I'll take the permanent will gains over temporary stat decrease.
Stressed is a semi-permanent trait that can devolve into depressed if left untreated long enough, which doubles all associated penalties and puts the chance of suicide on the table. It is, however, surprisingly easy to eliminate, simply by pulling back on all the self-improvement and the work we do. In particular, spending free time with family, friends, or partying away are all good ways to remove the trait, and they're things that can be committed to almost automatically. Stressed is a bad thing, but it's not the looming headsman's axe it's been made out to be, when a vacation has a significant chance of breaking it.
Stressed is a semi-permanent trait that can devolve into depressed if left untreated long enough, which doubles all associated penalties and puts the chance of suicide on the table. It is, however, surprisingly easy to eliminate, simply by pulling back on all the self-improvement and the work we do. In particular, spending free time with family, friends, or partying away are all good ways to remove the trait, and they're things that can be committed to almost automatically. Stressed is a bad thing, but it's not the looming headsman's axe it's been made out to be, when a vacation has a significant chance of breaking it.
Sure, but we have no friends and family available without long, expensive transportation and all of our social calendar is political. It would destabilize our position to take a year off from everything but core duties. We could get several points of willpower in the time it took to claw back to where we are now.
Sure, but we have no friends and family available without long, expensive transportation and all of our social calendar is political. It would destabilize our position to take a year off from everything but core duties. We could get several points of willpower in the time it took to claw back to where we are now.

..... thats some nice speculation on what do you base the idea that we could get several points of willpower if we take a year off from will power and cube training next turn to deal with hypothetical stress when youre planning to do that now regardless?

Like throw me an a simplified action plan where you can see that happening within the two year period you just described.
Should we be careful?
Definetly. But stopping after just half an year of use is overhasted, in my opinion.
After the next year we should make a pause, but not yet.
It's not half a year of use. Pretty sure it already counts as a full year of use. We got twice the minimum out of it.
Stressed is a semi-permanent trait that can devolve into depressed if left untreated long enough, which doubles all associated penalties and puts the chance of suicide on the table. It is, however, surprisingly easy to eliminate, simply by pulling back on all the self-improvement and the work we do. In particular, spending free time with family, friends, or partying away are all good ways to remove the trait, and they're things that can be committed to almost automatically. Stressed is a bad thing, but it's not the looming headsman's axe it's been made out to be, when a vacation has a significant chance of breaking it.
Okay but why put ourselves in a position where we HAVE to vacation? We can get the same amount of mileage out of the cube without having to dump lower-yield actions into shaking off a negative status effect if we never pick it up in the first place.
..... thats some nice speculation on what do you base the idea that we could get several points of willpower if we take a year off from will power and cube training next turn to deal with hypothetical stress when youre planning to do that now regardless?

Like throw me an a simplified action plan where you can see that happening within the two year period you just described.
I described a three year period, which probably alleviates your concern considerably(though perhaps adding new ones). I'm also currently voting to do willpower training without the cube.
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I take it getting additional Muse add-ons (stuff like the Officer's Muse or the Integral Muse) is off the table for now?
I take it getting additional Muse add-ons (stuff like the Officer's Muse or the Integral Muse) is off the table for now?
I don't think they are compatible. I think you'd have to research a new muse that had both capacities. Probably easier to add +1 Combat to a Manager's Muse than +1 Management to it, though.
I take it getting additional Muse add-ons (stuff like the Officer's Muse or the Integral Muse) is off the table for now?
In the case of a different type of muse, I think that's a matter of the overall software/hardware we've got implanted, we can trade it out, at best, but not double up. The add-ons we've seen offered recently are probably AN-controlled special offers at particular points in the story or for particular milestones.
I really wish people would stop trying to min/max traits, though I guess that's a futile hope since the system by which they are acquired is so... gamey and encourages that kind of behavior. Hopefully, it won't get as bad as the last quest where any real character development seemed utterly impossible/unbelievable due to the schizophrenic nature needed to acquire virtues and vices.
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I didn't make that assertion. Read the following sentence.

