[X] Plan: Consolidating Resources
-[X] Integration
-[X] The Battle of the Orbitals
-[X] Shattered Body, Pure Mind
-[X] Salvage the Mordant
-[X] [Personal] Searching for Survivors
-[X] Observe the Xenos
-[X] Scrying
--[X] Specifically, support the search for survivors.

Alright, here's the new plan since the diplomacy option for contact is not, in fact, diplomatic.

Also, approval vote:

[X] Plan: Gathering Resources and Finding More of Our Men
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Also the sea occasionally spew waves of flying sharks at you. Now, to Plans!

[X] Plan: Gathering Resources and Finding More of Our Men
-[X] 'Contacting' the Xenos
To fight a threat, we must know the threat. Previously we assumed these reptilian xenos to be an entirely crude, primitive species, easily dealt. Now we have learned that they have an entire city, cloaked in witchcraft of unexpected complexity and power. We have yet to encounter any psykers amongst the xenos to explain this, and so we must dig deeper. And, I suppose, to determine if Corax's hypothesis on these beasts' motivations is correct. If they are content to hide in their jungles, then that simply means we can focus more upon our own recovery while they panic over their sudden uncovering.
-[X] [Personal] Integration
This is a weighty decision. Ancient edict forbids what I am about to suggest. But the truth is that mortals ever look up to Astartes in times of crisis, and crisis is what we are in. We must take command, and soon the opportune moment will arise. The Mechanicus of the Thunderchild already have effectively welded themselves to us. The surviving mortals of the Night of Ten Thousand already look upon the Chapter Master as their king and savior. And once we have rescued what remains of the orbitals, they will too. No one will gainsay their rescuers.
-[X] The Battle of the Orbitals
The foul moon taints and corrupts all who fall under its light, and for those vessels adrift in space, there rarely is a time free from its influence. Those under the auspices of the Ecclesiarchy appear to be withstanding things better than most, but there are a number of vessels that have fallen silent, and have devoured what few small scouting parties were sent within them. The corruption will not cease; it ever grows, gnawing, consuming, twisting and changing the frame it plagues. We must take the vessels by force now, before the everything of worth is lost, or worse.
-[X] Shattered Body, Pure Mind
Once seized, we must take what we can from the ships and bring their hulls down upon this world. The orbits are untenable as long as that damnable moon leers in the void, sadly.
-[X] Salvage the Mordant
We need materials and parts for our repairs. Moreso, we need to keep our technologies out of the hands of the xenos, mutants, or heretics.
-[X] Searching for Survivors
We do not leave our own to die.
-[X] Scrying
-Specifically, for the aforementioned survivors.
Given how entire cities can apparently be hidden from scanners and the naked eye, it is prudent to also apply more... mystical means to our search. Should there be any veil or shadow masking our men's location, the Librarius shall rend it asunder.
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[X] Plan: Gathering Resources and Finding More of Our Men

I am specifically voting for the revised version Belligerent Gnu put forward, I am not in favor of eating any Lizardmen brains, at least not as a first resort.
I'm willing to budge on any other points but this is a solid line for me.

I don't care two wits if it makes things slightly harder I am not going to be the one that leads slann into disemboweling our dudes with their brains while our ships get attacked by deamons.
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Chronicle Interlude
Chronicle Interlude

In the era 738, Absimarus was crowned sixty-third king of the Imazighen ruling for seven years, with 5905 years having passed from the beginning of the world. In the times of this man in era 738, in the first year of his rule, and the eighty-second of the Imazighen with the eighty-third begun as Abdelmelec was ruling for seventeen years, Vuitiza and his already very old father ruled equally.

In this time it was heard that the people of Jeghegh had abandoned their kings, and proclaimed a child to lead them. However, wizards and evildoers had come forth in the land, and there was great unrest. In the land of the Imazighen there too were many misfortunes and the people groaned aloud and tore at their hair. Creatures of evil crawled from the dark places of the world and the concubine of the Celestial Lord grew large and gravid. Many were attacks of the Debased, and the accords, though unpopular, which Vuitiza had made with their peoples, ended to the detriment of all.

