[X] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[X] Nomad diplomacy - The nomads are currently camped outside your settlement and things are currently pretty good. Still, you can check up on them if you want.
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Patrol forest x2 - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH

[X] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
[X] Study Willpower - Chance to advance selected skill. Specialty stats are easier than secondary stats are easier than primary stats

[X] Continue using Nightmare Cube this turn.

So, what do you think the cube is, exactly? Demons?
[X] Disable Nightmare Cube this turn.

Aka the sign that you should Rest and Recover, before diving back in.

Or you'd have the same thing happen to your mind as people who keep exercising past exhaustion. They do more harm than help.

[X] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[X] Nomad diplomacy - The nomads are currently camped outside your settlement and things are currently pretty good. Still, you can check up on them if you want.
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH x2

Can't build anything until the Culture cashes in(as we don't have the population to crew them), so maintain patrols, convert Economy slowly over to Culture so the hab comes faster. Leverage the Nomad Diplomacy action with the Nomad Diplomacy event that carries over from last turn.

[X] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[X] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering

Continue to progress on officer school(as we get more benefits from continuing the same action for multiple years than switching around), and a party should work as stress relief if we pick the more relaxed versions.
I've apparently gotten here too late (stupid overnight updates) but Promoting The Arts is kinda questionable (Not that we have much better to do right now.). We're going to hit 26/25 culture for a hab in two turns (unless we have sudden cultural expenses). I can sort of see the logic but it'd be more of an insurance policy in case we lose culture points, rather than anything to actively accelerate it. Although actually, automating promoting the arts might not be a bad idea. We're going to have more economy than we can spend for probably the next couple decades (unless more options start opening up soon). A big initial investment of economy to get more culture might not be a bad idea for a mid-term option.

Also: Still catching up so not sure if this has already been corrected but I don't think we've hit the age gate for advancing Officer Education again. It probably has to be Politician Education.

@Academia Nut questions:
-Will we get a new economy-spending option once we have more than 20 of it?
-Will a new Hab give us the opportunity to house additional troops?
-Will we be able to automate patrols soon?
[X] Hold a major festival - Hold a major cultural event, with the potential to generate Economy and regain Culture spent. Requires Min. Culture Influence of 20, Costs a min. of 5 Culture Influence
Still catching up but given that the window for us to hit the cost of the Hab in 2 turns is kind of narrow at the moment, this seems like the worst possible option. It has the potential to push us back a full turn on a bad or even mediocre roll.
Haha, we've not even had the cube a turn and people want to turn the damn thing off and not use a training action on willpower. Be interesting to see if the votes continue in that direction.
Yeah, because continued use can cause stressed/depressed/worse things. We already got 2 willpower out of it. Veekie is completely right. If we overextend ourselves, we will wind up doing more harm than good. If we spend a decade building up willpower every other turn, we'll become resilient enough to use it multiple turns in a row without much consequence. If we use it multiple turns in a row right now, with our current low willpower, we'll run the risk of cratering early and taking stat maluses/vices/who knows what else which offsets any of the benefit we gained from the extra willpower. We absolutely should be turning it off for now.

If we're already exhausted we're probably at significant risk of stressed even with a decent roll and stressed and depressed were the BANE of the last thread. Terrible, terrible conditions, especially this early on.

Given that I can't figure out anything better to do than spend on Culture, I'm gonna just go with Veekie. He's got all the essentials, and he's right that the cube is liable to completely tank us until we've built up more resistance to it (willpower). We should take a rest and get rid of our exhaustion before it starts leaving us with less actions per turn or something similarly shit.

[X] Veekie
Also: Still catching up so not sure if this has already been corrected but I don't think we've hit the age gate for advancing Officer Education again. It probably has to be Politician Education.

You can learn up to level 4 in any education trait so long as you put the time and effort into it. You cannot start learning your third branch of education until you are 30. This, incidentally, means that because of the pre-reqs, stuff like General Officer won't generally be learned until your mid to late 30s and thus most people won't even be really eligible to make the actual rank of brigadier general under a merit based system until they are at least in their 40s unless they are both prodigies and lucky enough to pick up the commendations from service to be promoted as soon as they cross the minimum age requirements or do something so spectacular that they jump over the standard requirements. In game terms this would require you to have both the necessary skill requirements (having at least General Officer I) and to perform some major deed and request a promotion as reward.

-Will we get a new economy-spending option once we have more than 20 of it?
-Will a new Hab give us the opportunity to house additional troops?
-Will we be able to automate patrols soon?


Also, I forgot to answer this earlier, but every type of building opens up new options and allows you to capitalize on different opportunities.
Given the vice and virtue system we operate under this is a good thing especially as cube use is always paired with a +1 willpower gain per year. Gaining vices means that if/when we flip them to virtues we can grab the mitigated versions of them like focused fury and the combo traits later. More than that from what AN said we're essentially one turn of use in so I'm not particularly worried.
You're assuming the vice/virtue system works the way it used to. That's a bad assumption. The actual mechanical effect of vices and virtues is no longer quite the same, and we have no idea if there are actually advanced/mitigated/synthesis versions of them any more, or how hard they are to gain.

