Soo... I did not find a middle school Nanoha.

What I found was Vita.

Would that work for a civilian appearance?
Soo... I did not find a middle school Nanoha.

What I found was Vita.

Would that work for a civilian appearance?
Both that and the previous one would work okay enough. I mean, it is anime. Really you can get away with stretching it a bit so long as you don't go full college women body like tri did.

[X] meganeshounen
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>our first magical girl is Not!Nanoha

... guys.


Please, there is only one option. (For me, that is.)


[X] Renata Winston, Ordinary Girl

"No matter where you look, there isn't a single reason for me to feel lonely."

"This sad feeling."

"The painful feeling."

"The feeling of not having a single place where I can go."

"I can't get this feeling out of my chest."

Magical Girl

[X] The Black Inferno Incarnate, Ebony Blaze, Magical Girl and Servant of the Ebon Emperor

"I won't ask why it looks like a school uniform crossed with a space suit. It looks cool enough."

"So I just shunt some of the magic power I'm using to materialize my clothes into my staff?"

"Won't that give me less protection?"

"... ... oh right, I don't tank hits, I dodge them. Into the staff it goes then."

"Finally got enough magic power and Ebon power to get my skirt back... plus a few more parts."
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[X] meganeshounen

Dark Flame Meguca Get.
Also Stern is exactly the bored on the outside, hotblooded on the inside type.

...does that make us the Dark Flame Master?