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"Did you think you had strength, little girl?" Sugou mocks Yuuki. "All the power you possessed I permitted you to wield. In truth this is all you are, a waste, a burden on society. And you dare challenge me, the source of your so called power?" He responds by shoving his foot into Yuuki's side, eliciting a cry of pain.

SAd, but true, for all her skills Yuuki's nothing more than someone playing a videogame. All her athleticism and reflexes are completely fake. Is VR really the future like that?

"That's right. You... are «Queen Mab». I saved you. I plucked you out of obscurity and granted you a place by my side. You are gentile, servile, and supportive. You always have a kind word to speak to me, and you'll never raise your voice or speak out of turn. You are my «Queen Mab», and you will love me."

System Call: Incarnate memories into Artificial Fluctlight [fbe304eb].
The ring shines in his hand, the light transferring from his hand into the head of «Queen Mab». He was making a copy, no, his own version of Koujiro Rinko. His fantasy of her, coalescing into an «Artificial Fluctlight» by the power the SEED.

"Milord... is that you?" It's quiet, but refined. A voice akin to royalty. And it sounds... remarkably human. "Are you hurt? Please, you don't have to fight. I will protect you, as you have protected me..."

Holy crap. Sugou's making his own Persona party!

"Now, now, no need for that my queen. We have one more who needs to join us," Sugou calls out, and you see the clone of Asuna walk forth from behind a tree. The real version of Asuna lugged around her shoulder, the fake dropping her against the side of the tree in a heap. You... aren't sure why Asuna is catatonic but you remember Cayna's warning, the fundamental law of souls. That there could never be two.

Sugou had... he had duplicated Asuna? He had access her player data and now that Kayaba's protection was gone, was Asuna's fluctlight destabilizing because of the duplication? Shouldn't the clone be the one to die? But here, with Sugou right there maintaining her existence... Asuna was the one that seemed like she was in trouble.

This could actually be a good thing, if Asuna stays down she won't be able to take Yanai's deal.

So you're giving up. Fine. Go ahead, surrender. You'll survive. You'll even enter a new world and be happy and frolicking's until the end of time. It's what Sugou wants and soon it's going to be what you want.
Give up. Just.. survive. Did you make this choice? Is this... who you are now? Your Shadow. She wanted you to more selfish. To do everything you can to survive. You rejected this.

A fair point here, there are fates worse than death and being Sugou's toy is one of them.

And you chose to never be the person who would look the other way. You chose to never be the person to let an innocent die for your own safety. You chose... Never again.

>Your party's HP/SP have fully recovered!
>Your Shadow's priorities have changed! She no longer strongly values self preservation.

But not gonna lie, the scene comes off as empty and unearned to me. It's like we threw away our entire character arc for something hackneyed in at the last minute. It just feels like bad writing to me.

"Shiroe. I'm sorry, but I need your help. One last time."

Congratulations, Shiroe, you've beaten the cute girls!

"And it's time to receive your punishment!"

And we have our catchphrase that we have enough self-confidence in to properly dismiss those unfounded accusations of cringe.

Blooming Villain, or something from an SAO game? (Rivers in the Desert is reserved for when we fight Kayaba)

I don't think Blooming Villain works here. That song was just for a mere Palace ruler, but throughout the entire quest it's been shown that a HEAVEN Seeker, a Chosen, and Sugou are far, far above Palace rulers. They're something far bigger and grander. Here, we're fighting another Persona user who's just created his own party to fight our party on equal terms. This is something beyond Shido and Akechi. It might be closer to Strega if they weren't utterly outgunned as a team.

The closest Persona equivalent I can think of is the fight against the Golden Trio and the Shadow self fights in Eternal Punishment since we were fighting Persona users who functioned as a team there.
I don't think Blooming Villain works here. That song was just for a mere Palace ruler, but throughout the entire quest it's been shown that a HEAVEN Seeker, a Chosen, and Sugou are far, far above Palace rulers. They're something far bigger and grander. Here, we're fighting another Persona user who's just created his own party to fight our party on equal terms. This is something beyond Shido and Akechi. It might be closer to Strega if they weren't utterly outgunned as a team.
The seekers of HEAVEN have the power that Shido and the Holy grail displayed where they can channel the will of the people. But the Fairy Queens here aren't even good quality people, much less persona users. I wouldn't put Sugou as anywhere near Shido, who created things such as the Cognition of Akechi. All without the knowledge and the technology that Sugou has.
The seekers of HEAVEN have the power that Shido and the Holy grail displayed where they can channel the will of the people. But the Fairy Queens here aren't even good quality people, much less persona users. I wouldn't put Sugou as anywhere near Shido, who created things such as the Cognition of Akechi. All without the knowledge and the technology that Sugou has.

