Voting is open
[X] You've studied hard enough. Relax and chill. You know the material.
[X] A shadow of a rumor from Professor Shigemura. Sugou and Kayaba Akihiko knew each other, and had some kind of falling out? Surely there were other people in that lab? Have Hosaka shake down her hunch and see if she can't find a weakness for you.

I still feel like we haven't done enough to prepare ourselves for Oberon, so I really would prefer we let Argo have a go at Shigemura and have her gets us what we wanted to originally get out of our meeting with him. We need to have as many advantages as possible, given that Oberon does have access to Holy Sword, a skill that will make him a very difficult opponent.
[X] Damn it Subaru...!
>You'll help Subaru. EVERY DAY. Until you can be certain he won't embarrass himself. Even if it means putting you in the Middle of the Pack.
>Affects FORTUNE's development! Free rank up! And you'll help a friend!

[X] Yanai. Just... Yanai. Who the hell is he, who is he working for, and what's his angle?
[X] You've studied hard enough. Relax and chill. You know the material.

[X] A shadow of a rumor from Professor Shigemura. Sugou and Kayaba Akihiko knew each other, and had some kind of falling out? Surely there were other people in that lab? Have Hosaka shake down her hunch and see if she can't find a weakness for you.
[X] You've studied hard enough. Relax and chill. You know the material.

[X] A shadow of a rumor from Professor Shigemura. Sugou and Kayaba Akihiko knew each other, and had some kind of falling out? Surely there were other people in that lab? Have Hosaka shake down her hunch and see if she can't find a weakness for you.
[X] You've studied hard enough. Relax and chill. You know the material.
[X] A shadow of a rumor from Professor Shigemura. Sugou and Kayaba Akihiko knew each other, and had some kind of falling out? Surely there were other people in that lab? Have Hosaka shake down her hunch and see if she can't find a weakness for you.

A little tempted go for the Top 10 because there's essentially a partial refund of the D cost since it'd remove the 5 D Cost from starting SKY plus making the apologizing to Mom easier but I can see which way the wind is blowing on this lol. As for Argo, it's between this and RATH IMO and that comes down to a question of short-term or long-term and I'm fine with stacking as many advantages against OBERON as we can.
A little tempted go for the Top 10 because there's essentially a partial refund of the D cost since it'd remove the 5 D Cost from starting SKY plus making the apologizing to Mom easier but I can see which way the wind is blowing on this lol. As for Argo, it's between this and RATH IMO and that comes down to a question of short-term or long-term and I'm fine with stacking as many advantages against OBERON as we can.

I would be fine with trying to cram and reach Top 10, but I will not deny I'm worried about accumulating more Stress when we were told that Oberon can exploit that (granted, we could take it with Determination, but we may need Determination for later...)
Oh, I'd definitely use Determination if we were to do that, I'm very wary of Stress here. We should get another plan phase before the raid, so more free action opportunities to buy Determination. But it's a net 20 swing in that case which hurts. Would probably commit ourselves to no extra actions again at a time when it might be appealing to try and cram an extra Social Link or two in before the boss battle.
For cram school do we get to choose whether we spend D or accumlate stress or is it random? It wasn't made clear.
[X] Attend Cram School and cut into your sleep! [10 Determination OR +2 Stress]

Thinking about it more, we're almost at the end of ALO and we can just buy 10 D next turn to recoup our losses.
[x] You've studied hard enough. Relax and chill. You know the material.
[x] Yanai. Just... Yanai. Who the hell is he, who is he working for, and what's his angle?
Well, now this explains why Kirito is just not there. Wait, is he still with his NerveGear? Because if he is not, then maybe Yui is dead for good. Unless she exists in Asuna's NerveGear, but I doubt it.

Kirito got disconnected from his NerveGear so he can be connected to something else.
And I wouldn't dare kill off AI-Daughter-CactBot, especially not offscreen! She Yui-ex-machina'd herself to safety. (Funny observation, Yui's written out Phantom Bullet and Alicization, but she's NOT written out of Ordinal Scale. Whenever the plot needs something to happen but doesn't foreshadow a solution, they just wave the Yui wand and make it work.)

I'm worried that people are making a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to STRESS.

So... would you say STRESS is stressing you out?
Phantom Bullet and Alicization
Never seen Alicization, but I saw the Phantom Bullet in the anime and man, they didn't had to leave Yui like that. She has like 2 lines of dialogue in all of that season. Hell, I think she appears more than she speaks!

Well, hopefully she is fine, wherever she is.


Okey theorycrafting, if she is not in Kirito's NerveGear (which by this point is either keep under lock or just destroyed) then she may be somewhere in RECT's servers since the NerveGear was connected to them for SAO and afterwards ALO. The thing is that in cannon her data was "dormant" until Kirito activated it, if I remmember correctly, if she could save herself here then that must have not being the case here. So she may be more active wherever she is.
I'm worried that people are making a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to STRESS.
Probably. (I include myself in this LOL, I am on the record as unreasonably scared of rolling all 1s.) For a refresher, the way it works is we roll [STRESS]d6 and only fail on a roll of 1. At 1 failure we suffer no mechanical downside (Hiyori feels down that week), at 2 all Determination costs go up, at 3 we lose actions, and at 4 or higher social stats decrease permanently.

We're currently at 1 STRESS; at 3 we would have the following odds:
0 failures: 57.9%
1 failure: 34.7%
2 failures: 6.9%
3 failures: 0.5%

So we'd probably be okay even at 3 STRESS since the odds of any mechanical downside would be at 7.4% but the whole deal with OBERON having ways to interact with it is spooky to me.
Last edited:
So binged the quest, pretty fun I do like how fun you were able to make the character interactions,

Like the banter between Lux and Rain about maid cafes was funny and good character work.

And will be interested in how the divide between lux and Hiyori eventually fully ends.

[X] Yanai. Just... Yanai. Who the hell is he, who is he working for, and what's his angle?

Not sure about the study vote so may leave it blank or decide later.
First Semester Midterms: During the Test
[x] You've studied hard enough. Relax and chill. You know the material.
[x] Yanai. Just... Yanai. Who the hell is he, who is he working for, and what's his angle?
WEDNESDAY - May 14th, 2025

It's hard not to stare.

Your friend is frazzled, eyes bloodshot, hair frizzy, and sticking up in all directions. This morning you saw Atsuko force-feed her some kind of energy drink and chase it down with a giant melonpan. She's achieved some manner of unstable equilibrium, halfway between sleep deprivation and some kind of drug and sugar-fueled frenzy. It's impressive she's still alive.

