[X] Reaver artefact recovery (more alien items are recovered, possibly burn some of the goodwill with the nomads)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)

Possible burning of some goodwill. Still though, we got this position due to Anna. So we really should put her interests above all else.
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)

Must think on the first option.
[X] Animal wrangling (potentially greatly improves nomad economic situation, potential complications if your men aren't up to the task)

[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)

Jaegers should be able to at least shoo the animals into the waiting arms of Nomads.
"Thread policy: Reduce Spaghetti"

I really wish they'd come up with another word for that. I feel like the thread wants me to leave.

[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)

Artefact recovery focus is the path of greed over relations, not one that lends itself well to future allegiance.
Animal wrangling is too much of a foolish chance with our men as they are.
Irritating our soldiers is a minor worry that we can sort out later.

Butchery improves their economy.. but keeps them somewhat reliant on us as well.
[X] Reaver artefact recovery (more alien items are recovered, possibly burn some of the goodwill with the nomads)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
In terms of action effect, I see it as follows:

Artefact recovery focus means we put our people on salvage first, denying the Indigos access to the spoils almost entirely and leaving them to deal with the fallout of the attack. Fortunately, if The Treaty is still in effect, it doesn't apply to reaver salvage that we don't acquire, and anything the Indigos acquire isn't on our backs to give to Anna (go loopholes!). Even if we don't take this, Anna won't know we didn't acquire everything (and thus won't be mad with us if we don't take the option).

Butchering somewhat solidifies positive opinion from the Indigo Amish, and has basically no associated risk.

Herding can go poorly, and we could lose them some of their few remaining animals if we do it poorly (and won't that piss them off?). At the same time, it does more than solidify opinion and generates a lot more goodwill.

The levels of strictness are merely a measure of how much personal bounty we earn, compared against military morale. More personal bounty, less morale. Strictness gives us the highest personal reward, of course, while trading away troop morale.

[] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)

This combo is basically near-optimal personal influence gain (from the reaver salvage bounty), with the best opinion security (small trade of military opinion, secure (no gain; no loss) opinion from Liege and Indigo Amish). I like this combo because we really need to have our mech repaired, and that'll probably cost us management-scale influence to do, but I don't want to toss all the risk we just took to ingratiate the Amish to us for few extra personal resources.
[x] Reaver artefact recovery (more alien items are recovered, possibly burn some of the goodwill with the nomads)
[x] Standard (the normal protocols for this sort of thing with minimal hounding)

@redzonejoe convinced me
[X] Reaver artefact recovery (morealien items are recovered, possibly burn some of thegoodwill with the nomads)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery ofitems and minimal leakage to theblack market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)

We'll just have to throw them a party where they can mingle with some rich people as a thank you. That'll make them too tired to be irratated. :p
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
@Academia Nut

Does razorleaf have any sports that are played? I know rich people usually like to play/watch Tennis and golf. Do we have any of that?

Also what would our chances be if we wanted to, say, start a mecha fighting sport for the viewing pleasure of Razorleaf? Everyone likes violence and it could draw in gambelers.
Alright, I'm convinced.
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Standard (the normal protocols for this sort of thing with minimal hounding)
I like the idea of letting a little loot through.
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Strict (maximum recovery of items and minimal leakage to the black market, potentially irritate soldiers)
[X] Dead animal butchery (improves nomad economic situation)
[X] Standard (the normal protocols for this sort of thing with minimal hounding)
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