Truly, the most villainous action.

Also, didn't vote for this, but I'm very glad we chose the option that gets us on the good side of DORZ'L, THE CHAOS DRAKE, CURSE OF THE 91ST SEAL, MIGHTY BE THEIR NAME, FOREVER MAY HE RECIEVE SNACKS AND HEADPATS!

...Yeah Silica was on the money when she chose to name them after a cat.
So, I think Shiroe's SL should take priority this turn. MAXWELL did say to focus on our friends this turn and ranking up Shiroe's link will most likely unlock his Incarnate skill. And after everything we've put him through last turn he deserves it.

Other than that we're going to be needing to buy all the D we can afford this turn.
Now I know why you figuratively raised your eyebrow at who we called...

Also, it says that Super-Training is a narratively free action, but it's...not under free actions? Slightly confusing.

Anyway, my plan:

[X] Plan: Clearing the air
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Handshakers]
--[X] [SUNNY Day]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Report//The Strange Case of Dorz'l and Pina]
--[X] [Augma Fitness!]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Sweets!]
--[X] [Book Shopping!]
---[X] [Prince of Nightmares Omnibus]
--[X] Weight Training!

Essentially, this plan puts Argo in the loop about what we're doing, because not telling her what we're doing seems like a bad idea. Other than that, we're also advancing Sun, because Hiyori needs to feel like a normal high school girl at least once before the big raid (midterms doesn't count) and because at the rate we're spending determination, our current sources aren't going to cut it for what they cost. Also, sending a report to ablate part of the cost the cost of buying more determination because we spent most of what we had left in the infiltration.

I'm open to changing the SL vote to either Prudence or Plant if you give me a good reason to.
[ ] NEW! [DEVIL's Day Off]: Your, uh, partner in crime wants to get to know you better. The real you. You have a mind to fear you're gonna be kidnapped and have your organs sold on the black market but Mitsuha seems like a... well not exactly upstanding individual but not pointlessly cruel? The whole cryptocurrency scam thing notwithstanding. She's also an adult hanging out with a high schooler, but she's sure that won't cause any misunderstandings. And hey, maybe you can find out why she values money so much! Anything to get her to shut up about her fake money!
DEVIL unlocks more ways to interact with MISTCOIN.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.
So I just realized why she's so certain it won't cause misunderstandings.
She may be shorter than we are lol.

[X]Plan My Part Time Job is Corporate Espionage

Hope we take best Slime guy after we bust Sugou's ass though. He deserves to know what the fuck happened.
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Narrator: It was at this moment that Alcor finally solved the mystery of why the QM kept stressing "the second Sunday of May" in regards to the phone call choice.

i may have made a terrible mistake

Hmm, as for the current agenda. I think the only remaining prep work I feel we really ought to do is Infiltrate RECT* and (smugly) let Argo know that unlike some people we know we've all but solved this case. Probably should check in on Yuuki about her argument with Cayna over the raid but that's just me - and I think starting the DEATH social link might be a good idea before that since he's the other doctor involved in Yuuki's case. Well, that's 4 actions right there with 6 days to go lol. 5, if we count the raid itself.

*As for releasing the accusation, I'm of the mind to Phantom Thieves it and release it right before the raid. Don't want to release it early and I don't think showing it to Asuna's dad is a great idea. Personally I still am fond of the idea of showing it to Seven because the initial idea of her letting us infiltrate RECT was to gather evidence to convince her he was a creep. But we got that through other means so I feel we should be able to convince her of that now and maybe get her to modify our options on an infiltration.

[X]Plan My Part Time Job is Corporate Espionage
-[X]Major Actions (+0-2000 Yen)
--[X] [Handshakers]
--[X] [Hati Deeds]
-[X]Minor Actions (+5000 Yen)
--[X] [Report//The Strange Case of Dorz'l and Pina] (+5000 Yen)
--[X] [High Love]
-[X] Free Actions (+15 D, -12000-17000 Yen)
--[X] [Nekoya!] (+5 D, -1000-6000 Yen)
--[X] [Sweets!] (+5 D, -5000 Yen)
--[X] [Book Shopping!] (+5 D, -6000Yen)
---[X][Prince of Nightmares Omnibus]
--[X] Weight Training!

Total Change: +15 D, -12000 to -5000 Yen

Pretty similar to Clearing The Air but... I'm worried we might get fired from Titan Movers if we don't act on it right now. (QM clarification on if we can work for them during Midterms Period? Or if it's just skipped time like in Persona? Or we get action on May 16 itself and can sneak in a shift there?)

You know, I really wanted to put off the Infiltration until next time because we just did a bunch of operations and stuff but then I looked at our jobs. It counts as a Titans Movers job and it just feels so inefficient to not take advantage of that. If we don't choose the infiltration in this phase I think we need to do Titan Movers as a job now to not get fired (assuming we can't do so during midterms) which will take up actions and I'll still want to do the infiltration after LOL. OTOH, if you're no longer interested in the infiltration this isn't a problem.

Talking to Argo because as funny as it'd be to make her wait to the last second when we're finally done with all our prep, narratively it feels like it makes more sense to talk to her now since she's the one with the SAO Survivor info and we just woke a bunch up. Minor Actions are to get us cash and train GRIT (FITNESS being trained by the infiltration because again, it's work!) Free Actions all about replenishing DETERMINATION. Weight Training from Cayna's training looks like it'll let Gwen try to be Thor or something.