As you look around you notice something concerning. Everyone is baggy-eyed, half-exhausted, or twitching. Even the smart kids in class are rapidly flipping through thick notebooks and reams of flashcards, trying to squeeze in one last review before the sheets are handed out.

You see one girl collapse and start snoring on her table.

And you feel... great! Last night you got started on the light novel series, Prince of Nightmares. It was just the kind of mindless popcorn you needed to destress. On top of that, you got a full 8 hours of sleep, woke up a bit early, and treated yourself to a full breakfast. Went over a few high-impact topics, brushed your teeth, did your hair, and took a nice, brisk walk to school.,

Somehow you feel the jealousy and hatred of the entire class being directed at you.
It's just hard to give a fuck about exams when we got a world to destroy.

The teacher enters, a stack of papers in hand, and the entire room freezes. Motosu-sensei is surprisingly chipper, and you don't fail to notice the bag packed to bursting with paperbacks slung over her shoulder. For the next three days, she's basically just going to be paid to sit in a corner and read.

Glad at least someone's going to enjoy this.

"All right everyone! Test time!" She drops the pile on her desk, and you get the sense the whole room has just taken a step back as one.

"Now I know it's tough. Midterms are a lot harder than your regular tests, but the material isn't all that different from what's covered in most High School Entrance exams!"

Isei High's entrance exams were probably the easiest ones in the area, a relative travesty for a school so close to Todai. Hopefully, that meant midterms would be the same!

"Keep an eye on the clock, and I don't want to see any blank sheets. Guess if you have to!" You see your teacher stop, scanning the room. You did the same when you arrived, morbidly curious if Subaru would show up. He hasn't.

"Does anyone know where Natsuki-kun is?" Your teacher asks without expecting much of an answer.

"I heard he died and reincarnated into another world!" Someone yells, to a few scattered chuckles.

Motosu-sensei looks like she might fail the kid right then and there, but manages to reign herself in. "If anyone knows for certain, please come and see me after the test."

You remember how he looked after you said you couldn't help him study at the last possible moment. A brief flash of anger, followed by resignation. All he had for you was a curt 'I understand' before skulking away, gloomy and distraught.

It's not that you can't sympathize with his situation, but you could tell when you were being taken advantage of. You don't there is a right answer here, though you suspect he's going through a rough patch. Immediately after resolving to come back to class, he has to go through the public humiliation of getting his name and grades plastered up on a public billboard. Some schools were doing away with the practice, even SAO Survivor School advertised that all records would be private, but Isei High was slow to adapt. Hell, it was so old-fashioned that mandated attendance on Saturdays was still a thing!

"Uh, sensei?" you ask, raising your hand. "Maybe we could call him? Or send someone to check his house? I think he just needs a bit of encouragement..."

You didn't know where he lived, nor did you have his number, but surely the teacher did?

Motosu-sensei shakes her head gesturing to the clock. "Well, it's a little too late for that now. Class get ready. Today is Japanese and Civics."

Everyone grabs their pencils.


Your paper is turned over, and you see...

What the hell is it even asking?

Question 1: 'Things are complicated'. Choose the most appropriate description for this phrase from the following options:
A: If the situation is just when there are no special circumstances, depending on the situation it may become unjust. It means that the circumstances dictate the correctness of an action or thought.
B: The situation is unjust, but when complications are involved it is possible to mislead others into thinking the situation is just.
C: Even if there are no special circumstances, there will always be people who oppose or resist the situation.
D: Depending on the circumstances, it may be just, but modern society has different circumstances for each person, so it is an expression of potential disagreement.

Uh... this sounds complicated.
Fuck these midterms.

Question 4: Some people think that the ontology of ethics is irrelevant. Here choose the most appropriate reason why people don't care about the ontology of ethics from among the following options.
A: Ethical actions are determined in accordance with law established by the National Diet and must be complied with. There is no point in thinking about defining what makes an action ethical.
B: Regardless of whether ethics 'exists' or is a 'constructed' concept, there is no point defining what makes an act ethical so long as ethics exists as something that must be followed.
C: Ethics may or may not exist, and since there is no correct answer as to the utility of ethics, there is no point in seeking to define what is ethical.
D: The basis of ethics is derived from a person's way of life and personal perspective, and so long as ethics remains a subjective framework, there is no point in thinking about what is ethical.

You read it again and try to wrap your head around this nonsense. Was it asking what is ethical?
No dumbass. It's asking you to consider the mindset of a nihilist.

Okay... so why would a nihilist not care about ethics? Err, no, it's asking about the ontology of ethics. Ie, what makes something ethical rather than ethics as a whole? You think? Sorta? Is this supposed to be some sort of propaganda? Then why was it so confusing!?

Oh good, some simple fill-in-the-blank questions. Civics wasn't so bad. Naming world leaders was easy!

Okay, the Prime Minister of Japan! An easy one to start with. Mitsuhide Mikogami.

The man was being blasted left and right because of the whole SAO Incident, and he was being asked to step down this year. There were tons of rumors circulating about political corruption and shadow ties to the Antisocial Conspiracy, but most of the politics went completely over your head.

Isn't his son running for Prime Minister this year? The kid who's on the diet despite being in high school?
Argh, high-school prodigies must have it so easy....

Okay, who is the local diet representative? Toshiro Kasukabe. You've seen his campaign buses around town already. An oddly specific question, was your Civics teacher a fan?

Okay, you're on a roll!

President of the United States. Roland Crane.

Next is... the President of Brugia? That's... a real country, right?

WEDNESDAY - May 14th, 2025

"Pencils down."

Motosu-sensei is already flipping over her paperback. You hear the collective shuffle of paper as the sheets are exchanged.

"Pass the stack back to the front, and please leave them with me. You're dismissed!" And then she's gone, leaving the whole class stunned.

You think you did okay. Most of the vocabulary and basic memorization questions were simple enough... more international politics than you initially expected. Something to focus on in the future.

THURSDAY - May 15th, 2025

English day. It was your weakest topic in middle school, but lately, it's come to you much more easily. Maybe it was all the Western Personas you had? Would you also find it easy to learn Hindu?

A door opens and some people murmur in surprise. You follow the gaze of the class and turn towards the door. It's Subaru. He's panting, his uniform is a mess, and it looks like he hasn't slept for days

"Ah, Natsuki-kun! Thank you for joining us today." Motosu-sensei normally would demand a certificate or a doctor's note for missing school, but she just gestures to his seat. She must know of his circumstances to some extent, and likely decided it wasn't worth pushing.

