Do we really need that much bounty? As long as we get most of it, I'd be fine with our men filching a few if it makes them happy.
I would only trust that we get the majority of the salvage if we choose to focus on artefact collection. If we have any other focus for the men, strictness means that a larger percentage of material goes to Anna for the bounty, since we're not getting quite as much of the total percentage of the salvage.
That's not the reason to choose strict over standard. Strictness means that we're giving as much salvage as possible to Anna, who provides a bounty on all such salvage. Lax security with the salvage means that the men will take a few pieces for themselves to sell on the black market, which makes them happy, but takes away from our potential personal gains.

The absolute optimal personal gains from the bounty are artefact focus with strictness, but that upsets both our military and the Amish, while only possibly improving relations with Anna. So I went for the next best thing. No big gains, only small military relation losses. The alternative would be no big gains, only moderate Amish relation losses (Artefact/Standard), but the whole point of taking the risks we took just one update ago was to get the Amish to like us, so why piss that all away before we've even had a chance to use it?
Actually, Lax lets us sell shit on the black market too. We get maximum gains via lax.
Well that's going to piss Anna off. And even if she's gam-gam and we're the cute granddaughter, I wouldn't ever want to push her buttons.
Same, just stating the facts.

You said "Lax security with the salvage means that the men will take a few pieces for themselves to sell on the black market, which makes them happy, but takes away from our potential personal gains." Which is flat out wrong.

*shrugs* nobody cares about lax anyways, so it's not a big deal.
Is there WOG on how the 40Kverse translates into this original setting? If so, could somebody link back to it?
Is there WOG on how the 40Kverse translates into this original setting? If so, could somebody link back to it?
No, and I don't expect there to be, since that would weaken legal protections, at a layman's guess.
We're getting Codex updates instead, which give worldbuilding infodumps.

On the lax vs strict debate, I expect money from Anna based on artifacts turned in and goodwill based on scarcity in the black market.
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Do we really need that much bounty? As long as we get most of it, I'd be fine with our men filching a few if it makes them happy.
Sure...remember there is kind of a binding agreement from Dia, effective upon all her descendants that looted Reaver gear be properly disposed of. The same agreement that limits attacks upon primary settlements of our polity to harassment.

Our men filching a few might be a bigger problem than just money.
Mechanically speaking, assuming we select the 'troops scavenge tech' option

Let's say it'll cost economic influence to repair our mech and restore troop numbers, for simplicity sake. Let's say we took 3 economic influence worth of damage.

Strict gives +5 (+2 profit), -army relationship
Standard gives +4 (+1 profit)
Lax might give as much as +8 (+5 profit), +army relationship, --Anna relationship.

If we choose to butcher animals instead, we could consider that a -1 or -2 to economic profits across all the options, but a +nomad goodwill

Animal herding is the same for economic influence, but depending on dice could go from -nomad goodwill to ++nomad goodwill.

The reason why I'm not suggesting any +Anna relationship benefits is because handing in reaver tech is expected, rather than a nice gift. We can probably assume a +Anna bonus from winning the fight in general, regardless of option chosen.

So ideally we get as much goodwill as possible without setting back our economy.

Animal buchery + strict sacrifices army relation for nomad relation

Scavenge + standard earns us profit without injuring army relation, but sacrifices some nomad goodwill

Scavenge + strict earns us a bit more profit, but it pisses off everybody a little bit, so is not worth it in my opinion.

I'd value Anna relationship > nomad relationship > army relationship, mostly because I expect to have earned, and to be able to continue earning, army relationship as we fight alongside them.

Nomad relationship could lead to economic and diplomatic benefits, and possibly even translate into +Anna relationship if we give her an advantage in her dealings with Indigo Hammer.

Anna relationship... Well. She's pretty badass, and is the leader of arguably the strongest faction on Dandriss. Let's stay friends.

