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[X] Ask for Yuuki's help with Ragnarok.
[X] Alice Liddell

Quick question, it lists Eiga among Alice Liddell's skills, but it doesn't have an SP cost. Shouldn't it cost 1 SP, or did you mean to have Eiha (the tier 1 version) ?
[X] Ask for Yuuki's help with Ragnarok.
[X] Alice Liddell

Okay, so, like what happens should the experiment succeed? You've copied the soul of a dead person, great. Now what do you do with it? It's not like there are any working human bodies you can put them into.
They probably see it as a step towards immortality. If canon SAO theory is in play this wouldn't achieve it - at least not by itself - but IDK if they know that yet. Or, if we want to take a darker view of things, they may contest your assertion there are no human bodies to put them in...whether there was an existing soul in said body that very much doesn't agree with getting overwritten being a minor concern. Or, yeah, robot body as mentioned.

I'm sorry, protects against the what?
Underworld stalks us again. MANKIND Arcana more like SPOILER Arcana.

In Underworld's in-setting mythos Vecta is the God of Darkness. After the world was created the world was split into two sides - the Human Empire and the Dark Territory. No prizes for guessing which side Vecta was given rule over. ...Only that's a lie Adminstrator came up with to set up her Church to keep the Human Empire (her side) in line. Despite that being the case, there are GM-level accounts named after the Gods in the system, just never been used.

Until... (SAO War of the Underworld Arc Spoilers) RATH's HQ gets physically invaded by a terrorist PMC. Then their on-site leader - who happens to be PoH's employer logs into Underworld with the Vecta account because it's the most OP pre-built one they have access to and allows him to, for a short while, leverage the fact that the inhabitants of Underworld actually believe the mythos to take control of the Dark Territory armies.

As for the Curse of Vecta specifically. Honestly I may be forgetting or mixing up some things but I recall he had the ability to basically absorb people's souls. If done completely it's a kill AFAIK but we see partial effects including temporary memory loss on would-be victims. Though I forget if that was a Vecta thing or a Gabriel Miller (the player behind him) thing because IIRC he was still capable of it even after his Vecta avatar was killed and he logged back in with his GGO one. Regardless, I would assume it is very much bad news.
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Quick question, it lists Eiga among Alice Liddell's skills, but it doesn't have an SP cost. Shouldn't it cost 1 SP, or did you mean to have Eiha (the tier 1 version) ?

Sorry meant to be eiha.

Okay, so, like what happens should the experiment succeed? You've copied the soul of a dead person, great. Now what do you do with it? It's not like there are any working human bodies you can put them into.

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[X] Ask for Yuuki's help with Ragnarok.
[X] Alice Liddell

I was going to go with Nyarly out of principle...until I saw that his version wanted us to eat nail clippings and hair. You're trying way too hard here, boss-man.

Still, I would have preferred to keep OG Alice in this case. Unlike the previous upgrades, both of the new Alices don't seem to be flat-out improvements. Lidell gets rid of Eiga taking away Alice's specialization while Kyteler cuts away our non-specialized stats all which help even out Lux's lower stats. Worse is that both of them take away Alice's single weakness to Bless and give her a bunch of more common ones especially Lidell's Pierce and Slash ones.

Should I take that as both Phil and Nyarly being in the wrong here?
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Yeah, I'm not in the mood to drink the world's worst energy drink. It gives you enough energy to last the rest of your life! (all five seconds of it)

[x] Ask for Yuuki's help with Ragnarok.
[x] Alice Liddell
Speaking of Alice's Release Recollection, how would going into wonderland fit into our schedule, assuming we acquired that ability? Going there requires going to sleep, so would it be a free action that occurs between days?
It's XeXeeD's EXTREME Guide to VR Games!
AN: Your guide to all the VRMMOs popping up in this quest. Will update as needed.
It's still diegetic cause XeXeeD hasn't died yet!

What's up, gamers? Got a thousand hours to kill? Wanna do something more exciting than being a wage slave? How about a good old-fashioned, full-immersion virtual reality role-playing game to while away the time? Or a heart-pounding otome game to get those juices flowing? What about edge-of-your-seat action for you would-be murderhobos!? Know where you won't get any of that? Real life! So time to lubricate your eyeballs, refill those feeding tubes, and shove in your catheter cause Uncle XeXeed's here to tell you what you wanna know about the wonderful world of VR gaming!

