In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

The Battle For Rome Part 3
The Battle For Rome Part 3

It was really almost impossible to see through the rain, which only illuminated from the darkness with a bolt of thunder and lighting, as men with dampened torches had become lost in battle and slaughter.

Rain and thunder had engulfed your entire world, and through chattering teeth and horseness of your throat, you shouted. "Forward, Forward!"

You did not see how the battle was going, for the simple fact you could not see at all through the rain. Your cadre of horses and legionaries were not, as it turned out, as confident as you were. But you spoke louder in the storm, as Jupiter himself seemed to wish this battle to define history, and of Rome itself. "Hear me now and put back your fears. For we are loyal servants of Rome, and we will conquer these traitors."

You had only conviction within your heart from this outcry, and the men followed on horseback, following you towards almost certain doom.

Towards the Enemy, towards the Glory of Death, and the Glory of Rome!

But then Things Changed:D100 + 20 => 120

When you reached the Marian encampment, you were surprised to see it abandoned, the loot and supply wagons are gone as if there was nothing more to see. It was as if Marius had committed everything to the defense, and now, there was nowhere to go.

You had looked, carefully through the rain to the main encampment, and saw that the fire was burning. You could see Marius waiting, watching the fires as he just stood there. You drew your blade and walked forward.

This man who called himself king of Rome was not the Marius you had seen before, in the whispers and rumors. He looked so much older than you expected. In fact, had it not been for the simple clothes, you would have assumed that this was an old priest that was looking into the fire, to the auguries of fate and hopes for the best.

In fact, you saw Caesar only mutter a word, before he tried to move towards him. "Let me-"

"No." You ordered. "Secure the Camp, look for any trap or reserves."

You had thought that Marius would be leading his forces, leading the men who had accepted his mad rule. You didn't see that. Here he was cowering…

Cowering, and watching the fire as if he could see something to change. Both you and Caesar walked towards the old man, who just seemed to throw twigs into the fire… twigs and pieces of the nail, of cloth and fabric. Anything that would burn brighter, burn hotter, than before.

"I saw Sulla coming towards me, with the eagle of Jupiter. Riding upon the great steed in triumph." He looked to face Caesar. "But it seems I was wrong, just as I was wrong about finding victory on this day. All I see is my child."

Caesar remained still, swords still in hand, trembling in his rage as he pointed it. "The battle is over." He said. "And do not dare call me child."

"Indeed. For you are no longer one… you are just another Roman following the sway of Sulla, for his own life." Marius stood, and you saw him use a wooden stick, a cane to move. "Yet, the war for Rome is not won." He walked, nay, strolled over towards the desk, with a litany of Papers. Many of them signed papers.

He then turned to face you. "But you… you, I did not expect. With how many words Sulla surrounds him, you are easily the thing that must have changed him. Love is the death of duty… even when one is loyal to Rome." He tapped the cane as he sat down, your sword not drawn. "But a girl who believes that she can be a part of this world when she has no place in it. The gods have a cruel sense of humor, now bringing her a chance to indeed change the world."

You wanted to hope that this man was hallucinating. That he was speaking with the words of madness. Yet he did not. You could see that, unlike many other men you have seen. He did not speak like a drunk or a madman.

"But I get ahead of myself." He looked at both of you. "My forces could never win against Sulla's, I saw that. Yet I sit with the last True Children of Rome." He then poured something into a cup, of water you thought, and he looked at Caeser.

"You are speaking madness, you have destroyed the Senate!" Caesar spoke, and he moved forward and threw the papers down to the ground.

"I did. And Rome is better for it, with them dead. Perhaps new Senators will be made, who understand what is truly at stake, rather then be blinded by greed." There was a twist of his lips. "Rome has always been too proud to see that she is not infallible. That she had grown in a simple way. A way of corruption, of Greed, where men see the Senate, rather than the People of Rome they are sworn to govern." He paused, sniffing the drink.

"The men I killed were not men who were against the Republic, they were merely the men who wanted to become king. That is what all men are, it seems. When they have power, all they can do is try to attain it. Myself included. Least as I saw it." He then chuckled and drained the water onto the ground, onto the paper, and then you smelled the burning smell of oil. "You already know what I have done, how much of the rot I expunged from the Republic, with the men I have killed, the families that I ordered Purged, even your own mother Gaius... I have created the most perfect system for someone to change the Republic. To stop this rot that has festered since the Gracci fell to those that may have called themselves Protectors of Rome."

"But I have little faith that it will change anything. Just simply how man is." He then poured oil on himself. "Before I left, I was told a prophecy… a prophecy that involved you Caeser…" He then looked into the boy's eyes and said. "You will walk side-by-side with the sun, Helios in his Chambers, but never eclipse him, or he will strike you down… you will suffer a thousand deaths from life and love until the four are three, the Three are two, and the Two are One."

He then looked at you. "You already know the rest, Dear Claudia." Caeser traded a glance. "Rome is dead."

Do you Try to Save Marius?:
[]Yes: He will stand trial for his crimes.
[]No: Let him burn.
Reward: The Battle is over.

Sulla's forces have won.

