Well, the festival had an average result of 97 so the chances of getting our culture influence back seem to be quite good. Then there's the potential synergy with the very good party, no idea what effects that has though if any.
The economic influence gains of the festival should also be quite good.
We had 24 culture
-7 from festival
+7 from income Hong into next turn

We have 24 guaranteed culture influence out of 45. We need 21 culture to build both.

We're gaining culture from Alpha Dragon body donation. Our previous Dragon body donations gave us 10 culture and 5 economic influence. We donated multiple body bodies last time, compared to a single, larger body this time. Tentative estimate at +6 culture

We're patrolling thrice. Let's say +1 culture.

We're trading 8 economy influence. So far it's anyways been 2:1, so let's assume +4 culture

That's 11/19. So we need to earn ~8 culture from this festival. Considering its success? That seems plausible. But it's not certain. We can 'regain culture spent' which means it could have a cap at +7, which means we'd need better luck in our patrols or influence trade to make up the difference. Or hope my Dragon estimate is low.

I'm so looking forward to the economic gains though, I'm thinking we double our investment, minimum.
Thinking about what the long-term effects of the Nightmare Cube can be and no.
That's...no. That isn't how that works

Being a Psyker is a trait you have from Birth. It's like being a Marvel Mutant, you either are one or you aren't.
The Nightmare Cube is simply a derivative Tech for Mundanes based on the Psyker-Training Cube given to Mirande.

The only possible way we could develop psyker powers is if we are astoundingly weak and just never noticed. Which is about as likely as being a Dragon with very advanced Camoflage pretending to be Ella
Being a Psyker is a trait you have from Birth. It's like being a Marvel Mutant, you either are one or you aren't.
Unlike Marvel mutants, 9 in 10 psykers (of those with notable and controllable effects) never awaken their powers. If Ella has psychic powers, there's a pretty good chance we'll never awaken them unless we're put under extreme stress or we purposely try to awaken them. Increasing our willpower by subjecting ourselves to the Nightmare Cube seems like it would awaken any powers we might have, assuming we have them.
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That's...no. That isn't how that works

Being a Psyker is a trait you have from Birth. It's like being a Marvel Mutant, you either are one or you aren't.
The Nightmare Cube is simply a derivative Tech for Mundanes based on the Psyker-Training Cube given to Mirande.

The only possible way we could develop psyker powers is if we are astoundingly weak and just never noticed. Which is about as likely as being a Dragon with very advanced Camoflage pretending to be Ella

This isn't entirely accurate. Psykers also usually require a trigger to activate their abilities in setting it's very rare for psykers to be active with their ability to channel the immaterium from birth. Then you have the lower end psykers that just have odd moments of good luck when they need it.

It's entirely possible the cube only works on people with the potential to become psykers and actual psykers. Would be interesting to get hold of other test users reports to see if any one is claiming it just flat out doesn't work.
This isn't entirely accurate. Psykers also usually require a trigger to activate their abilities in setting it's very rare for psykers to be active with their ability to channel the immaterium from birth. Then you have the lower end psykers that just have odd moments of good luck when they need it.

It's entirely possible the cube only works on people with the potential to become psykers and actual psykers. Would be interesting to get hold of other test users reports to see if any one is claiming it just flat out doesn't work.
I mentioned Marvel mutants, who don't trigger until puberty usually, and can trigger much later.
I don't think we can survive Military training, a messed up background and multiple Reaver and Dragon hits without triggering if we had the potential. So we are either the low-end Psyker with Luck or we don't have it.
That's...no. That isn't how that works

Being a Psyker is a trait you have from Birth. It's like being a Marvel Mutant, you either are one or you aren't.
The Nightmare Cube is simply a derivative Tech for Mundanes based on the Psyker-Training Cube given to Mirande.

The only possible way we could develop psyker powers is if we are astoundingly weak and just never noticed. Which is about as likely as being a Dragon with very advanced Camoflage pretending to be Ella

To be fair with all the speculation about us possibly being a Mirande clone and all the attention we are getting from the reavers and the dragons...
I would not be too surprised if we had the potential.