"Sorry... I'm late." Subaru mumbles. He slides into his seat with the demeanor of a man walking to his own execution, and you hear the hushed whispers spread.

"Subaru actually showed up!?"
"Dude I hear he's only here 'cause they're kicking him out if he doesn't."
"Did he even study?"
"Nah, he's a goner for sure. At least I won't be at the bottom."
"What a fuckup."

Subaru grinds his teeth. He hears it. You hear it. You glance at him, trying to get his attention, but his face is hidden behind his hair and he pays you no notice.

"Quiet! Testing begins now."

There's a sudden crack, the sound of something wooden snapping. It echoes through the silence, and for a moment, everyone is too stunned to even start the test. He's broken his pencil in half, and you see him staring at it, a blank look on his face.

A nearby classmate passes him a spare and then the furious sound of pencil on paper fills the room.

Time for the second day.

Is this all people in America eat? Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Coffee? If so sign me up!

A simple question. A clear premise, and some basic reading comprehension. If all the questions are like this, you've got it in the bag! ¥600 for two hamburgers and a coffee? Food must be really cheap in America.

The second question is strangely worded, but it's immediately clear that they were referring to pictures instead of the actual object. You circle the gallery photo and move on. Easy!

Next is an essay question?

You're struck by an inexplicable need to tell the truth. Hello, James, one time I dressed up as a giant cat and had to entertain a pro wrestler in an animal mask. He brought his dog with him too, somehow, and...

No. You won't dredge up those memories.

You'll just make something up about helping old ladies cross the street.

THURSDAY - May 15th, 2025

"Pencils down!"

The collective groan is deafening. Motosu-sensei waves the entire class off, and everyone practically sprints out of the classroom. With a few notable exceptions...

You watch Subaru freeze. Motosu-sensei stands from her desk, moving closer. It's rare to see her so genuinely worried. "We're going to do the last two subjects tomorrow, so take a breather, all right? Get plenty of sleep, and... don't worry too much. It's just a test. You can always improve."

His hands ball into fists, and you see him grit his teeth.

Your teacher just sighs and shakes her head. "If you'd like, I can arrange for you to take yesterday's exam, if you're willing to stay late today."


His voice is barely above a whisper, but it's harsh and snappy. You see him turn away, and storm out, leaving the teacher behind with a concerned frown.

You stand to at least talk to him, but when you make it out of the hallway he's long since gone.

THURSDAY - May 15th, 2025

It's an unmarked envelope, surreptitiously dropped in the back of your mailbox. It's the same brownish beige as a hundred others and looks so utterly ordinary. Identical to the one Argo sent you, all those months ago.

You rip it open on the spot, and you see the first lines of Argo's letter.

Burn this after you read it.

This guy, Yanai? He's a freaking ghost. First off, that's a first name, and not a particularly rare one. There's a billionaire in Japan with the exact same name. It's a goroawase number, the kind of cute name where it sounds like a number when translitterated, which makes it at least mildly popular.

But here's the strange thing. I can't actually find anyone with that first name in RECT's public database, nor in the Virtual Division's files.

I camped a few bars near RECT Progress and managed to loosen a few loose lips. I managed to get one plastered guy talking, RECT Progress was holding some kind of impromptu welcoming party for the guy. He says Yanai's a guy he often has lunch with and does technical work for the SEED backend. Apparently, they're mostly friends on account of some strange shared hobby, and when I pushed he didn't even know the guy's real name.

RECT Progress employs hundreds and the parent company thousands. Nobody knowing a single man isn't suspicious, it's typical. Neither is using a nickname, 99% likely this Yanai is just a regular grunt who likes to go by some old handle. But the drunkard did have something. A phone number.

I know it's not much to go on, but even I can't find a needle in a haystack. Dealing with 10,000 people is one thing, but Tokyo has more than 10 million people in it, so don't expect miracles.

And if this Yanai guy is as suspicious as you say? The moment I call that number he's gonna get spooked. So I'll leave it to you to do as you please. Just don't be stupid and call him on your own phone.

I'll keep digging, but that's the best I got so far. Intel doesn't just pop out of the ground fully formed. You have to nurture it, feed it facts, and always keep an eye on it. So hit me up if you find out more.

Is she serious? All this cloak and dagger for a single phone number? Freaking Detective Prince fangirl...

You don't exactly have an open fire lying around, but you could at least shred the letter and flush it down the toilet. A phone number, less than you were hoping for but more than you expected. It's not much, but it beats speaking to him on board the «World Tree»...

Is it? With the Persona we're badasses, but in the real world? We're nobodies. We spook him and he'll crawl into a hole and never come out.
If this Yanai was in any way complicit with OBERON then he needs to be punished.

Not our circus, not our monkey. Leave all the justice crap to Argo. Besides, it's just a damn phone number. What do you think is gonna happen if you call? The best you can expect is collusion of some sort. And there's no way he'll trust you enough to expose himself.
The envelope crumples in your hands. Whatever the case is, it can wait till after Midterms are over.

FRIDAY - May 16th, 2025

The next day, your class is quieter than normal. Everyone is drained and exhausted from cramming for three straight days of exams. You feel a little sorry for being so well-rested, even if the letter kept you awake longer than intended.

Subaru's actually early, arriving with a new uniform and combed hair. He does look a bit better. What do you even say to him?

Tell him you're not his mother and you're not his maid. And that you wouldn't be hanging out with him if you couldn't siphon psychic powers from him.
"Subaru-kun? Are you doing okay? Sorry, I couldn't help you study..." you say, trying not to wince at how hollow it sounded coming out of your mouth. Not like you could help him now, literally minutes away from the final test.

"No worries! I'm totally over it!" Subaru says with a bright smile. You see him wink and give you a finger gun salute, the same he did to everyone in class when he first came. But beneath the chipper voice, you hear a faint tremble, and it wasn't possible to miss how red his eyes were.

"Let's just do our best, okay?"

That earns a robotic laugh from him. "Well. That's good. Thanks. Hiyori-san."

It's not a response that fills you with a whole lot of confidence. The atmosphere was tense, but it's not like you didn't have your own share of worries for the coming days.

The teacher enters and the whole room freezes. Time for the final day of testing.

On Figure 2 to the right, Lines AB = AP. Q is the intersection of lines CD and AP.
R is the intersection of lines CD and BP.
Answer the following questions based on Figure 2.

