[x] Learning

"Ahh, Kos, or some say Kosm... Do you hear our prayers? As you once did for the vacuous Rom, grant us eyes, grant us eyes. Plant eyes on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy!"
The roll was a 4.

Almost all of it was internal knowledge of Ella's.
4 then 2 3s, , though it's pretty much the same thing.

On another note:
Also, so many larger setting details are getting trotted out, just utterly lacking in context.
Taking this admonishment on scale in mind, I think there might have been a small leak between our thoughts and the thoughts of the thing in - or acting through - the sword. If it's vastly stronger willed than us, then maybe its idle musings on a building would send us into an obsession, though it could also just be a seed thought and the cube/us are quite enough for the obsession.
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[X] Learning

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Pyramids, a great river in a sandy desert, and this no longer being WH40K draw me back to this. If we start seeing strange beast-headed people...
I have decided. The thread needs an infusion of Lawlessness, so I'm thinking I'm going to roll for every vote, until I decide otherwise.
What is the current tally at?
Vote Tally : Original - Knight of Dandriss: Stone and Steel | Page 111 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Learning
No. of Votes: 17
Ridiculously Average Guy

[X] Training
No. of Votes: 8
Yorick's Skull

[x] Relaxation
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 27
[X] Learning

The design Ella had conceived of, once it actually started to make sense to her, was of a strange research complex laid out in a decidedly non-traditional manner. Rather than the standard sort of arrangement of rooms, it was designed so that there was a main corridor that wound through all the levels on a twisted, folded path, with other corridors branching off from it fractally. It would be decidedly not easy to navigate the place, but it wasn't meant for ease of navigation but for leading thoughts along certain paths, for bending ideas into new twisted directions. There were also bizarre and often spiky architectural flourishes that fell well outside any cultural aesthetic standards, although they weren't precisely alien, just strange.

There was of course an atrium area with a sand pit.

People would hate working in it. Ella didn't care, if she could get this out of her head and into reality she knew that it would banish her obsession and let her turn off the damn cube. She didn't care what the psychological articles said about obsessions and compulsions, this wasn't natural and all she had to do was see this constructed and it would be all good and then she could start relaxing again. She really needed to relax.

She really needed to relax.

Her hair was turning white and if this went on much longer she was sure it was going to start falling out.

Stressed upgraded to Extremely Stressed (-2 to all stats)
Fey Research Facility Design (+4 Science, -1 Culture, -1 Economy; Cost: 15 science, 5 economy, 10 culture)
Obsessed Stressor will be removed upon construction of the Fey Research Facility or if another method can be found (no guarantee)

Patrol Rewards (Int+Mang) 39 + 22 + 20 Multi-year + 5 Good Result = 86
+1 Military, +1 Economy
Training (Mang+Comb) 75 + 31 + 10 Expert Advice = 116
Penal Militia Upgraded to Jaeger Company

Will Training +2 Will

Culture 12 + 11 = 23
Economy -2 + 9 + 16 + 1 = 24
Science 3 + 6 = 9
Military 10 + 4 + 5 + 1 = 20

Looking over the budget, things are fairly good in terms of getting what Ella want... except that she doubts she will be able to actually attract any scientists to staff the design she has in her head for another few years. Frustrating. She has no idea how much more of this sort of stress she can take. Why couldn't the Mantis have waited a bit longer so she could have resolved this more easily or showed up earlier so she would have shelved the Nightmare Cube before she became dangerously obsessed with it?

Augh, or if she had dreamed of something other than a building requiring rare specialists she couldn't use her normal capabilities to attract because it was war time and that sort of thing was frowned upon?

