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Quests Archive

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The adventures of two bitter rivals who hate each other more than tom and jerry the depths of there adventure in a hell selected by rob to see both of these to screwed for fun. Unknown to him dark days are about to come soon..first for the two nations and soon for the rob..
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What Would Happen if? A Dangerous Question that many don't ask is... Should we? The Future of Man has Come to the Past, to where we live and die The Future of Man has Come to Roost in the Past, and the consequences that come with it.
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The year is 2058. Eleven years have passed since the end of the Third Tiberium War and humanity's first contact with extraterrestrial life. Threshold 19, which has lain dormant since its first activation, has finally come back online and through it a second wave of Scrin invaders have arrived onto Earth. In a bid to stop the onslaught, Earth's defenders attempt to access the Threshold Tower and shut it off, but things go awry. When the dust clears, people find that the mountainous alien...
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This will be my first quest on here. Give me a chance and maybe we can have something fun. I'll be done with the semester on the 6th and I'll be ready to dedicate myself to this.
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The year is 1914, you are an airship fleet admiral from another world and things are about to get weird.
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An alternate Earth in the year 2045 is displaced across time and space onto the surface of a vast magitek fantasy world in the midst of one of its worst periods of upheavals and crisis. Already being torn apart by revolutionaries, reformists, liberals, reactionaries, fascists, and monsters; the world of Xarazanth might just need the guidance of the Communist International to save it from the storm. But can you; the plucky Central Committee of its newest special task force; help steer the...
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Off to fight in Cuba during the Spanish American War, a group of ships loaded with soldiers is transported to a new, yet very unknown land. Navigate and build a new civilisation in this new world as you try to survive!
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Welcome to the 'Fallout: Displaced Patriots' quest! Due to an artifact, the military base under...
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On March 5th, 2017. An Island, roughly 60 square miles in size, located 30 miles off the coast...
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You wake up and stretch your arms. This cruise has been wonderful so far. You know a lot of...
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