Voting is open
[X]Plan: Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.
-[X] [LAW] Confess Your Sins.
-[X] Send the Tokyo Special Assault Police Team to the Shinkawa residence pronto. Shouichi is to be considered armed and dangerous.

Start taking pieces off the board. Make their endgame harder and ours simpler.
Screw it, changing my vote.

[X] Plan: Chaos, Chaos, and more Chaos
-[X] [CHAOS] The court recognizes that the only guilty party is Kayaba Akihiko.
-[X] Send the Tokyo Special Assault Police Team to the Shinkawa residence pronto. Shouichi is to be considered armed and dangerous.

Hopefully Hiyori can have a big face off against PoH later.
[X]Plan: Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.
-[X] [LAW] Confess Your Sins.
-[X] Send the Tokyo Special Assault Police Team to the Shinkawa residence pronto. Shouichi is to be considered armed and dangerous.
[ ] [CHEAT] The Owl in the Mirror.
>Kyouji will tell no one. He will hand you his NerveGear and the account information for Spiegel.
>Due to gender-lock restrictions, Hiyori is unable to log in as Spiegel. However any male can do so.
>You will have a limited time frame to convince a male Social Link member (or find a new SL member) to take over Spiegel's account and serve as your spy. This individual will be placed in danger.
>NATURE, DEATH and PLANTS are unavailable for this role.
>SWORDS (by way of Eiji), COINS, WANDS, TEMPLE, FORTUNE, and JUDGMENT are available for this role.
Question: how long do we have to find a spy?

Kinda wanna go for Judgment for this. Sora's definitely capable and might find the challenge interesting enough to go for it.
[X] Plan: Chaos, Chaos, and more Chaos
-[X] [CHAOS] The court recognizes that the only guilty party is Kayaba Akihiko.
-[X] Send the Tokyo Special Assault Police Team to the Shinkawa residence pronto. Shouichi is to be considered armed and dangerous.
[X] Plan: Chaos, Chaos, and more Chaos
-[X] [CHAOS] The court recognizes that the only guilty party is Kayaba Akihiko.
-[X] Send the Tokyo Special Assault Police Team to the Shinkawa residence pronto. Shouichi is to be considered armed and dangerous.
[X] Plan: Chaos, Chaos, and more Chaos
-[X] [CHAOS] The court recognizes that the only guilty party is Kayaba Akihiko.
-[X] Send the Tokyo Special Assault Police Team to the Shinkawa residence pronto. Shouichi is to be considered armed and dangerous.
A question: When someone is diving what happens if you just ... pull the power? Does it kick them out safely?
A question: When someone is diving what happens if you just ... pull the power? Does it kick them out safely?
the modern equipment does, iirc, but the Nervegear is set up to kill the wearer if it's pulled off or is about to run out of power. Might not do that outside of SAO specifically... but also might because Incarnated deathgame bullshit.
Putting my hand in.

[X] Plan: Mirror Mirror
-[X] [CHEAT] The Owl in the Mirror.
-[X] Do not do anything.

Shinkawa Shouichi. The main operator behind Sterban. One of the core members of Death Gun, and their ringleader.

And completely replaceable.

Because at the end of the day, he's just a voice behind a screen. A body behind a keyboard.

And Death Gun has bodies to spare.

It doesn't have to be him playing Death Gun. Anyone could do it. It's just a role. A costume.

Take Shouichi out, then sure, that mucks things up a bit. But then Vassago could take over and Kanamoto can just continue killing. Or Itsuki might step in. Who knows. But it won't be the end.

If we really want to hurt them, we gotta take out at least two members. Then they would really feel the strain. And we can't do that if we don't know what they're planning, what they're doing, where they are.

What we need is information. Intelligence. An inside man. But not Kyouji. His capability is mostly due to being unexpected, someone under the radar. His actual skill is less than satisfactory. We need someone else. Someone smart. Someone who can act and keep the lie up while keeping an ear out.

Someone who can CHEAT.
So... we hold off on the arrest. Keep their guard down. Lull them into a false sense of security, unaware of the spider among their midst.

We gather information, on plots, targets, locations, tools and methods, and in return we forge a plan, spin a web to capture them...

And rope to hang them.
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A question: When someone is diving what happens if you just ... pull the power? Does it kick them out safely?

The official answer is NOBODY IS SURE. They did it once to Kirito and it did not work out.

Kikuoka however is not stupid. If you arrest Shouichi he will wait till he goes to sleep and logs off. You may presume your allies to be competent in their chosen fields.

However if you want Kiks to log him off while you are fighting XaXa Kiks is going to be very, very hesitant to pull the plug.
06/09: The Seven Wonders New
[X] Plan: Chaos, Chaos, and more Chaos
-[X] [CHAOS] The court recognizes that the only guilty party is Kayaba Akihiko.
-[X] Send the Tokyo Special Assault Police Team to the Shinkawa residence pronto. Shouichi is to be considered armed and dangerous.

BREAKING NEWS - June 9th, 2025

The Japan Meteorological Agency is reporting a monitored low-pressure zone has begun rapid intensification approximately 1500km northeast of Tokyo, and has been designated Typhoon 2503 Usagi. This would be the 3rd typhoon this season and the first to make landfall onto the mainland. The JMA is issuing a typhoon warning for the Greater Tokyo area, though the expected severity of the storm has yet to be determined. Impacted areas are advised to prepare for storm surges and strong winds as forecasters anticipate landfall in 5 to 7 days.

Campaigning has begun for the general election on October 31st of this year. Prime Minister Mikogami of the Liberal Democratic Party is expected to retain control of the diet, though opposition parties are expected to gain seats. Recent outbursts of vigilante justice in the Greater Tokyo area, centered around the 'Balaclava Berserker', are among the chief issues of public discontent. Prime Minister Mikogami campaigned to clean up the Tokyo Police Department following the Shido Conspiracy through the initiation of the Social Security Camera System, which promises relief from the growing police shortage. However, opposition leaders, including Mikogami Tsukasa, son of the current Prime Minister, are pushing a platform featuring curtailment of government surveillance. The junior Mikogami is seeking his father's former seat, despite being in an opposing party and still attending high school.

The home of Shinkawa Akira, Chief Medical Officer of Toshima Hospital, was raided by the Metropolitan Police Department last night. The MPD has issued a statement that an individual was arrested on-site for suspicions of perpetrating two homicides, though the name of the individual has been withheld pending investigation. Shinkawa Akira was not present at the time of the arrest and has fully cooperated with the ongoing investigation. He is not being charged with any crime, and a statement from Toshima Hospital states that any of his scheduled appointments will proceed as normal.

MONDAY - June 8th, 2025
After School

"You... uh... alright there, Yori-chan?"

Your loud friend is glancing at you nervously. You're glued to your phone, mindlessly chewing on a cucumber you stole from her lunchbox. You've had between two and twenty of them, it's getting hard for you to keep track.

Kikuoka sent you one text message, ominously stating that things went 'alright'. He hasn't responded since. Kyouji isn't answering either. The only thing you can think to do is to barge into the nearest police department, but Tokyo had hundreds of them. You're not even sure which one Kikuoka operated out of.

This is revenge. You can't prove it but you feel it in your soul— the asshole just wants you to sweat after you ghosted him throughout all of ALO.

"Earth to Yori-chan? You still alive in there?"

"Y-yes. Nothing's wrong!" you spit out entirely too quickly. You should be relieved. You just crippled Death Gun and neutralized their main VR combatant. That just left... the international terrorist that is PoH, Kanzaki Elsa,『 』and a million other problems.

Oh, and Kayaba Akihiko. Lest you forget.