Medium Aircraft COMPLETED
Orbital Insertion 131/200

Random Events and Opportunities

Mantis 81 + 30 - 10 Damage = 101
Belter Remnant (82/100) 6 + 60 = 66
Remnant mauled (-20 next year), Mantis batter aside resistance, have a chance to repair (-5 next year)
Attrition 7 -> Belters (75/100)

Worse yet, the war in the sky was taking a turn for the worse as the Belter Remnants were getting smacked around and had apparently lost one of their more important ships. While there were reports of the orbital strikes hitting closer to major settlements like Blackthorn, mostly it was just agitating the forests by causing burns more frequently than was the norm. Or, as the biologists put it, Dandriss was likely going to respond to the additional influx of energy in a way that only Dandriss could. This produced a feeling of almost anxious bluster with a mood of "Yeah, go ahead and land on our world now that you've pissed it off", but the truth was that people were definitely worried about what was going to happen next. Especially since the rush to get into orbit had caused some stumbling on actually doing it. While they could launch some anti-satellite missiles into low orbit, being able to contest a large number of alien ships was still not currently feasible.

On the front of how people were feeling, Anna had put out a call for propaganda to help reassure people and encourage them to at least keep up with their militia training if not sign up for more advanced military training that was of the sort that Ella knew that she could help out on. Her grandmother had also shown no sign that she knew about the stress the Nightmare Cube was causing, but maybe she knew and didn't care or had her own nefarious purposes behind pretending not to know? Either way, Ella needed to make sure that attitude was maintained so that she would have the time to finish what she needed to finish first.

The year also brought with it two most peculiar invitations. The first was one to the Stone family in general to meet with Andraste. Open to anyone, anywhen to come talk with the giant mercenary matriarch in her own county, it was strange in that Anna had not slapped away the invite from her sister and told everyone to ignore her lest they cultivate her wrath. Anna herself had not made any moves to visit the more tolerable of her two wayward siblings, but evidently she expected to need the martial assistance in the near future. It was a strange opportunity to be sure, but it was something to think about for the near future.

The other invitation was more personal, in that it was addressed directly to Ella rather than the entire Stone dynasty. Apparently the ambassador from Blackthorn wished to speak with her when she was next in Owl's Landing. It wasn't exactly a demand, but it definitely sounded fairly important, although Ella had no idea why. The message seemed to indicate that they were interested in some of her cultural exports, but that reasoning seemed rather suspect to her. She wasn't sure if it was paranoia or not, but she had so little trust that she almost felt that not poking it was more of a trap than poking it.

Then of course there was the possibility of leaning on some of her contacts for help in getting things up to speed so that she could maximize her war contributions and the chance of acquiring Diamond Dome as a county. Massi and Sam could probably be of support, although the uncertainty of war was definitely making banking and trade far more volatile. No one knew if a bombardment might take out a rail line and permanently alter trade patterns and profit margins, and the real conflict had barely even started yet!

Culture 23
Economy 24
Science 9
Military 20

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +10
Science +6
Military +4

Turn 8, War Year 2

You have six settlement actions available to you. Available options are...
WAR TIME ECONOMY - Trading for military influence automatically 1:1, other trades prohibited
[] Advertise for business - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Economy influence
[] Recruitment drive - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence Generates at +50% efficiency this turn

[] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[] Promote innovation - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Science influence

[] Additional military spending - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence

[] Construct building
(9/40 slots occupied)
(5/13 population occupied)
  • Hab (+1 Culture, +1 Economy, +1 Science, +1 Military) [Cost: 25 culture, 5 economy] [Note: new buildings cannot be constructed unless Habs compose at least ⅕ the active buildings]
  • Entertainment Complex (+3 Culture) [Cost: 20 culture]
  • Trading Post (+2 Economy, +1 Culture) [Cost: 15 economy, 5 culture]
  • Factory (+3 Economy, also required to produce more advanced goods) [Cost: 25 economy]
  • Reactor (+2 Economy, +1 Science) [Cost: 15 economy, 10 science]
  • Research Lab (+3 Science) [Cost: 15 science, 5 economy, 5 culture]
  • Proving Grounds (+1 Science, +2 Military) [Cost: 10 economy, 5 science, 5 military]
  • Barracks (+3 Military) [Cost: 15 military, 5 economy]
  • New Building Slot [Cost: 30 economy, 30 science]
4 buildings of the same type can be combined for the cost of one of that building type into a block, giving a 50% bonus to the total output (some advanced buildings give different benefits when upgraded to a block)
4 blocks of the same type can be combined for twice the cost of the building type into a district, giving a 100% bonus to the total output (replacing the 50% bonus from the blocks)
  • Foundry (allows production of light mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires at least 1 Factory)
    • Foundry Block (allows production of medium and heavy mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires 4 Foundries + 1 Factory Block]
  • Mech Tilting Grounds (+3 Culture, +2 Military, improved mech forces) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires at least 1 Entertainment Complex + 1 Barracks]
    • Mech Arena (Mech Tilting Grounds Block) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires 4 Mech Tilting Grounds + at least 1 Foundry)
  • Network Center (up to four buildings per centre that produces +1 <Influence> produces +2 so long as the +3 producing version is also in the settlement) [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 +3 generating building and 1 +1 generating building]
    • Network Block (up to four blocks produce an additional 50% Influence so long as they each have a paired building (or potentially a paired block), i.e. a Trading Post Block would produce 100% of its total normal influence with 1 Factory building present. Special: A District and its paired Block both receive the benefits, i.e. A Reactor District would produce 150% Influence and its paired Research Block would produce 100% Influence. Special: Habs can only be paired if they are the larger of the pair and their pair has to be a +3 type building [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 Block and 1 Building that can be paired with it]
  • College Campus (Research Labs produce +1 Culture) [Cost: 50 culture, 20 science; requires at least 1 Research Lab block and 1 Entertainment complex)
  • Rail line caravan (+2 Economy, do not occupy building slots but are more vulnerable to attack) [Cost: 15 economy; requires at least 1 Factory and each caravan also requires a Trading Post (extra caravans can be supported by blocks and districts using the same bonus multipliers)]

[] Initiate research project
[] Donate science - Send Science influence to the duchy level, generating goodwill

[] Build new military unit (5/5 currently supported)
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 5 economy, 3 military, 2 culture]
[] Requisition new military unit (5/5 currently supported) Units will be assigned or recalled outside your control
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 20 military]
  • Artillery company [Cost: 50 military]
  • Light mech squadron [Cost: 50 military]
  • Medium mech [Cost: 60 military]
  • Heavy mech [Cost: 100 military]
  • CAS fighter-bomber [Cost: 80 military]
Each additional military unit over your support unit costs 1 Economy a turn.
[] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH
[] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper. EXPECTED
[] Deal with Raiders - There are three raider/rebel groups in the Diamond Dome area who are still a problem and need to be dealt with to fully secure the region. Each one eliminated also boosts local opinion
[] Donate Military Influence to the greater polity - Directing resources their way would be appreciated
[] Mercenary work - Assign a unit to mercenary work, spending Military Influence to gain Economy Influence. Requires Min. Military Influence of 10

[] Hold a major festival - Hold a major cultural event, with the potential to generate Economy and regain Culture spent. Requires Min. Culture Influence of 20, Costs a min. of 5 Culture Influence
[] Initiate Sociology research - Because of buildings and skills possessed, you may spend Culture influence as Science on Sociology projects

[] Improve Relations with Neighbours - Spend time boosting the support of the people in Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. Current Support: PARTIAL
[] Neighbour Support - Spend some of the goodwill built up with the people of the Diamond Dome region to generate Economy or Military Influence, decreasing support. Current Support: PARTIAL

[] Build Fey Research Facility - Cost: 15 science, 5 economy, 10 culture

You also have the time for two personal actions this year...
[] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education (1/4 progress)
[] Study politics - Chance to advance Politician education
[] Study <stat> - Chance to advance selected skill. Specialty stats are easier than secondary stats are easier than primary stats

[] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
[] Seek allies - Look for people among the community and in the wider polity
[] Call on economic allies for assistance
[] Support Baron Malcolm Adler as an ally
[] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador
[] Visit your great-aunt Andraste
[] Seek a husband - Among the nobility one's spouse(s) is of importance for establishing allies and pedigree

[] Pursue Obsession - Maybe you can figure out something other than building a research lab to fulfill your obsession? Hopefully if you try that you don't make things worse...

[] Hunting - On Dandriss hunting animals with war machines is considered fair to all parties involved

Nightmare Cube training is currently active and cannot be turned off.

