I'm not willing to reconsider spending that much economic influence as I want to build a factory as soon as possible.

Is there a particular reason? Do you just want to see what it unlocks? Do you think it's the best build path?

Our income goes to 8+events per turn with the hab and these two buildings and we can't start the factory until the hab is fully built. I'm not convinced that the extra 4 Economy is remotely likely to delay the factory.
I'm Assuming he's aiming for a turn 7 factory, and to hell with the building plan we've got lined up.

I looked at it and turn 7 factory is possible if we face no expenses.
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Foundry (allows production of light mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires at least 1 Factory)
Upgrade: Large mech [Requires Officer III and a settlement with a Foundry]

A factory would be a first step to opening up Large Mech as a reward from Anna for something; perhaps that's why.

Note that an early foundry would materially delay our development, though.
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Is there a particular reason? Do you just want to see what it unlocks? Do you think it's the best build path?
Seeing what it unlocks is part of it. Another reason are the synergies between the SWC trade post and caravan, the opportunity to repair and maintain one in Razorleaf Meadows looks profitable. At the very least we profit from repair fees or the parts they buy from us. The next reason is that goods that more advanced goods become cheaper since we can build them on site and don't have to import them. One more reason is that we can build chlorinetriflouride rounds there and export them, making both the settlement more prosperous and increases Ellas personal resources. The last reason is that it increases economic diversification and doesn't make us as dependant on tourism as we are now, though the SWC trade post and caravan alleviates some of that already.
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Elegant masquerade
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Debauched rave
Something lavish or extravagant is likely to win him over... or I suppose something wilder where you show off a broad cross section of the entertainments available here might also work.
[] Formal ball
Lavish, but also limited. Not stressful.

[] Elegant masquerade
Most lavish. Somewhat stressful.

[] Semi-casual social
Not what's desired.

[] Relaxed gathering
Not what's desired

[] Rowdy dance
Wilder, somewhat relaxing, but not a very big spectrum shown.

[] Debauched rave
Maximum broad spectrum. Everything's coming out.
Probably stress relieving for Lustful, and definitely a powerful exhibit of what we have, but somewhat risky if we roll poorly.
1 - Seeing what it unlocks is part of it.

2 - Another reason are the synergies between the SWC trade post and caravan, the opportunity to repair and maintain one in Razorleaf Meadows looks profitable. At the very least we profit from repair fees or the parts they buy from us.

3 - The next reason is that goods that more advanced goods become cheaper since we can build them on site and don't have to import them.

4 - One more reason is that we can build chlorinetriflouride rounds there and export them, making both the settlement more prosperous and increases Ellas personal resources.

5 - The last reason is that it increases economic diversification and doesn't make us as dependant on tourism as we are now, though the SWC trade post and caravan alleviates some of that already.
I made a minor modification to your quote to make it easier to respond to, but it's nothing objectionable.

1 - Alright. Nothing to say to this. It's a thing.

2 - Are there actually any synergies though? It requires us to have a factory to build a caravan, but as the caravan and trade post are being built and maintained by others... I'm not so certain that we'll get any profit from this 'synergy' beyond the standard income for owning them in the first place. And most recent information simply states that having the Hab will allow us to profit fully from the trade post.

3 - How would this work mechanically? Do you think it would actually make future buildings cheaper? I doubt it... I'm currently assuming that these 'advanced or cheaper materials' are tied in with the first point, seeing what the factory unlocks. Which could be neat, but...

4 - we still have to finish researching the rounds before we can produce or trade them, and I'm still of the belief that we should finish building up science income before we invest science into any projects. I simply disagree with point 4.

5 - Our economy influence is directly tired to our reactors, which works independently of any tourism. Mechanically, building more reactors is the best way to gain economy. Best meaning quick and efficient. I'm not sure there's any point to diversifying, except for possibly opportunities being opened up... Which goes back to point 1.

You provided some interesting arguments, but I'm not convinced. Thanks for indulging me when I asked, however.
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail linecaravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Formal ball
I made a minor modification to your quote to make it easier to respond to, but it's nothing objectionable.

1 - Alright. Nothing to say to this. It's a thing.

