Okay, so given that we have 6 characters who have enough Prime or Primal Utility to create Gadgets or Devices, I don't suppose you could tell us how creating those things actually works? Is it just imbuing an item with an effect that the mage can perform? With Primal Utility, when you say that the mage doesn't have to make it themselves, does that mean that if they work with another mage, they can have that mage put their spheres into it? (i.e. if you have a mage with Primal Utility 3 and another with Forces 3, could they make a laser gun together?) When it comes to vulgar Devices, who takes the Paradox, the creator, the user, or the Device?

To create a Device you need to have Prime 3 or Primal Utility 3 and some tass of the right resonance. If you have Prime 4 you can just use Prime Energy instead.

You need to have the spheres necessary to cast the effects the Device generates. No just buying Prime 3 and making laser guns with your buddy who only has Forces 3.

However you don't need to spend 100% of the time building it-you just have to play a major role in its design and quality testing somehow. Benefits of being a Technocrat.

As to the other questions about vulgar devices? It's normally either the user, the target, or the device itself depending on what the device does and how it's designed.

There are more exotic forms of Device like paradox-scattering ones but those require Prime 5.
[ ] It's in the back of an ambulance. There's a Vanessa watching over it, needler close to hand. There's something wrong with the construct - something mad-eyed and twitchy like it's ODing on combat stims.

Makes me think vampires, except that I think even in her current state she'd recognize the difference between a pretty vampire and a Vanessa. Then again, the Vanessa could be fucked up on Vitae.

[ ] It's in a meat locker. The walls are frosted over and pig carcasses hang from hooks. There's the smell of flowers in the air, over the stale scent.

Something from Bloodlines, maybe? This doesn't mention who has the corpse.

[ ] The operating theatre looks empty, but anything could be lurking in the shadows away from the pool of light. Countless surgical tools gleam in the light.

Some kind of Technocrat. Most likely Threat Null, because we can't have nice things.

[ ] It's been laid out in an unpainted and windowless concrete cell. The heavy iron door is bolted. A single candle provides the only illumination.

Could be anyone except people we'd want having Serafina('s corpse).

[ ] The sky is dark above her. Dark earth surrounds her. She's at the bottom of an open grave.

Either her body gets recovered and this bit takes place after the whole mess when there's time for a funeral, or a vampire who's even more traditional than usual.
[ ] It's in the back of an ambulance. There's a Vanessa watching over it, needler close to hand. There's something wrong with the construct - something mad-eyed and twitchy like it's ODing on combat stims.

Makes me think vampires, except that I think even in her current state she'd recognize the difference between a pretty vampire and a Vanessa. Then again, the Vanessa could be fucked up on Vitae.
I actually suspect it's more likely that it looks like it's ODing on combat stims because... it's ODing on combat stims. Which means that someone wants Serafina's body enough to suicide a Vanessa to get it - and more importantly, to guard it, because it's armed, and it's not doing anything to her body. Whoever sent this thing, they want Serafina's body intact and away from the developing clusterfuck - and I don't think it's Ms Clock, because she'd want Serafina's body destroyed so that there's no inconvenient evidence to trip up the FACADE clone replacement.

That means that if she does insert a FACADE clone replacement, whoever's stealing Sera's body in this choice is rather likely to bulldoze in and go "so yeah, about that" and toss a wrench into her plans, which I feel is probably a good thing no matter what faction is doing it. We really do not want to be caught out by FACADE clone Serafina, especially since she's Jamelia's 2IC, the person who did her augmentations and one of the people she sort of almost trusts, and is thus a really good choice for attacking her via "maintenance on her enhancements" or something.
I actually suspect it's more likely that it looks like it's ODing on combat stims because... it's ODing on combat stims. Which means that someone wants Serafina's body enough to suicide a Vanessa to get it - and more importantly, to guard it, because it's armed, and it's not doing anything to her body. Whoever sent this thing, they want Serafina's body intact and away from the developing clusterfuck - and I don't think it's Ms Clock, because she'd want Serafina's body destroyed so that there's no inconvenient evidence to trip up the FACADE clone replacement.

That means that if she does insert a FACADE clone replacement, whoever's stealing Sera's body in this choice is rather likely to bulldoze in and go "so yeah, about that" and toss a wrench into her plans, which I feel is probably a good thing no matter what faction is doing it. We really do not want to be caught out by FACADE clone Serafina, especially since she's Jamelia's 2IC, the person who did her augmentations and one of the people she sort of almost trusts, and is thus a really good choice for attacking her via "maintenance on her enhancements" or something.
Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Sera could probably recognize the effects of actual combat stims as opposed to organic(Verbena definition) vampire crap.
[x] It's in the back of an ambulance. There's a Vanessa watching over it, needler close to hand. There's something wrong with the construct - something mad-eyed and twitchy like it's ODing on combat stims.
I actually suspect it's more likely that it looks like it's ODing on combat stims because... it's ODing on combat stims. Which means that someone wants Serafina's body enough to suicide a Vanessa to get it - and more importantly, to guard it, because it's armed, and it's not doing anything to her body. Whoever sent this thing, they want Serafina's body intact and away from the developing clusterfuck - and I don't think it's Ms Clock, because she'd want Serafina's body destroyed so that there's no inconvenient evidence to trip up the FACADE clone replacement.

