My thoughts are that we shouldn't let Asuna go into the Underworld. I feel like she'd be throwing away her freedom and hurting almost everyone who cares about her for what is (from an in character perspective) just the possibility of reuniting with Kirito. Besides, even if she does reunite with him, then they would just be back in the same situation as SAO: trapped, and this time without any of the friends that had from back then. Gambling everything on a complete unknown when she could search for him as a free person is a poor choice that she only is considering because she's not exactly in a good headspace right now, with her having been trapped in VR for several years and all that. She's being misled; Kirito is the carrot, and the reality of the Underworld is the stick.

[x] The Hammer of Justice, and a few things for the road ahead
I prefer to wake both of them up, but oddly enough, I would be kind of interested to see how the quest would progress if we let Asuna and Sugou go. You would have the juxtaposition of Lux who tried as hard as she could to survive SAO and get back to her family and Asuna who is giving up her chance to get back to reality and her family for the chance to chase after her significant other.

Additionally, there would be some pretty interesting drama with Argo if we let Sugou escape justice at Asuna's behest.

One thing to note is that we might be able to get Asuna to be more willing to log off if we give her the lead Argo gave us about Kirito and RATH since with all the chaos happening I don't think we've had the chance yet.

[X] The Hammer of Justice, and a few things for the road ahead
[X] The Hammer of Justice, and a few things for the road ahead

Personally I don't like losing our Avatar data, but this is fine I guess.
I think that if Lux tries to convince Asuna to log off (alongside Sugou) a better tack is to point out that for all of Argo's sleuthing she only found out Yanai's burner phone; which means that if Asuna ever wants to save Kirito IRL our only clue is Yanai and the only lead on Yanai is Sugou, thus requiring Sugou to be brought to the real world. Furthermore if Asuna welches on her end of the deal Yanai is much more likely to be cross with her, even if he didn't intend to help put her in another sex dungeon like he did before. So the best way to save Kirito is to logout and work at it in the real world.

This approach doesn't require Asuna to actually trust (or like) Lux, and also thematically works by mirroring the same disdain that our patron has to the VR worlds being lesser (the undercurrent is that none of the stuff she could do at the VR Kirito is in will actually help save him).
Personally I got the impression that this vote is less a matter of convincing Asuna (because per the QM we don't need to - Hiyori has all the cards here) and just what Hiyori is deciding to do.

I don't think there's any dialogue path we can take that'll make her okay with this in the moment. She's gone through a lot and unlike Hiyori or Gwen she's still been stuck in a VRMMO since SAO - she hasn't been in the real world for over two years still. She's also not entirely wrong in thinking that having someone on the inside to help Kirito has some value especially since she can deduce that Argo is working on logging everyone out and thus she knows there are people working the IRL side. Jumping into a third VRMMO might feel more real to her current life experiences than logging out and trying to do some of the work that we and Argo have been doing out there. And, end of the day, we're still talking about a teenager in love who sees this - not entirely incorrectly - as the most sure, direct path to the one she loves - that may overpower any argument we (or anyone) can give her.

I think we should definitely lay out the case for thinking it helps Kirito more in the long run for her to log out and try to help him from that side but I don't know if this vote is actually about doing that now. We could and maybe Hiyori will, but even if we lay out the most reasoned case we can think of - I think she's still going to hate us for it in the moment. I think she needs time to process everything she's gone through the past 2+ years before she's receptive to that kind of thinking. Whether we present the case now and she stews on it while recovering post-log out or if we only get the chance later (with or without Argo) by visiting her on a future day I think she's going to curse us out now and at best maybe realize we had a point and meant well only after some time to think.
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Now that I think about it, can't we give the SEED to Gwen for a bit to allow her to download the data of Mjolnir? Its moves were the best things she had in her kit. Can we add it as a writte in?
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Now that I think about it, can't be give the SEED to Gwen for a bit to allow her to download the data of Mjolnir? Its moves where the best things she had in her kit. Can we add it as a writte in?