As always I can probably be talked into tweaks or modifications to the plan. I intentionally avoided adding actions to save Determination but there's some shuffling that can be done here. Like talking me out of my efficiency nonsense on Titans Movers and adding it to Minor Actions in place of High Love (and at a 5 D Cost) to open a Major Action slot for something. Or whatever.
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[X]Plan I Want To Try And Make Peace
-[X]Major Actions
--[X] [Handshakers]
--[X] [MANKIND Dreams]
-[X]Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!] (+5 D, -1000-6000 Yen)
--[X] [Sweets!] (+5 D, -5000 Yen)
--[X] Weight Training!

Argo talk because is really crappy not telling her what are we doing.

I'm choosing doing the Yuuki mission since it fits narratively with the info Cayna gave us. Maybe it will help reconcile her and Cayna, or at least laid better foundations for it later.
Of course we will bring her to the raid anyways but I feel it would be for the best to do this, at least to tell Cayna that we tried XD.

Taking into account Alcor's commment I'm picking normal Titan Movers mainly to not lose the job outright. We don't really need to infiltrate RECT anymore and waste a Major action doing so in my opinion.
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[X]Plan My Part Time Job is Corporate Espionage

Edit: @Alcor convinced me to switch plans with their reasoning explained a few posts down.
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Just a reminder that part time job takes up two minor actions so placing it there with the report as well incurs a 5 D cost to gain the extra minor action to make it allowable. I bring that up because at that point you'd be better off dropping the report and the free action of the book because you'd net 1000 yen that way since the report is +5k yen and the book is -6k. Meanwhile dropping them both would cancel each other out in terms of Determination.
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Midterms will be a timeskip. Tests are a BIG DEAL.

And you don't have to work all the part time jobs... it's fine to quit. Unless you really want to.
I guess I'll make a pitch for why I think the infiltration is still worthwhile.

Since we no longer need to gather more evidence on Sugou we can take the low risk infiltration option and instead nab a GM terminal. From there we can have Shiroe or Seven or someone try to write up a program to fulfill "wolf swallows the sun and the moon" condition. I've always favored Seven for this thinking she'd have more familiarity with ALO's programming... but the more I think about it, since it's SEED template it stands to reason the coding might be generic enough that anyone with SEED experience could do it - like Cayna pointed out in the Fluctlight Storage Unit having experience with toying with it herself - so we may not need her cooperation after all. Perhaps forcing an endless night on top of the winter with the moon despawned? I dunno, someone better versed in the mythology might have a better idea, I'm just looking at it literally.

We can also be extra dramatic and maybe program the accusation to go off as a system wide announcement (think Kayaba's SAO Death Game announcement) inside ALO as the raid begins for maximum Phantom Thief homage? (since we lack someone of Futaba's calibur who could do the hacking in real-time.)

I'll admit though we're in a strong enough position Ragnarok-wise that we can easily skip the infiltration if you want the Major Action as something else, but being able to combo these possibilities with keeping our part-time job is just too tempting for me.
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[X]Plan My Part Time Job is Corporate Espionage

Poor Shiroe, you're not a cute girl so you stand no chance despite all the hard work you put in. Still, while I'm worried about going into enemy territory with such low D the two birds one stone of getting a paycheck and maybe filling a Ragnarok connection is still too good to pass up.

For Mom, I'm gonna admit to not being that broken up over forgetting Mother's Day. Because of the series she's from I can't help but be really creeped out by her.

Hmm, as for the current agenda. I think the only remaining prep work I feel we really ought to do is Infiltrate RECT* and (smugly) let Argo know that unlike some people we know we've all but solved this case. Probably should check in on Yuuki about her argument with Cayna over the raid but that's just me - and I think starting the DEATH social link might be a good idea before that since he's the other doctor involved in Yuuki's case. Well, that's 4 actions right there with 6 days to go lol. 5, if we count the raid itself.

For Social Links, I think it would be better to focus on Links we've already started at least until we've cleared ALO. Ranking up Shiroe could get us our Incarnate Skill and Sun could bring us closer to more D options and more importantly next rank up will get us an evolution and we've seen how good Undine is.

We can even go see Mikami now and given how useful Khudumodumo has been making him better and having fewer weaknesses is a steal no matter so I think DEATH should be a low priority right now.
I actually think we'd go into the Argo meeting and the infiltration with 18 Determination since I think we'd get the benefit of the plan's gains on that front. Though I'm hoping nothing we do there requires spending it.

As for Social Links that's definitely fair. I'm not really thinking from a mechanical point of view, more from trying to go into the Yuuki/Cayna debate more informed. So far we've heard Cayna's side but the opposing view is the doctor from the DEATH link who has ties to Tae Takemi (Persona 5 Social Link and Doctor who in this AU is probably the leading expert on Yuuki's disease.)

Basically my thought process is: "We should try to settle the Yuuki/Cayna argument over coming to the raid." -> "We'd be in a better position to do that if we listen to the other doctor first so we're not just hearing Cayna's 'let's let Yuuki sacrifice herself to prove VR Paradise is real' side of the story." But obviously we don't need to do that. Still, as it stands that's my position. Though that's likely a debate to be had next turn. It also wouldn't eat up all our actions. After this turn (and midterms) it would be May 17. That's 4 days, including Raid Day. Let's assume that takes May 20 off the table - so 3 days. That should come out to 3 Major Actions. DEATH and MANKIND would be 2 of them so we'd still have one free to raise Shiroe, Sun, or NATURE. Or even pay Determination to grab an extra action because hopefully we'll be back in a better position by then.

