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Also, shit, is this kind stranger XaXa? And does he know that Kuro is actually Lux? He IS giving us the Type 54 Pistol, after all...
Itsuki? No, he's the main villain of the GGO Game (Fatal Bullet.)

As a brief rundown, he's legitimately a top-ranked player in the game, Top 10ish - the anime included a blink-and-you-miss-it reference to him and some of the other games cast by showing him placing 5th in a future Bullet of Bullets. He's also basically yandere for the MC because they were the first person he found interesting and shook him out of his boredom with life and wanted them all for himself to the exclusion of their other friends to the point of setting up a mini-Death Game for the MC and some of his friends with NerveGears in a Russian Roulette style manner where some were real some were fake. He has, unfortunately, appeared to imprint on Hiyori.

Currently thinking about the vote - worth keeping in mind that XeXeeD should have a STR/VIT build to take advantage of the fact that he set everyone else down the apparently doomed AGI build route.
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I guess it speaks to my general ignorance of SAO that I thought XaXa was the villain of the Phantom Bullet based on the letter sent to us in the early game...
I guess it speaks to my general ignorance of SAO that I thought XaXa was the villain of the Phantom Bullet based on the letter sent to us in the early game...
Well, he is a villain in the game. But it's in Kirito's side route that more or less covers the actual events of the novels (in part at least) rather than part of the MC's story.
Yeah, XaXa is the villain in the canon GGO Arc. The game basically runs that in parallel (with Kirito) with the Itsuki stuff as a story focusing on the OC characters it creates. When I said he's the main villain of the game I meant the video game adaptation.

They're both villains in the game just on different story paths. We're likely going to have to deal with both here I'm guessing. I'd think of it as the equivalent of the Seven/Rain arc we went through in ALO - Seven was the villain of the ALO game while OBERON was the villain of the canon arc. Though using that as a comparison point means maybe Itsuki's stuff is a sidequest but he's already involved himself with us while we theoretically could have stayed clear of Rain and Seven had we chosen different actions.

I'd say I'd anticipate XaXa to be the "real" final boss of the arc based on the personal connection to Hiyori but I could also see it being Sinon given she seems to be the Chosen of GGO. End of the day I imagine we're going to end up having to face all three.
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As for the vote - per my earlier question we're safe to use the Archon/Nephren-Ka weapons without gaining STRESS so long as we avoid using their skills - and I assume that means the Persona skills. So they're still valuable for their abilities like [Overwatch] and [Once More].

That being the case, I think the Minebea P9 is a good option for the ETTEILLA/PHILEMON weapon. It's a modern weapon with weight that should always be cancelled out by the Persona. The hope is to combine it with the Procyon pistol which can be used with any Persona to try and fish for weaknesses and get the free attack, that if it hits, gets free damage with its passive. Flintlock Blunderbuss is the melee weapon, chosen over the Garand because of the "Ignores AGI" bit.

Armor choices a bit straight-forward here. Taking the cheapest Body Armor because going up a tier costs a lot. Meanwhile we can go up from the basic tier on Optical Shields pretty cheaply plus it'll help mitigate our "Optical Weapons get +1 ROLL on us" disadvantage. Loadout should be near weightless (just the 2 from the armor) if the right Persona are equipped so we're free to use the stuff we already have as well.

Edit: Added the Garand based on feedback so depending on what we equip to it it may use some of that weight but I mean, it was basically all freed up before so using it was the intention!

