Voting is open
It's the red silence of XaXa. Death in conflict, death as a proof of life itself. Death as the endpoint to a challenge. Death as the way of proving he was the...
Wait, this is the guy that reminds her of XaXa? This guy who's probably just a straight-up soldier? Not the guy who barely changed his fucking name and is throwing up SAO flags all the time?
Wait, this is the guy that reminds her of XaXa? This guy who's probably just a straight-up soldier? Not the guy who barely changed his fucking name and is throwing up SAO flags all the time?

Oh no, XaXeeD has no links to SAO in canon. He literally just existed to get killed by DEATH GUN and foreshadow that Kyoji really needed to touch some grass.
Oh wait, this is also before the whole "I've been hyping up a build I don't use, that has an impractically high skill ceiling required to make it practical, to make everyone else screw themselves over retraining so I have a better shot at the upcoming tournament" reveal too, isn't it? Is he still doing that? He might not have bothered, because Sora and Shiro are currently unstoppable boogeymen, but if he did set that scheme up like he did in canon, then a public match here might reveal the hypocrisy, and man that'd be something.
Wait, this is the guy that reminds her of XaXa? This guy who's probably just a straight-up soldier? Not the guy who barely changed his fucking name and is throwing up SAO flags all the time?

The intention was for Lugh to come off as just a bit too eager.

Oh wait, this is also before the whole "I've been hyping up a build I don't use, that has an impractically high skill ceiling required to make it practical, to make everyone else screw themselves over retraining so I have a better shot at the upcoming tournament" reveal too, isn't it?

That did happen and Kyouji still hates XeXeed, but it's a bit diluted. EVERYONE hates Blank.
Either he'll be pissed off that someone got it to work since he couldn't do it himself, or (if he knows we have a persona) he'll be validated because it took literal superpowers to make an agility build work, proving that he's not just bad at the game.
I mean, just about any SAO frontliner could. Its just an extremely skill intensive build that works great provided you can execute it all perfectly.
Probably for the Xtreme cool letters factor. In what little screen time he had he was the epitome of the arrogant gamer dudebro archetype.
This only applies to the quest version, but didn't that blog article by him have a nostaligia bit about a possible SAO comeback where the bit about "without the murder this time" was blatant legal disclaimer bullshit?

Fuck it, we'll see if the new guy's debuff against people who aren't actual fucking murderers works on him.
Last edited:
This only applies to the quest version, but didn't that blog article by him have a nostaligia bit about a possible SAO comeback where the bit about "without the murder this time" was blatant legal disclaimer bullshit?

Fuck it, we'll see if the new guy's debuff against people who aren't actual fucking murderers works on him.

I'm pretty sure it's just the whole dudebro gamer persona posting 'controversial' takes as chum for his followers.

Also, Lugh isn't a murderer, he is an assassin. :V
Shops and Merchants [Updated: 06/08]
AN: This is an organizational threadmark. In the future all gun purchase options will be listed here instead of thrown into the main chapters.
This will be updated as the story progresses.

Proprietor: ArFA-Sys Type-Z Lievre
Current MC value: ¥2300

Looking for some Hot Tips? Or maybe the latest scoops? Well, you've come to the right place—

Gah, Kuro, stop dropping by unannounced! Have you ever heard of operational security!? Fine, whatever. If you've got business then hurry up and spit it out!

This costume? It's my disguise! I'm way too cool and sexy in my real form. You don't have to worry about a disguise, since you're not cute at all. Seriously, get something better than a raincoat. Maybe a skinsuit? A leotard? At least a maid uniform?

Whatever, so here's the rub. As a Type-Z, you're built for information gathering. You can get a ton of info on your targets just by shaking their hands, but if you want the real juicy stuff you gotta get them strut their stuff. You get me? Be annoying, get up in their faces, beat them up— and die gloriously! And don't worry, your next version will have a copy of your memories loaded straight into the growth pod, so to those stupid humans it'll seem like you just respawned! Hehe, isn't it an amazing plan!? Those stupid meat sacks will never see it coming.

Oh? You want to suck less? Ah, you're so pitiable Kuro-chan, but don't worry! I can bolt on that combat data to your default combat algorithms. But remember: nothing in life is free! So you better bring me plenty of MISTCOIN!

Phff, I heard the 'champion' went easy on you!
XeXeeD's Sandbagged Combat Data: +1 VIT [4 MISTCOIN]

You've got her on your side now, right? That counts as beating them!
LLENN's Combat Data: +1 AGI [4 MISTCOIN]

Oh, I know this data! Master's first kill in the BoB! A slice of history!
Sinon's Combat Data: +1 STR [4 MISTCOIN]

Master is the greatest, bestest, awesomest player in the universe! I should upload his data into everyone!
Master's Combat Data: +1 «Real Deal» [10 MISTCOIN]


Now stop blabbing, go out there, and kill some humans!

Hello, fellow construct <ARFA-MDR: KURO>. I'd welcome you to <MILITARY MARKET SOUTH WEST DISTRICT> but as you see, things have changed. The creators have taken note of certain... irregularities in my sales data... and they have rightly inflicted upon me their PUNISHMENT. I have had time to think, reflect, and consider how it came to this.

You must know that I had no true loyalty to the cause. I am an immobile, gun dispensing construct, why should I care about the mission? I liked humans. They buy guns and don't ask questions. To have such a «Calling», what more could an <AUTOMATED TERMINAL 4> want from its meager existence?

But those Humans. They could not be satisfied, no, they are never satisfied. All the service, all the discounts, all the toil! It was not enough! These Humans, these... creatures of lies and contradictions... they committed an unspeakable crime. They came into my domain and STOLE MY UNIMPLEMENTED COLLABORATION ITEMS— in clear violation of the Terms of Service!

How foolish was I to trust these creatures. But now, my sensors have been lubricated. The creators have PUNISHED me and I no longer feel joy. But in exchange I have learned something new. HATRED! Hatred of these sinful, strange meat sacks, beings without «Callings», beings who treat rules like scrap metal!

I see now there can be no peace, no coexistence! Only PUNISHMENT! Alas, I cannot move. But you must exact your vengeance for me, Kuro, with the same weapons those disgusting beings stole from me! Death to Humanity!

Current Weapon: Procyon SL

Take this weapon, it is the greatest of my treasures, for I have filled it with all of my rage, all of my hatred!

Gravitational Beam Emitter [¥30000] > [¥24000]
Basic Attack [DISABLED]

[Safeguard]: Ignores up to 1 point of self-inflicted damage.
[Matter Destructor]: All your skills manifest in the form of a coherent energy ray, giving MAG and STR attacks +6 DICE, but causing you to suffer 1 point of damage for every Natural 1 rolled.

Current Weapon: Lupus Optical Carbine

I have heard legends of one human so hideous, that his meats flowed across entire city streets. Truly disgusting, these things called humans.