But if the consensus is against DEATH at that time then that's fine too. I was just outlining what I personally feel we should do with our remaining time to put my plan in context.
When did the portrait of Lux change? Is pretty dope now, so I'm not complaining.

I changed it at the end of the Norn fight. It's official art of Lux only I used some image editing stuff to edit in facsimiles of the two Excalibur blades in place of Elucidator/Dark Repulsor which the original art had. I like dropping shadow updates in the informational tabs.

(Yes I know April 12th has come and gone but I didn't know about Lux's birthday back then.)

For Mom, I'm gonna admit to not being that broken up over forgetting Mother's Day. Because of the series she's from I can't help but be really creeped out by her.

I changed it at the end of the Norn fight. It's official art of Lux only I used some image editing stuff to edit in facsimiles of the two Excalibur blades in place of Elucidator/Dark Repulsor which the original art had. I like dropping shadow updates in the informational tabs.

(Yes I know April 12th has come and gone but I didn't know about Lux's birthday back then.)

If her home series wasn't built around needing to call the FBI I'd probably feel something very different from the mirth and joy I am feeling right now at seeing this picture.
05/12: That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Spylime
[X]Plan My Part Time Job is Corporate Espionage

MONDAY - May 12th, 2025

Munch munch...

Hmm... Persimmons?
It's orange colored. That means it's orange-flavored.

But it doesn't taste like an orange. It tastes like a persimmon.
Only way to be sure is to eat another one.

The soft mochi texture melts away when the pulpy juices explode in your mouth. It's a bit dry from staying in the box too long but the mochi protects the rich, tangy, fruity taste now spreading over your tongue.
...Okay, no. Definitely an orange.

"Hey, didn't you already have that flavor?"

You give Ogada-senpai an unimpressed glare and a short grumble. You bought a whole box of mochi to share and by your count, he's had at least twice as much as you did. You even saw him grab two of them, at once, and eat them simultaneously!

"Sorry," you say without sincerity. "You can have both of the chestnut ones."


"Really," you confirm. The man's long since eaten the chestnut ones. But your clever ruse quickly turns into horror as the grabs both of the chocolate mochi and happily starts chewing away. No, no, just cause it's brown doesn't mean it's chestnut!

"Man," your senpai in the moving company speaks between bites, "This is amazing! Chestnuts rule! I haven't had mochi in years, is this what expensive mochi tastes like? You sure you can afford this with what we're paying you?"

"Mm." You say through a mouthful of mochi though what you're trying to say is 'keep your damn eyes on the road' and 'did you know Japan ranks the world in per capita choking deaths due to mochi?' An unusual statistic to include on the back of the box but Yanagai Mochi knows its customer base.

You thought the gift would spare you the small talk but apparently Ogada-senpai is not a fan of awkward silence. His powerful jaw evidently gifting him the ability to chew and speak at the same time.

"The boss is really impressed with you," Ogada-senpai compliments as he not-so-sneakily grabs another mochi from the box precariously shoved between the seats of the truck. "On your second shift and you're already bringing business in! Some kind of American lab? Guess they must be used to American prices cause the boss charged like 20x the usual rate and they accepted without batting an eye!"

"Mm," you affirm while also internally screaming. More like Seven was well aware the price was ridiculous, but it's not like she could refuse when you all but guilt-tripped her into going along with your hair-brained scheme.

God, you're becoming entirely too comfortable with corporate espionage for a high schooler.

"What do you think they're asking us to move?" Ogada-senpai asks. "It's an idol after all. Bet it's juicy." Don't think I don't see you doing that! Just cause you have bigger hands doesn't mean you can grab two and think I won't notice.

"Private stuff."

"Private stuff? What, love notes or something?"

You give Ogada-senpai another deadpan stare. "...Private stuff. Girl stuff."

Ogada-senpai stares at the road, clearly working up the courage to dig deeper.

"Ogada-senpai. It's girl stuff. So please shut up and stay in the truck."

Your senpai's lips thin into a straight line. "Yes ma'am. I'll leave it to you."

Munch munch...


The Titan Movers truck pulls up to the curb of RECT Progress, smoothly going through the security checkpoint without any fuss. Ogada flashes his identification to the guard and the security guard gives him a bored nod before returning his attention back to his smartphone.

Is it just you or has security been beefed up? Or maybe you never actually came at night and this was normal for a major company.
I'm sure they were there to protect the intellectual property of RECT Progress from shady corporate spies.

Like yourself.

"We're here," your senpai announces. "Did your friend tell you how long it'll take?"

"No more than an hour," you say hoping this doesn't get as complicated as your last few missions. As you exit the truck, you spare one last wistful look at the box of mochi. No doubt it'll be empty by the time you return.

Godspeed Yanagi Mochi, your sacrifice will not be forgotten. Though you could take one more for the road? You grab one last strawberry mochi before waving goodbye to Ogada-senpai and the terrible fate he was about to inflict on your box of sweets.

Hmm... maybe Sumeragi could use a gift? Eh, but you paid good money for this and Ogada-senpai already ate most of it.