1. Prove that ΔQRP is an isosceles triangle.

...What the hell is an isosceles triangle?

2. Consider the case where vertex C and P are connected in the figure. When line AB = 16cm, AD = 8cm, the area of ΔPRC can be calculated as [BLANK]/[BLANK] cm squared.

This is useful information. Knowing how to calculate the area of the world's shittiest pie slice could someday save your life. Perhaps even the world.
Then the world is truly doomed.

In order to investigate weather changes, meteorological observations were made at Observation Post P for three consecutive days starting from March 31st. Temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure were measured by an automatic recorder, and weather, wind direction, wind force and weather charts were pulled from online reference. Figure 1 is a combination graph based on hourly weather data of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure as measured at Observation Post P, and a pictographic weather symbol sequence was created based on reference data of wind direction, force and local weather. Figures 2, 3 and 4 are weather charts for Japan measured at 12:00PM from March 31st to April 2nd, respectively. A stormfront passed through Observation Post P during the observation period, as indicated by the flag line.

Question 1: Humidity at time A, B and C in Figure 1 was measured at 84% for all time points. Describe the relationship between the amount of water vapor in the air at time A, B and C. Which of the following is correct?

A: A = B = C
B: A < B < C
C: B < A < C
D: C < B < A

What. Is. This?
Don't even try. I can guarantee from up here, your brain is as empty as Subaru's chances of passing.

It's meteorological data. You should know this, predicting typhoons was a national necessity! Just break it down. It was asking you to calculate the expected water vapor concentration in the air based on markers of humidity, temperature, and atmospheric pressure. Wasn't humidity just a measure of water vapor concentration?

And since the three lines were at the same position in the humidity chart, didn't that mean the water vapor concentration was the same?
But if it was that obvious they wouldn't be asking you!

What's with the storm data? Do we have to know that? What's with all the weird symbols at the bottom?
I dunno, they look like pokemon!

Having a second voice in your head wasn't as helpful as you had initially hoped.
I know everything you do and you don't know jack shit.

You're half tempted to see if you could commune with MAXWELL, but you're pretty sure he doesn't know anything about weather surveys. You get a half dozen voices running around in your brain and not a single one knows anything useful...

FRIDAY - May 16th, 2025

That... could have gone better. If they had sprinkled a few questions about Cognitive Psience in there you could have scored higher, but it'll likely be decades before that can of worms makes it on the curriculum. You'll have to place a bit more effort into Math and Science next semester.

You glance to your side. Subaru is frozen, mouth locked into a perverse rictus while his eyes are staring blankly at the ceiling.
He... definitely didn't score well.


A human rocket slams into your back, sending you lurching forward and nearly knocking you off balance. You spin and see the ear-splitting smile of a friend, eyes shining, as she holds up her exam like a victory flag. "We're done, we're done, we're DONE! Ahaha!"

She turns to Atsuko and raises her hand for a high-five, which Atsuko returns without missing a beat. "I'M FREEEEE NOWWWWWWW!!!"

"Now, now, don't get too excited. There are still finals! I hope this has been a lesson on the importance of proper studying." Atsuko laughs, but you see a tinge of relief in her expression.

"Yeah, yeah, mom! I'll study extra hard next semester! Promise!" You don't believe her.

"We gotta go celebrate! And Yori-chan, don't you dare say you're busy! You're always busy! This is the day of freedom! No more school!"

"School's still on tomorrow," you point out. It was only a Friday.

Your friend lurches forward and puts her finger against your mouth. "Shush. Let me dream."

It was the day after midterms, and you had the whole rest of the day off. The weather was still pleasant, and it'd be a shame to spend the rest of it indoors...

>Offscreen, you grinded Alto Liebe and got killed by goblins 10 times in a row. Grit increases! ♪♪♪♪♪♪
>You finished reading Prince of Darkness! +5 DETERMINATION!

>Your Nekoya roll was 3! You paid ¥3000 for Nekoya this block!
>Ragnarok occurs on May 20th, and this is now set in stone.

AN: I legit have no more big subplots or fights left planned, and there are vanishingly few virtual world actions left. So we're sprinting to the finish line and chunking the last block of free time into one plan.

It has been some time. Do not look so concerned! Many far wiser than you have been swayed by her honeyed words. Your choices remain your own, so long as you continue to accept responsibility.

I have had, at many points in my existence, the displeasure of being served by those obsessed with absolute obedience. They made for the most miserable of pawns.

And of course, you are not my pawn. You and I are partners. And together we shall tear down HEAVEN.


Discretionary Budget : ¥19500
Determination: 28 D
Stress: 1 POINTS

Select actions for the period of May 16th through 19th. [4 DAYS]
You may select 4 MAJOR actions and 4 MINOR actions.
You may freely select MINOR actions in place of MAJOR actions (but not vice versa).
You may select as many FREE ACTIONS as you care for.
You may take an additional MAJOR action for 10 D.
You may take an additional MINOR action for 5 D.
The GRAND TOTAL for all major actions this period cannot exceed 8.
DETERMINATION is also spent to select special choices so it may be beneficial to leave some banked!
Don't worry about specifying the exact date, that will be determined by QM for narrative convenience.

Your Shadow is getting antsy (1/5 of all actions must be attributed to your Shadow)
To be very clear, SOCIAL LINKS unlock and strengthen Personas and progress through 5 RANKs. Completed SOCIAL LINKS play a significant role in the Final Arc.
To be very clear, barring exceptions, all SIDE QUESTS expire once RAGNAROK occurs.
I have changed some SL rewards, with the intent of giving you fringe rewards. Some SLs will give larger social stats, others extra rewards. SLs you have yet to unlock will give you a brief indication of the types of Personas you will unlock.
Remember, Rank 3 has changed so that the upgrade is AUTOMATIC.
You really don't need to go to every single part time job! There's no super secret special reward for holding 4 jobs! Honest!


The Conditions:
Hyrm and Naglfar
Axe Age, Sword Age, Wind Age, Wolf Age

Loki causes the Death of Baldr
A wolf swallows the sun and the moon
Gjallarhorn is Sounded
The Battle between Jormungandr and Thor

Surtr sets the World Ablaze
Fenrir Breaks free of Golden Chains - Expected During Assault

SIDE QUESTS: All Side Quests will expire at the end of this block.

[ ] [Shadow//<INSERT>]: Your Shadow can complete any of the Major Actions instead of you. Events she is particularly interested in will be labeled as such. You may still assign her to a task she is not explicitly interested in, at the risk of dissatisfying her.

