Ok, so in order to build the Fey Lab, we need to not spend any Science, but we can spend all our Economy and Culture without impacting our ability to build it, hypothetically speaking. All we need to do is save our Science, and we can definitely build the Fey Lab once we get the opportunity. The whole war thing does make that trickier though.

For this turn, I recommend that whatever plan we pursue focus on military aspects, avoid any Science spending, and choose the Pursue Obsession action. Maybe we'll finally get lucky and figure something else out that we can more easily fulfill.
Doesn't that largely defeat the purpose of being able to go into debt in the first place? It's not like business or intra-government loans are that rare even now, and this isn't even nearing the magnitude of modern corporate economics.

That's already included in how Influence (particularly Economic Influence) works. Razorleaf Meadows already has a lot of debt tied up in various financial instruments but those are all in the trivially sustainable point right now. Going into Influence Debt basically involves moving out of the standard and into the punishingly unpleasant versions. Plus, you need Science Influence which right now requires it to come from someone else and right now everyone is either hoarding it to spend on beefing up their own research capacities, or using it on research projects. Outside of a wartime economy you could spend influence to encourage more academics to be trained or migrate to Razorleaf Meadows, but because of the war that option is cut off for you.
[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador
This could be nightmare cube related. I think we should try it.

[X] Call on economic allies for assistance
We need some econ influence; the 16 was higher than we counted on but we just lost about half that to the fey lab. I think this is worth doing.

I think no trading post construction and flushing the full culture to mil is the play here. Leaves our options with swc fully open; they might want to build a second trading post a lot more than a factory. Keeps our full culture ready. Has good narrative interpretation with focused military action.

[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Checkpoint garrison
[X] Deal with Raiders
[X] Improve Relations with Neighbours
[X] Recruitment drive
[X] Construct building
-[X] Barracks

Happy to hear people's thoughts and I'll dig in to things in the morning.
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[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper. EXPECTED
[X] Deal with Raiders - There are three raider/rebel groups in the Diamond Dome area who are still a problem and need to be dealt with to fully secure the region. Each one eliminated also boosts local opinion
[X] Improve Relations with Neighbours - Spend time boosting the support of the people in Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. Current Support: PARTIAL
[X] Construct building
-[X] Trading Post, Stonebridge Way
[X] Construct building
-[X] Barracks

[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador
[X] Visit your great-aunt Andraste

Mostly I want to focus on actualy doing that quest, so investing on that direction.
On personal actions, I have this felling that when war starts and your very warlike aunt calls a family reunion the dicussion ough to be interesting.
They carved bloated statues from her hardened flesh in her image, raising them up to the top of faintly obscene pyramids.

And then some of those bones snapped together, winding up into something solid, and the things stood tall, their pyramids straightening out... and then the stars started to die.

Pyramids, a great river in a sandy desert, and this no longer being WH40K draw me back to this. If we start seeing strange beast-headed people...

Harzivan approacheth.
Your prophet has spoken.
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Let's do some math. If someone could double check taht would be great.
Turn 8 Barracks
Culture 23
Economy 24->19
Science 9
Military 20->5

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +10
Science +6
Military +4

Turn 9 Factory
Culture 34
Economy 29->4
Science 15
Military 9

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +10
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 10 Jaeger
Culture 45->42
Economy 14->9
Science 21
Military 16->13

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +13
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 11 Jaeger + Trade Post
Culture 53->48->46
Economy 22->17->2
Science 27
Military 20->17

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +13
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 12 Caravan
Culture 57
Economy 15->0
Science 33
Military 24

Updated Output
Culture +12
Economy +15
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 8 Trade Post
Culture 23->18
Economy 24->9
Science 9
Military 20

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +10
Science +6
Military +4

Turn 9 Barracks
Culture 29
Economy 19->14
Science 15
Military 24->9

Updated Output
Culture +12
Economy +12
Science +6
Military +4

Turn 10 Factory
Culture 41
Economy 26->1
Science 21
Military 13

Updated Output
Culture +12
Economy +12
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 11 Jaeger
Culture 53->51
Economy 13->8
Science 27
Military 13->10

Updated Output
Culture +12
Economy +15
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 12 Caravan + Jaeger
Culture 63->61
Economy 23->8->3
Science 33
Military 17->14

Turn 8 Trade Post + Barracks
Culture 23->18
Economy 24->9->4
Science 9
Military 20->5

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +10
Science +6
Military +4

Turn 9
Culture 29
Economy 14
Science 15
Military 9

Updated Output
Culture +12
Economy +12
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 10 Factory
Culture 33
Economy 26->1
Science 21
Military 16

Updated Output
Culture +12
Economy +12
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 11 Jaegerx2
Culture 55->53->51
Economy 13->8->3
Science 27
Military 23->20->17

Updated Output
Culture +12
Economy +15
Science +6
Military +7

Turn 12 Caravan
Culture 63
Economy 18->3
Science 33
Military 24

The only difference between the three is when we build things. We can build a Factory, Trade post and Caravan as well as two Jaeger Companies. Building only a Barracks in Turn 8 has us take two build options in Turn 11. Building a Trade Post in Turn 8 has us take two build options in Turn 12. Lastly Building a Barracks and a Trade Post in Turn 8 has us take two build options in Turn 8 and Turn 11.
Of course with actions generate more economic influence we are going to take more build options anyway.

