Voting is open
As for my question, under Mithras Liturgy/X-Calibur we have this for it's basic attack: "Pew Defense Weapon: Laser Assault Fire. [5 DICE / LIGHT] [BASIC ATK]" is LIGHT the same as BLESS that we see listed for the Kouha line of spells?

I know it didn't get traction before but I still like the concept too much so I have to give it another go LOL

[X]Plan: River? What River?
-[X]Custom Loadout
--[X]Akasha Optical Shield (SHIELD + 3)
--[X]Nephren-Ka (Procyon)
--[X]Putana (Gravity Saber)
--[X]Mithras Liturgy (X-Calibur)
--[X]Urashima-Taro (M1 Garand)
-[X]Speech: Casual smug
--[X]"Running again? First you ran from Endou into GGO. Then you ran from me into GGO. Now you're running from me in GGO. I wonder what you'll do when there's nowhere left to run."
-[X]Goal: Burn the river and deny Sinon an escape route and ruin whatever plan she has with it.
--[X]Burn away the river with Nephran-Ka's Ragnarok.

Short and simple, no need for a long speech. Just point out how all her "search for strength" has her been running away from her problems - first Endou's bullying, then us inquiring after Kyouji, and then ruthlessly and overwhelmingly rip away her seeming plan to run across the river.

Loadout thinking: Nephren-Ka both because it's the key to the plan but also still in case we receive a signal from Lugh or Gwen about what's going on with XeXeeD during our fight with Sinon. Putana because the Saber is our best melee option. Urashima Taro for the Null Ice + Resist Pierce affinities plus the Garand has a wide range - giving us a FAR option... and Mithras Liturgy because if LIGHT = BLESS I think that might be a weakness we can exploit on her Persona if it's still something we have to deal with. Resist Pierce also nice to have. If LIGHT is not BLESS then can definitely swap this out for something else.
Last edited:
Body Armor is less useful than the optical shield or another Persona because we automatically cause modern weapons to lose 1 die when they shoot at us with them. The most dangerous moments are going to be when we have to do something that Urashima Taro or Undine can't do, and we'll be vulnerable to Aimoptis' ice attacks then. Helena has more AGI, and Kouga is more powerful than Kouha. Self-buffing is going to be inefficient because that gives Sinon and Aimoptis openings to do something without fear of retaliation. We can also use Helena to heal ourselves if we have to.

Speaking of which, going to go back and replace the Optical Shield with Nephren-Ka in case we need to have him part of the active roster for the emergency situation.

Actually, @afreaknamedpete will we need Nephren-Ka in an active slot to use Lightless Crypt if we get a signal from Lugh or Gwen?
[X] Plan: A Sicilian Message 2.0
-[X] Loadout
--[X] Mithras Liturgy.
--[X] Undine
--[X] Urashima Taro
--[X] Putana
--[X] Helena
-[X] Speech: You're Weak!
--[X]"You think you're strong now, Sinon? You're weaker than you've even been."
-[X] Combat: Sleeping with the fishes
--[X] Try to knock Sinon into the water using Collapse. Failing that, use Collapse or Kuhleborn's curse to break the ice she's made, whichever will work better and cause the ice to break into pieces too small to stand on.
--[X] Dive into the water after knocking Sinon in and try to drown her while channeling Urashima Taro, and make sure to grapple with her while under the ice she's made (if we didn't have to resort to breaking it). Use Ennervation to try and make it easier. If Ennervation fails, use Tamatebako. Use basic melee attacks if we can't grapple Sinon successfully.
--[X] If knocking Sinon into the water fails, get comfortable on the shoreline and start spraying with the Maxim Gun.

I agree with most of theguynamedwafer's plan here barring a few quibbles. Taking this into the water to get away from Aimopotis was actually what I first had planned but for the things I'm iffy on.

I don't want to take Nephren-Ka into this fight. Besides the Stress, it's not our power and defeats the point of the fight and gives Sinon mental gymnastics wiggle room and I think X-Calibur's big beefy Magic stats make a much better fallback option.

For the write-in, I feel that it degrades our conflict into simple misery poker. I'd think it would hit more if Sinon's worthy opponent dismisses her current self as weaker than her previous self. Us refusing to elaborate right now could also anger and unbalance her further while laying the groundwork to say more how pathetic her wanting to be a murderhobo makes her in the future without devolving into using walls of text.
Taking Nephren-Ka is only for if we get the emergency signal from Gwen and Lugh while we're still in combat with Sinon. I'm fully confident that we can handle her with just what Undine, Urashima Taro, and Putana.