For that I think that could leave an opening for Asuna to do something--she is the Flash after all but more importantly it undercuts the drama of the scene.
I really like this one. Excalibur has become our own personal thing throughout the quest so I want to keep it.
The forums are going to lose it in the GGO arc. I can only imagine the thought of shock going through everyone's mind when in a modern military shooter there is one person running around with a fantasy medieval sword. Laughing coffin would probably laugh too.
The forums are going to lose it in the GGO arc. I can only imagine the thought of shock going through everyone's mind when in a modern military shooter there is one person running around with a fantasy medieval sword. Laughing coffin would probably laugh too.

From what I remember GGO does have a crafting system. Everyone will probably think that Hiyori is one of those crazy LARPers from ALO who spent real money to craft an Excalibur replica.
Honestly, if not for the fact that GGO did have lightsabers swords, I'd imagine that the Excalibur data would morph to take the form most fitting for the game it was in and would become some OP gun there. Maybe have it both ways and become a gunblade LOL.
Honestly, if not for the fact that GGO did have lightsabers swords, I'd imagine that the Excalibur data would morph to take the form most fitting for the game it was in and would become some OP gun there. Maybe have it both ways and become a gunblade LOL.
Yeah I would love such a thing XD
Also, regarless of the Mjolnir idea (I mean if we are getting Excalibur then why not make her get the so called ultimate throwing weapon), if Gwen is going to be a party member for the next arc, she does need some more power in her stats.
[X] The Hammer of Justice, and a few things for the road ahead

Finished reading this just in time to vote for the epilogue. Nice.
The LAW of OBERON -Fin-
You feel the weight of the twin blades resting against your palms. They've been in your hands for only a few minutes but already they feel right. Like they belong.

In another world, another lifetime, maybe you would've earned them. As a hero of «Aincrad», risking your life in the service of everyone's lives. But you weren't going to lie to yourself. The Lux that you were would never have been capable of that. But the Lux that was at the end of this road was a different person than the old you who meekly joined «Laughing Coffin» just to survive.

Playing hero was fun, but these blades never belonged to you. Asuna hesitates when you hold the weapons out to her. She seems... afraid.

"You're not going to let me go, aren't you?" Asuna whispers.

You shake your head.

"No. I'm... sorry, Asuna. But this isn't going to happen. I can't let you just log out Sugou, I can't just let you throw your life away."

"Then what are you going to do Lux?" Shiroe asks, crossing his arms and standing in front of Sugou's comatose body. "There's still the issue of what Sugou knows."

There's no clean answer, there's never one. If there's one thing SAO taught you is that even something as simple as survival can have consequences that ripple far beyond your intentions.

But that's no reason not to decide.

You casually toss the swords back at Asuna, who fumbles as she grabs them from midair. They vanish into her inventory yet Asuna's eyes remain locked onto you. "Please. This isn't your life, it's mine. I choose this, not you. Even without Sugou I still want to go." She looks at you, searching your eyes for a glimmer of understanding.

You turn away from her. This has gone on long enough, and the SEED seems to agree with you, resonating with your wishes. It's trivial to pull a few choice elements out and onto the NerveGear.

«Dorz'l», to reunite it with its master.
«Thrym», perhaps to grant him the kingship he so desired in another world.
«Excalibur», the sword that started you on this path.

And that key final ingredient. Everything that Sugou has stolen: his research, his data, project documents, and the world data of the greatest VR crime committed since SAO itself. Enough information to potentially replicate his methods... and enough information to make Sugou himself obsolete.

Perhaps someone will take advantage of it in the future. Perhaps all you were doing was furthering the goals of unseen foes. But you came into this to save the SAO survivors. To see Sugou brought to justice. So you will rob him of his last card and expose everything he was to the light of day.

"No, stop! You don't have to do this!" Asuna cries out.

You close your eyes, focusing on the SEED. The blinding light is visible even through closed lids.

"Let's go home."

Shiroe nods, Gwen grins, and you crush the SEED in your hands.

And all that remains is darkness.

TUESDAY - May 20th, 2025

The first thing you notice is the commotion.

