Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

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Welcome to the year 5559, Universal Century. Our story takes place in a small sector of the...
Star Dynasties: The Stakes and the Options



Welcome to the year 5559, Universal Century. Our story takes place in a small sector of the galaxy known as Orion's Arm. It is here we find the Great Houses of Solunus, system-spanning dynasties with claims to powerful genetic lineages.

These Great Houses are many, for the interlocking and complex systems that keeps them in power have existed for almost three centuries. In fact, the feudal ways of Orion's Arm have grown so twisted and stratified, that it has come to pass that only noble genetic lineages can do anything of importance.

Because of the growth and expansion of the sector, Great Houses will often create smaller houses, or off-shoot lineages, to manage things. It is this practice that is going to set in motion the struggle of the Age. One of the Great Houses has fallen, possibly the greatest. And the other Great Houses are quick to pick apart its corpse.

Thousands of smaller Great Houses are being created, and tasked with one thing; assert control over the former territory of the Fallen House Atractus.

Star Dynasties Quest is multiplayer army-developer. Players will rush to establish industries and gather armies. Based on the players choices, lore will develop for their Lesser Houses.

If you wish to join, make up a House name and roll 1D30. That's your starting system.

You have 2 Resources (R). You may choose an action from the following:

[] Build (List restricted to 2 R items and less)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
-Training Facility (2R) (allows you to train soldiers)
-Birth Chambers (2R) (allows you to grow troopers)
-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)

[] Hire Mercenary Force (List restricted to 2 R items and less)
-Mercenary Corps (2R) (specify type if you want, its an infantry warband)

[] Send Forces (requires forces)

[] Hero Action (requires hero)

[] Industry Action (requires Industry)

[] Diplomacy Action (requires House development)
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Update Order and Jumping In
[X] House O'Rourik
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source

In the Cradle!


I'll group players together as they post, and if you don't post in time don't sweat it, I'll focus on late-comers with the next post. Late-joiners are welcome as well, as houses will pop up and fall with frequency if the combat gets heavy in this conflict

Monitor Report 1
[X] House O'Rourik
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source

In the Cradle!
[X] House Zion
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source
[X] House Delapierre
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source
[X] House Daybender
[X] Hire Mercenary Force
-[X] Mercenary Corps
My system is a twin star but I'm not sure what its name is since it isn't written. It could be Luhman or maybe Sirius?

[X] House Falkenhausen
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source
[X] House Valasar
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source

So do we write out our house history or is that up to you? I'd like to go the up-jumped pirate route if that is at all possible. I'm sure there will be plenty of enemy trade routes to plunder in the future.

Monitor Report #1 of the Orion's Arm conflict <Free Coalition>

Latest reports indicate that several minor houses arose in the following cycles of House Atractus's fall. Their patron houses are unknown at this time, but they are as follows:

House O'Rourik, which has sprung up in 1st System and has seized the local Tariff Houses <1 (r) per turn>

House Zion, which has sprung up in the 5th System and taken control of the local Mining Guilds <1 (r) per turn>

House Delapierre, in the 20th System, who has taken control of the Server Farms <1 (r) per turn>

House Daybender, in the 27th System, who has hired Howkarl mercenary forces <see intel photo>

House Falkenhausen, which has sprung up in the 4th system, and has seized the local Foundries <1 (r) per turn>

House Valasar, which has sprung up in the 3rd system and seized the Shipping Routes <1 (r) per turn>

(Write your own lore if you want, and I'll do my best to incorporate it. Or tell me the general look and feel you want for your house, and I'll incorporate it)

No other Intel is available at this time. The local and sector markets are in flux <1+12^> as are civilian infrastructures. Further reports will be sent as things develop.

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have, as well as 2(R) from their patron Houses

[] Build (List restricted to 3 R items and less)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
-Training Facility (2R) (allows you to train soldiers)
-Birth Chambers (2R) (allows you to grow troopers)
-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)

[] Hire Mercenary Force (List restricted to 3 R items and less)
-Mercenary Corps (2R) (specify type if you want, its an infantry warband)

[] Send Forces (requires forces)

[] Hero Action (requires hero)

[] Industry Action (requires Industry)

[] Diplomacy Action (requires House development)

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For those that want to develop the lore of their House
((I'm going to assume my twin star system is Sirius since it wasn't precise in the star chart. It could be Luhman but honestly, I'll prefer Sirius.
Who are our patron houses by the way?))

Frederik von Falkenhausen looked at his palace with a stoic face. It had barely cost him anything to build it. Of course, this fancy palace he had decided to construct couldn't compare in a matter of scale to the infrastructure he seized legally in the Sirius system which was for all anyone would care under him. He was a pragmatic man and he didn't appreciate fancy names all that much. Falkenhausen Palace would suffice.

It was a good house for his wife and many children to live in. He had sixteen of them if he recalled correctly. He entered at a slow pace the gardens of his palace. There he saw his eldest son and heir of the house, Heinrich von Falkenhausen. He was a tall man but not as tall as his father, he was in the prime of his life. Heinrich didn't inherit much from his father apart from his tall figure and handsome aristocratic face. His golden hair who fell neatly to his shoulders and cold sharp blue eyes were inherited from his mother, Hildegard.

"Father. Was your endeavor successful?" Heinrich asked calmly, his eyes never once leaving the gardens' beautiful flowers. Frederik joined him in his contemplation.

"It was but it isn't sufficient. We will need to expand our industrial capacity more before allowing ourselves to do anything else. However, Sirius is technically under our control." explained Frederik. Heinrich nodded calmly.

"I will find you a fiancé soon. You are already hitting your twenty-fourth year. I have received words that many houses like our own rose from nearby systems. It may be wise to marry you to one of them and seal an alliance." said Frederik quietly, his eyes calculating. Heinrich for the first time turned to look at his father.

"Do not worry about such things, Father. Focus on Sirius, I will handle the matter of my marital status myself and I will find us a good ally," replied Heinrich, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Frederik noticed that his eldest son was somewhat confident and so he nodded. He will let him handle the affair himself.