NEW! [ ] [Codename: Agent 871]: You know vanishingly little about Yanai. You're not sure if he knows who you are, and you have no measure of his personality. But you have his number. It's a long shot but cold call the man and demand some answers. If he truly is the one who planted that Keycard, then he must want something. If not from you specifically, then whomever he intended for that card to reach. Who knows?

NEW! [ ] [Visit the SAO Survivors]: Nearly a hundred SAO Survivors suddenly got released. In your school, it's just news. But to the wider world it was a miracle. Agil runs the closest thing Tokyo has to an SAO Survivor support network, and he plans on traveling around the city introducing himself to the newly awakened. Agil wants you to tag along. [Remains available even in the next Arc]
Agil: You should get a chance to see the difference you've already made.

[ ] [Release the Ninjas!]: Meimi suggests the best way to handle this is to speak with Yuuki Shouzou directly. Tag along with her and explain to Sugou's boss how he hired a heinous criminal. You expect, unlike the police, he will be able to act quickly and with discretion, though you harbor no illusions about actually convincing a president to do anything except what he wants. It still begs the question of what will be done about the players already trapped in SAO... but there must be things the President of RECT Progress can do that you cannot. That's, of course, assuming he isn't in on the plot for some reason or another...

[ ] [Release the Presses!]: It's a blunt response, to be sure. Would Sugou actually harm his remaining hostages, especially when his research is so close to fruition? If you publicly leak the video you'll certainly shake the beehive. More importantly, you'll force the man to react. And there's something appealing about destroying Sugou in the real world, where he thinks he's utterly invincible, without even stepping foot in the virtual world. Of course, Asuna said he isn't rational anymore, and there are adages of letting sleeping bears lie...

[ ] [Super-Training!]: Sometimes what you need is something... simpler. Grab a few spare party members, hit up Cayna for her best training spots, and just sit down for an afternoon to grind.
>No narrative. Just an action that increases your LOWEST STAT BY 1.
>33% chance to gain a BONUS STAT!

[ ] [Rumor Mongering]: Did the vikings have a social media presence? Well they should've. MMOTomorrow remains the most widely viewed VRMMO info source in Japan, and their leader is a noted SAO Survivor. See if you can get him to start some rumors about the impending end of the world. .
>Gwen wants to give Thinker a piece of her mind. You'll make sure the meeting goes off diplomatically.
>Your SHADOW is interested in this action. She'll make sure the meeting goes off 'diplomatically'.

[ ] [G-Man]: Argo is working with someone. Why not meet the man behind the curtain and find out what he knows? He may know more than he lets on, and you wonder what opportunities the literal government could give you that your small little band cannot. You know Rain is working with him to some extent as well... [Costs 10 D]

SOCIAL LINKS - Social Links generally will always remain available once 'unlocked'.

[ ] NEW! [Falling FORTUNES]: Subaru seems down. Really, really down. You're not even sure what it is he really wants. Does he want to be the center of attention? Does he want to be treated normally? Is he mad at you, is he sulking, is he slowly turning into a nihilistic weirdo? Not even Subaru knows. You think what he needs now isn't some kind of amateur shrink, you think he just needs a day where he can shut off his brain and just have some fun. Dedicate a day to try to cheer him up, even if it means dealing with his mood swings. [Costs 5 D]
FORTUNE trains FITNESS significantly.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Ashamed of Words and Deeds]: Hi Mom! Uh... how ya been? Urgh, no. How about something more casual? Hey, you know I've been soooo busy with uh... video games and school? You know what? What if you waited until after you smashed your midterms to do this?
Yeah! Procrastinate!
This takes a major action because you spend all day building up the courage.

[ ] [MANKIND Dreams]: You've put it off long enough. Yuuki's asking you to hang out with her in Serene Garden and Cayna's messaging you about keeping her away from the upcoming raid. You know more about RATH at this point and the time for secrets has long passed. It's time to hear Yuuki's side of the story. And decide if the child of the future shall risk her life saving the spirits of the past.
MANKIND trains EMPATHY efficiently
Gives you more control over the party makeup of the World Tree raid.

[ ] [SUNNY Day]: Your friend is inviting you to a hangout at her place! You... haven't been to a friend's house in years! Well, Shino counts, but her room looks just like yours. You're strangely excited, even if you're sure she's just fishing to borrow your Amusphere. But this is the first step! First you'll be hanging out and then there'll be sleepovers and you'll feel normal again. And hey, looks like you're invited to dinner too!
SUN unlocks more efficient ways to obtain DETERMINATION.

[ ] [DEVIL's Day Off]: Your, uh, partner in crime wants to get to know you better. The real you. You have a mind to fear you're gonna be kidnapped and have your organs sold on the black market but Mitsuha seems like a... well not exactly upstanding individual but not pointlessly cruel? The whole cryptocurrency scam thing notwithstanding. She's also an adult hanging out with a high schooler, but she's sure that won't cause any misunderstandings. And hey, maybe you can find out why she values money so much! Anything to get her to shut up about her fake money!
DEVIL unlocks more ways to interact with MISTCOIN.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Scorched NATURE]: You have someone you need to talk to. Someone who's almost as affected by this fiasco as you are. Satoru Mikami is... a good person. You're certain of it. But he's working for some very not-good people and you at least owe it to him to show him the truth, after he lost his position refusing to fight you. Besides you're worried about his reassignment, it can't be easy to see your whole career restructured like that.
NATURE trains MASK efficiently.
He currently cannot interact with ALO due to his reassignment.

[ ] [Ordinal SWORD]: A way to bring back those lost to Sword Art Online. You don't believe. It can't be possible. It's as impossible as gods, spirits and the manipulation of souls themselves. It's... not possible.
You're going back. You need to know more. And for once you don't have an ulterior motive. Return to the cradle of VR and speak to the Father of the VR Revolution.
Oh... and he says to get plenty to eat and bring a few sports drinks with you. What?
KING OF SWORDS provides contacts within the field of Cognitive Psience.
SWORD Personas typically specialize in STR.

[ ] [Denying DEATH]: Mom always wanted you to be a doctor! You've already gone running back to VR games after being trapped in one for 2 years, so why not voluntarily spend time in the hospital: the other hellhole you were trapped in for 2 years? The perpetually tired and overworked Yakutani-sensei has offered to speak to you in length on Yuuki's condition and his proposed treatment option, provided you schedule an appointment in advance. You should bring a gift. Maybe a crate of coffee beans. [Costs 3000 yen]
DEATH trains CURRICULUM and EMPATHY efficiently.
DEATH will sell you medicine.
DEATH Personas typically specialize in healing.