Cognition Akechi was just how Shido viewed Akechi, in contrast, Sugou creating Titania caused Asuna to go catatonic because reality deemed her soul more real than hers. Titania and Mab are truly nascent individuals, brainwashed and lobotomized yes, but far realer than the Akechi clone ever was which was merely Shido perception.
Just had a thought for next turn; since Sugou's Enhance Armament renders him immune to mind altering effects, wouldn't Urvashi's The Spurning immediately attempt to castrate him? If we buff our CHT and give him disadvantage with Shiroe, that should have...interesting results.
Enervation debuffs STR/MAG and forces whoever is affected to reroll up to 2 successes for any STR/MAG roll for however long it lasts as explained in Urashima Taro's section of the Compendium, and it's stated that depending on the individual, they may respond to being castrated unpredictably. Still seems worth it.
[X] Widowed at the conception of the new world

My only concerns are that given Sugou has permanent advantage on all CHARM attempts thanks to his rank and with a beefy CHT stat I would honestly proceed under the assumption that if he tries to CHARM someone he's likely to succeed (bar perhaps a Hiyori who has a Resist Charm Persona up). So in my mind the Orb is more important than ever so part of me is uneasy that no actions are assigned to guarding it. I'd probably send Gwen to do that personally because it is connected to my other (slightly less urgent) concern that her Elec weakness makes me nervous with Sugou's Zionga. I 100% get the desire to maximize the DPS on Titania while the Thorns are up but if the Orb falls we may be in some trouble. We seemed to be fortunate in the OBERON fight because we had him locked down most of the time anyway, I don't know if we will be this time. Still, as much as I'm fretting over it, it's not enough for me to make a different plan or anything.

Which boss theme would fit this final phase of the fight better?
I've still been partial to "Nothing is Promised" from Persona Q2 as I mentioned a little before Ragnarok since I feel it can fit Hiyori on her character arc a bit. Though of course the obvious pick based on the threadmark is A New World Fool from Persona 4 - which I think also fits with how it was used there (vs. Izanami's "Chosen")
Enervation debuffs STR/MAG and forces whoever is affected to reroll up to 2 successes for any STR/MAG roll for however long it lasts as explained in Urashima Taro's section of the Compendium, and it's stated that depending on the individual, they may respond to being castrated unpredictably. Still seems worth it.
This being Sugou whose whole THING here being shown is slave waifu collecting, it should have considerable impact
This being Sugou whose whole THING here being shown is slave waifu collecting, it should have considerable impact

Ohoho. Time to say goodbye to your manhood, Sugou~!

Edit: Also, contributing for the whole final battle theme choice, this is my pick


An epic and triumphant theme to slay a god. I would at least keep this in store for one of the latter bosses like, say...probably Quinella? There's a not zero chance she's the main target if we get to the Underworld arc.
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Vs Sugou: A New World Fool -Incarnation-
[X] Widowed at the conception of the new world
-[X] Call out to Yuuki
-[X] Direct Commands
--[X] Lux: Jewel of Union (Urvashi) -> Collapse on Titania (Putana)
--[X] Gwen: Agilao on Titania -> Agilao on Titania
--[X] Shiroe: Singularity on Titania -> Double-cost Buff Rotation (MAG and AGI)
--[X] If Titania is killed before all actions are executed, shift leftover attacks to Queen Mab

You feel the collective weight of thousands of ALO players diffused into the system. They're waiting, watching, sending their collective prayers into Sugou's ring. It's a term you've heard many a time but you're only now scarcely beginning to understand— the collective unconscious. The sea of souls.

This was a fragment of reality, carved out by the collective observation of thousands of gamers. The walls of reality are paper-thin and what is real and what is dream blur together.

"Can't you sense it? This is your only chance to escape!" Sugou cries out, taking a step back. "What is waiting for you!? Is this precious reality worth sacrificing godhood!?"

"Don't you dare." You take a step forward. "Escape, godhood, this new world. None of it matters, none of that is why we're here! You are why we're here, Sugou! We've seen what you've done in this world, and now you want us to let you do it all over again in another!?"

"Ya know, the real world might be a pain in the ass at times," Gwen adds, her hands curled into fists. "But I'd rather die in that dumb world then spend an eternity as your pet!"

Shiroe raises his staff. "A world created from your distorted desires isn't a world worth living in. Make all the promises you care to, but we all know that in your world there will only be slaves!"

Sugou shudders and takes another step back. The ring on his finger burns brightly.

"Y-you... then I won't waste my breath on you heathans! People of the new world! Send me your wishes, lend me your strength! We shall create a new world, we shall destroy our enemies, and we will create a HEAVEN just for ourselves!"

The phantom cheers of Sugou's soon-to-be slaves echo all around you, rippling through the newly created sky and causing it to tremble. But compared to Shiroe's imagination? Compared to the thousand-year history you call on?

Compared even to the two-year hell you spent in SAO?

It was weak.

This wasn't a world at all. It was just a dream. Just some... fanciful delusion.

And here, of all places? If you disbelieve strongly enough then how could it be anything but a dream?

"S-submit! Submit to my love!" Sugou calls out, the ring on his finger shining ever brighter with the power of his Persona.

"This again? You're a one-trick pony! System Call: Urvashi!"

System Call: Accessing Memory from Server:[Earth//India] ReferenceID:[Urvashi]
Appending [Jewel of Union] into Main Visualizer. Release Recollection.