The news of the impending typhoon fills you with something approaching inner peace. For once, a problem that's not your responsibility, has nothing to do with the fate of the world, and involves precisely zero instances of mind control. You almost welcome the mandatory break, if it didn't arrive at the worst possible time.

"Hey, Yori-chan?" Subaru asks, tilting his head back from the seat in front of you. "Did you meet my dad a few days ago?"

"Hm?" you hum through a mouth full of cucumber. "I guess so. Kind of a surprise, really..."

Subaru frowns, "You weren't, uh... looking for him... were you?"

You glare daggers at Subaru. "He picked up a guy who tried to jump in front of a truck. It was not a pleasant meeting."

"R-right, sorry! Buuuttt... is it true you're helping him with something?"

"He wants my help talking someone out of being a shut-in, I guess," you reply. You refuse to use the term little sister for hire, which is what Subaru's father called it. "At least he's paying..."

Subaru nods, seemingly satisfied. He uncaps his pen and puts a tally mark in the margin of his notebook.

"...what are you doing?"

"Nevermind that," Subaru deflects, and turns around. "But really, are you... doing okay? You seem more distracted than usual."

"Mega-Airhead mode," your loud friend mumbles. "The rumors are growing. Bloody Yori, the Airhead Queen of Class 1-D... at this rate you'll end up as one of the «Wonders of Isei High»...

"...the what?"

Subaru jolts upright, excitement bubbling up in his tone. "You don't know? About the Wonders of Isei High? How have you not heard of this!?"

"Probably just some stupid rumors," you mutter. You had what, Seven Wonders back in middle school? The local high school you would've attended if SAO hadn't messed up your education was practically infamous for its rumors.

"Then allow the great Subaru to educate you!"

"And if I say no—"

"Too late!" Subaru flips his chair around and sticks out his tongue in a pointlessly exaggerated manner. "School is for learning, so sit down and listen! The First Wonder! «The Ghost of the Gate»!"

"Oooh, this one's spooooky!" your loud friend giggles. "You know how the front gate keeps squeaking?"

"Yes! It is said that in ages past, there was a legendary student. A simple man, large of body and large of dreams!" Subaru spreads his arms out as wide as two desks. "He saw a fellow classmate bullied and intervened! With righteous fury! But he was weak! Too weak! The villains, they crucified him— naked— upon the very gates of the school! LET ME DOWN! He asked of his tormenters. But NO! They did not listen!"

Subaru mimes tears streaking down his face.

"His classmate passes by— LET ME DOWN, he says! But NO! They just walk past! His teachers, his friends, even the very girl he was trying to save! LET ME DOWN! But nobody cared. Nobody listened, nobody helped! It is said that he died upon that gate, and to this very day you can still hear his voice echo out— LET ME DOWN! LET ME DOWN!"

Horrifying depiction of bullying aside, that was an extremely overwrought way to explain a simple squeaky gate. "Sounds like the janitor should buy some oil."

"Not scary enough for you?" Subaru shakes his head in disappointment, "Then how about something more... present? Not some distant ghost of bygone eras, no, this threat is modern. Too modern. The dreaded «Man Killer»!"

"Man Killer." You blink twice. "Is that really the best name you can come up with—"

"Hey, quiet in the front! Now I have it from a very reputable source that right now, hiding within this very school, is a murderer! A crazed gunman, or woman I suppose, who used to work for the American Special Forces! They've killed thousands of evildoers, only for the blood to drive them insane, unable to see humans as anything but targets! Now the government has them secretly attending this school to reintegrate into society— but every minute of every day, the «Man Killer» fights a losing battle against their killer instincts! So be nice to everyone you meet, cause you never know... IF THEY'RE THE—"

"Are all these so morbid?" you interject, quickly trying to change the subject. This... this was something Endou likely spread around just to torment Shino, indirectly even recruiting the first years into her bullying. "You need better material."

Subaru laughs, apparently unoffended. "Okay, okay, let's dial it down a tad. The THIRD WONDER! «The Phantom Weights»! Every once in a while, when no one is looking, a sound emerges from the boy's locker room! Thud. Screech. Thud. Screech. Thousands of kilograms of pure steel shuffling back and forth. But the moment you come by and peek, all falls silent. In the morning, they find the weights— each heavy enough to crush a man to bits— strewn about the locker room. No man was ever seen inside, and even if they were found, how could they possibly move those massive blocks? It's because of the PHANTOM WEIGHTS!"

So someone just left their weights strewn all over the place by accident. Hardly a terrifying prospect.

"C'mon, c'mon, what about the fun one?" your loud friend jumps in. "Is it my turn!? Can I talk about the Fourth Wonder of Isei High?"

Subaru gives her a deadpan glare. "That one doesn't even count. It's not even scary!"

"Boooo! Yori-chan, the Fourth Wonder is the best one! The «Spirit Princess» of the Gunpla club!" she hugs herself and swoons, the image of a lovestruck fangirl. "There's a beautiful girl with flowing long blonde hair and blue eyes— a princess out of a fairy tale!"

"Hold on," you interrupt. "A fairy tale princess haunts a club about putting together plastic toys?"

"Shuush! Now there was a wandering knight, weak and of no renown. So poor he had to forge his own armor out of mud and scraps. But the Princess— she loved him! But with only his shoddy armor, how could he be worthy of her hand? Yet love found a way! Day after day the Princess would scour the castle for the sturdiest plate, the finest silk, and piece by piece the couple would build together a beautiful, gleaming suit of armor of shining white!"

"I'm still not seeing where Gunpla comes into it—"

Your loud friend dramatically collapses into her chair, a melodramatic smile painted on her face. "In her hubris, the Spirit Princess made a grave mistake! By pillaging her own castle, she disrupted an ancient seal! A great evil unleashed, but the Princess sacrificed her very life to seal it away. The knight, in his grief, tore off his armor and cast it aside— swearing to never build again! The gods, taking mercy on the Princess, offered her a second chance, if only she could reunite with her knight. But alas without his gleaming armor, she could never find him. Centuries later, even now, she wanders the world seeking her beloved by the only thing she can remember! The shining suit of armor they built together!"

"Cool story," Subaru grunts. "Did you pull that out of a Gundam fanfic or an otome game?"

"QUIET! You're ruining the best Wonder!"

Subaru ignores her and instead smirks at you. "Yori-chan you should know the next one. The original «Airhead Queen». The beautiful and mysterious Wakaba Hiiro— so stunning that even the actress in 1-A cannot compare! But... BUT! Nobody has actually seen her face. Yet we all know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Wakaba Hiiro is the prettiest girl in the entire school! How do we know this!? HOW DO WE KNOW!?"

"Look, I know Wakaba-senpai," you insist. "She's just shy. And kind of creepy. We're in the same club and—"

"Describe her then," Subaru says, suddenly smug beyond measure. "Just name one physical feature."

What? Easy. She has...


Black hair? You think? Was it black? It's probably true, most girls had black hair. You think it was long, but then you're not... positive...
And she was beautiful. Absolutely stunning, even under all her blankets. You wouldn't forget someone who looked like that. She...

"I'm waiting, Yori-chan."

"S-she..." C'mon, just think! You could do this! "W-well I remember her... h-her..." you stammer, mind suddenly blank. "Being... really pretty?"

Damn it!

Subaru smiles in triumph. "See!? I bet she's secretly a retired idol hiding out incognito wearing some kind of secret government mind control mask! It's the only thing that makes sense."

There's absolutely no way that's true, this is just some dumb coincidence. "You're being dramatic. She's a normal student. She goes to our school. We can go to Class 2-D right now and check!"

"Ah... but beware. Because if you carelessly wander into Class 2-D..." Subaru pauses for effect. "You'll encounter it. The greatest of all of the Wonders. The demonic, the eldritch, the horrible—"

"The «NIGHTMARE OF ISEI HIGH»!" your loud friend jumps in, completely stealing Subaru's thunder.

