[X] Daisy-Chan must be protected!

If Zelinska doesn't realize we are the Edge Punisher we can just approach her as our alter-ego later and get info that way.

Itsuki can reveal that we're the Edge Punisher if Zelinska goes to him and the other options closes that door from the start. This is the most feasible path of getting away with the good-cop-bad-cop act.
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[X] Daisy-Chan must be protected!

If Zelinska doesn't realize we are the Edge Punisher we can just approach her as our alter-ego later and get info that way.

Itsuki can reveal that we're the Edge Punisher if Zelinska goes to him and the other options closes that door from the start. This is the most feasible path of getting away with the good-cop-bad-cop act.

When did Itsuki find out Hiyori's the Edge Punisher? We haven't seen him since the Bullet of Bullets tournament.
"Of course! I had to answer my own question, after all. Why doesn't a GM just... turn off GGO? Even a minor GM should have the power to put GGO on near indefinite maintenance. It's crystal clear to me— you're just afraid of losing your pet."
Or it's because the company doesn't want a stop to their money making machine.

Sure the canary stopped screeching in coal mine, but it surely means nothing, right?
When did Itsuki find out Hiyori's the Edge Punisher? We haven't seen him since the Bullet of Bullets tournament.
-Itsuki knows from XeXeed that Kuro is investigating Death Gun and is affiliated with the government.

-Zelinska knows that someone called the Edge Punisher could contact her for information investigating GGO and is affiliated with the government.

-We just pressed Midoriko as Hiyori with a bunch of government spooks as someone very interested in Death Gun.

It's enough for Itsuki to connect the dots on the Kuro-is-Edge-Punisher-is-Hiyori if Zelinska blabs to him.
So... if we get an IRL showdown like the QM mentioned due to Itsuki's intervention, do you think we can handle it now?

I don't think Itsuki will sic the other Death Guns on us. They're all competing for the throne and I think he'd want to keep his alliance with a GM hidden and Zelinska has no way to identify Hiyori in real life.
I'm more worried that if Zelinska shows up at the Death Gun Derby and gets herself killed.

If Daisy gets sad if Zelinska leaves GGO, she's going to be devastated if GGO kills her.

And considering Daisy might be connected to the SEED, that's probably a bad thing.
06/19: Dark Seeks Light New
[X] Itsuki can help!

WEDNESDAY - June 18th, 2025

She doesn't lie. Rather, she's the picture of perfect professionalism. She recites the facts like an office lady delivering a status report, the details delivered cold and precise.

"Well, I think that's about it!" Finishes Kikuoka, clapping his hands together. "Thank you for your cooperation Hoshiyama-san! Please rest assured that we in the «Virtual Division» are on the case!"

Hoshiyama clearly has her doubts about both your benevolence and competence, but wisely holds her tongue. She's eager to get this interview over with, and you don't miss her attention wandering towards the projected ArFA avatar, even now scrutinizing you all in absolute silence.

"We need to get one last thing clear. Do you have the authority to turn off GGO? Even temporarily?"

"Y-yes..." says the GM, fear written all over her face.

"Good. Turn it off on the date of the «Death Gun Derby». You can do that much at least, can't you?"

You glower down at the GM. There's such an easy solution in front of you, one that bypasses all the complications of the virtual world. Kikuoka nods along, trying to reassure her that he would immensely appreciate the cooperation. This could be your chance to stop GGO in one fell swoop—!

"I..." the GM hesitates. Why? Doesn't she want the Death Gun problem resolved? Why isn't she saying anything!?

"C-corporate will notice if I shut it down, especially without warning. I've even gotten emails that ZASKAR plans on allowing it to be streamed, so if it's out of my hands..."

Your eyes narrow. Such convenient excuses. Does ZASKAR pay her so well that her loyalty is beyond question? No, this is just a job to her. What is she not telling you, what is she protecting? It takes you but a moment to realize.

Daisy. That... NPC.

"Are you trying to protect Daisy?"

She swallows but gives no reply. It's an alien thought to you, who condemned an entire world of NPCs to the flame. This shouldn't be a hard decision for her, not compared to the dangers of VR Psychosis and human lives. "People have died, Hoshiyama-san. Your cooperation is required."

<Master...may I speak, for just a moment?>

The strange ArFA in the eyepatch addresses you from her screen. There's no inflection, no change in facial expression— only a mechanical, apathetic response to your request.

<My data is of no consequence. You should not prioritize my existence over your security, Master.>

"Daisy-chan, quiet, please!" Hoshiyama says, quickly compiling her excuses. "I-I'm sorry, but I must insist that you reach out to ZASKAR directly. Please understand that I am but a humble employee and such decisions are beyond the scope of my occupation."

You'll have better luck asking Kayaba to shut down GGO than getting any response from ZASKAR, and Hoshiyama knows it. It's such an absurd exchange. The ArFA offers herself up to to cutting board, all while the GM does her utmost to protect the ArFA.