[ ] [Movie Magic!]: MAXWELL wants to go... see a movie, after you shot down his request to travel across the country to the ass end of nowhere to satisfy his curiosity. Sounds harmless enough. What could possibly go wrong? What does a disembodied spirit man even want with... Shin Phoenix Ranger Featherman R?
Not actually a SL but will give you a bolus of Upgrade Points.

[ ] [PLANTING the Seeds]: You've been spending a lot of time with your tactician, planning the Raid, scouting the perimeter of the World Tree, and even experiments in manipulating its bark. Evidently, someone has seen the two of you together... and after one awfully bashful and embarrassed introduction, she wants you to... introduce her to Shiroe?
Huh. Better not tell her he's the only male member of a 6 person conspiracy. Might give the Spriggan girl the wrong idea...
PLANT trains MASK efficiently.
PLANT upgrades Shiroe's combat capabilities while in ALO.

[ ] [TEMPER your Expectations]: As the President of the Literature club you have several responsibilities. Like... doing all the paperwork. Recruiting. Advertising. You know, everything the advisor should be doing. Instead, she's just... bringing more books into the clubroom. You VERY carelessly mentioned to Wakaba Hiiro in passing that you were employed part-time at a moving company, so your teacher has decided to violate labor laws and press gang you into helping her move the rest of her book collection. She promises to pay you... in knowledge!
TEMPERANCE trains CURRICULUM efficiently.
TEMPERANCE increases reading speed, and provides discounts to book purchasing.
The next rank will train FITNESS as well.

[ ] [Higher than SKY Phase]: Turns out your school does have a model kit club! And since Gunpla has essentially pushed practically all other model hobbies straight out of the market that makes it a Gunpla club! It wasn't an uncommon thing - some schools were famous for Gunpla, and there were even national tournaments now. You're already something of a pariah - pretty much everyone in school is already scared of you, but from what you hear this club is so sparsely populated they can't afford to turn anyone away - for good reason. Turns out? Gunpla is expensive. [Costs 5 D] [Costs 5000 yen]
SKY trains GRIT. Requires an Amusphere.
SKY upgrades your Gunpla! This makes the Build Gunpla minor action more efficient and rewarding.
SKY frequently requires the investment of significant monetary resources.
SKY Personas typically specialize in VIT.

[ ] [Grim JUSTICE]: Fukazawa Seiichiro, a man on Argo's list. An SAO Survivor like you, one Argo claims has escaped justice for some truly heinous crimes. After painstaking work and a questionably legal deal with the government, she's managed to track down his place of work and wants to wring a confession out of him. She plans on ambushing him on his way home and wants you to come to join her on the stakeout. She promises that you'll find meeting the man to be enlightening.
JUSTICE usually builds STRESS when taken.
You may meet some interesting people.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Blooming JUSTICE]: Hanako Akazawa, a woman on Argo's list. Surprisingly easy to find, Argo states she's not only escaped justice but is now managing a thriving business, despite being by Argo's standards a bonafide mass murderer. The address she provides you seems strangely... familiar, though you can't exactly pinpoint where you saw it before.
JUSTICE usually builds STRESS when taken.
You may meet some interesting people.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

Work Actions (MAJOR or 2 MINOR)

[ ] [Work//Titan Movers]: Moving boxes from the back of a truck. Sounds... riveting. Last week you had to ask a classmate to rip the wrapper off your melonpan. If you have to get set stronger, somehow, why not at least get paid for it?
You will be fired by MAY 30th if this job is not selected by then.
Trains FITNESS greatly and receives payment based on FITNESS. Can train other stats. [Currently gains 3000 yen. Roll FITNESSd6, gain bonus Social Stats for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//Augma]: Break into the gig economy! Become an independent contractor in an exciting self-directed once in a lifetime opportunity working with 2025's most visionary startup! Work when you want, for as long as you want! Not included: health insurance, job security, paid time off, hour limits or a spiffy looking uniform.
Trains GRIT greatly. Will roll based on GRIT for task completion - completion of the task gives you a large lump sum and DETERMINATION.
Your contract expires at the END OF MAY.
Current Task Progress - 2/5, 20000 yen. [Roll GRITd6, gain PROGRESS for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//CatCafe]: It's an online catgirl cafe! Only instead of probably being a front for a prostitution ring it's all virtual work that you can do from the comfort of your bedroom! Sounds like the perfect job - no commute, no chance of being stalked or robbed, and easy to fit into almost any schedule. So what's the cat-ch?
You will be fired by MAY 20th if this job is not selected by then.
Trains EMPATHY greatly and receives payment based on EMPATHY. [Currently gains 3000 yen. Roll EMPATHYd6, gain DETERMINATION for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [.Work//Sign]: An envelope shows up in your mailbox. It's the key to a coin locker. In that locker there's another key to an unmanned storage unit. Behold what lies within. Put it over your body. And no matter what happens, no matter what you see, remember... HOLD THE SIGN.
You will be fired by MAY 20th if this job is not selected by then.
Trains MASK greatly and receive a lump sum of 5000 yen. [Roll STRESSd6. If any 1s are rolled, accumulate an additional 1 STRESS]

Minor Actions Available this Period:
Unless specified otherwise you may take individual Minor actions multiple times.

[ ] [Report//<INSERT>]: You've made a number of discoveries that Argo's boss in the Ministry of Internal affairs may find very interesting. What exactly is he doing with all this information...?
You may write 1 Report per Minor Action
Available Reports:
[Incarnation]: Sufficient rumors and mass belief can distort things... items, players... worlds. Is this common knowledge or did you stumble on something best left unsaid? [+10000 yen]
[The SEED AI]: You've had some practical knowledge in the art of manipulating SEED AI's content generation engine. Could be useful for someone interested in creating a world of their very own. [+5000 yen]
[Titles]: Memory and the way they can be manipulated, Sugou's research interest. Report on the strange Title you've been granted, and how VRMMOs can teach players how to fight in ways never replicated in reality. [+4000 yen]

[ ] [Cram School]: High efficiency studying! And it prepares you for a crushing existence as an office worker!
Trains CURRICULUM efficiently.

[ ] [Augma Fitness!]: Can't build up the motivation to run to save your life? Download Augma Fitness now! A limited-time offer for beta-testers, spice up your exercise by running from a boulder, a zombie, or your disappointed parents! For the truly hardcore, the Augma has a function where it automatically calls everyone on your friends list and tells them embarrassing facts about your performance metrics if you fail to meet your fitness goals!
Trains FITNESS efficiently.