"Hiyori-san! Hiyori, wake up!"

You blink, adjusting to the bright ceiling lights. Your head is pounding.

"Hey, give her some space!"

You feel something hard and plastic being wrestled off your head, and a sudden release of pressure against your face. There's something warm and damp against your hair. It takes a second for your body to respond, but slowly and sluggishly you drag yourself upright with the help of Agil.

"I-is everyone...?" You mumble.

Agil nods. "You have nothing to worry about. It'll take awhile until a full census is done but everyone in the Tokyo hospitals woke up, including Asuna."

"That's... good," you say, trying to stand. You feel dizzy, like you've just overslept.

"Hey, take it easy! Look, let's get you fixed up."

Fixed up...?
Now that he mentions it you have a pounding headache. Your hand travels to your head when it travels to your forehead it comes out slick and slimy.
It's... blood...?

"Hey, look who's finally awake!" A shrill voice calls from the other room, the owner of the voice barging in. Nanairo-sensei clearly has a bone to pick with you, and she's trailed by her sister who's carrying a first aid kit. She still hasn't changed out of her maid uniform.

"It's just a small cut, but you'll need to hold still. This will hurt a bit," Nijika says as she grabs your chin and starts cleaning the wound in the center of your forehead. You're too shocked to feel much pain right now, and you try not to think about the location of the wound.

"What the hell was that!?" Nanairo-sensei shouts, waving her arms around. "What were you doing in there!? All the monitors just blew out and you started flailing around like a seizure patient! Do you know how freaked out we were!? We were this close to calling a damn ambulance on you!"

You open your mouth and try to explain... you're not even sure how you can begin to broach the topic of the supernatural to her.

"How the hell am I gonna explain to RECT about all the broken equipment!? I borrowed it from their labs, but I can't very well return it when it's all broken like this!"

"If it's any consolation, I think RECT is about to have bigger problems than some stolen equipment." You offer. "We have everything we wanted and more. Asuna, awake, and... all of Sugou's research data. Proof of what he did to the SAO victims."

You can immediately see the glint in Nanairo-sensei's eyes. Greed and pure curiosity. "Oh? That much data is gonna be rather hard for you to interpret. I'd be happy to take a look and— OWOWOWO! NIJI-NEE STOP IT!"

Nijika sighs and pulls away her sister from your Nervegear by the cheek, pinching it tightly. "No more Cognitive Psience, no more brain research. You promised me that you'd take a break from all this."

"B-but this is a total gold mine! Think of the discoveries we could make! Think of the papers!"


"...J-just one peek!" Nanairo-sensei whines. "PLEEEEAAASEEE?"

You sit, holding your throbbing forehead, watching the siblings bicker. The only person you were giving this data to was Argo, who you could count on to release the information publicly, where it could no longer be denied or minimized. You've had a long day. Even if you weren't physically hurt you're mentally drained, and the only thing you wanted now was to curl up in bed and sleep for a thousand years.


You turn to Agil who's looking at you, a smile on his face.

"I can't say I understand even half of what's going on. But there's one thing I know for sure. You saved them. Adults, kids... all of them. On behalf of all the SAO survivors, there's only one thing I have to say."


"Thank you Hiyori."

You feel a lump forming in your throat. You exposed a conspiracy, matched up against the greatest foes ALO could throw at you, faced off against a mind control super villain... but you did it. You really did. You... saved them. You... feel your vision blurring. Your shoulders shaking.

"It... it was the least I could do." You say, wiping your tears away. "But the job's not finished yet. Not really..."

Kayaba Akihiko.
And... the fortunetellers whispering into your ear.

"Haha, we got ourselves a humble hero, huh?" Agil laughs, sitting down next to you on his couch. "But Hiyori, you're right. Kirito's still out there, and we still haven't brought Kayaba Akihiko to justice. But today was a victory. And... one day we'll be able to end this for good. When the time comes I expect you to be at the celebration, I'm sure you and Kirito could swap stories about saving the world."

You laugh.

"Something to look forward to."

The sounds of an impromptu party fill your ears as you stand in Agil's bathroom.

