[DISCONTINUED] In the Beginning, There Was Man (WH40k x SC)

As mentioned above I can do either. People seem fine with PoA and it isn't a bad choice by any stretch of the imagination and its not like we don't have a lot of options for research.

Lets go back to something else, what about the other agendas? What are we NOT supporting?
You should vote for it if you believe that. Hopefully when we do reach the tech level DAoT humanity/pre-fall eldar/ and the old ones had we will contiune advancing past that.
We should be able too, the STC's will ultimately start designing new stuff for us once we get the ball rolling.

Remember, the DAoT humanity only stopped technologically advancing because everything went wrong! :p

Hopefully with including Wraithbone into the equation we should be able to help prevent warp corruption of any kind.
So checking the Agendas...
Here's generally what I can gather we'll be getting, research-wise (no politics).
-increased chance of miraculous artifacts
-somewhat decreased quantity of goods
-increased maintenance cost

-Slightly faster research speed
-Techsinger units unlocked
-Techpriest recruitment and quality increased

-greatly increased tech advances
-newly made tech somewhat susceptible to Chaos

-somewhat slowed scientific progress (is this the same as tech?)
-tech susceptibility to Chaos somewhat reduced
-scientific progress significantly increased
-small chance of hereteks
-small chance of catastrophic failure when researching

So a combination of this would be...
Our tech wouldn't be more susceptible to Chaos (verum and invenio seems to cancel each other out there), we'd have a really big increase in progress (significant, great and slight increases from 3 different factions for various stuff), techsingers will be unlocked and techpriest recruitment will be overall superior, while we'll produce slightly less quantity of goods and it'll all cost slightly more.
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Yes. Protoss have quite a low population.
"Low" being a relative term considering how many worlds they have, they've still got billions (not counting the unknown Nerazim nomads) IIRC.

I'm going to keep pushing for the Imperium to grow a moral compass and the other option seems to reinforce the "kill everything that isn't us" mindset so...

[X] Veto Ancients.
[X]Oppose Invenio agenda.
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I do believe that we should choose the Cornerstone Compromise, but I'll gladly talk about the other items.

First the Conservative Agenda: Their first item slightly decreases quantity of goods, increases maintenance costs, and increases the chance for wondrous artifacts to be created. I personally think that that is a fair trade-off, so I'm fine with not opposing it. Their second item prevents knowledge hoarding and ensures that no knowledge will be lost through hoarding. As this has no drawbacks, I'm fine with not opposing it.

Next, the Liberal Agenda: Their first item increases the God-Emperor's control over the Mechanicus and increases our research speed by a small amount. I'm fine with this. Their second item allows psykers to become techpriests, and slightly decreases morale among the rest of the fleet. I find that an acceptable compromise. Their final item increases both techpriest recruitment and quality. Again, I'm fine with this.

Next, the Invenio Agenda: Their only item increases tech advancement by a large degree, slightly impacts morale among the rest of the fleet, and slightly increases our tech's susceptibility to Chaos. I do not find this an acceptable compromise, so I suggest that we oppose it.

Next, the Verum Agenda: Their first item impacts morale among the rest of the fleet, reduces tech susceptibility to Chaos, and slightly decreases technological advancement speed. I find this an acceptable compromise, so I suggest that we support this item. Their second item significantly increases tech advancement speed, at a cost of a small chance of catastrophic failure occurring when researching and a small chance of hereteks arising. I find this an acceptable compromise, so I suggest that we not oppose this item.

Finally, the Compromises: There have been decent arguments made for both the Ancient and the Cornerstone Compromise, but in the interest of being able to make new discoveries in fields previously declared too dangerous and being able to utilize the strengths of xeno's technology, I suggest that we choose he Cornerstone Compromise.

Therefore, my final voting plan is:
[X] Oppose Invenio Agenda
[X] Oppose Ancient's Compromise
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[X] Oppose Cornerstone Compromise.

Golden Age of Technology.
This was us at our height, when humanity decides "ya know what, the whole solar system would look better somewhere else in the galaxy".
Then we throw in Eldar warptech (which they used to rule) AND Krork Old One-based tricks (biotech, everyone, it's gonna be so awesome)?

While Emps has the secrets of the Shroud within him and could probably bullshit something to get it started on his own sciencing?

Starcraft... well, frankly, it has a few things to offer us, but apparently we can learn to understand that anyway.
So just to clarify, right now we're voting for what we're opposing?

Since we've gotten a good deal of information on what benefits the Ancient's Compromise will give us, you could tell us a little more about the Cornerstone Compromise and what it will give us?
I would be interesting to hear this as well.
Ok then.

With Cornerstone, you'd be taking the best pieces of technology of any civilization you encounter and making it your own and purifying the manufacture process. Any tech you gain will be Chaos resistant because of the effort you take to make it so that the alien tech cannot be subverted against you. It is however, relatively easy to reverse engineer because you want it to just work and to allow for lesser initiated people to use the techs, especially if they're not as familiar with it as a Magos. The massive increase in quality is translated to super high reliability of tech, leading to possibly absolutely ancient and powerful machine spirits.
Supremely reliable technology sounds very nice to me, and a good reason to pick the Cornerstone Compromise. Plus, more people across the Imperium will be able to use the technology.
leading to possibly absolutely ancient and powerful machine spirits.
To clarify, this means Machine Spirits like the ones in a Land Raider that become better and more reliable in terms of aiming, keeping its crew alive, etc. Now apply this to (possibly) any machine.

How are we getting ancient machine spirits? Are you planning a several thousand year timeskip?:V
No, but experience accumulates. :p
[X] Oppose ancient

Nothing says we can't focus on our own tech for the most part and only snag stuff we don't have.
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So I think someone might want to tag earlier voters, because it looks like everyone didn't have it quite clear that we were meant to vote against something.

The massive increase in quality is translated to super high reliability of tech, leading to possibly absolutely ancient and powerful machine spirits.
Ancient machine spirits means it'd have to take a really long while before we get them, though.
So not sure how it'd be relevant?

Also, wouldn't that compromise not work given we're gathering tech priests to still be the main workers?
Which is also why quantity was decreasing?
[X] Oppose Cornerstone Compromise.

As for Starcraft not having much to show us, I'd love to get those Terran Marine combat suits and rail rifles mass produced for our IG units so they can run as the poor man's Angels of Death.
So I think someone might want to tag earlier voters, because it looks like everyone didn't have it quite clear that we were meant to vote against something.

Ancient machine spirits means it'd have to take a really long while before we get them, though.
So not sure how it'd be relevant?

Also, wouldn't that compromise not work given we're gathering tech priests to still be the main workers?
Which is also why quantity was decreasing?
Ancient relatively speaking. Basically what this means is Artifact Gear more easily accessible due to Machine Spirits surviving all sorts of crazy shit. And this applies to both Ancients and Cornerstone. Cornerstone is just more likely to produce longer lasting machines. :V

Could you rephrase that? I don't think I understand that. :V