You call upon the now-familiar celestial nymph, feeling her soul manifest in the nascent world. If you needed any more proof that Sugou's new world was just a fake dream, this was it. Even here, unmoored from the collective unconsciousness, in a new world absent any history you could still access it. A connection to true history was still maintained.

Sugou's brilliant ring spreads out its light, seeking to ensnare you all once more. And again within your hands a single jewel shines, proof of a divine love story thousands of years in the past. This time there's no glitch, no strange visual artifact as you cast Urvashi's memory into the new world. You were simply bringing a memory from reality into the nascent new world. And what was stronger? The stolen wishes of Sugou coalesced in the ring on his finger, or the weight of human civilization itself?

"T-that thing again!?" Sugou screams in impotent rage as the ring on his finger begins to flicker. "Over and over again, you keep getting in my way! I'll do what I should've done in the beginning! I'll kill you, I'LL KILL YOU ALL!"

"Focus down Titania!" Shiroe calls out, banner billowing in the wind. "While she's still vulnerable, we need to thin Sugou's backup!"

Titania struggles but the bind holds, digging deeper into her skin.

Shiroe casts out a spell from his own game, the air distorting around Titania herself. A strange bubble in space-time ripples around her person. The image of Titania twists, and you hear her scream as unseen forces shred her body within the sphere of power.

"O-oberon. I call upon your light, protect me!"

Gwen jumps in, calling her own Persona into the field. The kunai she preferred to use were already destroyed by Sugou's «Object Eraser», thus she had to resort to casting the fire directly at Titania. But the copy of Asuna summons forth a surge of strength and frees her sword-arm from the tangle of vines, batting away the fireball before it strikes her distorted form. It's enough to protect her from the flames, but it's not enough to stop one of the thorns from detonating, knocking a chunk of flesh out of her side.

No blood, no bone. It's still pixels.
More evidence that the world hadn't fully realized yet, that it still thought of itself as a game.
But the pain? It seemed to be real. Titania fights back tears and shoots Shiroe a vision of pure hatred. "Light, smite these evildoers!"

Shiroe doesn't even bother dodging, the magic dissipating against his robes.

There's a brief exchange of spells that goes nowhere. Titania fires bolts of light from her hand but Shiroe simply strolls forward, waving his banner in defiance of the light. His «Elder Tale» avatar was spec'd towards the «Astral» element, the rough equivalent of light magic in his game. Titania, restrained from her rapier by Shiroe's thorns, could do nothing but cast useless spells.

Queen Mab charges forward, casting a ball of wind magic into your position. But Urvashi takes control of your feet and you twirl away from the tunnel of air, not a hair on your head touched by the razor wind.

"Again! Attack Titania!" Shiroe commands, raising his banner. "«Keen Edge»! «Overrunner»!"

As Shiroe speaks your body is saturated in red and blue light. For a flicker of a second, you see a symbol flash across the top of your vision— A cartoon staff, contained in a red box, and next to it a cartoon boot in its own blue box. Simple buff indicators from another game entirely. Not appended to your HP bar like was done in ALO, but floating above your avatar.

You don't give your opponents any time to regroup.

Your Persona shifts once more, and Pūtanā arises at the forefront of your mind. You share a nod with Gwen and the two of you charge forward as one. Daji rains down a deluge of flame, setting the thorns surrounding Titania alight. The false Asuna screams as she feels the searing pain of the thorns dig further into her flesh, further detonated by the fire magic.

And in that moment of distraction, you strike.

Pūtanā lays her hands upon yours and a sickly green aura surrounds your fists, now superimposed with the Rakshasa's claws.

You leap into the air and bring your fist down upon Titania, reaching forward with a single hand. Through the thorns, through the flesh, and into her very heart. Pūtanā's hand digs into Titania's chest and you feel her blood on your hands. The Persona smiles wickedly at you, showing off bloody teeth before withdrawing her hand, Titania's lifeblood dripping off the claws.

"N-no..." Titania whispers, a look of fear in her eyes. "This is wrong. L-lord... Oberon..."

Her body explodes into a shower of sparks as Pūtanā crushes the heart in her claws, and the last vestige of the Queen of Fairies melts into the wind.

You spare a glance over at Asuna, who's propped up against a tree. As expected the moment Titania died, so did the effect that held her spellbound. You hear her groan, clutching at her head and blinking the pain out of her eyes. She clenches her rapier, then pushes herself upright. "I-I'm sorry. I... I couldn't do anything. I felt like I was in two places at once... what was that..."

"C'mon «Flash», fucking focus! The damn fight's not over yet!" Gwen calls out, "Not until this bastard's groveling before our feet!"

"Y-yeah, I'm coming!"

The battle turns back to Sugou, and the clone of Rinko standing at his side.
He's outmatched. And now? He's even outnumbered.

The few ALO players still loyal to him, his own delusions, the SEED of Kayaba Akihiko...
They were not enough. Not against you.
You can tell by the look on Sugou's face that he knows it too.

"Even now you're still hacking!?" Sugou curses, "But It doesn't matter, your resistance is pointless! I can make another Titania, I can make another world! You lot like destroying worlds that much!? You think yourselves agents of «Ragnarok»!? Then let why don't you have a taste of your own disaster!? Alberich!"