Snapping back to this point means that everyone is still where they were before the last few turns happened, right?
I don't want to take Nephren-Ka into this fight. Besides the Stress, it's not our power and defeats the point of the fight and gives Sinon mental gymnastics wiggle room and I think X-Calibur's big beefy Magic stats make a much better fallback option.
Eh, I feel like:
  1. Sinon can't possibly know that.
  2. It's been implied more and more lately that our situation is different from other Persona users like Gwen and that all of our Persona power, with the possible exception of Undine, is borrowed from Nyarlathotep. So if we're bringing in the "not our own power" angle we arguably should be doing this without Persona at all or at most just Undine.
  3. I feel like imposing that restriction/philosophy upon ourselves is playing straight into Sinon's current philosophy. She's obsessed with doing everything herself and is rejecting any kind of strength that doesn't fit that extremely narrow definition of hers. I think we can and should reject that even in a "tough love" framework where we demonstrate she still can't beat us. It's less "our personal strength is greater than yours, Sinon" (which validates her view on strength) and more "your definition of strength is mistaken" in my eyes. Hell, the very premise of Persona is that you're empowered by your bonds which is antithetical with Sinon's current "I must be able to defeat everyone everywhere with ONLY my strength alone" mindset. Beating her with Persona, and even Nephren-Ka, is in many ways the best way to show her that her view on power is immature and that friends are power. Now granted, this final point isn't something that relies on my plan of using Nephren-Ka and is just a more generalized point that pretty much all plans inherently share unless they are specifically claiming otherwise philosophically... which I feel like you're doing? But maybe I'm just wrongly interpreting your stress on not relying on Nephren-Ka's power because it "isn't ours."
Eh, I feel like:
  1. Sinon can't possibly know that.
  2. It's been implied more and more lately that our situation is different from other Persona users like Gwen and that all of our Persona power, with the possible exception of Undine, is borrowed from Nyarlathotep. So if we're bringing in the "not our own power" angle we arguably should be doing this without Persona at all or at most just Undine.
  3. I feel like imposing that restriction/philosophy upon ourselves is playing straight into Sinon's current philosophy. She's obsessed with doing everything herself and is rejecting any kind of strength that doesn't fit that extremely narrow definition of hers. I think we can and should reject that even in a "tough love" framework where we demonstrate she still can't beat us. It's less "our personal strength is greater than yours, Sinon" (which validates her view on strength) and more "your definition of strength is mistaken" in my eyes. Hell, the very premise of Persona is that you're empowered by your bonds which is antithetical with Sinon's current "I must be able to defeat everyone everywhere with ONLY my strength alone" mindset. Beating her with Persona, and even Nephren-Ka, is in many ways the best way to show her that her view on power is immature and that friends are power. Now granted, this final point isn't something that relies on my plan of using Nephren-Ka and is just a more generalized point that pretty much all plans inherently share unless they are specifically claiming otherwise philosophically... which I feel like you're doing? But maybe I'm just wrongly interpreting your stress on not relying on Nephren-Ka's power because it "isn't ours."

So you're saying...that Nyarlathotep is one of our friends? :V

[X] Plan: A Sicilian Message
-[X] Loadout
--[X] Nephren-Ka
--[X] Undine
--[X] Urashima Taro
--[X] Putana
--[X] Helena
-[X] Speech: Mock the unknowing
--[X] *laugh bitterly* "You think you're strong because of what happened to you in the past? Don't make me laugh!" *jab a thumb at yourself* "The hells I've been through, the things I've try enduring what I did and call yourself strong after that!"
-[X] Combat: Sleeping with the fishes
--[X] Try to knock Sinon into the water using Collapse. Failing that, use Collapse or Kuhleborn's curse to break the ice she's made, whichever will work better and cause the ice to break into pieces too small to stand on.
--[X] Dive into the water after knocking Sinon in and try to drown her while channeling Urashima Taro, and make sure to grapple with her while under the ice she's made (if we didn't have to resort to breaking it). Use Ennervation to try and make it easier. If Ennervation fails, use Tamatebako. Use basic melee attacks if we can't grapple Sinon successfully.
--[X] If knocking Sinon into the water fails, get comfortable on the shoreline and start spraying with the Maxim Gun.

Anyway, I'll back the water fight plan. As I said before I came up with a similar idea only to be beaten to the punch. Though @theguynamedwafer do you think you could change the battle banter to what I wrote? As I've said before I think it's a bad idea to begin playing misery poker of who suffered more between the two.
I get the feeling falling asleep while fulldiving with Alice will bring us into contact with ETEILLA, although whether that advances the link with him I have no idea.
[X] Plan: A Sicilian Message
-[X] Loadout
--[X] Nephren-Ka
--[X] Undine
--[X] Urashima Taro
--[X] Putana
--[X] Helena
-[X] Speech: Mock the unknowing
--[X] *laugh bitterly* "You think you're strong because of what happened to you in the past? Don't make me laugh!" *jab a thumb at yourself* "The hells I've been through, the things I've try enduring what I did and call yourself strong after that!"
-[X] Combat: Sleeping with the fishes
--[X] Try to knock Sinon into the water using Collapse. Failing that, use Collapse or Kuhleborn's curse to break the ice she's made, whichever will work better and cause the ice to break into pieces too small to stand on.
--[X] Dive into the water after knocking Sinon in and try to drown her while channeling Urashima Taro, and make sure to grapple with her while under the ice she's made (if we didn't have to resort to breaking it). Use Ennervation to try and make it easier. If Ennervation fails, use Tamatebako. Use basic melee attacks if we can't grapple Sinon successfully.
--[X] If knocking Sinon into the water fails, get comfortable on the shoreline and start spraying with the Maxim Gun.
It is now the first day in the month of April, according to the Coordinated Universal Time time zone. It is an important time, filled with the promise of opportunity, and new adventures to come.