They also in era 739, not able to bear the destruction of the aforementioned disaster, wandered out of the palace through Medes. In this era Abdelmec was slain, and his son, who was named Aghiles, ruled thence. The latter being a great and powerful man, and having the assistance of many magicians, took battle to the Debased and also slew many of the beasts which had frequented the land. When the disaster passed, and with his father having died, he ruled most prosperously for the aforementioned years, and all of Medes, relying on much joy, was keenly delighted. At the same time Ginduris, the priest of the seat of the royal city of Kalabus was considered illustrious by the gift of virtue and was celebrated as a doer of many wondrous things.

In the era 745, Telgumas, who had been the sixty-first empress, was restored to power as the sixty-fourth empress of the Imazighen, aided by the force and virtue of the Celestial Lord. She ruled again for ten years, with 5915 years having passed since the beginning of the world. In the lands of Medes, Aghiles continued into the fifteenth year in rule. In the lands of the Jeghegh, a great king whom the people called Kurhad rose and took the sceptres of the rule of the Jeghegh in accordance with what his father had expounded. In this year he was defeated, having waged war for forty years against the Jeghegh prior to this. He was a man of whole prudence in setting out the armies, and was said to have retained the favour of the Unnamed One. He broke the virtue of almost all the neighbouring peoples and made the Jeghegh realm among all things weak through continual devastation. He also nearly destroyed the cities and conquered the borders of the Adrar through devastation. He reduced cities to contemptible poverty and afflicted fortresses with siege. Also in the western parts, attacking through the general of his army called Valac-Hark, he conquered the kingdom of the Endali and made the land a tributary after removing the kingdom. The kingdom was of old and stood solidly through some 350 years, made lasting from the 400th era from the outset and its own beginning, stretched out peacefully over the Jeghegh lands from the time of Liuvigild through some 140 years all the way into era 750.

In the era 749, Telgumas and all her people were assailed by raiders and pirates from the north who made bloody spectacles of all the towns and cities along the coast, so much so that Telgumas rode out with her captains and all were slain most dreadfully. Aghiles, who was still king of Medes, went forth over the desert with his magicians to do battle with the invaders, and defeated them, however a river of blood was seen to run in the aftermath, and all the rivers and waters of the Imazighen appeared red, which many though to be a sign of disfavour from the Celestial Lord.

Indeed, in these times there had been much conflict in the skies and the piety of the people was thought lacking by many learned folk. In the era 641 a great expulsion was forced forth from the heavens, and in its wake many succumbed to the evils of the Debased. In the era 750, several more stars fell and the people groaned once again. In some places sacrifices were made, and soon, to the delight of the people, the chariots of the Celestial Lord were seen going to and fro in the skies, and all rejoiced that the ancient lords might remember their faithful.
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*Clarification, I have no issue with us eating brains of the already slain it's just kidnapping and murdering people just to eat them is a bad look in most places and usually does not help smooth things over.

Also, are we talking about sometime in the imperial calendar years of 300-500 with this story ,or does the beginning of the world here not correspond to the ages known by the Elves and Lizardmen?

Edit: I'm guessing whoever these dudes were they fought nagash at some point?
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2 plans and 4 votes at the moment, not planning on closing it especially soon but will reassess tomorrow or on Monday at some point
[X] Plan Movement
-[X] Vassals
-[X] Fortify
-[X] Rites of Unity (Vehicles)
-[X] Shattered Body, Pure Mind
-[X] Seeking a Home
-[X] Warding
-[X] Personal Attention
--[X] Vassals
[X] Plan: Gathering Resources and Finding More of Our Men

I'd love to ally with the Lizardmen but I feel like at most it would have to come from being allies of convenience against some great threat..
I'm fine even not being allies I just don't want to escalate things needlessly. I mean don't get me wrong if we managed to do a world tour of annoying all the slann afterward and they turned the planet into a sea turtle or suddenly the wasteland getting replaced with germany or something I'd be amused but I'd just rather not have that happen.
Imperial Forces of the Mallus Crusade
Imperial Forces of the Mallus Crusade
This is the threadmark where I intend to keep the most up to date record of Imperial Forces. If there's something you think is missing tell me. If you want something to be added and it's logical for it to be present I'm fine with adding it.