"Hey, don't you take the best—"

"Quiet, you've taken most of them already! Listen up Yori-chan, this isn't some rumor, this is a warning! The Nightmare is real, and you are in danger! 2-D is going to be our class next year!"

She leans forward, eyes meeting yours. She brings four fingers to each side of her head, waving them rapidly as if miming spider legs. "Once there was an itsy, bitsy spider. Just some tiny thing you could squash— Bam! But Okazaki-sensei saw not a pest, but an opportunity. That day, the two of them forged the ancient pact of master and familiar."

Subaru clutches his hand over his chest, gasping loudly. "The teacher promised sacrifice. Not her own, oh no, but that of her students! Every time the NIGHTMARE spider would be squashed, the teacher would intervene, saving it time and time again. And so it went. With each passing day, each passing moment, the NIGHTMARE grew— empowered with its new mission. Anyone, and I mean anyone who falls asleep in Okazaki's class..."

Your loud friend tilts her head back in a maniacal laugh, "The NIGHTMARE will find them!"
Subaru immediately takes his turn. "It'll crawl up your ears!"
"And out your nose!"
"It'll feast on your brains!"
"And then grow! Ever larger!"
"Until it's the size of the desk— NO! The SIZE OF THE ENTIRE ROOM!"
"It's hiding in the ceilings just above! Waiting to pounce!"


A bored classmate gives a half-hearted clap. Somebody coughs. The courteous thing would be to join in, but you were no longer listening. Instead, your eyes are glued to your phone— a new message just popped up.

It's Kikuoka, with an address for a nearby police station and two very simple words.

<Target secured.>

You shoot up, seizing your bookbag, eyes pounding out of their sockets. You give some half-hearted excuse under your breath and bolt towards the classroom exit. If you rush you can get there within half an hour, maybe even less if you run. After all this time, your first real sign of progress.

You've done it. One down.

Distantly, you hear your friends mutter in the chorus as you dash out of the classroom door.

"...and there goes the Seventh Wonder..."

MONDAY - June 8th, 2025
After School

He is in every way the exact person you always envisioned. Pale as a vampire, with greasy grey hair, and a figure so gaunt you can see the bones peeking out of his skin. Red-Eyed XaXa, or you suppose you should call him Shinkawa Shouichi, sits in the interrogation room handcuffed to the table, with a large, burly officer standing behind him.

And somehow he's still smiling.

"What have I done..." his brother bites his nails, trembling in the corner. "He's not a bad person, he was just a little messed up..."

Kyouji's mind has been completely overwhelmed, and frankly so was yours. You had a certain impression of Kikuoka and the capabilities of the Tokyo Police after all the fumbles with VR crimes.

You called Kikuoka last night. He showed up in 20 minutes, practically kidnapped Kyouji, and now... here you are. Sitting behind a one-way mirror in the police station staring at the captured form of Laughing Coffin's second in command.

Somehow you thought he'd have some backup plan. That PoH would drive up in a motorcycle and spirit him away. Or he'll reveal mind control powers, sprout wings and fly away— something. After all every other time you've gotten close Death Gun has pulled another trick to get away.

But no. You realize you've started buying into their hype, believing Death Gun to be some curse come to life, but in reality...

They were just criminals. Humans and fallible. For once you truly did catch them off guard.

"It went smoothly," Kikuoka confirms, staring at the man who tormented you throughout SAO. He doesn't even know you're here. "The biggest concern was ensuring we didn't catch him mid-dive. The NerveGear has a 2-hour battery life, but if we arrested him mid-dive he could simply refuse to logout. Then we'd be in a very awkward position right now."

The whole arrest went without a hitch. Kikuoka gave Kyouji a bag of convenience store food with a bug on it, and had him drop it off in his brother's room. The precise second Shouichi logged off to eat, the police cut off the power to his house and swarmed the place.

"So now what?" you ask. He looked so smug, so self-satisfied, you can't help but feel like this was still some mistake.

"Well..." Kikuoka sheepishly scratches his head, "We, um... wait for his lawyer, I guess?"

You stare at him in disbelief.

"What? His father's already gotten involved, no getting around it with how much noise we made during the arrest. I also learned something very fascinating today! Apparently, the suspect's father is Shinkawa Akira! He's pretty famous, he even once saved the Governor of Tokyo's life! Haha... what are the chances?"

The hollow laughter fades into a deep sigh, "We're hoping his father is more concerned about covering up his son's involvement in a mass murder than getting him out. In the meantime, he's admitted to the murders of David and Usujio but he still insists they were killed in game. He claimed credit for the entirety of the Death Gun plot but admitted to using accomplices, not that he would name them."

"So he's clamming up."

"Not precisely. He has a particular... request." Kikuoka turns to give you a long look, and you can tell you're going to dislike what he's about to suggest.

"You want me to talk to him? Absolutely not." As much as you'd like to spit in his face, until every last one of Death Gun was caught, your highest priority was protecting your real-life identity. Though you really want to see the look on his face when he finally recognizes you...

"It's not you he's curious about— it's Kuro. No doubt he expects Kuro to have been the one behind his arrest, there's no one else acting against Death Gun. He explicitly asked for access to a NerveGear and a... discussion with Kuro in GGO. In exchange, he offers his full cooperation."

"You seriously can't be considering this! He's lying!"

"Perhaps. We are of course, suspicious of his motives. We are legally obligated to keep his body alive, so the moment he enters dive there's little we can do to force him out. Still... the JDSF uses GGO for training purposes, as do many militaries. We could easily ask the military to use their arena— it's in a cordoned off instance of GGO purchased from ZASKAR— that way even if Shouichi wishes to stay logged in he can't harm anyone there."

With how bullshit Incarnation works you're not even sure if that's safe, you remember Yuuki bragging that she'd find a way to ALO even though her account was locked out.

Sensing your skepticism, Kikuoka shrugs. "It's just an option. This isn't some American TV show, we can't just torture him and expect results. And... well, it's not as if I don't have any ideas of forcing him to cooperate..." he gives you a significant look, "but his arrest was too public. Much as I prefer, I cannot just make him disappear."

You bite your lip. The way he so casually...

"Buuuttt! There is someone here I can make disappear! Isn't that right, Kyouji-kun~?"

"Huh!?" Kyouji, silently brooding in the corner, is shocked out of his stupor. "W-wait, what are you talking about!?"

"Our deal of course! Thanks to your cooperation, the Death Gun case has been cracked wide open! Now unfortunately there's the little matter of all the accomplices running around, so I fear your life will be in danger."

"Yeah, but, I..." Kyouji bites his lip, his eyes darting between you and Kikuoka, "I can't go home. W-what am I supposed to do?"

"Oh, not to worry, not to worry!" Kikuoka claps his hands, "You have my word, I will make arrangements for you. You'll be safe."

You narrow your eyes, but Kyouji seems to accept it at face value, nodding in open relief. You... you don't trust Kikuoka. He's a naked schemer, shady as all hell, and a man you can't get a read on. But you can't do a damn thing about it. Right now Kyouji is in danger, especially since PoH and Johnny Black know where he lives. The safest thing for him is to disappear and make the rest of Death Gun assume he was arrested alongside Shouichi.

Kikuoka puts his hand on Kyouji's shoulder, "I've already talked it over with your father. Think of this as... an opportunity to turn over a new leaf. A young man such as yourself needs to worry about the future. How does an internship sound? It'll look great on your resume!"

"T-that doesn't sound so bad..."

"Great! Anyway, I gotta go listen to your father's lawyer scream at me for another hour. You kids stay out of trouble!"

