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Maybe it's just because I haven't had coffee yet and am still sleepy but this came off as way more profound a statement to me than I think it probably warrants LOL.

Argh, chargen hardest vote. I kind of want to mix and match almost everything here. For the CATGIRL option, the weapon is locked to the ETTEILLA/PHILEMON Persona - does that mean it also carries with it their passive STRESS gains? I would think not and that would only come into play if we used their skills but just checking.

[X] Karen... whatever her username is...

Going with Traveler because fishing for weaknesses has always been our combat strategy and this synergizes well with it - well once we grab another [Once More] weapon at least, but this gets us a first one at least. But I'm pretty much cool with any option - like I said I basically want to mix-and-match elements from them all.
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So...analyzing options.

Kiriko is a melee and mobility monster. Because we are Kuro now, I feel it would be fitting to get a Kirito-like avatar to reference canon, but I can see a few issues -mainly that this will surely attract Xaxa's attention fast and that Asuna/Argo/both may not be amused by that -and this is something that may be no good. Like, really, don't need to be chummy, but no need to swing the red cape on their faces. Considering how much money we have right now, I think it's safe to think we'll need to fight soon to get better equipments, so it's also worth to analyze what we get of Personas, and there is some important stuff here: Putana is by far our strongest Persona in physical terms, and Urashima has a pierce resistance that will be quite useful, considering that most long-ranged weapons are likely to be Pierce-related. honestly fits a lot with the Zakiel motif I commented a time ago, specially because of the Magic Gunner perk. Low carry is a pain, but the fact that it's the single weapon that can use all of our Personas from get-go makes it worth for me. It also is Kirito-adjacent, so it's good enough for me.

Oh hey, that one Fatal Bullet character! Lots of cyberpunk references galore! It plays on our fame as the one that cheats a lot, and System Crash is an excellent perk to counter the two main antagonists of this arc (Sinon and Death Gun), because both use Modern Weapons. Also, giant laser gun! Fate references galore! But as for Personas...Magdalene is a troublesome one thanks to the Pierce weakness, but being resistant to fire means it's likely to also tank explosions better than most, and probably will also allow us to play TF2 Medic, lol. Mithras cover Pierce resistance, but it's weak to Fire. Being able to boost speed is going to be important, tho. Helena can do some interesting stuff, like having (possibly?) sleeping bullets and Megidola can counter a lot of bullshit. Dunno how good it's Armament will be.

And then there's Cat Girl. Basically a power-type, through. Mitsuka discount can be useful, and the rifle is incredibly strong...but the fact that it slots the two Personas that raise our stress meter makes me hesitate in picking this.

So, my choice is...


Magic Gunner, babie!

[X] Lugh

Seems nice enough.
[X] Karen... whatever her username is...

Let's not get ourselves wrapped up in the insanity or conspiracies immediately.

Also, since MDR from Girls' Frontline is being used, I propose another possible option for appearance:

[X] Maiden (origin from Goddess of Victory Nikke)

[X] Lugh

Looking at the rules, having a built in anti-Modern helps because Modern beats Optical Shields, but now we've got a boost here to help deal with that. And boosting enemy Optical is... ok but we can just have our own Optical Shield, and with EXCALIBUR we can punch through their own shields. Or use magic.

I feel MDR/Kuro is a perfect fit for "MAGIC LASER GUN" shenanigans lol.

But they all feel like good choices, I dislike HERO though because we already had an arc at least partially based around comparing ourselves to him so let's go in a different direction.
The data for Excalibur that was downloaded was always for Averin or Averin is appearing because something else? Because I think that Item restored was the Excalibur Averin data.

Also in the next update we will have the stats to that pistol?

The Replicant with the Kamen Rider laser weapon is the most chuuni option and by the end of ALO Lux had gained enough self-confidence in herself to admit that she likes the dark and edgy.

Also, Kamen Rider death laser. I love that shit.

[X] Lugh

Lugh is the guy from the assassin isekai PoH recruited for his deicide plans but he's also a social link and really, REALLY good at gunmanship and even a super assassin won't be able to figure out we used to work for PoH without some major plot fiat and we chose to restart for the sake of anonymity so we might as well take advantage of it.

The reference got me.

[X] Lugh

Recruiting an actual goddamn assassin may be playing with fire, but he's really good in combat. Also, he's a social link, so that's important.
I've found some cool cyborg lady pics that could be really good for Replicant designs with two of them from Punishing Gray Raven.




Would anyone else want to vote for one of these for our avatar appearence? I think they all capture Hiyori's evolution as a character of a self-admitted edgelord.
Argh, chargen hardest vote. I kind of want to mix and match almost everything here. For the CATGIRL option, the weapon is locked to the ETTEILLA/PHILEMON Persona - does that mean it also carries with it their passive STRESS gains? I would think not and that would only come into play if we used their skills but just checking.

Stress only when casting skills, which is not the strong suit of the gun. Just firing the gun is safe.

Kiriko is a melee and mobility monster. Because we are Kuro now, I feel it would be fitting to get a Kirito-like avatar to reference canon, but I can see a few issues -mainly that this will surely attract Xaxa's attention fast and that Asuna/Argo/both may not be amused by that

I think XaXa only recognized Kirito by the fighting style. Besides the F1300 is a base body type for an avatar, so there are others. Pitohui is technically a F1300 model.

Though swordfighting in a gun game will draw some attention regardless...

All character options are flashy except maybe Traveler which is the most covert.

Also in the next update we will have the stats to that pistol?

If you mean the X-Calibur Pistol I decided to cut it. By saving Excalibur you saved the Avenir version which becomes your first gun in GGO.

@afreaknamedpete the Persona Compendium has been out of date for a while, Urmetzoan and Helena aren't in yet.

It's overdue for a reorganization. Just found out about the 20 image limit on posts so I need to split it up.
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