As usual, the numbers I'm giving are completely self-created estimates and are likely to be way off, but this is the federal logic behind my earlier vote of

animal butchery & strict protocol:
+nomad, -army, maybe +economy

An alternative I'm okay with is

Scavenge & standard:
+economy, -nomad

An alternative I absolutely do not like is

Scavenge & strict:
++economy, -nomad, -army

We're not that desperate for economy that we need to sacrifice everybody's goodwill for it. A little benefit is fine, but even so probably not needed.

Now to make things more complicated, we're not just dealing with economy, but with military influence, potentially cultural influence, and only a chance or potential of -relationship in any of the above cases, alongside completely unknown economic benefits which I can only attempt to guess at... Bah.
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Sure...remember there is kind of a binding agreement from Dia, effective upon all her descendants that looted Reaver gear be properly disposed of. The same agreement that limits attacks upon primary settlements of our polity to harassment.

Our men filching a few might be a bigger problem than just money.
We have no IC way of knowing this, and again:
'standard protocol'
'black market prices'

These things have been filtched and sold before, we wouldn't be the first.

Now if we were stealing some ourselves, or worse; keeping them, that might be a different story.
By that logic, are you supporting butcher/strict, butcher/standard, or salvage/standard? You also forgot to place your priority on mech repair, which, if we have to pay out of pocket, could interfere in annoying ways with our build plan.
I included mech repair in the -3 economic influence this mission has cost us.

You think it should be more? I don't think we received many casualties so I only decided a -1 from restoring the infantry and -2 for the mech.

Also I voted for buchery/strict, though I wouldn't object to scavenge/standard. Either way it should at least cover my estimates of the costs, with some other bonus. Either extra economy at the cost of some nomad goodwill, or break even on the economy and gain nomad goodwill at the cost of army goodwill. Either is fine.

I imagine butchery/standard would cost us economy influence and I'm worried that that would cut into our building plans, as you said.

Edit: did I miss something official about mech repair? Are we actually going to hold a vote about it, do we know the cost? I'm just kinda assuming it'll be an automatic expense right now.
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I included mech repair in the -3 economic influence this mission has cost us.

You think it should be more? I don't think we received many casualties so I only decided a -1 from restoring the infantry and -2 for the mech.

Also I voted for buchery/strict, though I wouldn't object to scavenge/standard. Either way it should at least cover my estimates of the costs, with some other bonus. Either extra economy at the cost of some nomad goodwill, or break even on the economy and gain nomad goodwill at the cost of army goodwill. Either is fine.

I imagine butchery/standard would cost us economy influence and I'm worried that that would cut into our building plans, as you said.

Edit: did I miss something official about mech repair? Are we actually going to hold a vote about it, do we know the cost? I'm just kinda assuming it'll be an automatic expense right now.
I'm not totally sure is the thing. There's no official cost, in economy or military, and we're not necessarily sure to get only economic influence with the bounty, like you said. But either way we'll be sending away for repairs from some other colony and that expense being tossed up the ladder isn't something I'd bet on given the relative independence we have.

Personally I do like butcher/strict, since it should cover our bases, while only hopefully not having too bad an impact on any of our relations.
I'm not totally sure is the thing. There's no official cost, in economy or military, and we're not necessarily sure to get only economic influence with the bounty, like you said. But either way we'll be sending away for repairs from some other colony and that expense being tossed up the ladder isn't something I'd bet on given the relative independence we have.

Personally I do like butcher/strict, since it should cover our bases, while only hopefully not having too bad an impact on any of our relations.
Well the update straight up said that we should be able to earn a profit, and I assumed it took mech repairs into account; in fact mech repairs are likely the only reason there was any question about whether we'd profit at all.

So my figures were mostly based on that. -mech repair, +bounty, results = profit

I decided that this was the base for salvage/standard, and modified the values from there.

Worked it all in economic influence because it's already way too long, imagine if I tried to make my earlier amateur analysis even more complex...
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Sure...remember there is kind of a binding agreement from Dia, effective upon all her descendants that looted Reaver gear be properly disposed of. The same agreement that limits attacks upon primary settlements of our polity to harassment.

Our men filching a few might be a bigger problem than just money.
With AN's retcon we have no way of knowing if any of that is true. In character or out.
To add support to the Butcher/strict camp; we would be losing rep with those elements of our army who like to sell things on the black market.

