Omake: The Line
'The Line' with Charles Hope

Hands washed and dried, Charles Hope looked up at the mirror checking his appearance with a slight shake of his head. With only one eye, depth perception took a little work. His white ascot and slate blue suit was neat and clean. It was a replica pre-fall pattern. He owned the original, but that was for formal events. Other than simple professionalism, there was little reason for a voice-caster to dress up. It was his face, not his clothing, that gave him pause.

Mr. Hope often joked that he had a face made for Muse-Casting. On the right side of his face, softened by a half skull of make-up, was angry red ropey scar tissue. It was an injury that had cost him his eye. Subsequent nerve damage from the infection had made replacement too costly to bother. Which was why he had a fake, a fake, which was currently staring off to his right. It was the blasted auto tracker, three days of calibration and it still looked like a lazy eye. He checked his Muse, three minutes, not enough time to fix it.

Sighing, he shifted the eye's colour to solid white and left the restroom. The halls lights were dimmed, sunset two hours past, a nod to the traditional sleeping schedule. Opening the third door on the left he stepped into his studio.

"Mr. Hope, you are on in two" said Hardy, the producer.

Sitting down, Hope tapped his microphone, "Mike check, one two three-three two one." Test complete he sat back and listened to the final ad. It was for a 24 week correspondence class from the school of Industrial Design and Management. He considered it a decent program, if a little over priced. It was a matter of personal pride that he only ran ads for useful products.

"You're on in: three, two one." The light clicked green.

"Hello, this is Charles Hope with the last segment of The Line, a program about where we have been and where we're going. Coming to you live in the Shattersaw region and on free recording vie Muse-Cast.

"In the last hour we talked about self confidence. How it is like a psychological credit card, good anywhere. But for this last half, I'd like to talk about something different. The laws of cause and effect. Now each of us are all aware of these laws, drop a plate and it falls, lighting strikes the forest and it burns. For every action a reaction. But what about people?

"We know, at least in a physical sense, that they apply. If you met a man claiming an exemption to physics, you'd think him insane. It reminds me of an old story. A man said to a reactor, 'First give me power, then I'll give you hydrogen.' Which is ridiculous, reactors don't work that way, neither do people.

"Back when I was a kid, just after the Starfall, I was obsessed. Being a have not, I wanted to know what separated the haves and the have nots. Before my father died the answer was simple. The haves are born into wealth and power. the rest of us just have to scrape by. My father was a janissary, when he died my mother, sister and myself were moved to Greengrass.

"It was the Stone matriarch that changed my mind. When I looked at her I saw a person who wasn't born into wealth or power. Instead of competing for scraps she created. Through her action, imagination, and persistent determination she created a new position a new life. I don't think anyone can honestly say we would be better off without her. Creation is the key. The people who have done the best are those that created the opportunity, the prosperity they were seeking.

"The laws of cause and effect apply to us, to life and success. Here it is in different terms, our rewards in life will always be in balance to our service, our contribution. Now that's a thought that bears repeating, our rewards in life will always be in direct perportion to our service, our contribution."

He checked the clock.

"We have a local caller on the line from Shattersaw, a Mr. Manson. Welcome to the show Mr. Manson."

Hope took a sip of water as Manson replied. "Thank you for having me on."

"No problem," said Hope, "Now if I understand correctly, you are looking at moving out of the Capital, out to the borders if not beyond."

"Yes Sir, my wife and I have our third on the way. We are not doing badly, but living here is expensive. I am already putting in long hours. I would like to have extra time to spend with my family."

"Mr. Manson, what's your line of work?"

"I own a restaurant over by the landing platforms. Its called 'From Above to Below.' we specialize in the foods of the Authority and the Belters. From the Authority we have a wide selection of hydroponics. I also have yeast and algae cultivation techniques purchased from the Belters."

Hope thought for a moment, "Its over by platform 3? In the main terminal?"

"Yes," replied Manson, "we're on the second and third floor. The lower level is modelled after an Authority bunker, the upper is made to look like the inside of an orbiting platform. The split also helps keep the peace between visiting customers."

Hope chuckled, "Attractive and practical. Now I can't say much for their manners being as a rule fussy, conceited, and blindingly arrogant. But the Belters can do amazing things with yeast. I had your StarSteak last week and it was just as good, if not better, than a cloned steak."

"Thank you, I have put a lot of work into it, that's why its so hard for me to leave."

"Mr. Manson do you already have work lined up?"

"Of a sort. I can apply the skills I've learned to a larger scale. I have spoken with some outlying towns. If I accept, I would be running the industrial side of their food production."

Hope nodded to himself, "But I take it, that you don't find that as engaging as cooking."

"No, Sir I don't."

"Mr. Manson please bare with me for a moment. I am a hunting man, I love it and I won't give it up until I have too. Why just yesterday, I was out hunting with a friend of mine from Razorleaf Meadows. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. However, when I came to work this morning, I was just as excited, even more so. I am working on a new project to expand my business. Yet, if I switched places with my friend we'd both be bored stiff.