Let's say I am really glad we took the cube - because if we are, boy will we need the willpower.
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To be fair with all the speculation about us possibly being a Mirande clone and all the attention we are getting from the reavers and the dragons...
I would not be too surprised if we had the potential.

Let's say I am really glad we took the cube - because if we are, boy will we need the willpower.
Clones in 40K are distinct entities, we'd have as much Psyker potential as a Mirande Clone as any of Dia's daughters.
Though yes, Reaver and Dragon attention is a good point...
Clones in 40K are distinct entities, we'd have as much Psyker potential as a Mirande Clone as any of Dia's daughters.
Though yes, Reaver and Dragon attention is a good point...

Well, it is not exactly 40k anymore, and the nightmares we had were, in my opinion, going a bit beyond what we should know, even subconsciously, or being just manifestations of our fears.

This said it is far from conclusive in any way. But pushing our willpower should help us regardless, so...
Well, it is not exactly 40k anymore, and the nightmares we had were, in my opinion, going a bit beyond what we should know, even subconsciously, or being just manifestations of our fears.

This said it is far from conclusive in any way. But pushing our willpower should help us regardless, so...
From the mouth of AN himself, only almost everything in the last dream was the product of our own experiences and subconscious. That said, it's probably a bad idea to assume that psionics work the same way as 40K psykers do. It could be that almost anyone could be psychic with the right circumstances. At the same time, it could be that some entity was trying to interact with us and the dreams were the only way it could reach us enough to realize it, and we are just a poor little mundane.

In any case, we're using the cube to keep mean reavers and possible human psychics from screwing with us. That much we know for sure.
We had 24 culture
-7 from festival
+7 from income Hong into next turn

We have 24 guaranteed culture influence out of 45. We need 21 culture to build both.

We're gaining culture from Alpha Dragon body donation. Our previous Dragon body donations gave us 10 culture and 5 economic influence. We donated multiple body bodies last time, compared to a single, larger body this time. Tentative estimate at +6 culture

We're patrolling thrice. Let's say +1 culture.

We're trading 8 economy influence. So far it's anyways been 2:1, so let's assume +4 culture

That's 11/19. So we need to earn ~8 culture from this festival. Considering its success? That seems plausible. But it's not certain. We can 'regain culture spent' which means it could have a cap at +7, which means we'd need better luck in our patrols or influence trade to make up the difference. Or hope my Dragon estimate is low.

I'm so looking forward to the economic gains though, I'm thinking we double our investment, minimum.
The previous dragons (with a roll of 98) gave 10 econ and 5 culture, not 10 culture and 5 econ. Integrating that in to your analysis, we have reason to be concerned here.
We can't afford to attach an extant building to the Enclave while going to negative Culture influence to build it, so if we don't reach 45 then we'll need to delay a building to turn 7. It will cost us a little on our build schedule to make it the Hab, but I think there are reasons to do so.
  • The fresher a building is the better I expect it to go switching it to the Enclave since the displaced people are less established in the community.
  • The settlement actions this saves us will help us build some military influence through patrols or investigations to fill out the Light Mech Squadron as quickly as we can.
  • We aren't prepared to build a Lab, Factory, or Barracks on turn 8 so this is a matter of influence rather than missed opportunities.
Hmm. I admit I was thinking about building the Enclave first if it comes down to it, mainly to avoid the 'dey took er jerbs!' drama.

Once the influence is updated with all of our turn 5 activities, I'll figure out how much not building a Hab would slow us down.
Hmm. I admit I was thinking about building the Enclave first if it comes down to it, mainly to avoid the 'dey took er jerbs!' drama.