"Hahaha. Now, now. Let's not be too hasty, Hoshiyama-san." Kikuoka interrupts you. He's been playing backup all evening, and now he suddenly reveals a plan of his own? "If the safety of the lovely Daisy-chan is such a concern, then I believe I have a mutually beneficial proposal! We at the «Virtual Division» can upload her to our, let's call it a private server— she'll be free and safe in our hands!"

Hoshiyama stiffens, it's clear she finds the idea even more revolting than outright deletion. But this is the first you've heard of a 'private server' under the control of Kikuoka.

"I-I'll keep that in mind." says Hoshiyama, still cowed.

Kikuoka turns to the GM with a light bow, presenting his business card like he was a salaryman greeting a client rather than the suspicious government agent he was in truth. "Well, I think there's nothing wrong with keeping your options open!"

"T-thank you. Er, I will," she says weakly, holding his business card between two fingers like it was radioactive. The two of you exchange stilted pleasantries before making yourselves scarce, lest the GM finally summon the courage to throw you out. You've intimidated her, that's for sure, but you know you left behind a spark of resentment. You hope she doesn't do anything too stupid...

1600 Glocken Standard Time

You feel exposed. Every step invites a thousand eyes upon you, the bounty upon your avatar akin to a spotlight upon a stage. The «SBC Glocken» has never felt so claustrophobic, and even as you dodge through alleyways you have the suspicion that someone is following behind you. You check your messages and confirm the address: a saloon-themed bar at the edge of the city, the stained building standing unobtrusively a short distance from your location. You scan the loiters but get only blank stares in return— nobody has noticed you. The population of GGO has fallen since the Death Gun announcement, but you suspect that has more to do with «Shangri-La Frontier»'s recent release than any true fear on the level of the populace—

A hand seizes your neck. Panic surges through you, hands flying up to pry off the attacker's grip. The leather glove tightens around your collar, and you squirm, kicking back in futility, trying to scream only to have the arm muffle you. Who was this, what was this, you need to your gun, anything—

A voice with a chipper tone speaks up. "That wasn't a very appropriate response. Did you forget your lessons already?"

Lesson? No, you recognize the voice and— of course he was the one that was stalking you. Damn it, you were in a safe zone, you should've realized you can't even be hurt. With a laugh, Lugh releases your throat, stepping into your view. He hasn't changed much since your last interaction, beyond his gear. A thick black trench coat frames a red vest and dress shirt, an elegant ensemble that reminds you of a fantasy aristocrat. Lugh adjusts his collar, a satisfied smile on his lips. "How are you Kuro? You've certainly moved up in the world. Already sporting a bounty?"

"Lugh." You shake off his release, not letting yourself wince as you massage your throat. "A little fast there."

"Old habits die hard, and you stand out too much. Keeping your hood up like that makes you more suspicious."

"This is GGO. Everyone looks suspicious— especially a certain someone."

Lugh shrugs and gestures to the door. "I suppose that's hard to argue. Now let's go inside, we don't want to miss the show."

<Welcome to «This Week's Winners», MMOStream's go-to news source for the latest scoops in GGO. We are very excited to introduce our guest for today's episode: «XeXeeD», runner-up on the last fully completed «Bullet of Bullets»! He's one of GGO's top players, known for his explosive style!>

XeXeeD: The top player, thank you very much.

<You heard it here first folks, our guest is humble! Now also joining us today is another of GGO's veteran players, the «Devil of Run and Gun»—>

XeXeeD: Hahaha, you're still calling yourself that? Can you believe this tryhard gave himself that nickname?

<Ahem. Joining us today please give a warm welcome to the «Devil of Run and Gun», GGO's fastest player, the one and only «Yamikaze»!>

"How does it feel to be hunted?" asks Lugh as he relaxes backward on the couch, stretching like an old man in a sunbeam. "Not bad for a first-time bounty. I think my first one had a few more zeroes after it, but alas, it could only be claimed once..."

"Har, har," you deadpan. "Why are you even watching this?"

"Never turn down an opportunity to study a target, especially when they are showing themselves off free of charge."

XeXeeD: Fastest at running away, more like. I was tracking your position in the last BoB, did you really just run to the middle of nowhere and sit on your ass the whole fight?

Yamikaze: The last BoB was canceled before my strategy could come to fruition.

XeXeeD: Oh, please, do enlighten us. What grand scheme was playing out in your peanut-sized brain the whole match? Did it involve, I dunno, running away?

<A-Ahem! What an impassioned conversation we have today! But first, I'm sure our viewers would be most interested in your views about the new balance changes! A whole new weapon type— Drones, alongside the much-awaited nerf to smoke screens. Are the two of you concerned that your respective builds will fall behind?>

Yamikaze: I support the general idea behind Drone weapons. INT builds are notoriously underpowered, and I welcome any balance changes that expand the game rather than nerf dominant strategies. Though recent tournaments show that Drones fare poorly against high-speed—

XeXeeD: Blah, blah, who cares? Drones are stupid and pointless. You just like them cause it gives your shit build something to do between getting killed. INT specialists were idiots when the game was released, they stayed idiots as it developed, and they're still idiots now no matter how many fancy wind-up toys they buy.