But XeXeed you beautiful and sexy beast, I don't know where to begin! You've heard the hype. You've seen the advertisements. You've listened to all your nonexistent friends' testimonials. But you're a newb! A greenhorn! You're afraid you're going to pick a predatory one and waste your precious money, or end up with a mediocre one that wastes your time and effort.

Fear not my friend, cause your man XeXeed's here to set up with the facts!
Cause it's a beautiful day outside. The cicadas are humming and the humidity is actually tolerable.
The sun is shining in the clear blue sky, and a pleasant breeze wafts through the air carrying the smell of nature.

But you don't give a shit cause you're inside having the fucking time of your life!

Platform: Ye-old Personal Computer. Still got one?
Cost: ¥7800 upfront, ¥1600 monthly subscription.

What's that? It's not even a VRMMO!? Yeah, I got eyes numbskull, but you gotta include the classics on any list like this. So what if it hasn't had an update in 5 years after its lead dev got cleaned doing tax evasion? This is still the best game you can play on your all-in-one dinky computer screen, and though the initial asking price is a lot you're getting 11 goddamn expansions with the all-in-one package. Featuring a world that's a half-scale recreation of Earth and by far the most expansive PvE experience ever created, Elder Tale remains an absolute must-play for the 500 hours it'll take you to explore every major dungeon. And yes, before you ask, there are still people who play the game.

Genre: Otome
Platform: PC, Amusphere
Cost: ¥7000, ¥3000 DLC. ¥4000 yen all in one PC edition if you like reading text-boxes.

The first Otome game to get a VR adaptation and for a damn good reason. The undisputed titan of the genre, KimiPri has been updated several times since its 2023 debut, breaking review score records with every update. The most recent the 'CommonSensibility' DLC even includes a subroute where you play as everyone's favorite villainess, Iris-sama! Well worth the ¥7000 asking price, even with expensive DLC. With four suitors even in the original Princess Yuri route, and over 17,000 ending variations, what's not to love? What's that? Otome games not manly enough for you? Get with the program, it's the 21st century now! Tap into your sensitive side and become the best princess possible!!

Genre: Otome
Platform: PC, Amusphere
Cost: ¥4000 for the VR edition. ¥2500 for the PC edition.

More Otome games!? Listen man, let me tell you something. Fortune Lovers has been the best-selling video game for the female demographic two years straight, including winning the year after it was already released. Sure, it's kinda generic, with dated tropes and gameplay. The main villainess is a cartoon character, nothing like Iris-sama, and the VR implementation is slap-shod at best. But at least it's fairly priced, has no DLC or microtransactions, and the art direction honestly ain't bad. Best part? When your date asks you if you'd rather be Gerald or Alan, you won't be caught without an answer!

Genre: Otome, Psychological Horror
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥5000, with an extremely predatory cash shop.

Last one, I promise! Not my fault Otome games and VR consoles are a match made in heaven. Now I like to be positive, cause there's too much negativity in the world! But it's also my job to empower you with the truth. So I gotta warn you... Alto Liebe is a piece of shit! Seriously! The capture targets are braindead, the tactical gameplay is wildly imbalanced, and the whole thing is just a big trap to get you to buy microtransactions. Who the hell is this game for? The otome side is half assed, the combat side is half assed, there's a half assed country sim, a half assed racing game, even a half assed mech battle system! The setting's one big anachronism soup that just ad-libbed every major fantasy trend of the last decade! The graphics are nice, sure, but don't let anyone fool you. Cause even if you put up with everything else? The game's impossibly hard, and microtransactions are practically mandatory. But hey, the game has a massive following, so I'll put it down as an honorable mention. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Theme Park MMO
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥5000 upfront, ¥1000 per month subscription. ¥500 appearance reroll, ¥5000 limited appearance customization.

Gotta give props to the king! Everyone was expecting RECT Progress to make a low-effort SAO clone-style shock game with all their leftover assets but man, they went all out on originality! This shit's a goddamn work of art! The graphics are beautiful, the environments are gorgeous, the combat is fun, and the NPCs are the closest thing you're gonna find to a living, breathing human being in an AI construct. Plus, it's got something unique that no other game has: flight! I legit boot this up just to fly around sometimes. For a first outing it's got a surprisingly large amount of content with hundreds of bespoke hand-crafted dungeons and an entire high level underworld.

