Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

" That is why we don't move openly yet. Continue raiding but use robotic and other non-self aware forces to do it while keeping your intellgant forces on the defense. This will allow us to use the enemy's wealth to arm our own forces.

In addition plans are in motion already to assemble a shared military force to be the tip of our spear and even the odds."
IC:" House Dorn agrees with the sentiment that we all must tread carefully in this uncertain time, and as a show of good faith, I request to help with the plans of House Tetzel to create a united army, I feel that the knowledge of Biological matters will be of a great use for creation of perfect soldiers." Albern knew that he would have to work with the other houses, as much as he feels intense loathing for some people here, he is not able to fight against the great Houses alone and making them require his house in some fashion is good for survival

OC: hope this is good for the discussion, also giving why House Dorn is working with someone he went to war with (wth was past me thinking)
and @Silversun17 hope this is a good IC reason for me to help with the "Project"
"Sadly Project Spark and it's off shoots would have little to gain from the genesmiths of House Dorm but I think I have a plan for them that you will like better any how. Tell me have you heard the tale of the Three Arrows?" With a touch of slight of hand an arrow manafests in my palm. "A single arrow no matter how finely crafted..." I close my hand and squeeze before letting splinters fall to the table. "...will shatter under a modest amount of force. However what if you had three?" Three more appear in my hand before I begin to squeeze once more.

"The genesmiths of House Dorm, the Cybernetists of House Delapierre if gain their support and the new generation of infantry weapons desended from the particle cannons of my Twin Fangs and the power source that makes Project Spark possible. All of this united to forge a new generation of soliders using both the finest volunteers and painstakingly crafted clone commados. What say you My Friend? Would you be interested in undertaking such a project?" I release the unbroken arrows letting them drop to the table. one of them, bearing House Dorn's crest, rolled to a stop in front of the man.
I like those charts, I'll have to look into google's version of them and see how work-intensive they are.

As for Star, if you had soldiers stationed on all raided systems, or at least a defense grid, then I'll null your income and troop loss, though I'll allow House Louhi to keep their raided funds since I'm having trouble keeping track of everyone's stationing. Worse comes to worse, I'll come up with a system where players post some numerical code to indicate to me what systems have forces stationed in them, and which don't. Something I can quick reference and isn't to complicated for players to add to their posts, and then I can selectively choose what I'm searching for when I'm making updates. This should also help me ask for the correct number of dice from each player
Players can't know where other Houses' troops are stationed at, since you made the station order to be instantly active, and orders secret.

For example: in Star's case, House Zion posted their Force Movements publicly, so it is easy to see that some forces were Stationed that turn. However, if Star had sent those orders secretly to Lop, or sent some other additional orders secretly to Lop, there is no way for me to have known where Star's forces will be Stationed at.

Basically you can have:
1. Players doing the checking of enemy forces + Totally public orders (no changing orders once posted) + Instant Stationing
2. Players doing the checking of enemy forces + Secret orders + Stationing will only be resolved at next turn start
3. QM does the checking of enemy forces + Secret orders + Instant Stationing

You can't have all three of instant stationing, secret orders, and players checking enemy forces.
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"Sadly Project Spark and it's off shoots would have little to gain from the genesmiths of House Dorm but I think I have a plan for them that you will like better any how. Tell me have you heard the tale of the Three Arrows?" With a touch of slight of hand an arrow manafests in my palm. "A single arrow no matter how finely crafted..." I close my hand and squeeze before letting splinters fall to the table. "...will shatter under a modest amount of force. However what if you had three?" Three more appear in my hand before I begin to squeeze once more.
"The genesmiths of House Dorm, the Cybernetists of House Delapierre if gain their support and the new generation of infantry weapons desended from the particle cannons of my Twin Fangs and the power source that makes Project Spark possible. All of this united to forge a new generation of soliders using both the finest volunteers and painstakingly crafted clone commados. What say you My Friend? Would you be interested in undertaking such a project?" I release the unbroken arrows letting them drop to the table. one of them, bearing House Dorn's crest, rolled to a stop in front of the man.
Lord Albern Dorn always saw himself as a practical man who made sure to take opportunity when it presented itself, and now a new opportunity laid in front of him. Using the mechanical progress House Delapierre was cable of, with his own biological creations. Already his mind was racing at new creations this plan could allow for House Dorn. he stared straight at the head of house Tetzel with a grin "House Dorn gladly accepts this offer, and hopes to exceed all expectations" maybe now he would gain the facilities necessary for his magnum opus.
Lord Louhi explains that he as well has come to the conclusion that for the faithful of Mother's Love to be left alone as they wish, the meddling of the Great Houses in Orion's Arm's business must indeed stop. Thus, after careful consideration, Lord Louhi informs that House Louhi will be a part of the rebellion. He also stresses that utmost care must be taken not to reveal the plan by showing any surprising co-operation before the time is right.

