What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 4 hours, 21 minutes
question: does the glittering federation know about blanks and the pariah gene? could emitters be created that could be used in places where the people to be examined will be isolated and controlled?
You kind-of do know about Blanks. And those Emitters would be Psy-Tech. Specifically; Necron Psy-Tech.
so like, if every psyker gets recruited into our choirs, Chaos can't get any sorcerers?
Unless they do a ritual to turn someone into one! Or they are subtle enough to hide low and snatch a Psyker without anyone noticing!
Holy fuck that's a lot of yellow now...


We've seized half of Neon's old territory, and stabilized everything but the Tzeentch infection and the Nurgle spot, which are all still Contested, though Saget is Federation/Nurgle Contested instead of Neon Remnant/Nurgle, so progress.
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Jeepers. That's a lot of stars.

I can feel the infrastructure hit from here.

Wonder what's happened in Valdheim? We cleared the Chaos Infection but didn't have the momentum or local support to take control?
[X] Plan: The Long Haul, V3

Edited: we have about 3 points to reinforce if we manage to get control of the sub-sector, along with our own main area…we have so many defenses to construct and hopefully rebuild.

Though I am worried about the imperium deciding to eventually hit our main area with that massive fleet of theirs…maybe they will collapse once the old inquisitor goes down and his students go rampaging as dictators.
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Goody, my favorite part of the quest.

Pushing the boulder of infrastructure right back up the hill of progress.

Kind of miffed the Tzneetchians are holding out, can only hope we still have enough man power to charge back in before they can rebuild from what we did to them.

either way think we should def claim Valdheim asap so we can secure before chaos can move in again

We send dudes to Valdheim first then we full charge full speed back to Qulach.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 1, 2024 at 1:13 PM, finished with 36 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Long Haul, V3
    -[X] Separation 1: Those who have any disease that we can't immediately recognize is to be quarantined carefully, and killed if they show any hostility, body burned or otherwise purified, as it might be some strange and horrifying exception to basic medical reality. Similarly we should keep in mind that those who worship rot are different than those who worship slaughter or exccess, and each needs to be kept away from 'triggers' and regarded as a risk for these reasons. Those captured who are soldiers are to be considered Prisoners of War of High Danger, and even those who are not are to be considered carefully... though even the worst prisoner is to have food and medical care, until or unless it is decided that they are to be executed by firing squad.
    -[X] Separation 2: By task or deed. Those who fought in the name of Chaos, or who were especially eager in slaughter must be separated from either the reluctant or those who, fundamentally, were not important.
    -[X] Separation 3: Among them. It is the case that if you have 500 sinners in one community, you have a community of sinners. Instead for those who willingly surrendered and who have not been found to have committed the most vile deeds, we will create Repentance Communities, places where those who wish to redeem the lost and make them Found again. By mixing the faithful and the faithless, and creating a model Star Child town, complete with plenty of chapels... and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion, we can give these people a taste of the Federation life: food, medical care, houses and all other Quality of Life amenities equal to that of any citizen of the Federation. To those who were captured or who did greater evils, we must keep them spread out. That is to say, a Repentance Community might have 200 such Chaos people and as many or more good Glimmering Federation Citizens devoted to the cause, and especially to be created and encouraged are Orders of Repentance that can peacefully help run these areas, and that can be trusted to provide lists of the devout and the devoted to further people them thus that each sinner lives in a community filled with faith. But for those who either went too far (but not so far as to be executed) or who had to be captured should be held such that there are no more than a dozen at any location, the better to individually monitor them.
    --[X] Addendum: Let it be known that those of each of the false Chaos Gods have different needs, and as you might be careful drinking around those who have challenges with alcohol, so too should the communities be made and run with the awareness of what might tempt one, but not another...
    -[X] Separation 4: Separation by Inquisition. Those left over, those who fall into the cracks, are to be investigated and tried. Those found too guilty or too corrupted are to be executed, but if there is a chance to save them without granting dishonor to their victims, it must be investigated. Therefore let it be that those Orders and groups involved in this Inquisition must come not only from those preaching Mercy, or Justice, but from those who believe in both.
    -[X] Separation 5: Time. Conversion can be forced, and may have to be, but it also takes time for faith to take root in the heart. At the end of each year, those in all of the categories are to be evaluated, those doing well and Finding Faith potentially to be moved up, those who are backsliding to be pulled away such that they cannot help others backslide, with the ultimate goal that all who can be saved... and who are WILLING to be saved, will one day be full-citizens released from the Repentance Communities.
    -[X] OOC: Force literally every voter who votes for this to sign a life pact promising to vote for 'finding Chaos' next turn.
    -[X] Caveat/Note: The well-being of those who care for, imprison, or judge these people is important to. They are to have regular mental health check-ins with uninvolved people (as well as medical check-ins, considering the risk of disease) and are to be rotated out of their duties every so often as best as possible.
    [X] The Laurent
500.M42 - Rouse The Engines
"Rouse the engines," Admiral K-531 calmly spoke, hands clasped in quiet prayer and meditation as their words were relayed to the fleet and the Choirs accompanying the same and through them the rest of the offensive. "Ignite the hearts," they continued, a thrum running through the Libra-Secundus chosen as the flagship for this operation, his heart of burning plasma ignited into the burning cradle of reality-breaking power required to breach the Veil into the Immaterium. "Set course for Brigach," K-531 said, and the fleet lit up like miniature stars within the Warp, Hymnals beginning the Song required to traverse through the Warp unmolested. "Let there be peace among the stars," they ended, and the fleet...vanished.