Unfortunately, the actual endgame leaves much to be desired. PvE and PvP are intricately connected in this unwieldy 9 Faction system. And I hope you hate player expression, cause most classes are faction locked and there's like, what, 2 or 3 meta builds per race? There's all this fuss about a Grand Quest but ya know what that sounds like to me? Just more FOMO shenanigans. Come for the gameplay, not the game.

It's got an affordable upfront charge and a low subscription, but it has a completely random character generator. Furthermore, it asks for a ridiculous ¥500 to do appearance rerolls and an extra freaking ¥5000 for customization, and as a final fuck you the customization isn't even fully featured, with many cool traits locked behind the roll of the dice! It's got no DLC, yet, but mark my words with vultures like RECT running the show you'll be paying for every little 'update'.

Genre: VRMMORPG, FPS, Simulator
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: Free to Download, ¥3000 per month subscription. ¥500 appearance reroll. Warning, there's RMT built into this game!

This shit's a fucking blast. Literally. A game that's pure, unadulterated fun. No nonsense, no fuss, just the best first-person shooter you've ever played and it's a fucking MMO to boot. I mean, come on, the ballistics simulation is so accurate the freaking army uses it for training! There's no dumb faction system or carrot and stick world quest nonsense here, just pure gun on gun action. Want to be the very best? Want to prove it? Then there's nothing better than GGO.

And hey, the community's great! There's yours truly, best player in the world! But there are all kinds from working professionals, to retirees, to high schoolers, to even real life military and veterans. Everyone but girls that is. So sorry folks, no finding Ms. XeXeed in this world. It's a sausage fest pure and simple. But hey, even if girls did play this, it doesn't matter. Cause everyone's equal under the barrel of a rifle, and GGO's the place to prove it!

Pricing is... eh. ¥3000 a month, even when the client is free, is a bit of a tough sell. Sure you can make money with RMT but unless you're amazing like me, you're unlikely to pull it off. And yes, you can whale your way to high-power guns through the marketplace. We also have no idea who's running ZASKAR so your money might be secretly funding the NSA, the mafia, some evil AI, or even Kayaba fucking Akihiko if you believe the rumors. My advice to dodge all the RMT? GET GOOD!

Oh, and all that shit about 『 』is way overblown. Like seriously, you should know the pattern by now. 『 』shows up, 『 』does some cheat shit and wins, then 『 』moves on. Next year when 『 』gets bored and fucks off to ruin another game? GGO will still be here. And it'll still be awesome.

Genre: VRMMORPG, RPG, Sandbox MMO, Psychological Horror
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥6000 upfront, no subscription fee. Predatory "Cash Item" system where you can pay for power. Also features a Gacha system despite being a premium game! What baloney!

Lemme tell you a story. Once upon a time, right around the release of SAO, some dumb company thought they could beat ARGUS at their own game. So concurrently with the development of SAO these idiots cranked out a VRMMO held together with glue and paper mache to compete with SAO. When their major competitor turned out to be running a deathtrap? They were over the moon! Less so when they realized their chosen console was now the world's most expensive murder weapon. But these guys? They just rolled up their sleeves and got back to work. And remember this was before we had the SEED.

The first non-deathtrap VRMMO on the market, YGGDRASIL was something amazing. Sure... there were no facial expressions. Half the sound effects were unimplemented. There was no functional AI system, and like 90% of the playable zone was just empty landscape. But man, you should've been there in the early days. The world's greatest sandbox. New bullshit every day, and a game where secrets were actually valuable. Who cared if there weren't any dungeons when players could take over empty ones and construct their own? So what if it had like no items, when crafting was so robust everyone could make their own? Thousands of spells, many penned by players... player tools to do everything from making your own NPCs to even entire systems!

It was great... until everyone figured out they were just charging people to design their game for them. Then it went F2P which quickly became Pay2Win. Pay for convenience, pay for power, pay for a goddamn gacha that gives you a chance of rolling extra equip slots? Yeah. This game used to be good. Now? YGGDRASIL's a gacha infested whale graveyard. And for a game where players made 90% of everything? When they go 90% of everything goes with them. There's pretty much nothing to do and now the game is just a circlejerk where a bunch of whales blow each other up for no discernable reason. No wonder it's shutting down by the end of this year.

