Adhoc vote count started by Krasnyy Spartak on Nov 22, 2020 at 5:16 PM, finished with 31 posts and 11 votes.

Well this clearly isn't right, but it's definitely apparent that Mikhail is going to win this vote.

The candidates for the Navy and Air Force will come out later today as I'm going to have a guest soon.
Chief Strategos of the Navy vote
Air Force vote will be delayed a bit, but here's the navy.

Chief Marshal of the Army

[] Mikhail Ivanovich Orlov
: The lighting marshal, Mikhail's successes in a number of surprise assault operations; including rapidly mobilising his VDV forces to annihilate the IDF at the battle of Jata and crushing the GTO garrison at Taiwan in a series of rapid-fire attacks so quick that nearby garrisons were unable to respond as well as his masterful Belgian, Norwegian, and Swiss campaigns that cracked open the three fortress countries in a matter of days. With his distinctive VDV officer's cap and pencil-thin moustache, Orlov has a commanding presence and a nearly legendary status as the great liberator even as he approaches his seventies. However Orlov has remained in the military out of a belief that the third world war is inevitable; preparing for the great clash with America where his fast moving soldiers would surely be needed to liberate America and Brazil. He has approached the Otmetsozob too with glowing praise from the VDV, offering his services in whatever capacity Valeriya desires to ensure that whatever crises the organisation will meet; they'll do it with the blue berets on their side.
  • +: Marshal of Victory: Mikhail is famous for winning. He's never lost a battle in his dozens of campaigns and his name is spoken of in awe and fear. Orlov is beloved by his men who believe that he will see them through, and his experiences are numerous and manifold. He offers a general +50 military bonus and a +25 bonus to all other rolls he has any influence over. He also may always reroll and take the best of the two and force his enemy to reroll and take the worse result. He does not critically fail and critically succeeds on a 90 to a 100, and increases his enemy's critical failure range to 10 or under.
  • +: Like Lightning Itself: Orlov's forces are always considered supplied as long as they have sufficient aerial cover and can move at tripled speed and advance at a tripled rate; similarly when pursuing routing forces he inflicts triple casualties as his whirlwind offensives chop apart the enemy's lines of retreat and communication and his helicopters and paratroopers have a high chance of causing enemy assets to be considered unsupplied, leaving them far more vulnerable. He is also a master of evacuating soldiers, and has a tripled chance of breaking out encircled soldiers and tripled chance to recover casualties.
  • +: The Airborne Death: Orlov triples the military power value of paratroopers, air-dropped vehicular assets, army controlled air assets such as Helicopters, air cavalry units, aerial mounted infantry or vehicular assets. So long as he has any army aerial assets in the region his forces also always are considered as having proper reconnaissance unless this trait is properly countered; and his forces gain a tripled bonus to reconnaissance.
  • +: Friend of the Spetsnaz and Air Force: Mikhail's bonuses can be applied to the air force, naval aviation, and special forces even if he's not in these fields; or if he's in one of them and not the army; to the relevant army assets.
  • +: People's Marshal: Mikhail triples the morale of all forces that his bonus applies to due to the military's utmost confidence in him, and he provides a +15 favour bonus with all sectors of Communist Bloc society due to the sheer magnitude of his popularity and the lustre of his triumphs.
  • +: Precise and clean: Orlov's forces are very good at getting in and out and hitting what they need to and nothing else. Collateral damage chance is cut down to a third should he be given this posting with the assets that his bonuses apply to.
  • =: Soviet Citizen: You know the drill.
  • -: Not much for standing Still: Orlov's bonuses are cut in half should he be forced into static or trench warfare where little movement can be done or where his mastery of mobility is rendered irrelevant; being far too used to massive and sweeping deep operations.
  • -: GTO Boogeyman: Orlov causes strain in the relations with the GTO due to the many defeats he's inflicted upon them and the fear they hold him in.
  • -: Where's our air support?: Orlov's bonuses are further halved in any situation where air support cannot be relied on due to the primacy of the role that airborne assets have in his battle plans.