You walk into the lobby, making a beeline towards the elevators. It's completely empty besides a lone half-asleep desk guard, which makes sense considering the late hour. The lobby is well-lit and filled with rows of potted plants, and sitting at the far end is a stoic man in a crisp business suit and slicked black hair. He's got designer glasses and an honest-to-good pocket protector; he looked more like a lawyer than a scientist.

A professional stick in the mud. That's definitely Sumeragi.
He looks like someone who wouldn't appreciate mochi. Might as well polish this off before speaking to him.

"Good evening," the man greets. It's clipped and to the point, the clear tone of a man who doesn't want to be here. "The infamous «Edge Punisher», in the flesh. Hmph, I thought you'd be taller."

'And you're exactly what I thought you'd look like, «One-Armed Tyr»' is what you want to say, but all you manage to get out is, "Mhm". You must've grabbed the oldest mochi in the box cause this thing was really hard to chew.

He crosses his arms, frowning. "I acknowledge that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. But I am willing to let bygones be bygones, Kashiwazaki-san. I believe we are, ultimately, on the same side."

You try to stop chewing but find no success. Hey, you finally hit the fruit! Red was strawberry, as predicted. "Mhm."

"Nanairo-sensei has left a laptop in her office. She wants to talk to you before you make any... rash moves. I will serve as your lookout, in case you wish to try something truly stupid. Come, we may as well get this over with."


Sumeragi sighs, shaking his head in disapproval. "Honestly, is that all you can say? I was under the impression you were the one who spoke for the group— A-are you eating something!?"

You didn't want Ogada-senpai to eat all the mochi! So you had to take at least one more before you left!

"Is that mochi?" He asks with a combination of shock and anticipation. He just stands there, unmoving, staring at you. As if he were expecting something?


Oh. This is, uh, a business meeting of sorts. Should you have brought him a gift?

"Sorry!" you say, swallowing the last bits of mochi in your mouth. "I ate the rest already."

You feel another part of Sumeragi's soul break as he silently turns around and drags you back to the elevators.

You never noticed it the first time you were here, but RECT Progress' headquarters stood around the top of the building. And this elevator was slow. VERY slow. Must be something they do at night to spare power.

Sumeragi, though to be polite you should call him Sumeragi Youta-san, has his arms resting at his sides and a perpetual scowl on his face. He doesn't seem very pleased that you're here. You're not sure if he's upset that you're here in general or just upset that you didn't bring him any mochi.

"I'm sorry about not bringing you any mochi—"

"I don't care about your damn mochi!"

Really? Someone who wasn't upset would be screaming at someone half his age!

"It's not really that expensive. 5000 yen on an adult's salary? Well worth the price. I can send you a link later."

"I'm happy that you seem to have plenty of disposable income Kashiwazaki-san, in between your no doubt busy schedule of online terrorism and throwing wild accusations toward a person I respect and admire. Unfortunately, some of us have to account for a budget."

Wow. He's a real charmer, this guy.

"It's ¥5000. You get like, 40 pieces of Mochi."

"That is irrelevant."

"You can put them in the fridge and keep them for a month. You can just have a single piece each night. Don't tell me you don't like mochi?"

Sumeragi closes his eyes and breathes in deeply as if trying to find a hidden wellspring of patience buried deep within his soul. "I am quite a fan of mochi. Yanagi Mochi is, of course, one of my favorites."

You nod your head approvingly. The elevator is finally starting to reach the top. "I didn't have an opinion about mochi, but after trying it Yanagi Mochi is simply amazing. It's a good deal, really. ¥5000 is pretty cheap."

"I'm certain I could afford it, if someone, didn't undercut my assignment."

Uh... your report about Seven?
"I got ¥8000 for it. It wasn't all that much." It's probably sitting unread in some corporate file drawer. Barely enough for the box of mochi.

"I was going to be paid substantially more. I have a file I've been adding to for half a year, including my own theories and observations about the field of Cognitive Psience. Figures, references, I am no stranger to corporate presentations. It was quite comprehensive."

"Oh! That's alright then, my report was like two pages long. I'm sure there are details I glossed over."

Sumeragi mumbles through gritted teeth and you hear the briefest hint of a growl escape through his mouth.
"Kikuoka-san told me he 'got the gist of it' already."

"O-oh. He, uh, sounds pretty cheap."
C'mon elevator, hurry up!

"No doubt."

"B-but doesn't Seven pay you a salary? You work in America most of the time right?"

"I work in an affiliated university. I'm a part of her lab but I run the operations here in Japan."

"Like a regional manager! See, you're pretty well off Sumeragi-san!" you smile, trying to reassure the older man. "You only live once, so why not indulge? The mochi's excellent! You won't regret the purchase, I sure didn't!"

"A fine idea. Except this morning I had to negotiate with your boss, the harpy in charge of this... Titan Movers. Do you know how much she charged on a rush order for a first-time customer?" Okay, he's absolutely not bothering to hide his growl now.

"Uh... no?"

Sumeragi spins on a time and points his index fingers straight at your face. He looks physically pained.
"¥200,000! 6 goddamn figures! For an office package! And do you know what she said when I complained? She said, and I quote: 'You're obviously doing shady shit. That's the price, take it or leave it.' And I did. Because I had no choice. Because of you!"

"G-get Seven to pay for it? I mean I talked about it with her!"