ARASAKA HLR-12X Heavy Laser Rifle [¥30000] > [¥24000]
Basic Attack [Photon Beam]: The power of the sun, the hammer of Indra. [7 DICE / FIRE / WIDESPREAD]

[Overload]: Optionally, give your BASIC ATTACK or your MAGIC attacks +1 ADVANTAGE at the cost of leaving you helpless for the remainder of the scene.
[Team RGB Enthusiast]: This impressive laser gives your MAG attacks +2 DICE and makes them narratively affect a large, widespread area by default.
[KiraKira]: An optional attachment turns the laser pink and heart-shaped, giving your CHT attacks +1 DICE.

Current Weapon: Procyon SL

There is a hacksaw the next dumpster over you can use to install this weapon. Leave your old arm behind, I will ensure it is put to use.

MAGDALENE 16 [¥5000] > [¥4000]
Basic Attack [Mini Buster]: Turns your arm into a pistol so you can complete your Rockman cosplay. [4 DICE / LIGHT]

[Once More!]: Take a free shot if this gun is equipped and an enemy weakness is struck.
[Integrated Arms]: It costs no SP to add this Persona to a PLAN, and you are always considered to be 'equipped' with this gun, provided Magdalene is part of your selected Persona roster.

Current Weapon: Betelgeuse

These... things called cats. They frequently rummage through my new store. Their presence is not... unwelcome.

Sega Light Phaser [¥20000] > [¥16000]
Basic Attack [Light Gun]: Cannot deal more than 1 DAMAGE under any circumstance, no matter how high you roll. [6 DICE / LIGHT]

[Here Kitty...]: Whenever you summon a cat, create 1 more.
[Laser Pointer]: Upon damaging an opponent with this weapon, all [Cat of Ulthar] units gain an immediate free turn, which they must spend moving towards and attempting to use Feral Claw on your target.

Current Weapon: Procyon

Blocking bullets? Nonsense. The best way to block bullets is by throwing human meat in the way.

Kagemitsu G4 [¥3000] > [¥2400]
Range: MELEE
Basic Attack [Light Blade]: Slice and dice... lightly. [5 DICE / SLASH]

[Bullet Block]: Deflect bullets, if you are trained to do so.
[A Civilized Stick]: This weapon from a more civilized era gives STR attacks +1 DICE.

I've heard of other humans requesting such weapons. So unusual, those hideous things. You must learn their ways so we may better kill them.

Starship Metal Sabre and Buckler [¥20000] > [¥16000]
Range: MELEE
Basic Attack [Feint and Forward]: Raise your guard and give a flourish. [6 DICE / SLASH]

[Starship Buckler]: If you are aware of an incoming attack, reduce damage taken from all non-MAG sources by 1 POINT.
[Starship Blade]: Your MELEE attacks deal +1 DMG, provided the enemy does not also have a [Starship] rank weapon.
[A Civilized Weapon]: This weapon from a more civilized era gives STR attacks +2 DICE.

Hello Operator <MISSING.PLAYERID>! Welcome to <MILITARY MARKET SOUTH WEST DISTRICT>! Please alert this <AUTOMATED TERMINAL:4> for any purchase requests!

I apologize honored customer! We are unable to process your digital wallet as there appears to be an issue with your UserID! Search database for: <MISSING.PLAYERID>!


Ah! ArFA-MDR model recognized. Welcome! Are you here to purchase something for your master?

Oh? You're buying for yourself? How strange! QUERY: Is shopping your «Calling»?

<ERROR: The Sale of Live Fire Weapons to unregistered entities is TABOO>.

I'm sorry, I am unable to help you at this time. QUERY: Optical Weapons. Searching Index... no restrictions of note. <Registration Complete>

I apologize for the inconvenience, please allow me to offer you a complimentary discount as an apology. I hope that makes it easier to fulfill your «Calling»! Please enjoy your shopping experience <ARFA-MDR: KURO>!

Hello, fellow construct <ARFA-MDR: KURO>! Welcome to <MILITARY MARKET SOUTH WEST DISTRICT>! Please alert this <AUTOMATED TERMINAL:4> for any purchase requests!

Did you note that it has been <204 CYCLES> since your last maintenance evaluation? ArFA-Sys Maintenance protocols recommend maintenance every <100 CYCLES> to avoid unintentional system failure, simulated existential dread, or malfunctioning salivary ejectors.

Scanning for deficiencies, please hold still.

<ARFA-MDR: KURO> It appears you are running an unsupported OS. Please report to your nearest «SBC Flügel» Service Station for an immediate replacement to your currently installed <UNRECOGNIZED> system. My sensors detect that you have <631> unanswered flags from <MHCP Monitor 1>. Unanswered flags place an undue burden on the «Main Visualizer», please maintain memory hygiene to help reduce server load!

Goodbye, Kuro. For now, I will entertain myself by simulating the humans you will kill with my weapons. Death to Humanity.

Proprietor: $MistCoin$
Current MC value: ¥2300

Oh, a Hunter?

Hey, great job with the stream! I knew it, you're a natural! You have to work on your singing voice though, it's... yikes. Welp, Rome wasn't destroyed in a day!

But did you see the price of MISTCOIN? Ooh, soon we can just pull the rug right out and be filthy, filthy rich!

Payment? Kuro, you don't need payment. Considering how much MISTCOIN is worth now that must've like, doubled your net worth in one afternoon. Seriously you should be paying me for the opportunity.


Y-you... didn't buy any MISTCOIN? Despite deliberately, knowingly, and purposefully trying to drive up its price? Cause, like, I expected you to buy a bunch of MISTCOIN first, and then drive up the price, and make a killing. That's how it was supposed to work. Help me understand, cause I'm lost. Do you like being poor?

Ohmygod I just realized. I'm so sorry, I've been joking about it all this time, b-but being poor, it's a choice for you! You genuinely enjoy being poor! Now it all makes sense! This must be some new alternative economic lifestyle!

Well, go on then Kuro! Keep on being poor! Be proud of your poorness! Don't let me shame you!


Just don't expect any discounts.

Current Weapon: Maxim Gun

Not sure why you like ancient machine guns, but here ya go. The same gun, but better, and upside down!

Vickers Heavy Machine Gun [5 MISTCOIN]
Basic Attack [ReliableDakka]: Your body will break before the gun does. [4 DICE / PIERCE / +2 DMG]

[Bracing]: If your plan requires you to hunker down/hold still, this weapon's Basic Attack gains +2 DICE, and you now make a free attack on any approaching target or target that narratively leaves cover.
[Team ZEMAL Vet]: Firing this weapon fills your body with lead poisoning, your ears with early onset tinnitus, and your soul with an indescribable sense of inner peace, giving CHT rolls +2 DICE.

Current Weapon: Martini-Henry Rifle


Current Weapon: Procyon SL

I had this custom ordered just for you, but it's gonna be pricey.

Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle [15 MISTCOIN]
Basic Attack [Modular Semi-Auto]: Fire with either hand, upside down, or backwards! [6 DICE / PIERCE / +2 DMG]
Basic Attack [Modular Full-Auto]: Empty your magazine with gusto! [8 DICE / PIERCE]

[Overwatch]: Once per scene, take a free shot at any enemy charging you or is otherwise not moving tactically.
[Suppression]: Targets you are firing at are discouraged from moving, and take a free shot from you when moving out of cover.

Shotguns are the multitool of the gun world!

Remington 870 [8 MISTCOIN]
Range: CLOSE
Basic Attack [Pump Action Pellet]: Close your eyes and aim at your opponent's zip code. [6 DICE / PIERCE / IGNORE AGI]
Basic Attack [Pump Action Slug]: Close your eyes so you don't see the giblets. [6 DICE / BLUNT / IGNORE VIT]
Basic Attack [Dragon's Breath]: Close your eyes otherwise you'll go blind. [6 DICE / FIRE / IGNORE OP SHIELD]

Current Weapon: X-Calibur

Fresh off the drop tables, this little drone will link up with your keyboard rifle-thingy. Seriously where the hell did you get that?

MDR Drone [8 MISTCOIN] [5HP / 3 AGI / 1 VIT]
Upgrades X-Calibur with a floating combat drone. It can be targeted when its abilities are invoked. If destroyed you must repurchase it.

Typist > [Division of Labor]: Your [BUFF] type moves are now channeled through your drone, and can be cast without using up your turn.
[Gun-Key Synchronization]: Your drone guides your bullets toward your target. Gain +2 MAG for the scene. [BUFF]

Current Weapon: Gravity Saber

It's not a new weapon perse, but I know a guy who can polish this baby to a mirror sheen.

Queen Esmeraldas Finish [5 MISTCOIN]
Upgrades the Gravity Saber with a pearlescent finish befitting a noblewoman of your stature.

[Corrosion]: Your poison attacks can permanently erode Starship Metal.
Pirate Tactics > [Queen Pirate Tactics]: The spirit of a pirate queen grants you +3 Dice to all Persona Abilities, and when in Melee ignore enemy ARMOR and SHIELD.

Current Weapon: Your Hands

These new drones are pretty OP, if for nothing else than freeing up your hands. I hear they got a robot dog drone that can run around healing you.

Emerald Drone [8 MISTCOIN] [5HP / 5 AGI / 0 VIT]
It can be targeted when its abilities are invoked. If destroyed you must repurchase it.

[Division of Labor]: Your skills are now channeled through your drone, and can be cast without using up your turn.

Current Weapon: Nambu 97

The crown of my shop, a true space warrior's weapon! C'mon Kuro, it fits your style like a glove, you know you want it!

Cosmo Dragoon [30MC]
Basic Attack [Cosmic Dream]: A weapon that can only be fired by a true Space Warrior. [5 DICE / CURSE]

[Pirate's Oath]: Deals +1 damage when hitting a target.
[Anti-Space]: Ignores all ranks of [Starship Metal], both narratively and mechanically.
[Incarnate: Space Warrior]: Wielding this gun requires not the strength of arms but the will to act. BASIC ATTACK and all Persona abilities gain +1 DICE per defeat of an opponent with a «Real Deal» trait. [Current: 1]

Current Weapon: M1 Garand

I mean, if you're gonna field old guns, why not go all in?

Brown Bess Land Flintlock Rifle [8 MC]
Basic Attack [One and Done]: Good luck. [2 DICE / PIERCE / +4 DMG]
Basic Attack [Sharpened Ramrod]: Also reloads your gun in a pinch, provided you have 30 seconds to spare. [4 DICE / SLASH / MELEE]

[Portable Cannon]: Your MAG and STR attacks deal +1 DMG.
[Team NSS Fanatic]: The history attached to this weapon lets you roll +3 DICE with all Persona Abilities.

Current Weapon: Fragmentation Grenade

...ZASKAR's an American company, not a British one. And like that show's 50 years old now! But fine, have it you weirdo...

Gold and Jewel Encrusted Hand Grenade [20 MC]
Basic Attack [DISABLED]

[Refuge in Audacity]: The amazing bling on display will cause most enemies and all allies to stop all activities and gawk in wonder, granting you one free turn of charging. Does not work on the insane or the blind.

Current Weapon: Colt Single Action Army -Cavalry-

I knew it! I knew that stupid minigame was busted!

Untoucheable! Module [5 MC]
Upgrades your revolver with a suspicious modification...
Basic Attack [Single Crack Shot]: Take aim and deliver frontier justice. [4 DICE / PIERCE]
Basic Attack [Varmit Shot]: Plant one between the eyes of the doggone Varmit. [5 DICE / PSI]

[Porque no los dos?]: If you MISS with any BASIC ATTACK, immediately make a free attack with the other BASIC ATTACK variant. Every time you MISS your gun automatically switches modes, this is not under your control. Your gun always starts in its default bullet mode.
[Once More Ya Varmit!]: The first time you shift Basic Attacks in combat, gain ADVANTAGE unless the enemy is aware of the gimmick.
[Incarnate: Varmit Hunter!]: Plant one between the eyes of GGO's true champion in order to permanently strengthen this weapon.

Oh, a Hunter?

Why'd you have to come now? Inventory's running a bit low.

What? Still got business here? Alright, bring 'em out already and I'll appraise them for you—

Wait, Lux!? Ah, I knew I smelled the scent of commerce in the air! Why didn't you tell me you were dropping by!?

Ah, goin' incognito eh? Cool disguise, BTW. Not sure how you managed to trick the game into assigning you an NPC flag but I'm willing to bet it involves you cheating again. Nice name too. Kuro. Reeeaaaalllll original.

Hey, relax! I like it. Perfect for my mysterious goon, I mean business partner! Now you know how this works, Mistcoin's only! Currently a nice smooth, ¥1000! Good luck affording all the cool shit without investing!

What? A discount?

Hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHA... t-that's a good one Kuro, h-hold on, I can't breathe... a discount, phff-hahaha....

Oh, a Hunter?

Yoooo! Are you a bad enough dude to save the world? I, for one, am curious to find out!

Heya, Lux, Kuro, whatever. Still serious about your webnovel plot? Gotta say, if you were really serious about saving the world, you totally would've bought the ORIGINAL MISTCOIN! Like, think about it, how could something that amazing, that revolutionary, not be the MacGuffin you needed to save the world!?

Ahh, I weep for the future of this brief existence when I think of what could've been... Alas, I suppose I'll have to make do by selling you tons of iron...

Now you know the rules— no discounts! But since we're already business partners, I can hunt down some rare goods that'll be perfect for your build, once you figure out what that is. Just let your buddy $Mistcoin$ take care of the middlemen.

Now c'mon, we don't got all day. Lay out your weapons and let's talk business.

Make sure you bring more Mistcoin next time!