"Very well." Frederick acknowledged. "How are your siblings doing, by the way? I didn't see much of them since my work kept me away as you would know." inquired Frederik.

"They are doing well and..." and so both son and father continued on for an hour or so on their small talk before parting away. Their duties calling for them.

Budget: 3R
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source (-2R)
Leftover: 1R

Breaking News: The Falkenhausen are hosting a banquet next (turn) and are inviting all nearby houses. Their goal is apparently to get to know the upper-society of the Sol cluster and introduce their heir and other children to prospective fiancés.

I'm kind of wondering if what I did ^ just here is really allowed. If GM says no, I'll edit it out. I thought it would be a neat thing to do.

Patron Houses are secret for now, but the Big Five (now just 4) are House Malafax, House Belconin, House Galafrey and House Sundrii

And lore-writeups are absolutely allowed, and I'll work them in as best I can. For those who don't know what lore they want, I can fill in the blanks
For interested new players
[X] House von Aerner
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source

I'm not sure if we can still create more Houses, so if I can't I'll just remove it.

Latecomers are always welcome. Those that post I'll collect into one update, and those that post later will be worked into the next update. More frequent posters will be worked into more updates, but frequent posting isn't required.

-What happens if I fall behind in posting and other players get way ahead?

That is not a problem. This quest is more about developing your House forces and adding new elements to a growing conflict. Whether you're a new lesser House, or one that's grown greatly in power, you'll find you have a part to play and a shot at the prize.
Monitor Report 2
((I'm going to assume my twin star system is Sirius since it wasn't precise in the star chart. It could be Luhman but honestly, I'll prefer Sirius.
Who are our patron houses by the way?))

Frederik von Falkenhausen looked at his palace with a stoic face. It had barely cost him anything to build it. Of course, this fancy palace he had decided to construct couldn't compare in a matter of scale to the infrastructure he seized legally in the Sirius system which was for all anyone would care under him. He was a pragmatic man and he didn't appreciate fancy names all that much. Falkenhausen Palace would suffice.

It was a good house for his wife and many children to live in. He had sixteen of them if he recalled correctly. He entered at a slow pace the gardens of his palace. There he saw his eldest son and heir of the house, Heinrich von Falkenhausen. He was a tall man but not as tall as his father, he was in the prime of his life. Heinrich didn't inherit much from his father apart from his tall figure and handsome aristocratic face. His golden hair who fell neatly to his shoulders and cold sharp blue eyes were inherited from his mother, Hildegard.

"Father. Was your endeavor successful?" Heinrich asked calmly, his eyes never once leaving the gardens' beautiful flowers. Frederik joined him in his contemplation.

"It was but it isn't sufficient. We will need to expand our industrial capacity more before allowing ourselves to do anything else. However, Sirius is technically under our control." explained Frederik. Heinrich nodded calmly.

"I will find you a fiancé soon. You are already hitting your twenty-fourth year. I have received words that many houses like our own rose from nearby systems. It may be wise to marry you to one of them and seal an alliance." said Frederik quietly, his eyes calculating. Heinrich for the first time turned to look at his father.

"Do not worry about such things, Father. Focus on Sirius, I will handle the matter of my marital status myself and I will find us a good ally," replied Heinrich, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Frederik noticed that his eldest son was somewhat confident and so he nodded. He will let him handle the affair himself.

"Very well." Frederick acknowledged. "How are your siblings doing, by the way? I didn't see much of them since my work kept me away as you would know." inquired Frederik.

"They are doing well and..." and so both son and father continued on for an hour or so on their small talk before parting away. Their duties calling for them.

Budget: 3R
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source (-2R)
Leftover: 1R

Breaking News: The Falkenhausen are hosting a banquet next (turn) and are inviting all nearby houses. Their goal is apparently to get to know the upper-society of the Sol cluster and introduce their heir and other children to prospective fiancés.

I'm kind of wondering if what I did ^ just here is really allowed. If GM says no, I'll edit it out. I thought it would be a neat thing to do.
[X] House von Aerner
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source

I'm not sure if we can still create more Houses, so if I can't I'll just remove it.

EDIT: Looks like I spawned around a pretty small star.
House Daybreaker's Actions:

[X] Send Forces
-[X] Epsilon Eridani
[X] Build
-[X] Industry source
(0 R's left)
House Zion action

[X] House Zion's budget (3 R's)
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source

Left: (1 R's)
[x] house Terra
[x] build
-[x] Training facility

Monitor Report #2 of the Orion's Arm conflict <Free Coalition>

Latest reports indicate that 6-7 minor Houses (Ordained Genetic Lineage-see Primer A-37) are quickly spreading in the former House Atractus territories:

House Falkenhausen has gained control of the local Mining Guilds <1 (r) per turn>. Local intel indicates they are preparing to host a Traditional Noble Ball (Elite Ceremony- see Primer A-39)

A <Diplomatic Hero> has been identified: Heinrich von Falkenhausen, heir-apparent bachelor

House von Aerner has sprung up in the 21st system. They have seized the local Navigator Guilds <1 (r) per turn>

House Daybreaker sent Howcarl mercenary forces to System 31 (not yet cataloged). They were un-escorted by a fleet, but it is believed House Daybreaker's patron House supplied transport ships. The lesser House also seized Server Farms in System 27 <1 (r) per turn>

A <Warrior Hero> has been identified: Captain Olphfang, Howkarl legend

House Zion has gained control of the local Navigator's Guilds in 5th system <1 (r) per turn>

House Terra has sprung up in the 2nd System, and has established Training Facilities

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have, as well as 2(R) from their patron Houses (Everyone gets 2 turns of this)

[] Build (List restricted to 4 R items and less)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
-Training Facility (2R) (allows you to train soldiers)
-Birth Chambers (2R) (allows you to grow troopers)
-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Robotics Facility (3R) (allows you to make mechanical warriors)
-Order Head-Quarters (3R) (allows you to recruit and train space wizard knights)
-Witch Spires (3R) (allows you to hire practitioners of the dark arts)
-Factory (4R) (allows you to construct mobile armor)
-Bio Complex (4R) (allows you to grow large, powerful xenos)
-Defense Grid (4R) (protects your holdings)