Kei Shirogane woke up shortly after you did, and as the only person in the room old enough to legally drink Agil press-ganged him into sharing a few beers. You could leave the busywork of uploading the data you stole from Sugou's world to him. From what he told you, even a preliminary search of the data was enough for Hosaka to browbeat the government into attempting an immediate arrest.

You don't know many details, but while you were waking up Sugou was found alive and blabbering in a «Sensory Deprivation Tank» held in his office, frail and malnourished. They had to take him to the hospital first, but you have Hosaka's assurances that there's more than enough to put Sugou away for good.

You splash your face with cold water and stare at your reflection in the mirror.

Your hair is a mess, and you've got a bandage plastered on your forehead. Thankfully your bangs are long enough to hide the wound, but you're spooked it's there in the first place.

Your Third Eye. ETTEILLA. And Kayaba Akihiko himself. He's still out there, doing god knows what.

Hazel eyes stare back at you in the mirror. Under the fluorescent lights of the bathroom, they appear golden.


Hey. You there?


Say something.


I know you're listening. You're always watching, aren't you?


Who was your Shadow? She was always whispering in your ear, telling you what to do. Insulting you, judging you, always watching, always trying to change you. She wanted to replace you, to reverse the order of Shadow and Ego, and take over the body that she rightfully thought of as her. But then the Norn ensnared your soul and you were forced to choose.

You... weren't ready. But when would you ever be ready?

She claimed to be you. The you that survived SAO, the part of you that took perverse joy in the simple domination of outlasting everyone. The you that played the game of spies and shadows, savoring every last minute of it. The side that wanted you to survive no matter what.

You don't feel any different, her thoughts no longer intrude upon your mind, and you don't think your personality has changed. But maybe... something was changing? You find it easier to just... decide. To act and no longer worry about the consequences.

Maybe that was the true you, the old you? Or maybe that was your Shadow, your worst side, finally taking control. You don't know.

But she's not here anymore. Not unless... you want her to be.


MAXWELL said you had to choose. The strange man with the long nose said the best thing about choices was that you could always make another.

You... chose to never be the person again. Whoever you were before, whoever your Shadow thinks you were... the girl who would through inaction let innocents die... That was your old self. It's what your Shadow was trying to show you. But you reject it. You can... choose to change. To turn away from what you were before or what even your subconscious thought you were and choose differently.

To save others, even at the cost of your own life. To refuse to hurt others just to preserve your own safety.

To be just like the «Black Swordsman». To become one who can just decide. Who can act. Who can «Choose».


You're reminded of Sugou. With nothing more than the power of the SEED he created... something. Titania, Queen Mab, artificial «Fluctlights», entities capable of thinking and feeling. Is that the type of entity your Shadow was? Did you have one Fluctlight, or two?

You miss having a voice to bounce off of. She helped you, shouldering the brunt of ETTEILLA's Third Eye, but then just as always you came to disagreements all over again. You expected to fight with your Shadow, so why were you surprised when it happened once again? Is this simply the way your own inner turmoil manifests, another voice in your head, one you could freely treat just like an enemy?

When you want advice she's there to give you another perspective.
When you're in pain she's there to shoulder the burden.
And even when you fight, she's there to force you to choose.

Ever since the day you agreed to become one, she's only ever been there when you've asked for it, or when you simply wanted someone to talk to. It seemed like subjugation, you bringing your Shadow under your full control. But that wasn't the right way to think about it. You were your Shadow, and she was you. That was how it was supposed to work, that's how the Persona was supposed to manifest.

So... was it really appropriate to call her your Shadow anymore? And if she wasn't a Shadow, then what was she?

Golden Eyes stare back from your reflection. They're your eyes. You're not asking for your Shadow back. You just want... someone else here.

Hey. You there?
Shouldn't we be getting some damn sleep by now!?

You shouldered the burden with me. I wouldn't have won without you... and I'm sorry we had to fight again.
What fight? You talking about the part where you rolling around the floor cause you bit off more than you could chew? ETTEILLA's a creep but man, he's got the best toys.


