CHAOS 2 is indeed the most sympathetic that Nyarlathotep is portrayed, and you're right, saying he's "just" a caricatured nihilist was going too far on my part, though I said that in the sense of him misrepresenting the worst sides of human nature than as a character fla - but much of it comes off to me as the sentiment of a parent sad/melancholy/upset that a child is leaving the nest - a sentiment that, ironically enough, he excoriates Hiyori's Mom for in the Rank 3 selection.

Humanity has won the best, ETTEILLA says it directly himself - that humanity has reached enlightenment and the power to create worlds. I think we have to at the very least take them at their word here that that has happened. I guess there could be a twist that PHILEMON winning the bet is not related to Kayaba and the HEAVENs and that actually that's a swerve that PHILEMON is just cool with letting happen.

The Sea of Souls is the collective unconsciousness of mankind. It is the hidden hour, the truth behind the screen, the Metaverse. It is the source, the truth, the Godhead. All emanates from it, including your Persona, itself nothing more than power drawn from the Sea of Souls. Only lately my master has noted a... worrying trend. Mankind has sought its own destruction many times, and many malign forces have risen out of the Sea of Souls only to be suppressed by the power of mankind: the power of Persona. But a... different challenge is presenting itself now.

The abyss around you churns with MAXWELL's words.

The Sea of Souls is being flayed. It is being... Separated. A new Sea of Souls is forming... with its own myth, its own beliefs, its own... Logos. Do you comprehend, Contractor? Just as I split your Shadow from your psyche, so are these Seeds splitting from the Sea of Souls of the current world.
I think what MAXWELL is describing here is that humanity is leaving the cradle so to speak. Until now they have been subservient to the world, forced to obey the natural laws - they did so by banding together and thereby forming a shared collective. Where they could not survive alone they did so together, and flourished. However, they were still ultimately subject to the restraints of the world - death, truth, control, desire. Occasionally friction between one of those concepts with the human collective unconscious would build to a point where the concept took a form that could directly effect the real world - Nyx, Izanami, Yaldabaoth but mankind managed to overcome it and return things to how they were. They were a threat born of the anxiety of the human collective unconscious and their threat to the Sea of Souls was in altering the human collective - Nyx would have put the world into Apathy Syndrome, Izanami would have eliminated truth and objectivity and blurred the lines of self-realization and perception, Yaldabaoth would have eliminated free will. These would threaten the Sea of Souls because it would transform the thinking of humanity and - at least in the cases of Nyx and Yaldabaoth - essentially immediately cause a kind of mental heat death where the human collective unconsciousness would become a uniform background radiation - the ultimate outcome of entropy - in a near instant. If the Sea of Souls could even maintain its existence in that state, I don't know, but if it could it would simply remain unchanging forever. It would be a true dead end.

But MAXWELL (and ETTEILLA) both describe the current problem facing the Sea of Souls as different in nature to those - which is why I think characterizing the HEAVEN situation as the Persona gods/concept rising faster is incorrect. That's not quite what's happening here. HEAVEN Chosen/rulers are very much not conceptual ideas or natural laws given form. OBERON was not the anthropomorphic avatar of desire or even lust - even if he himself demonstrated those traits. The threat they present to the Sea of Souls is that they can leave it and the Sea derives its power from being a collective. If humanity can now truly create their own worlds with their own rules and leave the old one behind they no longer need to band together and form that collective. With no collective anymore, the Sea of Souls will collapse because there is no longer a collective unconscious. But this begs the question - is the collective unconscious necessary? Honestly, I think it may be impossible to truly comprehend such a state or world because well - in the real world that just isn't really a thing for the most part, "no man is an island," etc. etc. And since we've all only known such a world I think it's natural we'd be protective/defensive of it and the values it naturally instills in us... but if we propose, hypothetically, that it is no longer necessary... would that be objectively wrong?