Thus, Lord Louhi proposes that House Louhi continue externally to behave as nothing had changed, and suggests other Houses to do the same, to avoid getting caught too soon. Naturally, a secret and guarded communication channel should be created, and everyone should be kept in the loop as to major proceedings and plans for the future.
Lord Albern Dorn always saw himself as a practical man who made sure to take opportunity when it presented itself, and now a new opportunity laid in front of him. Using the mechanical progress House Delapierre was cable of, with his own biological creations. Already his mind was racing at new creations this plan could allow for House Dorn. he stared straight at the head of house Tetzel with a grin "House Dorn gladly accepts this offer, and hopes to exceed all expectations" maybe now he would gain the facilities necessary for his magnum opus.
Once the Spark/daggers are complete I can begin work on the Fang Rifles and i can use the Dagger's power core as a bargining chip to gain Delapierre's aid in the project.
Lord Louhi explains that he as well has come to the conclusion that for the faithful of Mother's Love to be left alone as they wish, the meddling of the Great Houses in Orion's Arm's business must indeed stop. Thus, after careful consideration, Lord Louhi informs that House Louhi will be a part of the rebellion. He also stresses that utmost care must be taken not to reveal the plan by showing any surprising co-operation before the time is right.

Thus, Lord Louhi proposes that House Louhi continue externally to behave as nothing had changed, and suggests other Houses to do the same, to avoid getting caught too soon. Naturally, a secret and guarded communication channel should be created, and everyone should be kept in the loop as to major proceedings and plans for the future.
"I all that we ask with your raids is a degree of caution in your choice of targets and the forces you use. This will keep the deception and allow you to better arm yourself on the coin of our 'generious patron'. As for your concerns about your faith, when the time comes I intend on pushing for a freedom of religion clause when we pen our Imperial Compact which should ensure your faith's desire to live in peace."
House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds), Server Farm, Mining Guilds and Foundries, (2) Unknow Industry Source

Systems with Dorn Presence: System Five and Four

Trade Deals: House Dorn/ House O'Rourik, House Dorn/House Darkridge, House Dorn/ House Delapierre

[ ] Lord Albern Dorn-Head of House Dorn
[ ] Lady Elise Dorn-
Matriarch of House Dorn
[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn
[] Perfect Specimen #2-

Military: Two units of Troopers , Four Units of Hunter-killers, three units of Elite Specimens, Two units of Commandos, one unit of Mercenary Force, two units of Cabalists, one unit of Zero-G Fighter and Defense Grids in systems Four and Five

Current R: 8 R

[X] Build: Labratory Network (6R)
[X] Grow: one unit of Hunter-killers (1R)

[X] Raid System 24 with two units of Hunter-killers and Hero unit [X] Perfect Specimen #2 (with orders to avoid damage to essential personal and facilities for the continued function of life)

Research Project: Begin "Project Arrow- Genetics component"
Bank: 1R
SteelWriter77 threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Raid (to keep up the farce) Total: 45
13 13 15 15 3 3 14 14
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House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds), Server Farm, Mining Guilds and Foundries, (2) Unknow Industry Source

Systems with Dorn Presence: System Five and Four

Trade Deals: House Dorn/ House O'Rourik, House Dorn/House Darkridge, House Dorn/ House Delapierre

[ ] Lord Albern Dorn-Head of House Dorn
[ ] Lady Elise Dorn-
Matriarch of House Dorn
[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn
[] Perfect Specimen #2-

Military: Two units of Troopers , Four Units of Hunter-killers, three units of Elite Specimens, Two units of Commandos, one unit of Mercenary Force, two units of Cabalists, one unit of Zero-G Fighter and Defense Grids in systems Four and Five

