I really doubt that Blackthorn is calling about the nightmare cube. It's probably important, but it could be anything from the recent monster encounter, to the various odd dragon activities, to Indigo Hammer, to something about Diamond Dome, its former administration, its current administration, its drugs, the method of production of its drugs, to daddy, to quite possibly something we wouldn't predict in a thousand years.

It's really tempting to go with the Blackthorn meeting and then just focus on the obsession. We're stuck with it for another year anyway, and we really don't want to build that lab if we can avoid it.

You're probably right to be honest, which would be/is incredibly disappointing.

She still might show up as an NPC, which would give us the chance to see her antics as everybody else does. Namely, cries of "Bullshit HAX!"

It's not likely to be for a while, though. I suspect that psychics are going to be kept away from detailed descriptions for some time because that's the part of the game which most needs to be completely redeveloped due to it having previously been almost entirely lifted straight from GW material.
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[X] Construct building
-[X] Trading Post, Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Checkpoint garrison
[X] Deal with Raiders
[X] Neighbour Support
[X] Recruitment drive

[X] Call on economic allies for assistance
[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador
I really doubt that Blackthorn is calling about the nightmare cube. It's probably important, but it could be anything from the recent monster encounter, to the various odd dragon activities, to Indigo Hammer, to something about Diamond Dome, its former administration, its current administration, its drugs, the method of production of its drugs, to daddy, to quite possibly something we wouldn't predict in a thousand years.

It's really tempting to go with the Blackthorn meeting and then just focus on the obsession. We're stuck with it for another year anyway, and we really don't want to build that lab if we can avoid it.

She still might show up as an NPC, which would give us the chance to see her antics as everybody else does. Namely, cries of "Bullshit HAX!"

It's not likely to be for a while, though. I suspect that psychics are going to be kept away from detailed descriptions for some time because that's the part of the game which most needs to be completely redeveloped due to it having previously been almost entirely lifted straight from GW material.
All those other things it could be don't exactly persuade me we shouldn't find out about it, though. If it's a problem then it's a problem whether we go or not in most cases I can think of and if it's not a problem then it could help with our plans.

You'll have to sell me on the Fey Research Lab really being a bad way to go. From what AN said it's liable to take 2-3 actions to get another option if we aren't lucky. We don't know that L-Space is as bad as the warp; twisted can be a hell of a lot less awful than corrupted.
All those other things it could be don't exactly persuade me we shouldn't find out about it, though. If it's a problem then it's a problem whether we go or not in most cases I can think of and if it's not a problem then it could help with our plans.

You'll have to sell me on the Fey Research Lab really being a bad way to go. From what AN said it's liable to take 2-3 actions to get another option if we aren't lucky. We don't know that L-Space is as bad as the warp; twisted can be a hell of a lot less awful than corrupted.
He's suggesting we drop the 'use our pals' option to do obsession.

Look at it another way. It doesn't promote particular trains of thought, it suppresses others. It's very presence suppresses philosophy and pacifies the people who see it as evidenced in it's penalties. I don't want to build it, but I don't feel particularly good about what else we could do.
Actually, I just see the economic decrease as Ella either has to fork out more cash to employ people there or that it's....unusual...ness requires higher upkeep.

It probably does put people off, hence the Culture malnus.
This is pretty out there, but we could give up on advancement and being a strong leader until Ella stops being insane.

Check into a clinic or something.
He's suggesting we drop the 'use our pals' option to do obsession.

Look at it another way. It doesn't promote particular trains of thought, it suppresses others. It's very presence suppresses philosophy and pacifies the people who see it as evidenced in it's penalties. I don't want to build it, but I don't feel particularly good about what else we could do.
It gives more science than a regular lab, so I think it does promote more thought. I view the Economy and Culture as paying people more and them being less happy.
This is pretty out there, but we could give up on advancement and being a strong leader until Ella stops being insane.

Check into a clinic or something.
All we have is pursue obsession or throw a party, though. We aren't given a 'seek therapy' option. Further, it's war time and we don't have a diagnosable condition just yet, 'just' extreme stress and a refusal to turn off our cube. There's not really a way to step back from things without someone insisting we turn off the cube, which would come at a severe cost and isn't exactly something we're allowed to commit to.

Do you think one of those two options is better than the Ambassador or Economic Allies option?
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[X] Construct building
-[X] Trading Post, Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Checkpoint garrison
[X] Deal with Raiders
[X] Neighbour Support
[X] Recruitment drive

[X] Call on economic allies for assistance
[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador
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All we have is pursue obsession or throw a party, though. We aren't given a 'seek therapy' option. Further, it's war time and we don't have a diagnosable condition just yet, 'just' extreme stress and a refusal to turn off our cube. There's not really a way to step back from things without someone insisting we turn off the cube, which would come at a severe cost and isn't exactly something we're allowed to commit to.