[ ] [Augma Fight!]: Want to learn how to sword fight for real? Using real life Kendo and HEMA techniques and not those dumb facsimiles in VR games? Well Augma Fight has you covered!
Warning: Due to poor connection Augma Fight only works outdoors in areas publicly seeded with AR stickers.
...Well when you think about it there's nothing wrong with swinging a make-believe sword at make-believe monsters while wearing a gaudy headset in a public park. Just pretend nobody's staring and pray you don't end up being videotaped.
Trains MASK efficiently.

[ ] [High Love]: This is what you were afraid of. That otome game your friend recommended to you, Alto Liebe? It's filled with microtransactions. God at least none of the suitors were locked behind a paywall, but you expect you're in for a painful experience.
Trains GRIT efficiently.

[ ] [Serene Garden]: SereGa is an interesting VRMMO - billed as an app to assist hospice patients with end of life loneliness, it's less of a game and more of a chat room. The full-service model can only be used in hospitals for sick patients. However the SereGa devs believe that no one should die alone, hence the game features no NPCs and all quest givers, shops, even the rare monster are all controlled by volunteer actors. You won't get paid, hell you have to pay to download the app, but this is one use of VR tech you can actually approve of. [5000 yen]
Trains EMPATHY efficiently. Permanently replaces [Sightsee] with a more efficient variant.

[ ] [Sleep-in]: You need to study. You need to train. You need to save the world. Instead, go to sleep EARLY and snuggle up with Kuma-kun.
Reduces STRESS x 1. Becomes less efficient the more it is used (applies across the lifetime of the quest).
Roll 1d6, on a natural 1, Sleep-in has no effect. The roll becomes more harsh the more this option is used.

[ ] [Medicinal Baths]: No, not the local one down the street by the old folk's home. The big one. By the IMPERIAL PALACE. That has private rooms. [Costs 10000yen]
Reduces STRESS x 1. Repeatable.

[ ] [Sightsee]: Bunkyo ward is blessed with many shrines and gardens not to mention the bustling Tokyo Dome City. Go people-watching, appreciate nature, simply enjoy existing in this world and bask in the collective's EMPATHY.

Free Actions:
(Not all Determination options will be available every period as we are using shorter time frames)

[ ] [Nekoya!]: It's open every day except Saturday. You'd eat there every day if your wallet and your waistline could afford the beating... but going there is always a risk. You can always find yourself spending a bit... more than intended.
Purchase 5 D for 1d6*1000 yen. One time per period.

NEW! [ ] [Torment//Sumeragi]: Buy Sumeragi a box of Mochi! Give it to Sumeragi in a public location so he's socially forced to accept it! Will not make Sumeragi feel better. But it will make you feel better.
Purchase 5 D for 5000 yen. One time per period.

[ ] [Buy More Gunpla!]: You've managed to find a few revenue streams. Maybe it's time to buy another model kit? One robot is awfully lonely sitting up on the shelf, and maybe you can pick up some kitbash supplies on the way over. You saw a video on weathering techniques and are dying to try it out...
Purchase a new kit for 10000 yen. Unlocks more options, gains 5 D.

[ ] [Book Shopping!]: You know, Motosu-sensei doesn't mind people reading in class. So far you've just done some studying and the occasional nap, but why not take the time to enjoy a new book? Books are 'read' at the pace of 1 a week if multiple ones are purchased.
>All books cost 6000 yen.
>[The Complete SAO Incident Records]: Raises CHT by 1 point.
>[Quantum Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Indian mythology. Applies to future Personas.
>[No Longer Human]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Allegorical and Philosophical literature. Applies to future Personas.
>[Trish's Guide to Give and Take!]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from published children's literature. Applies to future Personas.
>[Kongming of the Party!]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Chinese or Korean mythology. Applies to future Personas.
>[AKB56: Complete Member Catalog]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Opera or are associated with music. Applies to future Personas.
>[Fate/Alternative]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from British, Celtic or Norse mythology. Applies to future Personas.
>[Ancient Aliens!]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from African or Fertile Crescent mythology. Applies to future Personas.
>[Castle of Ember: The Life of Kiyotada Sumaru]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Egyptian or Lovecraftian mythology. Applies to future Personas.
>[VR Psychosis and Apathy Syndrome]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Greco-Roman mythology. Applies to future Personas.
>[Ayakashi Monthy Special Edition: The Fog of Inaba]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Japanese mythology. Applies to future Personas.
>[Control: Shido and the Antisocial Conspiracy]: Grants 2 UPGRADE points to all Personas from Gnostic mythology. Applies to future Personas.

General Store Mitsuha

You know what I've realized? You almost never buy MISTCOIN unless it's to immediately pawn it off for something else!
If I didn't know any better I'd say you were suspicious of investing in the future! But I know that can't be right, business partner!
So how about this? Gonna be a bit of a dip coming soon. Why don't you buy some MISTCOIN now?
Cause at the end of May?
It's Bullet of Bullets season baby, and that means business is gonna explooooddddeeee!

>MISTCOIN is predicting that MISTCOIN will fall next week.
>MISTCOIN is predicting a major rise in prices during the end of May.
>MISTCOIN predictions skew the rolls, but the whims of the market are what they are...

Oh and uh, thanks for bailing me out that one time. ALO's going in the shitter, so I'm officially closing up shop. Buy what you want, cause it's all gone next week!
But don't worry! Just going home to GGO. Hit me up if you ever decide you want to play a real VRMMO.

You can find me in SBC Glocken, in the alley behind the Governor's Mansion. Look for the bum on the carpet, and ask for the black market. You'll see.
And bring more MISTCOIN next time!

Current exchange rate is 5000 yen = 1 MISTCOIN when purchasing. 4500 yen when selling.
Specify what you are buying. Specify which party member you are buying it for.

