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We wouldn't be a LC spy again, we'd be a government spy infiltrating Shouichi's cell. Granted, there may have been a choice there to genuinely become a LC spy again but that's beyond the scope of this discussion (and a bad idea besides, I think.)
What I meant by that is being a *backwards* LC spy, unlike last time.

All I'm saying is that - and I'm pretty sure Word of Pete confirmed this at one point - that there was a "Real World" solution to almost every Death Gun candidate besides Itsuki, it's just that we have continually chosen to pass those options and turn them into GGO fights. I'm only a little irritated here because I feel like only some of those decisions are being put down and re-litigated (like Blank) while ignoring we've done the exact same thing for other characters (like Kyouji.)

That's because that decision "backfired" (short term at least, long term I think it's worthwhile) and all the others worked out.
IIRC, the QM description of the "kidnap Shiro" option was something like "Instantly/Automatically defeats BLANK" so, no, I believe it would have removed them from the arc (and probably the quest entirely.)

It also is one of the few vote choices we've had that probably crosses the line from "choices I would not like" to "choices that might trip a personal trigger" so I'm not exactly apologetic or regretful that we chose not to have Hiyori forcibly kidnap a young girl just because it would made things easier for us in the future.
To respond to the Edgelord Murderhobo arguments I hope I've not given that impression. My ideal response to most of our Social Links and antagonists leans towards Rehabilitation. I know that this would generally be called 'playing their therapist' but a therapeutic seems to be more of healing an ailment or pain suppressor. Since most of the people we're dealing with seem to have something broken in their psyche, like BLANK and Rudy, Rehab seems more appropriate.

Given I wasn't around for the BLANK vote, I'll clarify my position with them. Them in particular because I actually like BLANK, they're rude malcontents with definate social issues, but they do actually like people around them and go about making the world they end up in a better place as a general rule. Aside from them being a Social Link and being potentially very useful to us personally if we can build up a relationship with them, they would also be quite helpful to the world as a whole if we can pivot them into a better worldview.
This is why I would have advocated to engage them under a game with true rules. Not only because I think there's several ways of going about setting up a ruleset that can heavily favor us to outright nigh winning outright, but because engaging with their distorted worldview and winning anyway seemed like the best way to knock sense into them as far as I was able to tell. Since we still have the capacity to add rules to the upcoming fight, I think that's still something we could accomplish. Which is also why I want to consult another hyper-schemer bound by rule for advice on how to best set up rules we can exploit, and how to exploit any rules they might impose.
I feel like even if we did take care of blank by calling CPS, i feel like it wouldn't end that well anyway. Blank would definitely fuck with us in another arc, and be very annoying
There's a large enough difference between just calling CPS and dragging Shiro to the CPS office right there on the spot that makes me believe that the latter option could have taken them entirely off the board.

Current count is 14 'Don't Pull the Trigger' to 12 'Ask for Darkness'.
There's a large enough difference between just calling CPS and dragging Shiro to the CPS office right there on the spot that makes me believe that the latter option could have taken them entirely off the board.

Current count is 14 'Don't Pull the Trigger' to 12 'Ask for Darkness'.
I really doubt that, it's Blank. Sora being separated from Shiro would shock him for a bit but he'll definitely be back, even with legal trouble and all.

Assuming no surprises, we're tossing a coin.
I don't know what is worse: the wait or the uncertainty about the result.

All update plans are on hold while I aim to become King of Euchronia.

Metaphor is phenomenal. Yes it's basically just Persona 6 but fuck it's Persona 6. I haven't been this addicted to a video game since Persona 5. Sorry, but I'm probably not updating until I beat this.
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