The door shuts behind Kikuoka, and suddenly it's just you and Kyouji left alone— with the mad visage of Shouichi still visible just one room away.

You stare at Kyouji, unsure of what to say.

"...Kashiwazaka-san?" he finally manages to look you in the eye. "Did I do the right thing?"

"You stopped him from killing anybody else."

Shouichi's eyes rise to meet his brother's— even separated by the glass he can't help but feel he's being watched.

"H-he didn't hesitate. Nii-san was proud, he admitted to all of Death Gun." Kyouji swallows nervously, "He said it was all his own idea. He offered to give up his accomplices for the NerveGear— but he never mentioned me. H-he said I was just someone who brought him food, that I didn't know anything. It was the only thing he lied about..."

Kyouji looks up at his brother, eyes filling with unshed tears. Some phantom connection ensures their eyes still meet.

"He doesn't know. He doesn't know it was me who sold him out. He's still trying to protect me, even when I was a traitor. Nii-san... do you think he was himself? M-maybe he was just sick. Just... VR Psychosis."

You don't have an answer to that. You can't. Maybe in a world without SAO Shinkawa Shouichi would've led an uneventful life as some NEET. Maybe he would've pulled his life together.

...Maybe he'd be just another murderer.

"I can't know that, Kyouji-kun. But I think that even in VR..."

"That we have a choice," Kyouji finishes. "That there's no such thing as fate. Just... choices and taking responsibility for them..." He turns and gives you a sad smile. "Do you think you can forgive him?"

You stop. Forgiveness. For forcing you to be a part of his madness. For subjecting you to hell. For making you into a killer

"I saw a bit of it. I couldn't help it, not after you linked us together. Eulenspiegel showed me a bit of your life, the things you had to do. I know you hate him. But Nii-san... he's... he's family. Shino-san helped me. You helped me. And well... even after I hurt people, you're giving me a second chance."

Kyouji looks at his brother, resolute for the first time in his life, "Then I think I'm going to help him. I'm going to show Nii-san there's something to live for, and give him a second chance. Like you did to me."

It's Kyouji's decision. Shouichi was to him someone entirely different from the tormenter you remember. You cannot find it within you to wish him luck.

You will not forgive Shouichi. You want him to bleed, to feel even a fraction of the pain and suffering he subjected you to.

But right now?

Looking at the real body of Red-Eyed XaXa, smiling like a lunatic in a cage he will never leave...

You'll accept never seeing him again for the rest of your life.


>Red Eyed XaXa is a member of DEATH GUN. He is in Police Custody. His real name is Shinkawa Shouichi. [Confirmed]

>Johnny Black is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the hitman of the team. His real name is Kanamoto Atushi. [Confirmed]
>PoH is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the mastermind of the team. His real name is Vassago Casals. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]
>An Inside Man from ZASKAR is a member of DEATH GUN. [Weakly Suspect]
>There is an Agent HYDRA involved with DEATH GUN. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Weakly Suspect]

>Death Gun is attempting to Incarnate the concept of a Death Game into GGO. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun seeks strong players to participate in his tournament. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun will continue the killings in the meantime to support his Incarnation. [Confirmed]

>Death Gun's MO is to poison individuals in real life while they kill them in game. They generally target individuals with poor home security for this method. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun are currently targeting four unknown individuals named the Four Riders, as they have poor home security. [Confirmed]


>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon oneself, can kill one's inner weakness to expose a strange, Persona-like entity. [Confirmed]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing a NerveGear, will kill the target. [Strongly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing an Amusphere, will not kill the target. [Weakly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol is a requirement, alongside a NerveGear, for participation in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]

>The Black Star pistol was given to you by Itsuki, who you suspect is involved somehow. [Weakly Suspect]
>You've heard rumors of an Agent HYDRA, who hands out Black Stars. [Guesswork]


>Pitohui is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to her own devices she will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]
>M, real name Goushi, is both serving Pitohui and plotting to 'save' her using a plan you do not yet understand. [Guesswork]
>M may have swapped out Pitohui's NerveGear with a fake. [Guesswork]
>LLENN currently can goad Pitohui into a fight by proving that she's using her NerveGear. [Confirmed]

>Pitohui's real life identity is the singer/songwriter Kanzaki Elsa. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]


>There appears to be strong rumblings of an ArFA uprising amongst the NPCs. [Guesswork]
>It is reasonable to suspect that a member of ZASKAR is involved in Death Gun, considering the broadcast interruption. [Guesswork]
>You have met Lievre, a strange ArFA Type-Z who claims to be your big sister, and is an apparent mega fan of your previous alter-ego, the Edge Punisher. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is hunting down combat data for the purposes of uploading the data into an army of replicants. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is attempting to gather an army to assault something. [Guesswork]

>ZASKAR, the corporate entity, is unlikely to be directly sponsoring Death Gun. [Guesswork]
>The Dev Console for GGO has to be somewhere in GGO. [Guesswork]


>XeXeeD has crowned himself 'GGO's Champion', and is desperately searching for Death Gun to avenge Usujio. [Confirmed]
>XeXeeD is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to his own devices he will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD has a low opinion of Kuro and Lugh. He is unlikely to accept a direct challenge in this current state. [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD is a target of Death Gun. [Weakly Suspect]


>Blank, GGO's true champion, is nowhere to be seen. [Confirmed]
>Blank is likely to have been invited to the «Death Gun Derby». [Guesswork]
>There appear to be far more NerveGears in circulation than one would expect. [Guesswork]

>Death Gun has yet to identify Blank, and has not sent Blank any genuine NerveGears. [Confirmed]


>Lugh is interested in fighting strong players, for reasons that are unclear to you. [Guesswork]
>Lievre has mentioned in passing a familiarity with Lugh. [Guesswork]
>Lugh is working for someone else, and his relationship with you is currently largely mercenary in nature. [Weakly Suspect]

>Lievre has mentioned in passing a 'master', who is also a human player. [Guesswork]
>Someone is pulling strings for another goal... [Guesswork]



>Kayaba Akihiko is seeking to ascend everyone into a personal paradise. [Weakly Suspect]
>The SEED is the egg of a new world. When filled with enough wishes, it will seek to separate the virtual world from reality. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko created and distributed the SEED in order to study how new worlds are created. [Weakly Suspect]
>In its default state, the SEED manifests as lines of black and red, swimming towards the SEED, like veins into a heart. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko is watching you, and he is disappointed. [Confirmed]

>Yanai, a former employee of Sugou still at large, is seeking to obtain a copy of a SEED. [Guesswork]


>Your Mom has increased your Allowance to ¥8000 per week!
>You spent a sweaty afternoon running away from AR boulders. Your FITNESS has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪

>Dealing with the stranger who jumped in front your truck has taught you the meaning of tolerance! Your GRIT has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You spent an afternoon training with Eiji in the world's most embarrassing form of combat! Your GRIT has improved! ♪♪♪♪ Your FITNESS has improved! ♪♪♪♪

>You had an uneventful shift holding up signs for Tsubasa Mikogami's election campaign.
>You were payed by Titan Movers for your work.
>Your wages were already added to the Combat Phase purchase plan.
>Titan Movers rolls 5d6e5 = 3 3 3 1 4 → 0 successes against 5. No bonus.
>Sign job rolls 2d6 = 6 3. No nat1s, no extra STRESS.

>You enjoyed your friend's homecooked meal! +5 DETERMINATION!
>You have fully cleared the Sixth Bullet! +10 DETERMINATION!