"We work best when we're doing what we love to do. What we are meant to do. Having seem what you can do with work you love, I think it would be a damn shame for you to give it up."

"It just so happens that my hunting friend owns a Gaming House. He told me that he was looking for a new attraction and I think that your restaurant would be perfect. The cost of living is less, and I have heard that South Woods is looking to expand in Razorleaf Meadows. If you would like, I can put you two in contact."

"Very much so," replied Manson, "Thank you. I am not sure how to repay you."

"You can repay me with another StarSteak the next time I am in Razorleaf. I am transferring you to Jamerson, he will take your contact information." Hope pressed the transfer switch.

"That is all the time we have for tonight. But before I go, I would like to restate an earlier thought. Our rewards in life will always be in direct proportion to our service, our contribution. We have only to increase our service to increase our rewards. Good Night Shattersaw, Good Night Dandriss."
Not sure if propaganda or just a radio show Muse-Cast by a patriot. Which makes it nicely subtle propaganda if it is.
Not sure if propaganda or just a radio show Muse-Cast by a patriot. Which makes it nicely subtle propaganda if it is.
Hmm, Merriam-Webster gives propaganda as
"ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc."
I guess it depends how accurate the muse-cast is and whether you're sticking to the connotation of it or are willing to claim the other side of that often. Personally I'd consider propaganda a matter of intent, but that's not very convenient since intent can only be identified by actions.

I guess in summary I wouldn't call it propaganda without evidence of a government official arranging his job or him failing a fact check.
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Hmm, Merriam-Webster gives propaganda as
"ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc."
I guess it depends how accurate the muse-cast is and whether you're sticking to the connotation of it or are willing to claim the other side of that often. Personally I'd consider propaganda a matter of intent, but that's not very convenient since intent can only be identified by actions.

I guess in summary I wouldn't call it propaganda without evidence of a government official arranging his job or him failing a fact check.

Technically, anything that paints a cause, or a political leader or a government in either a positive or negative light is propaganda, regardless of it being truthful or false.

Sometimes it's just that more effective if the truth is used.
Technically, anything that paints a cause, or a political leader or a government in either a positive or negative light is propaganda, regardless of it being truthful or false.

Sometimes it's just that more effective if the truth is used.
Right, if you're willing to ignore the connotation and play up that propaganda is only 'often' false or misleading then sure. However, it's not a useful term if anything that has political implications is propaganda. Stock exchange trends after presidential elections paint a political leader in a positive or negative light, but reporting that data is definitely not an act of propaganda.
Right, if you're willing to ignore the connotation and play up that propaganda is only 'often' false or misleading then sure. However, it's not a useful term if anything that has political implications is propaganda. Stock exchange trends after presidential elections paint a political leader in a positive or negative light, but reporting that data is definitely not an act of propaganda.
Can be, actually. Depends on the context and intent.
But it can also not be; the point was just to give a counter-example where it was possible to paint a political leader in a positive or negative light without it being propaganda. It requiring context and/or intent was the exact point I was making.

...Eh, I live in Britain, where it's pretty much clear that anything involving elections is balant propaganda.

Also, during WW2, the Allies found out that actually using the truth for their propaganda machine was better than half baked lies, as morale tended to plummet when the lies got exposed.

Which is ironic, considering that some of the Nazi/Japanese propaganda about some of the American business purposefully supporting both sides was actually kinda true.
...Eh, I live in Britain, where it's pretty much clear that anything involving elections is balant propaganda.

Also, during WW2, the Allies found out that actually using the truth for their propaganda machine was better than half baked lies, as morale tended to plummet when the lies got exposed.

Which is ironic, considering that some of the Nazi/Japanese propaganda about some of the American business purposefully supporting both sides was actually kinda true.
Thing is, it can impact elections without being election coverage. A scientific report of stock market data is not propaganda, but people will notice it and base their political decisions on it. Just because someone else uses the data to make propaganda does not mean that all uses of the data are propaganda. It's the difference between the crime section of a newspaper blandly reporting an arrest just as it does every other arrest and a front page story with a sensational title. Same event, different coverage.
From another angle, a lot of the 'propaganda' can just be people trying to get readers so they can make money rather than an effort to influence perceptions.
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Did the vote ever get called? Who's winning? Did I vote?

Yes I voted, no it hasn't been called. I skipped voting on the dance...

Could I see a tally then?
The only important bit is which dance is being done, with masquerade winning by 1 vote currently. Trying to figure out what I want to do next, whether it should be another short, set up section, or a longer one having to do with the dance itself.

[X] Elegant masquerade

Uh, I don't want to cancel my other stuff though, just in case. So.

[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail linecaravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Yes
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Elegant masquerade

While she had to actually consult with her advisors and the like before officially saying "Yes", it was pretty clear that saying yes was really the only option. The offer was simply too good to pass up, and it wasn't like she had any super pressing demands for the space that she would be handing over to them. The increased caravan service would also likely to improve the sort of middle class tourism that one could make significant amounts of money off of via volume. The overall economy wasn't quite there yet, but it was getting close, and having everything neatly lined up for then would be extremely valuable.