System Call: Generate Thermal Element. Imbue Item.

Sugou raises his hand to the heavens and you feel a sudden pulse of power. The light in the ring on his finger flickers like a dying lightbulb, struggling to contain the power within.

"What is an apocalypse to a GOD!? What is ruin to one such as me!? I am Sugou Nobuyuki! I will be ALLMIGHTY! Alberich, give me the power of «Ragnarok»!"

Sugou's Persona reappears from its master's ring, cackling as its bony hands run over the edge of the «Object Eraser». The flames that surround the GM item are stoked, burning with ever greater fury and intensity. Sugou raises his weapon high into the air, and the flames begin to coil around the tip.

A beam of light erupts from the GM item.

And then all you see is fire.

You raise your Persona in a last-minute defense, but as fire pours into your soul you realize this fire was your weakness. The heat saturates you, coating your body in pain and you feel like an insect beneath a magnifying glass.

"«Mind Shock»!" You hear Shiroe call out behind you and for a moment the flames buckle, the heat turning from searing to merely uncomfortable, Sugou's concentration broken by Shiroe's sudden interjection.

Then Queen Mab steps forward, places her hands on Sugou's sword, and fans the flame with her very magic.

The faint dullness you've come to expect from damage fails to manifest. Instead, soot tickles your nose, and ash coats your eyes. Here with the walls of reality fragile and uncertain, there was no more «Pain Absorber». Nothing to protect you from the agony.

Your Persona breaks against the incoming fire.
And it washes over you.

"Ahahaha, how do you like it? Your very own taste of «Ragnarok»!" Sugou cackles as he bathes you in fire. "You could've been a new god, but instead you're just kindling for the new world!"

You scream out in pain as your skin boils, Sugou's Persona pouring all its might into his GM weapon. Sugou's Persona, Alberich, laughs by his master's side, cackling at the inferno it's created.

Your hair singes.
Your skin begins to crumble.
And your flesh begins to boil.

You remember. That unlike Sugou...
You weren't alone.

Your soul shifts and you remember the girl you shared your soul with.

Alice, that precocious girl with long blonde hair and a love of the unknown. You had thought her the character from Alice in Wonderland, but you could sense a strange darkness within her. A corruption of the sea of souls, some strange aspect of her myth entangled with a tale of death.

You had a choice, whether to call forth that aspect of Alice to the forefront. To turn that curse against humanity into the true face of Alice.

But you chose to turn away and embrace Alice as a simple adventure-loving girl ensconced in her parent's study, whiling the time away in books.

You look beyond even your Persona. At components of your fusion. And you call upon that frail and lost soul you brought into Alice.

And ask her for help.


System Call: Chosen Candidate Requesting System Update. [GRANTED] Incarnating Fluctlight into World Layer.

Strong arms grab you from behind. A voice you've never heard whispers in your ear.

" «Kawarami»( Replacement) "

And the pain is gone. You're collapsed against the ground, and your hands dig into the dirt as you cough ash out of your lungs. You're soon saturated in a brilliant white light, the wounds on your body mending themselves until only light burns remain.

You look up and see a shadow of a girl, faded to the point you can't even make out her face. Her ornate white and red robes remind you of a Shrine Maiden and the ofuda she holds in her hand dissolves into motes of light.

You turn around and behind you, there's another: a faceless shadow with a forehead protector and mesh uniform. You see tufts of green hair dissolving into the mist of the substitution technique.

You were saved, something carried you away from Sugou's fire.
No... it was a substitution. Someone took your place...


You scream out, hearing Asuna echo your cry, and look ahead in order to confirm your worst fears. Sugou never stopped, the fires he summoned were still going strong. And in your place?

Yuuki, hands held out in front of her, burning alive in front of your very eyes.

"Ahahahaha! So eager to die!? Then you can go first!" Sugou cackles, his Persona Alberich laughing in tune with his master.

You spring to your feet. You reach out with your hand. You cry out her name. But then you finally notice. The flames of Sugou, they weren't surrounding Yuuki. They were going around Yuuki.

Held out in frail hands, is a single tree branch. It's blackened with soot, the leaves that once decorated it turned to ash by the fire, and the wood itself is cracked and burnt. But the flames part around it, like a boat through the waves.

Yuuki stands strong.

"Hehehe, c'mon Sugou! Is that the best you can do!?" She coughs out, a smirk on her face. "You think a little magic trick like this is enough to scare me!? I... no... we've been through hell already! Even flames in ALO were stronger than this!"

Sugou just snarls while Queen Mab intensifies the magic of the blade. Your vision is almost completely obscured by the light of Sugou's fire. You see Yuuki take a step back, struggling to contain the power in her weak «Serene Garden» avatar.

Then the shadows around you move around her. A shrine maiden with the same shade of hair as Yuuki puts her hand on her shoulder. You can't see her face but you can't imagine she's doing anything but smiling. The ninja with green hair claps Yuuki on the back.

Yuuki raises her foot...

And takes a single step forward.

The ground below her step blossoms into a circle of light. Kanji symbols dot the circle and Yuuki's foot shifts onto the one closest to her body. That wasn't some magic circle...

