What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voxx Primus is primarily Fixed Defenses, it's just a lot of Fixed Defenses.

If that's actually a Mobile Force, then we just fucking die when they attack us, no save just die.

Well that's… sorta reassuring?

Still getting a battle psykana is important, and I'd support sim more ships (especially andromedas)

Next turn plan being something like

-Anti cultist stuff
-Sing a song: Sun, Protection, Fire, War
-Build a ship: Andromeda.


-Anti cultist stuff
-a Blazing Sun War-Pack.
-build a ship: Andromeda.
Do we have any idea what's up with the tiny fleet at the south bottleneck at whatnot? In Rethomum?
Some fucks calling themselves "Kharon's Revengers." Apparently some warlord got uppity, built a fleet, and went a-conquering?
What?!? Why do we have a constitution convention right now!?
Every 200 Years. You can vote to delay it, with 2 Thirds over those wanting to make some/no changes.
@HeroCooky any interesting finds in Gathin or Brigarch? Or do we have to wait until they are fully integrated?
Lots of paper and lots of munitions. Hard to tell what is all there, considering your people have already been put into contact with some tribal societies in there.
-What kind of war-walkers do the local mechanicus have access to? Dunestriders? War-bots? Their own Knights? I presume their other forces are standard Skitari fare.
-What is a Crucible Star? I tried to Google it but nothing came up related to 40k.
Here are some inspirations for what Qulach's Forge may have:

Taken by Martechi's Art Page.
And a Crucible Star is something I'll leave to the readers/writers imgination. Basically a Chaos Machine used for War.
Uhhh… guys…. Look at Voxx Primus. There's a…. Pretty big imperial fleet over there. Might be a "retake the sector" crusade.
That is not a fleet, that is the Defense Ring being built. If there was a massive accumulation of Ships, I'd notify you.
Next turn plan being something like
Do note that you have Beware The Sorcerors, The Abominations, The Cultists... locked in as per your vote. So you only have two free Actions.
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Yep, every two centuries, and HeroCooky changed it to be a round number to make it easier to notice. I've already made one Constitutional proposal, but I legit will collate the ones I like into a super-vote or whatnot.

My primary comment is that we currently built our system on escalating tiers of councils and authority. Can we add more layers to that? Planetary councils, sub-sector councils, sector councils, the Federation Council? No real comments on the makeup of the Federation council except that the sub-councils should reflect its makeup.

Charge of the War Pack
The fighting on Qulach's Forge is as brutal as it is messy, with lines not always drawn neatly or on a single plane. Yet, this fight was. On one side stood the gathered forces of the Order of the Blazing Sun and the Mechanicum Loyalists and their War Walkers; on the other, a prepared position and well-dug-in defenders backed up by the horrific might of the Crucible Stars. There was only one path to tread: forward unto doom and glory.
(Reward: The Order of the Blazing Sun takes a strategically important location.)

Undead Go Crunch
On one side, millions of corpses. On the other, a soldier in a well-armored, well-stocked Angel Medium Walker with four autocannons. Let's do this.
(Reward: Thin out the hordes on Saget VII a little.)

I could probably do either of those - not really feeling up to writing a Yeeni child. I don't write children well.

A few questions:
-What kind of war-walkers do the local mechanicus have access to? Dunestriders? War-bots? Their own Knights? I presume their other forces are standard Skitari fare.
-What is a Crucible Star? I tried to Google it but nothing came up related to 40k.

Do you want to take this one, and I'll do the undead one?
My primary comment is that we currently built our system on escalating tiers of councils and authority. Can we add more layers to that? Planetary councils, sub-sector councils, sector councils, the Federation Council? No real comments on the makeup of the Federation council except that the sub-councils should reflect its makeup.

I could probably do either of those - not really feeling up to writing a Yeeni child. I don't write children well.

Do you want to take this one, and I'll do the undead one?

My own perspective is that Sector Councils are slightly premature, and so what I think we want to do here is slap a bandaid on it, because in two centuries a Sector Council layer would make more sense, whereas right now it'd be, "Three systems with actual governments and a bunch without" on one side and, "Eight or nine very well developed systems" or something like that on the other.
Here's what we have right now:

--At a Polity-Wide Council, the following will be the division, subject to change in the future.
---Military: Seats for the different Branches, has 1 Voice, representing the majority opinion among their seats.
---Faith: Seats for different denominations and bodies with 2 Voices; Voices are determined after discussion among them.
---Choir: Seats are decided by the local choirs if the planet has any; otherwise, they are empty. No Voice, only Veto, and advisory.
---Civilian Administration: 10 Seats democratically elected using a proportionality system, 5 Voices; Seats each have "1/2" Voice, used directly. As with the rest, which side has more Civilian Administration Voices is used as a tie-breaker in case of a tie.
---Lamenters: 1 Seat representing the local Company, if any, empty otherwise. No Voice, only Veto, and advisory. Higher Council Lamenters Bench is still made up of standard rules.
--Unless noted otherwise: the Bench Seats vote with a simple majority, and all Voices of the Bench are used in the Councils according to that vote. Analog for a Benches Veto right.