Garrison (0/4 infantry units)
Economic ties (0/1 trade caravans to Diamond Dome)
Rebel/raider groups pacified (0/3)

Local groups supportive (PARTIALLY)
Foundry built (0/1)
0 Military Influence contributed to greater polity

Reward: Gain Landed Title (County of Diamond Dome)
Failure Penalty: None
Time to Check: End of Year 12
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Don't go to any meeting is my vote really.

Just send a messege saying that currently the war is requiring our constant attention but hope to meet later.
[X] Intrigue Sweep - Someone tried to bring in reaver artifacts, and Mayor Milvus is the prime suspect, but this is your only shot at dealing with this
[X] Improve Relations with Neighbours - Spend time boosting the support of the people in Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. Current Support: PARTIAL

These two I want.
Well. We really should have considered that aspect of the building pick.

[x] Construct building (Trading Post, Stonebridge Way)
[x] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[x] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper. EXPECTED
[x] Deal with Raiders - There are three raider/rebel groups in the Diamond Dome area who are still a problem and need to be dealt with to fully secure the region. Each one eliminated also boosts local opinion
[x] Neighbour Support - Spend some of the goodwill built up with the people of the Diamond Dome region to generate Economy or Military Influence, decreasing support. Current Support: PARTIAL
[x] Improve Relations with Neighbours - Spend time boosting the support of the people in Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. Current Support: PARTIAL

(And blagh, it looks like the fey lab doesn't count for the Network Center. Let's put it in Stonebridge.)

[x] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[x] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador

Blackthorne could be about the psychic messes we're currently involved in. Moore is someone who's company we've enjoyed in the past, and who could be quite useful hunting raiders. Important, given our stress situation. Andraste - she was one of the ones with the Eldar Index, right?

And argh, we've lost a point of progress on Study War. Guess that's something we're going to need to keep in mind, in the future - don't start studying if we're not going to have the actions to finish the job.
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In the interest of providing useful information to the thread...

[2016-05-29 22:33:59] <AcademiaNut> And in today's news, no one did the math...
[2016-05-29 22:35:40] <Ironybot> On the purpose of the previous vote?
[2016-05-29 22:39:45] <AcademiaNut> Well, I said it was a building and they were at least mostly obvious, and no one realized that unlike an Entertainment Complex or Barracks, you can't build a Lab this turn
[2016-05-29 22:40:14] <AcademiaNut> So two more years minimum to turn off the cube
[2016-05-29 22:45:10] <Ironybot> At least we get Willpower. We're going batshit, but willpower we have.
[2016-05-29 22:45:50] <AcademiaNut> Although this year's gains were cancelled out by the health trait
[2016-05-29 22:47:40] <Ironybot> Hopefully the health trait will go away eventually and the higher base score will remain behind.
[2016-05-29 22:48:26] <AcademiaNut> Yes, although if you don't start rolling critical successes (let along stop rolling crit fails) this year the health traits are going to get significantly worse
[2016-05-29 22:49:30] <Ironybot> Good to know. Ominous, but informative.
[2016-05-29 22:51:59] <AcademiaNut> Long term insanity traits are now definitely in the cards
Is there any acceptable numbers for going into debt to build the sand lab? It occurs to me that if we want to eliminate the Nightmare Cube as quickly as possible, we can just build the lab and damn the long-term costs, and bank on retaining our sanity as being a better choice in the long run than sacrificing our science income for the near future.

I'm not sure if we need a large science income for anything we want to build soon anyways, as I recall our intended build plans are for Factories, Barracks, and a Foundry, none of which bar the Foundry cost any Science and the Foundry only costs five, which is easily manageable three or four turns from now even if we see our Science income cut in half by debt repayments.
I'm going to vote tomorrow, after I've put together the combinatorics spreadsheet.
Debt can generally only be gone into via extraordinary, emergency spending, not during the regular allocations at the beginning of the year.
Doesn't that largely defeat the purpose of being able to go into debt in the first place? It's not like business or intra-government loans are that rare even now, and this isn't even nearing the magnitude of modern corporate economics.

It could also be argued that this is extraordinary or emergency spending, given the player desire not to go insane and Ella's presumably (literally?) pathological urge to build the thing.