Ya joining the raid personally should be our way to repay everyone. An patrol the rail lines of course.
[X] Construct building
-[X] Hab
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Patrol Forest
[X] Join Raider Retaliation
-[X] Medium Mech (Ella)
[X] Underworld Sweep

[X] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[X] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better

The only action I'm not sold on so far is the forest patrol, though since it appears literally everybody else wants it...

If anybody shares my opinion that it's unnecessary, speak up now, I'm on the edge of giving in.

Edit: I surrender, forest patrol it is.
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[] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[x] Construct building
-[x] Hab
[x] Additional military spending
[x] Patrol rail lines
[x] Patrol Forest
[x] Underworld Sweep

[x] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[x] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better

Trying to patrol the forest without a mech present is asking for another bigass dragon. How well do people expect that to go?

Also, I don't want to see what might happen if our military gets sent even more negative.
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[x] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[x] Construct building
-[x] Hab
[x] Additional military spending - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence
[x] Patrol rail lines
[x] Join Raider Retaliation
-[x] Medium Mech (Ella)

[x] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[x] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better

Trying to patrol the forest without a mech present is asking for another bigass dragon. How well do people expect that to go?

Also, I don't want to see what might happen if our military gets sent even more negative.
Better a big ass dragon killing a Jaeger company than it killing loggers and attacking the outer wall. Plus it's just a 5% chance we get something especially nasty and even then there's a chance the Jaeger company can take mitigating action and mostly survive. The risk and cost are outweighed by the symbolic, material, and political benefits of the option.

As to influence, the most likely result is it producing 1 or 2 military influence.
It's not, you only have to specify if you are changing it's status.

You've been doing them long enough, but they require a payment of Military Influence to do so. I will include the option once you actually get over that goal.
If we lapse in doing them, will the option be reset, or have we done them enough that whenever we get enough influence we can make them automatic even if we dont patrol each and every turn still?
We have a lot of culture, perhaps we should use it to get more military influence?
yeah we were tempted to but we're just so damnably strapped for actions and while we have 48 culture, we're looking to spend 25 this turn and 20 the next turn alongside a small amount for solving any potential crisis so it just doesn't quite rate an action since we'd only be converting 6 or so influence and we're reasonably likely to be out of debt next turn anyway.
There's some interest in doing it both a turn or two down the line to flesh out the Light Mech Squadron and further down the line to fund automating the patrols, though.
[X] Construct building
-[X] Hab
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Patrol Forest
[X] Join Raider Retaliation
-[X] Medium Mech (Ella)
[X] Underworld Sweep

[X] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[X] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[x] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[x] Construct building
-[x] Hab
[x] Additional military spending - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence
[x] Patrol rail lines
[x] Join Raider Retaliation
-[x] Medium Mech (Ella)

[x] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[x] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better

Trying to patrol the forest without a mech present is asking for another bigass dragon. How well do people expect that to go?

Also, I don't want to see what might happen if our military gets sent even more negative.
The likelihood of a threat that the Jaegers can't handle is very low, but if it DOES happen to show up then we really need advanced warning so that we can come back with Anna's expeditionary force and reinforce the settlement.

In the event that something HUGE doesn't happen (Which would still leave us needing a patrol to give us some kind of warning, be it Reavers or Dragons), we need a patrol to
1) Prevent any of our enemies (internal or the raiders) from taking advantage of our being out of town to strike from the forests/attack our loggers etc.
2) Present an appearance of safety (We can't be seen slacking on defense during a state of war)
3) Keep our consistency bonus going
4) Deal with any minor or moderate threats out there.

Military Spending is what we'd be replacing in the plan you posted, and Military Spending is an actively bad thing to do this turn. If we get enough military influence from the Retaliation it'll be unnecessary, and if we fuck up and LOSE military influence from the Retaliation, we'll have to do it a second time next turn. Either way it's got a strong chance of wasting an action unless we wait until next turn to do it. Like, I'd recommend doing the second building instead of the Military Spending. (But at a much lower priority than the patrol. Pushing the Enclave back a turn can't really bite us. Missing a patrol can.)
[X] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[X] Construct building
-[X] Hab
[X] Recruitment drive - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence
[X] Join Raider Retaliation
-[X] Medium Mech (Ella)
-[X] 1 Jaeger Company
[X] Underworld Sweep
[X] Additional military spending

[X] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[X] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[X] Activate Nightmare Cube
[X] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[X] Construct building
-[X] Hab
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE
[X] Underworld Sweep
[X] Intrigue Sweep - Mayor Milvus has been quiet the past few years after getting bopped on the nose. You haven't heard anything recently, but he might have learned to be more subtle.

[X] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[X] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[X] Activate Nightmare Cube

The likelihood of a threat that the Jaegers can't handle is very low, but if it DOES happen to show up then we really need advanced warning so that we can come back with Anna's expeditionary force and reinforce the settlement.
Not quite borne out by past and recent events. Attacks on our territory are increasing, we're finding dragons falling out of trees, reavers AND raiders. One in three attacks so far were capable of either wrecking the shit out of our Jaegers(win, but become combat ineffective, or unable to win at all)

This is not the time for a small polity, with a relatively weak military force, to deploy the majority of it's military power on an external expedition. Anna's got many more people running to her call to arms, but we've also bought plenty of favor from her via dragon corpses, and as such, she has fairly good evidence that we ARE needed at home instead of going on an expedition to come back to our settlement wrecked.