Adeptus Astartes Celestial Lions
1st Veteran Company, Vakemi, Master of the Keep, commanding.
  • Amra, Pridelord of Mallus
  • Captain, Standard Bearer, 1 Apothecary, 1 Chaplain
  • 1 Command Thunderhawk
  • 24 Veteran Marines
  • Administrative serfs
2nd Battle Company, 'the Watchers', Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, commanding.
  • Captain, Apothecary, Chaplain, Standard Bearer, Techmarine
  • 33 Battle Brothers
  • The Black Chamber, 10 Veterans equipped with Mk VI Corvus Armour and trained to kill without detection or suspicion falling on the Chapter.
  • 1 Rhinos, 8 Bikes
3rd Battle Company, 'the Ashwalkers', Pyre-Captain Kaaram commanding.
  • Pyre-Captain, Standard Bearer, 1 Apothecary, 1 Chaplain
  • 12 Pyre Brothers. All members of the 3rd Company currently exhibit manifest psychic abilities, all within the tradition of Pyromancy.
4th Battle Company, 'the Skytalons', Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, commanding.
  • Captain, Apothecary, Standard Bearer, Chaplain, Techmarine, Epistolary Kaelar
  • 24 Battle Brothers
  • 2 Rhinos, 8 Bikes, 2 Thunderhawks, 1 Thunderhawk Transport
    • Peregrin, MkIII Vanguard Light Cruiser, armed with a Bombardment Cannon, Macrocannon batteries, and voidcraft Launch Bays. Currently stranded in orbit.
8th Reserve Assault Company, 'the Heralds', Kabor Brighthand, Master of the Marches, commanding.
  • Captain, Apothecary, Standard Bearer, Chaplain, Techmarine, Codicier Dargo Dragonkiller
  • 51 Battle Brothers
  • 2 Razorbacks, 2 Whirlwinds, 2 Predators, 1 Land Speeder, 4 Rhinos, 1 Thunderhawks, 2 Thunderhawk Transporters
9th Reserve Devastator Company, 'the Hunters', Hunter-Captain Selous, commanding.
  • Captain, 1 Apothecary, 1 Techmarine, 1 Chaplain
  • 10 Sternguard Veterans equipped with Mk VI Corvus Armour
  • 12 Battle Brothers
  • 10 Bikes, 2 Thunderhawk, 2 Land Speeders, 2 Rhinos
10th Scout Reserve Company, Vularakh, Master of Scouts, commanding.
  • Master of Scouts, 1 Apothecaries, 1 Chaplains, 1 Techmarine
  • 8 Veteran Sergeants
  • 2 Land Speeders, 12 Bikes, 2 Rhinos, 2 Razorbacks
The Celestial Lions have adopted similar training systems as the Black Templars, and Neophytes are instead assigned to experienced Battle Brothers for training, with the 10th Company playing a reduced role in education.

  • Master of the Forge Khotan, 3 Techmarines Suprema, 13 Techmarines
  • Servitors and Artisans
Most of the Marines tithed from Mallus are equipped with MkV 'Heresy' Armour, a lesser mark of Power Armour designed for speed of maufacture. This armour is roughly half as powerful as other armour, and the Astartes who wear it also bear less sophisticated arms.

Damaged materiel can be repaired or salvaged. Repairs will use up new resources, salvaging will combine damaged equipment, for example combining two sets of damaged armour to make one set of complete armour.

  • Fatebound, Land Raider Crusader
  • 2 Land Raiders
  • 1 Vindicator
  • 1 Razorbacks
  • 1 Whirlwinds
  • 1 Vindicator
  • 1 Predators
  • 2 Assault Bikes
  • 5 Thunderfire Cannons
  • 1 Land Speeders
  • 1 Venerable Dreadnought
  • 3 Dreadnoughts
  • 1 Hellfire Dreadnought
  • 1 Rhino
  • Goldenheart, Land Raider Phobos
  • 15 Rhinos
  • 3 Predators
  • 2 Whirlwinds
  • 2 Razorback
  • 1 Land Raider
  • 9 Bikes
  • 2 Assault Bikes
  • 2 Land Speeders
Power Armour
  • 8 Terminator Armour
  • 9 Mark VIII Errant
  • 92 Mark VII Aquila
  • Roughly 300 suits of Infiltrator Armour
  • 2 Terminator Armour
  • 7 Mark VIII Errant
  • 60 Mark VII Aquila