2 - Are there actually any synergies though? It requires us to have a factory to build a caravan, but as the caravan and trade post are being built and maintained by others... I'm not so certain that we'll get any profit from this 'synergy' beyond the standard income for owning them in the first place. And most recent information simply states that having the Hab will allow us to profit fully from the trade post.

3 - How would this work mechanically? Do you think it would actually make future buildings cheaper? I doubt it... I'm currently assuming that these 'advanced or cheaper materials' are tied in with the first point, seeing what the factory unlocks. Which could be neat, but...

4 - we still have to finish researching the rounds before we can produce or trade them, and I'm still of the belief that we should finish building up science income before we invest science into any projects. I simply disagree with point 4.

5 - Our economy influence is directly tired to our reactors, which works independently of any tourism. Mechanically, building more reactors is the best way to gain economy. Best meaning quick and efficient. I'm not sure there's any point to diversifying, except for possibly opportunities being opened up... Which goes back to point 1.

You provided some interesting arguments, but I'm not convinced. Thanks for indulging me when I asked, however.
2. If the SWC can repair their caravan in Razorleaf Meadows it can reach settlements that are further away and it can pick up some advanced goods up here. Also having the Hab doesn't allow us to fully profit from the trade post, we get half the ecnomic influence from the trade post and the caravan, plus the cultural influence from the trade post.
(Edit: No that's wrong.)

3. I don't think it will make future buildings cheaper. I do think that it's going to influence some checks where having those goods available matters, either making them easier or giving greater payout.

4. Yes, the low science income is a problem with making those rounds quickly. Building up science income first is a good course of action here. Which is why I'd like to build a proving grounds soonish, maybe even before we build a factory.

5. I'm not talking about our economic influence here, but the settlements actual economy. The point of diversifying is not only to open up new opportunities, but to make any crashes in the tourism sector less painful. I prefer a more resilent and flexible approach here.
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[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Debauched rave

Since I know I always hate votes without explanation; this seems to fulfil both the wild and lavish requirements.

In other news, its good to see another character to interact with again; this place feels pretty empty so far. I seemed to have a better grasp of the technology, colony, people and general what we have and where we're going in AoS.
I guess the place will fill in as we go along.
5 - Our economy influence is directly tired to our reactors, which works independently of any tourism. Mechanically, building more reactors is the best way to gain economy. Best meaning quick and efficient. I'm not sure there's any point to diversifying, except for possibly opportunities being opened up... Which goes back to point 1.
Structures unlock events and further options. For instance, all the political connections and the like we had, the unique trade goods? They add basically nothing because we don't have a trading post to actually DO any trading, launch trade missions, etc.

So simply adding reactors would be the equivalent of building your economy by building farms across the whole country. Steady certain income with no further options.
She figures that dumping some money into art grants and recognition awards and advertising should do that nicely. The only question you really have is how much she should invest.

Invest Economy Influence...
[] Minimum, 2 Economy
[] Minor, 6 Culture
[] Half, 10 Culture
[] Major, 14 Culture
[] All, 19 Culture

As you are going over with such things, you get an official request to meet with Samantha. Raising an eyebrow at that, you put her into your schedule as a meeting with the South Woods Company representative. A few days later she arrives at your office looking rather prim and proper and bearing an official looking file case. Gesturing for her to take a seat, she sits down and then says, "Thank you for granting the South Woods Company an audience so quickly, madam governor."

Nodding at the official title, Ella says, "It is always a pleasure to do business with the South Woods Company. I takeit that you have some sort of request or business proposal to offer to the people of Razorleaf Meadows?"

Switched from third to first and back here, @Academia Nut
Structures unlock events and further options. For instance, all the political connections and the like we had, the unique trade goods? They add basically nothing because we don't have a trading post to actually DO any trading, launch trade missions, etc.

So simply adding reactors would be the equivalent of building your economy by building farms across the whole country. Steady certain income with no further options.
Oh I meant that building reactors is most efficient up to and including turning it into a block. After that we will absolutely want to build other things instead.

Blocks give us a 6 building income for the price of 5 buildings taking up the space of 4 buildings.

We've already got 2 reactors, so finishing up that block and getting the bonus there is the most efficient course of action.