It's kind of the opposite answer of Evangelion's Human Instrumentality. Instead of "solving" the problem of individual humans being incomplete by forcing them to assimilate into a single supposedly "complete" being - the concept here appears to be "What if each individual human could craft a custom world for themselves that fills in what they are missing and thereby become complete?" Both are completely fanciful ideas so it's kinda impossible to assess the value in them because they're complete fantasy but as a thought experiment I think it's a lot more complex than simply concluding it to be a dead end - and I say this as someone who spent most of the quest's life actually believing just that.

To put it in Nasuverse terms, the vibe I get from CHAOS 2 there is very similar to how Gaia reacts very poorly to the idea of humanity being able to survive without it. If humans truly transcend themselves - becoming creators able to stand individually and thus dissolve the collective to strike out on their own... well they're no longer human are they? They will leave behind the collective unconsciousness and all that it birthed and create new worlds with, as MAXWELL states, their own myths and Logos.

In this sense, I don't think Nyarlathotep is lying to us. The potential of humanity will end because what they will become will no longer be human. There probably is more potential to be found in humanity as it is currently constructed, he's right. But I don't think that's the same as saying they will stagnate as I once believed. What it will be is different and in a way that we can't articulate or comprehend. Better? Worse? Impossible to say. Certainly from a human perspective it would probably come off as worse and I actually think that adds a new shade this conflict that's interesting. With Nyarlathotep embodying a kind of yearning nostalgia we would probably have been unlikely to associate with him because that's a sentiment that is probably thought of as positive and comforting but depending on the context can also be seen as restricting and fearful if used a reason to hesitate to move to try something new. (Of course, that's not to say that at times "something new" isn't also something you also shouldn't do just for the sake of it being something new but it's a different frame of reference to look at it.)

I'm also rubbed the wrong way by Nyarlathotep speaking of "And as if that perversion was not enough, you humans have diluted the sea of souls with disgusting creations I can scarcely fathom. Constructs and abominations without an ounce of humanity, yet blessed with the power to dream, created in such numbers they have polluted the roots of creation itself." Unless I'm misreading him here, he's speaking of AI and NPCs... and that strikes me as a very close-minded way of thinking about that - but one that lines up with Nyarlathotep's aversion of humans becoming entities able to truly create.

Mind you, I say all this to state that I think both PHILEMON and Nyarlathotep have fairly consistent philosophies that they are demonstrating. It just so happens that Nyarlathotep is generally advocating a more familiar and relatable one in a lot of the Rank Selection choices because circumstances have placed him on the "keep humanity as it's always been" side of things and well... that's the side we're all on so it's a lot easier to digest that. And I'm not saying that because I think Nyarlathotep's primary driver is largely nihilism that he's always wrong - I find his pitch in this current vote for COIN 3 to be the stronger of the two! But I also don't think he's a friend, that is true. MAXWELL says we can be "allies of convenience" and I think that's an accurate take on how the relationship should be viewed.
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This talk about humanity leaving for their own personal worlds reminds me of the Reason of Musubi.

World where everyone is living in their own separate fantasy, never interacting if each other, never reaching beyond the boundaries of their own individual dream, eternally isolated from each other...

What happens when you die? Does the world persist after your death? Or are you and the dream immortal? Even if you have children, they're probably just part of the dream, so, what, they just disappear with you? Like attendants buried along with their master in a tomb.
I think our personal objection to the Heavens is how half baked they are heh.
Not that Heavens are wrong, but the individuals creating them each have a narrow, twisted perspective which leaves the Heaven a dead end simply because it cannot fit anyone else. Its a paradise for one, treasured pets for their chosen few and the rest can enjoy the taste of ass.

[Blank] is as close as it gets so far, and even then, only because theres two of them, and the Heaven needs to accomodate both human shaped supercomputers and empathic sociopaths being maximally happy and stimulated.
But even there its really just the two of them bullying everyone else who can't perform at their standard.
[X] Zatoichi

[X] Promise him GGO's SEED. [TRUTH]

I'd side with ETTEILLA's argument here (To kill is to kill. It can be justified, but never forget that you have killed someone.), but ignoring that I just like the mechanics of Zatoichi more. The Man With No Name just really doesn't have much going for him from what I can see.