¥48300 at start of Combat Phase
-2400 (Lupus)
-11500 (5 MC for Martini-Henry)

+¥18750/wk (Your Contract ends June 30th)
+¥8000/wk (Allowance)

¥61150 final budget

1d2 = 1
The Price of Mistcoin is RISING!
1d6 = 4
Mistcoin is now ¥2700


2d6 = 5, 3 NO EFFECT


2d6 = 5, 1
Nat1 encountered.
Typhoon Usagi has been summoned.

Next week the severity of the Typhoon will be determined by a 3d6 roll. Any Nat1s will intensify the Typhoon.


Discretionary Budget : ¥61150
Determination: 35 D

Select actions for the period of June 10th through 13th. [4 DAYS]

Choose your EFFORT!

[ ] Yukkuri = 4 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions.
[ ] Ganbatte = 5 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions. 10D
[ ] Shoganai = 5 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 20D
[ ] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Karoshi = 7 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 40D + 1 STRESS + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Satori = 8 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 60D

DETERMINATION is also spent to select special choices so it may be beneficial to leave some banked!
DETERMINATION you gain through your PLAN can be retroactively applied to the EFFORT cost!

20% of Major Actions must be performed by your Shadow! You are at 5/23 MAJOR ACTIONS for Shadow Tag purposes. (22%). You are on target and are not required to take any Shadow Actions next phase, but one is recommended.

Improve FITNESS to not have a horrible time during the third arc!
Improve CURRICULUM to improve your chances during the 1st Semester Finals!


>Death Gun reveals himself. +4 BULLETS.
>Kuro sabotages the BoB execution. -1 BULLET.
>Red-Eyed XaXa is arrested. -1 BULLET.


⁍[Incarnate: Black Star]: A target killed by this gun dies in real life.
⁍[Evoke: Death Gun]: Put your life on the line. Gain [Real Deal: Survivor] for the remainder of the battle.

⁍[Fatal Bullet]: Mudo spells fired by this gun can affect non-NPC targets.
⁍[Mudo Boost]: +2 DICE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Freeshooter]: Death Gun abilities ignore Range.
⁍[Dark Verdict]: ADVANTAGE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Lost One]: A target killed by this gun becomes comatose, if they are otherwise unable to die.


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] NEW! [Mode -EASY-]: Kikuoka told you that he won't be able to sweep breaking and entering under the rug. That was then. Now? Now you've captured one of Death Gun. And Kikuoka is in an entirely different mood. Armed with the almighty power of government corruption, barge back into Kazuma's house and confiscate all the fake NerveGears. It's not like『 』can do anything against you with Kikuoka on your side...
>Locks out the JUDGMENT Social Link, but an alternative may be chosen at a later date.

[ ] NEW! [Mode -NORMAL-]: Kazuma is at your front door. Somehow『 』knows where you live.
Kazuma is passing along a simple message: that if you don't go to『 』's residence immediately you will be doxxed all over GGO.
The only wrinkle? Right now, you're sure of one thing. Kazuma is lying.
>Your initial meeting with『 』will differ greatly depending on how much you are willing to share with them.
>You will meet with『 』by more or less accidently barging in their front door unannounced.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] NEW! [Red and Gold]: Red-Eyed XaXa. You want him to know it was you.
There's no point in doing this. This doesn't help the investigation. It doesn't help you.
But you want to see it. The shock, the surprise. You want your revenge.
>You will meet Shouichi as Hiyori.
>May accumulate STRESS.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] NEW! [LLENN's Bad Day Part 2]: So um... yeah. Pitohui is Kanzaki Elsa. You should probably tell someone. Like Karen! Maybe they're secretly penpals? Or maybe you'll just overwhelm the mind of your poor ally even further. It seems fair, since Pitohui is more LLENN's problem than yours, but you have to wonder if the revelation will mess up M's plan...

[ ] NEW! [Elegy for an Idol]: How does one meet Japan's greatest pop sensation? You have no idea. But you know who does? Other idols! You already texted Seven and after yelling at you about time zones she said she has no idea how to help. But you do know at least one other idol, one who's even in the same agency as Elsa— YUNA.

[ ] [Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]: Satoru Mikami gave you a phone number. Turns out? It's a personal cell phone number. One that the government can trace. ZASKAR has a lot to answer for, and right now the only person you can actually link to ZASKAR working in Japan is one Hoshiyama Midoriko. Tack on your intern badge, press-gang Kikuoka to join you, and start knocking down doors. One way or another, you will get answers.
>Approach the ZASKAR GM in her home with the threat of government action behind you.
>Will affect the information Zelinska provides you.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//JSDF]: Kikuoka's come through on his promise! An off-duty JSDF Second Lieutenant has agreed to run you through some basic drills in a local Airsoft indoor combat park. Kikuoka's warned you that's he's a lazy bum, kind of untrustworthy, but actually some kind of... special forces ranger or something? You have no idea if that's impressive. Considering he's working for Kikuoka, the answer to that question is probably no.
Trains FITNESS efficiently.
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

[ ] NEW! [Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
[Summary on Kanzaki Elsa's private life]: Don't tell me you're a fan.

[Summary of the Syndicate]: That's... a bit beyond my pay grade... but hell, if you're payin'...

[Dossier on Underground NerveGear Sales]: I'll tell ya this much for free. They ain't teleporting into people's laps. Follow the money, cause someone's profiting off this.

[Dossier on GGO's Players of Interest]: Shouldn't you figure this out yourself? But fine gopher-chan, I'll do your damn homework for you...
It always takes an action to talk to Argo, because you find the experience unpleasant. Argo has anime-detective levels of information gathering.
Argo allows you to 'buy out' information, giving you plot relevant information at the cost of oodles of money. This information is typically available elsewhere.
Argo's prices vary but generally start at ¥20000 and above. You do not get the Friends and Family discount.
Argo will be willing to work for cheaper at higher JUSTICE ranks.

[ ] [Movie Magic!]: MAXWELL wants to go... see a movie, and after you shot down his request to travel across the country to the ass end of nowhere to satisfy his curiosity you feel guilt-tripped to accept. Sounds harmless enough. What could possibly go wrong? What does a disembodied spirit man even want with... Shin Phoenix Ranger Featherman R?
Permanently increases your Persona Slots


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] [Challenge//Pitohui]: With three Black Stars between your entire party, more than enough to put up a good fight against... Kanzaki Elsa. You still can't believe it. You know why she seeks death, yet you doubt you can empathize with her. You are still unsure what, precisely, M's plan is regarding his master, beyond that the less you know the more likely it is to work out. Is that enough to challenge her? It'll have to be.
Sets a combat at the end of this period.
Pitohui is a moderately skilled combatant who has spent a comically large amount of money in GGO.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are MODERATE.
Pitohui is a primary mechanical challenge, and Pitohui will not threaten your life even if she defeats you.

The shape of her Death Gun evokes the legend of Erlkönig.
Spiele Spiel: For many a game, I will play with thee. [Pitohui prioritizes having fun in battle, and her Death Gun allows her to play with all the toys she owns.]
Wilde Jagd: The Alder King's daughters shall tend to thee with sisterly care. [Pitohui calls forth a wild hunt comprised of phantoms that can wield her arsenal of weapons.]
Das Kind War Tot: And the child was dead. [Pitohui's Death Gun suffocates her, keeping her in a state of perpetual near death.]

[ ] [Challenge//Red-Eyed XaXa]: You do not need to do this. He is harmless, trapped even. Any information he shares is untrustworthy at best and mad ramblings at worst. You know what he wants— a chance to join in on the fun. One last hurrah. One last fight. You can give it to him.
But a part of you wants to deny him even that satisfaction.
>Kikuoka will leave the option open, but he currently suggests it is not worth the trouble.