After that block is built, we are of course planning on moving into other industrial sectors, but we'd have a solid foundation of economy and science from the reactor block to use in building other things. And a surplus of culture from the entertainment complex block.

So to use your example... Actually I don't know how to use your example. We'd build enough farms to keep the population comfortably fed before sending them off to the mines?
2. If the SWC can repair their caravan in Razorleaf Meadows it can reach settlements that are further away and it can pick up some advanced goods up here. Also having the Hab doesn't allow us to fully profit from the trade post, we get half the ecnomic influence from the trade post and the caravan, plus the cultural influence from the trade post.
(Edit: No that's wrong.)

3. I don't think it will make future buildings cheaper. I do think that it's going to influence some checks where having those goods available matters, either making them easier or giving greater payout.

4. Yes, the low science income is a problem with making those rounds quickly. Building up science income first is a good course of action here. Which is why I'd like to build a proving grounds soonish, maybe even before we build a factory.

5. I'm not talking about our economic influence here, but the settlements actual economy. The point of diversifying is not only to open up new opportunities, but to make any crashes in the tourism sector less painful. I prefer a more resilent and flexible approach here.
2- I don't know how or if that would translate mechanically to a benefit we can actually see and use. I can't make that leap of faith and prioritise building a factory on the hope that there is a synergy with hidden mechanics that increase profit somehow.

3- Yeah, alright. Maybe. Sounds a lot like it relates to the original point 1 still, "see what it unlocks".

4- we already have a plan for dealing with our low science, and the plan will include building a factory when we can. I'll address this below.

5- this seems to be mostly fluff-based, and I'm still not certain how relevant it is. I'm pretty sure that the tourism aspect of our settlement is related to our culture influence, and those occasions where tourism is directly linked to economy are when we trade culture for economy influence. The reactor generates power which we can use with fabricators or trade away for profit. I'm actually not 100% sure about how the reactors generate economic influence, but I am certain that it's fairly stable and dependable. Barring some unexpected disaster that destroys our buildings, reactors can hold up our economy just fine. When we consider the trade post in addition, I'm fairly confident that diversifying isn't an issue.

As for the build plan I keep talking about, Early in the quest I ran some fairly basic simulations to project various build strategies, and given the cost of excavation and the 1/5 Hab requirements, I'm fairly confident in this plan. We need to build the correct buildings in the correct order to maximize our ability to continue to grow. The plan calls for taking advantage of blocks, and it relies on reactors and entertainment complexes as a foundation on which all other buildings will be built.

Even this free trading post interferes with the plan such that we'll have to build Hab #3 earlier than expected, which means putting off one of either the reactor block or the entertainment block, which means several turns of a much lower income than expected, which means delaying certain things which means, ultimately, that it'll take that much longer to reach 20/20 available building slots and to excavate additional building slots.

I'm not willing to run another one given the huge effect if external influence like that gained or lost dealing with nomads. Still, I'm fairly certain that the build path you're suggesting, with factories and proving grounds being built before our third hab, will result in much slower overall settlement progress.
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[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Elegant masquerade
2- I don't know how or if that would translate mechanically to a benefit we can actually see and use. I can't make that leap of faith and prioritise building a factory on the hope that there is a synergy with hidden mechanics that increase profit somehow.

3- Yeah, alright. Maybe. Sounds a lot like it relates to the original point 1 still, "see what it unlocks".

4- we already have a plan for dealing with our low science, and the plan will include building a factory when we can. I'll address this below.

5- this seems to be mostly fluff-based, and I'm still not certain how relevant it is. I'm pretty sure that the tourism aspect of our settlement is related to our culture influence, and those occasions where tourism is directly linked to economy are when we trade culture for economy influence. The reactor generates power which we can use with fabricators or trade away for profit. I'm actually not 100% sure about how the reactors generate economic influence, but I am certain that it's fairly stable and dependable. Barring some unexpected disaster that destroys our buildings, reactors can hold up our economy just fine. When we consider the trade post in addition, I'm fairly confident that diversifying isn't an issue.

As for the build plan I keep talking about, Early in the quest I ran some fairly basic simulations to project various build strategies, and given the cost of excavation and the 1/5 Hab requirements, I'm fairly confident in this plan. We need to build the correct buildings in the correct order to maximize our ability to continue to grow. The plan calls for taking advantage of blocks, and it relies on reactors and entertainment complexes as a foundation on which all other buildings will be built.

