-Market Tarrifs- (Resists outside forces tampering with market by getting all members of a trade pact to roll 1D20)
-Establish Local Netsphere (5(r) must be spent by at least six members of a trade pact. After creation, additional members must pay 5(r) to join) (Seperates the Orion's Arm economy from the rest of the Orion sector netsphere, preventing future outside economic attacks) <This will anger the Great Houses>

[] Diplomacy Action
-Trade Deal- (Only one trade deal can exist between two Houses)
-Noble Union-
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@Salbazier don't worry about missing a turn, you still earned your (r), so just jump back in whenever. As always, let me know if I missed anything, as I'm juggling 6-9(?) players and I don't always catch everyones actions. But if I didn't mention it in-thread, and it was a build or recruit action, assume it happened. If I didn't address a raid or battle, please let me know
House Theta
5x Infantry
2x Special Forces

System 17:
Training Facility
6x Industry (3R)

Trade Deals: (2R)
-House Terra
-House Delapierre
-House Zion
-House Terrang-Bulan

Budget: 5R

[X]Recruit System 17
-[X] 1x Mobile Armor
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House Tetzel
income 7I + 7T = 14r/2
total: 7
military assets
1 Vanguard
4 infantry
3 mobile armor
defense gird (throne world)
research complex
-Project spark: Base research complete, Void Research compelete

[x] Build Robotics facility

[X] Special project build up: Begin preparations for Project Firebreak, invest 4R
[X] economic action: Reclaim Lost industry.
[X] Research
-[X] project Spark/dagger
House Slathia (System 19 Luyten's Star)

Military Assets


[X] Build
-Industry source (2R)
-Industry source (2R)
-Training Facility (2R)
-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Bio Facility (2R)
-Defense Grid (8R)

[X] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
@Lop in case of this raid i had a defense Grids build in system 5,6,7,8,11,12 on top of system 5 having a bunch of soldiers in it, while systems 24,25,26,27 and 30 had troops stationed in them, so shouldn't those Grids and troops defend those systems and i should had throw far larger number of dices than those three as i had some form of defense in all of my systems?
Not to mention that i retreated from system 17 and didn't have any industry there.
(If you are using number of industries for raids then i will say that in that case raid on system 27 couldn't produce 6 R's as system only has one industry, if you are going by the old system then ignore this)

And i believe that Chopak (house Delapierre) said that he will attend the party .
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House Louhi:

Interesting People:
-Witch Prince Amil: Heir to House Louhi
-Lieutenant Cadmin: Righthand man of Lord Louhi
-Xan: Drakhan Warlock and priest of the Mother's Faith
-System: Gliese 674 (21) (8/8 controlled, 4R/turn)
-System: Ross 154 (15) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-System: Altair (16) (6/8 controlled, 3R/turn)
-System: Delta Pavonis (28) (1/8 controlled, 0.5R/turn)
-Courier Network x8 (4R/turn), Gliese 674 (21)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Altair (16)
-HR Department x5 (2.5R/turn), Altair (16)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Ross 154 (15)
-Courier Network Outpost (0.5R/turn, Delta Pavonis (28)

-Witch Spire (Gliese 674) (21)
-Coven Forge Pit (Gliese 674) (21)
-Laboratory Network (Gliese 674) (21)
-Stationed in Ross 154 (15):
--Cabalists ×1
-Stationed in Gliese 674 (21):
--Defense Grid
--Sorcerers x1
--Crone x1
-Stationed in Altair (16):
--Cabalists x1
--Sorcerer x1
--Crone x1
-Stationed in Delta Pavonis (28)
--Cabalists ×1

--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince
--Cabalists x10
--Sorcerers x2
--Swarm Fighter x2
--Coven Warship x1

Banked: 1R
Income: 8R
Own Assets Raided: 0R
Other's Assets Raided: 13R
Patron House Support: 10R
Available for this turn: (1+8-0+13+10) = 32R


[X] Build:
-[X] Defense Grid (8R), Altair (16)
-[X] Industry Source: HR Department (2R), Altair (16) x2
-[X] Industry Source: HR Department (2R), Ross 154 (15) x1

[X] Train:
-[X] Crone (5R) x3
-[X] Sorcerer (3R) x1

[X] Research:
-[X] Coven Forge Pit, Special Unit (Research Continued)

Current Bank: 0R

Force movements will be DM:ed to Lop later.
OC: Kinda suck at roleplaying but here we go

IC: While most guests at the ball were enjoying themselves , made new acquaintanceships and business in private chambers of one of many Zion palaces meting was taking place, but it was not any meeting, but meeting between six heads of minor houses from Orion Arm.

Heads of house Dorn,Tetzel,Terra,Louhi,Delapierre and of course the host of the meeting head of house Zion.

Now you may wonder how come they are at the ball while being in the palace at the same time, well answer is simple they had members from their houses pose as them,it was masquerade after all, to avoid curious eyes and gossipers. Certain Lady Coletta from House Volantia comes to lord Zion's mind.