[ ] NEW! [Mode -HARD-]:『 』has retired.『 』is off in Shangri-La Frontier.『 』got sick of the game and quit. These are the rumors circling around GGO— until now. Because『 』is back and they have issued a challenge. Not against any one player, or even Death Gun but... all of GGO. Every last player who wishes to participate, a one versus one thousand melee.『 』is asking you to participate. Fight as you like.
But when he gives the signal? You have to betray everyone.
>This isn't going to be simulated like a combat encounter, mostly narrative.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] NEW! [Mode -STEPH-]: You can pretend to be a good little minion. You can call Kikuoka for help. You can try to empathize with them in the real world. There is a world out there where you end up as a subordinate, maybe even as allies, maybe even as friends. But an equal? There's only one way you can do that— there's only one thing that they truly respect.
Right now they hold all the cards. You have no advantage, not even the slightest idea what they're planning. You have little to gain and potentially everything to lose.
But sometimes the only way forward is the close your eyes and charge. You will lose. But you will fight. And you will challenge『 』to a game.
>This is labelled as such because this means your first interaction with『 』will be to directly challenge them to a game, without spending any effort in scouting them or trying to understand their motives.
>Very unlikely to succeed, but it'll be funny!

[ ] NEW! [He of Many Heads]: You have money. A lot of it. ¥60000. That's so much you can almost buy a rice cooker! It's also the initial deposit price for Black Stars on the open market. You hear there's someone out there practically handing them out. Pretend to be a prospective buyer and see if you can at least catch the trail of the illusive Hydra.
>You are not actually buying the Black Star, but you are using your riches to open the door.

[ ] NEW! [Of 26 Legions]: A simple request. A meeting within a safe zone, no guns, no weapons, no powers. Someone has taken notice of Kuro— someone you know very well. And they want to negotiate. They're offering something you aren't expecting. An... end to the killings. But with that man? You know there's a catch. There always is.
You are being contacted by PoH independent of the whole Death Gun conspiracy.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] NEW! [Riding Death Flags]: Who are the Four Riders? Turns out, they're the worst nightmare for an investigator— normal, rational people. The type of folks who don't respond to random messages, protect their private information and log on rarely. Kikuoka warns you against wasting your time chasing shadows— Death Gun no doubt has countless targets they can select. Warning the Riders would just make them shift to whoever's next on their list, and will not progress your investigation. But still, can't you at least warn them?
In the grand tradition of SAO Verse, the QM confirms that the Four Riders are currently drowning in Death Flags.

[ ] NEW! [Tuatha Dé]: Lugh's been hard to find ever since the Bullet of Bullets, though you've been largely keeping him out of the loop. There's a certain trust that only openly mutual suspicion can engender. Run through the Death Gun case one more time from the top, and seek out opinions from Lugh's unique perspective. Perhaps, in the meantime, you can scrutinize his own motives as well...
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

[ ] NEW! [Venom]: You know... practically everything there is to know about Pitohui. Her secret identity, her past— everything. You probably know more about her than even she herself does. Yet you've spent all of half an hour with her. To Pitohui, Kuro is nothing more than a curiosity. You can keep it that way.
Or you can just... come clean. Tell her— about your knowledge, about the danger she's in, about even the supernatural.
You might not prevent her from seeking death. But you can tempt her with an alternative.
Pitohui wishes to experience death. Death Gun is one way she can do so, but not the only way. This option is to risk fully exposing yourself to Pitohui and then trying to see if you can secure a degree of cooperation.
Potentially gain money!
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [The Champion's Whimper]: Lugh wants your help. XeXeeD has now become the strongest player in all of GGO, and Lugh wants to goad him into a fight, one where XeXeeD finally going to bring his full kit to bear. Though the details escape you, Lugh believes that by cementing your identity as the strongest player in GGO in the minds of the populace, you can draw the attention of Death Gun, and the best way to do that is to dethrone the current king. But Lugh doesn't believe an out-and-out fight is to your benefit. No, Lugh wants to plan an assassination.

[ ] [Rematch of the Century]: XeXeeD is mad at you. For stealing his kill, stealing his thunder, and in his eyes... letting his friend's murderer go free. An amicable relationship is likely no longer realistic, but it's clear as crystal that Death Gun is interested in XeXeeD, and that makes him a person of interest to you as well. Raise some hell outside his Squadron's base and force a confrontation by attacking the one thing you know he can't afford to ignore: his ego.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Itsuki's Fanclub]: For a guy who was all but stalking you, Itsuki has suddenly made himself very scarce. To your surprise, however, you are not the only one looking for Itsuki. Far from it. There's an entire horde of girls looking for him. For... reasons. Infiltrate the Itsuki fan club and employ the power of the masses to find the most absurdly suspicious character in all of GGO.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]: There's a time to be hard and there's a time to be soft. Zelinska, the in-game account for Mikami's contact, is clearly dealing with some problems of her own. Approach her not in your real-world guise, but as the «Edge Punisher», now migrated to GGO for a new investigation. It may take some time to earn her trust, but at least to start you can call up the slime to vouch for you.

[ ] [Explore//Solitary Sands]: Within the deep deserts to the west of Glocken lies the Solitary Sands, a low-level to intermediate zone popular amongst new players for high-efficiency farming. It is said that the blood of the billions lost in the nuclear apocalypse has stained the sands a disgusting shade of pink, but within that gruesome tomb lies untouched bunkers and treasure a plenty for those willing to brave the elements, the monsters and GGO's most horrid of opponents: Player Killers.
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Explore//Old South]: By all accounts it's just another desert. The only thing old about is the dumb name appended to the top. It's a large, flat zone, with static weather, swathes of undeveloped territory with anemic spawn tables, extremely generous ammo cache respawn rates, and absolutely no PvE dungeons of value. It is the most worthless swathe of land in all of GGO. But upon this canvas lies a thousand tales painted in blood, because this is where the veterans of GGO go to have a fair fight. Why not go and see what the peak looks like?
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Administration: BEGINNING]: Sleeping with your NerveGear on is an exercise in frustration. Because there's nothing that lulls you to sleep more than a 3 kilogram metal vice equipped with high power microwaves wrapped around your face. But you will try. Because something is telling you that you'll learn something interesting...
Invoke Release Recollection on Alice Liddell and peek into the life of a Persona user in the ancient past.
Provides Skill Upgrades to existing Personas


[ ] NEW! [The TEMPLE of Employment]: It's time to check in on the homeless man. Kenichi put him up in a local NetCafe for lack of any other meaningful alternatives. You know more than anyone that there's plenty of opportunities to make money if one knows where to look, but there's one problem. One very fundamental, insurmountable problem— He won't get out of the building.
TEMPLE indirectly earns you money.
TEMPLE is truly miserable.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] NEW! [A Fool's SWORD]: Kayaba Akihiko is out there. You've met him, challenged him even, but he's still far beyond you. You know so very little yet so much about the architect of the world's end. It's time to change that. It's an odd request to be sure, but Shigemura-sensei understands. Even he too has had his questions... and now you finally have a chance to ask them.
Because Koujiro Rinko is returning to Tokyo.
KING OF SWORDS provides contacts within the field of Cognitive Psience.

[ ] NEW! [DEVIL in the Details]: It's time. MISTCOIN is at an all time high. Mitsuha is practically frothing at the mouth. The line is, indeed, going to the moon. You're not sure how much money Mitsuha is going to make, but you expect to be somewhere on the order of 80000 gold kobans. The only problem is that it's all in fake monopoly money, but in the words of the wise and the insane— isn't all money fake?
DEVIL manipulates the price of MISTCOIN.