Ya know what? I've been thinking. We get all that awesome power in exchange for what? A little pain here and there? Small price to pay for superpowers. We gotta try that Egyptian Persona again!

It's over. There's nothing to try it on!
Are you stupid? Wait, dumb question, I'm up here all the time and I know that you're stupid. We can't stop now! Shit, think of all the other worlds we could be destroying!

Risking yourself chasing another fight...
And who the hell is gonna stop Kayaba if not us? What, wanna faff around in high school instead? C'mon, this is the most exciting shit that's ever happened to you, not after you fucked up your debut with SAO!

It's a heady thought. This isn't over, you know it isn't. Kayaba's still out there, and the strange disaster ETTEILLA keeps alluding to... you were the only one positioned to stop it.

You... were going to be a hero.


You know what sucks more than anything else in the world right now?
That being a hero isn't enough to get you out of school.

Even after destroying an entire world you still have to drag your tired butt all the way to the train station. Agil was already too deep in his drink to properly drive, and you weren't about to pay an arm and a leg for a taxi. Rush hour rates are killer.
Whatever, just do a few more shifts holding signs. You'll make it up.

As you approach the train station you hear a honk and headlights flashing behind you. You turn around to see an unfamiliar car, gray and completely nondescript. The window rolls down, and you find an unfamiliar face smiling back at you.


You blink and look back at the car. Were you being kidnapped!?

"Uh... do I know you...?" You put your hand over the cell phone in your pocket, your heart racing a mile a minute. You vaguely recall that if you pulse the power button three times in a row it'll automatically call the cops...

"Oh, you, uh, don't recognize me...?" Short brown hair, square glasses, a fake smile, and a black business suit. It reminds you of Sumeragi, in that it was the most bland and nondescript office uniform you've ever seen.

"I'm going to call the cops if you don't get away from me." Just your luck, finally all done in the virtual world just to get ambushed by some weirdo with glasses in the real world. Were all people with glasses evil or something? You were two for two on that front, even if one of the evil guys was on your side.

"Ahaha, that's a good one Hiyori-chan! That won't do much considering that the police work for me!"

Your hand tightens around your cell phone. Who the hell is... wait a minute, you... you have met him before! During the immediate post SAO interview, he even gave your mom his business card! "Kikuoka-san?" The man Hosaka was working for, and the man supplying you with money in exchange for your reports. In the most indirect manner possible he was your boss.

Kikuoka Seijirou leans out of his cheap sedan, gesturing for you the get inside. "Ah, so nice to be recognized. Now, Hiyori-chan, I'm so glad to finally meet you... er... I m-mean, what a coincidence, meeting like this so suddenly! You're a hard person to find, why, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were avoiding me!"

Bullshit, he was waiting for you.
You narrow your eyes at the government agent.

"What do you want?"

"Urgh, you know, it doesn't exactly feel good to be glared at by a cute girl. Hey, you live pretty far from here right? Why don't I give you a ride home, then we can catch up! I mean, it's been ages since our last talk."

"I'm fine with walking." You answer curtly, turning around to leave.

"Aww, c'mon Hiyori-chan!" He calls out to you. "I bought snacks! You can have as much as you want!"

You glance at his car once again. The government agent has an earnest, almost childlike expression on his face as he keeps trying to invite you to an impromptu interrogation.

"W-wait! I just want to talk, honest! H-here! A gift, just like I promised!" The agent, growing increasingly nervous at your lack of response, leans back inside his sedan and digs around a plastic bag, before pulling out a box of confections he proudly displays in his hands.

Yanagi Mochi. It... it can't be...
Damn it Sumeragi, really? How rude can you get?

"What is that? Where did you get it?" It's unfathomable. A faux pas of the highest order.

"Uh... Yanagi Mochi! I bought it just for you, as a celebration of a successful mission. A limited anniversary box, with dozens of flavors, worth a whole ¥5000 but you're getting ¥10000 worth of Mochi! This is a complete steal, I'm surprised it's not sold out everywhere!"