Leaving us with:

[] My Little ArFA Can't Be This Dangerous
-[X]Level 1 Inline Body Armor [¥5000] > [¥4000] (WT 1)
-[X]Akasha Optical Defense Shield [¥3000] > [¥2400] (WT 1)
-[X]Minebea P9 [MODERN/PIERCE] [5MC / ¥5000] (WT 2 0)
-[X]Procyon SL Op.Pistol [OPTICAL/PSI] [¥1000] > [¥800] (WT 1, but can be 0 depending on Persona)
-[X]Flintlock Blunderbuss [ANTIQUE/BLUNT] [4MC / ¥4000](WT 3, but can be reduced to 0 depending on Persona and probably will since it's intended for STR/Melee Persona)
-[X]M1 Garand with Bayonet [ANTIQUE/PIERCE] [4MC / ¥4000] (WT 3, can be lower depending on Persona)

Total Cost is 16,200 20,200 Yen which is a lot but still leaves us with 5,300 so we're not totally broke 1,300.. so we are kinda broke lol. Thoughts?
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That's just a professional murderer, though. :V

Discworld on assassins said:
"We do not murder.
We do not execute. We do not massacre. We never, you may be very certain, we never torture. We have no truck with crimes of passion or hatred or pointless gain. We do not do it for a delight in inhumation, or to feed some secret inner need, or for petty advantage or for some cause or belief; I tell you, gentlemen, that all these reasons are in the highest degree suspect. Look into the face of a man who will kill you for a belief and your nostrils will snuff up the scent of abomination. Hear a speech declaring a holy war and, I assure you, your ears should catch the click of evil's scales and the dragging of its monstrous tail over the purity of the language.
No, we do it for the money.
And, because we above all must know the value of a human life, we do it for a great deal of money. There can be few cleaner motives, so shorn of all pretense.
Nil mortifi, sine lucre. Remember. No killing without payment.

(It's late but I really wanted an excuse to post this quote :V).

A thought struck me though. Didn't Karen want a teammate for BoB? How bad would it be to suggest Lugh to partner up with her?
That's fair. We can fit the Garand in there as a longer range option that lets us use skills without STRESS accumulation.
I'm not feeling the Blunderbuss, since our opponent likely doesn't focus too much on AGI, so it ignoring AGI isn't all that useful here. It might be worth leaving the Blunderbuss for later and take something else instead. We may also want to focus a bit more on Once More! weapons, since being able to make multiple attacks in certain situations is always going to be useful and we may need damage capabilites in order to win the duel and get 10k yen, which would compensate for some of our spending here
I think we should not waste too much money, my plan is more focused on accuracy dices than damage per turn at the moment, a bit on the close range part but it should complement with what we already have, since long range weapons cost too much for us.
Granted, I picked up the Blunderbuss thinking ahead of XeXeeD given we're likely to face lots of AGI builds ahead since he promoted them.

Well, our plans are similar enough. I can swap over even though I did like the idea of getting a modern weapon in there.

[X] A little bit of everything
[X] A little bit of everything
-[X] Procyon SL Op.Pistol (800 Yen)
-[X] Bahauser GMA 571 Armor Magnum (4800 Yen)
-[X] Level 1 Inline Body Armor (4000 Yen)
-[X] Akasha Optical Defense Shield (2400 Yen)
-[X] M1 Garand with Bayonet (4000 yen)

The range of the Bahauser GMA 571 Armor Magnum is too short to reliably be able to take advantage of the Once More! trait. The thing only hits in the first 2 squares and only one of them overlaps with the Procyon SL Op.Pistol.

So unless we want to breathe down the neck of the guy to do Once Mores, that weapon has to be changed.
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[X] A little bit of everything

The NPC reactions to Kuro make me wonder if we can hijack the lore again like in ALO and have this place go full Blade Runner with Replicants rebelling and trying to kill humans. Besides manipulating the in-game lore being one of the funnest parts of the quest to me it could also deprive top players of their packmules.
The range of the Bahauser GMA 571 Armor Magnum is too short to reliably be able to take advantage of the Once More! trait. The thing only hits in the first 2 squares and only one of them overlaps with the Procyon SL Op.Pistol.

So unless we want to breathe down the neck of the guy to do Once Mores, that weapon has to be changed.

Sorry, couldn't resist the Armored Trooper VOTOMS reference.
Also, counterpoint:

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