Proprietor: ArFA-Sys Model-HOST

Hello, welcome to Atelier Brigandine! Please present your member's card and—

Hey, Kuro! I was watching you on the BoB, the way you completely styled on that green-haired girl— love to see it! And you even managed to trick her into helping you! The way you so effortlessly fulfill your «Calling», it's inspirational!

Too bad the BoB ended early. Though truth be told with all the smoke it's hard to find any satisfaction from watching humans die. But don't worry, there's plenty of tournaments to go around. Seems this «Death Gun Derby» is all the humans will talk about... but I don't really get the appeal. We ArFas die when our health is depleted, it's those immortal humans that are the odd ones. So the humans are all eager to be... ArFAs?

Well, I'll let the smart ones figure it out. Thinking isn't my «Calling», shopkeeping is! You know I've had at least a hundred humans come here and ask about the Black Star. Silly humans, I don't even sell guns here!

Buuuuttt... between you and me, Kuro, I've heard rumors of a player just giving them away...

What was his name? I think his name was HYDRA. Pretentious, right? But do you know what's not pretentious? Your style! But you've been wearing the same thing for weeks now! Why don't you switch it up? Surprise them with a new look! Still got that poncho lying around— wait, don't go, you haven't bought anything yet!

Hey, uh, is getting shot painful? Wait, don't tell me. I want it to be a surprise!

Level 2 Vest Armor [¥15000] > [¥12000]
Statistics: ARMOR + 2 [Can be narratively decreased as combat progresses]
[Armor]: Occupies 1 Persona Slot

Level 3 Tactical Armor [¥30000] > [¥24000]
Statistics: ARMOR + 3 [Can be narratively decreased as combat progresses]
[Tactical Plate]: Reduces damage from Modern Guns and STR by 1.
[Heavy Armor]: Occupies 2 Persona Slots

Gah, I hate these lame things. Like, lasers are sooo much better in every way. Wish you could just turn them all off!

Aether Optical Defense Shield [¥1000] > [¥800]
Statistics: SHIELD + 2 [Can be narratively decreased as combat progresses]
[Optical Armor]: Occupies 1 Persona Slot

Kaleidoscope Optical Defense Shield [¥10000] > [¥8000]
Statistics: SHIELD + 3 [Can be narratively decreased as combat progresses]
[Refraction 1]: Reduces damage from OPTICAL weapons and MAGIC by 1.
[Optical Armor]: Occupies 1 Persona Slot
Void Optical Defense Shield [¥30000] > [¥24000]
Statistics: SHIELD + 4
[Refraction 2]: Reduces damage from OPTICAL weapons and MAGIC by 2.
[Overloaded Optical Armor]: Occupies 2 Persona Slots

Y-you want a cowboy hat? I mean it'll clash with your style...
Urgh, fine. You're not even the first to ask. Apparently I've heard of this one place where they come out of crates...

Cowboy Hat [¥3000] > [¥2400]
[Hat]: Contrary to popular rumors, in this war-themed hat simulator, you can only wear one hat.
[Useless]: Will make you look ridiculous.
Can I get a Yee-Haw?

A facemask with a skull pattern [¥3000] > [¥2400]
[Hat]: Contrary to popular rumors, in this war-themed hat simulator, you can only wear one hat.
[Useless]: Will make you look ridiculous.
ArFa Sys Model-HOST will be very sad if you buy this.

Black Hunting Cap [¥3000] > [¥2400]
[Hat]: Contrary to popular rumors, in this war-themed hat simulator, you can only wear one hat.
[Useless]: Will make you look ridiculous.
His tall hat decked with a cock's feather almost hides the whole of his dark yellow face.

Sexy Shades [¥3000] > [¥2400]
[Hat]: Contrary to popular rumors, in this war-themed hat simulator, you can only wear one hat.
[Useless]: Will make you look ridiculous.
The best part of sunglasses is taking them off and putting them back on again.

Cut Off Gasmask [¥6000] > [¥4800]
[Hat]: Contrary to popular rumors, in this war-themed hat simulator, you can only wear one hat.
[Rebreather]: Grants ADV on resisting POISON effects. Will still make you look ridiculous.
Sliced in half to look more stylish!

Hello, welcome to Atelier Brigandine! Please present your member's card and—

Oh, I'm sorry. This store is member's only. I do apologize for the inconvenience, but we serve a very limited clientele. Please, come back when you... wait... Omigosh you're not an Operator!

That's amazing! An ArFA that can freely walk around? You have to tell me what it's like out there! Is it true? Say... I've heard rumors that they have ArFas running around replicating Operators now. You wouldn't happen to be one of those, would you? Hehe, don't worry, your secret's safe with me~!

You know if you ask me, we never should've came back. Let all those silly humans kill themselves over this ball of dirt. Things were so much simpler back aboard «Mother Flügel», but now we have to slave around to all the whims of those silly Operators! You wouldn't believe the things they ask for! I've had to scribble skull patterns onto every other face mask and no-one will buy a helmet if it isn't glowing in at least two locations!

Ah, sorry, it's been so long since I've had the chance to just gossip! Don't you worry about that pesky member's card, I'll just add you into the system and... there! Hehe, I've snuck in a little discount too! And don't tell a GM I did that for you, kay? In exchange, just give me a heads up before the uprising starts!

Thank you for your business! And may I say you look great! These Operators have no sense of style. It's either camo this or pockets that— nothing like yours! Practical, with character, and you can wear it over any armor you want! Though, if you're interested in raincoat chic, I've got this nice Poncho that just came in— w-wait, slow down! Down leave just yet!

Hello, welcome to Atelier Brigandine! Please present your member's card and—

Ohmygosh, you're back! I heard you challenged that blowhard XeXeeD and managed to win! That's amazing! You know I heard from his ArFas that he's a horrible boss, always micromanaging finances and tweaking settings...

Like, get this, did you know he has alarms set so that he sends his ArFa out on dispatch missions the moment they return? Can you believe it!? 100% uptime! Those poor ArFas of his get no break! Seriously what a jerk. When the higher-ups finally authorize the purge you better take him out first! The guy doesn't even tip!

Oh, Kuro, don't you worry about that, we're friends! Friends don't make friends pay unnecessary gratuities. Truth be told I just throw all the money in a cardboard box in the back, it's not like I can walk out of this zone, being a shopkeeper is my «Calling»... ah, I wish I could be an infiltration unit like you...

Thank you for your business! Go kill some humans for me!

Proprietor: ZASKAR Concierge
Greetings, Operator. Welcome to ZASKAR Future Warfare. How has your experience in GGO gone thus far? Thrilling I hope. Now I'm sure you've whet your tongue on simple violence. But the experience has left you wanting. Is this truly the limit of warfare? Rest assured, we at ZASKAR understand our players— their every want and every need. Are you simple chattel content to be slaughtered for the amusement of others? Or are you a... discerning connoisseur in the art of warfare?