Telling Samantha that the upcoming party was going to be a masquerade sent her running off to start figuring out her costume with an extra week of preparation time. The things that rich people could get up to with 3D printers and cybernetics were always interesting for these sorts of affairs.

Rail Patrol (3)
Forest Patrol I (12)
Forest Patrol II (64)

Preparations unfortunately got derailed when things started to go sour in the patrols. Out in the forests something strange was going on with the wildlife, with many large and dangerous creatures getting unusually close to the settlement and causing trouble, while the tunnels were suddenly getting flooded with bandits, which was Capital T Trouble. While not at the inviolate centre of the polity, and the bandits were coming from the expected direction, the level of activity meant that there had to have been some sort of major political upheaval among the unaffiliated settlements further down the line from them.

Vs Bandits 33 + 30 = 63
Vs Wildlife I 67 + 30 = 97
Vs Wildlife II 58 + 38 = 96

While dealing with the wildlife was easy enough - for the infantry it just required coordination, and for Ella it just required her to make sure she didn't get ambushed - the fighting in the rail lines was considerably nastier. The "bandits" were decently well armed for people desperate enough to attempt to rob from the citizens of the local great power. The civilians were kept safe, but the troops took casualties from high powered rifles and crude explosives utilized from ambush positions.

Ella immediately sent out a notification of the issue, but she might have to investigate the actual causes herself. People didn't just take up banditry at the drop of a hat, there were specific social and economic causes, especially to cause the spillover into territory that did not have such conditions. Most likely a nearby hub settlement had just imploded into civil war or something like that and the losers or deserters were radiating outward, looking for pillage to keep themselves going, and had wandered too close to territory that could repulse them.

Something to consider investigating if the central authorities didn't send out an investigation of their own in short order.

She did pass along the dangers of traders heading out of Green Owl territory potentially encountering bandits along her rail line, but also made assurances that due to patrols all the fighting had been outside their territory and it was perfectly safe to come to or from Razorleaf Meadows in the direction of the rest of the polity. This did however mean that the caravan that President Yars was on had to take a significant detour just to be on the safe side. Ella had fortunately made accommodations in her scheduling, such that the party would now fall roughly in the middle of his visit rather than towards the end.

Also, while the nomads didn't have much knowledge on their mutual visitor, they did have a few other things to say to Ella.

Impressions and Discussions (Chax2) 98 + 28 = 126

As it turned out, the effort to remove her foot from her mouth last year had actually left a major impression with the tribe. It was perhaps the fact that she was clearly trying to be fair to everyone that had left the deepest impression. She wasn't going to play sides, she just wanted people to get along. Combined with all the other work that she had done and the tribe had been working out a number of their problems all at once. Simply put, the deaths from the reaver attack and the strife from living in close proximity to a sedentary settlement had caused them to consider a drastic rearrangement of their group. There were enough people who had simply didn't have the direct social networks they used to and so a pragmatic and compassionate pruning was in order. A small but significant minority of people had decided to stay in Razorleaf Meadows, and some of the more elderly and young members of the group would be accompanying them so that they would not become an undue burden. The nomads would also try to loop back around within a decade or two to see how things were going.

This... this was pretty damn huge, and the agreement with South Woods and the meeting with Xychro had just jumped up in importance. Ella had already been wanting to make Razorleaf something of a tourist destination in general, and having a small Indigo Hammer (ish) enclave alongside a relationship with multinational corporations could be huge.

New Special Building temporarily unlocked: Indigo Hammer Enclave, subset of <Foreign> Enclave

That was big. Really big. Ella really needed to impress her guest, especially for the masquerade. She needed to show off all the best things of Green Owl and Razorleaf Meadows in particular in order to convince him that further investment would be a great idea. The big question was what would be best. She had already been going over a number of possible ideas, themes, and even a few individual designs, but she was having trouble narrowing it down.

Unusual decision method here. I am going to take suggestions for an idea but I will retain official control over implementation, so please do not go overboard with descriptors. Try to keep any suggestions to less than 100 characters, and try to keep things broad, more for the purposes of inspiration that anything else. Stuff like "Martial" or "Natural forest" or "Technological" or "Cultural" are the best sorts of things to go for here. I will not necessarily go with the most popular choice either, although I will take popularity into account.
....What kind of person is Xychro? Or do we not have a public profile/portfolio?

The last thing we need is turn up dressed in full combat regalia when he's a pacifist or something.
[X] Tolerance and Life - Are lives are all different but we should all strive to accept each other.
People didn't just take up banditry at the drop of a hat, there were specific social and economic causes, especially to cause the spillover into territory that did not have such conditions. you're saying that bandits don't spring forth, fully formed, from the earth in order to provide level-appropriate challenges for new PCs?


Suspension of Disbelief: GONE