Do you think one of those two options is better than the Ambassador or Economic Allies option?
Parties clearly don't work either. All they do is cut stressed a step, but clearly if we keep failing with this intensity we'll have problems regardless.
Parties clearly don't work either. All they do is cut stressed a step, but clearly if we keep failing with this intensity we'll have problems regardless.
Right, but at the moment I think we get a severe mental problem just from rolling like a 50. Going down to Stressed from Extremely Stressed would let us 'only' step back up to Extremely Stressed with a mediocre roll and then we get the Fey Lab built and turn the cube off and we're home free.

Assuming we manage to pick the work off stress option at the party - they aren't clearly labeled and we might forget our objective amidst AN's inevitable offer of Economic Influence - and that it proceeds to actually work.

I would say they don't clearly work, though!

And yeah, if we roll below a 5 we are super fucked regardless of anything else we do - honestly 4 rolls below a 5 in a row from a risky option we took is a fairly legit game over.
[X] Construct building
-[X] Trading Post, Razorleaf Meadows
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Checkpoint garrison
[X] Deal with Raiders
[X] Neighbour Support
[X] Recruitment drive

[X] Call on economic allies for assistance
[X] Visit the Blackthorn ambassador
For personal actions, I think "[] Call on economic allies for assistance" is of utmost importance in hopes of bringing our Economy budget next turn to 25(we're looking at 24-15+10+1=20 currently) and getting another turn of income from the Factory we would then build. So long as patrols go well and negative events don't hit us, that alone would see us to 85 Economy - exactly in fact.
This delays the Fey Lab a turn.

I do not believe that's something we can afford, for one turn of Factory influence.
@veekie @Arbit I don't suppose I can bring either of you around on Recruitment Drive vs Neighbour Relations? I think it's a solid opportunity since building a Hab isn't quite viable and apparently working on the Raider problems is also good for Neighbour Relations so they wouldn't be totally neglected this turn.
I, uh... What are the competing plans currently? Oiy, @George, is it your calculations that result in us building a trade post right now? Because I have to admit I didn't see that part coming.
I, uh... What are the competing plans currently? Oiy, @George, is it your calculations that result in us building a trade post right now? Because I have to admit I didn't see that part coming.
I'm somewhat going with the flow there but it gets us a little extra Economy influence to do it versus waiting for a factory and it doesn't get in the way of the Fey Lab or slow down our third Hab, the latter since we can't afford even the 5 Economy for a Hab at current projections.
It caught on, and I switched when I looked closely at a summary of what we need.

The only point really being contested is Recruitment Drive vs Neighbor Relations where Relations had very good initial popularity but I believe we can afford to delay it and don't have a better use for the 18 Culture than fulfilling the Military Contribution condition. (If we're lucky @Academia Nut might even let us directly donate the propaganda and save an action)
I'm somewhat going with the flow there but it gets us a little extra Economy influence to do it versus waiting for a factory and it doesn't get in the way of the Fey Lab or slow down our third Hab, the latter since we can't afford even the 5 Economy for a Hab at current projections.
It caught on, and I switched when I looked closely at a summary of what we need.

Do we really need another trade post? I know we need a factory... Are we even targeting diamond dome?

I get that we want to build the fey research lab asap, but we don't actually make up the economy from the trade post until after the diamond dome questline ends, so I'm a little confused there, assuming we're going for it.

I'm not objecting, just asking for clarification. I... Should really go back and read the discussion then, huh? Alright, be back soon.
So, um. I have a question that might have an obvious answer - why do we want the trade post to be in Razorleaf Meadows?

"Because 'block' and that's where our other trading post is" is... somewhat long term as an answer, and kinda has unfortunate implications regarding how long it will be before we give Stonebridge Way any buildings whatsoever - and the jobs that they're associated with. I think avoiding that's worth the marginal inefficiency of splitting up our first two trading posts.

Do we really need another trade post?
Is our current trade post incapable of sending out caravans to Diamond Dome? Because that's what we actually need, an 'economic tie'

I went back and read arbit's calculations, but they're all based on us having to buy a new trade post in the near future, and I'm not sure why we'd need to. Did I miss something?

Edit: wait, I think I got it. Each trade post can only support one caravan, so we'd need a new one. My mistake.
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So, um. I have a question that might have an obvious answer - why do we want the trade post to be in Razorleaf Meadows?

"Because 'block' and that's where our other trading post is" is... somewhat long term as an answer, and kinda has unfortunate implications regarding how long it will be before we give Stonebridge Way any buildings whatsoever - and the jobs that they're associated with. I think avoiding that's worth the marginal inefficiency of splitting up our first two trading posts.

The system I favor is allowing Stonebridge to take advantage of effectively free 100% efficiency conversions but make it earn its development. With 1 Hab that has them earning, for instance, a Barracks in 5 years.

That is, track how much they've produced in one pool and when it's big enough give them a building then subtract that amount from the pool.

We will see how the turn evolves.

Also, what is the tally at currently?
I think Ekans might have just tied it but I'm on my phone so I can't tally.