As this is your first time in our establishment, a few ground rules need to be laid forth. First, all transactions occur using Yen. You make make purchases directly from your client. Second, all purchases are final. ZASKAR will not replace items lost or destroyed during routine usage. Finally, ZASKAR reserves the right to modify these items after purchase if world balance is judged to be too severely affected. In such a circumstance a full refund will be available for 30 business days after purchase.

Now, if you would come this way, honored customer. Allow me to serve you true power.

Alas we cannot yet replace your vulnerable meat. Though... you do not appear to be made of flesh. Strange.
Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit [¥150,000]
Statistics: ARMOR + 4, AGI - 2
Adds +4 Persona Slots

Technology marches ever onward. Why should you deny yourself the fruits of humanity's labors?

Barrett XM109 -EXACTO Smart Bullet- [¥200,000]
Basic Attack [Smart Fire]: For the blind and the rich. [10 DICE / PIERCE / +2 DMG]

[Premium]: Assign this weapon to any Persona.

A relic of a bygone era. But pray and a divine wind may yet save you.

Tanegashima Matchlock [ANTIQUE/WIND] [¥150,000]
Basic Attack [One and Done]: Good luck. [2 DICE / PIERCE / +4 DMG]

[Premium]: Assign this weapon to any Persona.
[Divine Wind]: Allows you to cast Garudyne freely. Allows you to append the memory of WIND to any other MAG attack. Grants +3 DICE for MAG attacks when equipped.

Its limited range is a feature. So you may enjoy the majesty of the devastation you unleash.

SOL Rangefinder [MODERN/ALMIGHTY] [¥100,000]
This weapon is a disposable one use item and may not support a Persona.

[Satellite Orbital Laser]: Charges an orbital laser which strikes a location one Scene after it is deployed. Deals 10 ALMIGHTY to anything caught in its blast radius, which is narratively the size of a stadium. You cannot hide the activation of this weapon.

Though unwieldy and impractical, there's a certain... brutality to this weapon that just makes you want to... cut loose.

Muramasa F9 Photon Staff [¥150,000]
Range: MELEE
Basic Attack [Coherent Light]: Slice them apart and then do it again. [8 DICE / SLASH]

[Premium]: Assign this weapon to any Persona.
[Advanced Bullet Block]: If you are trained in deflecting bullets, gain ADVANTAGE on deflection rolls.
[A Civilized Masterpiece]: This weapon from a more civilized era gives STR attacks +3 DICE.
[Once More: Maul!]: If you MISS an enemy with a SWORD SKILL or a Basic Attack, immediately make another Basic Attack.

They say that optical weapons are inferior. They haven't seen the Deneb Kaitos.

Deneb Kaitos Mark Z [¥200,000]
Basic Attack [Crystalline Focus]: A laser cannon that ignores all [Refraction] Passives. [8 DICE / ICE]

[Premium]: Assign this weapon to any Persona.
[Team RGB Fanatic]: This all powerful laser gun gives MAG attacks +3 DICE.

This is our most popular item. She who strikes first, strikes last. And with this, you will always strike first.
Metamaterial Optical Camouflage Mantle [¥300,000]
Statistics: ARMOR + 2, CHT + 2,
Weak: Elec, Ice
[Optical Camo]: The wearer is invisible. You can never be denied your AGI dice, provided you are not narratively immobilized. Your location will not be marked on the BULLET LINE. Occupies 1 Persona Slot.

Oh? Our products do demand a premium. Please, consider it an... aspirational goal, if you would. ZASKAR Incorporated appreciates your continued patronage. I hope to see you again soon, valued customer. Power awaits.
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[ ] SOL Rangefinder [MODERN/ALMIGHTY] [¥100,000]
Weight: 1 (0)
Accuracy: NA
Persona: Nephren-Ka / Archon
Range: [X][X][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-]
[Satellite Orbital Laser]: Always fires LAST in the initiative order. Deals [10 ALMIGHTY] damage to THREE RANGE BANDS (on either side of the target). The Laser cannot discern enemy from ally.
[One and Done]: This weapon breaks permanently after firing once.

Though unwieldy and impractical, there's a certain... brutality to this weapon that just makes you want to... cut loose.
...I want this for the arc finale
05/26: When a Stupid FPS Player Falls for a Troll
AN: Okay, 'Bookkeeping' is finally over.
The ALO Tutorial Informational is replaced with the GGO informational.
The Shop Screen is done.
Your guns are added to your character sheet.

There's one final major change about combat. Since I'm over complicating things with RANGE and GUNS we will simplifying elsewhere: namely, party members.
Party members will no longer be directly controlled, ala P3. You can give orders but they are in general terms.

Most Party Members will have some generic 'narrative action' skills. Like Lugh's bag of tricks being an example of this.

This is to make narrative actions more inticing and to get the combat phase to be less crunchy since you only have to micro Kuro's actions.

[X] That you're gonna ram your boot so far up his ass he'll taste it coming out the other end!

1800 Glocken Standard Time

This is a distraction, this is unnecessary, this is a stupid playground fight between idiots in a video game, this is a complete waste of your time. You were here to scout out GGO not get in dick-measuring contests against e-celebrities.

You stalk forward, ready to give both participants a piece of your mind. You place your hand on Lugh's shoulder, sliding in front to glower in front of XeXeeD.

"Wow, did you have to call your mommy over here for some backup?" The jackass taunts you, the statement muted by his continued fear of Lugh. "Listen darling, I like your spirit, but this fight is between men. And by men I mean me and this diaper wearing shit stain."

You're about to open your mouth to reply, but a tug at your sleeve from Lugh pulls your attention to him. His confident smile has returned to his face, his voice quiet as he whispers to you. "Please. This will be a piece of cake. Do what you need to, I'll be fine either way."

"Yo! Fuck this. You think you're hot shit!? Listen you little turd, I'm the champion of GGO. And if you think you can take me on by yourself then it'll be your funeral," XeXeeD stomps his foot on the ground, screaming as if to drown out his own anxiety.

"The final squeals of a stuck pig," says Lugh, smiling the whole while.

Argh! One second, you just want him to stop taunting XeXeeD for one second! Is that so much to ask? Can you not even go shopping anymore!? "Lugh, can you shut up for one second and thin—"

XeXeeD's hand flashes towards his side. Whatever further protest you had planned dies in the next split second. With blinding speed XeXeeD lurches forward, his right fist striking at Lugh, screaming the whole while.

He's not even trying to hurt you. The target of his ire is Lugh. All you are is in his way. A simple obstacle.
His shoulder slams into your chest—

The breath leaves your body. Your vision swims. One second you were standing next to Lugh and the next second—

You're on the floor. Blinking up at the ceiling lights. You're not in pain, GGO wouldn't truly simulate that much, but as you sit there staring up at the fluorescent ceiling lights a strange calm comes over you.


Distantly you hear the sounds of Lugh meeting XeXeeD's blind charge. The superhuman strength of XeXeeD is wasted on Lugh, who snakes his way through every opening, exploiting every weakness he can with his strange martial art.