Operation Enlightened Flame had begun.

"THIS IS MY LIFE'S WORK!" High Archivar Natasur howled, madness crackling at the edge of his eyes as he leveled his laspistol against the soldiers trying to pry him away from his post. His gaunt frame whipped the dangerous weapon around with frantic, twitching, and jerky motions. "I WILL NOT ABANDON IT!"

"Leave the crazy fucker, we gotta go!" One of the soldiers in the back called out, the sound of their boots hitting the ground already echoing in the venerable halls of Archive #11c, silent rows of scrolls and books bearing witness to the rest of the soldiers following piece-meal and uncertain, servo-skulls ignoring the shaking form of the High Archivar as the continued in their duties.

"My lord," one of the Lower Scribes humbly said, flinching as the High Archivar snapped around with frenzied energies coursing through his limbs. "My lord, we have barricaded all entrances," they continued. With our current supplies, we will be able to hold off against the rebels for at least a month.

"Yes, yes...good!" High Archivar Natasur muttered before declaring it, "Continue gathering the documents. We must protect as much history as possible until Marshal Jennus is here to restore order again." Slowly, he put his weapon away and began walking into the halls and archives where acolytes, scribes, servitors, and menials of all ranks and professions had centered around his call to protect their works and lives until the end. Dodging around a small child carrying half her body weight in books with the grace of someone doing so for decades, he walked on, surveying the large barricades put in front of the majority of entrances, the rest either leading deeper into the hidden portions of the Archive or those rooms set aside for storage of supplies or as accommodations for the defenders of history.

"My lord," said the same scribe again, hurrying after their master. "Is it really wise to trust the...the Federation with safeguarding our charges?"

The High Archivar stopped. With closed eyes, he took a breath before continuing his walk as if he hadn't stopped. "The fools burning this world and its holy purpose to the ground for selfish gains are no better than Chaos," he declared, resolute and unwavering. "I would rather deal with the foes willing to offer protection than the ones demanding weapons."

The sky was alight with the fires of plummeting monsters.

The ground was lit by the arcing of electricity slowly coiling around capacitors guarded by Techpriests who had ventured deeply into the Mysteries of the Motive Force.

The in-between quivered like a cable snapped taut.

The world of Zeta could not offer eternal resistance against a fleet providing orbital support, nor against an invasion of the 1st Barbarun System Army Group, its soldiers well-versed in the sabotage and destruction of critical infrastructure elements these defenders would heavily rely upon.

But they would fight, they would fight for years to come, and they would die for an outcome long decided and long calculated. But to give up and let Hereteks defile a world dedicated to the Motive Force was sacrilege beyond knowing.

And so Zeta was lit up by thunder racing skywards, burning thousands from the world in holy fury.

And Zeta shook with luminescent rage as lances of light smashed into the ground destroying cities of transistors and power plants and coils.

Letia shook with rage. Her entire body barely held back from charging into the rotting masses of once-Martyrs now profaned by foulest Chaos Sorceries because she no longer had the legs to move with.

"Sister, please," Alyna spoke gently, her hair blood-soaked, her face caked with grime and sweat, with the armor of the Sister whose name and charge she had taken when she had died in service to the God-Emperor coated with the ashes of a world burning and rotting to nothingness.