[] Hire Mercenary Force (List restricted to 4 R items and less)
-Mercenary Corps (2R) (specify type if you want, its an infantry warband)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify Number)

[] Hero Action
(No hero actions necessary)

[] Industry Action (requires Established Industry)

[] Diplomacy Action

[] Train (Training Facilities)
-Infantry Corp 1(r)
-Special Forces 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

An Event has been created by House Falkenhausen <Grand Ball> Intel indicates representatives from the Great Houses Malafax and Galafrey will be present. Indicate <Diplomacy Action> to attend.
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Monitor Report 3
[X] Build
-[X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

von Aerner Reserves: 1R
House Zion action

[X] House Zion's budget (5 R's)
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source
[X] Build
-[X] Robotic Facility
[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Attend the Grand Ball

Left: (0 R's)
House Terra's actions.
[x] Train (Training Facilities)
-[x] -Infantry Corp 1(r)
-[x]-Infantry Corp 1(r)

soon.. soon the first of the forces would be ready. We will begin to reclaim what is rightfully ours, and return to our home...
Actions House O'Rourik

Claims to nobility for House O'Rourik stretch back into the dark days of ancient terra. More level headed historians note that while clans of that name appear at various junctures there is no proof of a direct bloodline.

The most recent incarnation climbed the ladder of chaos to dominate legal trades flows in and out of the sol system. Yokels with sharp pencils, fops beware.

[X] Build
-[X]Defense Grid (4R) (protects your holdings)
-[X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Attend the Grand Ball
-[X] show proper disdane to our Terran rivals through constant jocularity
Joining in,

House Terang-Bulan
(R at turn start: 2)

[x] Build
- [x] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
(If I can specify what industry: agriculture and related processing facilities)

(Remaining R: 0)

Monitor Report #3 of the Orion's Arm conflict <Free Coalition>

Latest Reports indicate that the lesser Houses are consolidating the vast economies of the Former Actrucus territories. This has done little to stabilize the markets internally, but neighboring sector Lending Houses have begun reopening Estate Credit to the Orion's Arm sector.

House von Aerner has gained control over the local Shipping Routes in the 21st system <1 (r) per turn>

House Zion has gained control of the local Foundries in the 5th system <1 (r) per turn> as well as establishing Robotics Facilities <See Unit Options below>

House Terra has recruited two units of Infantry in the 2nd System <see intel photo>

House Daybreaker built Birth Chambers in system 27

House O'Rourik has gained control of the Finance Guilds in System 1 <1(r) per turn>. They have also begun construction of a Defense Grid on the planets they hold

House Terang-Bulan has sprung up in the 9th System and seized control of the Agriculture Guilds <1 (r) per turn>

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have, as well as 2(R) from their patron Houses if they are still on their first 2 turns.

[] Build (List restricted to 4 R items and less)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
-Training Facility (2R) (allows you to train soldiers)
-Birth Chambers (2R) (allows you to grow troopers)
-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Robotics Facility (3R) (allows you to make mechanical warriors)
-Order Head-Quarters (3R) (allows you to recruit and train space wizard knights)
-Witch Spires (3R) (allows you to hire practitioners of the dark arts)
-Factory (4R) (allows you to construct mobile armor)
-Bio Complex (4R) (allows you to grow large, powerful xenos)
-Defense Grid (4R) (protects your holdings)

[] Hire Mercenary Force (List restricted to 4 R items and less)
-Mercenary Corps (2R) (specify type if you want, its an infantry warband)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify Number)

[] Hero Action
(No hero actions necessary)

[] Industry Action (requires Established Industry)

[] Diplomacy Action

[] Train (Training Facilities)
-Infantry Corp 1(r)
-Special Forces 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Create (Robotics Facility)
-Mechanized Infantry 2(r)
-Warbots 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Grow (Birth Chambers)
-Troopers 1(r)
-Commandos 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

A Noble Ball is taking place in System 4, hosted by House Falkhausen and attended by House Zion, House O'Rourik, House Terang-Bulan, as well as representatives from House Malafax and House Galafrey. Players in attendance may make Trade Deals that generate 1(r) between them each turn. However, the Deals are vulnerable to raiding, so protect them as best you can.

Houses may also enter into a Noble Union, uniting the two houses through a carefully orchestrated genetic pairing, or marriage.

Indicate Trade Deals annd Noble Unions through the Diplomacy action.
On Power Discrepancies Between Players
Okay, so I've been brainstorming on ways to resolve the turn discrepancy between timezones and players' ability to play, and i think I've got a way to factor it in. What I want is the ability for people to post as they can, while developing the composition of their forces the way they like (and working with my erratic and sometimes frequent update schedule). But I also want to remove the inherent unfairness of being pitted against Houses that have gotten larger through more play-time.

So. I've developed an incentive system built into the power-vacumn of the Former Territories:

Figure out which Houses are rivals (of comparable economic, political or military power) and feel free to engage them. You are free to prey on weaker Houses, but keep in mind this will cause their Patron Houses to panic and possibly supply them with loaned forces or discounted weapons. So pick your enemies wisely.
Turn 1

Turn 1- 5559 U.C, Former Atractus Territories, Orion Arm Sector

Moniter Report- Free Coalition Inteligence Alliance (FCIA)- Orion Arm Territories

-To the Free Coalition Security Council.
I am sending a cumulative report in regards to the unfolding crisis in the Orion Arm Sector, of which you have my primilinary reports 1-3. The immediate aftermath of the collaspe of the Great House was an intial flurry of activity, but several Deep Minds in my intel unit now believed the situation has stabilized, with a handful of Lessor Houses gathering control of the former Actractus Territories.