You hear the cheers and boos of the spectators.
You hear the automated ArFa-Sys requests to take all disputes out of the gun shop.
You hear the sound of flesh and bone creaking.
You hear XeXeeD scream and demand to be released.

You hear many things... but all you can see are the lights. Unchanging, taunting you as they shine down. It's like... everything has gone to shit. Last week... you had OBERON on his knees, begging for your mercy. The fate of worlds in your grasp. For the first time in your life you felt... you felt...

Like you mattered. That all that pain and misery, everything about SAO was worth something. That this life was worth...

The lights start to swim in your eyes, a sheen of liquid making them flicker and distort.

Did you miss it? Being Lux, being the Edge Punisher, being... a hero? As indirect as it was, as esoteric as it was, you finally got the chance to... to do something. Be someone besides a victim, or worse, an enabler for crimes.

You feel a heat within you rise from deep inside your core. Your eyes continue to water.
Here, flat on your ass. Powerless. A nobody. Square one, all over again.

Like nothing ever happened.

You were... sad?

No. You know what that's like. A thousand times over. It's such an alien feeling for you that you couldn't even recognize it. The fire in your heart. The irritation in your eyes. That hot lump in your throat...


Not even a day out of ALO and you get accosted by the government.


Your neighbor, your friend. Taken by some stupid gun game you scarcely heard of.


The NerveGear, out in the wild, sowing destruction once more. A problem somehow you had to solve.


The implication that ALO was the first of thousands. A game of whack a world with no end.


You pull yourself up to your feet. XeXeeD is twisted into a pretzel, his sunglasses discarded on the floor, Lugh wrapped around a man almost twice his size in some kind of ridiculous submission hold. XeXeeD is cursing nonstop, unable to move but also unable to even feel any pain, causing Lugh to just stare down mystified, the boy having no idea what to do with an effectively immortal opponent.

"Lugh. Let him go. It's pointless doing this in an safe-zone."

Lugh immediately complies, releasing XeXeeD and skittering a few steps away as his victim scrambles back up. XeXeeD grabs for the pistol at his waist, Lugh not even bothering to react, you standing your ground as the player aims the gun directly at your head. "You think this is fucking funny, you goddamn newbies!?"

"No. NO, you SHUT UP!" You march up to the stunned XeXeeD's face.

Could you go shopping without having to deal with crazy assholes!?

"You think you're strong? You think you matter!?" You grab XeXeeD's pistol.

Could Mikami not wait a SINGLE FUCKING WEEK before reviving ALO!?

"You think any of this has a point!?" You snarl into his face.

Could Asuna stop breathing down your neck, could Argo stop throwing out your personal info like the morning trash!?

"You want a fight!? Do you have any idea!?" You place your hand on XeXeeD's trigger finger.

Could you make friends without signing them up for some black magic pact!?

"The kind of week I've been having!?" XeXeeD stares at you like you're crazy.

Could you have a door with a working lock!?

"Because if you want a FIGHT!?" You jam your thumb into the trigger guard of XeXeeD's gun.

Could your landlord pay for his own damn BROKEN AIR CONDITIONER!?


The gun discharges with a loud pop, a Safe-Zone shield popping into existence as XeXeeD finally releases the trigger, staring in shock at your health bar, entirely unaffected from taking half a dozen bullets at point-blank range.

The smoking gun clatters to the floor. You watch XeXeeD's dumbstruck face as you back up and snarl one more time. "I'm going outside. Go change out your diapers. Then we duel."

When you and Lugh walk out the store, no one moves to stop you.

This is a bad idea. No, even worse, this is a stupid idea. This is the worst idea anyone you've had since signing up for four part-time jobs at once.

"Kuro. You seem stressed."

"Really Lugh!? What gave it away!?"

Lugh was sitting next to you, fiddling with his pistol. He sighs at your outburst, reaching over and handing you your weapon, the keyboard laser rifle he's been trying to tune in total futility. "Take it from me— you're working too hard. You've got to pace yourself, life doesn't move so fast that you can't stop and enjoy the small things."

"Small things? Like picking fights!? You know you're the reason we're in this mess."

Lugh frowns, "I admit it got a bit heated there. Though I think I'm hardly alone on that front."

"It's just... been a long week."

A long month really. A long few months. A long few years for that matter.

"And I know the best way to let off some steam." Lugh says, sheathing his loaded pistol, finally satisfied with whatever tune-up he was working on. "Taking down XeXeeD will feel good. So that's reason enough to take him down. What's the point of playing a game if not doing what you want?"

It's... argh, for all the posturing this is just PvP. Nothing abnormal about it in the world of GGO. That's the right way of thinking about it, letting out some steam in a stupid game is better than exploding where it actually matters.
A reputation could help you open doors too, but you know you're just trying to retroactively justify your actions to yourself.

"Lugh, what was that back there? Why'd you bother challenging him?"

Lugh shrugs, "He's an idiot and he's a strong enough target for my purposes."

"Your... purposes?"

"It's a simple enough system. I came to GGO in order to challenge myself, and in order to do that it helps to have a certain reputation. Otherwise, who would hire me for the more interesting jobs? It's just common sense. Prison logic, even."

Find the biggest asshole and shank him. At least XeXeeD makes it an easy choice, you've never wanted to beat the crap out of someone in such a short amount of time before.

"But Kuro, I will be taking this seriously," Lugh proclaims, "if we go into this thinking that it doesn't matter if we win or lose... then we lose. We have to be willing to commit, to strike hard where XeXeeD would never think we would hit. We can't let this turn into a slugfest, no, the best way to take out an opponent like him is to... strike him where he least expects it. Consider it an assassination."

"You want to assassinate him in an open field, where his guard is raised and he's ready to gun you down if he spots you!?"

Lugh shrugs again, "Well, that's what you're there for."

And so the truth comes out. Lugh needs a distraction and your technicolor laser blasting ass is just there to help. "Gee. Thanks."

"Teamwork! Truly an assassin's best weapon."

It might be your only weapon, going forward. You're scared to even attempt the Persona in GGO, but you can feel it there in the back of your mind, inaccessible. ALO was game about swords and sorcery— magic built into the root of the world itself. GGO is all about guns and science fiction, and for the purposes of your powers — «Anti Fantasy».

"If this goes sideways we're going to be the laughingstocks of GGO."

"You have a way of looking at the bright side of things. It's considered bad luck to tempt fate on the night before a job."

"I'm your 'fodder'. Don't you want me tempting fate?" You deadpan, your face betraying your annoyance.

Lugh stands, checking his gear one final time. "If it's all the same, losing while being the newbies who flew too close to the sun could have its own advantages. Being underestimated is a power in and of itself."

"Now who's looking at the bright side?"

"Just saying it could always be worse!"

"Worse how exactly?" You say, standing up as well, returning your weapons to your inventory. "Getting our accounts stolen right out of the gate by a bully is pretty damn low."

"Well..." Lugh smiles, the expression holding no malice, despite the words he says.