"I did give one a spin last week. A bit too fiddly for my tastes," Lugh points out. "But as with all tools, there's a time and place for its use. I do find all this talk about builds to be quite disheartening— I'm of the perspective that there is no such thing as useless knowledge. It appears our friend disagrees."

Lugh has made no secret of his interest in XeXeeD. He's made a secret of literally everything else. He's been hard to find since the Bullet of Bullets, but knowing him you suspect he's not been idle.

"You any closer to your own goals?" you reply, probing for a response. He told you he wanted to defeat strong foes in GGO, but not why. Nothing you cared to dig into— before the Death Gun fiasco, that is. Now you wonder exactly how much of a coincidence your first meeting truly was...

"Oh no, it's been an abject failure," he says with an extremely carefree smile. "I tried to speak with XeXeeD but he won't give me the time of day. I've been sparring with a friend of late, and it's clear that this... game... is not entirely playing to my strengths."

He doesn't seem upset, and he doesn't actually seem like someone trying to mask frustration, either. He's as calm as if he was talking about the weather.

"Won't that be a problem? You're looking to beat the strongest players..."

Lugh looks your way, clearly amused. "Well, why do you think I'm here? The most effective weapon mankind has against truly frightening opponents is teamwork."

<Do you really think the addition of drones doesn't change things, considering the significant shift in weapon types? Drone warfare is a field that is being pushed on real-world modern battlefields.>

XeXeeD: Real world? Give me a break. Do you know who I pity more than INT builds or dumb one-trick ponies like the Devil of Running Away here? Those poor tinpot soldiers who think a little military training prepares them GGO. Like, hey, I dunno much about real-life warfare, but I get the general gist of things. Long sight lines, low time to kill, most of your fire is at extreme range against shapes you can barely see obscured by shit and dust.

Modern warfare is a game of high-stakes peekabo— I can see why Drones would be pretty fucking useful. But GGO? It's not a real battlefield, it's a game. The Bullet Line makes stealth almost a non-issue, and even when you get snuck up on, a properly kitted-out VIT build can almost never be one-tapped. Wasting that many points on equipment that just makes it easier to find enemies but not kill them? Pointless.

You don't miss the brief flash of annoyance on Lugh's face as XeXeeD continues his rant, but it's gone as quickly as it arrived.

"Still a little upset about that last fight?"

"Perhaps. I have climbed in levels, but the way you seem to get stronger in GGO is by killing monsters ad nauseum. There's little finesse in spending 10 minutes emptying an assault rifle into a robot scorpion— and I have been making little progress."

You'll consider it a blessing in disguise that you can't even grind. From what little you've seen from GGO's mobs they tended towards the uninspired, with 90% of the bestiary being either a robotic giant bug or a regular giant bug with robot parts.

Yamikaze: Nonsense, you cannot underestimate the power of scouting. Information is at the heart of warfare. He who controls—

XeXeeD: You done sucking off millennium-old losers whose idea of high tech was a dude on a horse? GGO is a game, so it's gotta be managed like one. You can't just pick a build based on what sounds tacticool. STR governs what weapons you can equip. VIT doesn't represent just your health, it represents your options. GGO tends to frontload player advantages— 5 points in INT lets you use most grenades, 10 for specialty gadgets. Invest another 40 points and what do you get? Reduced cooldowns, gimmick PvE items, lasers, and what, Drones now?

Yamikaze: You were the one harping on and on about AGI as some master stat!

XeXeeD: And it was, at the time. Face it, buddy, the circumstances are changing. Here's a free pointer for your little peanut-brain: don't think like the loser you are— think like ZASKAR. Just look at what happened with smokes— ZASKAR wants big dramatic gunfights that people can see. GGO remains the most streamed VRMMO, but if fights keep looking like the last BoB? Snipers, Smokes and fucking Hackers who the fuck is going to tune in?

Say Drones are as OP as everyone's afraid of. Say next month I'll be up here with a new build talking about drone swarms and shit. Say it's just snipers, mortars and Drones from here to eternity. Who's going to watch, or more importantly play, a game where players get headshot from across the map, their corpses get flattened by saturation artillery, then their ashes get dispersed by a military-grade RV toy? You feel me? Think about what the Devs want, what the players want, and that's how you stay ahead of the meta.

XeXeeD's rant is building, the player rising out of his chair in excitement. The interview is taking a strange turn, one you're not sure is typical of «This Week's Winners». If the scrolling comments are any indication, the audience is eating it up.

Lugh says nothing, silently listening to XeXeeD's rant with cold eyes, studying him for some weakness only he can see.

<An intriguing analysis as always, and certainly one worth considering by veterans and new players alike! With the upcoming «Counter Shrike» tournament approaching, I'm sure a lot of players will be checking out this new weapon class! What do you think your chances—>

XeXeeD: You serious? You actually fucking serious?