House O'Rourik

Sol Custom Houses
Sol Financial Houses
Defenses in Sol (Under Construction)

[X] Hire Mercenary Force (List restricted to 4 R items and less)
-[X]Mercenary Corps (2R) (specify type if you want, its an infantry warband)
[X] Industry Action (requires Established Industry)
-[X] Leverage the control of customs houses to identify weak merchant houses. Leverage control of Financial Houses to pull them under our houses influence.

House O'Rourik entered the Ball in a mass almost causing the Majordomo to loose his cool as he tries to properly announce the Kilted horde. The O'Rourik known before his ascension as Brodie quickly surveys the room. Seeing that the host is already being schmoozed by those jackals from House Terra he focuses instead on the representatives from House Zion.

While the bulk of the house entourage broke off to raid the buffet Brodie and his son Magnus bow before House Zion deeply "Pleased to be makin' your acquaintance Lords and Ladies I am The O'Rourik of House O'Rourik if the garb did not give me away. This here is my son and heir Magnus and we felt a house of your caliber would be interested in discussing the ol' mercantile topography of Sol"

House O'Rourik:
Located in the central Sol system (System 1), this lesser House has seized control of the Tarrif Houses, the Finance Guilds, and has begun construction on a mostly-functional Defense Grid. We believe them to be cut-throat adminstrators based on certain intel, and could be occupying a possible homeworld of the Solunus Dynasties. They currently have _ (r), and are generating 2 (r) a turn through their economic gains. A recent meeting in the 4th system between several houses possibly produced trade deals. They have also secured the services of a mercanary corp <see intel photo>

You have yourself a deal

House Zion:
One of two lesser Houses in the populous 5th system, House Zion is an industrial titan. The house controls large swathes of the local Mining Guilds and the Founderies, generating 2 (r) a turn, and with a total bank of _ (r). The House has also reportedly begun development of robotics factories, and has reportedly already begun producing mechanized infantry. House Zion was also reported to be one the attendees of the recent Noble meeting.

[X] House Delapierre
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source

House Delapierre:
Less is known about House Delapierre in the 20th system. What has been gathered is that they have gained control of the vast local Server Farms in their system, and are generating 1 (r) are a turn. They also have a bank of 5(r) stored up.

House Daybreaker action:
[X] Build
-[X] Bio Facility (2R)
[X] Hero Action
-[X] Captain Olphfang is directed to look for suitably skilled personnel and ferocious species for the Bio Chambers
[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Attend the Grand Ball
The Daybreaker representative is looking for any intel on House Delapierre
(1 R's left over)

Looks like I mistyped the house name my 2nd action post, so I'll have the house officially called Daybreaker.

Edit: Changed birth chambers to Bio Facility, I had them mixed up.

House Daybreaker:
Establishing themselves in system 27, House Daybreaker set out immediatly hiring xeno mercenary companies and seizing server farms. They also built a Bio Facility, and are generating 1 (r) a turn. They have a current bank of _ (r).

Are you referring to me or are you referring to Terrans as in the house from Sol? :V

@Lop By the way, since we're growing so large. Isn't household sheets necessary for each player? You know to keep track of how many infrastructures they built and how many troops they've got. Preferably now before it gets too big.

Budget: 5R
[X] Build
-[X] Training Facility (-2R)
-[X] Industry Source (-2R)
Leftover : 1R

I'm kind of disappointed, I missed the last turn by mere minutes. I'm thinking turn system might be better? As in we wait for everyone to post first? I can see lots of people getting salty as they start missing something like 4 to 5 turns merely because of timezones and where a house was their equal was now pulling ahead by a lot.

All those who had chosen to participate in the banquet found themselves in a rather large hall who could fit in hundreds of people. It was rather majestic and expensive. Fitting of the aristocracy. Frederik stood at the top of the stairs where he could see all the hall in its splendor, to his right was his eldest son Heinrich and to his left was his wife, slightly behind was the full array of children Frederik had which ranged from small children, teenagers to young adults. Frederik holding a glass of wine in his hand raised it. He had made sure his servants will serve his guests as well.

"Welcome to the Falkenhausen Palace. I wish to thank you all for coming to this banquet so that we may get to know each other better. A special thanks for the Malafax and the Galafrey for dignifying us with their honorable presence at this banquet." Frederik bowed slightly to the polite, sometimes genuine applauses he got from the crowd below. His children and wife bowed as well. After the formalities were ended, Frederik's children spread themselves everywhere to socialize with people their age. Frederik and his wife Hildeguard went to greet the Malafax and Galafrey.

"A fine day to you, gentlemen," Frederik replied, a smile on his face.

"May you enjoy this food and wine we had prepared," said Hildegard warmly.


Heinrich, meanwhile, decided to approach the house Valasar. From their general appearance and name, Heinrich could guess they were of Eastern European origins somewhat. He isn't experienced enough to tell if that was ethnically and culturally true. It hardly matters, however. He decided to approach the head of their house first, determine their abilities, goals and all before thinking of asking for the hand of his daughter. If he had one, that is.

"Welcome, Sir Valasar. I hope you are enjoying the feast before you." Heinrich said as he approached the man. Heinrich cut the perfect appearance of a handsome nobleman, he kept a stoic face that somehow managed to convey friendliness regardless.

"Forgive me for asking such impertinent questions but what are your goals? If not long-term, maybe short-term ones. We are openly looking for allies and we may find some common business opportunities." Heinrich asked simply and bluntly. The Valasar family were stationed in 061 Cygni which was rather close and thus business, trade and other such contracts would be rather easy to accomplish and offer an economical boost to both sides.


House Falkenhausen:
Located in the 4th system, House Falkenhausen has taken a more diplomatic approach in the face of sector upheavel. Hosting a Noble Ball, House Falkenhausen gathered several Minor and Major houses together. They also took control of the local Mining Guilds and Factories, as well as the Navigation Guilds, generating 3 (r) a turn with a bank of _ (r). They have also established a Training Facility.

Sorry but I'm going to be unavailable for the rest of the day so I'll be dropping out. Didn't expect the quest to move so fast so feel free to take over my House whether it be diplomatically or militarily.