"I can still fight!" Letia demanded, more to herself, the chance to continue doing just that. "Please, Sister, do not let me die without a weapon in my hand!" She gritted out between her teeth, a hand balling into a fist as she felt something in her torn-off leg being removed before the stimms administered had a chance to spread their mercies.

"You will not die today," Alyna stated calmly, yet Letia knew it was a lie by the way she worked and by the sounds coming closer by the moment. "We have notified the...them of where we are," she said, not able to speak about the Heretics they had to allow to set foot upon their Holy World to ensure it would not fall even more into the hands of Ruin. The mere thought brought the taste of bile once more into her mouth.

"Do not lie, Sister; give me a weapon. Please," Letia spoke slowly as if to give her Sister the benefit of the doubt of not clearly hearing her. "Their profane machines will not make it here in time; they will not break through the thousands of desecrated corpses risen or the cultists profaning our charges. Give me a weapon. Allow me to die like a Sister ought to," she said again.

And it was true. Though the "Angel Walkers" and "Morrigan" Tanks of the Glimmerlings were able to effectively fight against the undead millions walking the world, the Heretics had only sent two regiments against the foulness pervading their home. The 1st Droman and 1st Itanian may have been valiant fighters for a true purpose once, or their people had been, but she held no illusions. Even if they managed to destroy Chaos upon this world and left, the craters that now adorned millions of mausoleums, if they had not outright shattered and annihilated them, spoke well of what their true intentions were.

The doors to the crypt they had taken temporary shelter in began to crack.

"What's in it for us?" The large, scarred, and heavily augmented Warlord asked, her body bulging with muscle and popping veins typical of those who abused muscle stimulants.

"Your crimes are forgiven, your people will be able to live normal lives, you will no longer have to live in fear of the cruelties of Neon, and supplies will be sent to ensure that you have enough food, civilian goods, clothes, and medicine to become more than a band of prisoners fighting for survival." K-531 offered.

"Shit, you have me at 'Medicine.' You pull through, and my portion of Kriegar Delta is yours, as long as it's under me, as far as I'm concerned!" She laughed, smashing the table with a meaty fist and cracking the metal plate with ease.

"That...was one of the last things I said," K-531 said with confusion in their voice.

"Good thing you said it then, heh?"

Qulach's Forge nearly, very nearly would have devolved into a fight against not only the Dark Priests seeking to turn this world into a profaned forge for their masters but also the Mechanicus present on the world, their ire and fury roused against any and all deviations from their hallowed codes and rituals.

Only by several miracles of oratory logic and several well-timed defeats handed to the local defenders was K-531 able to convince Arch-Magos 2 to allow the 1st Neumidian and 1st Ubrakan System Army Groups, alongside the Order of the Blazing Sun, to land and reinforce their positions.

But that was all he was able to do, the Arch-Magos entirely unwilling to even consider any more Federation forces at the moment, and all with an underlying current of threats made in the understanding that, once the Hereteks over there were dealt with, the Hereteks in the Federation would not find any welcome on the planet.

At least the Lamenters had been able to take the ships and forces of Gathing and Valhidem to crush their assigned front before they began to reinforce Hausen in Grabstein.

"And although a war rages, I now declared this Constitutional Convention open."

Changes to the Constitution/Government/Else?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)

I Drew This For You
When a child went missing in one of the forests of Ground, the local Yeeni searchers never imagined that they would be reinforced by a company of Space Marines led by the Master of Recruits Delta. One of the said recruits, who had found the child in this training exercise before beginning a no-supply march across a nearby mountain range, also never imagined that he would be found and approached by the same Yeeni child before leaving the world again, a hand-drawn picture in their hands.
(Reward: Warm fuzzy feelings.)

Charge of the War Pack
The fighting on Qulach's Forge is as brutal as it is messy, with lines not always drawn neatly or on a single plane. Yet, this fight was. On one side stood the gathered forces of the Order of the Blazing Sun and the Mechanicum Loyalists and their War Walkers; on the other, a prepared position and well-dug-in defenders backed up by the horrific might of the Crucible Stars. There was only one path to tread: forward unto doom and glory.
(Reward: The Order of the Blazing Sun takes a strategically important location.)

Undead Go Crunch
On one side, millions of corpses. On the other, a soldier in a well-armored, well-stocked Angel Medium Walker with four autocannons. Let's do this.
(Reward: Thin out the hordes on Saget VII a little.)
Voting will open in 4 hours, 21 minutes