[DISCONTINUED] In the Beginning, There Was Man (WH40k x SC)

I'm going to keep pushing for the Imperium to grow a moral compass and the other option seems to reinforce the "kill everything that isn't us" mindset so...
Long as you don't try and go "oh we should totally be best buddies with everyone", that's fine.

Could you comment on The Curious Fan's post and if this is accurate?
Because it doesn't seem to be, given we've moved towards being ok with Eldar now.

That's basically a vote to let neither pass, isn't it?
Greater machine spirits does explain the chaos resistance, it means that something is actively fighting the warp corruption. I like this because I do actually believe in the idea of machine spirits and why they serve a function.

Reliable technology is the reason the Imperium survived for so long as well, even when they clearly should not have survived once the Ad Mech started losing so much scientific understanding. The Imperium made due because of all their stuff just be rugged as fuck and dirt easy to understand.
Could you comment on The Curious Fan's post and if this is accurate?
Because it doesn't seem to be, given we've moved towards being ok with Eldar now.
?? That's not for me to decide. That's for you guys to portray as you make decisions and play. TCF just so happens to hold the opinion that cornerstone will lead to a less evil fascist Imperium.
Terran tech is still human tech.
This is a good point.
And isn't most of the stuff we want from Starcraft Terran anyway (unless DAoT has better)?

Greater machine spirits does explain the chaos resistance, it means that something is actively fighting the warp corruption. I like this because I do actually believe in the idea of machine spirits and why they serve a function.

Reliable technology is the reason the Imperium survived for so long as well, even when they clearly should not have survived once the Ad Mech started losing so much scientific understanding. The Imperium made due because of all their stuff just be rugged as fuck and dirt easy to understand.
Massively reduced quantity is gonna mess us up, though.
We're gonna eventually face a war of galactic proportions, we can't be stuck barely producing anything.

?? That's not for me to decide. That's for you guys to portray as you make decisions and play. TCF just so happens to hold the opinion that cornerstone will lead to a less evil fascist Imperium.
Ah, good, so that's not the case then.
That's all I wanted to hear.
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We're gonna eventually get a war of galactic proportions, we can't be stuck barely producing anything.
We won't be stuck barely producing anything, it's just that we won't be able to produce quite as much compared to the Ancient's Compromise, mainly because we'll be ensuring that our tech can go through anything and come out in one piece.
[X] Oppose Cornerstone Compromise.

We do not currently need chaos proofing, and that massive decrease in quantity will hit us hard, considering it will also reduce the number of ships and weapons we can make. All the tech in the universe won't save us if we don't have enough of it to properly defend our people.
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Long as you don't try and go "oh we should totally be best buddies with everyone", that's fine.
Not everyone.:p

In all seriousness, the majority of factions in Starcraft can be dealt with in diplomatic fashion, even the Zerg after HotS .
?? That's not for me to decide. That's for you guys to portray as you make decisions and play. TCF just so happens to hold the opinion that cornerstone will lead to a less evil fascist Imperium.
It was just an impression I got from the fact that the Ancients compromised repeated the old "hate mutants, aliens and heretics" line.
It's not DAoT human tech. Plus who knows where they got it form.
What? Still human tech. I specified non-human only as non-reverse engineer-able. Which means that if the Terran reverse engineered stuff, you can get the tech they got and have it fall under human tech. It just means you'd be relying on an outside human organization for that sort of thing. :V

It was just an impression I got from the fact that the Ancients compromised repeated the old "hate mutants, aliens and heretics" line.
Ah. Again, disregard the lore. I haven't revised it yet to match everything correctly.
@torrmercury , you should really should rewrite "Chaos Proofing" with "Warp Proofing."

Certainly Chaos was a lot more dangerous, but the warp does just corrupt things even without a malicious intent behind them. I'm asking because I am sure that Chaos Proofing is meant to cover ALL things warp related.
So with that in mind, be sure to take into consideration we help prevent our technology from being corrupted by other spooky, scary things in the warp.

This is especially true if we do ultimately cross over into a new realm or back into 40k. I know the prevailing thought is "We can always just research it later" but do take into account that time spent researching that could be better spent doing something else. It is one those "look 1000 years ahead" and "It doesn't come up because we have it" decisions.
So, if we choose Ancient's Compromise and see a nifty bit of Protoss tech, first we'll have to wait for the Terrans to reverse-engineer it, then somehow get their data on it, just so we can attempt to reverse-engineer the Terran version. Yet another reason why we should choose the Cornerstone Compromise.
So, if we choose Ancient's Compromise and see a nifty bit of Protoss tech, first we'll have to wait for the Terrans to reverse-engineer it, then somehow get their data on it, just so we can attempt to reverse-engineer the Terran version. Yet another reason why we should choose the Cornerstone Compromise.
Well that is when we have the STC's attempt to make their own version with the resources we have on hand.

But as TCF would point out, the Protoss tech base is something that is pretty close or ahead of stuff we have seen in some places. Potentially fairly unique all things considered. Having the ability to understand and learn from that would be useful.
So, if we choose Ancient's Compromise and see a nifty bit of Protoss tech, first we'll have to wait for the Terrans to reverse-engineer it, then somehow get their data on it, just so we can attempt to reverse-engineer the Terran version. Yet another reason why we should choose the Cornerstone Compromise.
Or you can just research and replicate the effect by your own scientific know-how. I was just posting an if you really wanted to reverse-engineer stuff situation.
I've been wondering... just how badly outnumbered are we, compared to most others?
Like, rough scale, how many people do the Terrans have?
Zerg would obviously outnumber us by a horrifying amount...

Not everyone.:p

In all seriousness, the majority of factions in Starcraft can be dealt with in diplomatic fashion, even the Zerg after HotS .
Assuming that goes according to canon.
Don't forget, butterflies, they're happening.
Don't assume Zerg will ever be nice.

Like, I could agree with trying diplomacy with Protoss in the interest of not being killed by Amon (and also, you know, because I'm pretty sure they outnumber us), long as they don't try anything stupid like ask us to send all our people to the front while they stay back or anything like that (and as long as we're all clear humanity is under our protection so no more destroying worlds).
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Regarding the STCs, do we even have the ability to make those high-end versions? I mean, I'm fairly certain that right now we can only make low-end STCs, and it will probably take us a long time to make the high-end ones that can adjust designs according to new situations.
Proper vote:

[X] Oppose Open up scientific exploration to the Imperium as a whole, not just the Adeptus Mechanicus. (Invenio)
[X] Oppose The free flow of information so that any techpriest is able to find the truth of what is already known. (Verum item 2)

Hereteks and Catastrophic failures are not worth a slight increase in speed.

[X] Oppose Cornerstone Compromise.
I've already said my piece of this.
So, if we choose Ancient's Compromise and see a nifty bit of Protoss tech, first we'll have to wait for the Terrans to reverse-engineer it, then somehow get their data on it, just so we can attempt to reverse-engineer the Terran version. Yet another reason why we should choose the Cornerstone Compromise.

Except for the fact that Dark Age of Technology level human!tech takes the Protoss techtree out behind the shed and beats it with a stick.