Chief Strategos of the Navy - The Navy of the Revolution is of dire importance in a world as vast as Xarazanth with its enormous oceanic expanses and countless sea-based civilizations. To neglect the red navy is to render the Revolution impotent. For no matter how mighty our armies, if we do not have the ships to supply them or deliver them; or the fleets to protect the distribution and sharing of resources across all who struggle towards classlessness; we will be nothing more than regional powers. As such, the position of Chief Strategos is one of tremendous prestige and importance. Choose wisely for who will guide the policy of our flotillas.

[]: Yi Jae-Wook: Comrade Jae-Wook has direct descent from the famed Yi Sun-Shin and is another hypertalent; whose performances in simulations and wargames has demonstrated a masterful understanding of the ins and outs of the important field of naval warfare. Jae-Wook is a young man to be sure, but even at the age of twenty he has a very promising career ahead of him and the Socialist Republic of Choson expects Yi to go far indeed. Yi in particular is well known for his ability to make excellent usage of virtually the entire naval arsenal with a particular focus on arsenal ships and missile warships, though he has great talent for amphibious assault, naval aviation, littoral combat, and submersible warfare too. A believer in the use of seapower to cut apart an Imperialist power's ability to function, Jae-Wook is committed to the liberation of all countries entrapped by colonialism.
  • +: Heir of Sun-Shin: A direct descendant of Asia's most celebrated ever sea commander, Jae-Wook shares in his ancestor's invincible legacy with a flawless record in simulation battles and war games even from the very earliest age. Jae-Wook offers ten bonus military dice to be used on naval tasks and a +75 bonus on every navally related military dice roll. Jae-Wook will also allow for rerolls, taking the best of three for each naval dice roll to ensure the optimal results for the revolutionary navy. His election would offer a general +20 favour point bonus towards all sectors of Comintern society and is immune to assassination and kidnapping attempts as well as a +25 bonus to diplomacy with regards to ULAPAC internal diplomacy or working with allies should he be present.
  • +: Tides of Victory: Jae-Wook never critically fails, critically succeeds on a roll of an 80 or higher, removes his opponents' ability to critically succeed unless they can do so on a 79 or lower, increases their critical failure range to 20 or lower, and can reroll successes in an attempt to turn them into criticals, though if failed he still can take the success. He also forces opponents to reroll successes at sea. He only accrues stress at quarter rate.
  • +: Red Rockets of Triumph: Jae-Wook specializes in the usage of arsenal ships and missile warships, and these assets have quadrupled military power value when under his command. This makes him especially valuable in surface warfare or in amphibious assaults or shore bombardment missions as well as long ranged combat. These assets also get quintupled morale. His bonuses also apply to anti-ship shore defence systems which fall under his purview as Strategos.
  • +: Turtle Ship: Jae-Wook is exceptionally skilled at preserving his ships and halves the DC for casualty checks while also getting to reroll for the permanence of casualties twice and taking the best. This means that ships are very unlikely to be lost for good under his wing; a precious power when one considers the value of naval warfare. He also provides a +25 administration bonus relating to military administration regarding his jurisdiction (naval units).
  • +: Move Swiftly and Silently: Jae-Wook halves the espionage roll DC needed for naval assets to surprise enemies and provides a general +25 espionage bonus, his own ships will never be considered as surprised except under very specific circumstances, and he significantly increases the likelihood that your naval assets will use a doctrine that counters the enemy's while greatly increasing the benefit of countering doctrines and reducing the penalties of having your own doctrine countered. Naval assets under his command can also move and advance at double pace. His ships also provide double the territorial influence over sea and shore based territory points, making it easier to control the movements of enemy logistics and his ships are always considered as being supplied while he also reduces the DC of supplying land or air based forces in difficult Territory Points to a third.
  • +: Student of the Greats: Jae-Wook is a highly studious and disciplined admiral who not only provides a +25 bonus to academic checks revolving around naval warfare but also quintuples the rate of experience gain for his fleets and admirals, quadruples the rate of doctrine gain, and reduces the necessary production points for warships to a fifth to allow one to quickly fill the seas with quality warships and hardened fleets. His fleets will never suffer the strange enemy penalty.
  • -: More of a field commander: The primary downside to using Jae-Wook is that he might preform even better if given a smaller command.
  • -: Hypertalent suspicion: Like Martin, Amalia, and Anna, Jae-Wook faces suspicion for his status as a hypertalent due to fears of a new genetic aristocracy of superhumans arising. As such certain characters will be slow to trust Jae-Wook and will resent his rapid rise to power.
  • -: Korea First: If Korea is under direct threat, Jae-Wook will accrue significant stress unless he is allowed to personally command its defence at sea from attack.
[]: Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova: The submarine arm of the Red Navy of the Soviet Union swears by Mama Katya any day, every day, and twice on Saturdays. With a distinguished service in the submarine service, she has mastered the theory of attacking silently and spreading an invisible net across the world through which the enemy's ships will be doomed to be strangled by. She also has special access to the ultimate sanction of the Soviet military in the form of its ballistic missile submarines should the foe need to be destroyed.
