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During a Crisis, many will see you as a Hero Many will see you as nothing more than an ambitious conquerer A Destroyer of the Republic, or its Savior. It Matters little. In the end, all that matters, perhaps the only thing that matters... Is the Choices you Make. The Republic and its institutions will die. What replaces them, however, is entirely up to you. If you Survive of Course.
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To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late; And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods? For Romans in Rome's quarrel spared neither land nor gold, Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life, in the brave days of old.
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Lift not my head from bloody ground, Bear not my body home, For all the earth is Roman earth And I shall die in Rome. Sail strange seas and plunder strange lands. Do battle on foreign shores for the kings of the east. Forge your legend in iron and blood upon the old east road, in that land the stories call Byzantium. Perhaps you will be a ring-giver, and the sons of your sons will raise a stone in your memory. Perhaps you will fall in the east to a saracen...
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In the year 476, the last great struggle over the rulership of West Rome began. The Germanic Foederati under their leader Odoacer rebelled against Orestes, who himself had dethroned the last Emperor Julius Nepos and replaced him with his son Romulus Augustus. Now three great men are struggling over the last scraps of West Rome. Who will win? And can he bring back the glory of old?
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The year is 1444. The last hope of the Romans has been crushed. The hated Turks of the House of...
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None shall mark her final breath Though she dies a hundred deaths. From her ending comes new birth: Her living corpse shall rule the earth.
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And therefore I have sailed the seas and come To the holy city of Byzantium. Once upon a...
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For the end of the world was long ago, When the ends of the world waxed free, When Rome was sunk in a waste of slaves, And the sun drowned in the sea.
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Cleopatra contemplated her position as she sat on a throne next to her father Ptolemy Xll...
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The year is 71 BC. Rome. Once a city-state on the edge of the Italian peninsula, now a vast...
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