The implication was that the roll itself somehow added stress, rather than it being a steady upward tick in check difficulty over time, which is what I'd already been speculating was the case. The cube's stated purpose at this stage in development is covert deployment for human testing, in order to determine if a placebo effect isn't taking place. If they feel that confident in it's use, and if can cause chronic, debilitating stress, then the risk can't be as excessive as has been assumed by E3 or veekie, or it's use would result in a net negative, and thus would have already been determined not fit for human trials.

By the nature of its effect, the cube seems as if it would be really difficult to get the normally necessary levels of confidence in non-human trials, and at least the official description suggests that it's not even being designed with an eye towards extended use. Frankly, that sounds a bit like a, "We're not research biological weapons, we're researching counters to biological weapons (even if that means that we need to first research all the potential bioweapons our enemies might develop in the process)", bit of cover for what smells like an offensive covert tool. Such things tend not to put as much of a priority on subject safety even in the short term.

Anna is a notoriously "damn the torpedoes" personality with multiple professional and personal grudges against the Reavers she fully appreciates the dangers of. Now she's suspecting the presence of another Reaver mastermind of the sort which murdered her father, flayed her mother's mind, threatened the entire planet, and mutilated and crippled her sister. She could well be using her position to cut through the red tape and get Ella into the very first batch of human trials for a secret military research project which itself is being recklessly fast-tracked based on her impression that Ella maintaining her currently proven insufficiency would be even more dangerous. Besides, if one grandchild falls she has plenty more, and she seems as if she would be pretty receptive to a survival of the fittest mindset.

None of this is to say that the cube isn't worth it or even not worth taking chances with, but we really should not be assuming that it is safe. Anna is a hell of a risk-taker and she is judging "excessive" risk in relation to her suspicion of something similar to events which have heavily traumatized her and thoroughly shaped her deep personality. She doesn't have the clinically dispassionate distance to be a good judge on this matter.

Should we be careful?
Definetly. But stopping after just half an year of use is overhasted, in my opinion.
After the next year we should make a pause, but not yet.

One year. One full year. AN has made it clear that he is counting the last year as a full normal year of operation.

We know from its nature that it's better take it slow at first and the ramp it up. There is a valid debate over whether that should lead us to start with a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio, but let's not fool ourselves by saying, "yeah, 2:1 is too much to start with, but we haven't had a full year yet so we can turn it off before we get there", because we have already had a full year in terms of the relevant game mechanics.
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[X] Nomad diplomacy
[X] Patrol Rail Lines
[X] Promote the Arts
[X] Patrol the Forest x2

[X] Throw a party
[X] Study willpower
[X] Deactivate Nightmare Cube

After her little campaign to attract the entertainers and performers for her new, expanded entertainment districts last year, Ella figures that she should try to continue on with that sort of thing and help fund all the new start ups, give them a bit of a boost so that they can get on their feet and start drawing in the clientele. She figures that dumping some money into art grants and recognition awards and advertising should do that nicely. The only question you really have is how much she should invest.

Invest Economy Influence...
[] Minimum, 2 Economy
[] Minor, 6 Economy
[] Half, 10 Economy
[] Major, 14 Economy
[] All, 19 Economy

As you are going over with such things, you get an official request to meet with Samantha. Raising an eyebrow at that, you put her into your schedule as a meeting with the South Woods Company representative. A few days later she arrives at your office looking rather prim and proper and bearing an official looking file case. Gesturing for her to take a seat, she sits down and then says, "Thank you for granting the South Woods Company an audience so quickly, madam governor."

Nodding at the official title, Ella says, "It is always a pleasure to do business with the South Woods Company. I take it that you have some sort of request or business proposal to offer to the people of Razorleaf Meadows?"