The Japanese School Year starts this month.
In the US, we must file our taxes this month.
It is the month of Spring, and the final wretched gasps of Winter.

But the first day of a month is special indeed. It is the starting line, the alpha number, the primogenesis of all the month will begot. And though many things start, it is also a day of reflection, this most ancient of days. And what a special day it is! For we have a rare opportunity to say goodbye to a most holy of holidays and welcome the new month, recharged, refreshed and ready to tackle fresh, exciting challenges.

It is also a day of reflection for this quest.

In light of recent dramatic changes to the combat system, I cannot help but consider a question which has long plagued quest writers, nay, all fanfiction writers!

No, not even that! All writers!

And that question is simple. Cardinal.

How does one increase that most precious yet elusive resource? Voters, clicks, views— attention! How do you distinguish yourself amongst an never-ending ocean of competitors, each more skilled and talented than the last?

Perhaps a consistent update schedule? Or quality writing? Or evocative mechanics? Perhaps even self improvement?

But I have come to realize a more honest answer. One that cuts to the heart of the matter, an inalienable truth that I have turned my eyes away from for too long. I have realized that I have attempted to run before I have even walked.

It is with great shame that I have reflected upon my journey and came to a startling realization...

I have not written even a single lemon.
Not even a lime!
In fact with the sheer paucity of romance in this fic, I've not even managed an orange!

There's no fanservice, nothing! How could a Persona/SAO/Isekai Hydra Monster possibly survive without it?

I have failed to perform this most basic, this most necessary part of writing. I have left this muscle to fester and rot. This must change. This has to change.

So I have turned to the masters. Reflected upon my words and deeds. And I remembered something I thought I wanted to forget. A simple chapter written by the inspiration for my quest— yes, even Kawahara-sensei himself did much the same! So I shall follow in his footsteps!

I will change! This quest will change! I too shall craft an apocryphal chapter hidden in a submenu that in 10 years I can go back to and proudly proclaim: "I wrote this, I will never speak of it again, you should not read it, how do I delete something off the internet."


Effective immediately the main character is now Kirito. k'thax, bye
It is now the first day in the month of April, according to the Coordinated Universal Time time zone. It is an important time, filled with the promise of opportunity, and new adventures to come.

The Japanese School Year starts this month.
In the US, we must file our taxes this month.
It is the month of Spring, and the final wretched gasps of Winter.

But the first day of a month is special indeed. It is the starting line, the alpha number, the primogenesis of all the month will begot. And though many things start, it is also a day of reflection, this most ancient of days. And what a special day it is! For we have a rare opportunity to say goodbye to a most holy of holidays and welcome the new month, recharged, refreshed and ready to tackle fresh, exciting challenges.

It is also a day of reflection for this quest.

In light of recent dramatic changes to the combat system, I cannot help but consider a question which has long plagued quest writers, nay, all fanfiction writers!

No, not even that! All writers!

And that question is simple. Cardinal.

How does one increase that most precious yet elusive resource? Voters, clicks, views— attention! How do you distinguish yourself amongst an never-ending ocean of competitors, each more skilled and talented than the last?

Perhaps a consistent update schedule? Or quality writing? Or evocative mechanics? Perhaps even self improvement?

But I have come to realize a more honest answer. One that cuts to the heart of the matter, an inalienable truth that I have turned my eyes away from for too long. I have realized that I have attempted to run before I have even walked.

It is with great shame that I have reflected upon my journey and came to a startling realization...

I have not written even a single lemon.
Not even a lime!
In fact with the sheer paucity of romance in this fic, I've not even managed an orange!

There's no fanservice, nothing! How could a Persona/SAO/Isekai Hydra Monster possibly survive without it?

I have failed to perform this most basic, this most necessary part of writing. I have left this muscle to fester and rot. This must change. This has to change.

So I have turned to the masters. Reflected upon my words and deeds. And I remembered something I thought I wanted to forget. A simple chapter written by the inspiration for my quest— yes, even Kawahara-sensei himself did much the same! So I shall follow in his footsteps!

I will change! This quest will change! I too shall craft an apocryphal chapter hidden in a submenu that in 10 years I can go back to and proudly proclaim: "I wrote this, I will never speak of it again, you should not read it, how do I delete something off the internet."


Effective immediately the main character is now Kirito. k'thax, bye

Oh, no, get your ass back here and start writing little shit.