AN also said in IRC that we can wind up unintentionally picking up Vices, and a lot of those have negative effects on not only our stats but also fluff-wise.

And again, less ability to control our actions via voting, subjective narrative making it harder to get the information we need to make decisions, lost actions. Possibly even worse if we slip too deep into the nightmares. You're underestimating the potential for fucking ourselves up.

Look at it this way: If we DO pick up stressed or depressed we're going to have to stop the Cube for a couple years anyway, lest it become something worse. We'll have the same amount of no-cube time as if we were alternating, but we'll be fighting against a negative status condition at the time. Doing it Veekie's way gets us the same amount of cube years but without the maluses.
My OOC concern is that we don't want to end up like Harzivan. If we pick up too many vices/virtues, it'll make the quest much harder to write for AN.
In my opinion, due to the fact that we haven't seen any willpower in education traits, we just got +2 willpower from the passive cube training, which implies that not only was the roll fairly high, but it was probably a minor critical success or full critical. Even if all use of the cube, regardless of check result, leads to a -5 to -10 on said check for each consecutive year in use, I feel confident enough that we have a (conservative) 50% chance, to a (hopeful) 90% chance or greater, to not pull a permanent negative stress trait if used one more time.
This is just pulling numbers out of thin air. Why are you assuming it works that way? We got benefit out of the cube but we also picked up stress from the cube. Whether the check gets harder from consecutive use is irrelevant. The relevant thing is that we pick up stress even when we're succeeding. We could likely roll 80+ 2-3 years in a row and still have a decent chance of picking up a negative trait.
Fortunately we're nowhere near that point. The most notable dreams we've even had have been 'this has all played out for me before when I was dumber and younger' and 'this inception bedwetting dream is really weird and privately embarrassing'. I don't know about you, but even if I actually pissed the bed every night for a month, I probably wouldn't start chewing off nails and constantly stressing over how hard life is (but I would stop drinking water before I go to sleep). On the contrary, since Ella can definitively know where the dreams begin and end (after the fact, at least), they're nothing more than idle curiosities when she wakes up, and she apparently has been getting restful, if disturbed, sleep despite the cube's best efforts, or we'd be given notice of tiredness and lethargy, even as a passing phrase inside another sentence.

I don't see what we have as sufficient narrative hinting that the cube is stressing us out enough that we're either certain or even statistically probable to get Stressed by using it again. I do see that when we spend the entire year training for X, dealing with the fallout of Y, and searching for Z, we're less than energized at the end of the year, especially when we didn't try to unwind by doing anything Ella considers particularly fun.

Just throw a rave or something this year to blow off steam. See how stressed we end up after that.

I don't think you're understanding how this works. Sleep is when the body sorts out confused thoughts and stress. If we were balancing a budget, it'd normally count as income. Having stressful dreams means that it counts as an expense. We DO have signs in-narrative that we're getting worn down by this already
Mostly it was just that every night she ended up having to play out some anxiety or another from the day or her life in general. There was definite stress, but she was soldiering on.

You just seem hell-bent on ignoring it.

We can only afford to use sleep as an expense on our stress if we have a surplus or a line of credit that we can pay off quickly. Right now we have neither, so we need to sleep. A rave wouldn't remove stress, it'd create stress. We'd have to spend months and lots of resources organizing it in exchange for one night of fun. I'm fine with doing a party this turn, but it's not a stress-release. It might be for the attendees, but not for the host (especially when we always have to watch for knives at any social function)
Dude, ekans just penta-posted, except with people in the middle.

But it still counts as a penta-post because he's still replying in his 5th post to things that were said before his first post.

And it's totally unfair because he just passed my post count in this thread and I was so proud of myself too.


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Dude, ekans just penta-posted, except with people in the middle.

But it still counts as a penta-post because he's still replying in his 5th post to things that were said before his first post.

And it's totally unfair because he just passed my post count in this thread and I was so proud of myself too.


I've been going through replying to people as I catch up.

Why are so many people voting for the Nightmare Cube to continue though? It's going to tack on additional stress as long as we're using it and we're already showing clear signs of stress. If we hit a negative condition we're going to have to stop using it for a few years. If we just alternate it, we're going to get the same number of on-years and off-years, just with no risk of losing stats/actions/vote control/etc.

Sorry for your post-count. I'm sure you'll pass me again soon. (*glances at own post numbers in Amber Age and Age of Strife* ... Maybe)
I've been going through replying to people as I catch up.

Why are so many people voting for the Nightmare Cube to continue though? It's going to tack on additional stress as long as we're using it and we're already showing clear signs of stress. If we hit a negative condition we're going to have to stop using it for a few years. If we just alternate it, we're going to get the same number of on-years and off-years, just with no risk of losing stats/actions/vote control/etc.

Sorry for your post-count. I'm sure you'll pass me again soon. (*glances at own post numbers in Amber Age and Age of Strife* ... Maybe)
Quick, start an argument I care about!

I'm seriously pretty indifferent about this nightmare cube issue. It's really a matter of chance, and since we can only guess at the odds, some people are more optimistic or more willing to gamble than others.