Once the influence is updated with all of our turn 5 activities, I'll figure out how much not building a Hab would slow us down.
Dey took ur jerbs is actually if we tie the SW post to the enclave, given we kind of agreed it was SW's post, not our cultural enclave's. Building the hab first is what prevents the drama, and it falls in line with the generally expected result we discussed earlier. Hab next turn, enclave the turn after.
[X] Offer to ensure he gets assigned to Razorleaf as a proper post (Costs 15 Military, gain a Light Mech Squadron with 1/12 mechs in it; costs 1 Military Influence a year to fill up, can spend additional Influence to accelerate process; over unit limit costs 1 Economy a year)

Seduction (Cha+Intr) 36 + 26 = 62

While Brabant is extremely interested in the offer to ensure that he gets transferred to Ella's command, he is obviously a bit concerned about how long it will take to get the unit up and running. They will require at least a trio of light mechs to be able to really do anything, and even then they would want the unit at half strength to be able to meaningfully contribute. Of course his concerns would be similar in other settlements that might be interested in such an arrangement, so he definitely agrees that it is a good idea. While he decides to turn down Ella's more amorous advances, for the time being, with the two of them working together to present the idea to Anna, there won't be any problems in getting things done.

Still, as the party and festival winds down after a week to great success, you feel significantly more relaxed, especially with some of your problems having solved themselves, and your nightmares becoming significantly less likely to directly agitate you with the troubles of the day.

Lost Stressed Trait

Patrol Rewards (Int+Mang) (1 - 65) + 26 + 15 Multi-Patrol + 20 Multi-year = -3!
-1 Military
Interrogations (6)

Arts Promotion (Cha+Mang) 18 + 29 + 10 Cultural Synergy + 32 Festival Success = 89
-8 Economy, +6 Culture

Festival Success (Cha+Mang) 61 + 29 + 10 Cultural Synergy + 32 Festival Success + 18 Investment = 150
-8 Economy, -7 Culture, +15 Culture
Festival ROI (Int+Mang) 51 + 26 + 32 Festival Success = 109
+2 Economy

Dragon Donation (37)
+5 Economy, +2 Culture

Will Training (+2 Will)

Culture 24 + 6 - 7 + 15 + 2 + 7 = 47
Economy 16 - 8 - 8 + 2 + 5 + 5 = 12
Science 8 + 3 = 11
Military 13 - 15 - 1 = -3

Of course, just as the festival is ending, troubles return in full force in the form of a suicide ram against one of your checkpoints. The raiders had taken an old war rig that no longer really could serve its purpose as a mobile fire platform and strapped large amounts of scrap metal to its front and explosives in its gut and then set it in a straight line down the tracks towards the people on guard. The follow up raid didn't really get anywhere, mostly because despite there being a party wrapping up with lots of drunk and hungover people, none of them were active duty military personnel and thus the retaliation was swift and brutal. A bit too brutal, unfortunately, since there weren't really survivors to interrogate. Still, the timing indicated that they had some channel of communication with people within Razorleaf since it was clearly timed to be able to hit the mass of rich people leaving while everyone was at maximum hangover. This also demonstrated that whatever was going on down the line, it was serious enough that the raiders were becoming significantly more organized.

Two things were needed: a response, and an internal sweep of security. While obviously Razorleaf had been advertising the festival for months and thus communication could have come outside the community, at the very least they would need to see if there were any potential sources of communication within their own domain while Anna looked at the greater polity.

Anna and Raiders 64 + 50 Heat = 114

It took less than a day for word to bounce back from Owl's Landing: Anna was already assembling an expeditionary force for reconnaissance and retaliation against the attack, and it would be ready soon. While command would be going elsewhere, there was an open invitation for the garrison forces of Razorleaf Meadows to join in if they desired and had the troops to spare.

Of course, it also took less than a day for a lot of people to freak out even further about the safety of visiting Razorleaf, although the fact that Ella's military skill had again prevented any civilian deaths massively helped placate fears, although the deaths of her soldiers also had her reeling from the critics who had told her to increase military capacity. Things were probably going to be rather miserable budget wise over the next few years.

At least the new trading post was finished and the SWC wasn't particularly scared of raiders considering that their tire trains were often more heavily armed than most of the settlements they visited. Also, it was agreed that the additions to your office and mech in terms of dragon decorations were pretty awesome and encouraging to see in a leader.