Else me and the boys are going to isekai you to the world of Redo of the Healer.
Chapter 16.5
WARNING: This chapter features graphic depictions of sexual intercourse.
It is also physically painful to read.
I am told the pain will be temporary.
But the shame will live with you forever.
If you proceed there will never be a version of you that has not read this.
Consider this your final warning.

SEVENTH STAR - October 27th, 2024

"Kirito, man, I thought we were buddies. Why you gotta do me dirty like this?" Klein complains, chugging an amber drink from a tall glass that soon joins the pile growing in front of him. "Not even an invitation!"

"This isn't a bar, it's an equipment store." Agil deadpans from behind the counter.

"I know you've got your stash. So don't leave me hanging and keep the good stuff flowing. Oh! And here's one for our handsome groom— bottom's up!"

Silently a glass of what passes for beer is shoved into your face by an inebriated Klein. Though it'd be more accurate to say it's regular Klein roleplaying as a drunk version of himself, considering not even SAO was capable of simulating true drunkenness. You squint your nose at the yeast-infused liquid that reminds you of leftover natto— why people drink this stuff deliberately is beyond you.

Catching your hesitation, Klein leans in, his exaggerated tone quieting. You can smell the booze clinging to his breath. "C'mon, even I can tell you're all strung up. Gotta loosen up or the missus will catch on."

His words ring more true than you would prefer to admit. You sigh and consider resisting, but truth be told you need advice. Agil was your first port of call but by sheer coincidence, Klein was there shopping for his guild and one thing led to another...

"Stop encouraging teenagers to drink," grumbles Agil as he swiftly divests you of the beer before you can even contemplate satisfying your curiosity. "So, Kirito? Trouble in paradise?"

You sigh. "No not, trouble. Everything's been going great. It's just..." You trail off, unsure how to phrase the question. You confessed to Asuna less than a week ago, and now... you're married, with time off and a log cabin with just... the two of you. The pace at which your relationship has progressed by all logic should be breaking speedrun records, and that's left you with no time to consider what... happens next.

"It's important to pace yourself Kirito, the two of you are still young," advises Agil. "Consider that there are still dozens of floors left to go, and SAO isn't ending anytime soon. The frontline can do without the two of you for a spell, so just take the time to enjoy each other's company. We got good folk holding down the fort."

Klein reacts by rolling his eyes. "Spoken like a happily married man. Kirito you gotta strike while the iron's hot. Who knows what could happen tomorrow? Gotta live without any regrets!"

"Yo, of everyone here I think I've got a tad bit more experience with romance than someone."

"Gah, so you've had one lucky experience. Home run on the first try is all well and good, but that's like asking a lotto winner how to get rich! Kirito, take it from a guy who's got game. Who's had to struggle! Ask me anything! You could even say, I'm a—"

"Don't say it."

"—Lady's Man!"

You bury your face into your hand as the scale of the problem becomes more clear. Agil was real-life married, you were in-game married, and Klein was as single as the day he was born. You were rapidly realizing you had a vanishingly small pool of people to ask about this problem— and you weren't about to ask Heathcliff for advice on this.

"Take a load off and let aniki take care of things," Klein goads. "So spill. C'mon, I won't tell anyone."

You take a deep breath. "It's just that, how do I, you know..."

You already feel the heat rising in your cheeks. For all the control SAO lets you retain over your avatar, there's little you can do to control the way your head turns into a ripe tomato at the first thought of... what happens next. Klein catches on to your silence and the moment the situation dawns on him his face makes a series of contortions, ranging from shock, to horror, before finally settling on a perverted grin that's already worrying you.

"Ohohohohohoh, ohoho, oho— ouch!" He gasps, as you swiftly snap your level 95 fist into his head.

"Don't make this weird! I'm just overthinking it, OK!?"

Klein rubs at his temple ruefully, still suppressing a grin. "Go on~"

Your throat tightens. The immediate impulse is to change the subject, but you repress it. "Well, uh, me and Asuna were supposed to go shopping today... but Asuna wanted to pick up something alone from Ashley's... said she wants to, uh... surprise me. Tonight."

Agil sharply inhales in the back and Klein tries to smother his chuckles.

"And, it's just that I..." You fidget, trying to find the right words.

"Say no more Kirito. I can see why you came to me," Klein finishes, clasping his hand over your shoulder, and in a voice as sincere as you've heard from him ever replies with gusto. "I'll teach you everything I know. Asuna-chan will want for nothing."

"He didn't come to you, he came to me," Agil corrects once more. "Don't you think you're rushing into things a bit early?"

"Whaa? You serious boss?" Klein interjects, utterly aghast. "When you've got the hottest babe in SAO what are you waiting for? There's no potential for harm or... other consequences here, it's all VR, it's safe! One hundred percent! The two of you already got married, not having a proper night is the biggest disgrace you can give the missus. Are you really about to make Asuna unhappy!?"

"I'm not against it..." you mutter, cheeks glowing bright red. "I just, uh... don't know. How to do... it?"