Nodding, Samantha hands over the file case and says, "Given recent business transactions and the frequency of transit between your settlement and the rest of the Green Owl nation, and the potential for further interactions with other, outside groups for the purposes of tourism, the South Woods Company wishes to establish a supply depot and regular caravan visits. We believe that such an arrangement would be highly beneficial for all parties involved."

Opening up the file case and pulling out the information packages within, Ella says, "This is definitely interesting, but you do know that Razorleaf Meadows is currently running into something of a labour and housing shortage? I need to spend the next few years building up new apartments and drawing people in."

Samantha shrugged and said, "This is within our projections. While it would impact productivity until it could be fixed, we would be able to partially house our own staff on-site and in the caravans for a few years."

Ella could only hum a bit at that before she said, "I will have to take this up with my advisors, but on the surface I see little issue. We have plenty of space and as I understand it you would be primarily footing the bill."

"The South Woods Company will entirely foot the bill," Samantha stated.

After thought and consultation...
[] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[] No (turn down the offer, you will remain in control here)

AN: Certain groups can construct buildings in your settlement. While this costs you nothing, and often the sponsor will have their own prereqs met that you do not, and can even go around limits imposed by population in some instances, you only get partial benefits, generally half of the primary output. If bringing in outside workers due to population limits, additional penalties are inflicted. In this specific instance you would gain +2 Economy while under your Hab limit, and +2 Economy and +1 Culture when over it

Once the rest of the meeting wound down, with discussion over various points that she would take to her people to check for legal and contractual issues making up the vast bulk of the time, Samantha's professional demeanour slipped and she let out a broad grin. "So rumour has it that after skipping last year you're going to be throwing a party again this year."

Ella nodded and said, "Yes, in part I am doing it to promote the new businesses, in part for my own diplomatic reasons. I need to mend fences, and I should have something prepared for when Armand Yars, President of Xychro, shows up."

Samantha nodded there and said, "Sensible idea. Part of this is going to be him visiting Auga to pay his sentiments to his family, part of it is going to be thanks for bribing us on their behalf last year, part will be to see if he wants to do more business with you after you were so reasonable last year."

"Any idea what he might enjoy? The public files are rather sparse since he didn't have anywhere near the profile that Messer did," Ella asked.

Samantha thought about it for a moment before she said, "He'll want something exotic. Now, what exactly that means is a bit tricky since that's exotic from his perspective, but what he will want to see is goods and culture on display that he might be able to bring back with him. You have a distinct advantage here in that you cater to the upper strata of Green Owl society that is often difficult for outsiders to penetrate. Something lavish or extravagant is likely to win him over... or I suppose something wilder where you show off a broad cross section of the entertainments available here might also work. I unfortunately don't know much more than that, I've never interacted with him personally, it's more an observation of how businessmen from Indigo Hammer tend to be."

Ella nodded at that. It made sense for the most part. Looking for advantages and the like.


Indigo Hammer Knowledge (Int + Aca (soc)) 38 + 20 = 58

She would have to look things up later, but she couldn't really recall anything that stood out for Indigo Hammer. She supposed that the cybernetic technology they used might be of some degree of interest to the people of Indigo Hammer, although most of the better quality stuff wasn't just proprietary but under state control. Still, she would keep in mind that she wanted to display Green Owl technology and/or culture for the party.

Her party would be a...
[] Formal ball
[] Elegant masquerade
[] Semi-casual social
[] Relaxed gathering
[] Rowdy dance
[] Debauched rave
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[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Elegant masquerade
[X] Minor, 6 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Elegant masquerade
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail linecaravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[] Rowdy dance

First look, open to suggestion.

I feel that half (10) is very much the best choice though, and I'm staying put on that

Edit: actually, given the economy from trading post, I'm open to major.

Minor is a gamble though, I don't like it.
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[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Elegant masquerade

Playing it safe, and we get better ties with SWC.
We may even develop some ties to Xychro, dice allowing.

If so, Razormeadows may become a business/tourism/diplomacy (colour powers) hub.
That would be cool.

