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I'd rather not break the bank immediately upon starting GGO. We can ape Space Battleship Yamato later.
I'm not seeing references since I don't know any, I'm just seeing stats and if you want something less expensive there is the SAL-9 Laser Pistol that cost 800 less than the other, although it can only use Urvashi, but the Magnum can only use the Neko so I think it may be a bit better.
I'm just trying to make the Once More trait more consistent since I think getting that close to the enemy is not gonna be something that can be done consistently.
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Virtual guns that cost $1000 in real life!? What is this, CS:GO? Also, how does the medi gun's healing work? Does it heal a certain amount per turn or is it just a receptacle for Magnum Opus? And will we get an Übercharge upgrade?
Virtual guns that cost $1000 in real life!? What is this, CS:GO? Also, how does the medi gun's healing work? Does it heal a certain amount per turn or is it just a receptacle for Magnum Opus? And will we get an Übercharge upgrade?

You can't avoid canon. In GGO, XaXa explicitly bought the metamaterial optical camouflage mantle with about 300k yen real money. And once that exists, you have to assume there are other stupid expensive things in GGO's real money shop.

[X] To be somewhat conservative, for now.
Urgh, work, couldn't respond till now.

As a brief rundown, he's legitimately a top-ranked player in the game, Top 10ish - the anime included a blink-and-you-miss-it reference to him and some of the other games cast by showing him placing 5th in a future Bullet of Bullets. He's also basically yandere for the MC because they were the first person he found interesting and shook him out of his boredom with life and wanted them all for himself to the exclusion of their other friends to the point of setting up a mini-Death Game for the MC and some of his friends with NerveGears in a Russian Roulette style manner where some were real some were fake. He has, unfortunately, appeared to imprint on Hiyori.

This quest is labelled as a Persona/SAO quest/Isekai quest.

In reality it's an SAO/SAO quest where I crossover SAO with super obscure parts of SAO that nobody has heard about!
(I have not actually played Fatal Bullet. I watched a let's play. But Itsuki serves my purposes very well)

A thought struck me though. Didn't Karen want a teammate for BoB? How bad would it be to suggest Lugh to partner up with her?

Karen wanted a teammate for the next Squad Jam.
In canon her friend Fuka transferred in from ALO. Which she can't do in this quest because someone nuked ALO and no character data is leftover.

But don't worry, the 2nd Squad Jam is cancelled after the sponsor backed out at the last minute.

The range of the Bahauser GMA 571 Armor Magnum is too short to reliably be able to take advantage of the Once More! trait. The thing only hits in the first 2 squares and only one of them overlaps with the Procyon SL Op.Pistol.

Some guns I designed to be balanced, or at least attempted to be.
Others, like this are, are there for pure author appeal.

The background lore of GGO is a space fleet crashlanding on a death world. Hopefully, lore manipulation will let us reactivate a space cruiser and let us shoot down all the pointless dick-measuring players from a cruiser in the sky.

The SBC Flugel is a spaceship that's still flight capable. SBC Glocken crash landed. SBC Flugel is from the GGO expansion (AKA pulled it in from the Fatal Bullet game).

Virtual guns that cost $1000 in real life!? What is this, CS:GO? Also, how does the medi gun's healing work? Does it heal a certain amount per turn or is it just a receptacle for Magnum Opus? And will we get an Übercharge upgrade?

Okay. I worked really hard on this.
Here's what we know:
Kirito got 300,000 credits from the Untouchable Jackpot.
Since credit conversion is 100 credit = 1 yen...
That means Kirito won about 3000 yen. Which is... not a lot.

After buying the lightsaber he still has enough left over to get a FN Five-Seven and some 'unspecified armor'.
So the Kagemitsu is somewhere south of 300k credits or 3k yen. I just decided to relax and just make it 3k yen.
But it means that a standard modern sidearm is probably in the order of magnitude of 1-2k yen.

Fuka's MGL grenade launcher is 3million credits, which she buys 2 of. The grenade launcher is implied to be cutting edge, so 3 million credits (or 30k yen) is an upper bound on guns, more or less.

Fuka is also implied to be super impressed at M's gift of 10 million credits (100k yen)

We know that XaXa gets a 500k yen monthly allowance from his dad. There's some throwaway lines about him spending most of it on a GGO item, likely the metamaterial cloak. So the metamaterial cloak is at the 6 figure yen mark. Since I presume something like invisibility has to be the upper limit of cash shop shenanigans, I decided to price the cash shop items accordingly. Do I expect the quest to save up enough to buy the super expensive items? No.

But like the concierge says. They're aspirational.

And again, in the GGO chapter money is going to be much more important. It's why all your part time jobs got a big raise and why I started off with the big negotiation.

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Some other things to clarify: Extra STR from a Persona (so when STR>Weight) does or does not add to our carry capacity?