[ ] NEW! [PLANTING Discord]: Shirogane Kei has been busy. Months of backlog now lie completed before him, and he finally has a chance to sit back and relax on the eve of the grand AR rollout. He's invited you over to Shigemura Labs to just catch up and relax, but you can sense that beneath the calm visage there's a deep anxiety bubbling away. And you suspect the source is simple— Shigemura Labs' newest visiting professor— and the offer she's presenting.
PLANT efficiently trains MASK

[ ] [PRIEST and Flock]: Now that you can no longer dive in Agil's bar, there's little reason to visit him regularly. But business aside, he's helped you out a ton over the last few months, and you feel it's your duty to repay the favor. Thanks to some positive buzz from an influencer, Agil's bar has suddenly become extremely busy, and he's in dire need of part-time labor he can trust. Thankfully, you happen to be an expert!
Agil will pay you a token wage. This is a favor to him, after all!
PRIEST Personas focus on close combat and STR.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [STRENGTH of Elves]: The Supreme One, Guardian of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Future Ruler of the Nine Realms, his Eminence Lord Momonga of Ainz Ooal Gown, cordially invites the «World Champion of Álfheim», undeserving you may be of that title, to dine within the Great Tomb of Nazarick and discuss the terms of your unconditional surrender. Guest rights will be honored, pitiful usurper. A gift is not necessary. Simply wash your neck before you arrive. - Signed, Seneschal Demiurge of Ainz Ooal Gown.
STRENGTH trains MASK efficiently.
STRENGTH Personas typically are higher power than comparable Personas.

[ ] [DEATH and Taxes]: It's not quite an internship. But you have a standing offer from Yakutani-sensei to shadow him at work. He feels he owes you for saving his life and the least he can do is give you an introduction to the wonderful, wonderful world of working yourself to death in a hospital. For all his altruism Yakutani-sensei strikes you as someone who's used to getting his way... but as the the person who saved his life, you might be the only person who can browbeat him and get away with it!
DEATH trains CURRICULUM and EMPATHY efficiently.
DEATH Personas typically specialize in healing.

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
FORTUNE trains FITNESS efficiently.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Higher than SKY Phase]: Turns out your school does have a model kit club! And since Gunpla has essentially pushed practically all other model hobbies straight out of the market that makes it a Gunpla club! It wasn't an uncommon thing - some schools were famous for Gunpla, and there were even national tournaments now. You're already something of a pariah - pretty much everyone in school is already scared of you, but from what you hear this club is so sparsely populated they can't afford to turn anyone away - for good reason. Turns out? Gunpla is expensive. [Costs 5 D] [Costs 5000 yen]
SKY trains GRIT. Requires an Amusphere.
SKY upgrades your Gunpla! This makes the Build Gunpla minor action more efficient and rewarding.
SKY frequently requires the investment of significant monetary resources.
SKY Personas typically specialize in VIT.

[ ] [Grim JUSTICE]: Fukazawa Seiichiro, a man on Argo's list. An SAO Survivor like you, one Argo claims has escaped justice for some truly heinous crimes. After painstaking work and a questionably legal deal with the government, she's managed to track down his place of work and wants to wring a confession out of him. She plans on ambushing him on his way home and wants you to come to join her on the stakeout. She promises that you'll find meeting the man to be enlightening.
JUSTICE usually builds STRESS when taken.
You may meet some interesting people.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

Work can be done for 2 MINOR or 1 MAJOR action.

[ ] [Work//Titan Movers]: It's... it's finally happened. You've managed to open the wrapper without asking anyone for help! And... and you can even carry your bookbag without your back hurting! You've also brought in big business for Titan Movers! That means you're finally getting a raise! But... does that mean you'll have to lift bigger boxes?
You will be fired by JUNE 22nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains FITNESS greatly and receives payment based on FITNESS. Can train other stats. [Currently gains 4000 yen. Roll FITNESSd6, gain bonus Social Stats for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//Augma]: The Augma is slated to release near the end of July. Which means more work, more contracts, and more cold hard cash! And the best part is that you have your own beta test Augma, so you can get a head start on breaking in your personal Augma, all while it records your brainwaves for entirely unnefarious purposes.
Trains GRIT greatly. Will roll based on GRIT for task completion - completion of the task gives you a large lump sum and DETERMINATION.
Your contract expires at the END OF JUNE.
Current Task Progress - 0/7, 40000 yen. [Roll GRITd6, gain PROGRESS for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//CatCafe]: You are now an established catgirl maid! Frederica's novelty may have worn off but you have a few regulars now! Just... you can do better, can't you? Because he's seen you. He's challenged you. The top of the pile, the invincible, king of fluff himself... the CHIEF.
You will be fired by the JUNE 22nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains EMPATHY greatly and receives payment based on EMPATHY. Can gain determination. [Currently gains 5000 yen. Roll EMPATHYd6, gain DETERMINATION for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [.Work//Sign]: There's a letter in the coin locker. It says that your work thus far has been... exemplary. Jobs that went unfilled, positions even the most hardened part-timers have run away from. But not you. You are now a veteran. Nothing can possibly scare you. It's time. You are up for the challenge. And no matter what happens, no matter what you see, remember... HOLD THE SIGN.
You will be fired by the JUNE 22nd if this job is not selected by then.
Trains MASK greatly and receive a lump sum of 7500 yen. [Roll STRESSd6. If any 1s are rolled, accumulate an additional 1 STRESS]

Unless specified otherwise you may take individual Minor actions multiple times.

[ ] [Literature Club!]: Motosu-sensei has a simple philosophy. The faster you can read, the more you can read!
Current Book: Speed Reading.
Progress: 1/3
Permanently improves all KNOWLEDGE gains when completed.

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN]: Mitsuha has a poorly rigged model of your ALO avatar, an annoyingly long list of popular talking points about the latest hot idols, and a voice changer with the auto-tune cranked WAAAAYYYYY up. Maybe it's best to actually buy some MISTCOIN before messing with this...
Become a sellout! Increases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]: Use your artificially generated platform to talk about family-friendly topics such as: geopolitics, music charts, shonen jump rankings, nuclear power plant construction, and Article 9 of the Constitution! Guaranteed to be a hoot for everyone involved!
Get yourself canceled! Decreases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Farm//PK]: Sometimes simple is best. Pull up your sleeves, find the biggest pair of sunglasses you can buy, and go gank some losers for fun and profit.
Farm the only way you know how! Gain 1d6 x 1000 yen in GGO Credits and 1d3 MISTCOIN!

[ ] [Report//<INSERT>]: You've made a number of discoveries that Argo's boss in the Ministry of Internal affairs may find very interesting. What exactly is he doing with all this information...?
You may write 1 Report per Minor Action
Available Reports:
[Incarnation]: Sufficient rumors and mass belief can distort things... items, players... worlds. The value of this intelligence has fallen in the wake of the GGO disasters, as it's now no longer feasible to hide this element of VR. [+5000 yen]
[The SEED]: It's not just some development kit. It's something strange, something... fundamental. The SEED of a world? What can you even do with this information? Will the government believe you? ...What if they do? [+10000 yen]
[Persona]: Do you want to sell out the existence of magic and land yourself in a psych ward for cold hard cash? Does a bear shit in the woods? [+10000 yen]

[ ] [Cram School]: High efficiency studying! And it prepares you for a crushing existence as an office worker!
Trains CURRICULUM efficiently.

[ ] [Augma Fitness!]: Can't build up the motivation to run to save your life? Download Augma Fitness now! A limited-time offer for beta-testers, spice up your exercise by running from a boulder, a zombie, or your disappointed parents! For the truly hardcore, the Augma has a function where it automatically calls everyone on your friends list and tells them embarrassing facts about your performance metrics if you fail to meet your fitness goals!
Trains FITNESS efficiently.