[Mithril Camisole]: It looks like a sweater with an exposed back, but uh, apparently it's high-quality armor. Video games... [2 MistCoins][+1VIT]
[Living Potion]: A high-potency healing potion enchanted by an alchemist to automatically heal you when you are severely injured. The annoying voice that insults you cannot be removed from the enchantment. [1 MistCoin][Consumable][Provides +2 Health in a pinch]
[Fragment of Bifrost]: Pooka-manufactured magic wand containing the essence of a rainbow. Is most DEFINITELY not a rainbow glowstick. [3 MistCoins][+1MAG]
[Helskór]: It's a comfortable well-fit pair of marching boots heavily enchanted to appear like 10 cm heels. Video games... [3 MistCoins][+1AGI]
[Fragment of a Radius]: It's... advertised as a pendant sourced from the lost land of Aincrad, soaked in the misery of 4000 dead players giving it a deathly stench. You recognize it as a «Stink Bear Claw» from your inventory dump. Damn it $MistCoin$ she ripped you off! At least people seem to believe it has special properties now... [2 MistCoins][+1CHT][Smelly]

[Mistcoin]: You can also buy MistCoin now and not spend it. The price of MistCoin will fluctuate with time.

Cream Cheese Boosting

Gosh, that took more time than I thought. But Gwen should finally have enough carrying capacity to hold that hammer in her inventory. She still can't equip it, but according to her there's a difference between 'wielding' a weapon and 'throwing' it.
This is the final stretch. I honestly feel a bit underpowered for this fight, so I'd like to focus on my own training for a bit. Of course, if my services are needed elsewhere I am happy to oblige.

And please. Don't pull Yuuki into this.

Boosting is a free action! Cayna can apply one BOOST this term:

[ ] Slime Boosting!
You're sick of Slimes, but Cayna assures you that by deliberating letting them damage you over and over you can actually train your max HP. Luckily for you, she'll happily do the legwork.
>Increases MAX HP!
>Select ONE target

[ ] Mana Potion Doping!
Chug and cast, chug and cast. It's boring work... but at least it's effective!
>Increases MAX SP!
>Select ONE target EXCEPT LUX

[ ] Personal Training!
Cayna's putting her own training regimen on hold to help your group. Tell her to do what she can for her own power.
>Randomly increases Cayna's Stats.

You have 4 MAJOR and 4 MINOR actions to assign.
Please submit vote in PLAN format.

AN: Yes, these are real test questions. Specifically, they were Japanese Entrance Exam questions for rising middle schoolers, pulled from an online database. I also don't know Japanese so the translations are google-translate quality plus some editing. If you know Japanese please give me a more accurate translation, for verisimilitude if nothing else!
No, I have no idea why they're asking middle schoolers to interpret meteorological data, and answer vague ass ethics questions.
And if you really care the answer to all three presented Multiple Choice questions is (D).
I have no idea what the answers to the math questions are. I can't understand the answer sheet and google translate doesn't play well with the format.
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[X] Plan Being Able to Earn Supernatural Powers In Another World, I Gained OP Friends
-[X]Major Actions (-3000 Yen, -15 D)
--[X] [Denying DEATH]
--[X] [MANKIND Dreams]
--[X] [Shadow//Falling FORTUNES]
--[X] [Shadow//PLANTING the Seeds]
--[X] [SUNNY Day]
-[X]Minor Actions (+8000 Yen)
--[X] [Work//CatCafe]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
-[X]Free Actions (-6000-11000 Yen, +10 D)
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Shadow//Torment//Sumeragi]
--[X] Personal Training!

Overall Cost: -1000-6000 Yen, -5 Determination

Social Links. Social Links everywhere. I've explained my position on DEATH before - I think it's helpful to talk to the doctor for a different perspective on Yuuki's condition before doing the MANKIND event which we should probably do to resolve the Yuuki/Cayna thing. From there I feel bad for Subaru so his link is there. Shiroe's link buffs him and also it's probably overdue we advance that link. Finally I add in SUN to further enhance Determination efficiency for future but also because the upgrade lets us summon a (destructible) object that can prevent mind-altering status effects which seems helpful. Did not pick the Mom option because I think it might be better if we have the exam results first? But maybe it'll just make it more costly later on lol. Still, being this is our last free period before Ragnarok this isn't a great time for it IMO.

Minor action is work to keep the jobs because I am going to go down with this ship LOL. Free actions is the regular Determination buying. For Cayna's Training I decided to just go with her wish to train her character.

It sounds like we need 1-2 Shadow actions here so I stuck them on Subaru and Shiroe. Shiroe just because I think it'll be funny given the description of the event. For Subaru our Shadow is interested in it plus she has a knack for getting to the root causes of issues so I think there's a better chance she figures out what's going on with Subaru.

I feel like 23 Determination after this (barring changes in the link events themselves) is a pretty healthy number though I can understand wanting more. Obviously the simplest place to find it would be to cut out a Social Link since I'm buying an extra action. Dropping Subaru in particular would gain 15 back and erase all the Determination loss from the plan. We could also buy another Gunpla but that would drop us a bit lower on Yen than I'd like. Still, I'm good with this number I think.
There's only four actions she's explicitly interested in: Subaru, Argo, MistCoin, and turning a meeting with Thinker into a mess. Given the nature of Argo's link it's arguably the most dangerous to take her there. And the other two I don't see much benefit to taking as an action at all in this phase. We kinda have to just take guess after that. I guess SUN is lower risk. If that's a real dealbreaker I can swap it there I suppose. I tagged her onto the Sumeragi Free Action too but that was more for humor purposes. I don't believe it actually counts towards Shadow Tag's requirements.

Alternatively, if we get word that 1 Shadow Action is okay (I counted it as 7 actions between Major and Minor and rounded up to get to 2 Shadow actions needed) I don't mind just removing her from Shiroe's link entirely.

Also, since I forgot to mention it - I'm intentionally passing on acting on the Yanai info. Too many unknowns for an unclear benefit (if a benefit at all) for me.
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I think only having the Shadow deal with Subaru should be enough to keep her happy. She is not interested in Shiroe's action and the Sumeragi option I'm not sure off.
Yeah, I edited that in after the fact but if one Shadow action is good for this phase then I will drop her from the Shiroe link without hesitation. The Sumeragi thing was a joke on my end (I don't think it truly counts and I don't really expect it to have an impact other than maybe flavor) but if it actually worries people I can take that off too :V
[X] No Bulli Shiroe
-[X]Major Actions (-3000 Yen, -15 D)
--[X] [Denying DEATH]
--[X] [MANKIND Dreams]
--[X] [Shadow//Falling FORTUNES]
--[X] [PLANTING the Seeds]
--[X] [SUNNY Day]
-[X]Minor Actions (+8000 Yen)
--[X] [Work//CatCafe]
--[X] [.Work//Sign]
-[X]Free Actions (-6000-11000 Yen, +10 D)
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Shadow//Torment//Sumeragi]
--[X] Personal Training!

The plan above, but with our shadow removed from Shiroe
Voting is open