Yamikaze: XeXeeD, don't start this again.

XeXeeD: Who cares about that kiddy tournament? The only one who takes that clown show seriously is «Subtilizer». Like, everyone's dying to know about the real tournament of GGO— the «Death Gun Derby»!

<N-now let's not parrot unsubstantiated rumors. This Derby is just an unsanctioned private event, nothing worth discussing.>

XeXeeD: Yeah? Well, I'm going to say it! People are pissed that they canceled the BoB— there's no closure, no champion. The Derby's the runback, the showdown of a lifetime! A fight with real stakes, where you have to put up or shut up.

"Lugh, what happened during the «Bullet of Bullets»? You were up there with XeXeeD, why didn't you stop him?" He was there, upon that hill, when XeXeeD was about to end Johnny Black's life. You stopped him then, in essence saving Johnny Black's life... but Lugh was there before and he made no effort to interfere. There's a change in Lugh's expression. A glimmer of something more than amusement, more than anger. Something akin to... sympathy.

"Because XeXeeD was committed. Upon that moment he intended to kill. Not the flailing of a scared man lashing out, nor some crime of passion, but a choice. To kill and to accept the consequences of such an action. I felt it was not my place to interfere."

"He would've killed him!" you protest. "You can't be just okay with that!"

"To kill is not inherently evil. It is a choice, like any other, one with benefits and consequences. Everything you do affects someone else, Kuro. You chose to stop XeXeeD— perhaps that action saved lives, perhaps that action condemned lives. Words, actions— even hesitation. These can be no different than a bullet to the brain."

Yamikaze: All this nasty business about the Black Star and real-life killings, you don't have a shred of evidence. Death Gun is just another lunatic with VR Psychosis and you're just playing into his fantasies.

XeXeeD: Two of us are dead, you feel me? Killed by Death Gun and the losers who enabled him by letting him run around without consequence! The fucker thinks he's got us running scared? Does he think he can scare himself to the seat of the champion? Get fucking real!

Yamikaze: It's just an unsubstantiated rumor—

XeXeeD: Wrong! ZASKAR gets it, yeah? If it was so unsubstantiated why is it being cleared from drop lists!? But I don't see it as a bad thing, no, the Black Star ain't some curse, it's a gift. It's GGO telling us that if we want justice? If we want to take our game back from the hackers and cheats? We gotta take up the challenge ourselves! We've gotta be willing to lay our own lives on the line, to take up the fight! You listening to this Death Gun!? I know you are, you fucking fraud. I'm ready— anytime, anywhere!

Yamikaze: You're insane. It's an item in a video game. It has no power— Death Gun is just trying to trick you all. What's your plan, XeXeeD? Going to kill Death Gun with his own gun? All you'll do is respawn him.

"A bloody rumor..." Lugh mutters to himself. "A gun in a video game that can kill others in real life. Quite ironic."

"It's this ridiculous Incarnation in action," you say. "In VR games so long as the rumor is strong enough it can start becoming real."

"Really? A gun that doesn't kill when it's fired, that's what's truly ridiculous."

Your conversation is interrupted by activity on the screen, jerking your attention to the jumbotron. The once calm interview erupts in panicked shouting and screaming, the interviewer scrambling and cowering behind her chair as if the flimsy thing would offer her any protection. Yamikaze is on instant alert, his hands already going for his weapon, only to be stopped by cold metal pressed up against his head.

<Are you crazy!? Y-you can't take that out here!>

Yamikaze: What the fuck!? You brought that thing here?! Put that— eep!

The bar turns silent, and your breath catches in your throat. Your conversation with Lugh dies away, and you watch, frozen, as XeXeeD brandishes a blocky pistol with a black color that steals the light of the room. The camera pans close, focusing on the gun in XeXeeD's hands, the Black Star etched upon the grip unmistakable to your eyes.

There's a mad glint in XeXeeD's eyes, the gun being pointed straight towards Yamikaze. He can't possibly fire, can he?

XeXeeD: Oh? You seem plenty scared, Yamikaze! Why don't you run away then?

Yamikaze: I-If, and that's a big fucking if, the Black Star is capable of what the rumors say, then you'd be a murderer—

XeXeeD: Is it murder to put down a beast!? Is it murder to avenge a friend!? Is it murder to protect your world!? Do you have what it fucking takes, Yamikaze? You think you're strong, the Real Deal? Then show me! Show me you can pull the trigger!

XeXeeD flips the gun, extending it by the handle towards Yamikaze, waiting for him to respond. An offer to join him in the bloody crusade.

You almost feel the question being directed at yourself. Can you pull the trigger? If it meant saving lives... if Kayaba Akihiko was staring down the barrel of the Black Star, could you do it?

There's a moment of utter confusion on Yamikaze's face, the man shaking in sheer disbelief. His mouth opens but only a hoarse squeak comes out as he stares at the gun and the man offering it to him, paralyzed with indecision.