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Chatroom
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: F2P, and a very light in-game store.

Now I know there are some fans out there who'll break into my house and kill me for saying this. But Asuka Empire? Too damn boring. Yeah, it's beautiful. The setting's cool, and it's the cheapest VRMMO on the market. But what exactly are you getting here? This is less of a game and more of a SEED asset package. Like YGGDRASIL before it, Asuka Empire allows users to submit their own quests or even mini-games using the built-in engine. It's practically dependent on it, even. The dev-created quests are boring, there's no overarching story to speak of, and the combat system has no legs, literally, when you're spending all your time trying to navigate its dumb-ass foot stomp menu system.

See I hate this kind of stuff. As an old YGGDRASIL vet I've been burned on 'user-generated content'. Asuka Empire is cheap, sure. F2P and you can only buy cosmetics and extremely minor convenience features. But it's gotta make its money somewhere, and where does it do that? I'll tell you where. The creators. Asuka Empire charges a fee to upload your own quest, after which it only has a chance of being added to the game. And if you make a popular quest and decide to charge a fair fee to play it? Asuka sucks up 50% of your profits.

But I can see the writing on the wall. Asuka Empire is growing fast, even if most folk just use it like a glorified chatroom. It surprisingly lets you customize your avatar, provided you're okay with being some flavor of boring human. The 100 Ayakashi event drew in record numbers and the devs are promising more user-content showcases. But it's not like it's hard to make a SEED game. Asuka Empire is just a walled garden WITHIN another walled garden. If you want to support small-time devs? Go buy their games directly and don't force them into suffering under Asuka Empire's boot.

Genre: VRMMORPG, RPG, Theme Park MMO
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥3000 upfront, ¥1000 per month subscription.

The newest player on the block, NewWorld Online tries very hard to be an 'everything' MMO, and you can tell by how it takes a bit from all its contemporaries. It has a floor based large-scale PvE progression similar to how SAO was supposed to go before it turned into a murder grinder. It has an emphasis on hidden information and secrets that made early YGGDRASIL so fun. It has a bright and attractive art direction like ALO. It's a very frictionless game. Very few death penalties, robust fast travel systems, and no matter what bullshit you do the system will find a way to reward you with it.

I'm talking unique classes, bespoke abilities, hidden dungeons... and before you start complaining I'll reveal the secret. Yes, shit can be imbalanced. Yes, some idiot can find a build that slaughters everyone. Yes, there's a stupid max defense build out there that somehow works. But you know what? Anything and everything can be broken. Cause NewWorld Online doesn't demand you choose a build. It lets you play how you want and constructs a build around your playstyle. It's not that some lucky jackasses have unique skills nobody has. If you play in an interesting way the game will reward you with a unique skill. The only way to suck at this game? It's to be boring and follow a cookie-cutter build.

Every few weeks a new floor is unlocked. There's always a goal to push towards, and the devs are very good at providing constant feedback. It may not have the player count of ALO or the cash potential of GGO but I think this game has the longest legs of them all. Sometimes even I'm tempted to switch to it fulltime!

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Exploration
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥5000 upfront, no subscription, limited microtransactions.

Hey devs? You know what players want? Character fucking customization. And not just a bunch of shitty menus. We want full control! Full immersion, full customization, full experience! Is that so much to ask? Cause there's only one VRMMO that listens. Apocalyptic Date doesn't care about VR nonconformity. It doesn't care about out-of-body sensations or gender dysmorphia. Apocalyptic Date cares only about one thing, and that's letting you be whatever the fuck you want to be. Want to be a literal lizardman? Sure! Want a be a giant bara tiger? You can do that, oh boy, can you do that.

But it goes beyond that. Did you bypass all the warning screens and sign the waiver? Cause if you did your body is your canvas. Want to play as the opposite gender? Done. Hermaphrodite alien? Please, you have a custom genitalia modeler. Tentacle slime? Not explicitly but mess with enough sliders and you can get damn close. The only thing you can't be? A regular ass human being. But why the hell would you want to be that?