  • Large quantity of psytek items confiscated and categorised by the Librarius during the conquest of Araby. Larger quanity of various Nehekharan artefacts currently in quarentine.
  • 2 Thunderhawks
  • 2 Thunderhawk Transports
  • 10 Fury Interceptors
  • 17 Starhawk Bombers
  • Assorted cargo lifters and other auxiliary space craft not appropriate for combat.

  • 15 Thunderhawks
  • 3 Thunderhawk Transports
  • 36 Fury Interceptors
  • 24 Starhawk Bombers

Fleet ships
AdamantGothic CruiserFlight decks and engineerium damaged
UzielDauntless Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
SagosEndeavour Light CruiserModerate damage to several systems
Cardinal of NuviaLunar CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
TorchMissionary vesselModerate damage to several systems
FarsightEndeavour Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
KingmakerOverlord BattlecruiserModerate damage to several systems, heavy damage to cargo bay and lower decks

  • Master of Sanctity Natohk, 1 Reclusiarch, 7 Chaplains
  • Je'hara, the Lion's Claw - Once an ancient relic blade, the true Je'hara was destroyed at the Fulgurite Field, and it's name has been taken up as the title of Amra's new blade, give to him by the Emperor himself.
  • Champion's War-Plate - An ancient suit of Artificer Armour, supposedly worn by Sigismund, the Emperor's Champion, during the Great Crusade, gifted to the Celestial Lions by their brothers, the Black Templars, the Champion's War-Plate was fused to Amra's form following the events of the Fulgurite Field, and subsequently adapted to Amra's Veil.
  • Amra's Veil - A magnificent suit of armour, the first layer a delicate series of golden plates to concel Amra's form, the second a mighty suit of adapted Terminator Armour to protect it. The combination makes Amra appear as strong and puissant as any First Founding Chapter Master.
  • Ashwalker Banner - The battle standard of the 3rd Company, miraculously preserved following the battle against the creature, Khong, and subsequently carried by the 3rd in glory at the Fulgurite Field.
  • Lion's Gaze - an ancient pauldron predating the Founding of the Celestial Lions, wrought as the face of a snarling lion, the eyes of the beast were actually the output points of a complex Conversion Field, reinforcing the resilience of the bearer in a powerful energy field, with the eyes flashing whenever they flared against an attack.
  • Jagged Claw - a modified Pain Glove, these relics date back to the founding of the Chapter and have tested every Neophyte since then, inflicting unique scars on the Scouts who take the trial, but instilling in them an iron-will and the defiance of their gene-sire.
  • Noctilith Lance - Forged by Hath-Horeb in the depths of Atakora, the Noctilith Lance is wielded by the High Deathspeaker, Natohk to defy the Immaterium. Formed from the strange obsidian mineral, sometimes known as 'Blackstone', the Lance resists psychic eminations, disrupting and dispelling abberant energies, and reinforcing the Empyrean Barrier in a small area around the item.
  • Klingerach, the Sword of Vengeance, also known as 'Grudge Settler', is one of the 12 Runefangs, given to the Elector Counts during the Empire's founding, and has been awarded to Kabor Brighthand as the Count of Solland. The Sword of Vengeance is able to cut through any armour like other Runefangs, but also empowers the user against the ancient foes of Mankind such as Daemons and Greenskins.
  • The Revelations of Saint Hermina - A treatise penned by Lady Hermina in the twilight years of her life, to inspire the Soroitas to greater feats of heroism. The text speaks of the virtues of the Ministorum, and the revelations Hermina received from the three saints who visited her. Through this text and the subsequent testimony of certain Sisters, Hermina is now acclaimed as a Saint of the Imperium, and the patron of Mallus and the Order of the Bloody Veil in particular.
  • Arc Claw - Crafted by the Tech-Priests of Forge World Metalica, the Arc Claw is a lightning-charged weapon forged for Sergeant D'leh of the Celestial Lions. Its talons, etched with intricate depictions of Chapter Master Amra's ascension, unleash high-voltage discharges with each strike, tearing through armor and flesh alike. Powered by embedded capacitors, the claw embodies the wrath of the Omnissiah, integrating both the disruptor field common to Power Weapons, as well as the Arc Weapon technology of the Mechanicus.
  • Goldskein Ordinator - The Goldskein Ordinator is a revered servitor relic, formed from the remains of the Bosian Saint after his divine visions on Mallus. Encased in circuitry and adorned with a golden mask, it communes with the Machine God, offering cryptic prophecies through its distorted voice. Guarded by companies of Skitarii and monitored by volt-scribes and mechinatrixes, the Ordinator is both a saint and a machine, capable of calculating future threats with its holy cogitators.

