[X] Generating Economic Influence
[X] Go fast (Surprise maximized)

Whims of Fate (61)

If the experts on the ground are worried that the target might slip, Ella sees no reason not to support them right away. They are given the go ahead to do what they need to do in a hurry, and Ella will deal with any political or bureaucratic fallout later.

While sitting in her office doing paperwork and waiting for the reports, the shudder of the complex due to some sort of massive concussive blast made her consider the possibility that this incident would involve actual fallout.

Immediately rushing get emergency response assets scrambled, Ella put in a line to Morgan Klaus, the chief of police for Razorleaf, and asked, "Klaus! What just happened?"

"I don't know ma'am! I was coordinating with Henrich on scene when he reported spying Milvus at the scene, and then we lost communication and a few seconds later there was an explosion!" The chief of police reported, clearly only slightly more informed than Ella. There was a pause and then he said, "I have to put you on hold ma'am-"

The line went to a busy signal for a moment before Morgan came back on the line and practically screamed, "Scramble the troops! We need all assets right away!"

"What's going on, I-" Ella's question died on her lips as she came to a window looking out onto the outside world and the reaver-style lightning arching between buildings. Deadpan she said, "Troops being scrambled," even as she was activating the emergency military protocols for the settlement. Still, whatever was going on, it would take time for the soldiers to be ready and able to fight.

??? 66 + 40 = 106
On Scene 42 + 20 = 62

Running for the armoury, Ella had no idea if her mech would be at all useful in this situation, but she figured that having it and not needing it was preferable to being stuck with her thumb up her ass trying to figure out what to do. Plus her mech had dedicated command and control systems that outstripped anything they had available in Razorleaf Meadows. Still, as she made for the area she got numerous confused reports as to what exactly was going on. The police team that had gone in had apparently been completely annihilated and no one knew what was happening, especially with the psychic lightning interfering with communications close to the epicentre of whatever was happening. There were obviously a lot of reports of reaver activity, but Ella figured that it probably wasn't a full scale invasion, simply because the amount of pyrotechnics on display wasn't characteristic of a typical raid. She had a feeling that Mayor Milvus had acquired something unique and utterly beyond him.

??? 79 + 40 = 119
First Responders 40 + 20 = 60

As Ella scrambled into her warmachine, going through the communications protocols to get full coordination up and running. Initial responses have been scattered and poor so she orders a more distant rally point and then to move forward as a group to avoid getting taken apart piecemeal, and for the civilian first responders to avoid the area while the military takes over. As her heartbeat becomes the pulse of a slowly awakening star, Ella allows herself to slip into the data streams. Since they are on home turf the maps are all current and up to date and are automatically being fed live data from surviving and communicating surveillance cameras wherever possible. She quickly refines the locations of the rally areas for the military response teams and the civilian first responders based on available data. Once teams are in assembled and can mutually support each other, she sends them forward to make contact with whatever is going on.

Abomination 14 + 40 = 54
Coordinated Military Response 93 + 31 = 124

Ella watches through helmet camera feeds as the squads move in on the target, which is a hideously emaciated Krain Milvus, the normally overweight man now nearly skeletal to the point where most of his clothing has slipped from his frame, which burns with a halo of unnatural yellow light tinged violet at the edges. Long arcs of actinic lightning jump away from him seemingly at random, spilling forth from his blazing eyes and mouth as he screams without a voice. Gripped in one hand is a long sword, clearly of reaver design, but with a strange opal jewel large enough to be noticeable from a distance taking a prominent position on the guard. Upon seeing the first squad to come into view the thing that was once Milvus raises his other hand and lets loose a long arc of lightning that causes additional energy to spill off of him and dance among the buildings. That squad is forced to go to ground, but there are many squads all acting as one and while he is directing his attentions at the first group others are flanking him. EM rounds stop in the air near him and his gesture changes to direct fresh lightning, but there is more and more fire coming in from multiple angles.

The end comes when the missile launchers come into play. The first shot is telekinetically caught and tossed back, but the second one is fused for a timed air-burst and distracts the monster long enough for dozens of EM rounds to slip through the defences, opening wounds that spill lambent fire. Milvus howls, the noise utterly unnatural in its telekinetic generation and - while not known to Ella at the time - a telepathic component for those close enough. A third missile slams into his body and calves off an arm and half his torso while dozens of soldiers pour automatic fire into his now rapidly collapsing body. Dropping to one knee, half supported by the sword, Milvus sends out another burst of lightning even as the top of his skull is chewed away. A braver soul with a plasma cutter set to 'Area' mode gets in close and unleashes a spray of hot ions that ground on the lightning throwing monster, consuming him.

The howl turns to a mewl as the body of the former mayor collapses to the ground, barely anything left but charred bone after the psychic maelstrom unleashed and the amount of punishment directed his way. The only thing intact was, inevitably, the still flawless looking reaver sword.

Pretty much all as one the officers on the command network all barked, "DON'T TOUCH THE SWORD!"