Do we really care all that much about that element?

The trophy takers would likely be satisfied by fragments/reaver bones, or even Nomad tech bits, so they are less likely to care. And most (stereotypical) troopers will care more about the fight, pay, exotic company etc. that their posting already provides.

While Stones aren't LG, I don't remember too much crime tolerance in the past.

As an aside, who wants to theorize as to the troops reaction to their boss' Big Damn Hero move?
To add support to the Butcher/strict camp; we would be losing rep with those elements of our army who like to sell things on the black market.

Do we really care all that much about that element?

The trophy takers would likely be satisfied by fragments/reaver bones, or even Nomad tech bits, so they are less likely to care. And most (stereotypical) troopers will care more about the fight, pay, exotic company etc. that their posting already provides.

While Stones aren't LG, I don't remember too much crime tolerance in the past.

As an aside, who wants to theorize as to the troops reaction to their boss' Big Damn Hero move?
Yeah I'm happy to make thieves discontent over something this important, maybe it'll help us weed them out. We care, but not in the common colloquial sense you mean there; they're something we have to keep in mind and we are interested in what happens to them.
Hmm, I do think Strict will be aggravating for those who aren't thieves too; it's probably a pain in the ass and she'll be micromanaging an officer that outranks her. Worth it, but good to keep in mind.

Conflicted, given the heavy mech damage and the large number of Reaver dead. Not awe-inspiring like it would be if she tanked the psychic attack rather than survived it. If we'd not fired on ourselves and had gotten the better of them on the retreat we'd be on a whole other level here. Still, that many dead Reavers has to engender respect and having been 'in the shit' is great for us too. (still hoping we can follow up being 'in the shit' with sustained combat study)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)

Considering that there is more than enough salvage to make this one of the most significant hauls of reaver artifacts in recent history, Ella figures that she need not be greedy in pursuing it and can task a significant portion of the troops to assisting the nomads in their efforts to salvage what they can from the situation, but she does make sure that not only are the regular protocols are to be followed but that she will be keeping a sharp eye on the troops doing so. While it might annoy them in by giving the impression of her not trusting them, her grandmother could be particularly fierce with her family over these particular laws.

Grumbling (Cha+Comb) 40 + 32 = 72
Nomad Recovery 30

As it was, the grumbling of her troops was minimal and was probably confined to the people who would be disciplinary problems anyway. About the biggest annoyance by the soldiers was the fact that they had to surrender things they might have wanted to keep as trophies. but despite efforts to help butcher the animals and secure a supply of food to help the nomads weather whatever would come their way as they rebuilt, far too many of the animals were killed and too many that had simply run away were unrecovered. They made sleds from bits of shells to help haul some of the meat and valuable bits of the animals to help them haul everything back, but far too much had to be left behind.

The return trip was grim and dour, but Argo rode up to Ella as she was ploughing her way through the forest, several tonnes of goods hauled behind her mech, and he said, "I must thank you again for your efforts, although I fear for my people's future."

"Well, if it is any consolation, while I legally have to be the one to confiscate the reaver gear and turn it over to the authorities, I can offer you a significant cut of the reward money. I know that's not exactly the most useful to you..." Ella began.

Shaking his head, Argo said, "No, it will be useful, to a degree, but I understand what you mean. We can use those proceeds to buy animals from Indigo Hammer sources, but, well, the cost..."

Ella winced inside her mech when she thought about that. Bulk transport of live animals through the rail lines over thousands of kilometres? It was doable, sort of, but that sort of thing would be require the expenditure of sums of money that were usually associated with her yearly operational budget. The reward for reaver tech recovery would be good, but not that good.

Then again maybe she could wrangle something from her grandmother from the greater national budget during the inevitable debriefing with her. Which... considering the damage to her mech and the chain of events that lead up to that could either be fun or "fun". Also, she was rather glad of the fact that she was cultivating ties to major international companies in shipping and finance, because the relationship with Samantha and Massi could be very useful in the near future.

