Fallout: Displaced Patriots Quest (Cancelled)

What rank do you want our commander to have? Read part 1 of the Quest setup for more details.

  • Brigadier General/Rear Admiral

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Major General/Rear Admiral+ (Compromise)

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral (Easy route)

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yeah, I am perfectly fine with needing to do some minor repairs.

Pretty simple get in contact with the town, get our power back online, get the wounded taken care of, and see what we have to work/deal with in terms of the lab.
[X] Putting Out Fires
-[X] Restoration of POWER: While the fusion generators are online, our main source of power, the heart of the base, is offline. Let's change that! (70% chance, 1 turn, reactor is back online).
-[X] Home check: You've got a pretty good idea on what is happening at your base, but what about the town. Perhaps sending in some troops to check things out will work out (55% chance of success without communications with town, 85% chance with communications with town established, 1 turn, -5 penalty for chance success and ??? per turn of not being chosen, establishes contact with town if not already done, allows for travel between base and town to be restored).
--[X] Ranger battalion
--[X] Military Police battalion
-[X] High speed inte- err, I mean radio: In-base communications are operational, but we got no word from anywhere else. To get a stable connection with the region outside the base, we need to try and establish communications with both Hamilton town and the local nearby military posts (60% chance, 1 turn, communications with town and/or checkpoints restored).
-[X] Talk with the head egghead: The head researcher desperately wants to talk to you. Perhaps doing so now at the meeting would be best (1 turn, talk with head researcher, knowledge on ???).
-[X] I can see my house from here: The satellite as it is will provide a pretty basic view of the surrounding area. However with this, you can gain a more accurate read on the situation. Of course, nothing can beat boots on the ground, but this is the next best thing (70% chance of success, 1 turn, gain information on condition of town, Displaced Zone, and area outside of it).
-[X] Overflowing wounded: The base clinic is moments away from bursting. Setting up some tents and such outside for the remaining wounded to be held at seems to be the best solution (1 turn, cost: 5 materials, all wounded are being cared for, all lightly wounded are fully healed by turn 2, instead of turn 3 due to clinic capacity).

EDIT: Swapped R&D inventory for satellite imaging. I forgot that things are less volatile now so checking in with the lab is definitely below getting a look at the neighborhood. With ATC down that leaves the satellite.
In light of what the QM said, I think we should swap "I can see my house from here" for Home Check, which should increase the chances of having an good result with the town more than the other options.
Doing 'Base to Home' does have a positive affect, as it covers establishing communications with the town, thus increasing 'Home Check' to an 85% chance of success. 'High speed inte- err, I mean radio' gives a chance to connect to both the military outposts/checkpoints and the town, while 'I can see my house from here' would just offer us satellite imagery of the region and the area outside of it.
In the future I would recommend that if taking action A prior to or simultaneously with action B will influence action B's chance of success then action A should be explicitly named in the description of action B. If an action depends on a status (ex. "Radio Communications Established" or "Permanent Diplomats Stationed" or "Food Rationed") and not a specific action then actions affecting that status should have that effect made explicit. This should not be a totally rigid rule of course (if only to ease the bookkeeping). For example bombing a town would obviously lead to diplomats being expelled (or killed) while an assassination would not need more of a reminder than "negative repercussions if discovered". In contrast my interpretation was that "High Speed" created the status "communications established" to affect "Home Check" while what you meant to say was that "Base to Home" specifically affected "Home Check" with "High Speed" merely a precondition for "Base to Home". Overall while expecting us to make logical conclusions is very reasonable you should take pains to avoid ambiguity (not to be confused with uncertainty).

In light of what the QM said, I think we should swap "I can see my house from here" for Home Check, which should increase the chances of having an good result with the town more than the other options.
I assume you meant Base to Home and swapped it out. Satellite recon definitely a lower priority to the town.
Overextended by a few hours, but either way the voting is now closed.

The winner is plan 'Putting out Fires', with 6 votes.

Not sure when the next update will be out, seeing as how tomorrow is July 4th and I may be busy the next day. It'll probably be out by the weekend. Might put out the first chapter of another story in the meantime though, we'll see.
--[X] (Requires library) Conspiracy theory

I was too busy to read through everything. I am very disappointed this was chosen. In the original plan I made, I did not include that so we could possibly work out something with Enclave Remnants and this destroys any chance of that. Mining would have been more useful than a political option for something we could have taken steps to control and change. Conspiracy Theory is having us play whitewashed, modern people of today as prewar fallout americans.
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I'll be posting the next turn sometime tomorrow after Sufficient Velocity comes back up following the platform migration.
Just popping by to just say that I am quite intrigued by the premise of this quest and that I am keeping an taps on this quest. Also that I have enjoyed the writing so far.