Even this free trading post interferes with the plan such that we'll have to build Hab #3 earlier than expected, which means putting off one of either the reactor block or the entertainment block, which means several turns of a much lower income than expected, which means delaying certain things which means, ultimately, that it'll take that much longer to reach 20/20 available building slots and to excavate additional building slots.

I'm not willing to run another one given the huge effect if external influence like that gained or lost dealing with nomads. Still, I'm fairly certain that the build path you're suggesting, with factories and proving grounds being built before our third hab, will result in much slower overall settlement progress.
2. I could see an additional +1 ecnomic influence being generated from that, as an accumulation from increased profits, repair fees and so on. Though that's not guruanteed. We also don't seem to get any benefit out of the caravan, only the trade post, with a factory that might change.

3. Basicaly. All buildings are going to unlock further options and opportunities.

4. That plan gives us an reactor and entertaiment complexes fast and thus the fifth type of those buildings without taking up space. What it doesn't do is allow us to take (full) advantage of any opportunites along the way. A more diverse build order also unlocks events and further options, like @veekie said. I don't think the opportunity cost of absolutely stinking to that plan are too high and we should be more flexible in what buildings we construct.

5. The reactors generate influence by generating energy for other buildings and smelting trees for raw materials. That makes producing things where raw materials and fabricator time are the main factor very cost effective. As seen here:
"The reactor, right? I thought you already had one of those," Samantha said.

Ella shrugged and said, "For most of the things the rich people want the primary cost is fabricator time since they like intricate, custom stuff and certain rarer elements that you can obtain just by cooking enough trees with enough brute force energy. That and letting people strap more light bulbs to things are some of the biggest draws in the settlement.
The problem is that the main customers of those goods are the tourists, the entertainment centers and their employees. Should the tourism trade suffer a lot of that demand is gone. Now that we will have the trade post we aren't totally dependent on tourism. Though the trade post will cater to that too to a degree, but it doesn't depend on it. A factory in addtion to a trade post and a caravan increases this security further by making goods that can be exported.
As for the build plan I keep talking about, Early in the quest I ran some fairly basic simulations to project various build strategies, and given the cost of excavation and the 1/5 Hab requirements, I'm fairly confident in this plan. We need to build the correct buildings in the correct order to maximize our ability to continue to grow. The plan calls for taking advantage of blocks, and it relies on reactors and entertainment complexes as a foundation on which all other buildings will be built.

Even this free trading post interferes with the plan such that we'll have to build Hab #3 earlier than expected, which means putting off one of either the reactor block or the entertainment block, which means several turns of a much lower income than expected, which means delaying certain things which means, ultimately, that it'll take that much longer to reach 20/20 available building slots and to excavate additional building slots.

I'm not willing to run another one given the huge effect if external influence like that gained or lost dealing with nomads. Still, I'm fairly certain that the build path you're suggesting, with factories and proving grounds being built before our third hab, will result in much slower overall settlement progress.
So you're saying AN is spoiling our plan and slowing us down by giving us shinies?!

...Yeah, sounds like him.
[X] Minor, 6 Economy

[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)

[X] Elegant masquerade
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Elegant masquerade

Sigh. Willpower training is a wasted action without the cube to back it up. It's explicitly the most difficult category of stat to train, and we're doing it without the associated cube bonus.
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Debauched rave
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Debauched rave

Yet to try this, and it fits what we need this turn.
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Elegant masquerade
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Debauched rave
[X] Half, 10 Economy
[X] Yes (gain 1 Trading Post (SWC) and 1 Rail line caravan (SWC); construction completes at the end of Turn 5)
[X] Debauched rave

I'd definitely like to go for the rave this time out. We've done relaxed, we've done fancy, let's do something wild. This is Razorleaf Meadows, after all. The culture definitely allows for it. Should be fun :D
Can someone please explain to me (as a person who only reads the story posts, not the discussion) what the point of taking a "Promote the Arts" action is?

My understanding is that we generally get less influence out than we put in, albeit of a different type. Are we just valuing Culture more than Economy?