Yeah I'm gonna reuse the cube next year. Either we roll horrifically or we don't.

I'm also going to look for a hubby, though. Need that support network in place.
Pity we didn't pursue that alliance with the Baron.
Alliance of genetic convenience =/= Friendship (plus the dude's a good distance away from us)
That was pretty not-completely-crap for a 4.
Almost all of it was internal knowledge of Ella's.
Everything'd for emphasis.
Almost the entire dream was generated internally. Not a whole lot can explain outside influence to the point that we were literally talked to by something in the guise of a pure little girl, and almost all of the things that do are bad.
Now that we've picked up stressed, we can expect much worse from the next terrible failure, then?
It can evolve into vices or other 'negative' traits, which can be potentially very annoying, or comparatively minor. If it does evolve, it goes away, and the following check would only generate another stressed result (unless whatever we evolve to can evolve to something worse), right @Academia Nut?
It can evolve into vices or other 'negative' traits, which can be potentially very annoying, or comparatively minor. If it does evolve, it goes away, and the following check would only generate another stressed result
... Just to check, are you seriously arguing we should try to acquire nastier traits than Stressed in the hope of making the Stressed trait go away?

It can evolve into vices or other 'negative' traits, which can be potentially very annoying, or comparatively minor. If it does evolve, it goes away, and the following check would only generate another stressed result (unless whatever we evolve to can evolve to something worse), right @Academia Nut?

There are ways of losing stressed that are quick and guaranteed that involve indulgence of vices and the like. These of course also set you up to regain stressed again later if you can't continue indulging, and can be damaging to your Willpower score and other stats. However, some of these swaps can still leave you open to future issues from use of the cube. Some of the things you can pick up from the cube might replace stressed but will in of themselves allow for other negative traits to leak in rather than stressed.
... Just to check, are you seriously arguing we should try to acquire nastier traits than Stressed in the hope of making the Stressed trait go away?

No, you wanted to know what would be on the table. I want to check again next year, but not in the hope that we fail and get something objectively worse.
There are ways of losing stressed that are quick and guaranteed that involve indulgence of vices and the like. These of course also set you up to regain stressed again later if you can't continue indulging, and can be damaging to your Willpower score and other stats. However, some of these swaps can still leave you open to future issues from use of the cube. Some of the things you can pick up from the cube might replace stressed but will in of themselves allow for other negative traits to leak in rather than stressed.
So considering we'd been planning on making this big festival/party into something of a relief valve anyway (despite us doing the planning)...
First: we may want to seriously consider making a set of personal dragon-blades. The originals were specifically formed to strike at warp-crap, and they were the only thing in the history of ever to block or be blocked by MM, which suggests that they are derived from it. We may be being offered them because they're going to be very useful in places a mech won't during a Reaver incursion. It's certainly hinted that Razorleaf's Reaver activity is resulting from it being the next target for a sudden disappearance, and it may be getting even more special attention due to having denied the Reavers their culling of the Nomad tribe.

Second: I've said it before, but we really need to consider it. It is really easy to mistake a guilty conscience for benevolence. Anna was creating a personal order of fanatical Janissary-monks before the world exploded again, she lost her twin, and Dia went berserk. It's not hard to imagine her going completely off the deep end once she was absolute monarch of the combined nation. She could very well have warehouses filled with cloning tanks and cybernetic training equipment (phylactery muse and pedagogical accelerator muse, anyone?) devoted to resolving her daddy (and mommy, for that matter) issues. It's entirely possible that she's the game's real Big Bad. Given the mysteries surrounding Ella's conception this is something to keep in mind.

The mayor has been on my mind. I've been concerned about a human factor in the dragon lure, and we know that he is trying to undermine Ella and has an intense interest in advanced Reaver tech. Also, a Reaver playing at being a Machiavellian chessmaster might well decide to involve the humans in their own destruction, and the local, recently displaced authority figure would be a prime pawn.
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And now we've learned that the more bad traits we pick up from the cube, the nastier the traits we can pick up from the cube get.

Thank you.
We already knew that. We literally knew before the vote to choose the cube locked in. We would get stressed first, and worse stuff would follow on successive failures. There's no grand insights to be had here, at this point the only thing being discussed is probabilities and risk-reward assessment.
I think to actually use the cube until we get stressed, and to address it right away, be it one year, two years or four years is the better way, actually.
I still want to push a little further. Odds are we'll lose stressed by year's end regardless (given our party is highly conducive to lustful pinging stress relief), but even if it sticks around I feel like it's a decent gamble.