  • Chief Librarian Hath-Horeb, 12 Lexicanum, All psykers are armed with runecrafted items with various effects, strengthening their power.
  • The Manifest Psykers, led by Codicier Arius, and composing of 9 Manifest Psykers of various disciplines.
  • Chief Apothecary Thalis, 11 Apothecaries
  • Med-Servitors and Serfs
Apocetharium established in Fortress-Monastery
Ars Secreto are the forbidden sciences and techniques discovered by the Celestial Lions during their time on Mallus. While some Chapters (especially those of the First Founding) manage to justify such things by appeals to the ancient rights of the Astartes, for the Celestial Lions to use such arts is suspicious at best, and would be grounds for censure and investigation if discovered.

Experimental Rapid Zygote Maturation - When Apothecaries mature zygotes from the Chapter's Gene-seed, they can only implant as many seed-organs as there are Progenoid Glands in the first place. Thus, a single Progenoid Gland can be used to mature a single Maintainer, a single Forge of Strength, a single Rememberer, and so on. With the experimental theory developed by Thalis in his study of the Chapter's Gene-seed, the Chief Apothecary believes he can modify this process to ensure each Progenoid can be used to create double the number of zygotes. This means that increased numbers of Scouts can be trained and implanted, with the survivors receiving the actual Progenoid Glands themselves. However, Thalis warns that the long term effects of such potentially heretical modifications to the Emperor's holy work cannot be predicted. While this technique does not increase the number of Progenoids (and therefore Marines) of the Chapter, it means more Neophytes can be trained at once, reducing the impact of losses.

Blood Thralls - By implanting a progenoid gland in a human undesirable, an additional progenoid gland, as well as the original, can be harvested after a decade. The host must be kept consious and awake during this process to maintain the delicate chemical balance needed for gene-seed maturation, causing the Blood Thrall great suffering, and eventually leading to their death when matured gene-seed is removed. While the Adeptus Terra maintain this technology, it has not been shared with the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes in order to better control them through the supply of gene-seed. Additionally, the Celestial Lions have not yet perfected this technique, and gene-seed organs show a greater than usual number of mutations and imperfections, making the process at best, 50% effective.

Imperial Runecraft - Through cooperation with the Abhuman Dawi, the Spiritwalkers of the Chapter have learned how to bind warp energies into particular symbols, objects, or totems for various exotic effects from simply strengthening an armour plate, to imbuing the wielder of an item with greater strength when facing a specific foe. While a witch might use psycho-reactive materials to strengthen their psykic abilities, anyone can use a runic weapon, making this art more sorcery than psykery. The Spiritwalkers of the Chapter now utilise these items to better control the Warp, and strengthen their own abilities to even greater levels, in essence boostign their power with a sort of sorcerous battery or capacitor.