  • +: The SIlent Service: Katya makes powerful usage of submarines and other submersible assets which count for triple their nominal military strength as assets and gain tripled morale. Submarines also have a tripled ability to interdict enemy ship movements through the territory they influence and greatly reduce the ability of the enemy to send supplies through these contested fields. As there is a great deal of things to fight beneath the sea, the Submersible service is also of quite high importance; and this bonus would apply to all forms of undersea troopers. Surface raiders also get this bonus. Generate +10 favour points with the ULAPAC
  • +: The Final Sanction: Katya eliminates the political points cost for using nuclear weapons and other WMDs under the Navy's jurisdiction. Though there will be other costs to massive usage of WMDs at a more than tactical level, this does allow you to clear out assets you're concerned about fighting fairly if the WMDs will be able to work against them.
  • +: Steel Akulas: Katya's fleets move and advance at double the usual rate, and have the DC to launch ambushes halved, with a further halving for submersible assets; and fleets trying to move without being detected have a +25 bonus to their espionage check.
  • +: Woman of Steel: Katya's navy gets three free military dice and a +30 general bonus to military rolls and critically succeeds on a roll of 95 or better and needs to have her critical failure range increased to at least 6 to be at risk of critically failing. Katya's fleets also gain experience at triple the normal rate.
  • +: Frogmen: Katya also offers bonuses to covert ops involving the navy, allowing one to reroll three times and take the best of three when doing covert ops and to combine military and espionage bonuses in any form of covert operations.
  • +: Lucky Star: In military actions, reroll and take the best of two, you may also choose to reroll successes in the hopes of getting a critical, even if you have already rerolled; with the critical success range tripled on the reroll, but still take the best of the two if you don't land a critical.
  • =: Soviet Citizen: Generate +5 favour points with the USSR and receive +5 Soviet influence.
  • -: GTO Boogeyman: Her stance on the usage of nuclear force means that she generates added tension and likelihood of preemptive war with the GTO due to their fear that she might press the ULAPAC's nuclear supremacy due to its ABM systems to destroy the GTO.
  • -: Faebane: The Fae of Xarazanth are already aware of her proclivity to accept the final sanction when all other options have yet to be exhausted, creating tension with all factions of the Fae; even the Crimson Courts.
  • -: Not a Marine: Unless its a covert operation, Katya's bonuses are halved when doing amphibious assaults due to the deepwater focus of the submarine fleet.
[]: Qin Xiuying: The Socialist Liberation Army Navy is the largest and most powerful navy in the world and Xiuying is its carrier master. The head of the Chinese Western Pacific Armada, Xiuying has offered to exchange commands for service in the organisation to whip the navy into shape with his steely discipline and mastery of naval aviation. Xiuying's falcons will rain fire upon the enemies of the people without mercy but also without excess. Disciplined, professional, even courteous at times, Xiuying is often regarded as a staunchly fair man who leads by example and asks nothing of those beneath him that he would not do himself.
  • +: Sea Falcon: Xiuying triples the military asset value of naval aviation of all sorts; including fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, naval air cavalry, amphibious assault VTOLs and ekranoplans. These assets also have quadrupled morale and receive significant bonuses in their ability to intercept incoming air assets or evade interception themselves. They also provide a tripled bonus to reconnaissance, a crucial asset in the enormous seas of Xarazanth. He generates five free military dice.
  • +: Shield of Heaven: Xiuying greatly increases the air defence capabilities of naval assets, making it much less likely that your forces will be crippled by sudden air attacks and giving a crucial edge in shooting down incoming enemy aircraft, which also applies to weapons such as guided missiles that are vulnerable to traditional interception capabilities.
  • +: Far Roamer: Xiuying's forces suffer from greatly reduced penalties to their operational capacity when operating at extreme range and the administration DC needed to keep distant assets supplied is greatly reduced. He offers this benefit not just to naval combat assets, but also transport and troop ships that feed your soldiers afar. This allows for your assets to operate far from home without penalty.
  • +: Discipline and Honour: Xiuying offers a general +25 bonus to all rolls relating to his jurisdiction as part of his years of experience, courteous management, and firm but fair discipline methods. He gains stress at a quarter of the typical rate and can reroll diplomatic checks to help reduce the stress of other characters. He generates +15 favour points with all sectors of Comintern society.
  • +: Fight with Dignity: Xiuying's forces do not generate resentment in naval bombardment campaigns due to their meticulous avoidance of unnecessary targets, and do not carry a risk of turning territory points damaged even with prolonged bombardment operations. He also relaxes tension with the GTO, reducing the likelihood of preemptive conflict.
  • +: Close Support: Xiuying is greatly experienced at assisting other branches, and when naval assets are deployed to assist other branch services, one may combine the effects of his bonuses and the supported commander's.
  • =: Chinese Citizen: Generate +5 favour points with the SRC and receive +5 Chinese influence.
  • -: No Mass Destruction: Xiuying doubles the points cost to acquire permission to use WMDs due to his distaste for such indiscriminate methods.
  • -: We are not here to Starve: Xiuying loses half of his bonuses when waging naval interdiction and raiding campaigns, having great unease with waging conflict on the seas with the intention of starving people of vital resources.
  • -: Against Bombs Away LeMay: Xiuying loses half of his bonuses when waging strategic bombardment campaigns against centres of production, believing it to be barbaric to wage warfare with the intention of levelling a people's means of production to leave them destitute.