Current R: 8 R

[X] Grow: one unit of Hunter-killers (1R)

[X] Raid System 24 with two units of Hunter-killers and Hero unit [X] Perfect Specimen #2 (with orders to avoid damage to essential personal and facilities for the continued function of life)

Bank: 7R

do you have research facilities? if so you could do "Project Arrow- Genetics component" I'll be doing "Project Arrow- Weapons" next turn. at that point its a matter of what Delapierre will want in exchange for "Project Arrow- Cybernetics component" then starting to build the second hidden army using Project Arrow.

also another this:

IC: There is one weakness in our plans, the lack of an Imperial Navy. Is anyone interested in taking the lead on this aspect of our plans?
As I'm looking over people's posts Im realizing you guys are already listing where your soldiers are and in what systems, so I think I just need to pay closer attention. That being said,

I've been pretty fast and loose with the rules waiting for our first real conflict, but I think we're all comfortable enough now that I can be a bit more strict, so

-Make sure somewhere on your post you have a spoilered section listing where your troops are. All troops not listed will be assumed to be back in your home system. Same goes for defense buildings of any kind.

-Raids may be spoiled or DM'd

That's all I can think of right now, but it should work for what we need
Income: 8B+ 4I +2T= 14I
House Darkridge
Shipping routes (1R)
Dockyards (1R)
Demeter Food production (1R)
Onyx Depths mining Corporation (1R)
Lucentertainment Studios (1R)
healthcare industry (1R)
education industry (1R)
energy industry (1R)
Trade deal- House Anino (1R)
Trade deal- House Zion (1R)
Trade deal- House Tetzel (1R)
Trade deal- House O'Rourik (1R)
Local netsphere

Military force:
Robotics facility
Defense Grid
training facility
Knights of Valor

Military forces:
Combat drones
Special forces
Zero g fighter
Psionic Knight

Important figures:
Lord Alexander Darkridge- Head of House Darkridge
Hugo Darkridge- Commerce Viceroy and brother to Lord Darkridge
Prince Helios Darkridge- Greatest swordsmen in the galaxy

[x] build

-Bio Complex (4R)

Bank: 12I
Movement detected from House Theta...

Edit: (Those were some shit dice :c)
Daskter threw 3 20-faced dice. Total: 22
5 5 11 11 6 6
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House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Sol Agro Domes (+1R)
Sol Dockyards (+1R)
Sol Comm. Guilds (+1R)
Sol Mining Clans (+1R)
Sol Foundries (+1R)
Luna Node Towers (+1R)
Sol Order Headquarters
Sol Shipyard
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)
System 2 Navigator Guild (+1R)
Defenses System 2
System 2 Factory
System 2 Training Ground

House Zion (+1R)
House Dorn (+1R)
House Delapierre (+1R)
House Darkridge (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray

System 1
Psnonic Knights
1st Cruiser Squadron-Warships
System 2
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Dragoons (Mercenary Elite Infantry)
Special Forces- "The Highlanders"
1st Volunteer Rifles (Infantry)
2nd Volunteer Rifles (Infantry)
3rd Volunteer Rifles (Infantry)

Start: 9

[X] Build System 2
-Mobile Armour
-Industry Source
-Industry Source

Bank: 0

Edit: Ouch
Uhtread threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Secret 1 Total: 33
6 6 1 1 9 9 17 17
Uhtread threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Secret 2 Total: 1
1 1
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House Zion stats

System 5 (9 R's )
System 6 (8 R's )
System 7 (8 R's )
System 8 (8 R's )
System 11 (8 R's )
System 12 (7 R's )
System 24 (1 R's )
System 25 (1 R's )
System 26 (1 R's )
System 27 ( 1 R's )
System 30 ( 1 R's )
House O'Rurik/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terang-Bulan/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Theta/Zion trade pact(1R's )
House Tetzel/ Zion trade deal (1 R' )
House Volantia/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Darkridge/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Delapierre/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terra/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
[ ] Lord Zion- Head of House Zion
[ ] Lady Zion- Matriarch of House Zion
[X] Analicia Zion- The Reaper
Defense Grid (system 5,6,7,8,11,12)
Robotic Facility
Order Head-Quarters
Witch Spires
Void Gate
Laboratory Network