Or maybe Ms Clock just wants to steal one of Jamelia's romantic interests who's also a Technocratic princess and keep her in a crystal coffin so true love's first kiss can awaken her~
Or maybe Ms Clock just wants to steal one of Jamelia's romantic interests who's also a Technocratic princess and keep her in a crystal coffin so true love's first kiss can awaken her~
Look, we're pretty sure we shot all the blando clones (not counting the one that escaped into Ravana quest), so we don't actually have anyone pre-prepped with neuroprogamming for that role anymore...
[X] It's in the back of an ambulance. There's a Vanessa watching over it, needler close to hand. There's something wrong with the construct - something mad-eyed and twitchy like it's ODing on combat stims.
If anyone is wondering why I am strangely quiet and updates are slow it's because I just started a law job and there's a lot of stuff I need to do.

Updates will come on the weekend hopefully.
Enjoy all your money! And, ideally, the job itself.
Look, we're pretty sure we shot all the blando clones (not counting the one that escaped into Ravana quest), so we don't actually have anyone pre-prepped with neuroprogamming for that role anymore...

I was merely humorously pointing out that Aleph's assumption that Ms Clock has no reasons for wanting Serafina's body is... not built on strong foundations. She could do so many things with it. Use it as a hat-rack. Use it as a clothes dummy (not for her, obviously - nothing Sera wears would fit her). Even resurrect Sera in it and then perform the necessary edits so she doesn't have to rely on anything as crude as a vat clone who doesn't have Genius, if you really want to go out there.

Of course, the crystal coffin for shipping purposes is the most plausible one by far.
I was merely humorously pointing out that Aleph's assumption that Ms Clock has no reasons for wanting Serafina's body is... not built on strong foundations.
Hmm. Okay, fair point. But by the same measure, if Ms Clock had wanted Serafina's body intact, I doubt she would have just sent one Vanessa, and I seriously doubt they would be moving in an ambulance - she'd be using something much lower-key, and probably have more guards accompanying it, and they would be a lot more subtle than a twitchy Vanessa hopped up on combat drugs. This smacks of a hastily-thrown-together extraction, not a seamless part of a greater plan.
Hmm. Okay, fair point. But by the same measure, if Ms Clock had wanted Serafina's body intact, I doubt she would have just sent one Vanessa, and I seriously doubt they would be moving in an ambulance - she'd be using something much lower-key, and probably have more guards accompanying it, and they would be a lot more subtle than a twitchy Vanessa hopped up on combat drugs. This smacks of a hastily-thrown-together extraction, not a seamless part of a greater plan.

But what if that's just what Ms. Clock wants you to think? We know she has at least Metagaming 2 which allows her to cloak her plans from us.

She may have Metagaming 3 which allows her to explicitly falsify statements to the readers. Furthermore since we lack magic we cannot counter her Mind/Metagaming effects.
But what if that's just what Ms. Clock wants you to think? We know she has at least Metagaming 2 which allows her to cloak her plans from us.

She may have Metagaming 3 which allows her to explicitly falsify statements to the readers. Furthermore since we lack magic we cannot counter her Mind/Metagaming effects.
Okay, see, that's a good and insightful point, but what you've failed to consider is shut up and vote for the Vanessa I want to see it take too many combat stims and explode.
[X] The operating theatre looks empty, but anything could be lurking in the shadows away from the pool of light. Countless surgical tools gleam in the light.
Okay, see, that's a good and insightful point, but what you've failed to consider is shut up and vote for the Vanessa I want to see it take too many combat stims and explode.
Now that's reasoning I can get behind.

[X] It's in the back of an ambulance. There's a Vanessa watching over it, needler close to hand. There's something wrong with the construct - something mad-eyed and twitchy like it's ODing on combat stims.
I don't think I believe ES' implications that the ambulance is a Clock operation to turn Serafina instead of having her impersonated. That memetic attack makes her desire death, not change.
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Heh. GeneOva. They really shouldn't have let Professor Hojo design those. His use of xenobiomatter was always a bit too risk-prone...

[X] The operating theatre looks empty, but anything could be lurking in the shadows away from the pool of light. Countless surgical tools gleam in the light.
But what if that's just what Ms. Clock wants you to think? We know she has at least Metagaming 2 which allows her to cloak her plans from us.

She may have Metagaming 3 which allows her to explicitly falsify statements to the readers. Furthermore since we lack magic we cannot counter her Mind/Metagaming effects.
Now I really want to know what Metagaming 1, 4, and 5 are.

Anyways, here's some ideas for some Devices/Gadgets for Rose and Donald:

FREYA pistol: This exquisitely crafted pistol was a joint effort between Rose and Donald. She wanted something that would make her even more useful in an ambush, he wanted to make her happy. It has an ergonomic grip designed personally for Rose, containing a Life 3 effect that increases her Dexterity, but only on Firearms rolls. The barrels rifling provides a Forces 2 effect to increase the damage. It was mainly designed by Rose working with an ancient gunsmith provided by Donald.

Holster: The holster to the FREYA was an addition by Donald, which makes it much easier to conceal. The owner always seems to have it tucked away somewhere so long as they are clothed, and if they are a Progenitor that can alter their own flesh, that might not even stop it. It also contains a larger amount of ammo than you would think would be possible. Correspondence 3(?) to teleport the pistol and ammo to the owner when it's needed, with a Primal Utility 3 effect to prevent it from being detected by Reality Deviants or Hypertech scanners.

The FREYA has several kinds of ammo, many of which are Gadgets. In addition to normal lead bullets, Rose has bullets made out of a Silver alloy (Forces 2, adds damage), bullets that inject the target with a poison that puts them to sleep (Life 3), and, most dangerously, several that are made of radioactive materials (Dimensional Science 3, deals aggravated damage, hurts incorporeal enemies if it passes through them.). The last one requires a full clean-up crew if used in a populated area, and so should only be used as a last resort.

Donald's underclothes are made of a substance that hardens when hit (Entropy 1, Time 4). This increases his defense.