Explanation (Int + Comb) 18 + 29 = 47
Charm (Cha + Comb) 49 + 32 = 81

As it was, her meeting with the Duchess Anna was more on the "fun" side of things, and included a long chewing out in the privacy of the Duchess' office over proper protocol. While she managed to mostly talk her way out of the worst of things, the repair bill to her mech was a pretty unpleasant ding on her record. About the only saving grace was that the damage had come primarily from a telepathic attack and that she was the only one who could have made it to the civilians in the time frame she did, but even getting a "partial fault" on her record would hurt her career in the short term. Of course, she still got a commendation and a promotion to the rank of Captain, having already moved up to 1st Lieutenant through simple time spent at the prior rank.

"Also, you are now authorized to display a reaver skull as part of your personal heraldry, if you so wish," Anna told her rather off hand, which did make Ella stop to think about that a bit. As a member of the nobility she could officially register personal heraldry, but she hadn't chosen to use anything other than the generic Stone family member crest, and even then only for certain official positions. However, having permission to add a specific kill marking to her banner did bring up the desire to actually have one. She would have to think about what exactly to do about that, especially since it would send a number of messages.

"Thank you Duchess," Ella replied while deep in thought.

"Now, on to the issues with the nomads," Anna said, clearly unhappy, but in a different way.

"Let me guess, there's no budget to help them," Ella answered, deadpan.

Anna rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, there's money set aside for this sort of thing, just in case, but that would be for providing within our own walls. Even the most heartless of business fucks would balk at refusing the victims of reavers food and shelter - if only because they would probably get boycotted into oblivion by the rest of society - but the requirements to get them back on their feet with their traditional lifestyle are steep enough that there will be a serious backlash over funds being diverted from helping our own people to over accommodate strangers and outsiders."

Ella nodded at that and said, "I rather figured that was the case. There is only so much that can be done. I could probably squeeze some aid out with the Razorleaf Meadows resources, but it would not make people happy at all. There is a certain calculus about how much the goodwill of people who intend to leave as soon as possible is worth. I mean, not heartless, I saw their suffering up close and have gotten to know them, but..."

Anna leaned back in the chair behind her desk and sighed, rubbing cybernetic hands against temples fringed by grey hair and said, "Welcome to leadership kid."

To be charming (Chax2) 49 + 28 = 77

After a long moment's silence Anna said, "Still... maybe. Bah, if you want to pursue any sort of charity case I can probably find some ways to throw extra resources your way. If."

"Right. Going to set up some meetings with some people when I get back to Razorleaf, discuss our options," Ella stated.

+5 Econ, +5 Military from successful operation and salvage
-3 Military for mech repairs

Current Influence
Culture 17
Economy 6
Science 0
Military 9

Discussion with Samantha and Massi (Cha + Mang) 9 + 29 = 38

"Well, I like you girl, and there is a certain amount of 'goodwill' charity work we can do, but there's only so low the company's prices can go," Samantha informed Ella two weeks later at a personal dinner that also doubled as a business meeting.

"Afraid of that," Ella said with a sigh. "And of course I've already basically tapped out most of my financial resources for the project I had already had in the works."

"The reactor, right? I thought you already had one of those," Samantha said.

Ella shrugged and said, "For most of the things the rich people want the primary cost is fabricator time since they like intricate, custom stuff and certain rarer elements that you can obtain just by cooking enough trees with enough brute force energy. That and letting people strap more light bulbs to things are some of the biggest draws in the settlement. Of course I end up with a minor humanitarian crisis right when I've already tapped most of my resources."

"There is a certain point where you have to tell them 'we've done all we can to help'," Samantha points out.

Nodding while cutting off a slice of cloned meat from some Terran species, Ella nodded and said, "Of course, its just that the reavers took out enough of their beasts of burden that this is basically the end of their community. They don't have the resources to maintain their lifestyle, which means that if I don't do something about their situation I'm going to end up with a sizable, semi-permanent refugee situation either on my doorstep or in my house and a potential international incident if we can't figure out what to do next. A lot of them have family, albeit now a bit distant for many of them, in Indigo Hammer and if someone decides to start making a stink about their treatment, that's a headache that my grandmother doesn't need, which means its one I don't need."