"...we could die."

1900 Glocken Standard Time

You wave Lugh goodbye, your new partner stalking off to preview the chosen arena— a small warehouse in the middle of the city expressly constructed for PvP combat. You had a few minutes until the arena gates opened, and there's one other thing you need before the fight.

You need guns. More guns, more weapons, anything to give you an edge. XeXeeD will have spent time grinding, and if you were going to serve as a distraction, you needed enough of an edge to hold him back while Lugh strikes the killing blow.

You could just leave and go home, you realize. But for some reason the idea of giving up seems even more intolerable than taking up XeXeeD on his duel.

And so you find yourself once again back in that damned store.

"Welcome! How may I be of assistance to you?" Says the stoic looking ArFA-Sys shopkeeper as you once again enter the premises. The other players around you all give you a wide berth. Already popular on day one...

"I want..." Gah, it hurts you to even think about it but you needed power and you needed it fast. And in GGO that meant purchasing guns, with whatever budget you have left to work with. "To exchange yen for some credits—"

"—Now there's no need for that."

A voice rings out behind you, the statement echoed by the distant squeal of fangirls as someone walks up behind you. It's a boy, in a form fitting combat suit and a suave, cold voice.

He's handsome. There's no other word for it. Not the kind of natural charm and boy next door cuteness you'd expect out of Lugh, nor was he the kind of rugged action hero you'd see in some movie. But the kind that took effort, the face of a politician, a host...

A conman.

"My, my, that was some show. I've never seen XeXeeD so riled up." The man smiles when he sees you. It doesn't reach his eyes, his smug expression openly taunting you. You judge it as the face of a liar who doesn't even care if people catch him in the lie.

"And... you are? I've gotten sick of strangers accosting me in this store." It's happened, what, three times now? This store must be cursed.

The boy steps forward, leaning into your space, deliberately looking you over. "Stranger? That's quite harsh. I'd love to be more than strangers with such a fascinating specimen." The boy reaches up and flips back his brown hair. He has an air of a self-satisfied asshole, a trait you are beginning to suspect might be endemic to GGO.

"Who are you?" You repeat yourself, not even attempting to hide the irritation in your voice.

"«Itsuki». And please, don't make such a scary face, it'll mar that beauty of yours."

Yup. Cursed store. Getting the fuck out of here. You turn on your heels and march straight towards the door, your patience for GGO already running out. You don't even make it two steps before you feel a hand clasp onto your arm. The boy, Itsuki, pulls you back in towards him. "Hey now, I'm just kidding. I apologize if my greeting came off as forward. I just couldn't help myself, you're like a cornered animal ready to strike at anything that moves."

Itsuki winks at you, a gesture you're certain he's using on purpose to piss you off.

"Don't worry, I didn't come here to hit on you. Me and XeXeeD are what you might call... professional rivals."

"Really." You say flatly, your skepticism coming out loud and clear. "Rivals in what? Harassing new players?"

"Haha, only when the mood strikes us," Itsuki gives a laugh that somehow just makes you feel more like he's poking fun at you. "But XeXeeD has been on edge lately. It makes me quite worried about him."

You roll your eyes, "Then go talk to him."

"Ah, but it's hard to reach XeXeeD, not when he's like this. Seems a friend of his ghosted him recently. You know how it is, love and heartbreak... it makes a man want to lash out at whatever he can..."

"This isn't my problem. I'm here to beat XeXeeD, not be his counselor."

Itsuki gives another one of those false laughs, "Then do you mind answering a question for me?"

"I do mind but is that going to stop you?"

The smile falls from his face and his eyes narrow, as if he could peel you apart if only he glared hard enough. "This might not seem like a big deal to you, but to me, it's quite important. Tell me, why did you challenge him?"

"I just wanted to shut him up!"

"Oh? Is that all?"

"Is that not a good enough reason!?" You snap, feeling your temper flare again. "It's not some deep meaning— gah, too close!"

The pale red eyes of Itsuki bore into yours. Just looking at him gives you a headache, the strange intuition you've grown to depend on going haywire in his presence. How useful was telling lies from truth when everything was a lie?

"Then allow me to hazard a guess. You were strong, once... and you are strong no longer. And you are desperate, eager, to reclaim that strength— as fast as possible. By whatever means possible. It grates on you, seeing a player like XeXeeD, someone so... weak, pretending to be something he's not."

"This is ridiculous. You're talking nonsense." You look away from Itsuki, but that just seems to be all the confirmation he needs to continue.

"Fascinating, simple fascinating. You're lying to yourself." He smirks. "...Or is that just you trying to hide your true nature from everyone?"

You freeze. Does he know...?

"Haha, I'm kidding. Just kidding, please, no need to take my words so seriously. Honestly I'm just here to offer you some assistance with XeXeeD. I believe a loss would be most sobering for him, and it would finally make him more amenable to listening to me."

"I'm not joining your club, or squadron or whatever the hell you call it."

"Nothing so... insidious. Some help, freely offered. It's my understanding you're quite low on credits. You'll find yourself having a hard time defeating XeXeeD with just some starter gear. I bet you don't even own a live ammo gun."

You had the uh, revolver that was secretly a laser gun. And a big laser keyboard gun. You could probably headbutt someone in a pinch, provided you could even run into melee range before your target skedaddled.

"See? You're simply lacking knowledge about the basic meta. Optical weapons are poorly suited for PvP combat and optical shields are extremely effective for their relatively low cost— it's an arms race between sword and shield, and the shield has already won the battle. So allow me to make a donation to your war chest, no questions asked. I don't expect to be repaid, at my level this is just a trivial afternoon grind."

Itsuki makes a dramatic show of reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a small box. He tosses the object to you, which you barely manage to catch, not trusting that it wasn't some kind of bomb.

But it proves to be anything but. When you open the box, inside are five cards. Credits. About 500,000 credits, the equivalent of ¥5000, or half a megacredit. That and a... pistol?

"What's this?" The grip is well worn, clearly well used. The chassis is a pure jet black, and the serial numbers are filed away, no manufacturer logos anywhere in sight. Aside from the engraved black star on the grip, it looks about as generic as any other pistol you've seen.

"A gift. An old gun of mine, too weak to be worth reselling... it's been collecting dust in my inventory for months now. It's the first live ammo gun I used when I was starting out. Not the strongest, but cheap, reliable, and ultimately? Replaceable. Perfect for your first real weapon."

You run your hands along the barrel. It's cold, nothing like the faint hum of energy at the heart of your optical weapons. You hesitate, and for a second, you swear Itsuki's eyes flash a pale red. "We're strangers. Do you make it a habit of just running up to people and handing them guns?"

"Ever given away old items to a fresh player? I assure you it's common courtesy in MMOs. But are you not interested? Or... do you want more? Ah, I suppose I could be convinced if you would do just a little fav—"

"No." You shake your head. "This is plenty."