Current Influence

Culture 47
Economy 12
Science 11
Military -3

Updated Output
Culture +7
Economy +7 (+6)
Science +3
Military +2 (0)

Personal Reactors COMPLETED
Medium Aircraft UNLOCKED
Medium Aircraft 13/300

Random Events and Opportunities

Of course, it takes less than a month after the aborted raider attack for the reavers to decide that they were being insufficiently feared and launched a major offensive on a settlement on the other side of the polity. While eventually fought off, the casualties were staggering at a little under two thousand people, and although most of the casualties were to the soldiers that had been thrown at them, that was still a significant amount of damage. Anna called out for contributions from everyone... and that mostly meant trying to rebuild shattered military units, which of course you didn't have the resources for because you had already spent your influence repairing your own people and getting Brabant assigned to you. You had of course ended up looking like a total ass for having nothing available to contribute back. Well, you could help economically if you wanted, but you could already feel the glare of the local budgetary committee about trying to get everything you wanted to get done.

You have five settlement actions available to you. Available options are...
[] Advertise for business - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Economy influence
[] Recruitment drive - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence

[] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[] Promote innovation - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Science influence
[] Additional military spending - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence

[] Construct building
(6/20 slots occupied)
(5/4 population occupied)
  • Hab (+1 Culture, +1 Economy, +1 Science, +1 Military) [Cost: 25 culture, 5 economy] [Note: new buildings cannot be constructed unless Habs compose at least ⅕ the active buildings]
  • Entertainment Complex (+3 Culture) [Cost: 20 culture]
  • Trading Post (+2 Economy, +1 Culture) [Cost: 15 economy, 5 culture]
  • Factory (+3 Economy, also required to produce more advanced goods) [Cost: 25 economy]
  • Reactor (+2 Economy, +1 Science) [Cost: 15 economy, 10 science]
  • Research Lab (+3 Science) [Cost: 15 science, 5 economy, 5 culture]
  • Proving Grounds (+1 Science, +2 Military) [Cost: 10 economy, 5 science, 5 military]
  • Barracks (+3 Military) [Cost: 15 military, 5 economy]
  • New Building Slot [Cost: 30 economy, 30 science]
4 buildings of the same type can be combined for the cost of one of that building type into a block, giving a 50% bonus to the total output (some advanced buildings give different benefits when upgraded to a block)
4 blocks of the same type can be combined for twice the cost of the building type into a district, giving a 100% bonus to the total output (replacing the 50% bonus from the blocks)
  • Foundry (allows production of light mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires at least 1 Factory)
    • Foundry Block (allows production of medium and heavy mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires 4 Foundries + 1 Factory Block]
  • Mech Tilting Grounds (+3 Culture, +2 Military, improved mech forces) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires at least 1 Entertainment Complex + 1 Barracks]
    • Mech Arena (Mech Tilting Grounds Block) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires 4 Mech Tilting Grounds + at least 1 Foundry)
  • Network Center (up to four buildings per centre that produces +1 <Influence> produces +2 so long as the +3 producing version is also in the settlement) [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 +3 generating building and 1 +1 generating building]
    • Network Block (up to four blocks produce an additional 50% Influence so long as they each have a paired building (or potentially a paired block), i.e. a Trading Post Block would produce 100% of its total normal influence with 1 Factory building present. Special: A District and its paired Block both receive the benefits, i.e. A Reactor District would produce 150% Influence and its paired Research Block would produce 100% Influence. Special: Habs can only be paired if they are the larger of the pair and their pair has to be a +3 type building [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 Block and 1 Building that can be paired with it]
  • College Campus (Research Labs produce +1 Culture) [Cost: 50 culture, 20 science; requires at least 1 Research Lab block and 1 Entertainment complex)
  • Rail line caravan (+2 Economy, do not occupy building slots but are more vulnerable to attack) [Cost: 15 economy; requires at least 1 Factory and each caravan also requires a Trading Post (extra caravans can be supported by blocks and districts using the same bonus multipliers)]

[] Initiate research project
[] Donate science - Send Science influence to the duchy level, generating goodwill