Servus Militarum
The Servus Militarum are the Chapter-Serf forces under the Celestial Lions, presently commanded by General Seluceus of Macharia, including:
  • Macharia 45th Infantry: the remnants of Cadian-pattern infantry, mostly retired but continuing their tradition and battle honours through teaching at the Pharos Staff College.
  • Pharosian Guard Corps: 10,000 elite soldiers, drawing from the old traditions of the Fleet's Voidsmen, with associated officers and support staff, charged to guard Pharos, the centre of the Imperium's power. Due to their traditions, the Pharosian Guard maintain skill. tactics and equipment in Zone Mortalis warfare such as boarding operations, void-combat, orbital drops, underwater combat and subterranean battle. Armed with limited vehicle or heavy support due to their function as the defenders of Pharos itself.
  • The Lion Guard, around 50,000 martially inclined Chapter-Serfs armed to with associated officers and support staff, armed with Imperial Guard level equipment. The Lion Guard is composed of various formations for particular purposes:
    • Lion Guard Regiments, trained to the Cadian-standard of warfare, and suited to a variety of combat situations.
    • Specialist Battalions, trained in specific types of warfare such as armoured assault, seige or aerial assault, and attatched to Lion Guard regiments at need.
    • Reserve Battaltions, forming a consistent force to instantly reinforce destroyed companies, as well as train and educate new soldiers.
    • Servus Aeronautica, a force of atmospheric craft capable of transporting and supplying the Lion Guard, as well as assisting them in ground attack or bombing roles.
  • Griffon Company: 4,000 professional soldiers, primarily drawn from Sigmarite mercenaries now in service in Solland.
  • Holy Militia: the Planetary Defence Force of the Imperium-on-Mallus, principally composed of roughly 10% of the Imperium's population of young men and women, armed with autoguns and minor support elements such as heavy weapons or light artillery. Incapable of sustained combat, deployment far from home, or more complex tactics, though capable in defence against most Mallusian foes.
Adeptus Mechanicus
Metallica Admech forces commanded by Magos Explorator Tertius Magna-Thal
  • Divisio Explorator, commanded by Magos Explorator Tertius Magna-Thal, and including 8 Engineseers
  • Divisio Fabricator, commanded by a Magos Fabricator, with 8 Engineseers
  • Divisio Artisan, commanded by Forge Lord Emar Ral, with 5 Cybersmiths
  • Divisio Genetor, commanded by a Magos Genetor, with 6 Metasurgeons
  • Additional and more numerous Magi, Techpriests and other genrealist Admech personnel such as servitors.
  • Metallica War Cohort led by a Master of Skitarii with 4,000 Tech Guard and assorted vehicles, deployed to Arx Acheron.
  • Divisio Electromagneticus Battle Maniple of Electro-Priests
  • Knights of Kolossi, a tripartite lance of mighty walkers with 300 Squire-serfs, led by Baron Vardis of Agiad.
  • Basic Manufacturing capacity established. Advanced and Exotic Manufacturing and Genetorium capacities deployed.
Adeptus Ministorum
  • The Order of the Bloody Veil, also known as the Daughters of Elyra, are a Mallusian Ordo Militant Convent of Adeptus Soroitas based in the mountains of the Vaults. The Order sponsor and direct all other Ministorum groups and assets on Mallus.
    • The Keepers of the Book, the Order's elite Celestants charged to protect the Order's relics and senior officers. The Keepers also bear a number of Mallusian magical items with various protective effects, including ruinc equipment.
    • 400 Sisters armed with traditional Soroitas equipment including power armour and bolters.
    • 1500 Noviates, armed with poorer quality equipment, but rapidly being reformed as munition stores increase.
    • Limited vehicles and support units.
  • The Missionia Galaxia, a force of translators, missionaries, medicae and other staff to study, engage with, and convert the population of Mallus.
  • The Frateris Militia, irregular formations of male warriors and pilgrims, the Frateris skirt the Decree Passive that the Ministorum will maintain no 'men under arms', but due to their irregular nature are tolerated. The Frateris tend to congregate around major Ministorum temples, and are particularly prevelant in Medes. The Militia possess relatively poor quality equipment, due to their status as an irregular force.
Imperial Settlements
  • Atakora, the Celestial Lions' Fortress-Monastery at the southern end of the Lost Plateau. Centre of Astartes equipment production.
    [*]Warp Accumulator - An arcane and mysterious device, constructed by Chief Librarian Hath-Horeb to channel the Aethyric currents of Mallus through the salvaged mechanisms of the Battle Barge Serenkai's warp engines.
    [*]Hexegrammic Wardings - Wards of the Librarius set over the Lost Plateau and the Fortress-Monastery that protect the area from the foul influence of Morrslieb and wider magical effects.
  • Pharos, the former crash site of the Celestial Lions' fleet, now fortified with extensive bastions and defensive works, and possessing Basic Manufacturing capabilities. Centre of civilian and Militarum production.
  • Arx Acheron, formerly a Celestial Lions Strike Cruiser, the area around the ship now serves as a bastion of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and holds the majority of their military strength, with the settlement rapidly becoming a centre of resource extraction and refining. Centre of advanced and exotic production facilities.
  • The Eye of the Panther, once a settlement of the abhuman Homo Terrestrius, now host to parties of AdMech surveyors and miners.
Approximately 200,000 Imperial Citizens, drawn from the Celestial Lions' Chapter-Serfs and the crews of the fleet's ships. Includes specific cohorts of support staff such as Servitors, Astropaths and Navigators.