No. It was a menu.

Your mind returns to that fateful day upon the sands, when you fought Yuuki for the first time. Despite fighting with a one-handed sword, she adopted a strange stance when she saw you fight back with magic. Two hands cupped around the blade, using it like a bat to deflect magic attacks.

How did she pull that off? How did she know it would work? You've seen her do that same technique time and time again, her «Spell Blast». SAO had no such ability, so where did she pull that from?

And now you have your answer.

The black branch breaks in Yuuki's hands, and in its place a simple katana with an elongated handle. The wave pattern upon its surface black as ink, its handle stained wood. She's gripping it with both hands, the flames unable to cross the edge of her black katana.

" «Uchikaeshi»!( Return Blow) "

Yuuki, dark blue samurai armor materializing around her body, lifts her foot off the Kanji pattern inscribed on the ground. Her hands twist upward and the sword follows the motion. She lifts the katana skyward... and brings it down in a single strike.
The flames part, the force of the slash disrupting the flow of fire. The heat sputters, and all traces of fire vanish in the trail of Yuuki's swing. In a single slash, Sugou's «Ragnarok» was parried away like it was nothing more than a simple arrow.


"H-how!?" Sugou calls out in disbelief, the flames from his sword finally dying down. "The «Object Eraser» should destroy all items! There's nothing you can summon that it cannot destroy!"

"Isn't it obvious, Sugou?" Shiroe calls out in the white robes of his «Elder Tale» uniform.

"Hehe, I haven't had a chance to use this in a while. Behold, «Suminagashi»( Flowing Ink) ! It's totally the best sword ever and, I got this baby upgraded to +10 just so I could keep up with the rest of the Knights!" Yuuki laughs, brandishing her oversized black uchikatana. "Ah... nothing beats the classics, eh, Shiroe?"

"Well... there's a certain charm in nostalgia," Shiroe replies, waving his banner in front of him. "Though «Asuka Empire» is only a few months old. Hardly the pedigree of a true classic."

"That's cause you're old!" Yuuki counters, "But compared to ALO, isn't everything old?"

"I suppose it doesn't really matter," Shiroe says. "Considering ALO is entering its end of service."

You stand, shoulder to shoulder with your allies.

Yuuki, a samurai in obsidian armor, flanked by the faint echoes of her own lost family.
Shiroe, an enchanter in star white, wielding the banner from a game enjoyed by millions.
Gwen, her Persona flickering in and out of sight, ready for the final charge.
Even Asuna, rising with a shaking breath, clutches her rapier tight as she too joins the line.

The five of you stand against Sugou Nobuyuki and his artificial Fluctlight, and you feel a surge of power erupt within your heart. Despite all his powers, in the end, Sugou was alone, just like always.

But you? Whether they were old friends, new comrades, or simple allies of convenience...

You were together. Facing the same direction.

And as one you charge forward.

Phase 1

Lux deploys the Jewel of Union!
Shiroe casts Singularity on Titania! She suffers for disadvantage on this Phase on defense rolls!
Gwen casts Agilao, Weakness Found! Rolls 2d6e3 = 2 2 → 0 successes against 3

Singularity Wears Off
Thorn Bind Hostage deals 1 Damage to Titania

Titania casts Star Splash on Shiroe rolls 6d6e6 = 1 3 3 5 2 3 → 0 successes against 6

Queen Mab casts Meta Magic.
Roll 1d6 to determine element, as she doesn't know what you're weak to. (fire/ice/wind/elec/bless/curse)
1d6 = 3 = WIND damage
Queen Mab rolls 5d6e5 = 3 2 4 3 5⊕ → 1 success against 5
Lux tries to dodge, rolls 6d6e5 = 6⊕ 3 3 6⊕ 3 5⊕ → 3 successes against 5

Sugou attacks Lux. AI is based on 1d6 roll while he's still ignorant, (mk / zionga / eraser / eraser wave / defiler / builder)
1d6 = 4 = ERASER WAVE

Shiroe interrupts! +1 DISADVANTAGE to roll
Sugou rolls 7d6e5 = 1 2 6⊕ 2 4 4 3 → 1 successes against 5
Lux rolls rolls 6d6e5 = 1 4 1 5⊕ 3 5⊕ → 2 successes against 5

Sugou learns about your FIRE weakness.

Phase 2

Shiroe buffs your MAG and AGI across the party

Gwen casts, Agilao, Weakness Found! rolls 4d6e3 = 3⊕ 6⊕ 1 4⊕ → 3 successes against 3
Titania tries to defend rolls 4d6e5 = 4 2 2 6⊕ → 1 success against 5

Gwen deals 2 Damage to Titania
Thorn Bind Hostage Deals 1 Damage to Titania

Lux attacks Titania with brute force, rolls 9d6e5 = 1 6⊕ 5⊕ 3 6⊕ 3 5⊕ 1 5⊕ → 5 successes against 5
Titania tries to defend rolls 4d6e5 = 2 2 6⊕ 5⊕ → 2 successes against 5

Lux deals 3 Damage to Titania
Thorn Bind Hostage Deals 1 Damage to Titania
Titania is RETIRED

