[X] No (0 Economy)
Spending economy is a response.
[X] Ignore the issue

That would be neat, but why? Why would they clone her?

Superpowered metahuman strategic state asset loyal and only sane core family member who is the key to understanding and potentially weaponizing multiple existential threats, including dragons?

Also, Anna. I don't think people really appreciate just how 'eccentric' she was even before her twin was martyred, Dia went crazy, she got absolute dictatorial power, and everything went to hell again. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a whole warehouse full of clone Dias she routinely takes a chainsaw to while shouting, "LOVE ME!!!"
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Clearly the only solution is to kill Anna

...Woah flashback

Anyway yeah, Anna is fucked up, Cloning is probably a thing she is doing
But I doubt if we ARE a failed clone of Dia or Mirande, it's for Mirande's Psykerness

Remember, Anna only knows of Mirande and her Psykerness second-hand from Dia, the Index-Sisters and any Scientists who worked with Mirande.
A clone would be seeking Her as a person, not Her as a Hero-Unit capable of forming a perfect Psyker-Using Society and ascending to the level of Alpha+

I doubt Anna would give us this shitty background either. Cloning usually involves quite a few scientists in the know, get one of Them to fake-marry Mother
Or, actually given the chronology with Teen!Mom, fake-marry Anna and iron-womb us

I would kill for a look at Anna's traits now actually. It would be a great signifier of what happened.
She was a slightly bitchy Teenage Girl* with mild abandonment issues, then became Queen of the Noble Faction and turned the Warrior-Slaves into Religious-Warriors.
Became obsessed with both Medical and Cybernetic/Mech Technology
Fell into sexual debauchery
Lost her sister in Mysterious Circumstances(tm)
Watched her mother fall into Demon-caused Mental Illness
Dictatorial control over one of the top 3 Dandriss Nations for decades

*slightly bitchy in comparison to the average Teenage Girl, it's relative

Anna is Crazy and/or Walking the Path at this point. Those are the only options
And she doesn't have the Calm to be Walking
She was a slightly bitchy Teenage Girl* with mild abandonment issues, then became Queen of the Noble Faction and turned the Warrior-Slaves into Religious-Warriors.
Became obsessed with both Medical and Cybernetic/Mech Technology
Don't forget she's born with a terribly weak body.
Anna is Crazy and/or Walking the Path at this point. Those are the only options
And she doesn't have the Calm to be Walking
She has probably been the only one besides Dia to know Mirande enough to know about Path Walking though?
I don't think that we can count on the index even existing in this incarnation, and even under the old rules it required gestating a fetus inside somebody with an undigested copy of the index. It's unlikely that even the two daughters who got a copy managed to pass it on considering that the group chose to handle it by making them incorporate it as fast as possible.

Of course, if Ella had it, would she even know? By its nature it's initially locked away subconsciously. Dia knew it was there because she remembered getting it in the first place. The previous two examples naturally started incorporating it as they grew up, but there are a lot of ways that could be fudged. The nightmare cube might start having some very unexpected effects. It has been hinted that some interesting traits start cropping up after stressed if we progress with more quickly than we can handle.
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Not so. The second set of Twins (the one with the Giantess) were Iron Wombed after a certain point but still got an Index roll
And succeeded

Although in the last quest the Indexed girls splintered off into their own little queendoms so it may be hard getting the Index re-integrated into the family line or even extracted for study/replication.

Also, the Index is never really hidden. Both girls innately knew Eldar language and began developing their personality traits around Eldarness
Unless we had it blocked purposefully, we have none of the traits associated with it. Except Lustful, but that's more obviously a Stone trait given our background and being Anna's grandkid
[X] Left in primary budget (1 Economy)
[X] Ignore the issue

In the end, Ella decided that she was best served by just ignoring the issue with Morgan, and not going overboard with trying to fund this thing, but still putting a little extra funding into advertising. That used up the last of her easily available credit, but didn't dip into the more punishing options that would leave her paying higher interest rates that would adversely affect her budget in future years. Now all that was left was to hope that everything went smoothly.