"Of course! A stellar idea!" Sumeragi shouts, lifting his arms above his head to emphasize just exactly how bad of an idea that would be. "Why shouldn't I, a 30-year-old man, ask a 12-year-old girl who just had her entire idol career flushed down the toilet for ¥200,000!? Just call her up while your entire stupid moving company was watching me!?"

"Y-yeah... I guess that would be pretty embarrassing..." An adult calling his preteen boss while a room full of people silently laugh at him...
Is a man's pride really that expensive? Like holy shit, 200k! How many days of Nekoya does that give us!?

"So forgive me for being curt, Kashiwazaka-san. I met you three days ago, and you've ruined my life three times already! And today is looking an awfully lot like number four!"

"I apologize?" you say, giving him a short bow. A lot happened in three days, so you can't be expected to remember every little thing you did...

You sense he wants nothing more than to do something most undiplomatic but a lifetime of corporate etiquette was just enough to suppress his urge to scream at a girl half his age any more than he already has.

"I accept your apology. Let us never discuss this again." Sumeragi spits out most insincerely.

And that's when the elevator finally reaches the top.

The first stop is Seven's office, then you need to hunt around for the «Main Visualizer» control room. Sugou's office was going to be locked, unless you were willing to do something drastic.

The door to the elevator opens and the two of you step out.

You feel a bit bad about messing with Sumeragi so much but he did randomly ambush you in the middle of Seven's concert, so frankly, the guy deserved a little misfortune. Provided you didn't get arrested Ogada-senpai even mentioned your boss might even give you a little bonus for the windfall.
Haha, the idiot can't even complain without embarrassing himself!

You're glad you didn't bring him a piece of mochi as you were originally planning. Getting him to have a breakdown in the elevator was just a nice little bonus, but you'll have to be careful about letting your shadow give you too many dumb suggestions like this in the future.

"What are you smirking about!?"

"N-nothing!" you stutter, caught off guard.

...This was your Shadow's idea? Right?

Sumeragi was thankfully out of earshot, having taken up a post near the elevator. He planned to serve as a lookout but his main purpose was to get you through security, not actually engage in espionage. Deniability in case things went sour.

<Listen to me carefully. Because I'm only going to explain this once.>

Nanairo-sensei's voice booms in your ear. It's the voice of someone used to speaking in front of crowds, used to delivering lectures, and being heard by thousands. It's also very high-pitched and childish, but you can tell she's trying her best to sound cool.

<SEED based games such as ALO cannot be 'hacked' in the traditional sense. This isn't a compliment to RECT's cybersecurity, it's a matter of compatibility. The SEED doesn't use a programming 'language' such as C++ or Python.>

"...What are those?"

<I don't have time to explain this stuff to amateurs! I'm the expert here just pay attention and maybe you'll learn something!>

Urgh, you fight the urge to remove the earpiece you found in Nanairo-sensei's office. You thought she'd be more cooperative after Shiroe sent her Asuna's accusation.
She was. But more than that she was nervous, agitated. Even neurotic and micromanaging.

You're not talking to Seven the idol anymore. You're talking to the crazy person who rammed her way into a full-on professorship before entering high school. You suspect that takes a certain amount of forcefulness.

<So you can't just connect a computer to a SEED client and program a game! You have to do everything while inside a FullDive environment, including accessing the «Main Visualizer». Even asset creation has to be done in the SEED itself. It's a quintessential walled garden approach and there's nothing anyone can do about it while the SEED remains black box technology.>

"So that means—"

<I wasn't done Hiyori. You seem to enjoy interrupting me. Do you happen to have a Cognitive Psience PhD?>

Not even an honorific for you, even though you were older.
She should be calling us Senpai!
"Uh. No. But just because you have—"

<Nobody has a degree in Cognitive Psience because there isn't a degree in it! This is cutting edge of cutting edge! Just the fact you think we can teach Cognitive Psience in university speaks volumes about your ignorance. So quiet down and listen for once!>

You shut up and let her continue her tirade. She really wasn't happy with you and this time her sister wasn't here to serve as mediator.

<It means you can't 'hack' a SEED server from a distance. The most you can do is access the network from the inside and use its internal coding language. I don't expect an ignoramus like you to know it, but luckily for all of us, the SEED can respond to thoughts and impressions. It's significantly less efficient than programming directly and you lose out in terms of fine control, but it lets amateurs like you crank out something approaching viable design. So long as you have the right access ID you can give it verbal commands and let the internal AI do all the hard work.>

Okay, like using your Persona. Sounds easy.

<Go to the head office of Moderation and Curation. Amuspheres used in game development aren't biometrically locked because they have to be shared by multiple employees. There will likely be a password involved, but if we're lucky some lazy worker has left their password out on a sticky note. If you can't find an open one, start connecting my laptop to the PC in the office. They're lazy so you can bet there's a Word file or email message with the password.>

You test the door to the office and feel no resistance. Satoru Mikami used to work here, before his sudden reassignment. His replacement didn't entirely give you the impression of a person concerned with security.

"It's unlocked."

<Good, that means we're dealing with a lazy person. RECT is supposed to have corporate-grade cybersecurity but they can't even keep track of their office doors?>

You open the door and take a step into the office. You flip the lights on and find that it's... exactly the same as when you saw it a month ago. Even the nameplate still had Mikami-san's name on it.

...It really hasn't been all that long since everything went down between you and Rimuru.