Klein takes another swig of beer, tilting back in his stool. "Don't worry too much about it. The two of you are both inexperienced, so take your time and be considerate. It's not all that different from doing it yourself."

"D-doing it yourself?" You stutter.

"..." Klein stares at you for what feels like an age. "Kirito. You're a teenager, this should be second nature to you. Hell, you're Kirito the «Beater»."

"I'm not that kind of Beater!"

"You're telling me... in all of the two years you've been logged into SAO, you've never gotten curious? Frustrated? Not even on the floor with all the bathing elves? Like not even once? We're all men here, you get what I'm talking about, right Agil?"

"I'm going to go check my stocks," Agil says, retreating from the conversation with such speed you suspect he used a Sword Skill.

"Agil, don't leave me—! Gah, fine. I mean, seriously Kirito? You've got like, two years worth, just pent up with no release? That's not healthy. You know, that explains a lot..."

You cross your arms and glare.

"H-hey, nothin' to be ashamed about! Kirito you're so pure it's painful to look at, but I suppose that's how you bagged a girl like Asuna. Still can't believe it..."

And it's not as if you haven't had any thoughts— of course you did. But between the constant farming and stressing about staying ahead of the level curve, it never struck you as a priority. Every night since the first you've collapsed in exhaustion the second your head hit the pillow.

"Look, all I want to know is if, it's... still there?"

"Kirito, weren't you a beta tester? You should know."

You try to wrack your brain, trying to answer a question you've never fully considered. In the days leading up to the official launch you lived, breathed, and slept SAO. You read every single Kayaba Akihiko interview forward and back so many times you could recite them word for word, but two years was a long time and most of the details you can no longer recall with any clarity.

But you do remember one interview, during a social media tour, where Kayaba casually mentioned in a seemingly throwaway comment his issues modeling human genitalia.

How initially he had avatars with plastic doll anatomy, but all the alpha testers had protested about this inescapable feeling of emptiness and loss. There was a technical explanation about «Cognitive Psychology», and gender identity, but you could no longer remember the details of what he said. Without the need to go to the bathroom, you've never needed to consider the... functional details...

"It... works?" You hazard.

"Yes!" Klein cheers. "And so will you! But there are a few steps in the process and it's a bit fiddly. So buckle down kid, it's teaching time."

You sit on the stool obediently.

"Let's break it down, from the top. Now listen very closely, because you'll need to remember this for later. Wait, maybe I should write this all down—"

SEVENTH STAR - October 27th, 2024


The pale blue moonlight fills your bedroom with a gentle serenity, the soft sound of the gentle breeze just outside your slice of paradise just adding to the romantic mood. A faint hint of perfume fills the air, a calming aroma to soften the mood...

ATTENTION USER: You are attempting to disable the «Ethics Code». Please be aware that the «Ethics Code» is designed for your protection, and that ARGUS Inc bears no responsibility for the activities undertaken while the system is disabled. Please respect local laws and ordinances on age of consent. For your safety and the safety of others, your activities will be logged by MHCP [01] for purposes of discovery in the event of a legal challenge. Further questions may be addressed to MHCP [01] or your nearest Gamemaster via secure messaging.

And you're staring at a glowing purple box and the accompanying 30-second mandatory countdown before the system will even let you pick an option.

"D-don't stare so much, it's embarrassing..."

You think Asuna is blushing, though you can only use your imagination as the giant pop-up is completely obstructing your view of anything else. If Asuna is seeing the same thing you are, she's doing an amazing job of hiding that fact. Asuna, always the planner, likely disabled her settings long before this moment, but of course, you had to wait till the last minute...

ATTENTION USER: «Ethics Code» disable process initiated. In accordance with ARGUS Inc internal policies please assign a mandatory safeword. It is recommended that your safeword includes a minimum of 8 characters, a number, a symbol and does not contain your name, birthday, or repeating numbers. Suggestions for a strong password can be provided upon request by MHCP [01] or your nearest GM.


ATTENTION USER: «Ethics Code» disabled. For your safety do not engage in real world intercourse at the same time as FullDive intercourse. ARGUS Inc. bears no legal liability for cranial rupture caused by improper use of the NerveGear. ARGUS Inc. assures you that the risk of pregnancy from intercourse in FullDive is statistically negligible. Please enjoy responsibly.

You fight to keep the annoyance from your face. You had to dig through the «Settings» menu with Klein for nearly 10 minutes trying to find the one option for adult content buried between 20 different options under something like 20 submenus. And of course, there was no way to bookmark it so you had to scramble to find the option again in the middle of the bedroom.

By the time you finished arguing with the CERO-mandated warning labels, you've waited an uncomfortable amount of time in the dark while Asuna slipped out of her casual clothes. But now it's over, and you're ready! Ready for... what happens next...

You gulp.

"A-asuna, you look... beautiful..."

She's dressed in a silk gown that hugs her curves, loosely draped over her body, and ready to fall off in one careless tug at the straps...