[] Build new military unit (4/3 currently supported)
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 5 economy, 3 military, 2 culture]
[] Requisition new military unit (4/3 currently supported)
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 20 military]
  • Artillery company [Cost: 50 military]
  • Light mech squadron [Cost: 50 military]
  • Medium mech [Cost: 60 military]
  • Heavy mech [Cost: 100 military]
  • CAS fighter-bomber [Cost: 80 military]
Each additional military unit over your support unit costs 1 Economy a turn.
[] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE
[] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH
[] Mercenary work - Assign a unit to mercenary work, spending Military Influence to gain Economy Influence. Requires Min. Military Influence of 10
[] Join Raider Retaliation - Send out a military expedition to figure out what is going on to drive violently desperate people into your territory. Attach as many units as you wish
[] Speed Recruitment of Light Mechs - Every 3 Military Influence recruits 2 more Light Mechs to the squadron

[] Donate to recovery efforts: Provide Economy Influence to aid in the recovery efforts elsewhere in the polity
[] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave (+1 Culture, +1 Economy, has the population to support 1 Entertainment Complex, Trading Post, or Factory. Adds special modifiers to supported building and opens up special opportunities. Cost: 20 Culture) Available until the end of Turn 10

[] Hold a major festival - Hold a major cultural event, with the potential to generate Economy and regain Culture spent. Requires Min. Culture Influence of 20, Costs a min. of 5 Culture Influence
[] Initiate Sociology research - Because of buildings and skills possessed, you may spend Culture influence as Science on Sociology projects

[] Underworld Sweep - The raiders had something of an idea of when to time their attack, and while it could have easily come from outside the settlement, a general sweep of local suspects is probably a good idea
[] Intrigue Sweep - Mayor Milvus has been quiet the past few years after getting bopped on the nose. You haven't heard anything recently, but he might have learned to be more subtle.

You also have the time for two personal actions this year...
[] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[] Study politics - Chance to advance Politician education
[] Study <stat> - Chance to advance selected skill. Specialty stats are easier than secondary stats are easier than primary stats

[] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
[] Seek allies - Look for people among the community and in the wider polity
[] Pursue Baron Malcolm Adler as an ally
[] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[] Seek a husband - Among the nobility one's spouse(s) is of importance for establishing allies and pedigree

[] Hunting - On Dandriss hunting animals with war machines is considered fair to all parties involved

Nightmare Cube training is currently active. It is not an action to start or stop using it for the turn.
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From the mouth of AN himself, only almost everything in the last dream was the product of our own experiences and subconscious. That said, it's probably a bad idea to assume that psionics work the same way as 40K psykers do. It could be that almost anyone could be psychic with the right circumstances. At the same time, it could be that some entity was trying to interact with us and the dreams were the only way it could reach us enough to realize it, and we are just a poor little mundane.

In any case, we're using the cube to keep mean reavers and possible human psychics from screwing with us. That much we know for sure.

I was going to respond to the psychics conversation, but you covered essentially everything I wanted to say. (Really, in general, 'it works like 40K' is a bad assumption to make too strongly now that it's original setting land).

We had 24 culture
-7 from festival
+7 from income Hong into next turn

We have 24 guaranteed culture influence out of 45. We need 21 culture to build both.

We're gaining culture from Alpha Dragon body donation. Our previous Dragon body donations gave us 10 culture and 5 economic influence. We donated multiple body bodies last time, compared to a single, larger body this time. Tentative estimate at +6 culture

We're patrolling thrice. Let's say +1 culture.

We're trading 8 economy influence. So far it's anyways been 2:1, so let's assume +4 culture

That's 11/19. So we need to earn ~8 culture from this festival. Considering its success? That seems plausible. But it's not certain. We can 'regain culture spent' which means it could have a cap at +7, which means we'd need better luck in our patrols or influence trade to make up the difference. Or hope my Dragon estimate is low.

I'm so looking forward to the economic gains though, I'm thinking we double our investment, minimum.

We, uh, made that. What now? (that culture gain, man.)
This 01 in patrols and 06 in interrogations were not really something we needed.