Morgan Situation 99
Day 1 (Int+Mang) 79 + 25 + 16 Investment = 120
Day 2 (Int+Mang) 29 + 25 + 14 Investment = 68
Day 3 (Int+Mang) 54 + 25 + 12 Investment = 91
Day 4 (Int+Mang) 96 + 25 + 10 Investment = 131
Day 5 (Int+Mang) 64 + 25 + 8 Investment = 97
Day 6 (Int+Mang) 96 + 25 + 6 Investment = 127
Day 7 (Int+Mang) 16 + 25 + 4 Investment = 45
Average: 97

Party (Cha+Mang) 97 + 28 = 125

Indulgence (Willx2) 97 + 20 = 117

And then the festival comes and Ella is swept up into the party atmosphere, the availability of booze and sex all to the pulse pounding beats and flashing lights and she lost herself for a time. Moments blurred together and she disappeared into the moment. The height of it all was on the fourth day when she hosted her own personal party amidst the festival, and while much of it was lost to music and dance, she did have a clear memory of lounging in a secluded room with several of the people she knew and a few she didn't. Somewhere along the line Samantha and Morgan had met each other and hooked up and somehow that problem was not only clearing itself up but was actually turning into something of an advantage for her..

Ella had more than once considered how strange her luck was.

Contacts (9)

Among the people who joined them was Massi and a few other corporate type contacts, nothing that really was of an advantage to Ella since her already existing contacts superseded them in several ways, so other than being polite to avoid offending them she didn't really need to build up strong contacts with them for any major advantage reasons. There was however a most interesting man who had drifted in with the group, one Knight-Captain Brabant Moore. Due to a bureaucratic foul-up he had been made the captain of a light mech squadron that had neither any mechs assigned to it other than his, nor an actual assigned post. He was currently on administrative leave until everyone could work out what exactly had gone wrong, but it seemed that he had been caught up in the General Officer Problem from a rather unusual direction - somewhere along the line either through malice or incompetence a non-existent unit had been made and went on the records. While the first response was an upper officer trying to pad out his command to look better, there was an equal possibility that the unit had been intended to be created and the paperwork for it had been finalized, only for some reason the actual creation to be cancelled and the paperwork not reversed. There was an investigation ongoing, and unfortunately his old squadron had already been filled out by the time the mistake was caught. At this point it was probable that they would just make the unit an actual one and start filling it with new mechs through the maintenance budget. It would kind of suck for Brabant, but it was better than being stuck in limbo, having his promotion reversed, or being stuck in subordinate to another captain instead of gaining experience as a full squadron leader.

The opportunity that presented itself there was fairly obvious, insofar as if Ella asked both him and her grandmother she could secure the actual assignment to Razorleaf almost effortlessly. It would burn a lot of bridges in terms of pissing off those with the same idea as her and they didn't really have proper facilities for a light mech squadron, which would cut into the budget through making work arounds, and the cost of slowly bringing the unit up to full would also hurt, but in terms of being able to get a powerful unit like a mech squadron attached to the settlement, it would be cheap... like probably less than half of what it might normally cost when all was said and done.

Still... tempting, tempting. Also, Captain Moore was not a bad specimen in of himself. Every measure the dashing young officer, he was only about a year older than her and had a great deal of charm and raw physical presence. She wouldn't mind getting to know him better, both physically and as a friend. He was a rather clever man, as expected of an up and coming officer, and the part of her that was thinking about the politics of it all had to admit that so long as he didn't get screwed by the brass in this whole affair the accident was likely to improve his long term chances. Having a funny/bizarre story that obviously wasn't your fault being attached to your file had a tendency to make those reviewing you for later promotion simply remember you more strongly. With the peculiarities of the way command and rank worked, he also was unlikely to get either of them in trouble for fraternization if he was brought over to Razorleaf simply because he was unlikely to ever be directly under her command. He was, in fact, more likely to shoot over her rank in the coming years simply because she had other things to do.

Only slightly buzzed while considering this and more immediate concerns about getting to know him better, Ella considered her options.