XeXeeD: Thought not you fucking poser. Log off and never come back Yamikaze, you don't got what it takes. You ain't the «Real Deal».

<I—I think this interview is over! Uh, tune in next time on «This Week's Winners»— whoa, stop waving that thing around!>

XeXeeD: Cowards. All of you! You see this!? This is the official seal of entry into the Death Gun Derby. The Type 54 Black Star! A weapon that brings about true
Death! You feel me world!? Think you're hot shit? Think you've got what it takes!? Then kill me and take it! And if you don't have the guts to put your own life on the line, then log out like the rest of the losers— leave GGO to the real warriors! To me, the Champion!

With the crack of a gunshot, the feed cuts off, leaving just you and Lugh sitting in silence.

1700 Glocken Standard Time

The two of you are alone, upon the roof of a sheet metal prefab, staring up at the towering edifice of the «Governer's Office». The wedge-like building towers over the rest of Glocken, the glowing sphere seated in the middle of the tapered buildings bathing the night in a golden light.

Lugh listens on as you recount your recent troubles. Pitohui,『 』, Lievre, Death Gun... that, and even more new problems involving Hoshiyama. Laying it out all one by one seems utterly overwhelming, and throughout it all, he has nothing to offer but a series of vapid nods.

"So? What do you think I should do, oh wise one?"

He smiles, idly cleaning a rifle as he speaks. "I suspect you're confused— unsure of how to proceed. I was once in your shoes, and what helped me decide was to take a step back and break things down."

"Sounds so simple," you scoff, leaning over the rooftop's railing. A light drizzle of rain starts up, adding to your foul mood. "We're supposed to help each other here, so give me something more actionable. If I wanted moral lessons I'd go watch Featherman."

Lugh shakes his head. "No. I suspect you need no help deciding what to do next. What we need to break down are your decisions. What you are and are not willing to do. Define your borders before you plot out your path."

"That's even more vague!"

"Is it? I think it's the most fundamental question, Kuro."

Of course, more mysterious hedging by your resident spook-turned-psychiatrist. You have mere weeks until whatever the fuck is going down with the Derby finally triggers. And what do you have to deal with in the meantime!? How about absolutely everything!?

"Do you have any idea what I'm up against!?" You shoot Lugh a seething glare. His gun-cleaning methodically continues, your outburst doing little to intimidate the boy. You shout in the air, running through your options, such as they are.

"Death Gun is the simple part! I've got a... crazy girl with a death wish to deal with, some kind of NPC uprising— even XeXeeD is trying to mess with everything! Somehow that's just the tip of the iceberg! And fucking『 』is— argh, you don't get it Lugh, somehow my greatest threat right now comes from a pair of bored gamers!"

And it just keeps on piling on. Hoshiyama may have cooperated on the surface but you know she's going to pull something behind the scenes, GGO as it is means too much for her. Fucking Itsuki's still out there doing god knows what else—

And you just can't but feel. Know, that fundamentally Shiroe was right. Behind the stage lies an unseen foe, one who doesn't even care to pull the strings, but delights in throwing rocks at the stage just to see what happens next.

You look down at Lugh, the way he's just relaxing as you shout in rage while the world falls apart— yet calm and in control. He gestures with the rifle in his hands at the buildings encircling you, to the hundreds of lights beyond. "Everyone is capable of ending a life. For some, that time comes only when their loved ones are threatened. People may kill for justice, for joy, even for plain simple convenience. There is a line that exists for everyone, but few ever look deep enough to uncover theirs."

Your mind returns to those days within Aincrad. The you that you no longer wish to be. The people who died by your actions.

"I'm not looking to kill anyone Lugh! I just want... to save..."

He aims the rifle out into the void. "In this strange world of GGO, death is impermanent. You can defeat Death Gun, and vaporize his avatar time and again... but to what end? He will respawn, over and over, unless..."

The Death Gun. End your opponent's existence with the weapon that bears his very name.

"Just like XeXeeD plans on doing. Pulling the trigger and performing what is necessary— something your newest companion would know about, no?"

"Don't bring that up! That kind of thinking almost destroyed her!" Sinon's impassioned cries resound in your head. That determination to kill others— even herself, to change who she was. That was the madness you were fighting against!

"Then how will you fix this, Kuro?" Lugh continues, "Can you convince Death Gun to put down his weapon? Shall you make peace with Kayaba Akihiko? Do you think you can travel this path without killing another human?"

"If GGO is as at fault, then I'll wipe it clean away." You've done it before, just destroy out GGO as easily as you did ALO. Fighting in the Derby was a losing proposition, all you'd have to do is focus and—

"Is it so simple? What of the ArFAs? This Hoshiyama you spoke to thinks they are alive— but do you? And all this— Death Gun Derby, the competition that's waging even as we speak. If one of their visions becomes the new law in GGO, what makes you think it will be worse than the status quo?"

You're already committed. ALO has burned, a fate you deemed necessary to stop OBERON. You don't know what SEED NPCs are, but they aren't alive. You know that to be true, they're just programs, reflections of the SEED. Just... talking dreams...

