In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

Got to say I wonder how God as In Big G will play here since he's mostly connected to Jews here
Um, that is not going to be an issue. So let us leave it at that.
Severins:"...and thats how I got MY triumph."
Severins:"Shall I tell you the story of my glory, Oui?"
Well... Kinda. The Sythians are still pissed at Pontus... so, once our old Legate finishes up his establishment of a pro roman government in Crimea... he'll be off to fight Pontus on the Mainland.
Stories of the Warrior: The Ghost of Sparta
Stories of the Warrior: The Ghost of Sparta

Claudia stared into the flickering flames of a nearby brazier, all emotion drained from her body even as the heat of the sputtering flames drenched her cold form.

Much had happened this day, and so her mind raced a thousand and one directions, scattering to the four winds as she pondered the happenings of the battle...and yet, her mind kept returning to the tales of Hercules Enyalius, flicking between each variation known to her akin to the embers fluttering from the brazier's flame.

Staring into the flames, it slowly gained form until at last she could swear that it was occurring in the flames before her.

In the flames, Claudia saw the devasted form of Alcaeus [the god's mortal name] standing above the broken and mangled corpses of his kith and kin, slain in an act of brutal efficacy that only the battle hardened (and broken) could deliver...and it was by his own hands that it was done, a bout of warrior's madness that had come upon him suddenly and without warning.

In moments, he is set upon by the City Guard and delivered unto the care of the Spartan King Eurystheus (of the Eurypontidae), as it would have been improper to deliver him unto the care of his brother King Iphicles [for fear of improper judgement]. There Alcaeus is swiftly judged by his brother's rival and equal for the crime of familicide at spear point; the deliberation, for all its swiftness, is at an intensity beyond words, for beyond the utter shock at such...unfamiliar behavior coming from one of their most decorated and accomplished citizenry, the idea of it unfathomable for most, the crime was so vicious and heinous that it is
known what they must do; Alceaus himself pleads for death, and it is only by the arrival of Faunus Mercury that stops the proceedings from continuing.

Here, the god arrives to deliver the edict of Jupiter Monitor Optimus Maximus, that Alcaeus is needed for the coming Gigantomachy, a war with all the corrupt and eldritch denizens of Tartarus, for his strength in battle is legendary beyond measure, stating that the only way for Alcaeus is to be redeemed for his actions in the eyes of Olympus and men, he is to complete Ten Labors governed over by King Eurystheus. If he succeeds in those Ten Labors is to be spared from future punishment for this act, and this act alone, but if he is to fail...then Faunus Charun will himself return to deliver him unto the Fields of Punishment. Before the god departs, he forcibly bathes Alcaeus in the ashes of his family, binding the ashes to his skin and strips him of his name, bestowing both as a permanent and mocking reminder of his foul deeds.

While none present are all to pleased with the verdict, least of all the lowly Hercules himself, none are willing to anger the King of the Gods, and he is sent forth with his nephew Iolaus as his warden and guide. The Labors, while mighty and great feats for even the humblest of men, do nothing to assuage Hercules of his guilt, and instead seem to only burden him further with rage and grief. It is only as he repairs his relationships with his kith and kin that he finds some measure of atonement, that in the face of all his actions only act as a soothing balm and do not allow him to fully heal.

Completing the now Twelve Labors in time to face the mighty Typhon, the first of many monstrosities to come forth from the Earth, Hercules is forced to abandon his ties to Sparta to fight in the coming war as Olympus' Mortal General. The war continues from many a year, as colossal forces reshape the very face of the Earth [
with Hercules managing to find some comfort with a new family in the distant Alps following one such battle], eventually culminating with the defeat of Typhon...where he learns the truth.

That sudden rage, born from a genuine place of battle and loss had been twisted by Jupiter's own hand, punishment for both Hercules' actions, a raid against one of Jupiter's favored city of Troy, and to punish Mars Ultor for fathering such a powerful scion, a powerful threat to his rulership. Enraged at the revelation and the deep seated corruption, Hercules aided his father and a number of other gods, Juno Moneta, Neptune Arion, Bacchus Pluto, Minerva Bellona and more besides, into casting Jupiter down from his Throne to be imprisoned in Tartarus alongside their vanquished foes, and established the Olympian Council, thus tearing down the old system in favor of a fairer one.

As Claudia pondered what it meant that they might go against these lessons, Caesar interrupted her.

"Are you ready?" he said softly, the weight of their decision weighing heavy upon them.

"For better, for worse, and anything in between."
You know, when I told you I would be doing something cool, I didn't think it would be back to the Omake with you.

Here we have rewards!:
[]The Strength of Hercules is to Be Respected (+10 to the rolls next turn)
[]Just another Name in a List (Automatically get all your slaves back from those that took them)
[]How goes the 5th Legion anyway? (Unlocks a Rumor from Legio 5)
You know, when I told you I would be doing something cool, I didn't think it would be back to the Omake with you.
To be fair, I had this in back pocket for months at this point...just took awhile to find where I'd saved this, and then make sure it fit the current circumstances.
Here we have rewards!:
[]The Strength of Hercules is to Be Respected (+10 to the rolls next turn)
[]Just another Name in a List (Automatically get all your slaves back from those that took them)
[]How goes the 5th Legion anyway? (Unlocks a Rumor from Legio 5)
...tough choice, but I gotta pick #2.
To be fair, I had this in back pocket for months at this point...just took awhile to find where I'd saved this, and then make sure it fit the current circumstances.
Fair enough.

Hopefully I hope you won't mind me spoiling what will be happening.

You'll have another choice for adventures, as I did promise some high seas combat with Uncle Ion being a pirate... or you will be sending people out to your dirty work.

Also, Uncle Ion doing some dirty work for you, because he needs some revenge on those that wronged him.
[X]No: Let him burn.

I may be paranoid here, but I don't want to repeat what happened in La Chason regarding Robespierre, therefore I think it's best to let Marius die here, for the good of Rome (and for the good of the Republic, but as I've said, Marius' actions already killed the Roman Republic and I believe it won't come back).
It has to have been months since this quest was alive, I take it Marius is dead and people here are dedicated to be the best woman on Rome and Caesar's cool big sis

So that moment where you got everything in place…

And then you remember what Sulla might do…

God dammit Sulla.:(

Oh well at least things are going… historically?
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The Republic died when Marius purged the Senate (allegedly because the Senators were plotting against the Republic in some way) and had the 10 survivors of said purge name him King. Sulla's doing his best to safeguard Rome, but if that means letting the Republic die, he will let it die.