She would...
[] Offer to ensure he gets assigned to Razorleaf as a proper post (Costs 15 Military, gain a Light Mech Squadron with 1/12 mechs in it; costs 1 Military Influence a year to fill up, can spend additional Influence to accelerate process; over unit limit costs 1 Economy a year)
[] Seduce him for the evening
[] Just chat with him

AN: About going under 0 Influence, if your values are negative your income is decreased by -1 in the Influence and an additional -1 for each 4 you are under zero, to a maximum of Yearly Income X4 into the negatives. If you have another source of negative income such as maintenance that shoves you beyond this limit you also start taking penalties to other Influence income, always starting with Economy.
[X] Offer to ensure he gets assigned to Razorleaf as a proper post (Costs 15 Military, gain a Light Mech Squadron with 1/12 mechs in it; costs 1 Military Influence a year to fill up, can spend additional Influence to accelerate process; over unit limit costs 1 Economy a year)

Cheap Mecha
Good Mecha
Little Squad of Death
Light Mecha
Cool Mecha
Brrrt, Brrrrt, Brrrrt.
She would...
[] Offer to ensure he gets assigned to Razorleaf as a proper post (Costs 15 Military, gain a Light Mech Squadron with 1/12 mechs in it; costs 1 Military Influence a year to fill up, can spend additional Influence to accelerate process; over unit limit costs 1 Economy a year)
[] Seduce him for the evening
[] Just chat with him
Well. We're... just a bit under the military influence to do this. It'd seriously delay any plans to build a Barracks, but hey, we'd get a light mech squadron out of it.

With the Hab coming up next turn, we'll have positive Military income even with the penalty, so we'd be back in the black pretty quick.

But... eleven turns or significant economic->military spending for the Barracks. And that's neglecting the military cost to fill out the squadron.

Well, even if we don't claim the unit, I'm in favor of seducing him. We're seeing him in a stressful, embarrassing position, not his best, but Ella still likes him. That's a plus.
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It's not strictly anathema to our plans to snatch this guy up. I believe it would push the barracks out past the Reactor Block in to the third Hab, then we'd be spending Economy influence to shore up our Military influence. It would be the full extent and more of any of our actions requiring Military Influence for, say, 7 turns. That's a very significant cost. Further, seducing him or chatting with him have potential to relieve stress or add other positive traits.

Well. We're... just a bit under the military influence to do this. It'd seriously delay any plans to build a Barracks, but hey, we'd get a light mech squadron out of it.

With the Hab coming up next turn, we'll have positive Military income even with the penalty, so we'd be back in the black pretty quick.

But... eleven turns or significant military spending for the Barracks. And that's neglecting the military cost to fill out the squadron.

Well, even if we don't claim the unit, I'm in favor of seducing him. We're seeing him in a stressful, embarrassing position, not his best, but Ella still likes him. That's a plus.
Two habs covers the malus from being negative and the 1 a year maintenance. We'd be reliant on patrols to actually be in the black.
Yeah, he clearly has a great Charisma score.
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[X] Offer to ensure he gets assigned to Razorleaf as a proper post (Costs 15 Military, gain a Light Mech Squadron with 1/12 mechs in it; costs 1 Military Influence a year to fill up, can spend additional Influence to accelerate process; over unit limit costs 1 Economy a year)
-[x] and seduce him
I believe it would push the barracks out past the Reactor Block in to the third Hab, then we'd be spending Economy influence to shore up our Military influence. It would be the full extent and more of any of our actions requiring Military Influence for, say, 7 turns.
I'm pretty sure taking advantage of this is going to screw up our economic plans more badly than this. Remember we're only getting one mech by default! That means we're going to be converting the economic influence we'd need to build that reactor block into military instead, lest we end up letting the squadron rot ourselves - that wouldn't do us any favors. And burning economic influence like that will wreck our Reactor build plan.
I'm pretty sure taking advantage of this is going to screw up our economic plans more badly than this. Remember we're only getting one mech by default! That means we're going to be converting the economic influence we'd need to build that reactor block into military instead, lest we end up letting the squadron rot ourselves - that wouldn't do us any favors. And burning economic influence like that will wreck our Reactor build plan.
We absolutely won't convert the econ needed for the reactor block to military - far better to just hope to diplo the problems with not fleshing the squadron out quickly. If we can't let it sit for 5 or 10 years we just can't take the option.
If we can't let it sit for 5 or 10 years we just can't take the option.
It's pretty explicitly spelled out that a lot of people had the same thought we did. We can't let it sit for 5+ years.

