The Beginning of the End - A West Roman Empire Quest

Honestly sad that it was over but enjoyed reading through the thing even though I didn't participate as much.

So the question on my mind is, What's Next?

A Break, A New fic, or A New quest?
Glad to see this quest finished rather than abandoned! Many thanks for the good times we've had here.
Honestly sad that it was over but enjoyed reading through the thing even though I didn't participate as much.

So the question on my mind is, What's Next?

A Break, A New fic, or A New quest?
I have another quest running at the moment called Star Wars: Ship Designer Quest. But I'm toying with a few other ideas at the moment, but nothing concrete.

There is a Stargate Quest with the players as the Goa'uld shortly after Ra died. Another Stargate Quest that is only rather rough laid out by me where you take control over the Genii. A Starcraft Quest where you play the Magistrate after Starcraft 1. Two in Middle-Earth. One has you take control over a successor realm of Arnor and another where you take control over the Moria Expedition.

Besides new ideas, I also am thinking of reactivating some of my old quests like my Crack Orc Quest or the New Jedi Order quest.
Glad to see this quest finished rather than abandoned! Many thanks for the good times we've had here.
Thanks, I enjoyed writing it!
One has you take control over a successor realm of Arnor
Kinda sad that this quest has ended as I like the classical period a lot but seeing this idea has me hoping you choose to do this one as there's a lot of potential there plus I like Lord of the rings and the numenoreans a lot.
Thanks for the ending Jax. This was a great quest. Happy to see that it got a proper conclusion.
Thanks for that.
Kinda sad that this quest has ended as I like the classical period a lot but seeing this idea has me hoping you choose to do this one as there's a lot of potential there plus I like Lord of the rings and the numenoreans a lot.
Well, the Arnor quest is the one I've in mind for sometime.