Queen Mab attacks you with FIRE magic! rolls 5d6e4 = 2 4⊕ 2 2 1 → 1 success against 4
Lux tries to dodge rolls 6d6e5 = 6⊕ 3 6⊕ 6⊕ 2 1 → 3 successes against 5

Shiroe interrupts! +1 DISADVANTAGE to roll
Sugou keeps using his fire wave against you rolls 7d6e5 = 1 2 4 6⊕ 3 6⊕ 6⊕ → 3 successes against 5
Lux tries to dodge rolls 6d6e5 = 1 5⊕ 2 6⊕ 2 3 → 2 successes against 5

Sugou deals 1 Damage to Lux


Lux's current status:
HP : 7/8
SP : 6/8

STR: Rank C (3 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice) +2 Dice (2 Phases Remaining)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice) +2 Dice (2 Phases Remaining)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank D (2 Dice)

Persona Roster:
Alice Lidell

Gwen's current status:
HP : 5/5
SP : 6/8

STR: Rank B (4 Dice)
MAG: Rank D (2 Dice) +2 Dice (2 Phases Remaining)
AGI: Rank B (4 Dice) +2 Dice (2 Phases Remaining)
VIT: Rank D (2 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice)
Weak: Slash, Elec
Resist: Wind, Fire

Skills (Persona):
Devour: Blunt melee strike that heals based on damage done. [1 SP]
Pulinpa: Attempts to confuse target enemy.
Agi: Magic Fire attack
Agilao: Magic Fire attack that strikes with +1 ADVANTAGE. [1 SP]

World of Origin: Asuka Empire
Current World: Alfheim
Race: Human
Class: Samurai Level 80

HP : 8/8
SP : 6/6

«Harae»( Purification) : The party member with the lowest health is healed 2 HP at the end of the chapter.
«Uchikaeshi»( Return Blow) : Yuuki automatically uses her STR dice when rolling for defense.
«Kawarami»( Replacement) : Once per chapter, Yuuki can intercede on behalf of an ally if they are about to be hit with an attack they are weak to or if the attack would cause them to die.

STR: Rank SS (7 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice)
AGI: Rank SS (7 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice)
Weak: Pierce, Ice
Resist: Slash, Curse, Bless

Suminagashi( Flowing Ink) : Slash physical attack.
Akezuki( Scarlet Moon) : Perform a Slash physical attack and a Pierce physical attack in one action. [2 SP]
Haraiuchi( Purifying Strike) : Perform a Bless Magic attack and a Blunt physical attack in one action. Heal yourself by 2 HP. [2 SP]
Suminagi( Quick Draw) : Pierce Physical attack. Grants automatic ADVANTAGE on the next attack. [2 SP]

Mother's Rosario: Roll a Slash physical attack. If you hit, instead of rolling for damage, deal 5 Points of ALMIGHTY Damage. [4 SP]

World of Origin: Elder Tale
Current World: Alfheim
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Enchanter Level 90

Special Equipment:
«White Staff of the Wings of Ruin»: Increases Max SP +10. By doubling SP costs, single target spells can be spread to all viable targets.
«Sacred Robe of the Stars»: Unlocks bonus effects when casting ASTRAL class magic. Regenerates 4 SP per TURN/CHAPTER.

HP : 7/7
SP : 11/20

STR: Rank D (2 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice) +2 Dice (2 Phases Remaining)
AGI: Rank B (4 Dice) +2 Dice (2 Phases Remaining)
VIT: Rank B (4 Dice)
CHT: Rank S (6 Dice)
Weak: All Physical
Resist: Curse, Bless

Skills (all skills can be upcast to WIDESPREAD at DOUBLE SP cost):
Advanced Mana Channeling: All allies gain 2 SP, then, all SP counts of the party are averaged. (QM will add up the SP of all conscious party members, divide, then redistribute equally. Any spillover goes to Lux). [Free]

Thorn Bind Hostage: Roll CHT to inflict BIND on your opponent (cannot roll AGI). So long as the opponent remains bound, the enemy takes 1 point of ALMIGHTY damage every time they are attacked, up to 5 hits in total. [4 SP]

Singularity: Automatically, without a roll, forces enemy to suffer one degree of DISADVANTAGE on their next defensive roll. [3 SP]

Nightmare Sphere: Roll CHT to inflict SLEEP and attempt to debuff AGI on a single target. [3 SP]

Infinity Force: Target ally, for the next TWO actions, has all SP costs reduced to 0. They become exhausted, gaining DISADVANTAGE to AGI and STR for 2 Actions after this effect resolves. [4 SP]

Buff Rotation: Select TWO STATS and ONE TARGET. Those stats are buffed (+2 Dice) for 3 PHASES/ACTIONS. [4 SP]

«Full Control Encounter»: ONCE per PHASE, so long as Shiroe can act, he automatically inflicts enemies with DISADVANTAGE for offensive actions, for free, when appropriate. Shiroe will expend this on the attack with the most dice. Every time this occurs, he loses [1 SP]. [Deactivates when below 6 SP]

«The World in 30 Seconds»: Enemy stats and abilities are revealed to you.