This is one of those situations where arguing won't get anywhere because it's ultimately based on guesses and opinion instead of fact.

I've been holding off on my own vote partially for this reason, I'm more concerned about whether or not we try to buy culture, and that doesn't seem to be much of an issue
Is there some kind of consensus we can reach with the new education trait info on what we're willing to do sustained effort on? For instance, we could try to go straight to Politician IV or try to commit 5 years to a particular stat such as Management, Intelligence, Charisma, or Willpower.
I figure Officer isn't an ideal target for sustained effort since it might not take that many actions to reach Officer IV, so it might as well be weaved around things or waited on until General Officer I is unlocked immediately upon completion.

There are a couple people who seem to really care about us increasing stats, but I never see them weigh in on which stats they want to prioritize, nor setting specific goals and defending them.

Personally, I think I'd like to spend 5 years on Management to lay the groundwork for working on larger scope projects.
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[X] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[X] Nomad diplomacy - The nomads are currently camped outside your settlement and things are currently pretty good. Still, you can check up on them if you want.
[X] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[X] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH
[X] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH x2

[X] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education
[X] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering

[X] Disable Nightmare Cube this turn.

@veekie @killfr3nzy @wingstrike96 @Hangwind @Nicklance @Candesce @Ekans Ekans Ekans (if my tally script is right, all those voting for the above plan): Shouldn't the "Patrol forest x2" vote be two separate lines, one "Patrol Forest -<description>" and one "Patrol Forest - <description> x2"?
Still catching up but given that the window for us to hit the cost of the Hab in 2 turns is kind of narrow at the moment, this seems like the worst possible option. It has the potential to push us back a full turn on a bad or even mediocre roll.
The window to hit 25 Culture by next turn is narrow, between promoting the arts and patrols getting the additional six Culture is possible. There's a reasonably good chance that, if we could do the festival, we would get the invested Culture back with mediocre rolls between promoting the arts, patrols and the festival itself. Discounting any possible synergy effects between the festival, promoting the arts and maybe the party. So no doing a festival wouldn't set us back to turn 7, unless we roll so bad that we don't get at least four Culture from our Culture generating actions.
This is just pulling numbers out of thin air. Why are you assuming it works that way? We got benefit out of the cube but we also picked up stress from the cube. Whether the check gets harder from consecutive use is irrelevant. The relevant thing is that we pick up stress even when we're succeeding. We could likely roll 80+ 2-3 years in a row and still have a decent chance of picking up a negative trait.
Yes, of course, I'm pulling everything straight from the air. As are you. Fortunately, I can actually consider my own guesswork as guesswork, and even add a perfectly valid conservative guess of a coin flip to pick up stressed, despite my disbelief that that's the case, while you're sitting there fearmongering that we're sure to add more negative traits, even if we were to top the rolls repeatedly, without even trying to moderate yourself.

Edit: In fact, I'll go further and say that since the invisible willpower check caused by the cube is what determines whether or not we gain stressed from a given year's use, that you're dead wrong in your assumption entirely.
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The window to hit 25 Culture by next turn is narrow, between promoting the arts and patrols getting the additional six Culture is possible. There's a reasonably good chance that, if we could do the festival, we would get the invested Culture back with mediocre rolls between promoting the arts, patrols and the festival itself. Discounting any possible synergy effects between the festival, promoting the arts and maybe the party. So no doing a festival wouldn't set us back to turn 7, unless we roll so bad that we don't get at least four Culture from our Culture generating actions.
Didn't AN just say we didn't have enough culture to do the festival?
Yes, of course, I'm pulling everything straight from the air. As are you. Fortunately, I can actually consider my own guesswork as guesswork, and even add a perfectly valid conservative guess of a coin flip to pick up stressed, despite my disbelief that that's the case, while you're sitting there fearmongering that we're sure to add more negative traits, even if we were to top the rolls repeatedly, without even trying to moderate yourself.
50% is firmly in 'decent chance' territory, you know. Personally, 50% would be intolerable to me.
Didn't AN just say we didn't have enough culture to do the festival?
The window to hit 25 Culture by next turn is narrow, between promoting the arts and patrols getting the additional six Culture is possible. There's a reasonably good chance that, if we could do the festival, we would get the invested Culture back with mediocre rolls between promoting the arts, patrols and the festival itself. Discounting any possible synergy effects between the festival, promoting the arts and maybe the party. So no doing a festival wouldn't set us back to turn 7, unless we roll so bad that we don't get at least four Culture from our Culture generating actions.
That's why I said if we could do it. Though if we could do it we would have a big enough buffer to make the discussion moot.
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50% is firmly in 'decent chance' territory, you know. Personally, 50% would be intolerable to me.
My point was that my conservative estimate (that I didn't even believe was accurate to begin with) is absurdly higher than E3's estimate of a 1% chance or less that we don't gain stressed from two years of consecutive use, supported by the same thin air I pulled my own guesswork form, except wholly focused on making continued use look like a bad idea, rather than trying to give a reasonable gamble's estimate.