Bought it my ass, that's the same damn box!



"Did you really buy this for me?"

His smile freezes and sweat starts pooling on his brow. "Ah— Tomo-chan warned me you were sharp. Uh... well budget's a bit tight in the department... so uh, it's actually a box one of my employees gifted me." He laughs awkwardly, having been caught in the cardinal sin of regifting. "But! But! The Yanagi Mochi brand! Absolutely delicious! And, uh, in the interests of full disclosure I did eat one or two already..."


"Okay, okay, I had a dozen! But the rest are all yours."

You stare at the box of pilfered Mochi, the one you bought with your own money, gifted to Sumeragi, regifted to Kikuoka, only to wind up back in your hands in this regifting Ouroboros. There's only one blameless party in this fiasco.

The Mochi. I'm sorry Yanagi Mochi. You didn't deserve this fate.

"...Give it here."

Kikuoka's face lights up as he hands you the box of Yanagi Mochi. "That's the spirit Hiyori-chan. Now c'mon, it won't be long and I'll help you avoid the rush hour."

You take a deep breath.
Don't do it. Bet the jackass is just gonna saddle you with more bullshit.

And lean into his car, looking straight in his eyes.

"Kikuoka-san, am I under arrest?"

"What? Of course not!" Kikuoka looks genuinely surprised.


"Great! Then, have a good day, Kikuoka-san!" You give him a smile, a hearty wave, and then turn around and walk away. Far away.

"Eh!? W-wait, Hiyori-chan!"

You ignore the government agent, and the awkward squeal of the tires as he tries to make a U-turn in the middle of a busy Tokyo street. You know exactly what you were doing tonight. Stuffing your face full of regifted Mochi and enjoying the biggest sugar crash sleep of your entire life.

"Please! I'll buy you dinner on the way home!"

The station isn't far. You know a back alley that can help you lose this creep.

"T-there's a cake shop! All you can eat, promise!"

You can feel your bed under you already. So soft and fluffy...

"Y-you have my number! Please, call me anytime!"

You enter the crowd by the station, the shrill, indignant voice of Kikuoka drowned out by the bustle of the evening rush.

"Hiyooooriiii-chan! Don't leave meeeeeeeeeeee..."



«The Queen Under the Mountain»: You managed to equip and utilize Excalibur! Twice!

«Normie»: Y-you didn't HODL! Not even once! Have fun being poor~!

«The True SAO Fanfiction»: Exposition scenes in cafes: ∞. Exposition scenes while bathing: 0. This has to change.

«Part-Time Completionist»: Still technically employed with every single part time job, when you could've been a crypto gazillionaire.

«Anarchy Route»: At every possible opportunity, you avoided getting involved in fairy politics. You also ignored Kikuoka completely!

«The STRESS Meta»: You refused to use ETTEILLA until the last possible fight, to take advantage of the STRESS clearing post arcs.

«The Magical Girl Meta*»: Whenever a choice is offered between a female Persona and a non-female Persona, the female Persona is always chosen. (Technically broken by the FOOL Arcana, but it's so close I had to include it)

«Too Busy For Mommy»: You didn't go home for Golden Week. You forgot about Mother's Day. You still haven't called her yet!

«New Boy Syndrome»: Shocked the QM by gypping Rimuru and Sigurd for Shiroe, whom you met literally one chapter before the recruitment vote.

«Death of the Author»: Didn't do what the QM expected for literally every single big vote of the quest, except the final Asuna vote! (Wait, Hiyori won over Robo-Kirito!? Wait, we're going with Shiroe? M-my entire Tensura arc! Wait, you want how many part time jobs? Wait, we're staying home in Golden Week!? Wait, what do you mean we're not recreating Laughing Coffin? I had this whole damn plot outlined already! Wait, we're choosing Fusion? B-but I had like all the Reverse Personas chosen already! Wait, we're not killing Thrym? Wait, we're not doing the survival route? Are they really gonna do it, they gonna let Asuna and Sugou go to Underworld? Whew, at least I got that part right. RIP Alberich Synthesis 37, you were too sweet for this cruel world.)