Who do you speak to as you prepare to walk in Triumph in Rome?:
(Choose 1)
[]Uncle Ion
[]Cossus Tettius Gallio
[]Caius Spurius Polybius
...Well...OKAY THEN.

That was...certainly something.

[X]Yes: He will stand trial for his crimes.

Best not to create a Martyr with a Legendary Death.


After what just happened, I think talking to him is most important.
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[X]Yes: He will stand trial for his crimes.
Give the man a fair trial it will set the tone that even the lowest of Romans have a chance to atone regardless if he cannot pay the rest of his debts to the Mother city
Omens follow us but Caesar seems to share them, let's talk with them
...Well...OKAY THEN.

That was...certainly something.
Once the nat 100 happened, I knew I had to change things.
So I decided to get a little bit more trippy.

And throw in some prophecy.
Best not to create a Martyr with a Legendary Death.
Eh, I wouldn't call burning himself alive when he lost a battle a legendary death though.

A Cowardly one sure, but not a legendary one.
Give the man a fair trial it will set the tone that even the lowest of Romans have a chance to atone regardless if he cannot pay the rest of his debts to the Mother city
But would Sulla even give him one?
Omens follow us but Caesar seems to share them, let's talk with them
I mean, he is Caesar.

Wacky adventures tend to follow him.
[X]Yes: He will stand trial for his crimes.

Non occidet sol Romam in crastinum promissum. Omnia quae ille recte cupit, oblivio est; ardeat in curia vulgi.
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But would Sulla even give him one?

What is even a fair trial in this world gone mad? But perhaps Sulla might be reminded that how fair Marius trial is, does set precedence in the Republic restored heading forward.

Wacky adventures tend to follow him.

Has Ceasar married Cornelia yet , or has that been butterflied away?

Because I am morbidly curious about what happens if Claudia ends up marrying Ceasar, considering the Mangoose dice.:V
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What is even a fair trial in this world gone mad? But perhaps Sulla might be reminded that how fair Marius trial is, does set precedence in the Republic restored heading forward.
I wouldn't say that, the Republic is staggering towards its death right now.

It is going to die, if it wasn't Marius that killed it, it will be Sulla.

And even if that doesn't happen, and it limps along to around where Canon Rome fell... What is going to happen?

Despite everything now, There is now precedent in the Senate, even one as diluted and destructive as the one Marius had... of crowing a king.

That dosen't go away.
He should if he wants to give any peace to any vengeful souls
That depends on what happens to him.
Helios is the Greek God of the Sun. Sol is the Roman version.
It's that way for a reason.

He heard the exact same prophecy as we did.;)
Has Ceasar married Cornelia yet , or has that been butterflied away?
Caesar was exiled before he married Cornelia.

Also his mother was executed. So... there is that.
Because I am morbidly curious about what happens if Claudia ends up marrying Ceasar, considering the Mangoose dice.:V
No... Thats entirely up to your choices.
I wouldn't say that, the Republic is staggering towards its death right now.

It is going to die, if it wasn't Marius that killed it, it will be Sulla.

And even if that doesn't happen, and it limps along to around where Canon Rome fell... What is going to happen?

Despite everything now, There is now precedent in the Senate, even one as diluted and destructive as the one Marius had... of crowing a king.

That dosen't go away.

I said it before, but...the Republic is doomed. The conflict between Marius and Sulla in OTL was the Coup de Grace for it, and I think the same happened here.

What Caesar, Octavian and the Triumvirates did in OTL wasn't murdering the Republic, it was giving it's twitching, barely alive almost-corpse a mercy killing.

No... Thats entirely up to your choices.
Well, I certainly wouldn't be against it, especially since this case would very much be a Union of Equal Partners from the start...but we'll see how it goes.
A Senate that he murdered how much of in order to make that happen. I wouldn't call such a ruling legitimate.
Doesn't really matter. The Senate still did it. No matter how reduced and forced into it they were.

Now, had this happened even just a Century earlier, it might have just been brushed off and only been talked about as a cautionary Tale in Roman History without having too much, if any, influence on the stability of the Republic.
But with the Republic and it's institutions already having been eroded and weakened beforehand in recent times...yeah, no. There is no coming back from this for the Republic, at least not long-term.
Illegitimate as it may be, given the number of men who were killed, there is also a very simple fact that it kinda doesn't matter.

At least anymore.

The idea that one man could purge his political opposition to the point where he basically became a King, is just something that does not happen, in Rome back then.

Now that it has happened, and frankly, the idea of unification within the Roman Republic is now... clearly something that has been lost.

It's been lost since the Gracci Brothers were assassinated.

Now that Marius, in a sense, tried to force a rebirth of a republic... and failed... he has done a grave and fatal blow to the Republic.

Anyone with money, power, influence, and soldiers may see an opportunity to seize power "For the Good of the Republic" And waylay the hundreds of years of traditions that are behind them because they have the ability to force arms.

Doesn't really matter. The Senate still did it. No matter how reduced and forced into it they were.
It does matter that the Senate did it.

Legal Precedent has been established.

Even if it's declared illegal by future legislation, it can still be used as a basis for future law-making. For better and for worse.

Also I just realized that Legio 5 is about to become very very legendary.

Damn Severins. :V