House Valasar:
In the 3rd system, House Valasar is quickly consolidating the local Shipping Routes. They are believed to be prone to raiding, though these reports are unconfirmed. They are currently generating 1(r) per turn, and have a bank of 3 (r)

House von Aerner Budget: 3Rs (2 turns have passed for me so I have to rely upon my own industry)

[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source [Preferably a transport shipyard (partial if larger is unavailable) industry] (2Rs)

[X] Industry Action
-[X] Make use of the owned Navigator Guilds and the local Shipping Routes to facilitate and encourage trade throughout my holdings

House von Aerner:
This lesser House is located in the 21st system. They have seized the local Navigator Guilds, as well as the Shipping Routes, and have recently taken the local Dockyards, and are generating 3(r) a turn. It is believed they have a bank of _(r).

House terra
[] Train (Training Facilities)
[] Infantry Corp 1(r)
[] Infantry Corp 1(r)

[] Send Forces to... (task PM'ed)

@Terran Imperium
I assume it was directed at me. who am openly hostile towards him.

"Ah, so kindly to meet you Sir Heinrich, this is a wonderful ball you have hosted, despite some of the riffraff that are attending. Still, it is good to meet up with some folks who have class. We are looking to expand into... security matters, and wish to inquire if you have any rivals that might need pruning, or assets that need protection?"

House Terra:
Recently sighted in the 2nd System, House Terra is one of the claiments to the Solunus birth-system, and has one of the quickest-growing militaries in the sector. House Terra has already established a training facility nobles were sighted at the recent Falkenhausen ball. It has also been reported that House Terra forces struck the shipping routes around System 1, gaining 2 (r). They aren't currently generating any (r).

House Terang-Bulan
Turns taken so far: 1

Location basis: System no. 9 (LHS 288) AKA Pasiphaë (see Lore below)
Body Luyten 143-23 A - EDDB
LHS 288 - Wikipedia

Current R: 3

- Agriculture Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae

LHS 288, rebaptised as Pasiphae during its colonization, as a red dwarf star would normally give low prospect for colonization. However the system was graced by gas giant, Kujata, who not only having moons with decent prospect for colonization, but also for its largest satelitte, Sembrani, to beat the statistics in possessing a native ecosystem. Thus Pasiphae has became a important colonization site from early in the history of starfaring, and for years later has been known for its natural produce, whether they be native cultivars, specieses migrated from earth for terraformed farms, or new ones developed over long history of agriculture research.

But for its fame of natural produce, Pasiphae has never been a center of politics and powers. Even its economy potential (and therefore economic influence) didn't managed to grow as much it neighboring sytems did.

But nothing is static is this world. As the wheel of ages turn, new fortunes and dynasties rise. In recent year, two groups have been steadily gaining power in pasiphae. One is a family of shipping merchants, and the other is a ancient line of farmer and landholder going back to millenia ago. Aspiring for power, these two groups has been steadily growing closer to each other, based on mutual benefit and alleged ties of their almost-mythical ancestors. Finally, the bond has culminate in a natural conclusion: a union between the two main heirs of respective group, along with the unification of the families into a new House, House Terang-Bulan; and with it the consolidation of agricultural industry in the system.

[x] Build
- [x] Industry Source (2R)
(something shipping-related)
[X] Industry Action
- [x] We have control of the agriculture ... but what of their processing. Produce have more worth when it has been developed into delicacies, not to mention it can attract people. Being research into new culinary and gastronomic applications of Pasiphae's bounties.
[x] Diplomacy Action
-Entreat House Zion with the possibility of trade deal. @Star Exchange of produce and minerals is a classic staple, but it is a staple because it works. As well, two houses with interest in expanding their reach of merchant marine could do well in partnership

(Remaining R: 1)

House Terang-Bulan:
This lesser house exists in the 9th system. It is a union between two powerful families, and the new House has control of both the Agriculture Guilds, and the local Shipping Routes. They are generating 2(r), and have _ (r) in the bank. They recently attended the Falkenhausen Ball, and may have established Trade Deals.

Joining in,

House Louhi
(R at turn start: 2)

[x] Build
- [x] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

(Remaining R: 0)

Edit: Industry details.

House Louhi:
Located in the fringe 21st System, House Louhi has taken over the local Courier Network, generating 1 (r) a turn. Little is known about them due to restricted access in an out of the system, but a new religion has been observed known as Mother's Love. House Louhi has a current bank of 5(r)

but at the same time however if you give yourself more time between turns you can better craft the narrative and will be able to either make a google drive spreadsheet with the noble house's stats (income, treasury, assets, forces under arms) or have the players maintain one.

House Tetzel
[x] Build
- [x] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

Born of a union between the bastard daughter of a great house and a frontier world mercenary the couple's eldest son has been sent out to turn the products of a scandalous union into a new noble line at the behest of their patron. Culturally house Tetzel dispenses with much of the nouveau riche inspired gaudiness demonstrated and adored by the other new bloodlines preferring instead to let their deeds speak for them.

A prefect mircosim of this is shown in the well made but comparatively simple furniture within Lord Michael Tetzel's quarters aboard the colony module settling down upon his House's new Throne World. A similar module to the one he is using as his temporary manor touches down nearby; geared to mining and refining the planet's ores.

House Tetzel:
Observed in the 22nd System, House Tetzel has secured the Mining Guilds and is generating 1(r) per turn. They also have 5 (r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

might as well start my participation of quests with joining in

Since I have no idea how to do that roll thing others were doing before I'm just going to link to Rollz Room

Roleplaying Dice Roller · Rolz

(For those who can't be bothered I rolled a five)

House Dorn

R at turn start: 2

[x] Build
- [x] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

House Dorn:
The second lesser House in the large 5th system, House Dorn has taken local Finance Guilds and is generating 1(r) a turn. They have 5(r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

House Volantia
[x] Build
- [x] Industry Source (2R)

Hope there is still room

House DarkridgeL
This lesser House has been observed in the 18th system, and has taken control of the local Dockyards, generating 1 (r) a turn. They have 5(r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

House Volantia
[x] Build
- [x] Industry Source (2R)

Hope there is still room

House Volantia:
Spotted in the 29th system, House Volantia has taken control of the local Finance Guilds, generating 1(r) a turn. They have 5(r) in the bank. Little else is known at this time.