It's uh... not the best game aside from that. Bunch of procedurally generated zones with very little it, vaguely skinned as a fantasy setting. A few cool towns, and an improbably large population of bandit camps. Lots of farming, rock collecting, and base building. Just really empty. But man, I'd pay thousands to have that kind of character customization ported into ALO, or NewWorld Online, or literally any game.

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Horror, Bug-Collecting
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥4000 upfront, ¥2000 monthly subscription.

Look, the SEED's great. It lets amazing VRMMOs be released at a fraction of the usual dev time, and lets the content engine keep cycling. But there's also a problem. Because the SEED is a blackbox there's no way to mess with the fundamental systems. Avatar Conversion is a pain in the ass to balance around, the in-game creator tools are a bit finicky, and the black and red default textures give me a headache. The worst part of all? The ban on realistic violence.

No blood spray, no dismemberment, no realistic internal anatomy. Now I'm not saying I want that, but when you gib someone with a grenade, you want to see bits flying! Not just a freaking shower of pixels. Ever bisect someone with Ma Deuce? Trust me, it's much less fun when there are just glowing void bits. But Insect Site gets around this by making EVERYONE a monster.

Guts and blood galore! And hell it's fun too! In a game literally about squick factor the devs go out of their way to make dodging nearly impossible. Every fight is a slugfest where you're losing limbs and claws, and there's just no end to the creative ways the monsters will try to kill you. And when you win a fight and behold the towering pile of limbs, viscera, and organs left in your wake? It's glorious.

What's less glorious is the volume of content. It's pretty much fights and hunts, nothing else. The overarching story is snooze-inducing, the UI is unintuitive, and the playerbase is small. It's the same thing every time. But that thing? You'll never find anything else like it.

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Gunpla Simulator, Psychological Horror
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: F2P. And both of your kidneys. Your brain if you're unlucky.

Look, uncle XeXeed tries his hardest to play every game he can, to give my lovely readers a comprehensive look into the VRMMO marketplace. But sometimes, fuck, I gotta take the L. I have never played GBN, and I never will. And neither should you.

The whole F2P part? An absolute lie. There's no equip drops in this game, the only way for your numbers to go up? That's to drag your sweaty ass out of your sensory deprivation tank and into a store, to buy an overpriced plastic figure with 'some assembly required'. What's that? ¥2200 Virtual Grade Gunpla sound nice and affordable? Well, I hope you like getting one-shot by trust fund warriors cause your power is directly tied to the system's entirely subjective judgment of your build quality. So you go a little harder. ¥4000 for an airbrush setup, cause the system penalizes shoddy spray painting. ¥2000 sandpaper set. ¥3000 weathering tools. ¥1000 yen paint thinner, wait, better buy two jars in case you screw up. ¥8000 filtration mask so you don't end up with VR chips in your lungs.

And then? You realize an airbrush isn't enough. You have to start mixing your own paints. Line paneling with real fucking ink. Throwing away stickers and etching on custom decals. And then your goddamn hand slips on the filing knife so you have to go back to the store and buy another Gunpla.

GBN doesn't have to charge you a damn thing. They'll get you with sunk costs and shiny plastic, and before you know it you'll be eating Gundam food off of Gundam plates and shitting in a Gundam toilet. All while wasting your time with a dumb Gundam game that just sees you as a big Gundam sized wallet.

Oh, there's something I was forgetting... Oh! Ahaha, silly me, I almost forgot.

How about the time THE FUCKING LOGOUT FUNCTION WAS DISABLED BECAUSE SOME SIMPS CRASHED THE SERVERS KIDNAPPING THEIR NPC WAIFU. Like, can't even blame a guy for going hard for his oshi, that's human nature, ya dig? But who can I blame? That's right. The devs who just watched it happen. Like fuck, at least Kayaba did it on purpose. They say Ver 1.78 has finally ironed out the bugs, but do you really want to trust your brain to these zakus?

Upcoming Hits!