We're burning political capital as is, to claim the opportunity; if we don't do anything with it afterwords, that will be used against us. Also, it'd destroy any relationship with Captain Moore - we'd have blocked anyone else from providing him with a unit, and then not done so ourselves, either.
It's pretty explicitly spelled out that a lot of people had the same thought we did. We can't let it sit for 5+ years.

We're burning political capital as is, to claim the opportunity; if we don't do anything with it afterwords, that will be used against us. Also, it'd destroy any relationship with Captain Moore - we'd have blocked anyone else from providing him with a unit, and then not done so ourselves, either.
We wouldn't be doing nothing; we'd be using him alongside Jaegers in forest patrols. We just wouldn't be quickly getting him a few more mechs.
If that's too little, then, well, we have to pass on this opportunity.
I dare point out that light mech major maintenance will require a foundry, otherwise we'll have to outsource serious repairs and replacements, which will probably cost a sweet jesus holy crap ton of influence. We also might not gain econ influence further in the turn (though we also still might, holy crap those rolls were amazing), which would mean we'd dip into loans to build a hab next turn (due to over unit limit costs), and we'd be miles away from the military influence necessary to build a fresh barracks in Razorleaf.

That said, a light mech squadron is a single unit, and thus even with a full dozen of them, we'll only pay 1 econ over for the cost of it, and we'd give him dozens of opportunities to play hero out in the boonies, which I suspect he'll remember us for in the future. He's got a good shot at climbing the military end of the ladder, so I'm even looking at a surprising potential hubby. I want to sponsor him, and the math says it won't utterly destroy us to do so (we'll need to do some extra patrolling for Mil inf to get a barracks this decade).

[X] Offer to ensure he gets assigned to Razorleaf as a proper post (Costs 15 Military, gain a Light Mech Squadron with 1/12 mechs in it; costs 1 Military Influence a year to fill up, can spend additional Influence to accelerate process; over unit limit costs 1 Economy a year)
I'd say that's too little. The guy's a commander, not a sidekick.

@Academia Nut, could you remind me what we can do to increase our unit support cap? I think it's been mentioned in thread before, but I haven't been able to find it.
3 per Barracks unless I'm much mistaken.
I dare point out that light mech major maintenance will require a foundry, otherwise we'll have to outsource serious repairs and replacements, which will probably cost a sweet jesus holy crap ton of influence. We also might not gain econ influence further in the turn (though we also still might, holy crap those rolls were amazing), which would mean we'd dip into loans to build a hab next turn (due to over unit limit costs), and we'd be miles away from the military influence necessary to build a fresh barracks in Razorleaf.

That said, a light mech squadron is a single unit, and thus even with a full dozen of them, we'll only pay 1 econ over for the cost of it, and we'd give him dozens of opportunities to play hero out in the boonies, which I suspect he'll remember us for in the future. He's got a good shot at climbing the military end of the ladder, so I'm even looking at a surprising potential hubby. I want to sponsor him, and the math says it won't utterly destroy us to do so (we'll need to do some extra patrolling for Mil inf to get a barracks this decade).

[X] Offer to ensure he gets assigned to Razorleaf as a proper post (Costs 15 Military, gain a Light Mech Squadron with 1/12 mechs in it; costs 1 Military Influence a year to fill up, can spend additional Influence to accelerate process; over unit limit costs 1 Economy a year)
Can you weigh in about the consequences of letting it sit at the base 1 Mil/yr until we can get a Barracks up that Candesce and I were talking about?
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