As you can see, I think I've caught everyone up at least financially speaking, so every House will have had equal turn's worth of (r) to develope themselves and catch up.

The quest will now be going much, MUCH slower, so that everyone has a chance to plan, discuss, and develope any lore they may want.

I was super tired when I made this and likely got a couple things wrong, so let me know if I missed something, as I just wanted to get this out before I went to bed. I also left a couple spaces blank were I was unsure.

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have,

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Defense Grid (4R)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Escourt Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify Number)

[] Hero Action

[] Industry Action

[] Diplomacy Action

Feel free to post your next turn now, as well as letting me know anything I got wrong. I will be updating around 12pm tomorrow, Chicago time. Also check back to this post, because when I wake up I'll flesh out the entirety of the build list and unit options, as well as probably refining this post.

Also, there was a minor skirmish this turn, but I'm too tired to implement battle mechanics, but starting next turn, when you want to attack something, keep in mind there will be some dice rollin'

Though I advise you all to build up your forces a bit with some unit variety before you get too aggressive
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Turn 2

Turn 2- 5559 U.C, Former Atractus Territories, Orion Arm Sector

Moniter Report- Free Coalition Inteligence Alliance (FCIA)- Orion Arm Territories

-To the Free Coalition Security Council,

"Stop," Ragar Fist said. He leaned back in his chair, massaging his temples. "What is this?"

A thin, reedy tech stood with his hands clasped behind his back. He cleared his throat. "The, Orion Arm moniter repor-"

"Yes I heard that part," Ragar Fist said, gesturing at the report hovering in the air before him. "What I want to know is, why am I getting them?"

The tech seemed nervous. He gave a shrug. "I assume because the Deep Minds thought it important sir,"

"Where is Orion's Arm?" Ragar Fist said. He gestured in the air, prompting a galaxy map to bloom up before him. He glanced around, until a support AI highlighted the sector. "It's not even a neighboring sector," The Luxar lieutenant said. "It's big, but it has nothing to do with us or our enemies as far as I'm aware. What did the Deep Minds say?"

The tech unclasped his hands and consulted a datapad. He slowly met Ragar Fist's gaze. "They're saying it's a priority-Orsa situation,"

Silence settled in the room. Ragar Fist let out a long, slow whistle. "Orsa huh," He said, breaking the silence. The tech nodded. "Well that's...actually kind of fucked up," The tech nodded again. Ragar Fist ran a gauntlet through his spikey hair. "Okay, okay, I'm onboard now. What have we got,"

"Well," The tech began, tapping with one hand on the datapad. "There's been a recent power upheavel in the sector,"

"What development-stage are they at?" Ragar Fist said, studying the galaxy map.

"They have technology that could be considered equivilent to ours,"


The tech waited for more, but Ragar Fist just stared at the galaxy map. The whispy Luxar decided to continued. "Yes, well, the sector is under control of houses, genetic dynastic lines with considerable military and economic pow-"

"Hold on," Ragar Fist said, glancing over his shoulder at the tech. "You mean like gene-mods and C-Certs?"

"In a way," The tech said. "However, imagine if ideal C-Certs were regarded with reverent worship and authority,"

"Okay, got it," Ragar Fist said, enlarging the map with a wave of his hand. "Feuding backward warlords with a hard-on for breeding. So why have the Deep Minds activated intel cells over it?"

"As you're aware," The tech said, clearing his throat. "The Deep Minds are hard to fathom at the best of times. But one word that keeps reappearing on the Data Stream is "Gollan's Peak"

"fuck," Ragar Fist said, putting a hand to his forehead.

"Sir??" The tech said, startled.

"Gollan's Peak," Ragar Fist repeated. "It's a famous scenerio in military history,"


Ragar Fist turned back to the galaxy map. "Gollan's Peak was a clutch of stars on the fringe of the coalition-held White-Zone. The stars contained at least a dozen planets full of Bahallan sects," Ragar turned to the tech. "You ever heard of a Bahallan?" The tech shook his head. "Be thankful," Ragar said. "They've got six brains and twice as many fucked-up traditions for it. Anyways, the coalition didn't pay them much mind during the occupation, but about fifty years later the Bahhalans came pouring out of that clutch of stars and steamrolled a third of the White-Zone before we stopped them," Ragar tilted his head as he peered at Orion's Arm. "What the Deep Mind's are saying is, if we don't address this problem now, these "Houses" are going to become a big problem later, like those fucking Bahallans. So. Tell me what we've got,"

House Zion stats

Mining Guilds (1 R's )
Navigators Guilds (1 R's )
Local Foundries (1 R's )

Trade deals:
House O'Rurik/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terang-Bulan/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Dorn/Zion trade deal (1R's )

Military Assets
Robotic Facility :
1 Mechanized Infantry unit

Banking: _

The Tech cleared his throat, consulting his datapad again. "House Zion is one of the lessor houses, and has established several trade-deals as of late-"

"Trade-deals?" Ragar Fist said. "What is this, year 0? What are they doing trade-deals for?"

"Sir," The tech said, somewhat pained. "The complexity of the situation has been addressed in the reports you didn't read. House politics are almost impossible to explain in under a cycle. But the territory in question is in flux because of a recent collaspe of a major sector-player, so everyone I'm going to mention is a new military and economic power,"

"Ah." Ragar First said, nodding. "Now this is beginning to sound like Coalition business. Where did these "new powers" come from?"

The tech checked his data pad. "Most were newly created by larger Houses, but some existed beforehand in different forms,"

"Got it, back to House Zion,"

"They're a growing economic powerhouse sir. Three trade deals, and they've taken control of the mines, the founderies, navigation and finance guilds, dockyards and shipping lanes in their local system. That's 9 (r) a turn in GDP."

