And we get to see those side-effects starting to kick in.

[X] Advanced (7 Culture)
[X] Advanced (7 Economy)
[X] Half, 8 Economy
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The goal is to have 45 culture and 5 economy for next turn.

Since we get more than +5 economy income, we should put as much of it as possible towards culture gain this turn.

7 into creating a successful festival might increase culture output of festival, and 8 into the influence trade is manageable as well.

So I suggest:

[] Advanced (7 Culture)
[] Advanced (7 Economy)
[] Half, 8 Economy
I haven't exactly been keeping up with the IRC, so I'm taking your word on what we're aiming for.
[X] Advanced (7 Culture)
[X] Advanced (7 Economy)
[X] Half, 8 Economy

I'm for it. We still have a point leftover to handle possible oops moments, and we were hoping to get a decent extra infusion of culture, I say take the shot.

Also, I was certain it was the nightmare cube as soon as the third paragraph rolled around. Too bad about the crap check, though. Big plus in that it only hurts a few stats right now rather than literally everything, and it's stats we're not as heavily focused on, to boot. I still want to press for the one more year, myself, though maybe we start looking for a decent hubby or friends rather than allies, what with Ella's 'surrounded yet alone' issues.
Hasn't the update always started with the Nightmare Cube scene, every turn we've had the cube on?
I haven't exactly been keeping up with the IRC, so I'm taking your word on what we're aiming for.
There was heavy discussion for the 5.1 turn vote. I wanted to save up culture for building a Hab, and another group wanted to immediately build the Nomad Enclave.

A compromise was reached, they'd hold off on building enclave, and in return we'd attempt to amass culture to build it as quickly as possible, before the opportunity to build it was potentially lost.

After playing with some numbers, we decided that, with some luck, it might be possible to build it on turn 6 at the same time as the hab. Without luck, it's a turn 7 building.

45 and 5 are the numbers needed.

Hasn't the update always started with the Nightmare Cube scene, every turn we've had the cube on?

This is 5.3, so no.
Hasn't the update always started with the Nightmare Cube scene, every turn we've had the cube on?
We've only used it twice, and the first time we got it at the end of the year, this time it was the third update deep. I was waiting for it, really, sitting and expecting and hoping (vainly) that the stress check wouldn't flop. It flopped :/ I wouldn't be surprised if AN rolled a 20 or less. Hopefully the festival checks higher.
[X] Advanced (7 Culture)
[X] Advanced (7 Economy)
[X] Half, 8 Economy

I'm trusting @redzonejoe on the numbers. He's been really on-point thus far.
It's gambling 5 economy away from a turn 7 reactor, towards ? Culture for a turn 6 enclave.

Compared to the second most popular vote, anyways.

This'll leave us with 1 economy, then +6 as we go into turn 6, and -5 as we build the Hab (and hopefully the enclave)... Another +6 as we move into turn 7, we'll have 8 economy out of the 15 necessary, compared to the 13/15 from the more conservative votes.

If we get a net gain of 7 economy from the festival, Dragon donation, patrols, and random events, then we're great.

If you don't think a net gain of 7 is likely, you may want to be more conservative here for more efficient building later.

Edit: if the person reading this wants something other than a turn 7 reactor, the economy numbers are still relevant, and I'll leave it to you to work out any other numbers necessary.
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It's gambling 5 economy away from a turn 7 reactor, towards ? Culture for a turn 6 enclave.

Compared to the second most popular vote, anyways.

This'll leave us with 1 economy, then +6 as we go into turn 6, and -5 as we build the Hab (and hopefully the enclave)... Another +6 as we move into turn 7, we'll have 8 economy out of the 15 necessary, compared to the 13/15 from the more conservative votes.

If we get a net gain of 7 economy from the festival, Dragon donation, patrols, and random events, then we're great.

If you don't think a net gain of 7 is likely, you may want to be more conservative here for more efficient building later.
In my opinion we shouldn't build a turn 7 reactor anyway. Building an Enclave supported trade post, to get the infrastructure for trade with Indigo Hammer ready, would be a better choice. Remember that infrastructure has to be ready between turn 10 and 15, so we should start early in case of complications.
In my opinion we shouldn't build a turn 7 reactor anyway. Building an Enclave supported trade post, to get the infrastructure for trade with Indigo Hammer ready, would be a better choice. Remember that infrastructure has to be ready between turn 10 and 15, so we should start early in case of complications.
We already have a trade post, and whether or not we build the Hab first, I think we can still link the Enclave to the existing trade post.

At least, this is an idea that's been brought up several times, including in front of AN, without being shut down yet.