Asuna, ever the more patient one, awaits you expectantly, with flushed cheeks and a shy smile. She lets out a slow breath, taking a shuffling step forward, barefoot on wooden flooring as your heart threatens to pound out of your ribcage.

Reaching for her straps, she slowly inches the gown off her shoulders, an action that should not be half as erotic as it is to see her unveil a body you've only ever admired from a distance... until tonight...

The heat in the room rises to a fever pitch. Steam pours from your ears as your mind races a mile a minute, a strange yet familiar sensation in your pants, as she releases her hand and the negligee falls to the floor in one elegant motion...

Tears fill your eyes.

"K-Kirito...? It's embarrassing... let's continue on the bed...."

The cold evening air turns into a sweltering hotbox. A puff of vapor hits your nose and a wall of humidity assaults your senses. From the cracks and crevices, a cloud of vaporized rushes into the room like a broken fog machine. You rub the sudden irritant out of your eyes and behold your wife in her full glory, a sight that—

You try to squint, but it's nearly impossible to make out Asuna through the sheer volume of vapor that's suddenly materialized in front of you. You wave your hand trying to dissipate the cloud of gas but it reforms just as quickly. Was Asuna seeing this? Or was it all some government mandated client side censorship? What was happening?!

A murmur interrupts your thoughts. You jolt, half expecting something out of a horror story to crawl out of the fog, but it was just Asuna trying to get your attention.

"S-sorry," she says, cupping her cheek. "Just, it's a little nerve-wracking... do you want to keep going?"

"Y-yeah." You refuse to let this... fog get in the way.

Asuna, unaware of your turmoil, slowly glides through the smog towards the bed. But she may as well be in full armor for how quickly the fog is overwhelming your senses, her face the only beacon in the steamy void...

After a dozen agonizing seconds of being mocked with your wife in front of you and unable to even see her, the situation dawns on you. This was just another barrier to overcome. It doesn't matter what you can see.

You've defeated everything Kayaba Akihiko has thrown at you, no challenge in SAO is insurmountable, and you have long learned that the true enemy isn't some piddling floor boss, but you and your limits! Who cares if you can't see!?

"I'll never lose!" you declare. You're going to power through this, for your sake, for Asuna's sake, and for every single player stuck in this death game who's gone two years without human contact!


You square up against the enemy, a shimmering wall of nothingness— and charge.

"Ah... oh..."

The sounds of moaning fill the bedroom.

You've defeated it. You've conquered the «Pale Smoke of Mood-Killing», and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat! The duel was long and arduous, but with help from «Search», that old workhorse of a skill, you've managed to figure out the trick.

You have «Search» maxed out at 1000 points. As a solo player, you couldn't depend on anyone else to guard your blind spots. You've learned long ago that what kept you alive wasn't your Sword Skills, your reflexes, or even Dual Blades, but rather the simple act of sensing danger before it's too late. You have to be your own second set of eyes, so you've devoted no small amount of XP into making sure your build would never put you in a position where your attention slipped.

Outside of maybe Argo, you're certain there's no one else in all of SAO with a maxed-out «Search». As you close your eyes, focusing your senses, you can map out your surroundings as clear as day. You isolate every separate visual layer like peeling back an onion— not all too dissimilar to night vision. With proper application the skill lets you ignore obstructive effects entirely, leaving nothing obscuring your vision in front of you. Of course, if you focused on the breasts the system was so desperate to censor the smoke would return with an overwhelming vengeance, but so long as you focused on other parts of the body, the effect was minor enough to ignore.

No longer hindered by the smog, you approach the bed with newfound confidence. You place your lips against Asuna's neck in a move Klein suggested you try. You still feel like you're fumbling through it all, but the sheer fact you can bring some amount of joy to Asuna urges you forward.

Your hands explore her body while she clings to you. The tactile sense is indescribable, unlike anything you've ever experienced. Each time you caress her skin she shudders and gasps out loud.

She forces her tongue into your mouth, and you press into her. The feeling of pressure and closeness, the knowledge of what you're doing... you feel a swelling in your loins that threatens to explode...

"K-Kirito, um... you can go lower..."

It's time.

As one you lower yourselves to the bed, as Asuna slowly positions herself on her back. From here on is unexplored territory for you. Slowly Asuna places her hands on your shorts, and her bare fingers brush up against your...


Your chest fills to near bursting. The clarion call of your sixth sense, paired with your overuse of the «Search» skill, triggers full-blown panic in your brain. The same sense that lets you dodge a trap you failed to notice, that silent scream in the back of your mind that warns you when a treasure chest is booby-trapped... every signal in your body is on high alert.

Something is wrong, and you are forgetting something fundamental.

Asuna, unaware of the danger, pulls on your shorts and moves them down. A breeze hits your groin. It takes every ounce of your willpower to not roll off the bed from the sensation.

You want to shut off your brain. You don't want to think the thoughts that threaten to spill forth. But «Search» has other ideas. Its only job is to protect you. «Search» is doing its job.

*You are the bone of your sword.*

"Kirito? Please be gentle..."