"Scary," Raga Fist conceeded with a nod. "Who else? Surely they're not the only ones,"

[x] Build
-Training Facility (2R) (allows you to train soldiers)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

"House Volantia is relatively new," The tech said, glancing over his datapad. "Finance and Navigation Guilds are under their control, and they're building training facilities,"

"For what?" Raga Fist said, looking up at the tech.

"Um, soldiers,"

Raga Fist thought for a beat, then nodded. "Sure, train local, it's the quickest way to build an infantry corp. Who's next?"

That was going faaaaaaaast. Thanks for slowing down a bit.

House Delapierre:

Server Farms +1 (r)

5(r) stored

[X] Build
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

[X] Industry Action
- [X] House Delapierre will enhance their servers network with backdoors providing a easy access to hosted data for House Elites.

((I'm not sure whether server farms are computer server farms :) if yes, then I'd like more robotic/computers related businesses, so I can build my theme around it. Or something with banking/finances please) )

Not much was heard about actions of House Delapierre, but apparently they were busy strengthening their grasp on their home system. They were slowly gaining more and more control of local industries.

"House Delapierre," The tech said, tapping away at his datapad. "They've been investing in tech it would seem. Server Farms, Finance Guilds and Founderies seem to be under their control.

"By the long-dead gods," Ragar Fist said, shaking his head. "Have all these lesser houses seized old industries? This is sounding like weaponized economics,"

"It's a rather unique situation," The tech said. "Made possible by the intricate power dynamics of-"

"Please, I think I'm starting to grasp what's happening. These lessor houses are about to have access to obscene amounts of capital,"

"Indeed," The tech said, slowly.

Ragar Fist was silent a moment, then gestured for the tech to continue.

House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Defenses in Sol (Under Construction)

House Zion 5th to Sol (+1R)
House Dorn 5th to Sol (+1R)

1x Mercenary Corps

Start: 3 R

-[X] Industry Source

Bank: 1 R

"House O'Rourik," The tech said. "Is an economic rival to House Zion, though they're wrapped up together in trade deals. They have Tarrif Houses, Finance Guilds, and most recently, the local Shipping Routes,"

"What is that," Ragar Fist said. "5 (r) a turn?"

The tech nodded. "They also have one of the only functional defense grids, and recently hired mercenaries,"

"shit, House O'Rourik isn't playing around," Ragar Fist mused, studying the galaxy map.

House Louhi:

Courier Network (1r/turn)

-Banked: 5r
-Available for this turn: (5r+1r) = 6r

[X] Build:
-[X] Witch Spire (3r)
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network enhancement)

Current Bank: 1r

"House Louhi exists on the fringe of the sector," The tech said, his eyes moving along the data that scrolled past. "They have control of the Courier Network, as well as the Foundries now,"

"2 (r) a turn, not quite as dangerous,"

"True," The tech said. "But they have constructed a witch spire,"

"A what?" Ragar Star said.

The tech hesitated. "Like the Venadicta Sisterhood sir,"

Ragar Star shuddered. "Yes I understand, next,"

House Dorn:

House Dorn has begun to make progress into genetic manipulation and cloning as well as acquiring a new source of income

Budget: 5 R
[X] Build:
[X]-Birth Chambers (2R)
[X]-Industry Source (2R)
Remaining R : 1

"House Dorn seems interested in biological expirments," The Tech said. Ragar Fist listened, watching different parts of the sector map highlight. "They have two trade deals, control of the local Finance Guilds and Server Farms, and intel suggests new Birth Chambers,"

"Another contender between O'Rourik and Zion huh," Ragar Fist said.

House Darkridge

[x] Build
-Robotics Facility (3R) (allows you to make mechanical warriors)
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

Ragar Fist pointed at another highlighted section. "House Darkridge?"

"They were quick to seize the Dockyards and Shipping Routes," The tech said, consulting his datapad. "They also have Robotics Facilities,"

"Ahh Robotics," Ragar Fist said. "Only time will tell if fabrication is superior to peak biological,"

"It's certainly not good sir," The tech said. "when the houses militarize,"

"Let's hope the trade deals keep everyone happy,"

The tech was silent a beat, then cleared his throat. "Those without can raid those who have,"

"Yeah I'll admit it's a powderkeg," Ragar Fist said.

[X] House Anino
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source

House Words: In Secrecy & Piety: Victory
House Colors: Members of the household wear Dark Blues, Grays and Black with Gold, Purple and Silver meant to convey their humility and diligence in service to their Patron House. Though if one pay scholar of ancient literature regarding the meaning of the name of the House, he would find that "Anino" means shadow from a dead and obscure language. So far, members of the said House has done nothing 'shadowy' to the best of the knowledge of the various intelligence communities.

House Leader: While the House is said to be lead by a certain Lord Inigo, the public face of the the House is a young man named Lord Cylas.

"House Anino is really new," The tech said. He glanced back down at his datapad and tapped around. "They have control of the Communication Node Towers, as well as a bank of 5 (r). We know little else save their leadership and location,"

"Hmph," Ragar Star said. "Make sure to send the names of all the heads of the houses to my personal AI. I'm going to need to start putting names to faces if we're going to open a fullblown monitoring operation for this,"

"Yes sir,"

House Terang-Bulan
Turns taken so far: 2

Location basis: System no. 9 (LHS 288) AKA Pasiphaë (see Lore below)
Body Luyten 143-23 A - EDDB
LHS 288 - Wikipedia

Current R: 4

- Agriculture Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Shipping Routes control around LHS 288/Pasiphae ((+1R/turn)

Trade Deals;
-with House Zion (+1R/turn)
LHS 288, rebaptised as Pasiphae during its colonization, as a red dwarf star would normally give low prospect for colonization. However the system was graced by gas giant, Kujata, who not only having moons with decent prospect for colonization, but also for its largest satelitte, Sembrani, to beat the statistics in possessing a native ecosystem. Thus Pasiphae has became a important colonization site from early in the history of starfaring, and for years later has been known for its natural produce, whether they be native cultivars, specieses migrated from earth for terraformed farms, or new ones developed over long history of agriculture research.