"Damn, that's... rather shitty," Samantha admitted. Musing on it for a moment she said, "Well... Massi could probably arrange an extraordinary loan for you."

Ella nodded and said, "I've talked to him and others about it. There were some contingencies over what the South Woods Company said with regards to prices, but it could be done, but it would be... unpleasant. Just something I'm going to have to figure out on my own over the next little while."

Shaking her head, Samantha decided to change the tone a bit and asked, "So I had heard that you were planning another party. Thinking of making it a regular thing?"

"Yes, and maybe," Ella admitted. "Financing it might become a problem depending on actions elsewhere, but for now its a go."

"Hmmm..." Samantha said. "So what are you thinking of?"

Her party would be a...
[] Formal ball
[] Elegant masquerade
[] Semi-casual social
[] Relaxed gathering
[] Rowdy dance
[] Debauched rave

As for helping the nomads...
[] All in on extraordinary assistance (-8 Econ [forced into debt], loss of benefits to personal actions from salvage reward, nomads self-sufficient this turn)
[] Partial extraordinary assistance (-4 Econ, partial loss of benefits to personal action from salvage reward, nomads self-sufficient in three turns)
[] Standard assistance (Potential refugee crisis, nomads self-sufficient ???)
[] Encourage assimilation (-? Culture, potentially anger nomads, potentially anger locals, potential new opportunities)
[X] Formal ball
[X] Partial extraordinary assistance (-4 Econ, partial loss of benefits to personal action from salvage reward, nomads self-sufficient in three turns)

Personally, I don't want a refugee crisis, debt, or to lose a mystery amount of Culture, possibly anger both the nomads and our own people, and only possibly benefit for our trouble.

Edit: derped and forgot to vote for party. A formal ball seems most sensible, as it was one of the things we were guided towards earlier and seems relatively appropriate to the post-reaver attack conditions.
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Assimilation sounds neat, but I'm leaning towards partial extraordinary assistance. We've made extra econ on both turns 1 and 2, so our grand plan can spare the econ cost here.

I'm not sure that we can spare the culture from the assimilation option, we need 3 more next turn and we only have a +4 income.

But... Ball or rave? I'm going ball since these guys are so conservative.

[X] Formal ball
[X] Partial extraordinary assistance
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[X] Elegant masquerade

[X] All in on extraordinary assistance (-8 Econ [forced into debt], loss of benefits to personal actions from salvage reward, nomads self-sufficient this turn)

Remember what made the stone family name. Blood of our enemies and human kindness.
[X] Formal ball
[X] Partial extraordinary assistance

The Mayor is waiting for an excuse to lambast us for something, and a wild rave looks worse to the common populace than a ball, I'd guess.
Would shipping the nomads to Indigo Hammer (picking up herd animals in the process) be a plausible action?
I'm going to go with
[X] Standard assistance (Potential refugee crisis, nomads self-sufficient ???)
and hope to solve the refugee crisis by shipping them back to Indigo Hammer.
Partial is reasonable but I think we can get a better - and more interesting - result for our career and for Razorleaf Meadows with this option, and those are a bigger priority to me than the eccentric lifestyle of foreign peoples.

[X] Formal ball
Seems best in light of the Reaver incident. I also agree with Powerofmind's assessment of the Mayor's play here. If we decide to debut heraldry and capitalize on our Reaver kill, this is the choice that lets us do that.
Rave + All In would sidestep Nomad relations issues, but open us up to attack from the Mayor on the, rather solid, grounds of us being profligate and out of touch with the management concerns of the colony.
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[X] Elegant masquerade
[X] Partial extraordinary assistance (-4 Econ, partial loss of benefits to personal action from salvage reward, nomads self-sufficient in three turns)

I do not want a refugee crisis, but also do not want an extreme debt.

While kindness is important, we are doing a lot here already.
To do more would possibly be interpreted as being naive, not kind.

And our rolls this turn were really not grand, were they.
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