Edit: Added vote.
[X] Construct building
-[X] Trading Post, Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper. EXPECTED
[X] Deal with Raiders - There are three raider/rebel groups in the Diamond Dome area who are still a problem and need to be dealt with to fully secure the region. Each one eliminated also boosts local opinion
[X] Improve Relations with Neighbours - Spend time boosting the support of the people in Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. Current Support: PARTIAL
[X] Neighbour Support - Spend some of the goodwill built up with the people of the Diamond Dome region to generate Economy or Military Influence, decreasing support. Current Support: PARTIAL

[X] Call on economic allies for assistance
[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador
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Should Patrol Rail Lines be automated by now? We've done it every year, right?
It still requires assignment of our limited military forces to maintain it, and we only have three (now four with the Light Mechs) units that can actually do the job. Ella's Mech isn't suited for that kind of patrol work by nature, and she literally does not have the time to spare to walk the rail lines on her own.
[X] Construct building
-[X] Trading Post, Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper. EXPECTED
[X] Deal with Raiders - There are three raider/rebel groups in the Diamond Dome area who are still a problem and need to be dealt with to fully secure the region. Each one eliminated also boosts local opinion
[X] Improve Relations with Neighbours - Spend time boosting the support of the people in Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. Current Support: PARTIAL
[X] Neighbour Support - Spend some of the goodwill built up with the people of the Diamond Dome region to generate Economy or Military Influence, decreasing support. Current Support: PARTIAL

[X] Call on economic allies for assistance
[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador

"[] Call on economic allies for assistance" action,

and a Trade post built we just might get a trade caravane without needing to build a factory first.
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"[] Call on economic allies for assistance" action,

and a Trade post built we just might get a trade caravane without needing to build a factory first.
Possibly, though I'd rather build the Trade Post in Razorleaf Meadows so that we can later build a Trade Post Block there.

I'd like to turn Razorleaf Meadows into a Trade and Entertainment settlement, with light industry, and Stonebridge Way into a Military and Science settlement.
Possibly, though I'd rather build the Trade Post in Razorleaf Meadows so that we can later build a Trade Post Block there.

I'd like to turn Razorleaf Meadows into a Trade and Entertainment settlement, with light industry, and Stonebridge Way into a Military and Science settlement.

Point, edited.

@Academia Nut - have we been getting +1 Will each turn from the cube, or is that not a thing?

We got +2 this turn and I think +1 last turn.
I knew the cube was going to drive Ella insane! I knew it! Why couldn't we have just picked the thing that would have helped us learn all the things?
It still requires assignment of our limited military forces to maintain it, and we only have three (now four with the Light Mechs) units that can actually do the job. Ella's Mech isn't suited for that kind of patrol work by nature, and she literally does not have the time to spare to walk the rail lines on her own.
But should it still require assigning one of our limited Settlement Actions?
You may have a point... Except for the fact that there shouldn't really be a reason to roll every year for complications, unlike now where because of that Ella's fucking losing it.

Meh on the one hand it'd kind of suck to have Ella implode in madness and get herself killed. On the other tentacle it means we may take over as Mirande and I'mma be honest I'm kind of just waiting for when we take over as Mirande.

Rereading things, should have addressed this. The Fey Lab counts as a regular lab for being put into a block or networking with other buildings (whether you want to is another question entirely and up to you). It's technically a bad, unique refinement.

Also, you guys may want to consider the implication of networking a 'not' chaos building, assuming that is you don't want to go all eight pointed star.
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Changed my plan to build a Trade Post instead of a Barracks.

Also, you guys may want to consider the implication of networking a 'not' chaos building, assuming that is you don't want to go all eight pointed star.
I'd rather not build it in the first place, if at all possible. If we're lucky the Blackthorners have a telepath that can help with the cube and the obessesion.
Meh on the one hand it'd kind of suck to have Ella implode in madness and get herself killed. On the other tentacle it means we may take over as Mirande and I'mma be honest I'm kind of just waiting for when we take over as Mirande.

I wouldn't count on taking over as Mirande. The Stone family is pretty large and there are numerous other characters that AN could switch to.
You may have a point... Except for the fact that there shouldn't really be a reason to roll every year for complications, unlike now where because of that Ella's fucking losing it.

Just like we can turn off the cube at any time.
Why do you think we could simply shut down a learning implant after it would have malfunctioned in unpredicted ways?
It is connected to our muse after all, something that is always on per definition.

But the discussion is pretty pointless anyway, what's done is done.
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XCOM psychics have white hair.

[X] Construct building
-[X] Trading Post, Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper. EXPECTED
[X] Deal with Raiders - There are three raider/rebel groups in the Diamond Dome area who are still a problem and need to be dealt with to fully secure the region. Each one eliminated also boosts local opinion
[X] Improve Relations with Neighbours - Spend time boosting the support of the people in Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. Current Support: PARTIAL
[X] Neighbour Support - Spend some of the goodwill built up with the people of the Diamond Dome region to generate Economy or Military Influence, decreasing support. Current Support: PARTIAL

[X] Call on economic allies for assistance
[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador

I'm still considering doubling down on raider killing, which would be a more stable relations gain than just improving.