Stop thinking «Search». Do not go down this path. Retreat, retreat, now! Don't go there, please, don't go there!

*It's natural. It's a part of your body. But it is not under your control.*

A thousand interviews flood into your mind. FullDive technology, the marvels of how it placed you in a sleep-like condition, how it paralyzes your voluntary muscles while leaving the core survival drive intact.

Though you can't move, your body still breathes. Your heart still beats. Your bladder fills and empties, on reflex your mouth can still swallow, and though your real-world body no longer listens to your commands, it is still a part of you. What you experience in SAO reflects upon your real world body. The only thing cut off are the voluntary, controlled motions.

So right now were you in... control... of what's down there... or were you not?

And if you were not in control...

*Consider the time. They could be visiting.*

This is the danger, the one you only now realize. It's not Kirito you have to be worried about... it's Kirigaya Kazuto.

*Your mother typically works late, but her hours are always irregular.*

It's been two years right? There's no way they could be visiting, could they? You know they weren't your trueborn parents, so... maybe they just took you in out of obligation? They're not watching you this second, are they!? They're not going to visit you in the hospital every day... right!?

*Dad should be finished with work.*

Dad would understand! It's been two years! That's right, he would usher everyone out when he notices! You can count on him! But even putting them aside, a nurse could be watching you right now. Some poor orderly could be washing your butt as you attempt this!

E-even if no one was watching, if you go to completion... you were in a hospital. You were almost certainly being recorded. Someone would have to clean you up. T-this wasn't a muscle you had control over. If you apply the logic of what the NerveGear paralyzed and what it left intact, the only conclusion that makes sense is...!

*They'd have to use a catheter.*


"Kirito, are you alright? You're sweating." Asuna blushes, swallowing, preparing herself for what she expects is to come. Her eyes reflect your own. "U-uh, we can always stop if... you don't want to do this."

No. You... can't be worried about what-ifs. You can't be preoccupied with who may or may not be watching you right now. You can't let what could happen stop you.

Danger is useful. To sense danger is to be prepared. But to succumb to it? To let fear prevent you from living a full life? No. You cannot hesitate. You want this. Asuna wants this. You entwine her hands in yours and look deep into her amber eyes.

"Mhhmm..." you lean down and kiss your wife, her taste comforting you. Her expression is a mix of bliss and expectation. There is no more doubt in your mind. Who cares if anyone is watching? It's been two years. You have no guarantee your body is even reflecting your current excitement— no guarantee you'll ever even return to it. The two of you were «Clearers». Death could come at any second, from a mistimed parry to an «Anti-Crystal Zone» or an unknown Enrage ability. To play SAO was to choose to live without regrets.

The two of you continue to explore each other's bodies. Your excitement builds, as does Asuna's. Her breathing is heavy, and her hands have explored every part of you— except one.

"I... I can't hold back, Asuna."

She smiles at you. "Me neither...!"

There is no apprehension left in you. You open your legs, and look down at your companion, one that's been neglected for so long. You reach down and grip the hilt, drawing your sword for the first time in two years. Today... today you will be set free...

You frown. Did it always look like this?

This is... yours. An old weapon, long neglected. You used to see it every day! But why? Why was it so...


This is nothing. You can beat this, you can overcome this! You crank up «Search» to its maximum intensity. Your brain burns with the force of your concentration, the veins near your eyes popping forward as sweat rolls off your forehead.

But it's not working. The system rebelling against your abuse of «Search» mechanics by revealing its secret weapon. This is the second phase, the enrage mechanic, the bullshit twist SAO has come up with specifically for this night...

You refuse to be defeated. You're still in the mood, and the night is still young. Your hand grips the base of your sword in a desperate attempt to steady it. It even feels like plastic, the whole thing covered in a rubber coating that reminds you of some kind of sci-fi laser sword.

No. You won't lose. You will not lose!

Steeling your resolve, you place your hand on Asuna's legs as she bites down on her lip, a look of longing filling her eyes. A sense of calm overcomes you, and you let the memory of Klein's hurried lesson loop in your mind. As one with your sword, your senses combine as one, your mind settling into a pure state of flow you've previously only achieved in combat, the only thought on your mind is on what you have to do, on what you will do.

Your palm traces along the delicate curve of her thigh as you spread her legs apart. She gasps sharply, your hand brushing up against her bottom... a wall of pink overwhelms your senses as you admire her...

What exactly are you looking at here?

Because it's... honestly...

Kind of hard to tell.

"Kirito..." she coos, a heated whisper, but you're too confused by the sight below you to notice. Your vision is tunneling, vision narrowing to just between her legs, at the sheet of pink pixels that seems to be growing in size the longer you look at it.

You have a dilemma. Klein warned you that there was more than one hole to account for, and which one to aim for. More importantly, he told you which one to avoid.

So you have to be very careful.