  • The Kingdom of Medes, the cities of the coast such as Qadira and their capital El-Kalabad, as well as the colonies of Antoch and Sudenburg
  • The Northern Shore, including Al Haikk, the storied island of Fyrus, and other cities, all currently greatly devastated and deserted after the exodus to the Land of Assassins.
  • The Land of Assassins, including the cities of Copher and Lashiek, the wild Mountains of the Panther and the wasteland that is the Sorcerer's Isles, with other notable cities including the AdMech settlement around the Panther's Eye, the former stronghold of the Abhuman Dawi, and Arjijil.
  • The Tribes of the Jungles
Mallus Natives, composed of 3m Arabyans, colonies of other powers such as the Empire or Bretonnia, as well as 1m in the various tribes of the Southlands.

  • The surviving tribes of the Bjornlings, Graelings and Skaelings in the west of Norsca, composing approximately 1m people
  • Kraka Drak, stronghold of the Norscan Dwarves containing the surviving population of that nation, approximately 25,000 Dwarves.
The Empire
  • Solland, currently under the administration of Celestial Lion officers, yet still a native province, comoposing approximately 2m people.
  • Sylvania, a once dark and gloomy country, now governed by Astartes officers from their seat of Kasr Drakenhof, a fortress raised on the ruins of the Von Carstein dynasty.
  • The wider Empire, with population estimates of around 30m people, not currently under the Chapter's administration, but a land where the Celestial Lions have great influence.

Developed Capacities:

Missionia Galaxia and Iterator presence in all cities and large towns in the Southlands, with significant teams in El-Kalabad and Copher to preach the Imperial Cult. All major communities including smaller towns and tribes now have periodic Ministorum presence. Additionally, specialist capacities such as Sisters Hospitallier are attatched to Missionia cadres.

The Watchers, Black Nassor's information network, have infiltrated both the Imperium's territories and all human polities of the Old World. The Watchers have also infiltrated, and now control, many of the criminal organisations in the Old World, especially in port cities where the Arabyan disapora has spread. In their infiltration, the Watchers can no only watch, but act, and may call upon trained assassins, saboteurs and poisoners.

The territories of Mallus under Imperial control have been steadily raised in technological and societal sophistication with extensive development of infrastructure in particular. However, all areas outside of direct Imperial administration remain at the grade of 'Developing World' at best, lacking the density in population or addvanced technologies of most Imperial worlds.

Facilities established for the production of basic goods, more advanced materials like plasma technology, and more exotic items like anti-gravity generators, but there are currently relatively few specialist production facilities for particular goods. What specialist facilities do exist serve the Serf-Militarum, producing Planetary Defence Force and Astra Militarum-grade weaponry, equipment and vehicles.
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Edit, oh gosh my brain is doing a fail on me only now am I realizing what I should be voting for is.
Or at least I think this counts for the revised plan unless my brain is once more failing me?

[X] Plan: Consolidating Resources

(Honestly, I failed to notice this plans name changed when it was revised)

Edit 2: So who is the ''Macharia 45th Infantry Regiment'' and what are they like? I thought Macharia was a shrine world, not exactly known for a tithe of manpower?
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