Though last time I said that AN shut me down right after, so. :p

Remember that infrastructure has to be ready between turn 10 and 15,
Actually, what's this about? Did I miss something?
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We already have a trade post, and whether or not we build the Hab first, I think we can still link the Enclave to the existing trade post.
I don't think that's possible, as it is a Southwoods Company trade post and not one we build on our own. Though saving our economic influence to build a factory for the Southwoods trade post could work for the infrastructure requirement. Still I think building an Enclave trade post and a factory to support and a caravan to operate out of it would give us a larger share of the Indigo Hammer trade than just building a factory to support the Southwoods trade post.
I don't think that's possible, as it is a Southwoods Company trade post and not one we build on our own. Though saving our economic influence to build a factory for the Southwoods trade post could work for the infrastructure requirement. Still I think building an Enclave trade post and a factory to support and a caravan to operate out of it would give us a larger share of the Indigo Hammer trade than just building a factory to support the Southwoods trade post.
Well I admit I might be wrong here, but from what I understand the 'southwoods' angle for our trading post means it was built for free, and it was built despite our low population being unable to support it.

Once our population (read: building slots) can support it, we'll go from getting 2 economy, to getting 2 economy, 1 culture, and the ability to build caravans.

In short, the company built a building for us because it gives them more money, but once we can support it, it's our building.

Ooc, AN wanted to give us something to expand our options and open up the game a bit, because our intended build order was boring and limiting.

We should be able to link the Enclave and the existing trading post.

To put it more mechanically, the trading post is begging us to give it a building slot, and it doesn't care if that building slot comes with blue people or skull people.

Edit: Factory is a possibility, yes. That would probably require waiting until minimum turn 8, regardless of how we choose to spend economy right now.
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Well I admit I might be wrong here, but from what I understand the 'southwoods' angle for our trading post means it was built for free, and it was built despite our low population being unable to support it.

Once our population (read: building slots) can support it, we'll go from getting 2 economy, to getting 2 economy, 1 culture, and the ability to build caravans.

In short, the company built a building for us because it gives them more money, but once we can support it, it's our building.

Ooc, AN wanted to give us something to expand our options and open up the game a bit, because our intended build order was boring and limiting.

We should be able to link the Enclave and the existing trading post.

To put it more mechanically, the trading post is begging us to give it a building slot, and it doesn't care if that building slot comes with blue people or skull people.
I'm not sure if it works that way, could be that you are right or that I'm right. Though building an Enclave supported building gives it special modifiers, so building one of the buildings it can support would be worthwhile anyway. I think the trade post would probably give the best benefits overall.
Actually, what's this about? Did I miss something?
Here from 5.1 an estimate from Armand the new president of Xychro Enterprises:
While further business deals would obviously be impossible for the near future given logistics, with the South Woods Company setting up a trade route, there were possibilities of actual trade between Razorleaf and Indigo Hammer over the next five to ten years, in his estimation.
Though it does look like that building a factory would be enough to get a trade route established and more buildings would just increase the volume of trade.
I still want to press for the one more year,

Absolutely not. We rest off the stress and work off the backlash by adding loneliness offsetting elements(like that husband) first. Working on while stressed only means more penalties driving things down and stacking to make it harder to lose stress.

Once the stress is gone we can go again, but haste makes waste.
I still want to press for the one more year, myself, though maybe we start looking for a decent hubby or friends rather than allies, what with Ella's 'surrounded yet alone' issues.
I'm not going to support further use of the cube until we've put together the support network to deal with the Stressed trait.

Pity we didn't pursue that alliance with the Baron.

[X] Advanced (7 Culture)
[X] Advanced (7 Economy)
[X] Half, 8 Economy

We'll get the hab up next turn regardless. I'd prioritize getting a Barracks up before the next Reactor, given our military needs, but that doesn't make any difference at this point. We might also want to consider picking up a Lab - we'll reach the point where building a network center would be very nice long before we've the science to build it, at the current rate.
Mmhm, I could go either way with the cube. Stressed sucks, but... Eh.

Incidentally, if I don't fall asleep in the next 5 minutes, anybody want to hop on IRC to guesstimate numbers with me? Not actually productive, but maybe possibly fun if you're into that sort of thing.
Only able to move her eyes, she looked up and found a girl on the ceiling amidst a circle of clean light that somehow kept out the bloody bruise light of the rest of the bay. She half-sat, half-knelt in a giant circle of chalk that defined the boundary of light, it's edges covered in complex geometric shapes, while in the centre she was drawing with childish strokes a strange shape, like a fractal leaf. Her appearance was foreign and yet achingly familiar, like it was something that Ella should know. The girl looked up at Ella, hooked and half submerged in lustful liquid, and smiled. It was like she was on the floor and Ella upside-down on the ceiling.

In an incongruously adult voice, she said with childish glee, "It's the branching."

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Great snippet!
Creepy as hell, and the music was well chosen.

...and we crit failed? Or at least rolled really low. Damn.

Well, on the other hand, we are getting information, even if I am yet to parse it together.
But I am now sure that our birth is a lot more mysterious than we were led to believe.

And who are you, little sorcerer girl.


[X] Advanced (7 Culture)
[X] Advanced (7 Economy)
[X] Half, 8 Economy