But back at the topic. Lord Zion decided to break the silence and speak "Dear Lords of respective houses of Orion Arm, I'm pretty sure that you are all aware of current situation inside of sector and there is i would say rivalry between us. But as you are all aware as long as we fight we will never amount to anything else but pawns in the games of the powerful and dance according to their whims, our subjects subverted to horrors of never ending war while longing for prosperity and safety former house Atractus offered all the while we invest more and more of our resources to war instead of betterment of our subjects life's, a war that ultimately will not change nothing and is only meant to maintain status quo. As such i called you all here to propose a possibility of stopping this senseless struggle and prospect of peaceful unification." Lord Zion finished speaking and waited to see a response from other House Heads.

OC: @TerrisH, @SteelWriter77, @Silversun17, @Chopak, @Paroni .

And @Lop officially this is just a masquerade, i didn't really go and told everyone that we are going to form netsphere (or am i advocating for unification publicly for all to see) and even if we agree to a prospect of peaceful unification or alliance netsphere will maybe still be far off until we are ready to have a go at Great Houses. Now we are just checking the ground and if we agree devising plan on how to go about this
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@Lop in case of this raid i had a defense Grids build in system 5,6,7,8,11,12 on top of system 5 having a bunch of soldiers in it, while systems 24,25,26,27 and 30 had troops stationed in them, so shouldn't those Grids and troops defend those systems and i should had throw far larger number of dices than those three as i had some form of defense in all of my systems?
Not to mention that i retreated from system 17 and didn't have any industry there.
(If you are using number of industries for raids then i will say that in that case raid on system 27 couldn't produce 6 R's as system only has one industry, if you are going by the old system then ignore this)

And i believe that Chopak (house Delapierre) said that he will attend the party .

Thank you, in an hour or two I'm going to edit my post the station forces feature, because I desperately need a way to know who has forces where, and how many as the turns change
Thank you, in an hour or two I'm going to edit my post the station forces feature, because I desperately need a way to know who has forces where, and how many as the turns change
You probably have a better idea, but here is a suggestion anyway, just to make sure that you can focus on writing instead of mechanics.

This setup only has you do the following manually: inputting the orders and rolls, evaluating industry changes after combat, and reporting the results to players. Everything else comes out automatically, unless you want to do it manually.

A basic setup:

Data Tables (Excel sheets, Arrays with your preferred language, whatevs):
1. Orders, by House.
2. Previous cycle forces after resolving, by system.
3. Current cycle forces before resolving, by system.
4. Current cycle forces involved in combat, by combat.
5. Rolls, by combat.
6. Current cycle forces after resolving, by system.
7. Losses and combat results, by House.

Work Per Cycle:
Manual filling:
-Player order input -> 1. Orders. (This could be almost fully automatic as well, if player order input was reliably structured. That's a fool's hope though, so its better to just do this by hand. Remember to mark the force's Owner, which system the force is in, where it is coming from, if it is doing attack or raiding, and which player it will target if any.)
-Player rolls -> 5. Rolls.
-7. Losses and combat results, by House. -> Industry losses and gains, by House (Could do this automatically, but that requires you to keep track of industries as well. Probably easier to just look at the combat results and declare any industry changes manually.)

Automatic filling:
-1. Orders -> 3. Current cycle before resolving (Just iterate through the orders and copy forces to the right systems.)
-3. Current cycle forces before resolving, by system. -> 4. Current cycle forces involved in combat, by combat. (Iterate through the forces in systems. If forces in system are attacking or raiding someone, both defender and attacker forces in the system are copied to table 4. (combat))
-4. Current cycle forces involved in combat.; 5. Rolls, by combat. -> 7. Losses and combat results, by House. (Some code here to resolve the fights, and to calculate R gained or lost in fights)
-3. Current cycle forces before resolving, by system.; 7. Losses and combat results, by House. -> 6. Current cycle forces after resolving, by system. (Some code here to correctly place forces according to combat results)

That's it. Show at least tables 1, (6), and 7 (and industry losses/gains) to players, and the cycle's work is done.

I know all this is very basics, but maybe it saves you some work, as a plan to check your own idea against if nothing else. It also a very hurried work, so caution in implementing required.
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Real question here is how much did i lost as for one system 17 literally wasn't in my possession on top of other things and i don't intend to pay it up, and as said before i had troops stationed across the every system that doesn't have defense grids.
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You probably have a better idea, but here is a suggestion anyway, just to make sure that you can focus on writing instead of mechanics.

This setup only has you do the following manually: inputting the orders and rolls, evaluating industry changes after combat, and reporting the results to players. Everything else comes out automatically, unless you want to do it manually.

A basic setup:

Data Tables (Excel sheets, Arrays with your preferred language, whatevs):
1. Orders, by House.
2. Previous cycle forces after resolving, by system.
3. Current cycle forces before resolving, by system.
4. Current cycle forces involved in combat, by combat.
5. Rolls, by combat.
6. Current cycle forces after resolving, by system.
7. Losses and combat results, by House.