If not, Ella is still developing some decent ties/experience with IH people.
Maybe enough for some alliance style matrimony? Give us an edge in the succession rat-race
Edit2: changed vote, fixed spelling
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Masquerade is probably what he'd choose, for curiosity's sake. I think he might enjoy the formal ball and accomplish good networking there. He's disadvantaged at the masquerade, most likely, since he'll be tall.
Do we want him to enjoy himself and profit directly, or do we want him to learn and profit indirectly?

I think we're committed to good South Woods Company relations in any case, so we might as well profit from parallel commitment.

I'm persuaded by redzonejoe to vote for half.

[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail linecaravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Formal ball
Masquerade is good too, but I think this guy viewing the settlement favorably will work better than him viewing us favorably. Without him liking the settlement, he's just not in close enough contact for his good regard to be useful.
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Only have one suggestion: moderate-major econ to culture influence trade.

If we can get a good ratio, and with the help of some additional influence from patrolling or other sources, a turn 5 hab is very much possible. Just keep enough economy for a turn 6 reactor afterwards.

Initial estimate suggests we can afford to trade 9 economy without risk, and likely more thanks to patrol income.

To get a Hab complex built next turn requires 25 culture and 5 economy.

You currently have 12 culture and 19 economy and produce 7 culture a turn and 5 economy a turn.

You thus need an extra 6 culture generated this turn. An investment of 12 economy has better than 50% chance to produce 6 culture and a good chance of producing more. You can go down to 0 Economy this turn and still have enough next turn, although you may want to save a buffer in case of extraordinary expenses. An investment of 12-14 economy doesn't have a 100% chance to get you what you need, but given the results from your patrols you seem likely to generate at least one more of each of the needed influence, that level of investment is pretty damn likely to give you the numbers you need by next turn.

To build on this, the best possible course of action has us with 14+ economy on turn 5, which means keeping ~9 in the bank this turn, give or take depending on income from patrols and such.

Hab takes priority, the sooner the better. But ideally, we can start building other things after the hab is built, which means not spending all of our economic influence.

We could probably go so far as to spend 12 (leaving us with 7) and still get the turn 6 reactor thanks to the high probability of at least 1 culture from patrols each turn.

@Arbit, @Strypgia, @Yorick's Skull

Given the above, and the new information of additional income from the trading post, would you guys be willing to reconsider your choice of [] Minor, 6 economy ?

Half is entirely safe, and almost certainly necessary for a quick hab.

Also @George , arbit is right that it's economy, not culture. I'm going to edit my post and you should too. AN made a mistake there.
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@Arbit, @Strypgia, @Yorick's Skull

Given the above, and the new information of additional income from the trading post, would you guys be willing to reconsider your choice of [] Minor, 6 economy ?

Half is entirely safe, and almost certainly necessary for a quick hab.

Also @George , arbit is right that it's economy, not culture. I'm going to edit my post and you should too. AN made a mistake there.
Hah I even noticed it in the update and somehow failed to vote the right thing.
@Arbit, @Strypgia, @Yorick's Skull

Given the above, and the new information of additional income from the trading post, would you guys be willing to reconsider your choice of [] Minor, 6 economy ?

Half is entirely safe, and almost certainly necessary for a quick hab.

Also @George , arbit is right that it's economy, not culture. I'm going to edit my post and you should too. AN made a mistake there.
I'm not willing to reconsider spending that much economic influence as I want to build a factory as soon as possible.
Edit: And if we can build the hab in turn 6 instead of turn 5 that's fine by me.
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I'm not willing to reconsider spending that much economic influence as I want to build a factory as soon as possible.
Edit: And if we can build the hab in turn 6 instead of turn 5 that's fine by me.
Our income goes to 8+events per turn with the hab and these two buildings and we can't start the factory until the hab is fully built. I'm not convinced that the extra 4 Economy is remotely likely to delay the factory.