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Theme Park MMO
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: TBD
Release: When it's Ready

The supposed 'god-game' everyone's hyping themselves over. Didn't you suckers check the fine print? The company name might be different but most of the devs are refugees from YGGDRASIL. This is basically YGGDRASIL 2.0, only this time with the SEED and an actual budget! Like, I'm skeptical. These assholes already ruined one game, but they promise their next outing will be better. For one we've gotten promises that there's no more cash shop, and that they're switching to a tried and true subscription model. An actual world with hand-crafted content instead of being all user-generated. But we've heard all that before, and YGGDRASIL still ended up Pay2Win. But hey, YGGDRASIL made a shit ton of money, money that seems to be poured straight into the gullet of this behemoth. Shangri-La Frontier has the budget, but does it have talent? Does it have love? I'm reserving judgment and you should too.

Genre: Exercise, Capitalism, Psychological Horror
Platform: Augma
Cost: F2P... sorta.
Release: Summer, 2025

Holy gimmick on a cracker. I don't even know where to begin. How about the fact this isn't a VRMMO or even a game? Ordinal Scale is an augmented reality exercise program and shopping brochure masquerading as a game. Like, listen to this bullshit. You run around the city collecting tokens and then participate in literally STATE-SPONSORED AR fights against holographic monsters for points. Points which you can spend on affiliated STATE-SPONSORED businesses.

Yeah, you heard me. The goddamn Ministry of the Interior is funding this with your own tax dollars. So not only is it not F2P, you've already paid for it, even if you don't want it! Wanna know something crazy? All those high-tech security cameras and surveillance drones flooding Tokyo right now? They can project AR signals. You might think they're there to make cool monsters for you to fight. And sure, that'll happen. But you know what else will happen? They're gonna use it to beam advertisements straight into your brain.

This is the endgame folks. The wet dream of capitalism. Mark my words, the next generation will be born with surgically implanted brain chips that will sell your metadata to the lowest bidder. But before we get that far? We'll have this. Ordinal Scale. Fuck me.

I don't care if it's good. I don't care if it's fun. I ain't getting within half a meter of an Augma. And when Ordinal Scale releases this summer? I'll be attending every event with a camcorder, having the time of my life videotaping a bunch of out-of-shape losers sweating in the Tokyo heat, attacking empty air with TV remotes.

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Actual Psychological Horror
Platform: NerveGear
Cost: Your LIFE! (And ¥8500)

Are the normies gone? So yeah, not gonna say this in public or I'm gonna get canceled. But you guys all agree, right? Sword Art Online has to be out there somewhere. Kayaba Akihiko didn't crank out his deathgame in a goddamn monastery. ARGUS had hundreds of employees, and we've all heard the interviews and watched the court cases. This was supposed to be a real fucking game, with real goddamn work put into it. Think about it. There's a PvE smorgasbord with 100 bespoke floors, countless quests and secrets, and an insanely complex AI. A melee combat system that is rumored to be so robust every other SEED game is still playing catchup. And you know what's the biggest tease? Even for those lucky, or unlucky, enough to play SAO, they still got gypped! There are 25 floors of mad scientist PvE sitting on some server somewhere that nobody, NOBODY, has ever played before. Just imagine the kind of insanity Kayaba Akihiko saved for the end!

Fuck, I'm salivating just thinking about it. C'mon RECT! You've got the server data! You know it's just sitting there! Cut out all the permanent death shit, throw in a memorial or something, and put it up for sale! This is an instant million seller!

AN: I couldn't find a semi-official image source for Insect Site, which is only mentioned in passing. All I know about it is that Agil's wife plays a giant praying mantis in it. So yeah... at least there's one anime out there with a 100kg Praying Mantis in it.
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Genre: Otome, Psychological Horror

Not gonna lie the psychological horror genre tags got a chuckle out of me.

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Theme Park MMO
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥5000 upfront, ¥1000 per month subscription. ¥500 appearance reroll, ¥5000 limited appearance customization.

What? Nothing about our insane bosses, idol scandals, or Fimbulvetr? Anything? We should be making waves!

Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Theme Park MMO
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: TBD
Release: When it's Ready

YGGDRASIL's devs making Shangri-la Frontier makes me shake my head in confusion. For one things the manga is actually decent compared to Overlord's awfulness.

Genre: Exercise, Capitalism, Psychological Horror
Platform: Augma
Cost: F2P... sorta.
Release: Summer, 2025


Fuck, I'm salivating just thinking about it. C'mon RECT! You've got the server data! You know it's just sitting there! Cut out all the permanent death shit, throw in a memorial or something, and put it up for sale! This is an instant million seller!