Lugh doesn't stop, refusing to show you mercy. "Everything is uncertain, that is the root of your hesitation. If you're not willing to kill humans, if you're not willing to kill NPCs, then you have another answer, Kuro. One every person has. Run away. As you are, it is your best option."

If you— just forget about all this...


"I... I just... I can't. There's..." the World. ETTEILLA's warning, the walls of the world crumbling down, the shattering of the sea of souls... too much. Too much is at stake.

The two of you stand upon the precipice of the building, the lights of the city flickering by below you.

"I want to help you Kuro, because you and I are allies. Because I need you to be the strongest version of yourself. Because I believe we walk towards the same destination. And in order for that to happen you must kill your hesitation."

The pressure begins to build between you and Lugh. You can sense that faint connection you hold to his vision of HEAVEN— so faint it may as well be a wisp of gunsmoke. A world where he is unbound, where he is to act, to kill, for his own sake instead of anyone else's.

Yours was an alliance of convenience, but you have your secrets, and so does he. You have found allies of your own, ones you find yourself reluctant to introduce to Lugh. There's too much at stake, and now, more than anything else, you can't find it within you to just trust...

"Lugh. I want a straight answer. You know something about all this, don't you? Death Gun, GGO?"

Lugh exhales, looking away. The rifle he was cleaning neatly slides back into his inventory, and you realize with a start that you've lost track of his hands. He's not smiling, he's not teasing, nor even slightly defensive. But you notice how every move he makes is measured, not even an errant twitch being left up to instinct. There's a shift in the atmosphere, and there's this imperceptible change in Lugh's stance.

"What do you think?"

There's a threat in those simple words.

You gasp, trying not to let your panic show. "...I think you're not just a philosophical newbie. I think you came to GGO specifically for a reason. And I think that reason is obvious— it's what everyone's so obsessed with."

The Black Star. You hold your copy out in your hands, feeling its weight, the will of GGO concentrated on this pointless prop. Just having a weapon in your hands centers your fear, and returns to you a feeling of control. Everything about Lugh points to his involvement in this affair. His timing was too suspicious, his knowledge and congeniality too convenient to be unplanned.

"Just who the hell are you?"

"Kuro." Lugh turns towards you, a sadness you have not seen from him before showing on his face. "That's not how you ask an honest question."

There's silence. Lugh stands at the edge of the building, rain blowing through his short hair as he gazes back at you with the piercing stare of a man who feels decades older. Suddenly you realize what XeXeeD must have felt. You feel all of Lugh's attention.

It's nothing like staring into the red eyes of XaXa, who felt you too unworthy even to kill.
It's nothing like staring into the lidless bags of Johnny Black, who loved nothing more than to watch you scared and squirming.
It's nothing like staring into the amused gaze of PoH, who delighted in seeing what lengths you would sink to keep your life.

He's studying you.
He's preparing to...

You're staring into the eyes of a snake before it strikes— the barrel of a gun before it fires. You are a rat in a cage, an ant under the magnifying glass. You need to log off, you need to get out of here, there's something wrong, you're in danger

"If you want to ask someone for the truth, this is how you do it."

It flashes before your eyes. The threat of violence instantly coalesced from fantasy into this virtual approximation of reality. He pulls it out of his coat like it was always in his hand, like he lured you to this very spot only to use it on you.

Almost subconsciously, you reach for the only weapon you have, the only one with any chance of effectiveness within the safety zone of Glocken. You raise your Black Star, pointing it dead center on his forehead— just as he does the same to you. The Black Star pistol fits perfectly into his hands, the two of you at a standstill, utterly unable to comprehend who the other is.

"What are you doing, Lugh?" you snarl, finger taut against the trigger. "Where did you get that?"

Of course he would have one. Of course he would be involved.

"Would you believe me if I said I'm here to claim your bounty?"

"Bullshit." There's a strange calm that settles over your mind, your Personas— clamoring to manifest, warning of the coming danger. "This posturing is pointless, Lugh. Shoot if you must, it won't accomplish anything."

"Do you believe that Kuro?" Lugh smiles, a cruel edge to his voice, mirroring the pistol pointed straight at you. "Because I believe that when this trigger is pulled, one of us will die. Because with everything that you and I know about Death Gun, I know you believe such a thing is possible."

This bastard...!

"The thing about a rumor is that it's quite hard to dispel. So, ask yourself Kuro, are you truly safe right now?"

You want to spit in his stupid little face, to call him out on this absurdity! You were in a safe zone! You are safe, Lugh is safe, even if he is being an asshole! You think this, try to will it into being. But you can't.

You can't stop seeing the muzzle of the Black Star pistol pointing at you.
You can't lower your gun.

"You're not strong enough," Lugh insists, with a stern look that makes you shiver. "You can't protect everyone, you can't save your world, you cannot find the truth— not when you seek it all. None of us are. We band together, arm ourselves with knowledge and fire, but still we are too weak. So we compromise. We draw our lines and decide what we are willing to sacrifice and what we are not. We determine, each and every one of us as an individual, what truly matters to us."