I don't know about you, but when your citizens are complaining about weak settlement security, the way to address their concerns is NOT a punitive expedition.

Increase our military readiness at home(rather than send out the majority of our military might in the medium mech), plug holes, and make sure that the events which are so politically convenient for the mayor, aren't assisted by him.
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[X] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[X] Construct building
-[X] Hab
[X] Recruitment drive - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence
Ah, quick check. Are you planning on going into Culture Influence debt with this vote? If not, you should probably pick something else for one of these actions - there's only two culture left in our piggybank after building both of the above.
Oh hey, @veekie doesn't want to patrol the forest! Where were you when I was trying to balance washing dishes with arguing over irc? :C

And @Candesce also wants to construct the enclave... The dream isn't dead!

Buuuut imma play devils advocate for a minute.

Are you guys certain you don't want to contribute to Anna's war efforts? By sending Ella herself, we could have some neat scenes and a war event, not to mention potential rewards for contributing. On the other hand, not contributing via either units or economy means using up Anna's goodwill. Are all of your current actions worth more than that?

I mean, as much as I want to build the Enclave, it's a +1 culture, +1 economy building. Assigning the trade post to it will likely cause problems whenever we choose to do so. It can almost certainly wait...

Although I'm still hoping that building it concurrent with the Hab will allow us to scoot around the job problem...
[X] Construct building (Hab)
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Join Raider Retaliation (1 Medium Mech, 1 Jaeger Unit)
[X] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[X] Underworld Sweep
[X] Pursue Baron Malcolm Adler as an ally
[X] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
I mean, as much as I want to build the Enclave, it's a +1 culture, +1 economy building. Assigning the trade post to it will likely cause problems whenever we choose to do so. It can almost certainly wait...
We don't need to assign the Trading Post to it.

If anything, I'd rather assign a later Entertainment Complex.

That said, it could wait a turn, so I'll probably switch it over to one of the internal security picks.

And, bluntly, the reason I've decided to refrain from sending forces along with Anna is because I want Ella's mech on the home front. I don't think the jaeger units are sufficient for defense. If you'd argue for sending one of those instead, I'm listening.
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Oh hey, @veekie doesn't want to patrol the forest! Where were you when I was trying to balance washing dishes with arguing over irc? :C
Well, didn't have enough security to go poke the dragons again on an extended patrol.
Are you guys certain you don't want to contribute to Anna's war efforts? By sending Ella herself, we could have some neat scenes and a war event, not to mention potential rewards for contributing. On the other hand, not contributing via either units or economy means using up Anna's goodwill. Are all of your current actions worth more than that?
The problem with sending military assistance is we don't even have enough military at home.
The problem with sending economic assistance is made clear in the update itself.

We have also been fairly consistently building up goodwill with Anna. Goodwill is meant to be spent, in the right manner, like being able to prioritize your internal stability over external troubles.

So we have the following choices:
-Send the Mech - Polity deprived of heavy element. WILL take severe damage if dragon or reavers show up, before reinforcements can get there.
-Send the Jaegers - Polity deprived of light recon element. Unlikely to detect hazards before they hit.
-Send money - Polity economy put under even greater stress. We have already been warned on this.
-Let it go - Anna displeased, but attack efforts largely unaffected(we're a small fish in a pretty big pond here, one mech is not going to be decisive)

We have explicitly overextended significantly already, with the Indigo Hammer deals, with the dragons, and now with recruiting a mech squad we can't afford. This is the time to consolidate our interests, not take more gambles.
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We don't need to assign the Trading Post to it.

If anything, I'd rather assign a later Entertainment Complex.
This sidesteps what I was saying about the Enclave. If you don't even want to assign it to a building, then it can definitely wait.

Even if you don't want to send units away, are you sure the Enclave is more valuable than, say, an intelligence sweep?

And, bluntly, the reason I've decided to refrain from sending forces along with Anna is because I want Ella's mech on the home front. I don't think the jaeger units are sufficient for defense. If you'd argue for sending one of those instead, I'm listening.
Paired with Veekie's words on the subject, I've got nothing.

Also minor amusement point in that you and veekie had zero overlap in quoting me.

That's all fairly convincing regarding contributions to the war effort, or in this case, reasons for not doing so.

What about your other choices of actions? Only one patrol? No attempt to alleviate debt? And of course, is the Enclave really so important that it can't wait until the current crisis is dealt with?

You addressed some of Ekans words about jaegers in the forest, but in your plan our heavy mech is available in case of emergency, like with every other time we've patrolled the forest. So why stop now?
Even if you don't want to send units away, are you sure the Enclave is more valuable than, say, an intelligence sweep?
I think my edit must have gone through right after you quoted my post.

I'm certainly considering one of the sweeps, yes. As you say, getting the Enclave this turn isn't vital, and the sweeps could be. I'll probably go for the Underworld one - we know there's a problem there, and we can't be as sure about the Mayor.
[X] Construct Special Building - Indigo Hammer Enclave
[X] Construct building
-[X] Hab
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE
[X] Underworld Sweep
[X] Intrigue Sweep - Mayor Milvus has been quiet the past few years after getting bopped on the nose. You haven't heard anything recently, but he might have learned to be more subtle.

[X] Study Combat (mech)
[X] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[X] Activate Nightmare Cube