<What does it look like?>

"I've been here before, a month ago. There's nothing weird. Just an office. A beat-up Amusphere, a PC, and some chairs. No notes in sight."

You don't think Seven needs to know about the half-naked anime figures on the side shelf, nor the 'SLIME LIFE' coffee-stained mug sitting on the desk. But there wasn't a loose sticky note in sight.

<That's perfect! Get the laptop set up and connect to the PC.>

You place Nanairo-sensei's laptop on the desk and connect the USB port to the main tower. It takes a moment to boot up the OS alongside the login screen, but in just a few seconds of hurried typing that you hear through the earpiece, Nanairo-sensei is immediately into the main desktop.

You're suddenly hit with a sense of utter foreboding.

"Hey, maybe I can just try to access the Amusphere directly. Do we need to go through his PC?"

Nanairo-sensei was smart, sure, but was she ready to access the PC of Satoru Mikami? What horrific things lay within the computer of a middle-aged bachelor?

<You need the password, guess too often and it'll lock you out. And I need to confirm something.>

"Just, uh, don't go digging through any strange folders. Or check his browser history." You owed the Slime at least this much. And you didn't want to damage Nanairo-sensei's innocence.

<Don't worry, I just need to read through the emails.>

...Sugou. OBERON. Seven's seen your evidence. She wants to see if this thing was with him or something more institutional. "So, um. Should I keep searching?"

<Yes, but not the PC. You can check the other rooms if you want. Or the filing cabinets. You're the criminal here, shouldn't you know where to look?>

Between all the veiled insults you sense her nervousness. "Hey... are you doing okay? This whole thing with Sugou must be a shock..."



<I... still can't believe it. Not really. I mean... seriously? Your accusations are... ridiculous.>

"But you saw the evidence!" you practically scream. Even with evidence why did no-one believe you?

<I did, but it's just. Have you met him?>

"Sensei, I saw him try to manipulate Meimi. I've talked to him."

<Then you saw something I didn't. He's quiet, friendly, and pretty boring. Firm but never aggressive. Stubborn and hard to approach, but never cruel. I was only a visitor here, and not fully sane to boot, but he never struck me as a villain. I can't imagine him being that person.>

"People can have multiple sides. They can be cruel, evil, the selfish side you don't want to show the world. But they're still... you."

<...Brainwashing all of ALO. It's...>

Not all that dissimilar to the Cloud Brain. But you don't mention it, no doubt Nanairo-sensei would see the parallels.

<Do you think he's being controlled? Like me with my... experiment? At the start just some harebrained scheme, maybe even something cruel or criminal, but ultimately fathomable? But something keeps pushing him on, keeps driving him deeper into a pit of evil, until you wonder if it wasn't always there.>

"He doesn't deserve sympathy. He didn't seem insane when I talked to him." Not like Gwen did, or even to an extent Seven. From your brief interaction with him, he seemed in full control.

<It just doesn't add up to me. We're still playing catchup to Kayaba Akihiko. The sheer possibilities of VR tech, of Cognitive Psience... I've always admired Sugou-san's vision. I've heard him talk in meetings, about changing the world into a place where skills could be freely shared. A future where everyone knew every language, and everyone was fluent in every skill. A world of empathy and connectedness.>

"A Crowd Brain."

<No. That was my idea... but using VR to edit memories and eventually even abilities, was Sugou's specialty. He... doesn't need to mind control ALO. He doesn't need to kidnap his own fiancée. He just needs to work and he'll have all the praise and adoration he could ever want. Why would he even bother? For what?>

It's the missing puzzle piece. You're still not sure why Sugou became OBERON.
Much in the same way nobody knows why Kayaba Akihiko tortured 10,000 souls for 2 years.

"I'll be sure to ask him. After I've destroyed him."

<If you see him again, tell him to give me a call from jail. I want answers.>
You sigh and shake your head, even if she can't see it. You doubt the Tokyo PD would allow a criminal to call a 12-year-old, no matter what the reason was.

"You find anything?"

<Uh, nothing too interesting. Purchase receipts for a video called... BGU-390? And Mikami-san sure spends a lot of money on books. Is this what men like to read? What does NTR stand for...>

"Anything relevant?"

<Skimming through... nothing. Business emails, most of the back and forth from Mikami-san is about an update he was workshopping. Seems he was pushing for a modified version of «Aincrad» to be added to ALO on the anniversary of SAO's clear date.>

You remember. Mikami-san's proposed update: a way both for SAO victims to receive some closure and to preserve in some small part the struggles the players of SAO overcame.

<There are a lot of emails asking Sugou-san about the implementation of the «World Tree», but nothing incriminating. It's just... office detritus. Cat pictures and meeting minutes. Reads just like the ones littering my inbox.>

"Any passwords?"

<Hold on. He's got a password manager on his browser that I can access. Huh, I've never heard of these websites... Why all the Xs...>

"Nanairo-sensei! Don't look, just get the passwords!" This PC was dangerous. You should destroy it before it corrupts her anymore.

<O-oh. Sorry, right. Try 'Tensura'.>

"That's a strange password..."

<Mikami-san seems like a strange man.>

You sigh and walk over to the Amusphere lying on the couch behind his PC. Once you get inside you'll be able to mess with the world settings, possibly even manipulate things in your favor.

There's no point trying to use the Persona without your NerveGear.
The well-worn headset slides on comfortably. You can feel the hard plastic padding hugging the sides of your head where the padding has degraded from frequent use.