>Your items have been destroyed!
>ALO has been destroyed and so has all vestiges of support from the SEED!
>Shiroe has incarnated his Elder Tale avatar!
>Yuuki has incarnated her Asuka Empire avatar!
>Asuna has rejoined the fight!

Lux has lost all equipment bonuses!
Gwen has lost all equipment bonuses and most of her ALO specific actions!

Sugou Nobuyuki x 1

HP : 10/10
SP : ∞/∞

Stats (Sugou + Alberich):
STR: Rank C (3 Dice) + Rank D (2 Dice) = Rank A (5 Dice)
MAG: Rank C (3 Dice) + Rank A (4 Dice) = Rank SS (7 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice) + Rank C (3 Dice) = Rank S (6 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice) + Rank C (3 Dice) = Rank S (6 Dice)
CHT: Rank C (3 Dice) + Rank A (4 Dice) = Rank SS (7 Dice)

Weakness: ???, ???
Resistance: ???, ???, ???

Marin Karin: Attempts to CHARM enemy foe.
Zionga: Elec magic attack. Deals 1 points of extra damage if hit.

Object Eraser: Slash physical attack, destroys equipment from ALO.
Object Eraser Wave: Fire magic attack, destroys equipment from ALO.
Object Defiler: Pierce physical attack, automatically poisons target if hit.
Object Builder: Widespread blunt physical attack.

Ring of the Nibelung: Create a «Ring of the Nibelung» that you wear on your finger. Provides immunity to mind altering effects. Permits the creation of «Artificial Fluctlights». Grants you ADVANTAGE on all Charm attacks.

Queen Mab x 1
HP : 6/6
SP : ∞/∞

STR: C (3 Dice)
MAG: A (5 Dice)
VIT: A (5 Dice)
AGI: C (3 Dice)
CHT: A (5 Dice)

Weakness: ???, ???
Resistance: ???, ???

Butterfly Shield : Generates a defensive shield around an ally that blocks one attack. If the enemy's attack has 3 OR MORE successes, this shield is ignored.
Media: Roll CHT, heal all targets by result.
Meta-Magic: Declare any magic single element (including Bless/Curse) and perform a Magic Attack.


[ ] Act Naturally.
Shiroe will Thorn Bind Hostage Queen Mab, then Mana Channel.
Yuuki will Mother's Rosario Queen Mab, then use normal melee on Sugou.
Gwen will spam Agilao on Sugou.
Lux will cast Megido on Sugou.

[ ] Heal/Support.
Shiroe will widecast Nightmare Sphere, then Mana Channel.
Gwen will spam Devour on Queen Mab.
Yuuki will use melee turn 1, then guard the jewel turn 2.
Lux will set up Marakukaja (Alice) then attempt a Sexy Dance.

[ ] Full Assault
Shiroe will widecast Infinity Force, then Mana Channel.
Gwen will spam Devour on Sugou.
Yuuki will use Mother's Rosario and then attack Akezuki, all targeting Sugou.
Lux will cast Play With Me! Then Eiga with Alice, all targeting Sugou.

[ ] Direct Commands
Pick TWO Skills per party member.
Designate the target of each attack.
If you pick skills from Two different Personas you assume the weakness for the scene of both Personas (this is the cost of using multiple Persona in one turn)

[ ] Write-in (1D minimum, more if trying to cram too many actions into one turn)
For write-in plans if I can justify giving ADVANTAGE I will give it. More if you try to do something very cool or narratively interesting.
Be as detailed or vague as you want.
If you just want to specify targets of attacks pick DIRECT COMMANDS then. Consider this a beefed up version of DIRECT COMMANDS. This is for Gaia attacking Floatation Rings level of nonsense.

AN: You'll automatically do the Gwen call option next phase.
Asuna is here and uh, helping. I just don't want to stat and roll another combatant. In case it wasn't terribly obvious the mechanically complex fight was OBERON, and this final fight isn't really intended to be a gameplay challenge. So more of a pick your flavor of ass kicking, I might just end the fight outright next chapter so I can wrap this up.
(I don't have anymore plot twists coming, honest!)
(Really, honest!)
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I might just end the fight outright next chapter so I can wrap this up.
Alright then...
[X] Alfheim Online thanks you all for playing! Time to wake up! (Finisher)
-[X] Direct Commands (Call to Gwen is automatic so I'm not putting it here)
--[X] Shiroe: Singularity on Sugou -> Thorn Bind Hostage on Sugou
--[X] Gwen: Agilao on Sugou -> Agilao on Sugou
--[X] Yuuki: Suminagi on Sugou -> Mother's Rosario on Sugou
--[X] Lux: Kuhleborn's Curse (Undine) -> Kuhleborn's Curse (Undine)

Shiroe debuffing Sugou to make sure the attacks hit, Gwen doing as much DPS as possible, I guess Asuna will also attack in the background.
Undine as a finisher seems neat in my opinion, maybe with a combo with Mother's Rosario just to make it more espectacular.
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Oh hell yes, know your place as the starter villain, Sugou!