"Is this your twisted way of cheering me up!?"

"Staring down the barrel of a gun you tend to lose your options. Act or die, it's in moments like these when the choices become clearest. See, just as you are unable to decide... so am I. I too would like your help, Kuro, in coming to a decision. So I figured I would ask you, and if I am unsatisfied with the answer, I will simply shoot you. An elegant solution for all involved, no?"

"Dammit Lugh— there are better ways than this!" Neither of you moves a single muscle. There's no guarantee the Black Star will even kill you. No guarantee that it will bypass the safety zone. It's doubtful that either of you can even empty the other's HP bar in a single strike. But still you hesitate, you feel in your soul that right now in this very moment, Lugh believes that if he pulls the trigger you will die.

And you don't know if you can challenge that belief as you are.

"I have need of your help, Kuro. I believe you have the potential to complete my task, even as you pursue your own goal. But first I must know what you are willing to do. One way or another you will be forced to decide. But deciding in the heat of the moment is to surrender your mind to the circumstances, to react instead of act. To decide now and commit is to act with intentionality, to be genuine to yourself, to be the «Real—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!"

Lugh laughs at your disgruntled expression, even as the pistol never wavers. As with everything about your suspicious ally, even his phrasing was targeted. To teach and give genuine advice, but also to manipulate, and to threaten.

"Pick one, Kuro." Lugh declares softly, "Find the one thing you refuse to compromise on and determine every choice after that accordingly. This world is a morass of competing interests, a swamp of chaos. You can spend an entire lifetime reacting instead of... taking action, only to realize at the end of a long road that you never had any direction or purpose. You can move from mission to mission, no different than an NPC with a script, and find yourself a weapon that is pointed by others and never guided by your own will."

The one anchor, the absolute limit of what you are willing to accept...

"You hold the Black Star. One way or another it will call to you, ask you who you are in the dark. Do you want to play its game Kuro? To be pushed and pulled until you've been so sufficiently broken that there's nothing left a weapon that lashes out at every injustice it sees? Or will you decide now, and choose to act with intent? Because if you cannot decide, then your fate is just to be a weapon. And if so I will show you mercy before it is too late."

There's nothing to do but decide. Your breath slows and your mind focuses. You step away from the fear, from the indecision. Right now there's only you, Lugh... and the trigger.

>Lugh intends to teach you another 'lesson'!
>You have gained the new MAJOR ACTION: [Intent//[PLAN]. This allows you to WRITE-IN a major action.

[ ] Never again. That is all I want. [Toss your Black Star on the ground.]
>Kuro's internal priority is to protect lives, as many as possible, whether they are from this world or the potential next one.
>Kuro will be reluctant to end lives, even when doing so may technically be better for the greater good. [D costs rise when acting out of character, and in extreme cases can lead to Ego conflict with your Shadow.]
«Real Deal: Never Again»: +2 Real Deal Bonus that automatically activates when acting in a self-sacrificial manner.

«Incarnate: ???»: When the walls of the world come crumbling down, she will sacrifice herself for you and your friends. Over and over again.

[ ] I want the truth. That is the only way to act with intent. [Activate ASH NAZG and tank Lugh's Bullet with Null:Curse]
>Kuro's internal priority is to expose the truth, and learn what is being hidden from her.
>Kuro will be reluctant to allow villain and masterminds to escape, even if doing so can harm others. [D costs rise when acting out of character, and in extreme cases can lead to Ego conflict with your Shadow.]
«Real Deal: Third Eye»: +2 Real Deal Bonus that automatically activates the turn you successfully psychologically damage an opponent with combat banter.

[ ] You cannot fathom what I fight for, and what I am willing to do. [Shoot Lugh]
>Kuro's internal priority is to protect the Real World.
>Kuro will be reluctant to even consider putting the Real World at risk, and feels the ends justify the means when it comes to the fate of the world. [D costs rise when acting out of character, and in extreme cases can lead to Ego conflict with your Shadow.]
«Real Deal: Edge Punisher»: +2 Real Deal Bonus that automatically activates when fighting the SEED, the Chosen, or an avatar of the SEED.

[ ] Write-In [FREE]
>Lugh is asking you, more or less, if you would be willing to kill and under what context.
>You can also write a dramatic resolution to the mexican standoff!
>The QM will create a relevant skill.
>Kuro has previously chosen to prioritize the lives of others over the life of herself during a prior vote. If your write-in contradicts this, you may find yourself in conflict with your Shadow.