Your eyes slide closed as you prepare for the plunge.

"Link Start!"

The first thing you notice are the white walls and red lines running throughout the floor.

Do you see it?

You weren't in the «World Tree» but you were in the heart of ALO, or at least the portion of it below the confines of OBERON's control. It's hard to sense from your current position, but you feel like you're somewhere underground. Under the «World Tree», under «Jotunheimr»... under the world itself.

It's not self-contained like the one you saw in the world tree. The red lines flow upwards into some unseen void, likely to reach its final destination up above in OBERON's palace. The more you look the more certain you are that there's a flash of gold. It wasn't a heart, pushing the data out, but rather a hole. A core, a centerpiece. Something that was growing, filling itself up. Nourishing something new.


And it's not alone.

An ocean of black and red. Running streams of... data? They appear like veins, red-black tendrils pulsating and throbbing as they course their way across the world. There are so many you can't count them all, and the lines are too chaotic to make a map with.

But they aren't just rising above you. Scattered like stars in an empty sky, there are points of light everywhere.
Golden spheres, some bright, most dull and faded. Each point is surrounded by a cluster of hundreds of lines, like a ball of yarn made from threads, or a shattered crystal.

This is... the SEED?
Does every developer see this? Or was it your own sight, this power to see the truth that you're just barely beginning to understand?

This is the World as it is now. The shape of the sea of souls.

Is this what it always looked like? Streams of data, the backrooms of a video game? You... you're strangely expecting to see something different. Blood and coffins, a spiraling tower. Forgotten sets amidst an infinite fog. A morass of steel and ichor, a train guiding souls deep into the earth. A shining ship rising beneath a cross.

There was something deeper. A world under even this one. The true state of the sea of souls, but you can't picture it.

Can you see it?
You can't. You know the truth is below you but you can't see it.
But... you're getting an impression. Something about it is almost like a dream. Something you've seen in your mind before. A cross-quartered circle...

You want to reach out for it. To...


Where are your hands?
...Or your body? Or your head?

You need to scream but you have no mouth.

You appear to have been reincarnated into a slime.

Okay. Don't panic.

Take a deep breath - nope, can't breathe.
You instead take a deep metaphorical breath.

Can I log out? Menu? Um... open? OPEN MENU!
System Call?

You feel a pressure blossom in your mind.

<Welcome back, Game Master (Rimuru). The current state of ALfheim Online: (7,023) Active Players. Main Visualizer resources are being strained by «World Tree» event. It has been 2 days since your last login. You have (38) Unread Messages. You have (46) Unresolved Approval Requests. You have (456) Unresolved User Complaints. Options for modification are limited by the order of OBERON.>

Let's try something simple. You can't talk but you can project your thoughts, that's evidently enough for the SEED. "Find player «Lux» and max out all skill levels. And give her infinite Yrd!"

<Cannot locate data of player «Lux». Notice, direct modification of player data for personal gain is against your contract. This conversation will be logged for review.>

"No, no. No log! It was a joke!"

<Acknowledged, Game Master. Ha Ha Ha. Please refrain from further irrelevant requests.>

"Uh... SEED-san. What modifications generate a log?"

<All edits generate a log, as per protocol. Location, user and nature of the request are logged.>

"How often are these logs checked?"

<Suspicious question detected. User (Rimuru) should know basic policy. Initiating secret question #1: If I died and reincarnated, I'd choose to be...>

"It's a slime."

<Correct! To your earlier query: Logs have last been accessed (2) days prior by Game Master (Yanai).>

Now you have to figure out what you're going to do here. The system seems to think you're a game master, and you have relatively free access to the «Main Visualizer».

But you have to be careful. This isn't just some VRMMO you were hacking, this is legitimate corporate espionage. Given how you're here on false pretenses you are certainly trespassing.

If someone notices a log change and digs around to find out the edits were made at a time when nobody was even in the building except for a moving company and Sumeragi?

Well, it wouldn't be good. You could get yourself, or more likely, Sumeragi arrested.

But the system is a powerful tool. If you're able to manipulate the world, to alter the environment and the NPCs... the first thing you can think of is destroying the sky. If you timed it to activate immediately someone might notice, but if you told the SEED to only initiate it on May 20th there was a good chance no one would notice until it was far too late. Anything to make Ragnarok seem more inevitable.

There's nothing you can do about the «World Tree», and directly buffing players seemed to set off the SEED's internal alarms. The next option would be to alter the NPCs. Maybe go all in on Thrym, and make him even more powerful.

But you're not sure if you even should do this. The idea of leaving actual physical evidence of your presence fills you with a certain degree of anxiety, especially as you lack a Persona to help you cover your tracks.

Orrrr.... we could blow this joint and do what we should've done in the first place. Break into Sugou's office.

The door's locked!
Throw a chair through the window then.

That's your best idea!?
You're not giving me much to work with! Just do what you have to do and let's get the hell out of here. This whole slime shit is creeping me out.

AN: How this works is pretty simple. As this is a game dev Amusphere changes make a log, since other developers would need to be kept abreast of any edits. You are currently using Satoru Mikami's account, a person who technically shouldn't even be making any edits. At least one employee is regularly checking the logs. There aren't any rolls but the more 'out of character for a game dev' the request is the more suspicious the entries become, and the more likely someone starts looking real carefully about when and how the edits are made. You are currently committing an IRL crime by being here!