Active military units :
1 Zero-G Warframe
1 Shining Being
1 Dark Mater Phantasm
2 units of Combat Drones
2 Elite Mercenary Units
1 units of Mercenary Corps
1 units of Warbots
2 units of Psinionic Knights
3 units of Vanguard
1 Sorcerer
2 Cabalists

System 5 (Defense Grid, 1 Zero-G Warframe, 1 Shining Being, 1 Dark Mater Phantasm, 1 unit of Warbots, 1 Sorcerer,2 Cabalists )
System 6 ( Defense Grid )
System 7 ( Defense Grid )
System 8 (Defense Grid )
System 11 ( Defense Grid )
System 12 ( Defense Grid )
System 24 (1 unit of Psinionic Knights )
System 25 (1 unit of Vanguard )
System 26 (1 unit of Vanguard )
System 27 (1 unit of Vanguard )
System 30 ( 1 unit of Psinionic Knights )

House Zion actions
Budget (31 R's)
-[X] Industry Source (system 12)
-[X] Industry Source (system 27)
-[X] Industry Source (system 27)
-[X] Industry Source (system 27)
-[X] Industry Source (system 27)
-[X] Industry Source (system 27)
-[X] Industry Source (system 27)
-[X] Industry Source (system 27)
-[X] Industry Source (system 24)
-[X] Industry Source (system 24)
-[X] Industry Source (system 24)
-[X] Industry Source (system 24)
-[X] Industry Source (system 24)
-[X] Industry Source (system 24)
-[X] Industry Source (system 24)

Left : 1 R's

[X] Station forces
-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones (system 6)
-[X] 1 unit of Combat Drones (system 7)
-[X] 1 Elite Mercenary Unit (system 8)
-[X] 1 Elite Mercenary Unit (system 11)
-[X] 1 Mercenary Corps (system 12)

@Lop all systems and ther current defense are listed under System Defense, troops that are in the order are in military action and you can count them to be in those systems that they are going to.
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I'm going to take a break this weekend from Star Dynasties to run a weekend one-shot similar to this one, but its a straight fantasy ww2 wargame. That should give some players time to catch up and plan, and for me to recharge my batteries. Star Dynasties resumes monday, stay tuned!
Eon Wars Intro
I'm going to run a couple-day game of a new multi-player quest, but I'm going to put it in this thread so as not to spam the front page

Welcome to Eon Wars, the game of galaxy-spanning conflict.

Some galaxies are sparse...others are crowded. In Eon Wars, players find themselves small fish in the latter. This galaxy is crowded, and ancient, and full of powerful empires and beings that have been around forever. Players must try and survive in never-ending conflict, spreading their armies and bases throughout the galaxy or risk being wiped out. For many rise up, but few manage to stay...

Players may choose from the following leader type. Mechanically there is no difference. This just determines your army look and flavor.

Immortal Mummy

Commerce Master

Star Vampire


Super Organism

Dynastic Noble

Once you've selected an Ruler type, you are now ready. Each turn begins with players rolling 3d20. Any or all of the 3d20 can be used to seed your bases in a new location. You may also use any or all of the dice to upgrade already-existing bases. Any of the 3d20 can also be used towards rolling up Servants.

Here are the locations. For your first turn, for instance, if you wanted to send out three bases to three different locations, you would specify where you're sending your forces (location 1,3,6 for example), and roll 3d20

Or perhaps you just wanted to establish one base, in one location. You would specify the location, and dedicate all 3d20 to trying to establish it as well as you could. If you exceed the limit by enough to start a new base, the points go to that.

When you roll to establish and upgrade bases, you're trying to get a cumulative roll of 20. You must at least roll 5 to establish a base. Once a base is established, you can dedicate dice on subsequent turns to try and get it to 20.

Dice Roll 5 10 15 20
Base Type Outpost Base Spire Fortress
Each location is unique, and already occupied. Bases generate armies, which you add to the already-crowded conflict. Your armies generate combat dice, which are different from the 3d20 you roll each turn. Locations also have combat dice, which they're rolling against you. If your combat dice are higher than the locations, and the other players, you might have a chance at sticking around! Each Location's combat dice are different, and thus some locations are safer than others. But be careful, they don't stay that way for long...