Attention? (63)

There was a long moment of silence before Ella began to coordinate with Major Chambers on getting the settlement sorted and moving everyone to high alert. She had no idea what that sort of psychic display might have done, but if it had brought any outside attention they needed to be on high alert for a few days. There were going to be a lot of dead and wounded among those who had been first there before the military, but it definitely could have been worse.

Also could have been better, but feelings of unease were notoriously unreliable for being able to form coherent decisions off of.

They would need to fabricate a drone or something to remotely pick up the damn sword and then...

Well, the options were to either blow it up at a safe distance from the settlement, or stuff it in a box to give to Anna's scientists to do whatever it was that they did with these sorts of things. And then figure out what the fuck Milvus had been up to from the wreckage of the warehouse he had been in.

Disposal of the sword...
[] Take it out into the forest and shoot it until it no longer exists
[] Stuff it in a box carried by a robot and give it to Anna for her to take care of
[X] Stuff it in a box carried by a robot and give it to Anna for her to take care of

Well then. Our first Daemonhost expy. Funtimes. Still, we made a good showing, and I'm glad we went fast.
[X] Stuff it in a box carried by a robot and give it to Anna for her to take care of

Smells like some serious value~
[X] Stuff it in a box carried by a robot and give it to Anna for her to take care of
This is either catastrophically dumb or 100% what I want to do.
I really wish I had some way to understand the subtleties of this choice. Will Anna appreciate us passing the buck to her or does it show a lack of ability to solve our own problems? Is it ultimately safer to transport it to experienced people or to take it into the forest?
I don't know how to be paranoid here and I don't know how to impress Anna here.
I don't even know whether a person grabbing the sword when it enters our hub city or a dragon getting it in the forest is worse.

At least we can celebrate Milvus being dead, though!
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I really wish I had some way to understand the subtleties of this choice. Will Anna appreciate us passing the buck to her or does it show a lack of ability to solve our own problems? Is it ultimately safer to transport it to experienced people or to take it into the forest?

It's primarily a question of the risk that if you send it off to whatever black site Anna keeps/studies/disposes of these artifacts it won't somehow come back to you vs. something horrible happening if you try to blow it up on your own, with the additional balancing factors of you probably getting a bigger reward for handing it over to Anna. Those are the in-universe knowns.
It's primarily a question of the risk that if you send it off to whatever black site Anna keeps/studies/disposes of these artifacts it won't somehow come back to you vs. something horrible happening if you try to blow it up on your own, with the additional balancing factors of you probably getting a bigger reward for handing it over to Anna. Those are the in-universe knowns.
Thanks! I'm going to go with 'I trust Anna with this' in that case.
[X] Stuff it in a box carried by a robot and give it to Anna for her to take care of

Best keep it. Mirande might be feeling peckish after she wakes up.
...let's pick it up with the mech. Then, stick it in a dragon.

More seriously, a danger always to be something else deciding they want it and coming to get it. If it isn't destroyed it may serve as a beacon, and even Anna can't stop a dedicated Reaver retrieval team.

Of course, destroying it might just let a greater demon loose.
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[X] Stuff it in a box carried by a robot and give it to Anna for her to take care of.

Waste not, want not and this is technically what we're obligated to do.
...let's pick it up with the mech. Then, stick it in a dragon.

More seriously, a danger always to be something else deciding they want it and coming to get it. If it isn't destroyed it may serve as a beacon, and even Anna can't stop a dedicated Reaver retrieval team.

Of course, destroying it might just let a heater demon loose.
I think potentially with the Anna option she can decide this is the primary concern and we should revert to destroying it in the forest or holding it where it is while she sends her team to it.
Same reason I wanted to go fast last time, I'm giving it to Anna this time. The other option opens up risks that I want absolutely no part of if a mere person possessed by it could do as much damage as fat, useless Milvus. If Anna wants to turn it to slag, she can deal with the potential fallout herself. Maybe the exodexpies will want it, and we can all wash our hands of this nonsense.
Okay, seriously?!?! Is Razorleaf cursed or something? I wonder if anyone in-verse has noticed that ever since Ella moved in to Razorleaf, the times and local events have become very 'interesting' (in the Chinese form of the word)?
Okay, seriously?!?! Is Razorleaf cursed or something? I wonder if anyone in-verse has noticed that ever since Ella moved in to Razorleaf, the times and local events have become very 'interesting' (in the Chinese form of the word)?
Things were already interesting. Dragon sightings, reaver attacks, and the occasional raider were the reason we were sent here to begin with. Milvus... well, just because you exposed crap to the sun doesn't mean it wasn't there before.
Things were already interesting. Dragon sightings, reaver attacks, and the occasional raider were the reason we were sent here to begin with. Milvus... well, just because you exposed crap to the sun doesn't mean it wasn't there before.
Yup, we've taken a big pile of shit and made it into a shitbrick house.

...mostly through luck
[X] Take it out into the forest and shoot it until it no longer exists

I'm hoping Reavers come and we're forced to use it, tapping into whatever psychic fuckery the Nightmare Cube was waking up.