[]: Konstanze Rademacher: The German Navy has been the sentinel of the North Sea and the atlantic for almost a century now. Proudly flying the banner of the German Revolutionary's Navy, Konstanze prepares her soldiers constantly for the most worthy of tasks; the invasion of Britain, Iceland, Greenland, and North America. Konstanze expects to be on the attack and pressing the sword of the revolution directly into the heart of its foes, and as such is sometimes regarded as eager; impatient for a fight even. A champion fighter as well as a lifelong marine servicewoman, Konstanze is able to brutalise people both in and out of the field and only her desire for greater responsibilities has lead her to accept being promoted out of field command. An augmented commander, Konstanze is a posthuman warrior with few peers.
  • +: Schwerpunkt: Konstanze's doctrine with regards to amphibious warfare is to hit people hard, overwhelmingly so. To blitz the most direct route to success and shatter an enemy's formations wide open to allow for the marines to seize all objectives of importance after having broken their lines. Konstanze not only doubles the military asset power of all assets relating to amphibious assault but also further triples their asset value when used for amphibious assault or when resisting amphibious attack. She triples the movement and advancement rate of amphibious assets or assets being used for amphibious operations and reduces the casualties suffered by half while doubling the enemy's.
  • +: Overwhelming Advance: When Konstanze rolls a critical success (on a 90 or above) for an advancement roll she does an overwhelming overrun; wiping out the engaged enemy asset completely rather than rolling for casualties as she overwhelms all resistance unless the assets have some sort of modifier to resist the overwhelming overrun.
  • +: Come at me: Konstanze is immune to kidnapping and assassination attempts (indeed, assassins and kidnappers lacking a protective trait are likely to die or be captured themselves should they attempt it) and does not accumulate stress at all. She also increases the defense of the rest of the STAVKA and Committee against assassination and kidnapping as she is the STAVKA's own best bodyguard.
  • +: Forward with haste: Konstanze reduces the time to plan out an amphibious invasion to a single turn unless other circumstances are at play and even then she will usually offer a massive reduction to the time needed to create a battleplan with full benefit. For battleplans primarily involving amphibious assets, she still cuts the time needed to create a full plan (with a doubled bonus) by a significant margin.
  • +: Balls to the Wall: Amphibious assets under Konstanze have unbreakable morale unless engaged by assets with specific counter traits. They will never break or rout without orders. The ULAPAC loves her in particular, and gives a +30 favour point bonus if she's elected. She offers a general +20 bonus to all stats that increases to +50 for military rolls as long as they are under her jurisdiction; and generates five free military dice.
  • +: Posthuman warriors: Konstanze cuts the points cost of augmenting formations or creating augmented formations down to quarter due to her familiarity and ties with the posthuman warrior program, including genetic enhancements, cybernetics, power armour, robotic soldiers and other next generation warfare platforms; also very handy for implementing magic.
  • =: German Citizen: Generate +5 favour points with Deutschland and receive +5 German influence.
  • -: Reckless Endangerment: Konstanze doubles the risk of damaging territory as a result of her military actions due to her all out attack attitude towards firepower.
  • -: GTO Boogeyman: Due to her enthusiasm for war with the GTO, she generates the same opinion malus with the GTO that her Soviet counterpart does.
  • -: No strategic mass destruction: Konstanze triples the cost for using WMDs in a strategic manner because she believes that there's no point to fighting a war if you're just going to destroy the means of production utterly and leave everyone with nothing but wasteland.
[1]: Qin Xiuying
[2]: Konstanze Rademacher
[2]: Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova

I'm picking Naval Aviation Guy as number one because we picked the Army man who likes having air support, so it feels like if we want good offensive operations (we do) and we don't share land borders with anyone (we don't) we really, really want good naval aviation.

[X] Yi Jae-Wook will be promoted to High Admiral or such a rank and put in charge of a task force to make best use of his talents.
[1]: Qin Xiuying
[2]: Konstanze Rademacher
[2]: Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova

In general I agree with ES on the benefits of synergistic commands and the importance of projecting air power, and I'm interested in putting Yi Jae-Wook in a field command where he'll do the most good.
[x] Konstanze Rademacher
[x] Yi Jae-Wook
[x] Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova

And in all honesty, taking out the GTO should be a high short-medium term priority, if only to not let them be a pain in our collective asses later on.
1 [x]: Qin Xiuying
2 [x]: Konstanze Rademacher
3 [x]: Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova

[x] Yi Jae-Wook as an admiral in the field works.
Last edited:
[1]: Qin Xiuying
[2]: Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova
[3]: Konstanze Rademacher

[x] Yi Jae-Wook as an admiral in the field works.
1 [X] Qin Xiuying
2 [X] Konstanze Rademacher
3 [X] Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova

[X] Yi Jae-Wook as an admiral in the field works.
1 [X] Qin Xiuying
2 [X] Konstanze Rademacher
3 [X] Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova

[X] Yi Jae-Wook as an admiral in the field works.
[1]: Qin Xiuying
[2]: Ekaterina "Katya" Vadimovna Karantirova
[3]: Konstanze Rademacher

[x] Yi Jae-Wook as an admiral in the field works.
[1]: Qin Xiuying
[2]: Yi Jae-Wook
[3]: Konstanze Rademacher

Mama Katya is cool, but she is not whom we exactly need as a Chief Strategos of the Navy.
As for Qin Xiuying... Amateurs study tactic, professionals choose logistics.
I mean, Jae-Wook is better at logistics than Xiuying.