«Dodged the Trap»: Your QM could not resist and included one trap vote that if selected, would cause the quest to descend into an inevitable death spiral from which there could be no recovery. Good job dodging it.
Allow me to tell you about the JUSTICE Persona you could have had: YUDHISTHIRA! AKA the biggest asshole in all of the Mahabharata. This guy played a dice game with his mortal enemy, lost, and when asked if he wanted to double down he just kept saying yes over and over again. He lost his kingdom, his treasures, his brothers, his own life, and even the life of his wife cause he kept trying to ante up. And then, after losing everything and basically enslaving his entire kingdom, a goddamn god intercedes, more or less invalidates all his bets, and everyone goes home.
Except then they invite Yudhisthira back for another dice game and the asshole accepts, loses everything again and gets his whole family exiled in the process. Arjuna lost his dick indirectly because of this fiasco.
And you know what? The patron saint of bad dice still ends up being the only one who ascends to heaven in the end, despite practically all the problems of the story being tied to his shit dice skills. Yudhisthira is the worst. If this guy was a Fate Servant his Noble Phantasm would be losing dice games.

«Shame to thy Ancestors»: Argh, I'm still pissed BAO FUCKING ZHENG didn't win. Moreso cause I nerfed him too hard.

AN: Gonna slow down for a bit, figure out some mechanical changes before the next arc. I also want to do a full edit pass and post the story up on AO3, Wattpad, etc.
And uh, the wordcount ballooned far out of my control. I expected to wrap this up within like, 200k words or something? But I've more than doubled it, and I don't think the story needed to be that long. The woes of serialized fiction, I guess. Writing is hard.
But at least I can point to this as being, well, not done per se... but story arc I've written that has a concrete ending.

Anyways, the next arc I will try to make shorter. I find that word barfing is surprisingly easy, but writing something that's still a story while being concise? That's... difficult. I have significantly more respect for Reki Kawahara now, for all that everyone complains about Aincrad arc being too short I'm amazed it was able to told with such a paucity of words.

And of course... thank you for reading this far. After my last quest disaster, I needed to prove to myself that I could plot something that at least had some semblance of an end. And Persona HEAVEN will continue after a short break, and I really hope to see you there.
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«Death of the Author»: Didn't do what the QM expected for literally every single big vote of the quest, except the final Asuna vote! (Wait, Hiyori won over Robo-Kirito!? Wait, we're going with Shiroe? M-my entire Tensura arc! Wait, you want how many part time jobs? Wait, we're staying home in Golden Week!? Wait, what do you mean we're not recreating Laughing Coffin? I had this whole damn plot outlined already! Wait, we're choosing Fusion? B-but I had like all the Reverse Personas chosen already! Wait, we're not killing Thrym? Wait, we're not doing the survival route? Are they really gonna do it, they gonna let Asuna and Sugou go to Underworld? Whew, at least I got that part right. RIP Alberich Synthesis 37, you were too sweet for this cruel world.)
Lol, I must say it must have been hilarious to see how your plans where destroyed one by one, although I wonder how exactly did you think this would play out?. But I admit, everything turned up alright in the end. Now I wonder what will happen in this post-arc (filler) until the next one, we must make plans and reinforce the SLs specially Yuuki's since she is the one with a time limit.

Also, when it comes the time to speak with mother she should mention that she has focused a lot in her studies and into making more friends while telling her about Yuuki and Cayna's situation, that should move mother's heart enough to placate any sort of anger I hope.

Also, what did Kikuoka wanted? a report?

Also the pace was not really bad to be fair, they were just a lot of things that needed to be done with a nice amount of micro arcs that increased our overall power for the final boss.
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we were so focused on video games we never stopped to question if we were working for the true monster all along

I needed to give him a villain moment!

Wait how long does mochi stay good for and how long ago did we buy that?

Google says airtight Mochi stays fresh for like 2 weeks. So it's safe to eat!

Also, what did Kikuoka wanted? a report?

He has like a thousand questions. And he needed to rid of a box of mochi.