Location Names Description Combat Level Maximum bases per player
1 The Fringe A haven for scum and villainy... 5 2
2 Free Systems Let us be a beacon for freedom! 5 2
3 Gorganox Empire Glory to the Gorganox! 5 2
4 Bryn Federation There is much danger in the galaxy, but there is strength in unity 5 2
5 The Void Dangerous to navigate...too many black holes... 5 2
6 The Corpse An ancient, powerful entity, long dead. Now everyone in the galaxy wants to mine a piece of it away... 10 3
7 The Golden Route Trade! Beautiful trade! Every which way there are ships bearing goods! 10 3
8 Erata Zone So many empires and groups! There has been conflict here somewhere for centuries! 10 3
9 Fa'Sheen Collective A region home to feminine crystal warriors who do battle with reptilian space pirates 10 3
10 Eternal Empire How old is the Eternal Empire? See how gluttonous and lazy it has gotten on its conquests... 10 3
11 Symosis Region The beautiful plant-like beings known as the Symosis originated here. Now powerful corporate empires hold sway 15 3
12 Rebulon One of the busiest places in the galaxy! The center of commerce! 15 3
13 Tritan Only the being known as Tritan would be so arrogant as to try and unite the galaxy under law and order... 15 3
14 Place of Wandering Moons A strange region of space...many monasteries and temples reside here, with legions of devoted followers 15 3
15 United Maradian They say they are united, but for all their wealth and power, the Maradian are their own worst enemies... 15 2
16 High Valan Woe to Valan, how the mighty have fallen...and yet, there is so much power still to be found there...many powerful factions as well... 15 2
17 The Circus This region is home to a battle that has been raging for so long between so many factions, that none remember its cause. Be weary, lest you be captured and pressed into service 15 2
18 Pendulum Region What ancient beings created such incredible mega-structures? None know, but many powerful groups lay claim to them 15 2
19 Final Kurn Empire The galaxy should be worried that they have adopted such a name for themselves...for the Kurn have been a scourge for too long.. 15 2
20 Wa'rol So much to see! So much to do! The Wa'rol may yet become the kings of the galaxy! 15 2

Interested players may choose their leader type, and allot their 3d20 how they choose...

Once you've established bases, each base phase generates units. These units give you access to combat dice. For instance, if you had an outpost in a location, and where an Immortal Mummy, you'd be able to roll 1d5 at that location. Don't forget, bases that upgrade generate new combat in addition to combat already generated. So an immortal mummy with a base would have 1d5 and a 1d10 to roll for combat in that location
Ruler Outpost (1d5) Base (1d10) Spire (1d15) Fortress (1d20)
Immortal Mummy Cyborgs Mecha Guardians Scarabs Orbital Pyramid
Commerce Master Soldiers Mercenary Mech Company Escort Craft Battleship
Star Vampire Revenents Predators Terror Ships Star Dragon
Overlord Troopers Battle Mechs Fighters Battle Station
Super Organism Drones Hunters Swarm Hive Ship
Dynastic Noble Housecarls Paladin Mechs Shining Comets Capital Ship
There's one final component to this game, and that involves Servants. You can use any of your 3d20 at the start of a turn to roll for one. A Servant is acquired when you reach 20 cumulative roll

Servant Type Agent Champion Priest
Level 1 An Outpost can be saved from total destruction One Outpost unit rolls an automatic 5 on the 1d5 Roll 1d20 each turn for unit upgrades
Level 2 Reroll one of the 3d20 Two outpost units roll an automatic 5 on the 1d5 Roll 2d20 each turn for unit upgrades
Level 3 Reroll two of the 3d20 One base unit rolls an automatic 10 on the 1d10 Roll 220 each turn for unit upgrades
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Ruler type: Super Organism

Set up myself in system four with one base

Good to see you Lop

Edit: cool a fortress and a base
SteelWriter77 threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: System four Base Total: 33
9 9 14 14 10 10
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Ruler type: Star Vampire

Set me up in system 8
Star threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Base Total: 26
15 15 9 9 2 2
Battle rolls
Star threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Battle Total: 4
3 3 1 1
Star threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Battle Total: 10
10 10
Star threw 1 15-faced dice. Reason: Battl Total: 12
12 12
Star threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Battl Total: 16
16 16
Eon Wars Turn 1
Since players will be wiped out a lot throughout this game, I'll go ahead and post a turn to demonstrate it

Combat rolls:
I have a lot of rolling to do

>A Super Organism has invaded the territory of the Bryn Federation with drones, hunters, swarms and a hive ship! <48>
>Bryn Federation systems were caught by surprise! <5>
>None of the Super Organism's forces were damaged!