Sorry, XeXeed, normally RECT would be shameless enough but we've got a market to crash!

Still, all of these VRMMOs are gonna be considered shit games after Infinite Dendrogram comes out. It's just a matter of time.
Did he actually serve jail time?

He never served jail time, but he was on a suspended sentence, and he got a massive fine.

Log Horizon Author Mamare Touno Found Guilty of Tax Evasion

Author sentenced to 10 months in prison, suspended for 3 years; his company levied with 7-million-yen fine
Anime News Network said:
...the Tokyo District Court found Daisuke Umezu — the real name of author Mamare Touno — guilty of tax evasion on Tuesday. The court sentenced Touno to 10 months in prison, although the sentence is suspended for three years so he will not serve time if he remains on good behavior. The court also levied his rights management company m2ladeJAM with a 7 million yen (about US$63,000) fine.
Genre: Otome, Psychological Horror
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥5000, with an extremely predatory cash shop.

Last one, I promise! Not my fault Otome games and VR consoles are a match made in heaven. Now I like to be positive, cause there's too much negativity in the world! But it's also my job to empower you with the truth. So I gotta warn you... Alto Liebe is a piece of shit! Seriously! The capture targets are braindead, the tactical gameplay is wildly imbalanced, and the whole thing is just a big trap to get you to buy microtransactions. Who the hell is this game for? The otome side is half assed, the combat side is half assed, there's a half assed country sim, a half assed racing game, even a half assed mech battle system! The setting's one big anachronism soup that just ad-libbed every major fantasy trend of the last decade! The graphics are nice, sure, but don't let anyone fool you. Cause even if you put up with everything else? The game's impossibly hard, and microtransactions are practically mandatory. But hey, the game has a massive following, so I'll put it down as an honorable mention. But don't say I didn't warn you.
Oh, you gave the OtoMob game an actual name?
It's got no DLC, yet, but mark my words with vultures like RECT running the show you'll be paying for every little 'update'.
Don't worry. That won't be a problem for much longer, one way or the other.
Oh, and all that shit about 『 』is way overblown. Like seriously, you should know the pattern by now. 『 』shows up, 『 』does some cheat shit and wins, then 『 』moves on. Next year when 『 』gets bored and fucks off to ruin another game? GGO will still be here. And it'll still be awesome.
You sure about that, guy with a suspiciously similar name to our old boss? You sure that's a fact?

Also, accusing『 』of ruining games is fucking rich coming from the guy that scammed a bunch of newbies into a build that doesn't fucking work unless you're a fucking anime genetic mutant in terms of reaction speed. And might or might not have added even more murder to SAO.
Genre: VRMMORPG, RPG, Sandbox MMO, Psychological Horror
Platform: Amusphere
Cost: ¥6000 upfront, no subscription fee. Predatory "Cash Item" system where you can pay for power. Also features a Gacha system despite being a premium game! What baloney!
Hey, at least Japanese-style corporations don't rule the world like in their canon.
No blood spray, no dismemberment, no realistic internal anatomy. Now I'm not saying I want that
*presses X to doubt*
How about the time THE FUCKING LOGOUT FUNCTION WAS DISABLED BECAUSE SOME SIMPS CRASHED THE SERVERS KIDNAPPING THEIR NPC WAIFU. Like, can't even blame a guy for going hard for his oshi, that's human nature, ya dig? But who can I blame? That's right. The devs who just watched it happen. Like fuck, at least Kayaba did it on purpose. They say Ver 1.78 has finally ironed out the bugs, but do you really want to trust your brain to these zakus?
Genre: Exercise, Capitalism, Psychological Horror
Platform: Augma
Cost: F2P... sorta.
Release: Summer, 2025

Holy gimmick on a cracker. I don't even know where to begin. How about the fact this isn't a VRMMO or even a game? Ordinal Scale is an augmented reality exercise program and shopping brochure masquerading as a game. Like, listen to this bullshit. You run around the city collecting tokens and then participate in literally STATE-SPONSORED AR fights against holographic monsters for points. Points which you can spend on affiliated STATE-SPONSORED businesses.