As for the SEED, we need a way in to stop project ALICE. I have no idea how we do that from outside.
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This talk about humanity leaving for their own personal worlds reminds me of the Reason of Musubi.

World where everyone is living in their own separate fantasy, never interacting if each other, never reaching beyond the boundaries of their own individual dream, eternally isolated from each other...

What happens when you die? Does the world persist after your death? Or are you and the dream immortal? Even if you have children, they're probably just part of the dream, so, what, they just disappear with you? Like attendants buried along with their master in a tomb.
I'm inclined to assume that it depends on the nature of the person, but it generally seems logical that the world fades when you do. Someone with the mental fortitude to dream forever may effectively be immortal (at least for as long as they're left 'alone' and no outside forces overcome them), but even in a 'perfect' world, there are people who would be worn down by it eventually and become tired of life, and there are people for whom 'perfect' includes an ending in the form of death.

Without the dreamer dreaming it into existence, what would actually sustain it? You'd essentially need to create a new 'humanity' within your world, capable of dreaming and of sustaining the dream. Of course, that has it's own problems, such as your creations usurping the dream, though you might no longer be around to care by that point...

Edit: Frankly, my personal expectation is that in a theoretical future where we fail, and everyone gets their own Heaven... most Heavens will collapse inevitably, but there might be a small handful that manage to take it a step further and create proper successor species to inherit the world that was once someone's Heaven.
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If that doesn't say that the HEAVENs are a dead end I don't know what does.

It's interesting that you use the phrasing 'dead end' here, implying the ceasing of motion is a bad thing.

My issue is that the current, real, world is always described in terms of stasis- it is how it is and how it ever was. So there's no movement here either.
It's interesting that you use the phrasing 'dead end' here, implying the ceasing of motion is a bad thing.

My issue is that the current, real, world is always described in terms of stasis- it is how it is and how it ever was. So there's no movement here either.
The real world is moving forward, way too fast, I might add. All the stuff with making AI clones of the dead is pretty much the current AI controversy on a far grander scale along with the power to let anyone believe something into existence. It's progress for the sake of progress without the wisdom to wield it. Propagation for the sake of propagation. Reminds me of a lot of the points of the Nasuverse but putting Isekai in the spotlight better highlights the point.

For dead ends, most of the people who have HEAVENs want to reject other people as equals and peers and differing opinions in exchange for a reality built on a power imbalance far beyond anything that can exist in reality. More importantly, HEAVENs inherently rejects the core premise of Persona being about your bonds with other people in exchange for hiding away from--not just reality--anyone who has a different opinion than you or could contradict you.

This is a personal aside and gripe I have with isekai but a majority of them will take place in fantasy worlds where air conditioning doesn't exist. A majority of people who have HEAVENs don't realize how good the sheer convenience of modern air conditioning is. I'm sorry how offbeat this is but everybody who wants to go to a fantasy world seems to forget air conditioning won't be a thing anymore and they'll have to deal with medieval living conditions even with magic. I can't trust these worlds to have a future where one person holds all the power forgets the benefits of modern air-conditioning.
I didn't think people realize how much dealing with bugs and poop is also involved, especially without running water.

I guess I should have said the view of the real that ETTEILLA presents, rather than the real world with all the connotations there.
I didn't think people realize how much dealing with bugs and poop is also involved, especially without running water.

I guess I should have said the view of the real that ETTEILLA presents, rather than the real world with all the connotations there.

The thing is when ETTEILLA evokes the real that is the thoughts his logos evoke in me. I don't have a big speech here but whenever I listen to one of his speeches stuff like I posted above is what I take away from it.
[X] Zatoichi

ETTEILLA is convincing as usual, PHILEMON needs to step up their game. Or be right for once /jk

[X] Promise him GGO's SEED. [TRUTH]

I doubt his team will handle the Underworld all by themselves, but he/they might help us when we get around to killing it. Because I'm pretty sure we're killing the Underworld.