>A Star Vampire has appeared in the Erata Zone with revenents, predators, terror ships and a void dragon! <42>
>The Erata Zone empires were caught by suprise! <10>
>None of the Star Vampires forces were damaged!

Location Names Description Combat Level Maximum bases per player
1 The Fringe A haven for scum and villainy... 5 2
2 Free Systems Let us be a beacon for freedom! 5 2
3 Gorganox Empire Glory to the Gorganox! 5 2
4 Bryn Federation There is much danger in the galaxy, but there is strength in unity 40 2
5 The Void Dangerous to navigate...too many black holes... 5 2
6 The Corpse An ancient, powerful entity, long dead. Now everyone in the galaxy wants to mine a piece of it away... 10 3
7 The Golden Route Trade! Beautiful trade! Every which way there are ships bearing goods! 10 3
8 Erata Zone So many empires and groups! There has been conflict here somewhere for centuries! 40 3
9 Fa'Sheen Collective A region home to feminine crystal warriors who do battle with reptilian space pirates 10 3
10 Eternal Empire How old is the Eternal Empire? See how gluttonous and lazy it has gotten on its conquests... 10 3
11 Symosis Region The beautiful plant-like beings known as the Symosis originated here. Now powerful corporate empires hold sway 15 3
12 Rebulon One of the busiest places in the galaxy! The center of commerce! 15 3
13 Tritan Only the being known as Tritan would be so arrogant as to try and unite the galaxy under law and order... 15 3
14 Place of Wandering Moons A strange region of space...many monasteries and temples reside here, with legions of devoted followers 15 3
15 United Maradian They say they are united, but for all their wealth and power, the Maradian are their own worst enemies... 15 2
16 High Valan Woe to Valan, how the mighty have fallen...and yet, there is so much power still to be found there...many powerful factions as well... 15 2
17 The Circus This region is home to a battle that has been raging for so long between so many factions, that none remember its cause. Be weary, lest you be captured and pressed into service 15 2
18 Pendulum Region What ancient beings created such incredible mega-structures? None know, but many powerful groups lay claim to them 15 2
19 Final Kurn Empire The galaxy should be worried that they have adopted such a name for themselves...for the Kurn have been a scourge for too long.. 15 2
20 Wa'rol So much to see! So much to do! The Wa'rol may yet become the kings of the galaxy! 15 2

Notice how the regions combat levels have reacted strongly to your presence. You'll have to work hard to maintain your foothold, or spread elsewhere and return when the combat level has subsided...

Ruler Outpost (1d5) Base (1d10) Spire (1d15) Fortress (1d20)
Immortal Mummy Cyborgs Mecha Guardians Scarabs Orbital Pyramid
Commerce Master Soldiers Mercenary Mech Company Escort Craft Battleship
Star Vampire Revenents Predators Terror Ships Star Dragon
Overlord Troopers Battle Mechs Fighters Battle Station
Super Organism Drones Hunters Swarm Hive Ship
Dynastic Noble Housecarls Paladin Mechs Shining Comets Capital Ship
You can use any of your 3d20 at the start of a turn to roll for a Servant. One is acquired when you reach 20 cumulative roll

Servant Type Agent Champion Priest
Level 1 An Outpost can be saved from total destruction One Outpost unit rolls an automatic 5 on the 1d5 Roll 1d20 each turn for unit upgrades
Level 2 Reroll one of the 3d20 Two outpost units roll an automatic 5 on the 1d5 Roll 2d20 each turn for unit upgrades
Level 3 Reroll two of the 3d20 One base unit rolls an automatic 10 on the 1d10 Roll 3d20 each turn for unit upgrades

Players may now allot and roll their 3d20's