Yeah, you heard me. The goddamn Ministry of the Interior is funding this with your own tax dollars. So not only is it not F2P, you've already paid for it, even if you don't want it! Wanna know something crazy? All those high-tech security cameras and surveillance drones flooding Tokyo right now? They can project AR signals. You might think they're there to make cool monsters for you to fight. And sure, that'll happen. But you know what else will happen? They're gonna use it to beam advertisements straight into your brain.

This is the endgame folks. The wet dream of capitalism. Mark my words, the next generation will be born with surgically implanted brain chips that will sell your metadata to the lowest bidder. But before we get that far? We'll have this. Ordinal Scale. Fuck me.

I don't care if it's good. I don't care if it's fun. I ain't getting within half a meter of an Augma. And when Ordinal Scale releases this summer? I'll be attending every event with a camcorder, having the time of my life videotaping a bunch of out-of-shape losers sweating in the Tokyo heat, attacking empty air with TV remotes.
So, this is how we're going to start fucking the real world with our Persona bullshit? Too bad for everyone else about all the shit XaXa is seeing coming, though.
Genre: VRMMORPG, Action, Actual Psychological Horror
Platform: NerveGear
Cost: Your LIFE! (And ¥8500)

Are the normies gone? So yeah, not gonna say this in public or I'm gonna get canceled. But you guys all agree, right? Sword Art Online has to be out there somewhere. Kayaba Akihiko didn't crank out his deathgame in a goddamn monastery. ARGUS had hundreds of employees, and we've all heard the interviews and watched the court cases. This was supposed to be a real fucking game, with real goddamn work put into it. Think about it. There's a PvE smorgasbord with 100 bespoke floors, countless quests and secrets, and an insanely complex AI. A melee combat system that is rumored to be so robust every other SEED game is still playing catchup. And you know what's the biggest tease? Even for those lucky, or unlucky to be fair, enough to play SAO, they still got gypped! There's 25 floors of mad scientist PvE sitting on some server somewhere that nobody, NOBODY, has ever played before. Just imagine the kind of insanity Kayaba Akihiko saved for the end!

Fuck, I'm salivating just thinking about it. C'mon RECT! You've got the server data! You know it's just sitting there! Cut out all the permanent death shit, throw in a memorial or something, and put it up for sale! This is an instant million seller!
There is only one VRMMORPG, and you're still salty about not getting to go back to the tutorial level?
He's probably not wrong. It was also such a big part of their lives you'd get at least a few vets back into it.
I know for a fact that if we somehow get mecha-Kirito out of his box, he'd at the very least think about it. The original loved that fucking deathtrap.
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uh, tl;dr, part of Build Divers's plot is that GBN has somehow spontaneously been generating self-aware AI residents. They're not NPCs, they kinda just spawn out of nowhere, and while they don't have access to all the systems a player would, they can kinda intuit the state of the sim and whatnot. In season 1, a group of kids encounter one such AI and effectively adopt her, but find out later that GBN flat out cannot handle self-aware NPCs, and that the errors from that'll slowly cascade into the destruction of the entire VRMMO. On top of that, some guy's fucking with an exploit using older, Gundam Build Fighters tech from before the VRMMO, 'cause he thinks the consequence free nature of the VRMMO is making people softer, and that the experience isn't as truly important to the players as Build Fighter's arenas were, so he wants to cause more cascading errors to crash the VRMMO. After that guy was defeated and convinced not to destroy the VRMMO, they have to go to him for help, 'cause his exploit was the only feasible method of extracting their self-aware AI friend from the sim before her existence crashes it, and he's one of the few people actually smart enough to find a way to download a self-aware AI to an irl Gunpla model without accidentally killing or driving that AI insane. The playerbase finds out that the AI is why the game's still bugged even after the exploit was 'fixed' (it wasn't fixed, but the playerbase doesn't know that), and there's something of a miniature war between the guilds that want to kill the AI and save the VRMMO, vs the guilds trying to save the AI and keep things stable long enough to fix everything, which is probably why Xexeed is roughly aware of the situation.

Said 'can't logout' thing would've been due to the glitchiness caused by both the AI's existence and the exploit. Ofc, Season 2 makes up an explanation as to why AIs are suddenly starting to appear in-sim, and takes that 'download to a Gunpla' method and makes it more widespread, developing actual doll-like bodies for the AIs and such, and integrating them into society. Unlike Season 1, Season 2 is legitimately great!
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