[ ] [Augma Fight!]: Want to learn how to sword fight for real? Using real life Kendo and HEMA techniques and not those dumb facsimiles in VR games? Well Augma Fight has you covered! Warning: Due to poor connection Augma Fight only works outdoors in areas publicly seeded with AR stickers.
...Well when you think about it there's nothing wrong with swinging a make-believe sword at make-believe monsters while wearing a gaudy headset in a public park. Just pretend nobody's staring and pray you don't end up being videotaped.
Trains MASK efficiently.

[ ] [High Love]: This is what you were afraid of. That otome game your friend recommended to you, Alto Liebe? It's filled with microtransactions. God at least none of the suitors were locked behind a paywall, but you expect you're in for a painful experience.
Trains GRIT efficiently.

[ ] [Serene Garden]: SereGa is half VR game and half hospice and all depressing. Spend time talking to those who are about to die, and learn something about yourself in the process.
Trains EMPATHY efficiently.

[ ] [Sleep-in]: You need to study. You need to train. You need to save the world. Instead, go to sleep EARLY and snuggle up with Kuma-kun.
Reduces STRESS x 1. Becomes less efficient the more it is used (applies across the lifetime of the quest).
Roll 1d6, on a natural 1, Sleep-in has no effect. The roll becomes more harsh the more this option is used.

[ ] [Medicinal Baths]: No, not the local one down the street by the old folk's home. The big one. By the IMPERIAL PALACE. That has private rooms. [Costs 10000yen]
Reduces STRESS x 1. Repeatable.


[ ] [Nekoya!]: It's open every day except Saturday. You'd eat there every day if your wallet and your waistline could afford the beating... but going there is always a risk. You can always find yourself spending a bit... more than intended.
Purchase 5 D for 1d6*1000 yen. One time per week.

[ ] [Sweets!]: No real events this week. Nope, it's all about that Typhoon prep! Everything's flying off the shelves! If you don't stock up now, you won't even be able to make Typhoon Croquettes!
Purchase 5D for ¥5000.

[ ] [Buy a Lock!]: You don't dive in your own apartment. Your NerveGear is safely in government custody. You have nothing valuable worth stealing. You close the latch when you get home. Objectively speaking, you don't need a working lock. But it's the principle of the matter!
>Handyman Saitou is requesting ¥20,000 to install a new lock! Purchase 10 DETERMINATION!
>Handyman Saitou offers to do both the lock and AC at a discounted ¥50,000 if bought at the same time!

[ ] [Fix your Air Conditioner!]: After you complained to your landlord about the broken Air Conditioner he finally got off his ass and called in a handyman. Turns out, your lease only required that he connect you with a repairperson and not actually pay them...
>Handyman Saitou is requesting ¥40,000 to repair your Air Conditioner!
>Handyman Saitou offers to do both the lock and AC at a discounted ¥50,000 if bought at the same time!
>Once JULY 20th hits if your Air Conditioner isn't fixed you will accumulate STRESS on a weekly basis!

[ ] [Buy More Gunpla!]: You've managed to find a few revenue streams. Maybe it's time to buy another model kit? One robot is awfully lonely sitting up on the shelf, and maybe you can pick up some kitbash supplies on the way over. You saw a video on weathering techniques and are dying to try it out...
Purchase a new kit for 10000 yen. Unlocks more options, gains 5 D.

PLAN format please.
In terms of overall advancement, I'm uncertain what the Rank 4 advancement reward is. Originally I had this idea of letting you use limited Persona powers in the real world (ie, Rank 4 Urmetazoan would let you intuit animal instincts in real life) but then I decided that was really dumb and would make it impossible to write around.
So if you pick a Rank 4 SL just be aware the bonus is gonna be tentatively up in the air and I may need to apply it retroactively when I think of something I like. I might just say fuck it and just do like... a bonus skill or something.

And since I anticipate this being asked, the various BLANK options are mutually exclusive. You are choosing what your FIRST interaction with Blank will be about (ie, meeting in Real Life, meeting during a challenge, meeting during one of Blank's plots, or meeting by kicking down their door with Kikuoka).
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"In her hubris, the Spirit Princess made a grave mistake! By pillaging her own castle, she disrupted an ancient seal! A great evil unleashed, but the Princess sacrificed her very life to seal it away. The knight, in his grief, tore off his armor and cast it aside— swearing to never build again! The gods, taking mercy on the Princess, offered her a second chance, if only she could reunite with her knight. But alas without his gleaming armor, she could never find him. Centuries later, even now, she wanders the world seeking her beloved by the only thing she can remember! The shining suit of armor they built together!"

hmmmm, I wonder which confidant the QM wants us to do, it's so hard to tell

I do like the glimpses into Kyoujiquest we're getting this chapter, with the mission to redeem a monster of a brother who's still, after all, a brother. No such thing as fate, just his choices--let's hope he makes good ones.


Plan: Thinning The Deck
[ ] Ganbatte
--[ ] [Mode -EASY-]
--[ ] [Consult//JSDF]
--[ ] Shadow//[Consult//Itsuki's Fanclub]
--[ ] [STRENGTH of Elves]
--[ ] [Higher than SKY Phase]
--[ ] [Cram School!]
--[ ] [Work//Augma]
--[ ] [Literature Club!]
--[ ] [Augma Fitness!]
--[ ] [Farm//PK]
--[ ] [Buy a Lock!]
--[ ] [Fix Your Air Conditioner!]

Pretty simple goals here. Getting our aircon before the typhoon hits, ticking off the Confidant most useful to this arc and the one that's been bugging me since the start of the quest, and making sure we never have to voluntarily acknowledge the existence of No Game No Life ever again.
Alright...I have a bit of a higher investment thing in mind.

[x] Plan Accelerate!
-[x] Shoganai
-[x] MAJOR
--[x] Shadow//[Mode -NORMAL-]
--[x] [LLENN's Bad Day Part 2]
--[x] [Administration: BEGINNING]
--[x] [PLANTING Discord]
--[x] [Higher than SKY Phase]
-[x] MINOR
--[x] [Work//Augma]
--[x] [Work//CatCafe]
--[x] [Literature Club!]
--[x] [Report//Incarnation]
--[x] [Augma Fitness!]
--[x] [Sleep-in]
-[x] FREE]
--[x] [Sweets!]
--[x] [Buy a Lock!]
--[x] [Fix your Air Conditioner!]

Alright, I know there are some weird choices here, but hear me out.

-Kazuma is up something, my gut tells me. And we can't just spit on the hand that gives us more Links, we still have roles to fill in our roster!
-LLENN's action is to move the Pitohui plot.
-Beginning is a bit of a sucker's bet honestly, but I still feel it can be useful for us.
-Shiroe is back! Will we get a rank-up from this? Maybe!
-Sky seems a no-brainer now, it has been available from start and I feel the Wonders talk is narratively the best time to look at it.
-Augma is something we should do. Look at the money! CatCafe also replenishes some of our lost Determination.
-Muscle! Oh, and better to reveal what we know than let it go to waste.
-Let's...let's just try and reduce our stress, those dices are making me nervous.
-Not Nekoya yet. And the long quest for locks and air conditioners end.

No illusions this will win, but I hope it can help others plan for this week.
[ ] NEW! [Red and Gold]: Red-Eyed XaXa. You want him to know it was you.
There's no point in doing this. This doesn't help the investigation. It doesn't help you.
But you want to see it. The shock, the surprise. You want your revenge.
>You will meet Shouichi as Hiyori.
>May accumulate STRESS.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.
"Hey Xaxa, bet you weren't expecting me. You want to sell out your conspirators… Which ones? Cassago? Kanamoto? 'Mister HYDRA'? You were dumb in SAO, and somehow became even dumber afterwards."

Also, I am shocked that people are going for the easy/normal difficulty for Blank. Let's go for the fun options.
Voting is open