AN: This took longer than I expected. BTW, thank you all for choosing a Plan that basically allows me to neatly summarize every last remaining conflict in GGO (we got the ArFA plot, we got Blank, we got Lugh (I was worried you'd ignore Lugh all quest...), we got the last meaty Pito update, and we finally got to the Daisy plot!).
From here on out there are no more 'new' conflicts. You've uncovered every last subplot. So going forward I'm going to allow Write-In plan votes.
To be clear I do not expect Write-In votes to be necessary to finish the arc, it's there cause I cannot fathom every possibility and I welcome attempts to poke the setting and see what happesn. (I legit didn't consider when Blank put the bounty up that you could self farm yourself. :o )
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[ ] You cannot fathom what I fight for, and what I am willing to do. [Shoot Lugh]
Not sure I like the narrative implications of this choice, although we seem to still have the goal of preserving the Real World OOC?

[ ] Never again. That is all I want. [Toss your Black Star on the ground.]
>Kuro's internal priority is to protect lives, as many as possible, whether they are from this world or the potential next one.
>Kuro will be reluctant to end lives, even when doing so may technically be better for the greater good.
Well... we know about Daisy now, so are we going to have to eat D costs if ending the SEED (w/o data transfering Daisy, anyway)?
(And its time to say goodbye to our Real Deal bonus if this option is chosen given the restrictions, unless we want to burn Time Travel Tokens.
Though the Incarnate buff may balance this out if we want to bring others to the final battle?)

He will respawn, over and over, unless..
As for this... Lugh, we are working with the government: So long as we don't get people taking themselves hostage we can always try to imprison them and lock out their access of SEED games?

[ ] I want the truth. That is the only way to act with intent.
Lastly, this is a relatively milquetoast action that is a minor upgrade mechanically, and probably draws us closer (farther?) to Argo as a side effect?
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Leaning to fighting for Truth. Though whats True may not be whats physically real either.

Tossing death aside as a tool is very ideologically solid though, you can't fight Death Gun when you're willing to wield it
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Assuming no one has any solid write ins, leaning to fighting for the truth as well. Prioritizing saving npcs is bad and fighting death gun with death is not sound. Irrc this is what Sinon wants, choosing otherwise might put us into conflict with her and our relationship is so so in the first place.
Kuro will be reluctant to allow villain and masterminds to escape, even if doing so can harm others.
Just to check, will "the villain of the arc trades information with Kuro in exchange for safe exit (with the implicit promise of not doing so leading to others being harmed)" suffer from this issue and/or increased D cost?

That is, rephrasing, after we learn the information the villains have, choosing to let them go due to other considerations will not suffer mechanical or narrative penalties if this option is chosen right?
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Just to check, will "the villain of the arc trades information with Kuro in exchange for safe exit (with the implicit promise of not doing so leading to others being harmed)" suffer from this issue and/or increased D cost?

That is, rephrasing, after we learn the information the villains have, choosing to let them go due to other considerations will not suffer mechanical or narrative penalties if this option is chosen right?

Uh, I suppose I wouldn't impose a penalty in this specific case. This vote is a characterization vote first and foremost as we get into GGO endgame, I use it to decide what actions should be resource cheap and what isn't.

I am reluctant to lock out options since fundamentally that is the point of a quest.
I think the implication is that Daisy IS GGO's avatar, exporting her to a private server is like a full body amputation
If so that basically makes the "never again" path mostly infeasible the instant Hiyori is convinced of NPC's sentience/sapience, and that pulling the SEED plug may cause their death one way or the other?

Unless we keep a stock of D to spare for the final battle anyway, since that Incarnate option would significantly reduce the chances of us blowing a Time Travel token on our close allies dying...
That means Never Again would need to go the route of enabling Daisy and breaking her chains I think. As the system avatar she can shut anything down not running on weird metaphysics if she was a free individual.
I don't want Hiyori to put her life below others.
Kuro has previously chosen to prioritize the lives of others over the life of herself during a prior vote.
I'm afraid that ship has partially sailed already, although my understanding of that is more along the lines of "there are lines she will not cross to preserve her own life: namely, harming other (innocents) at the cost of their lives"?
I'm afraid that ship has partially sailed already, although my understanding of that is more along the lines of "there are lines she will not cross to preserve her own life: namely, harming other (innocents) at the cost of their lives"?
Yeah, but this is that on steroids. You literally get a bonus when acting in a self sacrificing matter. I don't want to encourage this.

I get what you mean though, Never Again is the natural continuation mostly. I just want to stop this before it gets out of hand.
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Yeah, but this is that on steroids. You literally get a bonus when acting in a self sacrificing matter. I don't want to encourage this.
Agreed, even mechanically speaking its kind of difficult to trigger 'safely' even with allies: Our tricks are important to the fights we participate in, and if we get taken out by tanking hits for our allies those tricks quickly evaporate?

Pity that wording can't be changed to "...when protecting others (through combat and the risk that implies)", but it is what it is so
Agreed, even mechanically speaking its kind of difficult to trigger 'safely' even with allies: Our tricks are important to the fights we participate in, and if we get taken out by tanking hits for our allies those tricks quickly evaporate?

Pity that wording can't be changed to "...when protecting others (through combat and the risk that implies)", but it is what it is so
I feel like that's intentional. It's the only option with an extra effect. This feels like a bit of a "trap", or at the very least a tradeoff.