On the other hand 47 culture. That worked.
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Honestly, as I was generating the results I was more or less going "Well... shit, it looks like your awesome rolls on the festival were compensated this turn by absolutely shittacular roles on everything else."
The dice gods will have their sacrifice. (I dunno whether to say 'poor us' or 'holy shit those good rolls'.)

Yes, the dice were really tsundere this time around, weren't they.
So! Our gamble was successful, yay!

Now... there are so many things we want to do.
Here's the 'short list' of settlement actions:
[] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[] Construct building
-[] Hab
[] Patrol rail lines
[] Patrol forest
[] Join Raider Retaliation
[] Donate to recovery efforts
[] Additional military spending
[] Underworld Sweep
[] Intrigue Sweep

We get to do 5 of these and there are some constraints beyond that. We can't build the hab, donate significantly, and get a significant amount of additional military spending since we only have 12 Economy Influence available. We can't do both patrol actions and still have troops free to Join Raider Retaliation.

Other than that it's mainly about which things we're okay with going to shit and which we aren't. We could delay the construction we just sacrificed considerably to allow. We could halt the patrols we've carefully maintained for the entire game. We could fail to contribute at all to the problems of the greater polity. We could ignore all potential internal strife. I'll break the options up along those lines:

[] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[] Construct building
-[] Hab

[] Patrol rail lines
[] Patrol forest

Greater Polity Problems:
[] Join Raider Retaliation
[] Donate to recovery efforts
[] Underworld Sweep

Potential Internal Problems:
[] Intrigue Sweep
[] Additional military spending

Looking at it this way, I think we should do something out of each category, pick which category to focus on, and look for inter-categorical synergy options. Here's an example vote based on my instincts and fitting this analysis.

[] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[] Construct building
-[] Hab
[] Patrol rail lines
[] Join Raider Retaliation
[] Additional military spending

This exploits synergies from one perspective but focuses on military and economic domains without addressing political domains from another. Here's the breakdown of actions by Military, Economic, and Political:

[] Intrigue Sweep
[] Donate to recovery efforts
[] Underworld Sweep

[] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[] Construct building
-[] Hab

[] Patrol rail lines
[] Patrol forest
[] Join Raider Retaliation
[] Additional military spending

And... I'll post this much to the floor rather than try to write an example fulfilling both.
Okay a bunch of things happened and I had 18 alerts (which is rare for me) and I'm finally here nearly an hour after this updated and...

Holy buttcheeks we made it. The economy gain was petty underwhelming but we actually have 47 culture!

Dey took ur jerbs is actually if we tie the SW post to the enclave, given we kind of agreed it was SW's post, not our cultural enclave's. Building the hab first is what prevents the drama, and it falls in line with the generally expected result we discussed earlier. Hab next turn, enclave the turn after.
I, uh... I read that differently, I think.

To my understanding, the trade post is unassigned and working at half capacity.

If we build the Hab, the trade post will automatically be assigned to the Hab and begin work at full capacity.

If we then build an Enclave and try to reassign the trade post, that's when the workers from the Hab who are now without work would get mad.

So we'd need to build the Enclave first to avoid actively taking jobs away from our own people.

You can either designate an already supported building or wait to build a new one.

If you designate an already supported building, you will produce at least some degree of "DEY TUCK UR JEBS!"
The Trade post, afaik, is unsupported.

Although re-reading his post here, if the alternative is to build a new one... Then yeah, you might actually be right.

That being said, I don't actually want to build a new trade post, so... Who wants to deal with job drama?


I'd say -2 is the expected minimum. It'd be silly for us to lose influence as a patrol reward unless we get ambushed and crushed.

Bwahaha! We got a crit 1! -65! Hoooo boy.

Ahem, incoming turn plan.
Can we afford to burn culture or economy for military influence to spend speeding the mech recruitment? It looks as if we can either send troops, or send money, but we need 3 mechs to be able to send a point of light mechs anchored by Ella's medium. If we're going to contribute it would be better to do it in a way that leaves us with the resources after they're finished using them instead of just throwing money down the drain.