Ten seats, five voices for Civilian Administration. But we now have sixteen systems, more planets than that, and are likely to get more in the next few years. So figuring out what to do with that is probably pretty important.

we also gotta handle the rejuvenat issue

luckily we got "everyone gets free healthcare" stage,so i say we can actually pull it off
The problem is, we still don't have access to more to work with, Neon apparently doesn't have Juvenat EITHER?
They have some! It is made with the spinal fluid of pre-teens! : D

Also, your problem is scaling your manufacturing process to your population. You are increasing it, but your eligible people scale just that bit too much to catch up without some Actions thrown in.
? the color for it is also used for indepdent or unclaimed systemsn too...
And the system itself has [Abandoned] stamped right underneath it in the system maps.
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I personally think that we should skip this convention or rather maken't make too many changes, aside from maybe making sure that while post-neon planets are represented, they can't outvote the core of the federation because they are pretty radical about a lot of things.

Also, @HeroCooky, will we get automatic scouting for the neighbouring sub-sectors, or will that take action?
Hmm, I guess the trick would be seeing how we can replicate/clone that without making people to hurt. Or, I guess actually just as much about how to create a NARRATIVE that lets us do that.
They tried to do that, it is, believe it or not, less efficient than yours. Scaling up yours would be better all around than cloning pre-teen spines to harvest the precious bodily fluids within.
Also, @HeroCooky, will we get automatic scouting for the neighbouring sub-sectors, or will that take action?
You'll get one once you are neither at war with half of an Sub-Sector and have more than 4 Scouts.
Profilozof said:
I smell the one of the all-5 rewards, maybe.
Nope. 3 Actions cost and you can give Rejuv to more than 0.2% of your population.
I mean, our bodies do make spinal fluid, about 500 ml per day, to fully replace all of it in a person is about 7.5 h according to google, so we could just collect a little bit from a person without hurting them permanently.
They tried to do that, it is, believe it or not, less efficient than yours. Scaling up yours would be better all around than cloning pre-teen spines to harvest the precious bodily fluids within.
You'll get one once you are neither at war with half of an Sub-Sector and have more than 4 Scouts.
Nope. 3 Actions cost and you can give Rejuv to more than 0.2% of your population.

That said, scaling up runs into the fact that you're still going to have to, uh, find pre-teen spines? Or was our method different?
My own perspective is that Sector Councils are slightly premature, and so what I think we want to do here is slap a bandaid on it, because in two centuries a Sector Council layer would make more sense, whereas right now it'd be, "Three systems with actual governments and a bunch without" on one side and, "Eight or nine very well developed systems" or something like that on the other.
How about a probation/phase-in phase for the Neon side of things, with a rule that once they are fully part of the Federation the sub-sector layer kicks in?
A proper system for growth instead of a bandaid.

Nope. 3 Actions cost and you can give Rejuv to more than 0.2% of your population.
Ooooh. Nice.
Will that be mentioned in our vote-options?
I wasn't aware that we could do that, assumed we couldn't.

That said, scaling up runs into the fact that you're still going to have to, uh, find pre-teen spines? Or was our method different?
Im pretty sure pre-teen spines is Neon only. Aka the reason why we can't take Neons method.
Some fucks calling themselves "Kharon's Revengers." Apparently some warlord got uppity, built a fleet, and went a-conquering?

Every 200 Years. You can vote to delay it, with 2 Thirds over those wanting to make some/no changes.

Lots of paper and lots of munitions. Hard to tell what is all there, considering your people have already been put into contact with some tribal societies in there.

Here are some inspirations for what Qulach's Forge may have:

Taken by Martechi's Art Page.
And a Crucible Star is something I'll leave to the readers/writers imgination. Basically a Chaos Machine used for War.

That is not a fleet, that is the Defense Ring being built. If there was a massive accumulation of Ships, I'd notify you.

Do note that you have Beware The Sorcerors, The Abominations, The Cultists... locked in as per your vote. So you only have two free Actions.
Martian tripods you say?


I want it. I want it so bad.
Yep, every two centuries, and HeroCooky changed it to be a round number to make it easier to notice. I've already made one Constitutional proposal, but I legit will collate the ones I like into a super-vote or whatnot.
Hmm, what about we add in a clause about steadily transitioning integrated planets to a more democratic government?
We honestly have massively bigger priorities than expanding our fleet right now, lol.
I say the one of biggest one is more troop-carrying capacity, it's our biggest bottleneck in our military at the moment that we can't move enough troops in a timely manner.

Next turn, I say we design the Taurus-S to actually address this issue and either do Sanctified Chaos Research or whatever new action we get to deal with this clusterfuck
Do you want to take this one, and I'll do the undead one?
Aw, I was planning on doing the undead one. But oh well, I can still do it. I wanted to focus on our infantry anyways so you get to do the giant mech mulching zombies.
we also gotta handle the rejuvenat issue

luckily we got "everyone gets free healthcare" stage,so i say we can actually pull it off

Even if we do manage to do what Laurent is saying, we are definitely unlikely to be able to meaningfully expand that to even 1% of the population, b/c I think you're talking about being able to give out a life-extending wonder drug to billions of people, and if they want more than a few extra decades they'll need to keep taking it.

That said, scaling up runs into the fact that you're still going to have to, uh, find pre-teen spines? Or was our method different?
Our method of getting rejuvenant is that we found a random machine created by a Dark Mechanicus Tech Priest that pumps out dozens of doses a year and we likely have no damn clue how it works.
That said, scaling up runs into the fact that you're still going to have to, uh, find pre-teen spines? Or was our method different?
You are using Alcheamical Processes to distill your Rejuvenat within immense manufactories. No child-spines here!
I mean, our bodies do make spinal fluid, about 500 ml per day, to fully replace all of it in a person is about 7.5 h according to google, so we could just collect a little bit from a person without hurting them permanently.
Sir, this is 40k. You us all of that, or none.
I wasn't aware that we could do that, assumed we couldn't.
Well, nobody asked if you can.