But for its fame of natural produce, Pasiphae has never been a center of politics and powers. Even its economy potential (and therefore economic influence) didn't managed to grow as much it neighboring sytems did.

But nothing is static is this world. As the wheel of ages turn, new fortunes and dynasties rise. In recent year, two groups have been steadily gaining power in pasiphae. One is a family of shipping merchants, and the other is a ancient line of farmer and landholder going back to millenia ago. Aspiring for power, these two groups has been steadily growing closer to each other, based on mutual benefit and alleged ties of their almost-mythical ancestors. Finally, the bond has culminate in a natural conclusion: a union between the two main heirs of respective group, along with the unification of the families into a new House, House Terang-Bulan; and with it the consolidation of agricultural industry in the system.

[x] Build
-[x] Industry Source
-[x] Training Facility

(Remaining R: 0)

The tech walked up beside Ragar Fist, his eyes on his datapad. "House Terang-Bulan is a rare example of a lessor house that existed in another form before the fall of House Actricus,"

"House who?" Ragar Fist said, glancing down at the tech beside him.

"House Actricus," The tech repeated. "The strongest of the great Houses. Its fall is what kickstarted the growing sectarian conflict,"

"Got it, tell me about the Terang-Bulan,"

The tech held up his pad. "They have the Agriculture Guilds, as well as the Shipping Routes, and now the Navigation Guilds as well. They're also building a training facility, and have a trade-deal,"

"Oh this is getting better and better," Ragar Fist said, shaking his head. "Are they particularly agressive? Are any of these guys?"

"According to the Deep Minds?" The tech said, peering over his datapad. "Potentially?"

We still getting income from our patrons of 2r? meh.. don't know, so I'll plan without, and work around it.

[X] Build
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
Gaurds for hire? Protection racket? something to do with using the incressing number of troops we are producing)

[x] send forces
Don't read this if your not the GM, or if you do, don't use it to meta game
4 infantry to system 3 this time, to raid and pillage. If opportunity appears to strike at house Valasar that resides there, with what looks like a decent chance of victory, take it(steal, kidnap, takeover).

sorry for takeing a bit to get orders in, meant to do it hours ago, but got drawn into a stellaris game.

"That one," Ragar Fist said, pointing at a highlighted portion of the sector. "I'm getting combat intel readings,"

"Yes," the tech said, glancing over his screen. "House Terra, a particularly aggressive House,"

"Interesting," Ragar Fist said, rubbing his chin. "Are those unsupported infantry units?"

The screen on the map enlarged, showing soldiers descending rapidly through the atmosphere. Quick-chutes slowed them down, then their combat-jets kicked in. The sky lit up with thousands of combat-jets as the thousands of soldiers attatched to them landed on the planet.

Ragar Fist watched, his eyes wide. "They dropped out of the atmosphere without armor support, or aieral support, or a fleet escourt...are they insane?"

"The species in this sector are sapien and sapien-divergent, and are known for brazen combat tacticts. They also got 2 (r) from the raid,"

Ragar Fist watched the video feed as the soldiers swept through the mega-city they landed in. Skyscrapers slowly exploded around them. "I see," He said, turning away from the screen.

"They also took control of the Agriculture Guilds recently,"

House Tetzel

[x] Build
-[x] Industry Source
-[X] Order Head-Quarters (3R)

As the new powers of the sector began their maneuvering House Tetzel settled on working to establish their foundation for the dark days to come. a new factory complex was erected with the intention processing the ores and metals of their holdings into more valuable finished goods while also lessening their need for imported goods.

at the same time they called upon an old pact owed to Micheal Tetzel's father by the Knights of the Western Stars, A new home for the order in exchange for their aid in safeguarding their people. The Knights have a focus on the healing and defensive arts of their kind, limiting the offensive power of their order in comarasion to their rivals but allowing them to endure their enemy's wrath while granting that staying power to their allies.

"House Tetzel," Ragar Fist said, turning back to the map. "That seems to be the last one,"

"Yes, a rather interesting house," The tech said. "They've enlisted the service of the Knights of the Western Stars, a military order,"

"I'm not familiar," Ragar Fist said, furrowing his brow.

"Yes well, psionics and magic do not come easily to our kind," The tech said. "thank the long-gone gods. But the House also has Mining Guilds, as well as the local Dock Yards,"

Ragar Fist sighed and took a step back, taking in the full scope of Orion's Arm. The tech waited as the silence stretched. The only sound was the hum of the computing machines. "A total fucking Gollan's Peak," Ragar Fist said. He pointed at the galaxy map. "One of these fucking "Noble Houses" is going to come out on top of this mess, and they're going to shake things up in a bad way,"

"And," The tech said, studying the map with Ragar Fist. "The Deep Minds seem to think it won't stay contained,"

"Oh the fuck it will," Ragar Star said, crossing his arms. "The only thing the Free Coalition hates more than sectarian violence, is sectarian violence that spills over near our borders. I want a full, Orsa-level moniter operation on this situation," He uncrossed his arms and pointed at the tech. "You understand me? I'm approving everything, the full surveillance network at our disposal. If one of those lesser Houses so much as sneezes, I want to know what direction and how many particles,"

The tech saluted. "Yes sir,"

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have, as well as 1(r) from every trade deal

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Defense Grid (4R)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Escourt Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify numbered system and quantity of forces)

[] Raid
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)

[] Hero Action

[] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Details coming soon-

[] Diplomacy Action
-Trade Deal- (Only one trade deal can exist between two Houses)
-Noble Union-
Lop threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: House Terra raid GM roll Total: 39
17 17 18 18 3 3 1 1
Lop threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: GM Roll Attack Total: 32
7 7 10 10 15 15
Lop threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: GM Roll Raid Total: 27
8 8 18 18 1 1
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