Work Per Cycle:
Manual filling:
-Player order input -> 1. Orders. (This could be almost fully automatic as well, if player order input was reliably structured. That's a fool's hope though, so its better to just do this by hand. Remember to mark the force's Owner, which system the force is in, where it is coming from, if it is doing attack or raiding, and which player it will target if any.)
-Player rolls -> 5. Rolls.
-7. Losses and combat results, by House. -> Industry losses and gains, by House (Could do this automatically, but that requires you to keep track of industries as well. Probably easier to just look at the combat results and declare any industry changes manually.)

Automatic filling:
-1. Orders -> 3. Current cycle before resolving (Just iterate through the orders and copy forces to the right systems.)
-3. Current cycle forces before resolving, by system. -> 4. Current cycle forces involved in combat, by combat. (Iterate through the forces in systems. If forces in system are attacking or raiding someone, both defender and attacker forces in the system are copied to table 4. (combat))
-4. Current cycle forces involved in combat.; 5. Rolls, by combat. -> 7. Losses and combat results, by House. (Some code here to resolve the fights, and to calculate R gained or lost in fights)
-3. Current cycle forces before resolving, by system.; 7. Losses and combat results, by House. -> 6. Current cycle forces after resolving, by system. (Some code here to correctly place forces according to combat results)

That's it. Show at least tables 1, (6), and 7 (and industry losses/gains) to players, and the cycle's work is done.

I know all this is very basics, but maybe it saves you some work, as a plan to check your own idea against if nothing else. It also a very hurried work, so caution in implementing required.
Real question here is how much did i lost as for one system 17 literally wasn't in my possession on top of other things and i don't intend to pay it up, and as said before i had troops stationed across the every system that doesn't have defense grids.

I like those charts, I'll have to look into google's version of them and see how work-intensive they are.

As for Star, if you had soldiers stationed on all raided systems, or at least a defense grid, then I'll null your income and troop loss, though I'll allow House Louhi to keep their raided funds since I'm having trouble keeping track of everyone's stationing. Worse comes to worse, I'll come up with a system where players post some numerical code to indicate to me what systems have forces stationed in them, and which don't. Something I can quick reference and isn't to complicated for players to add to their posts, and then I can selectively choose what I'm searching for when I'm making updates. This should also help me ask for the correct number of dice from each player
I like those charts, I'll have to look into google's version of them and see how work-intensive they are.

As for Star, if you had soldiers stationed on all raided systems, or at least a defense grid, then I'll null your income and troop loss, though I'll allow House Louhi to keep their raided funds since I'm having trouble keeping track of everyone's stationing. Worse comes to worse, I'll come up with a system where players post some numerical code to indicate to me what systems have forces stationed in them, and which don't. Something I can quick reference and isn't to complicated for players to add to their posts, and then I can selectively choose what I'm searching for when I'm making updates. This should also help me ask for the correct number of dice from each player
In my case it's really simple, where and wich of my forces were stationed was in my orders all along.
Those that weren't in the order were in system 5 where they were before.

Basically my advice would be to keep where we station our forces in our stats and only change them when we change the orders.

Like with defense Grids , basically just go at my stats and you'll see where all defense Grids are located under military assets.
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OC: Kinda suck at roleplaying but here we go

IC: While most guests at the ball were enjoying themselves , made new acquaintanceships and business in private chambers of one of many Zion palaces meting was taking place, but it was not any meeting, but meeting between six heads of minor houses from Orion Arm.

Heads of house Dorn,Tetzel,Terra,Louhi,Delapierre and of course the host of the meeting head of house Zion.

Now you may wonder how come they are at the ball while being in the palace at the same time, well answer is simple they had members from their houses pose as them,it was masquerade after all, to avoid curious eyes and gossipers. Certain Lady Coletta from House Volantia comes to lord Zion's mind.

But back at the topic. Lord Zion decided to break the silence and speak "Dear Lords of respective houses of Orion Arm, I'm pretty sure that you are all aware of current situation inside of sector and there is i would say rivalry between us. But as you are all aware as long as we fight we will never amount to anything else but pawns in the games of the powerful and dance according to their whims, our subjects subverted to horrors of never ending war while longing for prosperity and safety former house Atractus offered all the while we invest more and more of our resources to war instead of betterment of our subjects life's, a war that ultimately will not change nothing and is only meant to maintain status quo. As such i called you all here to propose a possibility of stopping this senseless struggle and prospect of peaceful unification." Lord Zion finished speaking and waited to see a response from other House Heads.

"Depending on the terms... House Terra would be agreeable to this effort. We are already limiting our raiding tot he bare minimal to satisfy *grimace* our first patron. we are already working along a similar line of thought, though we are still unsure of it's full viability." He pauses for a second "We should not rush into this matter. You have not seen what our Patrons can bring against us, and it would only be their distrust between them that would limit it. If our threat, or their ire, exceeds that... We have no hope to stand against that right now."