Pick as many options below as you want.

[ ] Tear the sun and moon from the skies.
Dramatic. People will complain, but in the lead-up to your assault everyone will be talking about Ragnarok.

[ ] Request a special skybox alteration for May 20th.
Unlikely to be noticed. But will hyper-commit you to May 20th assault.

[ ] Give Thrym super-powers!
May be noticed.

[ ] Buff the Guardian of the World Tree!
May be noticed. Dorz'l will become more insufferable.

[ ] Special double skill EXP event! May 20th only!
May be noticed. Inflate player count on May 20th. Your powers depend on an audience, after all.

[ ] Write-in.
Say whatever you want!

Do you want to even try to break into Sugou's office? Will likely require you to go loud. Further options if chosen to attempt it.

[ ] Yes, let's double down!

[ ] No, let's not get arrested.
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[X] Ask for a summary of the unread messages and unresolved approval requests, especially communications with superiors. Then, we can pick out and print out the most important ones.

[X] Query the logs. Who created and/or was responsible for the GM card that was obtained by Lux a player? What is the possession trail for it, before it was obtained by them?

[X] Request a special skybox alteration for May 20th.
[X] Special double skill EXP event! May 20th only!
[X] No, let's not get arrested.

Hard evidence like an email paper trail could prove useful, and logs can help us find Mr Slime.
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Ah. This was something that did occur to me but I didn't want to keep going on and on with just posting whatever follow-up thoughts happened to form in my head - our actions being logged and the possibility of discovery. It's more or less played out as I expected - we probably get one play here and if we spring it right now it's likely to trigger an investigation.

That being the case, I think our best move is to have whatever we do go off on May 20. I... kinda assumed we were all basically committed to that date anyway and it'd only be if we messed up somewhere along the lines and to initiate it in panic earlier that it would change (like if getting caught by OBERON in the World Tree moved our timetable way up.)

Personally, I'm most in favor of dropping the accusation in ALO to pull a Phantom Thieves vs Shido kind of reference. I feel like that technically could fit as a skybox alteration (the alteration is that it's displaying the video!) however I'm not sure we actually have access to the video here since we're on Rimuru's corp Amusphere. There's no logical reason that file should be here and even some idea like "have it replay the feed from Titania's Cage on May 11" is something we shouldn't be able to do since the World Tree is beyond Rimuru's permission set.

If the QM says it's still something we can do because SEED BS then I'm 100% on that train but assuming it's not I think my backup plan is to have the skybox altered to have no sun or moon on May 20. (if only one, then moon because presumably this will be an afternoon/night raid - it's a school day after all!)

As for Rimuru's unread messages, I doubt OBERON has anything incriminating there - Rimuru himself seemed like a good guy and he had no idea that Sugou was a monster. If there's anything interesting there I think it'd be from Yanai whether it be the comms from when he confronted us and Yanai wanted to observe our Persona use or just anything odd in general. Still, I do want to minimize our actions here because of the log so I'd be fine with not looking into any of that. The GM card query is an interesting idea though.

As for going to Sugou's office, lol no.

Also, the entire scene with Hiyori and Sumeragi is the content I live for LOL.
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Alright, so. As we are already preparing for our move, I feel that the skybox request is a shoe-in, as it will set that, yes, this is the End of Days. Although I would rephrase the GM card request -maybe something like if someone generated that recently? At least it give us the chance of obtaining a name.

[X] Request a special skybox alteration for May 20th.
[X] Ask for the system to look for any records of a GM card being generated recently. With luck, you would get an idea of who's helping you.
[X] Special double skill EXP event! May 20th only!

While taking all actions at once is risky, I feel that we could reasonably pick one of the risky options and still get away with it. The buffing ones could backfire on us, but the Exp one will compensate for the fact that we will have less people talking about the Ragnarok. That's my idea, anyway.

And yeah-

[X] No, let's not get arrested.

We already got in enough trouble with law for a lifetime.
[X] Ask for a summary of the unread messages and unresolved approval requests, especially communications with superiors. Then, we can pick out and print out the most important ones.

[X] Query the logs. Who created and/or was responsible for the GM card that was obtained by Lux a player? What is the possession trail for it, before it was obtained by them?

Lets hope there is something.
Adding this to see if there is something there

[X] Check player data "Akatsuki", maybe there is evidence about what happened to her in the World Tree. (Her memory erasure/supression or the failure of logout she experienced while unconscious)
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"You can put them in the fridge and keep them for a month. You can just have a single piece each night. Don't tell me you don't like mochi?"
I would eat them all in a week
<Uh, nothing too interesting. Purchase receipts for a video called... BGU-390? And Mikami-san sure spends a lot of money on books. Is this what men like to read? What does NTR stand for...>
The man just died socially, a twelve year old learned his NTR fetish.
<Hold on. He's got a password manager on his browser that I can access. Huh, I've never heard of these websites... Why all the Xs...>

"Nanairo-sensei! Don't look, just the passwords!" This PC was dangerous. You should destroy it before it corrupts her anymore.
Browsing porn at work too for shame.

[X] Request a special skybox alteration for May 20th.
[X] Special double skill EXP event! May 20th only!
[X] No, let's not get arrested.

Least noticable changes, we got our ducks in a row already, as long as we don't raise alarms