Now, as for how to humiliate him...

[X] Behold, a TRUE would-be God
-[X] Write-in: Operation: Emasculate and humiliate
--[X] Shiroe buffs everyone's STR and CHT while debuffing Sugou's next defense roll
--[X] Lux uses the Spurning on Sugou in an attempt to castrate him before manifesting Archon for maximum showmanship/intimidation and saying something to the following effect:
--[X] "Hah, you think you're a God of the new world, Sugou? I've only heard of the origin of this Persona secondhand, but I know that IT is more of a true God than you ever could be."
--[X] Cast Freidyne on Sugou
--[X] Gwen uses Devour to attack Sugou's crotch if the Spurning doesn't castrate him, otherwise just hit him very hard with STR attacks
--[X] Yuuki uses Suminagi followed by Mother's Rosario

We just got Archon, we might as well take it for a spin right before our Stress resets!

And I can think of no better way to humiliate Sugou than to both take away his manhood AND point out how much of a shitty 'god' he is.
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Fuck yeah, friendship power bitch!

[x] Alfheim Online thanks you all for playing! Time to wake up! (Finisher)
- [x] Direct Commands (Call to Gwen is automatic so I'm not putting it here)
-- [x] Shiroe: Singularity on Sugou -> Thorn Bind Hostage on Sugou
-- [x] Gwen: Agilao on Sugou -> Agilao on Sugou
-- [x] Yuuki: Suminagi on Sugou -> Mother's Rosario on Sugou
-- [x] Lux: Eiga (Alice Lidell) -> Kuhleborn's Curse on Sugou (Undine)
I'll go for a middle road between the two plans - we'll humiliate Sugou and just completely overkill him.

[X]Plan: End of Service
-[X]Direct Commands
--[X]Lux: The Spurning (Urvashi) on Sugou -> Play With Me! (Alice)
--[X]Gwen: Guard the Orb -> Devour (Sugou)
--[X]Yuuki: Suminagi (Sugou) -> Mother's Rosario (Sugou)
--[X]Shiroe: Buff Rotation (Lux's CHT and VIT) -> Singularity (Sugou)

Action 1: Lux use The Spurning while Shiroe buffs Lux. Yuuki uses Suminagi to set up for the super turn. Gwen guards the orb because I guess theoretically if Queen Mab could crit roll against it to let Sugou fire off charm things could derail.

Action 2: Super overkill. Lux and Yuuki both come at Sugou with super moves that deal Almighty. Lux's in particular also rolls CHT so she's still benefiting from the prior CHT buff AND it's AoE AND it's a party heal AND Shiroe is debuffing Sugou. Gwen uses Devour because it feels more personal (I think Agilao is statistically superior here assuming no weakness/resists but since Sugou just used fire I will give the slightest lean towards it being a possible resist)

Shiroe's Turn 1 is actually kind of tough math-wise. I think Singularity would give Spurning a slightly better chance to hit because the DISADVANTAGE on Sugou is probably slightly better than 2 extra dice (with ADVANTAGE you'd expect +1 success from them) but since the buff to Lux's CHT will work in her favor on both actions gives it the tiebreaker, IMO. Also this wipes out all of Lux's SP but the play here is to completely overkill him. If this actually goes another turn we can just use Shiroe's equalizer or something. but i don't particularly expect him to survive this.

actually hold up. i forgot we're not at full SP so this would cost determination. i'm for style but maybe not at a determination cost

Blah, I really liked that idea too. Oh well.

[X] Behold, a TRUE would-be God

Edit: Actually, @theguynamedwafer - if you're okay with depleting Shiroe's SP here (he'd have been at 4 SP at the end of your plan anyway) it should be possible to use that 4 SP here by upgrading Buff Rotation to widespread by doubling the SP cost - in which case I'd recommend CHT and STR so it helps out Yuuki and Gwen too - if you're interested in doing that, that is.

The one downside to doing that (besides using all his SP) is that it will turn off his auto-disadvantage-an-enemy attack ability an action earlier (since it turns off at under 6 SP) but I think the benefits far outweigh that.
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[X] Alfheim Online thanks you all for playing! Time to wake up! (Finisher)

Thematically I don't think using Archon is fitting here. We already did the 'summon a real god' card with Nephren-Ka where he took Surtr's role and burned Alfheim to nothing while at the same time taking his original role in the Cthulhu mythos showing how tiny and insignificant humans are in the vast cosmos.

On the other hand, an Archon is an enforcer of a false god, a demiurge, which I think takes the wind out of our sails. I really think defeating Sugou with the power of friendship by beating him up fits better here.
Thematically I don't think using Archon is fitting here. We already did the 'summon a real god' card with Nephren-Ka where he took Surtr's role and burned Alfheim to nothing while at the same time taking his original role in the Cthulhu mythos showing how tiny and insignificant humans are in the vast cosmos.

On the other hand, an Archon is an enforcer of a false god, a demiurge, which I think takes the wind out of our sails. I really think defeating Sugou with the power of friendship by beating him up fits better here.

Sort of the point? It's to show that even a false god is more legitimate than Sugou, and we're still beating him up with the power of friendship.
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