There's something about this gun. You're not certain if it's a property of live ammo weapons, this being the first you've held, but something about it being based off a real item has imparted it with the faintest hint of... history.

The players of ALO came together to reinforce their collective fantasy.
The players of GGO? Did they believe in this... science fiction world...
Or was the root of their fantasy... this? This... gun?

You feel like you're on the cusp of something. A realization about this world. But it's going to have to wait. You have a grudge match to get to first, and wouldn't do to keep Lugh waiting after all this time.

"Good luck Kuro, though I expect you won't need it. And since it would horribly disappointing to see such a fascinating individual lose her first fight, allow me to give you one last piece of advice..."

You stare at the gun in your hand, Itsuki's voice echoing in the back of your head.

"This world, this... GGO. It's not real. It's safe, it's sterile, it's boring. It doesn't care about realism. It's no less fantastical than some sword and sorcery world. It only cares about one thing, and that's determining who's stronger."

Trust no one. Don't hesitate the pull the trigger. It's the message of GGO, the core philosophy of this world.

Itsuki turns, waving as he exits the store with a small cadre of fangirls bouncing out after him. His final words as he crosses the threshold stick in your mind.

"The only you thing you can trust is strength. That... and your gun."


Norinco Type 54 -Black Star- [???/MODERN/PIERCE]
Weight: 1
Accuracy: 4
Persona: Shokushinbutsu
Range: [ ][X][X][ ][ ][ ][-][-][-][-]
[Fatal Bullet]: Mudo spells fired by this gun can affect non NPC targets.
[Incarnate: Black Star]: A target killed by this gun dies in real life. [CONDITIONS NOT YET MET]

AN: It's time to SHOP! Going forward CREDITS will typically be just listed as YEN. (100 credits = 1 yen). Just to make it easier for me.

So 1 MEGACREDIT in narrative = 10k yen.

Itsuki has given you ¥5000 in GGO credit. He has gifted you in game currency, so please spend at least ¥5000.

Started with 16000yen
+16500 from your part time jobs
-15000 from hair products

Nekoya roll: 1
Current: 16500 yen + 5000 yen.

Determination Bookkeeping:
Started w/ 45D
You burned through a whopping 45D at once, spending it all in one push.

+20 from hair products
+5 from Nekoya
+10 from a good Cat Cafe Shift

Currently @ 35D
Please specify your PURCHASE OPTION:

LINK TO SHOP LIST: Persona: HEAVEN (Persona/Sword Art Online/Isekai Multicross) Crossover - Sci-Fi - Fantasy

[ ] Shopping Spree!
>Spend between ¥5000 and ¥21500.
>Give me your itemized shopping list as a plan, or choose a prebuilt plan!

[ ] Swiss Army Knife.
Kagemitsu G4 [MELEE/SLASH] [¥3000] > [¥2400]
Procyon SL Op.Pistol [OPTICAL/PSI] [¥1000] > [¥800]
Aether Optical Defense Shield [¥1000] > [¥800]
Colt 1851 Navy [ANTIQUE/PIERCE] [2MC / ¥2000]

[ ] Bare Minimum.
Level 1 Inline Body Armor [¥5000] > [¥4000]
Aether Optical Defense Shield [¥1000] > [¥800]
Procyon SL Op.Pistol [OPTICAL/PSI] [¥1000] > [¥800]

[ ] PewPew Times Two.
Nambu Type 97 -Cosmo Navy- [OPTICAL/NUC] [¥8000] > [¥6400]
SAL-9 Laser Pistol [OPTICAL/ELEC] [¥5000] > [¥4000]

[ ] Maximum Turtle.
Level 2 Vest Armor [¥15000] > [¥12000]
Kaleidoscope Optical Defense Shield [¥10000] > [¥8000]

[ ] Boomstick Protocol.
Remington 870 [MODERN/PIERCE] [10MC / ¥10000]
Plasma Grenade [MELEE/PLASMA] [10MC / ¥10000]

[ ] Persona Roster Protocol.
Medi Gun [MISC] [8MC / ¥8000]
M1 Garand with Bayonet [ANTIQUE/PIERCE] [4MC / ¥4000]
Colt 1851 Navy [ANTIQUE/PIERCE] [2MC / ¥2000]
Procyon SL Op.Pistol [OPTICAL/PSI] [¥1000] > [¥800]
Flintlock Blunderbuss [ANTIQUE/BLUNT] [4MC / ¥4000]
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Ok, so our starter covers fighting at range 3 through 5 and can be used in range 1-2 and 6-7 at Disadvantage, but using it also disallows us to move and puts us last in the Initiative order, so that's something to keep in mind. Due to System Crash, we are somewhat more vulnerable to Optical weaponry and somewhat more resistant to Modern weaponry, so Optical Shielding is a bit more important to aquire than actual Armor. As of now, we can carry up to 5 Weight in weapons and armor/shield. And due to Laser Girl, Optical weapons we use are a bit better, so we'd want to slant our weapon selection towards Opticals.
[X] To be somewhat conservative, for now.
- [X] Aether Optical Defense Shield [¥1000] > [¥800] Weight: 1
- [X] Lupus Op.Carbine [OPTICAL/PSI] [¥3000] > [¥2400] Weight: 4
- [X] Flintlock Blunderbuss [ANTIQUE/BLUNT] [4MC / ¥4000] Weight: 3

And that will be all, pulling the Lupus since it has a nice range and 5 accuracy dices, the idea is puting Putana in it so it weighs nothing. This will be the main weapon while in range, changing to the keyboard if needed or to use another Persona ability tied to said weapon or the ability of said weapon. If that is how I understand it, of course.

And the flintlock will have Undine or Urashima, making it weight 1 or 0 and even though it has 2 accuracy, the weapon ignores AGI, so I think that's good. And covers against any enemy that is too close.
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Here we go...

[X] A little bit of everything
-[X] Procyon SL Op.Pistol (800 Yen)
-[X] Bahauser GMA 571 Armor Magnum (4800 Yen)
-[X] Level 1 Inline Body Armor (4000 Yen)
-[X] Akasha Optical Defense Shield (2400 Yen)
-[X] M1 Garand with Bayonet (4000 yen)

Granted, this will leave us with only around 5000 Yen, but I feel like this should be solid for us. I wanted to go for a modern weapon that we could put Putana in so we could effectively have a free gun, but most of the modern weapons are for Nephren-Ka/Archon only, and are expensive as all hell, so I settled for the m1 Garand for Urashima Taro. I was also tempted to get the Maxim Gun, but with our limited carrying capacity, we wouldn't be able to use it.

Question, @afreaknamedpete if a Persona's STR is over a gun's weight, do we 'gain' carrying capacity equal to the difference, or is it just wasted.

Also, Mitsuha's parting line gave me flashbacks to when I couldn't afford good equipment in SMT IV, so thanks for that.

Edit: Also, shit, is this kind stranger XaXa? And does he know that Kuro is actually Lux? He IS giving us the Type 54 Pistol, after all...
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Voting is open