As you sit there, hand around your sword, paralyzed with indecision, panic, and a growing sense of dread at trying to sift through a blurry pink box for the right hole. Maybe Asuna will notice your confusion and give you a hint, because you're certain you have no idea what to do now. Which one is it? And there's no way to tell without manually searching...

Does she notice? Her eyes are closed and she's blushing, but aside from the breathing maybe she hasn't realized the magnitude of your problem yet? Maybe you're overthinking this?

Stop. Think, Kirito. Remember that before all this you were a human being in the real world, with certain... real life experiences.

You launch your mind back into the distant past. To every trashy manga, to every video you snuck a look at in the dead of night— you weren't done yet. You had no skill that could defeat this censorship, but you are more than just a slave of the system! You are Kirito, and you will use an «Outside System Skill».

You will use your imagination!

So even if you can't see. You can imagine. You can feel.


You close in. Even through the rubbery casing around your sword, you can feel a faint transmission of touch. Closing your eyes you push forward, as Asuna lets out a long gasp.

You encounter slight resistance. Your vision, of course, does little to help you. Yet you need not depend on your own eyes alone to find where you need to go, watching your partner's reaction.

"It... feels... strange..."

"Is it not... supposed to?" you ask, a cold lump forming in your throat as you attempt to move inside.

She bites her lip.

"I don't know— oh!" Asuna gasps, shaking slightly as you increase the pressure, pushing forward ever-so-slightly. She seems to be enjoying this, but then again, were you certain you were in the right hole? She said it felt strange...

She tingles to the touch, and gasps as your sword rubs against a divot in her body. This has to be it. Her breath quickens, and you take it as positive reinforcement. You slowly, but surely...

"Kirito? W-wait... hahaha..."

She's smiling, holding her sides, and you intensify your movements. A good sign— a positive reaction! Once, twice... she laughs, and then...

"Kirito, haha, stop, t-that's my..."

Wait were you too low? But you went so high! This has to be the right one, right? Gasping, she begins writhing beneath you, breath halting as you push a bit further. She laughs harder, panting, and you follow along, pushing with increased frequency, feeling the climax building deep inside your very—

"Hahaha! Kirito s-stoopp, that's my b...belly—"

Your hips stop. Your mouth opens. Her words enter your ear but you remain confused, the situation unfathomable to your mind stretched to near breaking. So you ask for clarification. You say one word.


And your fate is sealed.

ATTENTION USER: Safeword detected. «Ethics Code» reinitialized.

A thin purple window pops into your view for a fraction of a second before it's replaced by a brilliant crimson wall that blares out a claxon alarm straight into your brain.

ATTENTION USER: You are currently conducting an OMEGA CLASS violation of the «Ethics Code». Initiating mandatory countermeasures.

A force a thousand times stronger than the «The Gleam Eyes» final strike slams into your groin with the fury of an angry god. All the nerves in your body fire as one as the overwhelming force runs through your swollen sword. Blinding light pierces your vision, as static overloads your brain, the shock knocking you skyward as your stomach compresses.

Every muscle in your body pulls taut, and your hips jolt up reflexively as you gasp out. The force bypasses all your defenses and overwhelms you instantly. With one last grunt and the sound of shattered bones, you shoot up into the ceiling of your bedroom on a jet engine of your own emissions— two years worth of semen making a glopping noise as it sprays endlessly against the cabin walls.




"Do you want to just cuddle?"

"Let's go with that."


You really, really, need to clear this fucking game.

SUNDAY - October 27th, 2024
22:20 Japan Standard Time

"Takumi! Takumi, you lazy bum, it's time to wake up!"

You wake up with a start, shocked out your mid-shift nap by the annoyed complaints of your coworker. "W-wha? What is it?"

"It happened again. Your turn this time."

Your senpai shoves the mop and sponge into your drowsy hands. Ah damn it, you hate this part. It's been weeks since the last one happened on your shift. You thought you'd get used to the smell of microwaved brains, but there's always something—

"Don't give me that look. Code White this time. Bed 12."

You pause. Bed 12? This is the first one you've heard from Bed 12. Urgh. Your second least favorite code. You grab the sponge and sigh, rubbing the remaining sleep out of your eyes. "And you couldn't handle it? You were right there."

"It's your turn. Go replace the catheter while you're at it. Docs are rounding in 20 minutes so chop to it."

You weigh the pros and cons of further grumbling, but realize in the end that technically you were caught sleeping on the job, so you bite back your retort and make for the exit. Might as well go get a coffee before clean-up duty.


Hold on...

"Hey... isn't Bed 12 the one that schoolgirl's always visiting? Ya know, the one with the kendo sword?"

Your senpai gives you a look. "Who do you think called the Code White?"

Great. Guess you'll grab an extra sponge before heading in.
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...why does he need an extra sponge...? (i will regret asking this, because i don't want my idea to be right)
[X] Plan: A Sicilian Message

So, cursed question. If we ever use Nephren Ka's third eye against Kirito, will Hiyori have the contents of this seared into her mind like the Sugou interlude? And how much stress would she get from the second hand cringe?
Voting is open