And is Overload always on, or on command?
Some other things to clarify: Extra STR from a Persona (so when STR>Weight) does or does not add to our carry capacity?

And is Overload always on, or on command?

Extra STR from a Persona doesn't add to carry capacity. Because if it did the math would make my head explode.

Overload is on command, though you can't use it or any other bracket ability if you got hit by a weakness before your turn starts.
Question, will we be running into anyone using the RYNO or one of its variants?

For those of you who don't know what this is, imagine a rocket launcher with burst fire.
Not gonna stat that rocket launcher, though I am tempted, very tempted, to somehow include rocket jumping.

Will we ever be able to get the actual MDR? It's a really cool gun.

Sure, I'll put it on the long list of guns to run stats for!

Also, how does the medi gun's healing work? Does it heal a certain amount per turn or is it just a receptacle for Magnum Opus?

Receptacle for Magnum Opus. Doesn't do anything in game, a joke prop by a bored developer that shoots light you use a receptacle for a Persona. Though in hindsight since Magnum Opus is all AOE I might change it to a flare gun, which I think fits better in hindsight than a straight up medigun.
Currently thinking about the vote - worth keeping in mind that XeXeeD should have a STR/VIT build to take advantage of the fact that he set everyone else down the apparently doomed AGI build route.
Uh, IIRC the plot was that Str/Vit works for everyone, while Agi worked REALLY GOOD if you are the 1% with either 2+ years of experiences in virtual spaces, real life combat experience or one of those natural talents who just run at a high natural clockspeed than everyone else.

And he advertised it by winning some tournament with an Agi build, causing much grief as regular mortals learn that even if your character can move that fast, its useless if your brain can't respond to what you're seeing.

Bet after Kirito did the canon bullet parry stunts a lot of people tried to copy him and got slaughtered.
Double-checked the SAO wiki to make sure I didn't get my wires crossed and it seems to back up my memory?

Shigemura Tamotsu

XeXeeD was a deceitful and cunning person, as he spread false rumors about AGI-build avatars being the best, even though he knew himself that STR-build avatars would have an advantage in the long term, thus misleading players and weakening his competition.

Another factor that contributed to his win was that, right before the tournament, he spread misinformation about stat allocation to other players, specifically about AGI being the best build, while, later on in the game, a STR-VIT build proved to be better.

Admittedly that doesn't preclude the idea that XeXeeD himself was one of the few good enough to make AGI work - like Kirito - and his mislead was concealing the fact that most people would be unable to properly utilize it. If I'm wrong on this, I'm sorry!

But while I'm reading this page on him it also notes the other factor for his win (which canonically wouldn't have happened here, but still) were his rare XM29 assault rifle and defense equipment if that means anything to how we want to approach this strategically.
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Once I succumbed to gacha that kind of number seems a lot more believable to me as something people might spend than it ever would have beforehand.
I say we find a way to shut this game down just for the monetization bullshit, whether or not we can solve the murder part without it.
TLDR: One streamer whaled Diablo: Immortal's gem gacha to get super powerful in PVP, and ended up dropping $100,000 on it. He became so powerful that the game's matchmaking system couldn't find anyone to match him with, so he decided to ask Blizzard for a refund.
Yeah, I heard of that before. Some people's thought are truly an enigma for many others.
But while I'm reading this page on him it also notes the other factor for his win (which canonically wouldn't have happened here, but still) were his rare XM29 assault rifle and defense equipment if that means anything to how we want to approach this strategically.

So he's probably looking for a midrange duel with low cover? I wonder if he's actually wearing an optical shield or if the meta is so overwhelming that he figures no one would bring an optical gun to a pvp. There's got to be players who take that risk, since carrying an optical gun on the off chance you get lucky is a lot more wasteful of carry capacity than an optical shield.
Adhoc vote count started by afreaknamedpete on Jan 5, 2024 at 5:21 AM, finished with 51 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] A little bit of everything
    [X] To be somewhat conservative, for now.
    [X] To be somewhat conservative, for now.
    - [X] Aether Optical Defense Shield [¥1000] > [¥800] Weight: 1
    - [X] Lupus Op.Carbine [OPTICAL/PSI] [¥3000] > [¥2400] Weight: 4
    - [X] Flintlock Blunderbuss [ANTIQUE/BLUNT] [4MC / ¥4000] Weight: 3
    [X] Persona Roster Protocol.
    [X] A little bit of everything
    -[X] Procyon SL Op.Pistol (800 Yen)
    -[X] Bahauser GMA 571 Armor Magnum (4800 Yen)
    -[X] Level 1 Inline Body Armor (4000 Yen)
    -[X] Akasha Optical Defense Shield (2400 Yen)
    -[X] M1 Garand with Bayonet (4000 yen)

Looking to update in the weekend, so here's the tally. Bit of everything is winning by a bit.

Vote is staying open.
Voting is open